Stye ljarbtfetet!SerrA aocrts: 1 tta hwn thnnmffhlT SODDlled Wlttl 0TMJF DMded r. Daily, one year, ( giz Month Throe Month... 400 a oo One Month. ' ' at ii U-irH f'n i : iu::'!-! . gV;1i ni (V: fMMIMrtlUilw' I ii WMSKLX MDOIOV; , , - Tftetfy, (in W oowity) m advance. .. ;, . .. 00 Out qftte county, podpcad,..!..... I."......... 2 10 Jfftt...,.l..;U...:.l.!.J4...i;,W 1 00 W-j . tTTTlV- . ,f ..,..: ... ..i........ . ... -I 2tM '"'t W J i.;n."!'"ii ilu Ys ' OH ABLOTTE; N Ci TP'miriri!SSKy 15 -. ii-. i i.ili.-,-iT 3'1 ' k I lji i ' i r . . 4. i;li r 9-. Ill rmaoaipri i 1 t j . i - ii r"rV'7'U H ill mil i j - . ... A...::-rjBtmm x ' "v 1 GLOSIJNG QUI SAUi-:, .... ARi: .YEUV BAD, ' V -I ' ! , . ,AND THE ON LT WLLT TO Sleep With Any Coiafort IS TO CALL ON US AND GBT A OB TOD CAN GOT THU ' BOBINET AND BARS i For Majsw Them YotrptaextES. 0 It I u I You can now get DEiss3 GOODS worth 75c tot j ,55 loy3; 37 Ior2It5N1per oadr cosrtygboos In same propyl 0fr vfcfreat reduction In CES, LAWNS and EIBROIDESBS ' Great bancalns In FANCY HOSITOY reduced from $1.25 to $1.00; from $1.00 to r5c ; 75c to 50c ; from 50c to 37ii& 1. 1 . Big decline In BLEACHED and BEdW'DO- ITJCS-aud WK HAVE Very Cheap Lot of Dress G nder1 & July 13 smmm?m a s St. OUB SPRING STOCK 09 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS SHEETINGS. Give us a call, for we are determines to sell . these goods at very low pnoes, m mauj caaca n i leMtban first cost, " Men and Boj'b will and a good line of a i ini 1 Straw to be old attwsl. i .ah. t If 1 9 i mm (1 SlK?lUU 11WIIUVU -yr-i " . . m A i . i iL . 1 Ail af-Ii jrtM0 We snail make a syedal ran and leading sale for a few days only on FULL BLUE FLANNEL SUITS. . Lot 5050. our celebrated and very attractive , handsomely bound Flannel f 14 Suit is placed at$iu. ii is ine very muuisr cargiua erer uuereu, u mJlwu1.uwfty.uT, in,eve!DantegJar, so.Ojiab'le ani -gdlngisulL' The Bast $12 Blue Flannel Suit ever sold In tlls market is nowelHng atSO; We are ntfw took- log wearer an pwcqstses, aaaiautn mn iku uto . w-Bjui(BwiPirau "-i - r 7 ' V. We nave also one stylteh CHEVIOT SUITS tttat will be sold cheap. ) 1 1 Respectfully, of Mf. English . feels r40t little proud tbat j the ; .Gincimiati June 2 Ttl ! .17, I i e ner hand in yours ! pxiscctlmxeoits. mm liitiii y Not daneef JustlaSener And gttde- along, with noiseless feet, At the dating boor of day. : just let-a soivtrass 01 oer man Blow MgAtly o'er your cheekv . WKh the words you cannot speak. Not tooe - Why wry howr-U worth Eatit? Slit4 wltk he Joy Of a happiness untold I Why speak of dancinc as a sin, Because pfrjd'puglittr T In fabled Uays Che sirens sang Deep down below the water, Yet no one tells as not to sing Some heavenly byna or praise, AND 4 ii l-i V For Oo above bag mad us aU T hare-all ploasorep wast Whether it etyttiefl wawto Ortfaemevementafuglaett I'M'. 1 tBif w.rtrtff nf Td! botida -were W llWWmrvvvv 1 exchangfed at the State5 treasury. Judge Ashe, brthertreme Court, is still sick at his home in Wadesboro. The RaleigfTTTa says Hon. W. A. Moortf nad a slientwinstwkte last Fri- he commission.QF fit iIonroe havp; passed w ordinanee-pequiriug the baff rooms to m ciosea p. uu , : J. M. Gudffflr, Esq, of ITancey oovnty, has Kaon ,-nrmiinsLttx far Presidential elector iaJteeighthngreBsional dis trict. ..,..,- . $ .. i Th Wilmintrton Review savs Mr. Edward Stanley, son of 3dge .Stanley, Is now Complete. We are determined to sustain our former reputation for selling mm TRUNKS nine) IS A PTJRJELY YEGABLE BEMEDY For INTERNAIrtVKim'EKNAL Use. THE BEST BRANDS PAIM KILLERpr . wM'M-SK ! ; mi inclonug- each bottle, and 1b ' ' l --- 4m f Li MAif inturnerieneefi hand fv ods, which every sensible person knows is th cheapest In the end. Please call and see us before buying. BTT We will deal fairly and hon estly with you. March . 1880. Democrat md Home copy. PEG RAH & CO. (Sroccrles. ""''"''I'a'.T'.ICmSi. aatlni-P . PAIW KILLER Kreln 8 hill, Diarrhoea, DyMflterrjUrainps, lenu and oil Bowel rompot'i(. D Jl III VII I CD IS Tire BEST renrdy f Alii IVlLLLK known for Sea-Sicfcfss Stek-Headaehe, Pain in the Back Xd RBeamatiam, nd Nenrabria.i- , PAINKILLER bvian py andHrmaiii Txltf in ul cases of Bnu'ws, Cats, Sprains, Seyere Barn, et& nlllh II CD i the ipelUned and trusted rAUit KILLfcK f rlrnf pf Mechanic, i laiawL niiiliiiji a medicine Always MJuma una uXe' 15 neeliiternally oraternaliy witli Paten Process ,o family can 'afford to be without tin Hi AUfC Ly save lnvmhMMe remedy in the house. Ita price briDir mtiT tlyirw its coat indoctorabi vow brU drarrlsu at S&e. 40. nd ! bottle PERKT DVIS ftON, SrehiaE "'WOprtetora. FLO I tew Saw FOR SALE.; Lowest Figures. SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES TAT u CHI- ; JFaectual Specific for Malarious FwaBV r n n ! 1 . IfOWei HWipuiu, ijspvpaia, Matarepresst - t : "I should Uke to see somebody abdnct me," said Mraifintthattha bwafcteat tbl tbe ottoer wora lng. "H'ml so should I, my dear; so should U said Mr. Smith, with eaueedtag earnestness. A Ne York Chinaman was asked' his age, for the rjcmus. -He thought it was' the draft, and, wishing ejenipaon, 0 fPUp.s "U yea oioee, '- -' jIa baii rdiMarmnttAra CTA tfk wrtAn. triaT de?" aaka the Houston At, and the Phltadelphht C'firtmiele-HeraiaKpnes : "jrnisn'i irom menu moious to the grave-we give it up." "fcnimTir fT lataij? 1T Frenci writer, "every thlBg ft-fbund out" 7 Just So. A married man, for instaace, is genaraUr found eut later about three noumiMer-rUM oe buvumi wj. BeCiiOn1 (aifer 4 leag whist bout at the club) lunfiilli ll. Mrawa What Will JWU 8BV tO L jouf wife?". Bcowa (in,. . wk4sperH"h, aha'n't sax mucn you juuiw. , wwu inurMtun, u, vi sonfeftrtngif tnaPsrt., 8h4'll Gy tire rest." Vh.'l. M M nvlfaa "T lllon Valid ' nraitlnfflv. tA an exchange, "why 'is it that all the nice men are engaged! They're Ootj Lsllaa, ttKy're not. Sev eral ol us are suu m maiaeu metuuiuou iouuj tree. Was there anything in particulax that you wanted to know for? ' 'Vaa " aaM lha aHtnoca T rAmptnlwr f.n A fTA- fendaut's mother crying on tne occasion reierrea to. ne was weeping w in ner ion eye tne vm? oue sne naa ana we. veai s were runuuin uu her right cheea." '-What," exclaimed the Judge, "how could that be?" "Please your honor," said the witness, "she was awfully cross-eyed." - i i I I i lmM ' I'm T ' ' " WHO 19 DS. TANKEIt) Th nam Who Expects to' Fail Forty Dr. H. S. Tanner is an Engrishman by birth, and came to this country when seventeen' yearns Wdi' He is a well-pre-f served specimen of1 nervous-sanguine er. He has iron-gray hair aha sharp features find looks much more like a yailfcfee thatf an Englishman. Before he began his- fasr he weighed 127 pounds. He has lost fourteen pounds rn 1 a. A . J H V a. in nine aays. xne tentn uay ui nis last i commenced at noon yesterday. n As he lay on a very awkward and uncomfort able cot, witli nam straw mattress, ne wore a thin alpaca coat, black panta loonswl4te atockigs which hung in loose folds Mbt hia ankles, and a pair o dollar-and-arhal embroidered slip- parade, but looks like a man who means business from beginning to endyand who is determined to succeed ' Atfirst he appeared; weary and rahguld, as if he wanted to stee.and fcouid fldt. , pres ently somebody spoke to him, and his yeis brightened up and Ihowed -a de awake man. His gargling p,aid iKMat with nolr) walpr wjULftnoa. aavipral iimea inDresec&osthe.udiBnce One HfSsU'lff I PI of the attendants carefully inasaed fTu i t.p L L. out four ounces Of 1 watet.1" Thts" Dr. f51! 1 Tanneizeturnedr to a bwfc afet- sing it, thus showing that he had not swai- of &n Francisco. CaL was killed re centiy by tne accidental ;uscnfirs oi his gun. Judjjft Stanley is a native of Nortlj Molina, The Winston Sentinel says that P. H. Hanes & Oo. have the largest chew ing tobacco factory in the State and that the Oldest member of the firm is only thirty-four years of age. They have been iirtJitsnresa ten years, and never have been -able to" supply the demand for their goods, r - il . nil . A". A aT lireensDoro fair tow -toin : ueiwA. saiaa in rAiinaniiA Ujk telecfTam 8tatincr KVWIVU a wj" w o ev that Col. Junius I. Scales hi 'brother. vtllW is nlnlaf mMtlASI T. rmLr. m RR b mt ice Presbyterian Hospital in NewTTork, was sfowly sinking, left by - the North DOUnu train 48V Ulgll w juiii mo uiuur erin that city. This morning Col. Kralafi' rnndition was said to be WOfSe. The Ilaleigh, News , pttbusnes a state ment or tne insurance uusmesa oi North Carolina, from which the follow ing figures are .taken: The people of the State paid in 1879 in premiums for fira insnmnm ft'2A7 on 22.860.184.- 53 insured. They have received f 239,- f ailed when uped fMWAiairfci perfectly taf Jifiafl-AKKTOIL CMSBM BAILIE. 1 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, IIA,TS, &0 &C. : A Handsome Suit of our'own Jlake.. . .v". . . . .'.S12.50 to 18.00 --.v VTTI 1 ', Oil I ! 1 1J Jl ' - J An. Elegant wmte onirc,iaun Superfine' Dress Shirts f roln . . 9.00 laundred,' ready for wear,' 81.00' (I Good Wool Cassksero Suits at, . -$7 o0 An Elegapi Plue FlanBel Suit at 8 7.50, 9.00 and 10.00 Cassimere Pantu rrom $20 to 5.00, worth 25 per cent;more. TW Very Ikst unlaundred Shirt in the market. $ 1,00 t STRAW HATS SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. The Gel ebrated Taylor MackinaW H ats at C bst. rflsriDES-W-JB ,Sc JPPWBAR COST.' All oar stock shall and must be reduced, as we are determined to make some alteration incur place of business before fall. We need not remind the public that we always eome up to what we advertise. There are great bargains awaiting in our atote, and the wide-spread reputation of our well-made clothing warrants us that a prompt response wfll be given to Our (TRIAT INDUCEMDlTS, whlcn re now ofler. ' call the attention of wholesale buyers to our LOW PBifcES. ... ! " -- " 3C. ; Leading Clothiers and Tailors. ElEPMS ,1 is Week and N'ex UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN insured. They have received 239,- . - rroWo n. Rprman ToWd Table Covers. Napkins and Doyles of every descrip- C31.02 for S12B.412.94 of losses incurred, cieacueu, x wuauu xuicj uw -.u, w. r . fur ntp. insurance UieyBaiiAOU. J ' i, R. pr en A --f AOA in(iiir..T Phrit7 va received 138.5722 lor I4lU'31 of losses incurred. . t costof vsio. each," to rbe:'..best0weg as prizes to the best scholars in the Blnff- Win . Knur 1T XI 16111 IUM1 . UiV ""P. Affflilvarv on them, the) uUMoArfeini4iat0 way mm tha t norinm ClT MM 111. WIIKTB 1113 fothat- Viii T?vTi Mft5Hvarv. a native of the Presbyterian Church. They were niscriueu, icbpvlitcjj, rt. . im.. 'D.;.'iT)vini' T'Ktt Venable Prize," "The Vance Prize." WilmiTiortYn Hpnipin . Mr. B. G. Worth, president of the Duplin Canal Company, nas receiveu a leitci num ni!iiftr.w Tr?"VAnncr. th snnerinten- iUIWM . J-..- j v I X- . dentjii which that gentleman states thov liavftTia winiHnff water at the ca- n nl vd ntta f nr t.h a naftt two da VS. and SaVS below Sheiter and the first tide creek: : where the sluiceway has been enlarged tion, 500 dozen Towels, from the lowest grade to the flncst piade, 100 dozen all linen crash Towels, at $1.50 per dozen ; these have just be6n received, and you Will be surprised to, see. such a towel for the price, , . ,1,4, .'t t Hi : f ' -' TMs is a Special Drive and a Rare Oppoilunity to PiwifT'O House FinTiiif Goods AT LOW lICTJIiES; ; , 1 1 ' 1 JM 111 '.. : I.. j ' ( "" ' . v TT-TTT TP A DP, 1 KKW. Inwflfl ariV. Thft statement ba tiraSns Out .i ' I thaf.'riflTfiifi'ains from'ttWalltiWihirra- Nausea Coirc r"' iooa it wouia aisincegraie tneimuqr; ot ' sick' Headache, .. ' I throatndtomacb. .Sucji.aatatenieint, constipation ara uiiuousm. . hin1y--dirtier " nonsense'.-' was ' made ny 1 1 f t: Twenty-Nine 'jffiipw BtfAbia1 theOld H9upe of . .;' J;' ; where the sluiceway has been enlarged th watrt isdoinff ereat execution. la onVweekVtiine Major Yeung hopes to v,ofrQcniite xrtt hfltwftpn the little tideekiicLth river so enlarged that itl will carry a large and rapid current. KT T.nA T.1TT1A 1118 WUlk XCiLUllCO JUCOaO I , J SptfTfflS SPRING "Ti'lJWSIpCOHFlEni STOCK OF miles of the canal can be constructed imooiAkii A1AiJ -M - . : w ; ... v XtTIT AT., 7i77 Tlnrinor nnAlnf I ' "V , ..i tbft.thn4er: storms which visited thiat 1T..-J Tt y-' i 1 U-i, iUrgV linirwriWABtt : !i ; il7.ii'.'- i ,'.a u. ,ij .--in a: '7 scl n fLJTtl jwmebody who knew nothing of ihtButM hffi?lfXeri2i? The reason the doetomft .f and good appetftethey wai4emrou by taamg j irom taKing water is int wB.rTOayagieejMab -1 Bimmons' i&Btutor. t & the more severe.After awJnle ft t!f&I iat ai8Xy;.w.aa.:inei0t I VUUHv waM ' "7. h is t a 1- lrfVfc4-iaaw'a4-njkb- thfl 1 Lioii last wee. liitutuaiiK omua. mu . . . , . . , f , ... . , Kivinf Moir "Reward Whitfftrd. who 1 . ' . .Vi'tlJi.iV. .A,jnf owinno in nrif.As. T)on t buv until vou see and nSiwm-' clwkraBd for ''Evft onrtotheircmtomem eariyaoo-mu Wa.,,w r , ELIAS & COHEN. came uw u.ue utuxuuj, tmpioici, . . molishing that awl tearing off a side pi the house, entered a lower room. nninrAd hov was sleemne on the floor in . . . a- J - av f -krW'.W MAAwri9nAA lire caueuw wiiu;u nfwwwuwu - . . : . - a i - - i.i i ... SPFtINO NOVELTIES. miii. (..-ii .wiiinA DumlitAi !tn l . -ii- " i ' agabnfeeS: wIS fflffl KJtfWWjiiettertrpmifea, : L bitioi saabecomine monotoaeuate th4'r.XSrtfSSaffia;i siS5brawo ; tfto"-m the gun,?;tTv1" ; rwnrSa Ml Ttr Rlmmuia' T.ivftr f ttlB f iStCr himself : "Tttll hterl WUlt " t l l ! Seaalatovrifh eood effect It : '' t itWt tniVair' CH1T ' riAr.r-WQrrl. .Wffl : . , - a . . .u i m t- anaa . . . . avKi.sti .-a tarn. -v IS WaVaM W1B JeTOBl rWnnhf thai fha hil was nnf an sh thanmorfraatlve aMnediea?' ass?1711101 adept rn.Nhtrh ''jaujflc'trat tha ' Jane R ,fii::-i .!v' 3iii fr','' ' . kMaamiaewklMi(aUiiaaa TltRTTMn w rv " GEORGIA Thavetsed BlrnrhonstJiJ ior consupaaon 01 Tiry)Owewaaaai rary derangement of the liver, for the t iout i Qrtj Spcpifieo rilDI MAIKilU Ureal lag-TKADK MARI trl MlTfDmiiaijrj ceia way aimosc wytrjgiMwtus Tviwas Hratenowtt fewdaysih iCB W TS she plelsed: The "r"' a tsu. uuw diviuuju uiiiuu uunu iivut j tvAari!. rrttar. nniiiiHi. i hh iuuj 1 cbucbw:OTluob 4tvas' elevated on Mglti-jri Wt' W4.u'lresldl!te-:w89'!rfPTfed four years, and always when used according tothe JtaWeS, so ato rest gsend w jth Win-1 gtrect, one of twhose . eve" wa in- uirecuuiiB, wim ueciaea Deneni.ji mmj m, i aow-SUl. AO tne BSioiiisnftw,,oi UnrvA M cears affO DVi'Al PkOCB aiiBUn good medicine for the rfcptibe Uvfcr- Ka BT.fartra ha hnnnmi ikgiiiLiim. i?ir LI eHhhrt iill JnsucB oi uir o oa-i4c-and nrodJrceara; parua unTytiuu, irn rnn iirtra ihii t wiui wiixr iiviilti i a. rf. .vum m&T ' 'a - aw the use of It Hibax ueorgUL matorrhea, lm- t. ana an Mtht rt Allow, u t Original andGenmne, ; J. H. ZElLIN &COi IB yearsytui4 KyfffiSSI' t til.the twas '(fflleiye.'-JTtii f oonaoH a? Bvirinafhetuv. drajftiiement of I a b .AU.ut 1am m winififa -1 in amdl&ai. I rarLininjHiA. Pkl lihtpAiii K feo anr-rha.ladv'MQTed -I"-:!. V .at Ltssltude. Jain in uw dock, imoiihhwi w Prie$l. Baldly. April 18 dlawftwlyr. lm, Prematiua Old Age, . k niBiapa riiin ni mil .1 frill paitkiilaw . 4 ...uili twMn IrM i Sneerie MadtetM is mli Am aarl muriT nOuir IMaeaaes I , , "w'B?,."tl.3 InA rrn-k-c3-vr;-i; to be a skilled musician, and at the close lor hertiret piece -Tanner ciappeani ithe ;, b-o'ss Mffl.' .TOTTT It S i;IT D ; ,C H 1 1. D B B i . -m -w. w-. m r-v- -a- rf". a -attitti r i . . urii y a, mj,i . a, m mi ix.1 ym a-c a .-. .fn a a . f iiii , tii..-MTft'i w . . .-' , .... .;, ixi ctti'Ui1 'art 43 . .a-w tv,a .TnKii'f- f rvTtira' ltrvitfen. 'no atouuio- :w cww xuc" ... . ; i.;..; r . .j. 1- , , . - ' i it -.ui 'a I nriAfen than thev can be Utib ! " lasiPrfttoentof lAdies. Mew Boys, Misses', and ChUdierfs f&t&Wfi HFforMn: BoTl- and Children. Give us a calL KfSl : 'bmgyWlserf A ai4dlliBBortaent ofHabi, such as jpipWWool, andtrawv HSU tot man, noys, iouhi. hi . w K. & CO. lent was 4 - - -' ii , mi t- .:- -t S ii.i .- . 'i.-u. i"Ui ii; 'n; , al J I " -.1 t 1m l rjT(,ryT;ij in win 4.J -i'. 1;. i-;.' irfrhfiih step than any man could who had Jttst v a7,fl OTrjoUo, eaten a big dinner. Nobody would hve iirttwas mpl k.wHMMW?iw-1 - 77, 777 r 1fli ftail.thafcarnan who had iust entered -":?DA-lfK in t. stemiJt:! lJlo -nro 3dl J?-5ibJ d ?rtw.-ia oiece Tanner clapped hMlSASSiTEffl it rwvflTl? A xjTit KAMrWlftRt 1JN 1 Jiil JJ. A JC ;r hands as enthusiastically as if he UlmaM it? tne?6bera- ' ' t5ST rmtt-r.v.u? ou , . f r wkVi-(t,Jikiff rrW ranf.rnrfanmnani " .AViI Lr:iUl Am'. 1 ' V " ' .' " .4 ;lt- running m looms as: weir iacwry i iTJ(UwJ.Sr w - i - . " , ; ..f.f. i.imdiu WUIUH W . .. ! I r.T- .'. ;tl'.- lvtllM TJi .-i ii ..f.i.i. .. ... " PBAEitf :' rBSf ASJW 4 s 'itft'lTiMatCf