; - ; : : i Stje l)dfcbttt (Dbn)er, LOCAL INT E. SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1880. KA1LK0AD V1KKVT0BI. ThA fnllnwlnir tnhTa ihnniiu . ger trains to and from Charlotte, on ill tie rail 1 v - v nouuivu ultra; RICHMOND A DUTUU. Arrives from Richmond andGoldsboro. 12 Hnr. weaves ror .j TjjM? EETiSr mmond::::::::::::::- iStt ATLANTA CHABtOTTB AIB-LUT. Arrives rrom Atlanta, 8 KO a. m Leaves for Atlanta , S'SX m Arnves from Atlanta,'.'.'.;:.'.'.'.:::;::::: ltl0 d m Leaves for Atlanta. L25p,S uaAJtLOTTI, OQLDMBU AU0U8TA. Arrives rrom Augusta,.:.;..:.. Leaves for Augusta, CAROLINA CKNTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington Leaves for Wilmington Arrives frrtm 3hulur 4. On -n. m 1.25 p. m. 7 00 a. m. k 20 p. in. Leaves for Shelby, . V.'.'.V.'.V.V.V.V.". 8.00 m.' ts uo p. m ATLANTIC, TXNNXS8XX OHIO. weaves ior statesTUie 8 1 B n m a m ves irom states vllle; , . ; t . ; ; 5.45 ara THK'CHUKCHEg T0-DAI. Yotoo Men's Christian association Hall. Devotional exercises at 6:15 o'clock p. m. associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening by Eev. W. T. Waller, pastor. St. Mare's Lutheran Church. Services in the morning at 11 and In the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. L. K. Probst. Sunday school at 4 o clock. First Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and at 8 p. m. by Kev. A. w. Miller, D. D., pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. St. Peter's COTRCttf-SeryJces id the morn ing at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at Qifa o'clock by Rev. J. K. Mason, rector. Sunday school In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and at 8 p. m. by Rev. E. II. Harding, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. Services in the morning (mass) at 7 o'clock by Father Wolfe. Also, mass and sermon at 10 o'clock by Rev. Jas. White. Catechism in the morning at Qifa o'clock. Calvary (M. K.) Church. Services in the mor ning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. J. E. Thompson, pastor. Sunday school at o'clock a m.,and class-meeting at 2 to p. m.. and 8 o'clock Friday -evening. i . ; . ; .- . . Tryon Street Methodist (E. Chcrch. Ser vices in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the even in K at 8 by Rev. A. A. Boshamer, pastor. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. , Prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. INDICATION. War Department, Office CniEF Signal Officer r, . M. J Washington, July 10, 7 50 p. For the South Atlantic states, nartlv cloudy weather, occasional rains, vari able winds, mostly southwest to. north west, stationary. or higher temperature and barometer. Index to New Advertisement ST Watermelons LeBoy Davidson. Pieced Cotton Ties Providence (R. I.) Cotton Tie Company. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Schedule Changed C, C. 4 A. R. R. HOiMi: PEN CI LINOS. No mayor's court yesterday morning. When will all the census returns be in? - Teaches and apples from the country find a ready sale. Send them in. They are working a night force on the new city track of the Carolina Cen tral now. The Atlanta excursion party return ed yesterday morning, arriving here about 7 o'clock. Rev. W. T. Waller, who has been ab sent from the city, has returned and will occupy his pulpit to-day. Gen. Jno. A. Young will deliver a lecture this evening at 8 o'clock in the Lutheran church, on the Bible and the necessity for its distribution. Yesterday's communication on the subject of county politics was the sub ject of conversation about the court house yesterday. People from the west report a steady increase of summer visitors to the mountains. The number this year will reach a larger figure than ever before, The farmers were not in yesterday ; that is very few of them were. They are probably waiting until politics gets a little livelier. Mr. James G. Stockton, a prominent merchant'of Winston',' and proprietor of the Merchants' & Central Hotel of that place, stopped in Charlotte yesterday on his way home from Asheville. Rev. Father Jas. B. White, of Raleigh, is in the city- -a4--will -officiate at St. Peter's CaUiolicchur to-day, ftssiiiUng Kev. Father H. Wolfe1, t)f thB'Berftfltc. tin monastery tn Gaston, ,A q T 0 Roasting ores, at the "r eduction work vftiich has been discontinued ior a week, will be reoommenced Monday, ami both furnaces, wiUe.kjapt &t work. The Nevada or fvoieti yddrrived, will be subjected to "Mr. "liobmson's process. There was. considerable eqiteraent created on Trade street, yesterday, by the arrest of a drunken man from the country, who manifested too much pugnacity to be allowed to run at large. He 1 resisted the arm of tlielaw with such energy as to necessi tate his being carried to the guard TIe Itfftiinment, Mr. F. A. McNinch came up from King's Mountain yesterday, where he has been for"several weeks engaged in constructing the King's Mountain Cen tennial Monument according to-win-tract. He reports the stone all tin the ground and the monument half - com- Kleted. It will be finished some time efore the centennial celebration. V. in. C. A. IleoH Reception. At the book reception of the Young Men's Christian Association, Tuesday nignt, appropriate addresses will be de. I ifered bf Capt. Piatt P.Walker, Cpl.J. Thomas and Gen. John A. YQune. 'he exercises will be varied with vocal music, accompanied by the association organ and sung by select; voices. '. Get your books ready. This is a worthy en terprise, and cannot but redound to the good of the comtnupify. . ' ' lluntiaff a liost fyifc. one day I wiffl. wns ni'thftTit,v rftatfrriria on tire hunt of her. She disapjjaj-d. after thf trial, whn the pld roan saved her from coiner to iail -br oayinc the costs in a case m which she, had oeen convicted: lor some offence, and she hasn t.bee seen lljie.ndlphtfrhefld, Mnce. iTJj old manHimmtlS eftedlld 'oodltUta 101 nonesiy, inuuHLry aim upiigmueaa, j me BISHOP D. a DOGGXTT, . .!-; of the Methodist Church Sooth. crtffle to 'th nerits 01 the "Vest Pocket. Cxire " aa a rm Simon Springs, tlie. colored man whQ; is arraignea Deipre Jftstipe myiagon, ast week lor whiPDing nia uy ins employers end others wuo urn. ana any iniQnnauon as i WlieVeapputepF-hW WWP f'Uas an act 01 public justice, as is of charity. '' i ' ?:" i JIM WnruAURMMUh-iiin No palatial aeftWmmiM ItenUTnor iarJe-salarlM n( hulfen to fan , what Hop Bitters will ddfifwreTai thiy tell thel own stoir fjy their eertaia and absolute cures tat . BvaatMa a.cal piit vampaltj-KIaMi ineellas; at Concrd-Jarrta at Shclay u Itutherfordton. ,!'"T "' 'Tte emicraic county oonverltioa' of Mecklenburg will probably not be held until after the middle of August iCapt. J. M. Davis is formerly an- jwuncea inis morpyig..a a candidate vu,"j wjiTcuiiuii win proDaDiy De tne present incumbent, and, Messrs. E. M. Matthews, R. A G-rier'and Jno. Graham 41exander. There will probably be an equally large number of applicants for the other county offices. The Republican district convention meets in Charlotte on the I5th. fnext lhursday)tjO nominate a candidate for Congress. It is believed, and indeed there is a report to the effect, that it will be decided to make no ; nomination in the hope of inducing some Democrat to fly the track and rim as independent! The fact tjxfy Oliver, H, Rockery,., Gen. Rufus Bamnger and Dr. R. M. Nor hient. all of whom were ttnkrAeA as possible candidates, lave been, put on tne btate and electoral tickets, is re garded as additional evidence of the has recently developed a keen interest in politics, still remains. meeting next Saturday, which all the Democratic candidates and the electors have been invited to attend. It is to begin in the morning and last all day. Maj. Dowd, will, be -prasent.andi witl probably Make "the opening-speech. Gen. I,each and F. II. Busbee will also be on hand, and Col Bennett is eject ed. As this meeting will formally opeh something worth ij jOjSppi) 4 On the same day Gov, will dress the people1 pf Cle cdwity. at blMelbf . agfi oqf tha day (fefheivii, ng Mon- t Ritther- foroVforil rhe litfer membered, is where Eaign of Gov. Vance egan in 1876. Gov. we believe, but one the famous cam and Judge Settle Jarvis ha3 made, speecn since his nomination; this was at Bureaw. Pen der county, the early part of the past week. Gen. Rufus Barrineer. ReDublican nominee for Lieut-Governor has. it is said, expressed his determination to make an extensive - eanvassr-rin,- fact tDat tins wafe.one dl .the I erHil-fifri nts demanded of him and Buxton both Summer Exoduuen, Dr. J. M. Miller is seeking retirpmanr. on his farm in Pulaski county, Va.,and win ue aDsent two or three weeks. Mr. hh B. Sonne's is talking senti mental nothings to erirls at tli Snark. ling Catawb-SJptmgs. . .-. f1 , At bMt'acpoAnts Mr. W.F.Mers ias seektngTural iseclusion so me where" on the banks ot the Pee Dee. The Concord KeaiaUr savs: Misses Laura Ross, Carrie White and Aenes Vilkes, of Charlotte, are rusticating in Concord, the two former at Mr. Lore's, and the latter at J. C. Gibson's. Char lotte is famed for female loveliness. Mrs. Walter Brem is visitinar relatives in Morganton, arid Mrs. J. II. VanLand ingham is with friends in the vicinity or Davidson College. W. II. Overman and Mis Tate went to Cleaveland yesterday morning. maj. w. v. r lemmings ramiiy are at Marion for the summer. Increased Sale of Pontage Stamps. An official statement shows that the issues of postage stamps, stamped velopes and postal cards dunncr the cal year which ended June 30 foot up an aggregate-ot $31,932,5H),,beiug$iv in crease ot nearly $3,500,000 over the to tal for the preceding fiscal year, or twelve and two-tenths per cent. This percentage is about double the average rate of increase. durng the previous five years? The srfeatest roudrtionaT increase iff in the item ofi pOstM cariis tne issues or which amounted to $2,753, 470 during the last fiscal year, as against $2,217,97.0 for, the yeaj-, ended June 30, 1879, an augmentation of 34 per cent. The actual gain to the postal ''reve nue was in the issues of ordinary post- i- v. : i j.; ii.. i.ti'a.A ago suiuips, wiiiun, pining umiasmsc increase pfiiajtrLCQDior Ill4-1Q pencil over ineajreceegyig year, j xne issue a: i j j t j: t i rm r . ! I newspaper and periodical stamps in creased 15 1-10 per cent., the total being $1,088,412 for the fiscal year of 1879 and $1,252,903 for the fiscal year of 1880. PoplarTeii f siir. ( . )')('! .Efforts are being made to have a magnificent exhibition at Poplar Tent fair, which Will be held next month. Yesterdav the contract for haulincr the supply the grounds with water have al ready been dug. it is stated that so far there is ,a certainty of one .hundred head of blooded horses and cattle being on exhibition, besides the other stock, which has at former exhibitions been exceptionally fine. The halls will be suitably arranged for a display of the handiwork pf the. ladjes, and it is anti cipated thaUtilii (4)art,PfnMwal be well taken earebr. tUiasmhjchiafi Meck lenburg will f pibjbahLy have no fair of her own this fall, it is more than proba ble that our people will, as tbey snould, contribute muchrtpwards making the una isidib to maKe a newer snowing m agricultural products than ours, and it is hoped tlfe lueh etffcrts will be imule bj the managers t Pbpfar Tent-as will induce the people of this county to as sist in making the jexhimtlaftjme. best ever had oiTtne brdnbdsJ ' ' : 1 ' ' ' ; Among the prominent speakers who are expected to be present are Governor Jarvis, Hon. J. M. Ueaeh, Hon. T. L. Clingman, and Cols. PolkCheek and UOle. , .1 I t jyu'.oA j 1q Xrophle. The Charlotte nortlpn of exoursion ists to Atlanta'Tetiirhed yesterday morning, but minus one of the number who wewiirHeTMrTfohn- RobertsTrjnhTs7WiainVTrc .quanta, on accounrtreciuess shoot ing m the crowd .whicb'wiai standing in the passenger depot Jttsts the train lerefl.from tSe AtlMr MVttieTiobeT& was aDouuto leal tne aiiairvas gat ta uonxttulKiTi 8eate4ir: f'neaoooilthin.-; aows, a rMgtoj ot letri ana convnoneea-puiiiniir U. itobe soon as neiHsxojrereci'Cie'me at bis garKie:itrarew nrr. ed at the!flA'yi?kTB Lb of its marl andJhft 6fte ea a rew mcaesaeove tneieaacr lnn Miller.ti Atimt,:nfcwifcoVr 1A -loah1 as the shot was fined Mr. Portar. an, AiBa- cec at tLeidepoi,eBtoe' tbe'Caelvan' upon making an attetoptto artest itotv erts ntSeltffresistailcfer He called for, help And nonier -of - the-poliee t oroe4 st Miw bMyfi diaarbptpre he could execirtcr ffis mise. Boiierta wasirr4edie the' station liCttweiand 4 Caserttadtf tigmat bimtff carrymg boa 4tal anofo, Imuran- iiAnsf- lipoaijEoberiajfaYe-.tond! m& .-waa re- .Tarvia itelinb hec&Wre trwtinorrow. wf-'n',-;i? I i Gaston county celebrated its annual picwc,yer4jmayiat vvoocuawiitujruiefl txtia CnaTlotte; en the western ditision of the Carolina Central Railroad. A large crowd was in attendance, collected .Jrpm ail part , of the countryJ . , toclbdingi alaoi i a . ral many fpfa! lecklenbarg, 'nurtber,ol whom were from Charlotte. The feast ing, dancing nd other pleasures con tinued throughout the day without in termission. The visitors who attended from Charlotte report a cordial recep- tion and a day or unalloyed pleasure,. Mnrnlar kaiUaa Aecldmt. While the Richmond & Danville pas senger train, due at 1 20 p. m was in the vicinity of Linn wood yesterday, running at the rate of about 20 or 25 miles an hour, one of the driving wheels of the. engine; suddenly .broke on, ana leaving tne tracK y en c. spinal mng across a marsh along side of it The engimadfd hot Mlt as ; might have been expected, but tfce dnneeting rod being detached from the broken wheel struck one of the cocks and broke it off, allowing the steam to escape and scald Engineer Wittierspoon quite severely'. He, however, succeeded in speedily sti-trtittadr tlta totiltf afoul1 nn vthaf noon- altifg nffiirredi Tha boT..had been not aunng tne.tnp ana it is su edthat IJief .axle was. weakened; the :ted. iu consequence oi tne acciuent tn train rrived nearly two hours late. The Danville Tragedy. The tragic death of Miss Mattie De- Jarnette in a barnio in Danvillei i Va.. reported '. telefe4pi! ndMbiiBhed yesterday morning, recalled to several persons yesterday the fact that she liv ed in Charlotte four months ago. She drifted here, a young girl timid and re tiring, in search of work, and applied to a lady who kindly offered to assist her in evejytvay. She, had been Hying, wiut a, iamuy nere; sne saiaj out was nable to do the work they required of hired servant The ladv offered to ive her sewing and kept her in the ouse for a week or loneer. but her em ployment was temporary and she left worse. Finally, she left, saying that shp was goinghome. Wswas the last that was hearrrrrrrimfflMtn0hew8 of her death was received. It is supposed she wento1totniiUe4-,,ftMbTdn dispair leaped into the whirlpool of vice where her life was endea unde circtnnMgscitaei&owmirtal' n painful. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH - TJi ff 'A3 J JULY 10. 1880. Chicago Flour dull; Western spriDg 4.25a.25 Wheat weak; Me. 4fcsia liavitt7,l'rs 3) Chi cago sprine l'l!&a92 cash. OOLb Aueniat. him, Son. Utaber, No. a do 82a83. Corn weak at 85 cash "August and bid Septembefr -jOtrts active at 24& cssn, 22 August. Pork at 13.50al8.75. Lard easier K.75a77. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders 5.10, short cles78&. Wbiskertadr. i BaLTTMOKS Oat firm: Southern e-ll, wQI, uuim. uirma iuum suouiuerg o, clear rib sides 7, ditto packed 6Vfea7i; bacon-shoulders o, wear siaes m, nams llval2M- Lard re fined tierces 814. Coffee raiet: Rio careoes lSiAaieiA. Sugar firm; A soft 101. Whisker nominal at 12.00. Freights firm. 100, do amber 98a09. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed 40. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed 30. Pork firm at 13.00. Lard dull at tt. Bulk meats steady; shoulders 4, clear ribs 7. 1 2V; baeon stronger: shoulders 5V2, ribs 7.90, sides 8.12. Whiskey steady at 1-06. Sugar steady; hardsl0all, New Orlean 8a9. Hogs Arm; common 3.50a4.00. light 4.25a 4 45, packing 4.20a4.50, butchers 4.55a.5. Nkw Yomrootnern3 doVr firm; common to fair extra 5,25at. 10, goqa to choice do .16a7.00 Wheat -CWsed actW; ungraded winter red 1.15a I- 22. . Corn , hlghpjy. ungraded SOaol. Oata quiet at 34alA lor No. 3. Coffee quiet; Rio in ciVgoes 13al7, in job lots- , Jugar julet; eentrifugal 9, test 8, Cuba uisoorada 7 I I- 16, fair to good refining 7 1 l-16al3-16. prime 8; refined active; standard A 9a9.i Molasses quiet; Cuba refining 4, New Organs 5oBd, Porto HJco 32a48. Rice steady; Carol lia 67, Ran goon 31. Wool dull; domestlo fleece 40a53, uuueu zaou, unwasneo 1034, Texas I8a35 Pork heavy at 120) middles firm; long clear 7, short cleftr T.9B, long mdhrr7 1J6. Lard dull ri iao. Lara auu 1.12a 13. Freights at 4,40. wnisKey nominal at j tiiverpool steady. COTTON. Galvkston Quiet; mddlMS: f rXtrf low middling 10Vt; good ordinary 9; net rec'U, 241; gross ; sales 800; stock 5,614; exports coastwise 153. NOBioiJt Quiet; middling" il;' net receipts 173; gross ; stock 14,054; exports coastwise 591; sales 1,309; exports to Great Britain . BALTDfORX-uleW middling lllfc low Middl'g 114a: good ordin'y lOUt: recelota : arrosa 29; sales 60; stock 6,193; exports coastwise 15: spinners ; exports tm Great Britain ; to Continent . Boston Stealy 1 , mlddlinu 190; low middling U8c; good ordT levfec; net receipts 143; gross 0; sal 68 ; stock 11,537; exports to Great Britain. Whjohstom Quiet; middling 11c; low mid dling Jtt6e; cood ATdtaMy 9 teutps 62t gross , sales ; stock 1.176; exports coast wise. ., Philadelphia Firm : middling lOLfae.- io middling 1 ltoc: eood ordinary 1 0Uc: net rMnlnta 98; gross 248; sales 284; spinners 284; stock 10,034; exports to Great Britain . Satakh ah Steady; midd'g IIU3C; low middling lOlAc; good ordinary 9lgc: iet receipts 82; gross t who t w; stocK wise ;. continent . ; experts eeasV Nxw Oblkaks-Quiet; mid llc; low mid dling Ilj god ora'y. 10ci net-jeeeipU 1,202; gross 1,431; sales 1,000; stock 66,085; export Great Britain ; coastwise France- 0 Mobile Dull; middling 11;; low middling 10Vc; good ordinary M4C; net receipts 1; gross -'; sales 50; stock 6,08; eumxtfi ooastwise 415; Great Britajq , MKMPma Easy ; middling HVfec; receipts 151;shlpmenU 421; sales 625; stock 18,378. ; AD6U8TA Quiet; middling lie: low mid idling lOfrc., good ordinary 9Vic; reeelpU 4; 'shlDments : niirni Bft... v i. :. CHAKUtSTOH Quiet; middling lll&c; low mid; dllng 11 Vic.; Kood 0rdlne1r1lAVsfU4.net reoelpts 104;os8 sales 60; stock 2.187; exports Nkw YoBX-ottBjfkrtgii jejj saiddling p;landsll; middling Orleans 12; net receipts JL86; gross 186: consolidated net rects, 2,632. LirxHPOOiNooM-Cotten steadrl mddlfmr Cd- ianas, o 13-ioa; auaanng uneans 0 lo-lrjd; sales 1 ,uuOi specuiaaon .ana export 1,000: reoelpts lion and export 1,000; 1 itolcfc. TplUds. T low! m 3,650aiy Asnerlcsxt. JpteidS' jlowi middling erH 19-1 Ad. Js3 ni Ancnst 26-32d, August r9-r6d.&Meffi ana uctotter 32d, November and rpember 6 7 JJ2dT Futures steady. ( ( j f n if I Oi Wkkklt Cibculah. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association says: Cotton was in United demand at the , opening., , Since Monday httsnRss has! bicttased andjftfr go4de scripUons prices Bare had a hardehlng tendency. There was a good demand for American, and pri ces advanced 1-LQd. Jfoderata buslqesawas done in Sea Island at ire-nous tlce.iillures vpened steady, and the market 'has been firm and more cheerful throughout the week. Prices generaUz advancfa6a3r82dT. ; t ' 6 " Nxw . Toaa-i-FutucM elosed steady. Sales 82, 000. :; . ,i - . July. . ; . . . . . iv v..';-. J-.K'V.'i.--- '. "4 f.80 Augu hWs. . :i . .-.vuv' ' il.73s.74 8eDteiB0; w t:. '. i . .0 ' 'Ii.20a.2i Octoberc?.. .-. .'..".t. '10.79a.80 NovAmher 10.64a.65 !0.ft4&.AR rjecenpher;:.1. HJil) smiNeiu "HkW Yosi-'Hoiey ilb2a 'ixeasgsi' TTTTTrrnMiiiin 1 inimi nw a ij b&ao. imtt inn Niw fo-StookscU ftrtft ! ': KlinotoOeottalr.'.WlW liftj NasfavtUeaiM -hit LwdsaiWI NasariUe QdOHfje and Northwesteni.,... ...M'1s,i w " ;i A l tUiul Kij lulM lirnitilriMMA iif, in t T'' 1j Keek Island.....ll.vv. ?m-lJc 'JUabaawaMq A, 2 toWZJlv-.'i?. J ui v idatm & ftfa .... - - sa: &fl4reasarloes-Gold.... $84,929,11 Jl t-J lis l'MS4 1.2 art cotton MurjT, Oliiui or tmw Omicti ' i The market resterdaj doeed steady; nnchanged. UONHMOUDC...... 11 104 10 Strict low mtddUnc. Ijow mlddllnc. Receipts lor the. day, 6 bales. Charlotte Pr4ace Blarkct. jult ia i88a OoTTOBt Tns New, perbdle.!... Spliced, " BAeae, per yd. . . . . CoKH.per bu&h'l... IUal,- " 20a2.75 2.00 11412 65a70 Ooa70 60a85 40&45 rsAS, QAls.tbaUed, .. Baoos N. C hoc round. 9 10 llal2i 8al0 BHnu,N.i Bpl . Clear Rib Sides. . Labs, per lb. Coftm B1L 15al8 14Mial6 80 8TBDP SuKar-hoiBa. ao SWHK 2?-"- 35a50 Choiee New Orleans. 50ar)0 40a45 1.25a2.50 I nLnnni aim Coarse..... 1.10al.25 White. Yellow PdTAToas Sweet Irish jBU'lTKH Morth Carolina. Egos, per dozen. POTOffBT Chickens 8pring Ducks...... 15al8 9al0 20&25 12al5 15a20 Flocb Famfly........ Super 8.25 S.OO 2.75 J sou Darn BcclarM HiawU a Gsn. Uate Imr Sheriff. to the Idltor of The Obserrer: in tbe lasae ef Tn Wnsxr Obssrtkr. nf th 9th ef J air. reference was aaade to mrioiif and request was. aaade that I should state positively whether or not bit name, with mr ennmnt wruiiri mwimgn un V"it7 TneeuiigB m tne wwn shlM. as a t'i- tar tan sheriffalty of th eoooti. As acldsea, IresBtse the olalai which the people hate upon erery indirldual, and knew- rng mjuwn ieeiin' as i Btrieve i do, I hate no desire to pras myself ppoa the people, nnlesa the expression of oplaion hoeld he spoataneons. In such an eyes 1 1 will wllllnalj 4bd cheerlully ac-qofesee- In their wishes, and if noJnfnmed I witt De eiectea. and stui oive mi imtflflnrtu to m m L- JAMBS H. DAVIS. J ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDATES. Caaaldate for Sheriff. I hereby armomice myself a candidate for the office of sheriff of the' county of Mecklenburg, at the election to be held thisTall, subject to the de- usiua m me ieiaocrauc county convention. M. Mattexws. jnly8-tde I4r Sbterif f. The friends of Lieutenant Jno. Graham Alexan der respectfully announce him as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the next election. Believing htm to be In every way well qualified to discharge the duties of said office, they cheerfully and cordially recommend him to tbe kind eonstderattoa of the different townships when they assemble to "send up" delegates to the nominating convention. Mallard Check. June 6 -tde TO ARRIVE Monday and Tuesday, "2,500 fi U J Orders fforii a distance promptly attended to. LeROY DAVIDSON. FIFTY Thousand Bundles Pieced Oottos Ties for sale to the bade in lots to suit purch&aera. They are made from carefully selected stock, are all double riteted. afld haw the second hand open slot buckles. They answer, every purpose, of the. new ties andean b sought for about two-thirds the price.. , rROYIITENCE ttt. t) COTTON TIE CO.. - -W. W. Stjoioms, Agent, Iht'rwa-s.is Ko. T. Market Sauan. . c HAELOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Omcx Gkksbal Paskksgkh Agsnct, .. COfcBWA1S.5.,)Iuly 9, 188A On and after Sunday. July 11, the following schedule will bt operated by this company;. NO. .Sr-DA.PAaiECTiij.p , Leave teai6tie.:.v:...:..f jJVl 25 kkf Arrive Colombia, ......... 6 2tP.M. Leave Columbia i . .... .1 ......... 6 80 r. ml ArriTe Augusta . . . . ...... . . ; . - -10 86 p. it. Connects wUh a C train at Ct 4-A...Iiutton, for ChtiH1to:nWmVkV&H ?18BE$3$L v5nOC & SuidaysO , tBateeointta.... ei MlWiex!srjk? jrjrtve at Augusta............. 9 37 U m f Sundays Persons arrtTtnf CbranAia m Traftt JJo. 20,' ean a.r;jr.TMpf q iOTtfc,Tl!fle-; siOB, AngusU eyof , b (,s . . j , PASSXNGXa TBAIN. J8t 4.7. Except Sunday.) Leave Aonav..: v. & nu p m iew Inive sACaiuaibis.. f& rib Suadays Passeiistr?'f:r Cha.-4otte i foaHt Cluus kstte Division can ooottnue Journey by taking Train rr" - - Kp. 45. NORTH-DAY PASSENGER. (Dally.) Leave Augusta 7 80 a. x. arriveCoTumbU .-.11 84a,. LeaveCUmkta...4..:...i............U 60 A. 2. Airtve Charlotte, ...,..,VY,.., 4 46p.m. 1 CtonectsatW,,G AJmodWfthS.C.Traln ExeeK'Smkay wltt passenger eoaeb attached. yUtw I'lOjiifi 4Mitvp visa4va ' 7 0QA.M. -mm . w,t...., R4JRH ArrtM CtoArkate.U?.-....., 6 Q3k,H i it Id & r, saos ... . . Pieced mm tG. R. JPalotv P"" HJ irjTa n 3p GREAT DECLINE IN We ki?e tkli ttf redacet tke prices of all Letdlpg Somettla anil LARGE AND VARIED STOO 20,000 yards of the Best Calico at 5,000 ( iC u a a a u u 5,000 20,000 15,000 Dress Goods, Trimming Silks, Hamburg Edgings, Wen and Valenciennes Laces, Dress Linen, Suitings, k WE HATE, ALSO, INCLUDED IN OUB SWEBPINQ REDUCTIONS, ALL OF OUB NEW SPRING STYLES OF Mens; Boys', and Chiltas', Ready-made A CALL WILL BARGAIN AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROQIYIS, NEXT TO POSTOFTICE. 117 stock la very large, and embraces afuUlloe of Paflor, Chambei, IMnmc Boom and Office Tui BttuM. All goods packed free ot charge. . aml1.u1,1u0,,ur otttxits. TAKE NOTICE. This 1 tfw only Lottery ever voted on by the and under a late decision of people of a State, ine unuea mates ti the onlv Leoal Lotten nnn in the Tlnitai sHntee aU other charters having been repealed or having no xunence. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A K0B- TUJNJS SEVKNTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday. July 13th, 1880-122nd Drawing Monthly LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was iwnlartY Inmmnratxf h the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, for thb term of twenty-five teaks, to which eontrdct the lnvlola- Die raim 01 ine state is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming nonniar ote, securing Its franchise In the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Re serve Fund of ower 8350,000. Its UKAJND sLNGtiE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. ii never scaies or postpones, .look at tne toiiow Ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tlcs- ets. One Dollar. LIST OK PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of 82,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500.. S 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 1 n nnn 1000 Prizes of 10 10.00O APPROXIMATION PRIZES : S Approximation Prizes of $300. . . . 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. . . . 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. .. . 82,700 1,800 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding aeents wanted at ail points, to whom a liberal comoensation will to paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders by express or in a Reg istered Letter or Money Order by mail, addressed only to 3L A. DAUPHIN, Kan HplannB Tjuilainna or same person at o. 3i Broadway, New York. All our Qmnd Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of General G. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. N. B. This Company has NO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS. June 15-d&w4w POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on ST USD IT, JILT 31, IS 86. These Drawings. authorizeO br the Legisla ture, and sustained by all Abe , Ceuttt of Ken tacky, accordine to a contract made with tbe ewners of the Srankf ort grant, will occur regularly ea the last day ot every month (Sundays and JFrt- aays excepted, ior the period 01 nve years, termi nating on Jane 30,1 885. Tne united states circuit court on March 31, tendered the folio wing decisions; ist Tnai tne commonwealth Distribution tum my is legal 2d Its drawings are fair. The Management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the JULY DRAWING. 1 Prize, $80,000 1 Prize, 19,000 1 Prize,.,,,,,.., 5,000 10 Ptises, $1,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 eaeh, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100- each, . 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 60O Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each... 10,000 9 Prizes. S3O0 each. Approximation Prizes 82.700 9 Prizes. 200 " " " " 1.800 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1 .960 Prizes, $112,400 Whole Tickets. S3; Qalf Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Be tart by Postofflce Money Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. To insure aeamst mistakes and delays, corres pondents will please write their names and places ft residence plainly, giving numDer 01 postomce box or street, and town, county and State. i 'All eomrnmilcattons connected with tbe Distrl- bUtlofl and Orders for Tickets should be Addressed to RV H. BOARD MAN, Courler-donral Building, Louisville. Et.. or at Nos. 807 & 309 Broadway, Mew York. Julyl 1 ADVERTISERS By addressing GEO. P. BO WELL Si CO., 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any pro posed Una of ADVERTISING in American Naws Irs. 100-page pamphlet, 10c. $7 7M A YEAR and expenses to Agents. Outfit free. Address P. O. YKXEBY, Augusta, Maine. jil Jl. iiD Ji Ita ii-L . (,: . i ! , i ; . k -MM Jt sst WP fe s Union Lawns, Printed Piques, - 4-4 Bleached Domestic, 4-4 Sea Island, ALSO, WE HAYS REDUCED THE PRICES OF ALL Clothing, Straw Hats, Shoes, Slippers, Gents Furnishing Goods; k, k J COSYIJTCE TOU THAT WK ABE HT DEAD EARNEST. &- Special Bargains in Frames of all Kinds mm n ; fn 1 8B&& VLU& gt&tlOUZX August Metropolitan FASHION SHEET AND THE Jast Received 5 Tiddy's BOOK STOEE WITH A FULL SUPPLY OF Bntterick's Patterns. A Full Line of School Books JKept Constantly on hand, together with a COMPLETE STOCK OF Paper, Stationery, Music, and FANCY ARTICLES. THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY BY W. D. nOWELLS, $1.50. A VOICE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA, BY J. A. LELAND, SOMETIME PROFESSOR AT DAVIDSON COLLEGE, A BOOK FOR THE TIMES, $1,25. TIDDY & BROTHER. Julys F. 0. MUNZLER, SXALEB OT BOTTLED LAGER BEER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tresa bottled Lager Beer delivered to any part ef the city every morning at 75 cents per dozen bottles. All orders left at J. FIscbesser & Co's. Ice House, to rear of T. L. Seigle & Co. will re ceive prompt attention. BOUNDARY AVENUE BEER GARDEN Is now open to the public, and I will in the fu ture, as in the past, make it THE FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT for ihe citizens of Charlotte. Open from 3 i6 8 o'clock p. nt lee-cold Lager Beer always on hand. . . apr27. REDUCED RATES Ta Kew Yk via Piedmont Air-Line, Excursion tickets are "now on sale from Char lotte to New York, via Piedmont Air-Line. Bound trip Ticket good until November 1st for 830, quickest time and surest connections. Apply at company's office. JNO. R. MACMURDO, Y. E. McBkb, Genl. Pass. Agent Agt Charlotte. July 7 lw. ON HAND VERY FINE WATERMELONS AT S. M. HOWELL'S July 7. BEDFORD, VA., Alom and Iron Springs WATER, MASS AND PILLS. "Pulnce of Mineral Tonics." Francis Gilliam, A.D..N.C.; - "Efficient In Scrofula and Skin Diseases." J. M. Allen, M.D..N.C. "Best remedy for diptherfa and tnflamatory sore throat ever used. Pt At aaerd, M. J) N. C. - "Unequaled. In core of Hemorrhagic Malarial lever."-Wm. Alex. Grfeene, mTu. Ga . "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." Medical Association of LyekMirgi Va. ' ' "Most salHtorr in maHy ot Jfemals, Diseases." X. H. Murrell, M. D., Ya. . "Suceessful in ByspepsW arid Chronic Biar rhoea.' Prot Santuei Jaeksea. M. 1 J.r University TPenn., Philadelphia. , , , , t. Summer season begins; Johe 1st ..; Chatert Bth-fivingi waters known, ' These waters purify tbe piood strengthen the system,1 and give it vigor of actioiv restore healthy Inner tions, regulate the secretive organs, and prevent totermlttents. " ' rrrV----. ."Y Pot Dyspepala, DebUlNervousness, Headache, ltmnfthtol mwl fintanannp jffUS. ftnmfiil, TAa. . Terms, S30 a ertU.s CarrtaureS meet visitor & Lawyer's and oreat, each 4' miles distant,' upon VPamplUetaadCrrcmseTrtfWel1 AWress'.'f 1 'V;; , . . , ' ,.,.. . -n'T- ' eier 8, 10 & 12 cts. OUB andjStgr .' - V"TJ.fe.Pn5xi, R.H.'PrKLB, ' V Charlotte. METROPOLITAPOTEL charlqije;, k, p. . FIELD BROTHERS, rpms Hotel has the largest and most enmfort JL able rooms of any hotel M the State. It is fit ted up with all modem improvements; Is conve nient to the postofflce and baks and is centrnlly located in the business part OT the city. Large SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we otter superior inducements to the traveling pubUe. , .. :. - -- "Omnibuses and Carriages at every traln., FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND GROWN ft SPRING CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, HON- -EY, &&, &c THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUE 'ALWAYS IN STOCK. Trade St., :' CHARLOTTE, N. C. LARGE BASEMTTKT rmrtfir Mpfmnnllfnn Hotel for rent, " " may28 . St. Charles Mold. STATES YiLLE,N,G. THIS HOUSE is now under the management of Mrs. Dr. Reeves, formerly of the National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N. C, whose aim it will be to make it a first class hotel in every re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms. on the first floor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 13-dtf. HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., SITUATED 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to anv hotel in the United States as a SUMMER RESORT. Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. HARRISON PHOEBUS, may 23-3m Proprietor. I&'Ij.A.Q-Gr'g IMPROVED PATElTt LIYER PADl Never Gets Hard. Can be Mass ant Steknihi Deiibid. Lah Twict as Lobo. DUu9i Onrel Tltluut fitsssisgie SyiUa. Chills and FfTer, liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rennsnes,' ' ,: Kheumatism, Coitivenest, Female Weakness, Sick Nenoui Headache. These Pads Care all Diseases by Absorption. No Noxious Pills, Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken into tbe Stomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit of tbe Stoaack, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also the Liver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonic is absorbedintotbecirculationofthe Blood and Liver, purify ing the Blood, stimulating the Liverand Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening tha Stomach to digest food. Prick of Pads 1 and $2 xach. Sold by all Dbogoists, or sent bvjtlail oiExpress. . ,v Manufactured and for sale at 92 Germain street, Baltimore, Md, For sale In Charlotte at the drug stores of L. R. Wriston & Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson & BurwelL may 15 ly. HE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday Giving a full resume of the preceding week, news of all national topics and general intelligence, be sides being the only REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER There supporting the National Democratic Party. Edited by GEORGE (X WEDDERBUBN.Tjf Virgin- la, formerly publisher of the Richmond Va.) J Enquirer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Single copies, one year, postage paid. :: 2 00 Five copies, to one address, postage paid. 7 5(J Ten copies, to one address, postage paid, 12 50 Twenty copies, to one address, postage pd. 20 00 (With a copy free to the person securing the clubs. lor further information address " - . GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, j5!22! Waslpgton. D. C, or the Edto ' r.ijtrunicnu, iiu.-ic, 5.u;: l,Ti"TaT. poos, lrua itajorj' SUiLt2 ,fi '. fits Stain HSUkeivd Wg$&jPt ' information tl -..rj.-idani. ?Wy .i"!lJIA Mailed frcV 4-iltesm: ft LVON ti IIEA1Y, KS Stats bLJ, UtmaatO, in. June29-o:-rlnj. ;i iv ; -u h T-tt- THEEXORUSi T I-- :li t.i: SERANGE? labor, - making'- netegsarr eyeri duty tor handling Cotton Arthe QaVX SA iOK bV uslns; a JONES HVK-TON WAG) every iw '-H W8icts1 1 ,V,t ... I GONmJ y.i, SCALE. - PRICE $80, and Iron and -Steel Braaa Beams. . FREIGHT PAID BY ua If ordered now rn r-T r r 1 1 i i ft : 4 H .11

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