, . , in, i i. -UK "" "'" 'II. , -. - , - ' - - . - f ' - 4 ' " ' " ' W ' ' . t " " -. .,- - . . , - V ' ' ' . . - . . - , 1 ' - lV C ''iJH''" - T " - ' ' . " "' - . " "L. - v. . ' " .... ' - -. - - , ' , . . - ' - - - ' ' - - - - -- - ------ . - - : ; r - - ' ; ? -. SataWaWa1aMSSaWaMialaaWaWaMaaaaaaaa"" 11 ,r 111,1 iiiiMJi.KtJ"iitMitawi - .. .-. - ' - Saa H - - - - i i i ini'ir 1 1 " " DitSfltJEUBBS aCIS uirccuy uuu uii-iv.i, cuiva cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Majaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists dU gestion, strengthens the systeml regulates the botvels, purines the rrr SANFORbi 1 62 Broadway, N. Yv FOB SALS EY niayaoflmdeod Estlmnlftnts ftnd ufe brain nerre and waate, Hop Bitters. omhop Bitters. mfferlnc from any in Idlaorotlaa or dlulp Tf vnn vrinnv uut umi if Ton are mar rled or noKW, old or poor kMkh or Unxnlah Raeaa, nly o Hop rouxur. maBenng irom ing on a uea ot aui& Bitters.- ! Thooaanda die whonerer yon feetttutt roar ijitem neecU cleuuliitr, toning or ntimnlAtlnir. vithnnt nually from some form of Kidney diaeaae that might been Drey on ted by timely Bftko Hod u of Hop Bitter. Bitiers. Eft too dm- D. 1. C. mpleunt, diaeaae ol the ttomaak,boo UoU, blood, Uver la an absotate and Irreaistahle I cure for drank or nerve t Too leness, nae ofj wlU be cored If ODlam, tmooo. 'ou ueHoD B or narootlca. If too are ctnv Sold br dracr- iIt weak and low liristar Send tar 1 r ... . . spirfted, try it I jOrouiar. lit may save four iiie. t has saved HOP BRTIBS era cOmf hundreds. mayl eod&wly 0 Appetite, tef reshfng sleep, the acquisition of flesh and color, a'blessiDgs attendant upon the repar ative processes which, this priceless lnvigorant speedily initiates, and carries to a , successful con clusion. Digestloris Testored and sustenance of forded to each life-sustaining organ by the Bitters, which Is inoffensive even to the feminine palate, of vegetable composition, and thoroughly safe. 1 or sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. TESTIMONY OF DRUGGISTS. We certify that we have been selling "Swift's SVT)htlIM" Snwlfln" fry manv mora wA far superior to anything known to science, for the uioTOOTim buku ii ia ivcuiumeaaea. we nave never Known 01 a single failure. S. J. Cassela, Thomasville, Ga.- L. F. Greer A Co.. Forsyth, Ga. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar. Atlanta, fta. temberton, Samuels & Reynolds, Atlanta, Ga. i ... ATLANTA.GA.Julvl.1R7a. k ,JCT. Swift -Dear Sir: We have been using 1 aui dui 0 ojyiiiiiuc opecinc" in me treatment J?1,00!?0.1" or "ie ,a8t Tear' and believe it U the rutm laujwn remedy inai win enect a perma nent cure for diseases for which you recommend it. $1,000 REWARD "iiiw uam any aemisc who will find, on uuaijBis 01 one nunarea bottles of S. S. S , one particle of mercury, iodide potassium, or any mtn- .J'ared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COll- Sold bV T. f! Smith nnH T. T H7.tt.inn J. r w I on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's may27-d4wlm. Whxttfits andvScnrelrjj. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Fine Gold and Sikcr Watches, i , . v CLOCKS AN17 JEWEL11Y, r-anfl Silver PlaMWara, "'Ml . , ' - - i i f nd eTOrythtng kept to a :;Tlie Iligbest Casli tWce liTtor waoia ana Silver. " ' r" V Watches. Clocks and Jaieai I i r 1 I ALlT WATCHT AND; CLOCK WORK ? v.; av..: I VVarranfedtor.TtFelFe Months. 1 An goods sold atthls establishment warranted ; HONISTT i& TH8 BEST POlJCt. ;;nj 1 if? !! . f a-- w v--ja.ia i Caroling Jelrt: raipTotf i - i - m . -w . i w . . v . , . "M"OTICE Is hereby given to all Dersons k'sidln'g I y If you ar man lit too r V I, of baitiieM, wmIc num of let- , Hwv U F vuw w m m Zf I II 111 1111 MB 11 nnrnni 1 hi 1 1 rn 1 UlUUiVI in - I I! iii-Airn II Mi . . ij TAIL II ! rk 1 1 CELEBRATED UA i f A. Vln the elty of Charlotte on the 1st. Monday In l i , Vain, n y a . . . . , cu uarf, xssw, sou au ooaiea pouue or corporate "uu wne er possessed taxable property la the i - u "is Hay aioreaaia, 10 re turn - Clerk and Treasurer, on oath within 80 . anf aftor tu i ch hq n T..nn oon and perfect list of their taxable polls, real and per- spnal estate, and of theft lncomes.Tecelved during I . the fiscal yeartiext'Dreoedlnir the said first Hon- I June 15-804; -;j j larkaad Treasurer asurer - i Mi)t ljoitDJbsm)tc. .WjmE3PAY J OKg SO, 1SS0. r J.-:i . 8TA.T.KIWjl. Th Pn&t savs the'clsterns in'Raleurh 1 are'alJ nearly dry. f? ' f u T.. TV A nnn n-T fha fi'jlom "ffATTI Ta Apademy.will teach music At tO t lpelj i Hill Normal school. J 1 V A V J f The next jmAtial plQijjc atbulk's jc erry, on me i'ee ,o-eB vbi, wm uo hlrl nfixt ;WerlnesdaV. Iffheballwill u1ro rlo..J 5n'Wd1dBhArrt--' ' 4 ' ? The flibt carihaigh; cla In 1 the State was iormeu in jonnston county, wwtu was affecteafdur iiOiitrs a?tr the nomi nations were made at Cincinnati. tWa T.pnAr savs the neWs of the nomination of Hancock and English was received with enthusiasm in Win ston. A campaign club was formed Saturday night. - ' The Wilmington star, .says a large crowd of people gathered in tfoldsbora lastPriday to witness the execution of Alex. Howard, it not hav ing been generally known that the (ov ernox hadTrespited him. The execution is now axed for riday July. 9th, "Goldsboro Messenaer :' A meeting of the stockholders of the Carolina Cen trai Kiairoaa' uompany, successor w the railway company underi the late foreclosure sale, is called for Wednes day, the 14 proximo, at the town of Weldon, for the election of officers, the adoption of by-laws and other purpose?. The Leader says the body of a dead infant was found near a path in the northeastern port of WiDston on Satur day last. The coroner and jury held an inquest . over the remains Saturday nightj but fib evidence was elicited 'as to its being placed there or the mys tery which surrounds it. Louisburg Times: Mr. A., a farmer living near Louisburg, fonuqVa wren's nest in which there was four eggs. Taking an unusual interest in it he vis ited it several times each day. On going to the nest last Tuesday at noon he dis covered a black snake about two feet from it, and without hesitation, killed him. He then proceeded to examine the nest and to his ''sorrow found the eggs and the little bird gone. It occurr ed to him that the snake had destroyed them and he immediately cut the snake open with a pen knife, and you can imagine the surprise when the wren flew out unhurt. He then discovered the four eggs, which were whole, and placed them back in the nest. The next day, as usual, he visited the nest, and found the eggs had hatched four beautiful little wrens. PARTISAN PERVERSIONS. Hancock and the Surratt Buainefc. It is unfortunate that partisan spirit should revive an often refuted misrep resentation, the only certain effect of which caji be to wonnd the most deli cate sensibilities of innocent individu als. It would seem extremely indeli cate, to say the least, to go still further and seek to make such persons speak on a subject which is at best but a bit ter memory, and upon which, if they had aught to say, they would speak of their own accord. Gen. Hancock's con nection with the execution of Mrs, Surratt is a circumstance which has passed into history, and his exact posi tion is as well understood as that of any other official who had routine du ties to perform in connection with that unhappy event. It is well known that liev. Father Walter, of the Church of St. Patrick, in Washington City, was the spiritual adviser of Mrs. Surratt, that. hp. was nprmittAfl tr nttinl hor a day or two before her death and at her cakuuuuii, huu tutu, some uionins ago he mihlisheri :i fiard dpnvinor insinua tions made against Gen. Hancock. The vvasningion uapuai, rerernng to the Sllhifint. ci VPS also 1 lift fnllnwiner inter. esting sketch of the matter referred to 1 : U 1 1 : i . e iidlu mo nyo ui mo: icauiiig counsel 01 Mrs. Surratt: "Jud?e fllamnitt. of P.hi ranrn whr was Mrs. Surratt's leading counsel! and Vt ..... n 1 . l l : i x i . i wuu uiveiyjsiiiu. uiaimiy, uiougn in vain, dared tditternnt. th safAtv' nf an innocent woman and the respectability of a nation, is in the city. We met him at Willard's. Saturdav. and hp. dm vena a graphic description of the association of Hancock in the affair. ''Hancock was, from the first to the last."' said Judere ClamDitt. ' the. ideal of an officer and a gentleman. He really was powerless to dn much in ei ther one way or the other. He was not a member of the court ; he was merely an official, and an ntfipial whose final duty was to command and order the ex ecution of the-senlence. Mrs. Surratt was, treated jnost carelessly as respects convenience, and in a most brutal man ner bv those in Whnsft rharore aha w.iq . VUu.qss u . vy ,, ceo. It may not have been done purposely, uut ceiianuy mey were coarsely indif ferent toward her t while, she - . r ww W . W W V J MflXtl an unconvicted woman. 'Irfonnfl,' hef when first admitted to speak to her as ner counsel, in a wretciied room, with an aDoloev for a bed. in the. sh a no rr some straw strewn on the floor, and not a sign oi lurnuure witbin the four wans, bne was lying sick on the mis erahle. nallet nH T haH tn knni -i ... to speak to her. She was in charee. as " r " - - J uwv. w AUCX 1111 KV II were the other prisoners, of Col. Tomp kins. On a motion . I made hefnra f ho court it expressed its ignbTanee of the ut uuti treatment sne uvea under, and ac once ordered decent iMmmmia. tions ior ner. . Hancock, continued .TndTQ m.-, pier, -nad no more to do with these de , r v uugu vidUl" tails or mattera than vmi ya wk Judge-Wyliewith a Korean majesty of character, issued, almost nr the his life, the writ of habeas corpus in the j ?vf uxra rratt, iresident Johnson uu oecreiary fetanton decided to sus- penatne writ, and the execution fol lowed. We had hones to the l-.of f reprieve ahd a nardnn furMro ouu a waiien an tne arsenal hnn no against hone. General TTanoct rode uown ana approaching him I Asked: Are there anv hmusV rr 1 1 , -1 1 - -fvvvia vuu ucau Biowiy ana mournfully, and, .with -V fr1 gasping, catch in his speech, ?. ' He then-walked off a bit-he had uisuiuuLen ann crctva anm 1 o. . his orderlies, and walked; about for a uiuuicutr two. , lteturning he said to - . . ,. -v,u, am, llftID lUlAtJU. Willi it intiisaster and in victorv kw c J1VIU7 nPH nr Hra gnr nli.11 ..i "wv uvii tuuusaua times overthanto JeSr!ecaon of.thit pooromtn. But I am asoldier awotW uu ouey a must. "3?it ttle'. and genuinii history "i. au mat xiancocJi: bad n common with the affair. He was 'commanding thon.t: i . . . , ..v. i iniiinni a-i ii u i imh i w u i ( ir -.t tiuuai camtai. was criniTMllantl ociiMjuuea tae,,conspirators and i3"0 Toice, In.the;?natteti'and coiild nave no how ii XT t, uZ i?" that the lTtTr tW??f ii2.vu n n a.. : . . - . to tell about Gen. Hancock's cotiJ rVriin execntiohf JSurX J P,iua,e' the dnt didate. Gen. Hancock is a soldierand i the duty of & soldier 'is to 'obey orders. jttiwuuttii was tnea, convictea and cock obeyed order?., Had he refused he ;o ne uty i ivpvWw wnoiow levei.sucnasthe uyould?1nlicateiri .xnrow at itne Democratic can- would have been court-martialed ana f Airaei Extraordinary. JIvmvviz wT-tf .. - T7::rr FUBTHEB EACF-rJTAXIQU. ..CorBaJUmore Sun. ". viniNGTONunTfpuClittle 'Attention istiven here-to themfsspre- sentations, ia regard toem nan cocks action in connection with the execu tion of Mrs. Surratt It is known he: e tfhat Gen. Hancbck did- all that? lay 4a mm -at a- n 11 mi. a nn4n ' ni power tor. jjirs. ourratu xxio.aic itient ttrafitej prohibited; Mrs. I Birratfc from receiving the last rites of .the Catholic Church is worthy of $0 litjeri tioh, for the facts, to the personal knowledge of hundreds her&f -MfoMr tep, the pastor-of St. Patmck'hxy who was Mrs. Surratts confessor,' t e-4 rent.lv nnhlished a statements over his own signature denying everything iaid of Gen. Hancock's connection with that case, and especially that portion to the effect that Mrs. Surratt was not allow ed to receive 'religious consolation and attendance. In the last few days, or since the nomination of Gen. Hancock, Father Walter has been called upon by UrtMMiTa 'iirriAhlT6 n n viniia . tA crfifc 14V point against Gen. Hancock, and otheis- any charge of cruelty towards Mrs. Surratt or any of her family. His call era on this errand have been so numer ous that he. has been compelled to de cline to see any one or answer ques tions in regard to the matter. The cor respondent of the-SmMwno, by the way, has hadfreqtient talks jWith FatL er Walter on this sucject in the past, called to see him to-day. Father Wal ter said he had no desire to enter into the controversy further; that he had already in a public card fully acquitted Gen. Hancock of the charges that had been. made, and, wanted to be under stoodas affirming all he had pref iously said.. He added that Gen. Hancocfc did oDly his - duty and ther$ .was nothr ing in connection with thefmahnfir ip, which he performed it that deserved lmfnvorahle riHfism from anv aonrr1! Judge Clampitt, who is the only one of :Mr8. Surratrs coungel who now lives, has talked in the past few days quite freely to the Sun and other newspaper correspondents. He says he does not think that Mrs. Tonry made the state ment that has been published recently in the Republican papers purporting to be made by her. Parties in the inter est of the Republican national commit tee, it is stated, left here last evening for Maryland, where John H, Surratt, the son, of Mrs. Surratt, lives," for the purpose of interviewing him, ; As he was on the other side of the ocean ; at the time of the execution it is not-very probable that he can know anything about Gen. Hancock in connection with this matter, and if he did it could not be detrimental to him. Mr. Brlglit oi Capital PuniIinient. Liverpool Mercury. Mr. John Bright, M. P., presided at the annual public debate of the Univer sity College (London) Debating Society last evening, the subject beincr the abo lition of capital punishment. Mr. Bright said the infliction seemed to him a nolicv as unchristian :is it was unphilosophical, which, so far as he could judge of the experience of other" countries, had failed so far and so long as it had been persisted in. It seemed to him that there could be no plan less opposed to teaching men the 6acredness ot' human life than that of the ordinnrw and frequent sacrifice of human life to the law, He was glad they had resolved to discuss this subject, so that hereafter they might swell the public opinion which would compel Parliament at last to bring our practice up to our princi ples, and to the practice of some dozen other civilized nations. If human life was sufficiently guarded in many of the American States, in Ttalv Portugal and for the most part in German v, sure- iy mere were no conditions in this countrv to make it impossible that we should adopt a milder system, and yet feel ourselves equally secure. In the conclusion of his speech the right hon orable gentleman made an eloquent reference to the case of Habron, the Penge case, and that of Edmund Galley, declaring that manv innocent nemons had been hanged. He urged his hear ers to give their attention to great pub lic questions such as these, and said he would rather have a man whose heart was right on this subject than a man whose head was stuffed with Latin and Greek Quotations. TTe believed the avo tem was doomed, and he hoped that "he inigni nve to see its aDoiition. A vote in favor of the abolition of the death punishment and one of thanks to tu t: i a . me xMsuop ior presiding were carried unanimously. Mr. Tilden Sneaks Ifn Think, ih. Nomination' the Brit that Coold Have Been Afade." A renorter of the "Mew Ynrlr TTovrti,i gives the details of an interview had with Hon. Samuel J. Tilden, riding from Yonkers to New York Friday. Among other things Mr. Tilden is rep resented, as saying that he was never ambitious for the presidency, and that he offered Mr. Seymour the nomination in 1876; the labors of that campaign were very arduous, and since that time he has felt that he needed rest, which he will now take at his country seat, Greystone. Mr. Tilden says his letter of withdrawal sent to the New York delegates to the Cincinnati convention had no double meaning, but meant just what it set forth a positive withdraw al. He said he approved of the nomi nation of Gen. Hancock "entirely and without reserve;" regards it as the best that could have-- been made, and that Hancock was the man he favored for the nomination; that the Democratic ticket would carry New York, and, in his judgment, the ticket ha3 every rea sonable prospect of success. Mr. Tilden further said that he should not go into the campaign with anv activity such as would be expected of "him if he were the candidate himself, but he would aid whenever he could. ' Justice to Mri Tilden. Washington Star. ' . T L. i., Tr-v . ... ajbi, me democrats ot the nation say wiiau wiey piease, tney owe a great deal to, Mr. Tilden. He? relieved , them of their createsfc dinicultr liv ; tatino- hi w - - J ' J w&au X XkJ name from the list of candidates before tne Cincinnati convention. By his selfr abnegation he rmpnprl t.fiA waw mony ia the partyv Had he determined w uuuiesi, ine nomination, tne fight at Cincinnati betwepw hA WDuld have hppiY mArft h?foV tli Kf vmcagu uetw een me supporters and opponents of Gen.. Grant. A defeat of Jkl r."Tilri ftrt f frt.h a- n i r 1 i J.i. .K A 4- tWZ 1 A. J J ft , f . : . f . lnsisted.inAwoiudayoassured tire ucicai ui mo jeniocvacy in 3N e W x orK. Even John TTpIW willi-all iii..i.i 0fTUdeUsaiDVtttafrnBiniifritA;ould carryNewYork aioutthe latter SUDDOTL.? RvAfoftlininer tn - m vuvJidf. IOr the nommat.inn Tilil n rrivn ia party: harmony and tihunsteacL'of fact, the destinv nf his Tvnrtv neforo Any prospects of success in thisoan vass were-concerned.i; ile bad-fiwtid as delegates innhe eonvehtidm who vgev&i iuui m AiikA w 11 1 1 1 11' 1 1 1 l ill. f 1 1 111 in r v word. . ' .tTiAT. - mw itt,er euti mui.ine dul sawr -1 lift 1 a worKuigiuaa mhjsi videos,-pOTeny '-ana-'W- w vi j vouovu - J - m Tuva &wsij and large bills for doctoring wlileh did no good.. I was completely c couraied. until ene year ", ry tne advic9 of my pastor, iTtrorred Hop L:-ors and con: aiei.ced the.r use, and fci one mnnth V A WPr All m -11 it linn. rf na in Kaam sick a day i,nee; end I want to suj to aU i men -ou can feeep your families well. year nvith Hop Ittoffl fnr lAttfi fthfin Alta inrtfMJa viait llt .uvaf . Christian Advocate. - -- 'A. Duel Extraordinary-. Alexandria Gazette, . ; . ot;s.i-i?t . A otiArf wliiln' QrrA-4iPA -irrtrHitr ifv. zens of U auquier county, .Messrs. jonn tlemen living near the classic village of war ensued, but it. soon quieted down. , ... .- . . a j., i ,. .a . l fborhood ; at feast the x residents Of the village and surroundinsrcountrvthoucrht .so. Alas! it was not a lasting peace, J . ...... 0 0 : w ior tne seecis oi aiscora naa, ueen sown, and the calm was only that which pre cedes a storm, ;ytrother one -day last week? sent his friend' Lloyd VGold; to Browhi armed, with two papers,, one to be signed by 3rd wh; withdrawing offen- the other, in case fBrpWn refused to a challenge to fight., .Brown refused to sign the first paper and accepted the challenge. The arrangements for the meeting were made by the seconds, Luther Jirown for his father, and Gold for Strother. The. woods near Dela plane were selected f 6r the mortal com- Dac, ana wnen tne aay arrived Doth principals met as agreed. Five pace were marked off, and a demand made by Strother's second for an exhibition of bistols, when Strother stated that he had no weapon. A pistol was borrowed for Strother from a man named Laren, but Gold objected to the fight on the ground that Brown's weapon, was larger than Strother'a. Brown charged Strother with a back down, and Strother commenced abusing Brown, when Lu ther Brown . objected, and the . duel ended in a fisticuff, in - which Strother came out second best. During Uie strug gle a large five-barrelled pistol dropped out of Strother's pocket; which subject ed him to a slight suspicion of coward ice, especially as he had denied having a pistol. - ' . .. H!f I Hancock Receive, a Thousand Tele, irranis. A special dispatch to the Philadel phia. Times from New York, June 25, says: Gen, Hancock passed a quiet day.seeing fe w visitors, except intimate friends, and denying himself to inter viewers. More than a thousand con gratulatory telegrams were received and filed at the Governor's Island head quarters, and the General has already engaged a speoial operator. Ex-Sena-, tor Stockton sent a telegram asking when Gen. Hancock would meet the committee to inform him of his nomi nation. He replied at any time on a day's previous notice. July 12th and the New York Hotel have been fixed as the time and place. Gen. Hancock usually spends his summers in New port, but this year he will remain at his post on Governor's Island, which will enable him to get more rest than if in more accessible places. prejudice jlls. "Lleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of the best (and some of the worsi) physicians, who gave her dis ease various names but no reUef, and now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a reme dy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years be tore using it. We earnestly hope and pray hai no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on scoount of prejudice against so good a medclne as Hop Bi'.tei j.'Wl'he Parents. Telegram. A CABJ). To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, ic, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bev. Joeph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. apr27-eo41ywly BISHOP D. a DOGGETT, Ot the Methodist Church South, certifies to the merits of the "Vest Pocket Cure" as a remedy for Dyspepsia. Price, 25 cents. Sold by all druggists Pok, Miller Co., Richmond, Va., Proprietors. June 4- 6w, Pjyslciens i'. je piei;be the new Food Medl Cine. ''Malt Wr " hiv-in.o mnn. :,kin , . , wum. IUVIV uvuiioiuuk so en henng and purifying than all other forms of mator medicine, while ;roe from fbe objec- i' jui t sou agaimi man uquois. June 16-4W. COISOMPTIOH CAN BE CORED I HALL'S Dr. -go? rax BALSAM LU11GS Cures Consumption, Colds, Pneumo nia, Influenza, Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and aU Dis eases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane of the Lungs, Inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night sweats and tightness across tne chest n iucu; accompany 11. VUJNSUMI HON Is not an Incurable malady. It Is only necessary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM Is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIR of BE LIEF, for this benign specific will cutoou, even though professional HENRY'S GABBOIIG S4IFL the Most Powerful Healing Oint ment and Disinfectant UXTenry'a Carbolic Salve heals burns. -. y vwruvsw ovum nr sorvSt Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain. Henry's CarbelUs Salve nitres eruptions. Henry's Carbolic Salve Heals pimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals bruises. Aa&t for Uenrys and nee no other. 1" BEWAEE OP CUNTEEFEITS. 1 I I FojXerjnal and internal TJee,J THKBESATfiSTPAIN BLIEVEB OT THE AO&js " jL SUES PBtfViiNTlVK OT Contagiotia Diseases, Colds, Hoarseness, : Dipiitlieria, and Whooping' Cough. ' r .Pleasant to the Taste. ; ' i - ' 1 .' ' ' ; i' Sill:;: Believe Dyspepsia, smd BfliopgnesH. c 2 ,-Fer Sale by all Draggists, UOBOT F. HEBB11T - & CO., 24 College Place,, . ..... Xew.Tork. 1 'A' CARD TO THE AITUCTID.' - -f' bB. BQBEBTSON, 19 SOUTH EDTAW $TBEEP, From fifteen years experienceilui Tata , OnUtlRA. ffHSnna n nAmanAn .11 diseases of the Urinary Oceans and of thn Nnrvuu system viz: :- Oreanle and Seminal wairni 'PotencJ doss of sexual power), Nervous Debili- nessof Sight or Giddiness, Jains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, , etc., ail resulttog from abuses lq youth or excesses in manbloodw ; Diseases recently contracted cured to five to ten days, and Also all skin and W6ordlsfcSses ouieSy cudT Vr,iSrvlTaor' graauaie 01 the University , t male complatetealrraTti'0" . .T LiZZlr ""v'wncuy connaentiai, and medi cines (writ tn anv Uhu - n..n . . Stamp for reply. ,7" , " ouclOBlu BIKE'S PAIN PANACEA a t 1 aa ihiumia The $500 icense DOES not limit the sale of Ice-Cold Soda Water. i,o.STpaI?,,JlgG,?e.rJA,e cr "aratoga Water. Use them freely these hot days and be refreshed. Jive 1B. T. C SMITH'S DBDG STORE Tobacco Ghewers IiS? JJ80 le.5e8t mlr' f orget to try a 1 0 cent piece of the celebrated Gravely Tobacco wild hv no in r o u iirni'i-.1 "u??t' . - . ' Bishop Doggett OATS. "Aver'q TToin'fi is,,.. i ,'.... iJJiT. C SMITH, DRUGGIST. June 20 Lewis's Lead. HTHTS well known brand of oil, can be found at wau "4 DR. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Dp. Hunter McGulre, lT I lift Vlroinln ToHil rv,llAA , , m e wito, naio. v Ayers Truss is lh hpst I has a The lor xicruia iu its various iorms. - - V t DVVU DR. T. C RMTTTT Sole Agent for CharloUe. No Shoe Dressing to Compare with So all who have tried it say. L. B. WBISTON & CO. Sapolio and Kitchen Crystal Soap, No housekeeper should be without t. Buy from L. B. WBISTON & Ca Swiss Condensed Milk, Brand made In Switzerland, best in the Market. L. B. WBISTON & CO. Pure Spring Water. Oar Soda Fountains are filled every morning at Bellemont Mineral Spring. No drink In the city eaual to our Sparkling Soda Water. L. B. WBISTON & CO. Junl7 DR. J. n. filcAden, VSOQQlSt AJTD CEXXSR, Kow offers to the trade a full stock et Lubiu's Extracts and Colognes, English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hoars, both night am! day at 0. H. McADEN,8 Prescription Store SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of " . C. WEST SONS . ; . . . 1 . . . Extra No, I Kerosene 1 Asi ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. ' . r West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene 00, from a West Sons, BalUmorei ; , Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal OH Works, Canton. . Warranted to stand a In test of HO degrees Fahrenheit before it win vam West & Sons, BaltHnora. 1. , .''-, For Sale y ' Da. j. H. stoADXN, Sole Agent, Brazi Uian Shoe Po 11011 CHARLOTTE, N.C. i. BBOOUnjLD. . LCUOLt ..:.! 1 . CHINA; J. Brookfield & l'o. CHARLOTTE, N. a FRUIT JARS, . .. JELLY TUMBLERS, ? REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREhZERS, WATER COOLERS, Full stock of CHINA, GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY. LOOKING GLASSES, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAS K, AND HOUSE FUBN ING GOOD3 GENiBALLY. Majolica Ware and Fancy Goods. Wholesale & Retail. CLOSING CUT AT A SACRIFICE. June 20 WHOLESALE Cor. College and Fourth Sts. CHARLOTTE, N. C. June 27 Mi CTfiD nDnAIJC6tooi,Book ft Mu- QTi1 ntifn ped, MlnanmmAr atffAi TllnofMtni a j j DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. POISON. DESTROYING THE NASAL PAS SAGES. DESTROYING THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. Destroying tlie Blood and Vital Fluids. m wvuaMUa 1UUiU1 AA1AAA Ig bAA Ai.CSOAl passages rots away the membranes, tissues, -and VUI UlUBjVO. . . - i H ft (i 7 r The putrid accumula'lons dfop, during sleep, Into the throat and aie Svvallowe, paralyzing m- Taken up by the absorbents, the iraa entersthe blood, weakentog and debilitating eversorganand generating fatal affections, of the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys-. ' -. -7 vj, STRIKE ATTHEROOmS oB of this gigantic disease. PlaortdA vwJf. MU kii thA TTiftrnhranA 1 1n in or thavYi4oil vUi-on by constitutional treatment, neutralize the poison I SANFORVS RADICAL CURE, with Impbovto Inhaler, reaches every part, ol the affected system, cleansing, Jpurtfylng; and. re storing. It Is radical and permanent. -It -is eco nomical and sale. ; Try It before it Is too late."f Price, with Improved Inhaler; ' TreaOse.and Dl reetions,fl. Sold everywhere. ;" . General Agents WEEK3 ; POXIEB Boston" CIVIL, MECHANICAL, AND MINING. ENGIN EEBING at the Bensselaer, Polytechnic satute, Troy, N. Y. The oldest engineering school in Amerima. Next term begins. fientember lfith. 1 ne Kegister lor 1880 contains a list el the gradu ates for the past 54 years, wifli their positions; niOV V. study, requirements, expenses, etc. June 15 Auureas, AA.V AU Jn. UILEJSn IS, Director. 'goixxeco, Sic. SUOSHTG TOilAnnn Tobaena- vmm fn 'Tarfu. t i .. .. ..,r.ul.?e?re? merchant for a sample pack-; age; or, If too are a dealer, write bv m larsand Wholesale nrlrtM. v iiUm. . , lor cirea' TOMUNSON, Hickory, N. C. Jan 27 EEECTION, NOTICE lotte. on Thursday, the 8th day of July l wSfto fjacancy from the F cnirth ward in the Board ot Aldermen of the city of Charlotte. a f gHoS- r irxv "iv .vuitoi m uwia Baia eiertJOD' ' '-.--rr y anus,, , i , k 1V .. .. 1 - - WWIWVWWiiimmm7 l . i - jr, . : i ep.fi Sons, GROCERS .1 -a 't .- FOIl SALE.;' Lowest Figures, SUITABLE FOR -TjflmjK AT Mayer I te's June 8 llllsccllancous. AVER I LL MANUFACTURERS OF PUREST WHITE AND ANY Desired Shade Color Prepared Ready for Use: IN THE AVEBILL PAINT WILL BE FOUND THE F0LLW1NG GOOD QUALITIES: R does not fade or Chalk Off, but Betalns Its Fresh- ucs unniancy ior many years, and will last Much Longer than the best Lead and Oil mixed In the Old Way. It is a Pure Linseed Oil Paint- Ready for Use, Convenient, Permanent, Handsome, Easily Applied, Economical, Fire-proof, Water-proof, Preservative of Iron, Wood, Plaster, &c SUITABLE FOR ALL CLIMATES. Prepared for Immediate Application. REGUIRING NO OIL, THINNER OB DRIER, And Is sold by the gallon only, in packages to Suit, from 1 to 50 gallons. Address, V I OWING TO THE DECLINE IN IRON, I HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT MY LOT OF AT A REDUCED PRICE. CALL EARLY AND SECURE A GOOD WAGON . ATA ' E 0 W P R I C E. FINE CIGARS A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE Oil AT COME QUICKXY, OBttlEY wfLL ACL BE Thomas H. Gaither. June 11. COME AT LAST! F DYING, SCOUBING AND GENEBAL CLEANING ; ESTABLISHMENT.. . Faded Goods, Ladles'. Dresses. Shawls. Table CnVAra Plhhnna VaotliaM .nil -adavw txtUi.r Ac- scription of wearing apparel cleaned, renovated viuwgeu to any coior aesirea. : . KID GLOVES ' A SPECIALTY. All Orders to be left for the present at MB& MoNELIS'S MILIN ERY'StOR K F. A. MILLER. fprlg -. t NOTICE. NOBXH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. ... wwviuiAAoa. aaia m. iMTinpvivon a x iv ' t ' Compaht shops, N. GyMay 81, 1880. HS trilrfVfth 'annual meeting of -the stock- ""j1 av uwu xxa uiotuouvivi Aa-. v vu tiecond Thursday ot July, 1880, and the .transfer TULnV . Will hA. hM am aTJMkcanaKAM XI aTV B lh from this date until after the eseeting. ; ' , '.. ,;.f - p. bTbufftn, Inne S-d. oncfl w nntn fnlv 1.. . r . . 1 Hi . . 1 if 1 1 ti ij' i"" " r - f BINGHAM "SCHOOL. MEBANESVILLE N. 0, "ESTABLISHED ' rar 1763,-is How pre-eminent among Southern Boarding Schools for boys In nnmDeis and area of patronage. The 173d . tUMrlna Till OIW-K Va. MfliuNi. nlstni I it PIT COMPANY, Webster Wagons 1010,000 -3fr-" ; i. ; r hi ,w i , Junl7 r.j taU particulars, address ' s i - if--, jiuw is M i -a ' J MAX S. BINGHAM. SUDT.