Dn-SAMFOBD'S 12 I WIGORflTOB Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOR BALE BY ALL DBtJGGISTS. way30-6m.deod BTke Paiiest ud Best Medidme ever Made. of Hob. Buchu. Mandrake! LdoJiOfl. vikKUttaebeMandmoctmj c mil OLutsx janen, mtrm uki RurMler. Liver RtculaH wa enmpossucr oC wbaw uopfj IBi tter r wd, KVuiil awl perfect are thebfj frksy gin r lift 1 vtaf to U in! aad tafia Toallvfcoaei we irregularity ol or who require an n, uop muert without intoxicating wh. map (eel mnn or smmtotna arr feeT tw. ilMtein tir Hop BitterJ lrvt nit mta Tom are Doat wait anta 70 are kmbntlf yoa only feel iMilfc.Mlhi JmHbxvh onn, it may iv toot life. tlnrMUD uut win tut Mid lor tcueth loot cure or nuii ivt Knihinuir lt toot goffer, bo t iimbtmuubio nee HOD is - nmiittiifiiiiu vile.kv d r n 7 7 d. Umken Baatrnm. bat the Purest nlfcfcBet Media Hdne enr made 1 the "invalids FrtenWd aadfl IffijSSl aadnopereon orlamuy anouab TO. I. O. ieaAaiMohite and irreatnik) core OTopnmooaoeoaaaBarooua.; f Un eeldby aHMtghta Send (or (areolar. K&Ct, Boebecter,K.X myl eodftwly SERVE AN INJUNCTION ON DISEASE Br Invigorating a feeble constitution, renovating a debilitated physique, and enriching a thin and innutrttloua circulation witn Hostettwrs btomacn bitters, the finest, the most nuchlr sanctioned. and the most popular tonic and preventive In exis tence. i or sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, Do You Want Health 7 Why win ye die? Death, or what Is worse, is the Inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It Is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional ruin. In all eases of suppression, suspension or other irregu larity of the "courses," Bradneld's Female Regu lator Is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of men struation. 11 u a legitimate prescription, and tne mot intelligent pnysicians us it. rreparea Dy ur. J. Bradfieid, Atlanta, Ga. 81 50 per bottle. Sold by X. C. Smith and L. B, Wrlston 4 Co. NOTASULQA. ALA.. JulV 7. 1877. Bradfield's Female Regulator has been thor oughly tested by me a In a great variety of cases, and I am fully convinced that it is unrivaled for v ail mat class 01 diseases which it claims to cure. J. C. HUSS, M. D. Prepared only by the SWOT SPECIFIC COM PANT, Atlanta, Ga. Bold bv T. C. Smith and L. Tt WrUton A Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's neuas. may27 dftwjm. WLVintthzs nntX Qtvozlx. ESTABLISHED IN 18587 Fine Gold and Silver Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamonds, Silrer and Site Plated Ware, Gold and Silver Spectacles, and everrttiinff kept Jn a FIRST-CLASS JEWELBY store The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old Gold and Silrer. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Fine niwttci, vwcks aiKi jeweiry. ILL WATCH "AND CLOCK WORK Warranted for Twelve Months 111 goods sold at this establishment warranted as represented. H0NE8TY IS THE BEST POLICY. JOHN T. BUTLER Carotin Jewelry Store, Charlotte, marl 2 : kimkti Democratic newspaper, 1b a fcelghbor tngtowiv.on account of tne pressure of other busl Uess on th present editors and proprtetoravla; of- wJlL. mm rf.KiioKaH In a thriving town. With One buslneae prospects; and has a business noij -that would return nivrr reiumiici "T.i feould attend to tt. Very aeeomodotlnc terns wUl XZXm -1 ww- .Vmhwi n-nuii-uwu Anvannli tz'Aadi tat purchasashould be aqcompanled iUi wrerenoes, and may be addwased ta "0," Char cta . v. v .'jvi'ip-.-, n m ttw IS . STOMACH flTTE Newwr For Sale. hc Charlotte bztazt. SUNDAY, JULY 25i 1880 DRESDEN. A CHARLOTTE AW VISITS THE CAP ITOL OF THE BIlfGDOJIOFSAX. Cirapbic Deacriptiost ! tlie Iictu retqne Old tftue f the Wendifch Fivlseriuen A City of th 13th Cen tnry. s In my last I ' gave you an outline ot Meissen, from whence we came to Dresden. Accompanied by my lady friends. I set out for a general review of the city. Dresden is a beautiful city and decidedly American in appearance. One of the chief curiosities is what is known as Gonene Gewoelbe, or "lireen Vault," which comprises the western wint? of the Kmc s paiac. ana consists of eight rooms, leading from one into the oilier, mey contain not owy me jewels and silver vessels of the royal lamilv. Dut many specimens oi me uu- est works of art, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century The collection of jewels and works of art was com menced aoout tne year louu Dy unite George, the Bearded, and has been pre served and added to ever since. You enter through a ponderous gate, which is guarded by two soldiers, vv nen you reach the hall a lady appears, with whom you deposit all unnecessary trappings, when you are conducted. through a large door into room jso. l, or the bronze room, which contains statues and groups of various sizes, which were mostly purchased by three Electors, namely: Christian, L and IL, and John George. Among the bronzes are "Hercules on horseoacr and ine RaDe of Europe by Jupiter." Among the most wonderful works is a copy of famous antique group, called "The Bull of Farnese, or the bull by the horns. It is a copy of a group by Apol- inius and Taunscus of Rhodes, in the vear 400 B. C. The history of it is as follows: It was conveyed to Rome in the reign of Augustus, and was after wards discovered in the oaths oi tjara- calla, in the pontificate of Paul IIL In 1788, .Ferdinand iv. oecame tne owner of it, and transported it to the garden of his palace in Naples. The copy was made in the year ieoo. uaving none the bronzes, we pass to room No. 2, or that of the ivories. At first sight we are impressed with the idea that half the elephants in the world were slain to furnish so much ivory. There are over 400 specimens of art, all made of ivory, most of them said to have been made by princes and other high personages, either for the love of it, or while incarcerated, to pass away the time. One thing is sure: W re quired more than an ordinary degree of patience to execute sucn intricate and beautiful designs. We noticed partic ularly the following: A goblet carved in relievo, representing the "Triumph of Neptune and Amphetrite" ; a pitcher representing an allegorical exhibition of the fiva senses, personified by five women ; a powder flask on which the Saxon coat of arms was engraved, in which is a very diminutive watch: Abraham in the act of sacrificing Isaac, and an angel staying his hand ; quite a number of articles representing scenes in the New Testament: and an ivory toilet table, which at one time be longed to Magdalen Sibyl, wife of John George II. We now pass to the chim ney room, so caned irom a tire place, or stove, placed in the centre and made oy the court jeweler, J. Uharies JNeuber, in 1808. It is of a peculiar earthen ware, and ornamented in relievos with precious stones, minerals, agates. topazes, amethysts, mother-of-pearl, jas per, dec. lhe workmanship is most delicately and beautifully executed, and is a monument to the skill and in genuity of its builder. We also find here many striking ohjects made of ostrich eggs. For instance,' cups vases, and sugar boxes, all ex quisitely set in gilt and silver. An ostrich egg, whose record shows it to have been laid in the menagrie at Mor ltzburg in the year 1734. It was set in silver, gold and china by order of Au gustus III, King of Poland, and elector of baxony. Others are made into drink ing cups which the, Kings in olden times used on gala days. On another shell was carved scenes from the life of Saul and David. We also noticed a number of ancient knives and forks, spoons, and salt cellars made of mother of pearl. set in silver and gold, and at one time used bv the rulers or .Europe. A fruit dish belonging to the set of superior de sign, with a beautifully painted battle scene, of the time of Darius and Alex ander. In our anxiety to reach the jewel room we pass by hundreds of things unnoticed, and enter the fourth or silver room, the sight of so much splendor and wealth is dazzling, but we can more readily appreciate it, because it contains metals, silver and gold, of whose value we know more than of ancient carvings on eggs, and ivory, We see here an innumerable collection of side board ornaments, buffets. &c.. which is still used by the King on State occasions. Jfirst is a wine cup m the snape or a non, made oi silver and gilt On each side is a goblet, one represent ing a bunch of grapes, and the other a pine apple, all handsomely arranged to ht a magnificent waiter. We are next attracted by a large basin representing the least or liacchus and Adnadne. Near by We find a still larger basin, wnicu is usea as tne baptismal basin. V V ! 1 - il a a . in christening tpe children of the royal lamiiy; it is cseautnuuy rengraved. to represent the ceremonies of christen ing bv John the HautisL On a tllo near by we find a huge clock of silver and gold, decorated with diamonds, emeralds and rubies, made in the 12th century a most wonderful niece of mechanism. A silver and gilt laver, the engraving of which represents Esther Ahasvereus. We arrive at last at the 44 T Y ..11 M . A t -w-m xi aii oi precious tmugs. llere -are tne most costly vessels cut out of stone collections of cameos, gems, &c Jn a glass case we see snuff boxes; cijrjs,i spoons, seals, &c, made of jasper and onyx, also the signet of the Queen bf bpain, Josena, who was a Saxon prin cess ana consort or J? erdinand III made of pearl and crystal. The moat re markable piece of mechanism is a clock! representing the tower of Babel, made in tne year ioi8. .Every minute a crys tal ban about the size of an ordinary marble comes out of the hole on the top and runs down by a spiral roate around tne ouiiding, to an opeaiBg at the base rrom which the ball rebounds and is thrown by a spring to the top of the lower. The falling of the ball makes a record of the minutes by which Saturn strikes with his little hammer. There are also figures and planets which for merly moved and played delicious' ma sic, but they have stopped, perhaps nev er to go again, as they have never found, a clock maker who could set the ma chinery In motion; gems of agate and jasper, on wnicn are carved the portraits or an tne ropes, rrom st : Peter to Bene dict VIII, and the Roman and German .Emperors from Cajsar to Constantino We also noticed a rock crystal goblet wnicn waapwnea py, Martm .Luther, and was in 1793, by the citizens of LJttan. presented to the King of Saxon v. .We saw. here the. largest smoked Jtopi V buutf iu mo Known woriu. uo pamv tnga representing the Kings of rPolanV", were no aoubt.very1..firAeRWorMoi ai Dut as neither my lady. me,nds. or.. nay self were' connoisseurs' wa 'virave , litlh attention to this department, ;and pass ed on ; to -vine :xorner",rpr nmBj,:rqom, where we found two hundra and forty specimens of elegant carvings in irory precious stones, pearls and relics of tie 17th century, all presents to theJKojal House. We were ' especially attracted by a bird' of badomen-an owl made of enameled gold, eyes of onyx stones, studded with diamonds, the whole in tended to be used-as a smelling bottle for the Queen. The next curiosity wS a golden egg, and while it would not do very desirable DreaKiast iooa ior Carlsbad invalids, yet as a trip here costs a small fortune, an egg of this kind would not be unacceptable. c was a present from a Polish gentleman to "Augustus the Strong," ana usea ror the preservation of precious odors (it seems those fellows must have- had good noses). When opened at the bot-. torn a reservoir of perfumes is disclosed; when opened at the top there is seen at first the yolk of an egg in gold, under it a chicken of the same material, ajid when the chicken is opened by means of a small spring, it discloses the Polish crown, richly adorned with diamonds and pearls, and when the crown is open ed, a small diamond ring is displayed with the motto "constancy and ndenty. Wo now pass to the 7th, called the wood or armory room, vv e nna nere ittle of interest, it being usea to noia the cases in which the valuables are to be packed away in case of war. Our imagination is so wrought up by what we expect in the next room, mat we nass hurriedlv through, not however, Tvithont admiring a vase or card basket made of ordinary dough or "aaobatn bfeadJT It is called the vase of patience and really it was not misnamed, as Job in his best days would never have found time for the execution of so difficult a piece of work. It has a representation of all the fruits upon it, was manufac tured by a Miss Myers, and is a wonder ful piece of work. AVe saw an ordin ary cherry stone on which was carved eighty representations of human heads, ail perfect in snape ana leasure, coum only be seen, howeverb means of a microscope; which for a trifle was to be had; it was made by a sculptor at Nuremberg in 1630, and given to the Prince as a charm. In an elegant glass case we saw the two crowns, scepters and globes, used for the coronation of Augustus the Third, and his consort Mary Joseph, at Cracow, Poland, in the year 1734. Also the carpet which cov ered the floor, ana tne cioas wnicn toe Queen Wore, embroidered by the Queen herself. The jewels, which are said to be the largest of those of any crown in the world, are taken out and imitations substituted, but the originals are in an adjoining room. One of my lady friends was actually so overcome by the brilliancy of the diamonds, and her imagination so exercised over their value that tears ran down her cheeks. The jewel room is the repository of the things of the greatest intrinsic value, and the decorations of the room aione are a marvel of splendor. The mirror corner, which is painted in red and gold.is a perfect little picture of a fairy and. rne crown jeweis consisting of eieht diamonds, for the size and brilliancy, are not excelled by any in Europe. The kings have been four hundred years in gathering these eight stones. They are only worn on extraordinary occasions. A garland of thirty coat and thirty vest buttons, four shoe and knee-bucklers, diamond set, a clasp weighing 97K grains, an epaulette with a diamond ot 604 grains, and a sword, the hilt of which is adorned with 780 diamonds and various other precious stones, among which is a Bo hemian garnet, weighing 46 carats, and the largest of its kind in JiiUrope, You can only imagine the value of the jewels when you are reminded that the largest of" these diamonds would buy Charlotte and all its property, uut we pass on. and the next revolution of the kaleidoscope reveals still more wond rous fortunes, and all we have seen sinks into insignificance when we look upon the two largest diamonds of the whole collection, weighing 194 and lo4 grains. The star of the order of the White Polish Eagle, with a diamond weighing 78M grains; another sword, the hut of which contains 1S98 dm monds; the greenish diamond, weigh ing 160 grains. All these epaulettes, clasps, plumes, buttons, sword, neck buttons. &c.. were .the requisites for i court-dress, and were actually worn by the King ot Poland on btate occasions It is not a matter of wonder that a peo ple who lavished so much wealth, for show only, should have been wiped from off the lace of the earth, it is a reasonable conclusion that in their love of grandeur, their vices became correspondingly great. My ancestry hailed from roiand, and l win ever have a tender spot in my heaat for that defunct nation, yet I am convinced that their downfall could have been averted, but they were a brave people neverthe less, and 1 see here at Carlsbad, hun dreds of the true lineal descendants of those Poles. The women, as well as the men, have a proud and princely bear ing. The Polish Queen's trinkets for State occasions were quite pretty, and consisted of eight strings of pearls, four oi wnicn were oi oriental origin ; a aia mond necklace of thirty-eight stones, the largest of which was about the size of a small walnut; a brooch for a shawl. containing fiftv-one large and six hun dred small diamonds ; two ear-rings, ten hair-pins, three ornaments representing the sun (half sun and half moon); only sixty-two tinger-rings, consisting or rose colored diamonds, rubies, emeralds, &c. We saw two rings which had been own ed by Martin .Luther, one of them had the emblem which had been adopted by mm, namely: a "rose and a cross. We pass hundreds of ornaments, swords, shields, coats-oi-arms oi various na tions, &c., to admire a most dazzling piece or snver-wonc representing a court scene at Delhi, the throne of the Great Mogul. It is a silver platform ap proached by three steps. Around and near the Great Mogul are grxet hun dred and thirty-two representatives of human figures of silyer and gold. These are deputations of the various prov inces of the empire, doing homage and offering presents of horses, elephants and camels, all richly laden with vases, clocks, and precious stones. Near the Mogul are his ministers and guards and three ambassadors in a kneeling position on the steps, and a number of other ceremonial representation. The whole structure is about thirty feet square, and it occupied twenty-two men eight years to build it. It was purchased by Augustus the Strong- in ,1705 for 58,485 thalers. I noticed, one thing which was of particular interest to Americans, a sabre which belonged to Count Sobiesky, and was a superior and exquisite piece of workmanship. , I have thus endeavored to give you a deSOriptiori of a few of the many things I have seen. If I have interested you I am amply-repaid for my pains. One day in Dresden sufficed, and we return ed to Carlsbad ; the route lay through a beautiful mountainous country fn a high' state of cultivation, of whiob I Unay speafc.m .my next The only, in convenience of the trip, is that you are aroused at 3 a. m and as you are then on the boundary between German v and Y Austria, your joaggage has to oe exam ined. The officials, ( ho y e or., are kind and pleasant, more so Hum the Rus sians, whom I found Bthi;, haughty and overoeanDg. , . ;. ..... - p.,vt.$ Cheaper Than Physicians! Bills. "A Thin of iautx is a Joy JoreverWJiat, is It? Bometnlng prepared for woman only, and useaibr tnem exoiusttrelT, , it ts Adapted especially to eases where the womb Is 'disordered, and-will cure all irregularities of the "menses"or "monthly courses,' rbyr restoring, the discharge, whether; acute-or ca rosier la ef err instances w. Bradffleld's Female Begulator, "Woman's Best Friend.; la prepared by Dr. J. Bradffield, Atlanta, Gi.i pflee $f sODer botUeP Sold by T. C. smith WUl send their celebrated Electro-Voltale Belts ,o the afflicted upon 80 4ay trial, peedy cures wnai taey aay. .f) dt. J6 iy Kuaranteed. . Thermean it K 1. 1. Jti w " " Thf) CajnpaJcn. In the ffeti. Washington. Julv.21. information was received here to-dav from Senatt r Logan that the Western branch of the liepubucan national committee propose toma&e tne necessary arrangements for beginning an early campaign in the West, The committee intend giving immediate attention to the State of In diana, and to concentrate their efforts here for the next two months. The ablest Republican speakers in the land will be called upon to take part in the campaign in that State, and no efforts will be spared to make the canvass one to be long remembered. Senator 8 Blaine, Conkling, Logan, Edmunds, 14 15. vv asnourne, are expected to partici pate and arouse up the Republicans. A strong appeal has been sent here urging Secretary Sherman to take part also, and his personal friends sav that he will undoubtedly do so. as he has al ready signified privately his intention of going into the canvass and deliver a number of speeches ' at such points as the national committee might desig n ate. The Republican leaders here feel the necessity of carrying Indiana at the October election, and they think it can be done if a strong canvass is made. and all the voters are brought out. On the other hand, the Democratic politici ans here say that the State cannot be carried by the Republicans, and that they are wasting their time and money in attempting to do so. It is evident from the talk of the leaders of both par ties that Indiana is going to be the bat tle ground in October, and that the best speakers on both sides will be sent there to enlighten the hoosier minds. Tanner's Domestic Trouble. When asked to detail the differences with his wife he said: "Qb, they were very many. She had a full, very fjull habit and appetite; I was always ab stemious. She wonld eat fat pork and cabbage or beans three times a day, and everybody knows it is impossible for a man to live peaceably with a woman who eats pork and cabbage three times a day. She had a habit of gorging her self, and was always sick and billious. would mildly remonstrate with her. and hint that she could expect nothing else and that in fact it served her right for eating so much. We would then have a time of it, and some times I imagined a cyclone had struck he house. "I tell you gentlemen no man can live with a woman who eats pork and cabbage three times a day. I could not stand it and had to leave. She had her own horses and carriages and lots of money, for she was a doctor and had a good practice. I never com pelled her to starve herself. I onlv suggested that It would be better for her health to eat less, and also for the peace of the neighborhood. Take an old man's advice and never marry a woman who indulges in pork and cab bage morning, noon and night. Who is Mrs. Winslow T As this question Is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thir ty years, has unUrlnirly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class. and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime stent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething, it operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover, sure to reguiate me Doweis. in consequence or this ar ticle, Mrs. Winslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rlsewp and bless her; especially is this the ease in this city, vast qwmuties of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and-used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has Immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands oi children have been saved from an early rave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un om will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one. In our opinion, until she has elven it the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlns ojrup. iry 11, mouiers iry u now. iiaaies visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a Dottie. nov20 dkw ly Commonwealth Distribution Co. Twkhty-Fibst Drawing. On Wednesday, June 30th, the 21st drawing will occur, (juletly and regularly every month this company distributes its prizes. Now is the time to Invest for the 21st drawing. Tickets only $; and may draw a prize ranging from 830,000 down to 810, amounting to $112,400. Kemlt to B. M, BVAuiijaiArt, uouneisjournai tsunaing. .Louisville. Ay., or same at kos. nu t and auy Broadway, . i A FOOL ONCE MORE. "For ten years my wife was confined to her bed with such a complication of aliments that no doc tor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and i usea up a smau rorcune in numDug stun, six months ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and I thought I would be a fool once more. I tried it. but my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her, she is now as well and strong as any man's wife, and it cost me only two dollars. Such folly pays. H. W.. Detroit, Mich. Free Press A FRIEND OF THX FAMILY. Tor old and young, women and children, the great health restorer and preserver Is Dr. Flaest's Improved Liver and Stomach Pad, that does away witn medicines, ana always cures. COISDMPTIOI 1 0l TRE LUNGS Cures Consumption, Colds, Pneumo nia, Influenza, Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis, ' Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, "Whooping Cough, and all Dis eases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night sweats and tightness across the chest which accompany it CONSUMP TION is not an incurable malady. It Is only necessary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIR of RE LIEF, for this benign specific will cure you, even though professional aid iai. Us. t a HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. the Most Powerful Sealing Oint ment and Disinfeqtant ever Discovered -Henry b Carbolic Salve heat burnt. Henry ' Carbolic Salve cure tore: Henry's Carbolic Salve allay pain. Henry' t Carbolic Salve cures eruptions. Henry' Carbolic Salve heal pimple: Henry 'a Carbolic Salve heal bruises. : Ak for Henry's and use no other. EV BEWARE OF COUNTESFEITS. I For MAN and BEAST. For External and Internal Use. THUS GREATEST PAIN RBT.TKVim OF THE AGE. 1 Edey's Carbolic Troches, A SUM J?aKVNTlVJ! OF , Contagious Piaoaaea, Cold, JXoaraeneM, ' Diphtheria, and TtooWkff Oottg-h. rieaaant to the taste. ,. I I Believe 9ypepaia and BflI6une c For gate fey an Dragglst JOHN P. iimir j&co., 24 College Place, - .. eW-Tf GAR IE SIRED I HALLS BALSffl BAin PAIN PANACEA NEW CROP UDEMIPSEW White Globe, Amber Globe, Golden Ball, White Norfolk, Flat Dutch, Red Top, Aberdeen, and Ruta Baga. These Seeds are Fresh k Genuine. L. R. WRISTON CO. - July 10 ' ! DR. J. II. OcAdtD, Xow often to ttMtnde foarteekef Labia's Extraets iwi Ctltgnes. SPICES Colgate, Hoaey and CByoHaa Seapa e Kngltih, French and linarlwi TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at aU aoura, both night wot day at & a. xoADXirs m W ID. JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN H. MCADEN. A full assortment of FROM CROP S 1880. July 18 TWO CAR LOADS WATERMELONS TO ABBX7X. LEROY DAVIDSON June29 THE NEW MOREHEAD CITY HOTEL, : HOREHEAD, N. C. rPEUB new and snlendld Seaside Resort will ba JL thrown open for the- accommodation f the DUbUo brthelst of June, v The hotel is entirely new and affords ample ac commodations. The building Is supplied with wa ter, gaa and other desirable convenience - The rooms are large, thoroughly ventilated and well fur- wauea witn new mrmture throughout. We exaggerate rothlng in saying that this la the most delightful Summer Resort on - the Atlantic Coast If Is safely located near the water and com- manas a magnificent ocean view and a fine reiresn ing sea breeze. Being located on the VarnhMd Ma. vfsttors. on getting off the cars, are saved the annoyance of uruBHiuK me water in Doats, so fatiguing alter a long Journey, and especially at night time , or In stormy weather. The OUikllnr in to wntnmbf in Mtwtwr tt mi. cuUariy comfortable and attraotlTe to persons seeki lng health and pleasure,, -..... . , LTAB'wlu'wpplled: with all the; dell-s cncies mm season ootn lana ana water. - Sr toM and .ateatlv, and jothVTOieh bfeT under guest mfrmi fffmW Baimng. --rne sun is onrr aoout a mile distant alUntboaucAn be nadaaiumie tot atSfc nuuB, uwm sou nuiud KM UlUOUOM Mat men in charge of thentt , t-T TTt ' We' hare a splendid Ball Boom nd the Italian Band employed to tfc season, Jl. ufSt i"?? Special arrangemanta made with tan Buist's Fresh Tnmip Seed A.W.UTOGU' ., .-. tan 4 CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C FRVFT JABS, JELLY TUMBLERS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREIZERS, WATER COOLERS, Full stock of CHINA. GLASS-WARE, CROCXKRT, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARS, AND HOUSE FURN ING GOODS GENERALLY. Majolica Ware and Fancy Goods. Wholesale & Retail. CLOSING OUT t x nsr w .a. :r, :e AT A SACRIFICE. June 20 R. M. Miller & Sons. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Cor. College and Fourth Sis. CHARLOTTE, N. C. June 27 WAG OH S. OWING TO THE DECLINE IN IRON, I HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT MY LOT OF AT A REDUCED PRICE. CALL EABLT AND SECUBE A GOOD WAGON AT A LOW PRI C E. 100,000 One Hundred Thousand FINE 'CIGARS AT A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE OUT. COME QUICKLY, OR THEY WILL ALL BE GONE. teas H. Gaither. June 11. C-ii Tobacco: nown hi Western North Carolina la hoted foe Its good smoking qualities, the, nest of usea mi uus orano. Ask your nearest merchant , for a sample peck age( at, ttnumi flegl, wyito fp r- fecu .BBooxrrjxn. Webster Warns ;I : I onozazi . Soots an4 5ltocs. t NO HUG ! NOW IS YOUR TIM l C Grand Closing Sale ! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. The remaining Stock and Fixtures of A S I E L ' S ESTABLISHMENT Will be sold regardless of cost to wind up the business. Call and see nrtaes. tou win tu mniinnui P. 8. Extra indncemenia oftamd tn shniauii. buyers. Next door to Dr. J. H. McAden's drug store. ol3 FRESH (1 CATCH OF 1880, FOR SALE. July 16 Condensed Tiie TaWe Nortli Carolina R.R. TBADa GOIKO XAST. Mi Mayer k Ross I I No. 6 Date.Dec.25'79 No. 47 No. 45 I Daily Dally I Dally ex. Sun Ly. Charlotte, 8.50 am 4.10pm 'Salisbury. 6.03 am 5.64 pm " High Point 7.31 a m 7.07 p m Arr.Greensboro 8. 10am 7.37 p M L. Greensboro 8.20 A M 5. 00 p m Arr. HJlUboro I10.234M 10.22 PM Durham 11.02 AM 11,54 am Raleigh 12.20 p M 3-00 a m U. 8.30 pm 6.00 4 M att. Goldsboro i g-QOPM I IQ Q0A No. 47 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. all points in Western North Carolina dally except Sundays. At Greensboro wltb K.4D. R.8. for all points North, East and West At Golds boro with W. & W. R. B. for Wilmington. No. 45 Connects at Greensboro with R. ft R. R. for all points Hortn, East and West. TSAINS GOING WEST. No. 5. Dally ex. Sun. DateJe&25'70 Na 48 Daily. No. 42 Dally. Lv. Golds bo ro, Arr. Raleigh, Lt. Arr. Durham " Hlllsboro " Greensboro Lt. " Arr.High Point ' " Salisbury " Charlotte 10.10 AM 12.25 p m 8.40 pm 4.52 pm 5.80 P M 7.50 pm 8.20 f m 8.55 P M 10.16 pm 12 27 AM 6.84pm 10.45 pm 7.00 am 9.19 am 11.07 am 8.46 pm 6.56 A M 7.80 AM 0.15am 11.17 am No. 48 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch, at Air-Line Junction with A, ft C. a-L. Railroad for all points South and Sooth -West At Charlotte with , C. ft A. B. R. for all South and South-east No. 42 Connects at Air-Line Junction with A ft C. A L. Railroad for all points South and South east ; at Charlotte wltttm, C. ft A Railroad for all points South and South-west SALXM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrire KemersYllle " - 10,00 p m Arrive Salem, " " " 10.60 p in Leave Salem, " 6.00 pm Arrive KernersvOle " " " 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.00 am' Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. ft B. and N. C Railroads. SLKKPIMG CABS WITHOUT CHANOg Run both ways on Twins Voa. 49 and 4Tbowepn ifewjrQXad4gafabimichmond, Getebqrt and Charlotte, and betnreenreensboro and ihtns ta : and on TralnNos. 43 and 48 pptween Boston tOM Savannah. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, NortU and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B. KACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent jan.12 ........ , , Eichujc-ud Yd. '4 1VUUI W VUIV ItlJ SnpxaiHTiinirr,8 Omoic, l Chartotte, N. C., July gtlj, , uuSos'M; w ; : qp NORTH. , lw(tokty&.Miii.:.. 8 45 n m, inm afttBsvm,.MT..,...lu,.-..ii Qo . m- S??!?VM A.i.. v 2 15 a- w- " Davidson College, "'...,1.48 a. m- Arrive at Chartotte.... , .-.v.:' g 80 a, ro. 3w"-Cloe eonnectloiT wade at Statesvllle with trains over Ue Wi;NC R R. Excurstoo tickets to U prtndplft points to W N.C-onsale at reduced rate. Baggage ehecked fltronglki!; xiia ,. MJ.''fiCSMLEi,

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