m - X it 1 ' 1 1 1 i . . i DtSANHWE IftnflGBRATOR OhlyVeiabti Compound feafl acts aireciiy upon yie juiver, ana cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. 1 It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels purines the blood. A Boole sent free. Eh---Sanford, 162 Broadway, N Y; FOB BALE BY ALL, DRUGGISTS. may30-6m;deod -" - TTkaPai aad Bast Medldse ever Made. AeombV otMop, Buohu, Mandrake! Dan wnvni, - " r . Wito, ail uk Demand mosccur TeproMr, 01 ail otnar wwn, mua ux Pu rlfler LWer Recti la' leaitn itessonag 'Agent ; hag A VrHerir 'BStM la Derations. ,Taty fin u Ittl vigor to tb tgtd and hflm To all whose employ intents cause Irregularity oil the kowela or urtm Appetiser Tonic and urUiarykorgans, or who reaolre anl StlmdlanVHop Bitter m kro lnraloable, without SMaWntoxteatina Vn matter what your feel mngs or symptoms ard whatthadiseaaeorailmeatis muse Hap, .Bitters. Don watt nntO too are kxntif Toubnly reel bad or miserable, use tneSittena as once, ic max bare tout life. It nas savea nan tSOO win be paid for a case thleywul not care oii help. Doaotsuffernor let yonrfrlend8 suffer, but use and unre them to use HOD Bemember. Hop Bitters Isno nle, V" rugged, droaken nostrum, bat the Purest ani Aw Best Modi bine erer made 1 tba "Invalid Wflanavd and Hope' and no person or family should I without tnem, - D. I. O. taaa absolute and IrreetMe cure fo Prnnkeness.nas ooptamofaaoooandssurotlcs. AlisoidbrirtHsta, Send for Olrcalac Bocbeter,X.l. mayl eodAwly SERVE AN INJUNCTION ON DISEASE' By Invigorating a feeble constitution, renovating a debilitated pnysique, ana enncning a inin ana lnnutritious circulation with Hostettr'3 Stomach bitters, the finest, the most-hUshli sanctioned and the most popular toolc and provpn'Jve la exis tence. For sale by all DrugglBtrand Oealetr; generally. Do loa Want-Health? s 1 Why win ye die? Death. Or what Is worse. Is the Inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual Bow. It is aeooditlon which should not be trlBed with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional ruin. Ia all cases of suDoresslon. suspension or other irregu larity ol the "courses." Bradfleld's Temale Regu lator Is the only sure remedy. It acta-by giving tone to the aiervoas centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of men struation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the mant f ntsftl Ittvanfr rthvalnlona no If PvanaMrl hw Tr -v--' , ffV STOMACH jsaaawssr J. Bradneld, Atlajuttar. SI -50 per bottle. SoldT'Tn'nStrtea . by T. C. Smith ahdL.H Wrlston Co. ? - v-iNoTAsPLfflL Ail., July 7, 1877. Bradfleld's -Ttaale egUaidr bas Been, thor oughly tested by me a in a great variety of cases, and I am fully ooHTinced that It Is jinrivaled for all that class of diseases which It claims to cure. J.C:HUSS,aiLJD. Prepared only by the SWIFT 6F1&FIC COM- fAfli, Aiiaata, ua. Sold by y. a Smith ) nd L. R. wriston & Co. for a copy of "Toung Men's uui on your aruggisi Friends."- may27 d&wl m. . . . IH 1858. her Watcbesy CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Kamonds, fcini fflyet Halei'f are, , . .- . 7i . !)...,: I .... -. Gold aud Silver Spectndes, and everything kept La-a . FIRST-CLASS JEWELRY STORE. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old (iold and Silver. .;- it- Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Fine Watched, Clocks and Jewelry. : i y - .-n't '(' . " ALL WATCH AND CLOCERrORX I A Warranted for Tel?e Jlonths, All goods o:d-at this establishment warranted as represented. HONESTY IS THE FOIICY; JOHN T. BUTLER Carolloa Jewelry Store, Chirlotte. ' mari'j At l"l A weeitiy uemocrauc n .a nelehbo imrtowa, on aeceurit of I th -nrafiiirfe off other bUSl ness on the "Dresent editors anfl DroDfletors. is of fered for sale, either In whole or In part The a- ;i . nes Ii weU eataUIsned. in a ihilvlns lowiLMtbrne w business prospects; and. has a business npw.hafc 1 BOnlrt Wktiim mmmm T.vtw MniiinaMtlM. tv 'AMI1 WflfV be'elveh. Refer brie Jones, Titt CWKUyrxtDBaiBVli jmnayplK e retewMesand 1 quwi addrejte addxeMed40- M,"ivnar?, i I so j . , WBS. W IiX.UOUJE' SUICIDE. , Ilqwrnn English Lord Trlf !e wun the Affection of an American wi dow, i ..?!,.'; J . Paris, July 24. Tlie Wetmore-ftng lesey affair continues, toflyurote public attention, and-' althofth It? Is the gene ral them&, of 'can versaiioaj here, it i p.urioiia to SV inac --wiui' siiiyie ex- ,9eption, that m9VaMrWmom. Kept OUt 01 113 fJ wspiiwia. Aii bui u L A LA kJ fc V - - . . with this fact, which, for the honor or the tJrMessibn,' I shall avoid noticing. I prefer to set it down to the prudent, reserve which the French press is al ways known td' practice on such deli cate ; occasions. Having been intra-. duced to the lady Albert Clinton lately at the house of a mutual menu, 1 nave profited by my slight acquaintance to obtain some inforniatipn regarding the rheljrhcholv affaiiV Her laaysnip" re' reived floe, QWrtepusly. and .Repressed Jii.wmiBgtte JWle01 me aliJhe unew of the circumstances fehe Jierseit nfrfcTriftd overcome "With Herief, "andher eyernlled with tears when she Degan to SDeak abeut hertleeeasedrf riendv After a few eresniBral reftiairks iaboufc Uie ru mors which" were in cifctilatTdn, I tofd her what I had stated in my telegram of Thursday evening and which sh pronounced to be in the main correct. Mav 1 asK. 1 said. "ir you are m uoai session or lora Anglesey s letters w Mrs. WetmoreV" 'r- W K0r"4iTOi(fc tihey re m tltA of.&lri yterJ 1&, his lordim had Clfe m fection for Mrs. Wetmore, '9iainni: less than seven of them he declared , IGirdmerof the yfarf&lLcOttebe dst pasiohatelafT that he would marry, her Uiftmonet..cantajn'aand Mrs. lords, but whom she got the divojfeifrbm her,hiban(Kf- fsomo0heir molt intimate acquam have in my poss'ession a ring, which he tarices, it is alleged, declared was an ll- rroua 1 ot in ilia fi ro A !1 Vfi nf laflt.Vn onth:" 1prifirnatft child. The caDtain and his ,i HerLadyshipibera wetandt))iigjtJ;wif, Jever, qjajmei fthe cMld as in a small DasKet containing; among othefeffe"cts of the deceased lady idaingold rifig; bearing the iojlowing inscription 61f the inside : "To Annie, from Anglesey, June 1, 1S80." Lady Albert Clinton thirf continued: "Mrs. Wetmbre came.to-urope apont tnree years' ago vith her son,!a lad about thir teen years of age. I think she met Lerd, Anglesey forthe, first time in Spaj.When stie'4fe4-rica,ieiia(i no idea of permanently separating her self from her husband, of whom she al ways spoke - with remorse, but Lord Anglesey turned her head by promising to marry her if she got a divorce. Ihis took time, so muVjh time, that begot tired of his bargain and deserted her as soon as she had broken loose from the onlv real tie which bound her to life aaj inaction for her cttijd. She! was haTiasome, anecnonate ana connaing, Poor dear, she was so faithful to Angle-sJ iiftv'afirrTieli-ved..in hint 'fiOJntirelv YrfvfrkoWe Kiad.ontlte.iveifueKle ber, occupying separate apartments in the same. house. Three days before her death she said, speaking of her hus band: 'Henry was always kind to me, butw hal nithing in.cpunnpO; We weW Mt trlade to" livefaippMy ."together. He was much too religious for me, and was no!; satisfied unless I went to churcH' all day Sunday, but he wa$ a' go6fl, iind man, 1 0ught never tb have left him. My fate should be a warning to Ameri can women who came abroad without t.hfiir lep-rtimate nrotectors.' But she rarely cave way to these remorseful feelings, for she loved Anglesey to dis traction. "Her last me3ting with him was on Sunday, June 20. He" told her he had to go to London on business. She said to him, with a sort of instinctive feeling, 'You will be true to me, Henry, and come back las qiikly &9,jp6ucan ?' He replied tmr he- 'lovecf fier siuch as ever, and parted with her with every demonstration of .affection, although he knew that he had written her a letter, dated the 19th, the day before, in which he bade her farewell forever, and gave her to understand that all was at an end between them. This letter was hand ed to her next day by Mr. fStone, Lord Anglesey's secretary, and it drove her almost to madness. It was then that I brought her to my house; for she had no friends here, and in tlie letter to jwbjipn iMvei Just ref errpdLord JMgle- sey gave her to understand that she liei AUAilHients aim vrute no more thnone,4etter to him. To this she wrote aerflrof a most toucn- 4ng -character, in whik"fehe. -appealed to thejlarquis Hianiijpd. lienjember, stre-'saH, all I nave' lost for you1. Can you expect that God will prosper you or yours when you are capable of such a dreadful wrong?' In another passage she says: -a it le possible that. you have no conscience' or " feeling or that you, a nobleman,' ateiroilling to turn me out pennilessiqto the world ,after all your , prpmises, to , say nothing of Tour pretended afcectioir'ap to the wek before-your irkrFiage?!'' .'' ' ' ' I was next shown a'nnmrjer of letters f romLptdi Acgieaeyj autbeaQticated by his family coat of arms. Tliev were all coucheflan;fhjnict WderiifeJerms. commencing with "My lovely Anna," "My dearefeH" and' ciongriwtth'exirav agant assurances of nhdying lovet'es teejji, and fidelity. Seen. o these let ters, Lady Albert Mrs.1 Wetmdre's lawVi contain explicit anavineq lflffl nf .marriagp nnfl fnyfir n perifld of nearly three yeara," When Tt an nounced that thfMalquis had ried hi '13(1 MriA V law- v 1 t uces, tsitifoc Irjbituled. mise ence hat effect was comme d with th Marquis's lawyers, who replied that eroffiatedslh Inflation ;as aend tuati I be use- here was no law punishing breach of promise in ranee, and that an offense committed. tdtfiot n jn yfchjs tlie c; sealed ,terst Li eidtfa 0 roBsing oin bsj h ivnciesev s niarrla Eve! iort maue to cairn her was A. 1 i v vain, and she paced up and down her room the imag!6t:or, de9foair.i:Thlsia asted ! until vv eonesoay morning,' wheffi on' enter ing her apartment, Lady Albert Clinton found her in the last .agpn .wilveyes glaring, hands.dfefcaid aiid ficesoldis- terted that she was hardly recognizable. The servants were, immediately seht for mec)4feid, bulIVlwas io o'clock before a doctor could be found. Everv effort was then made to save the poor Htwsiit , Hiie wntneu jn dreadful torture until about 3 o'clock, when she breathed her last. When the Maquis h4frl-o"4 thedBMlrlioly faent lentWtnrtuglftisCwyerS that he would contribute 50 toward the Ex penses of the f uneraL . The burial aioie at St. German cost 40.. nXhe .decelsed was a lady of refined and pleasing: nian ners. .She ,watf :of rjpdMd htgwith dark eyes and harnr" Her featares .-. had something of -tht'ewish - caste. She was graceful and attractive, with es pecially prettyhands an4 feet, and he kgbreWas faultless.' She was kind and he amiable to an .extreme, and of;.at sweet and "forbearing dispositionr-Eer oiily morning at tho o PTotestant Eoist br as Clinton said, and tBdauffhtSar or her sister, whereu TV-OA 111 ttmft tfiflrf slqWdl to t tneirHimta tothJbttnfl er up irca u l)il)ved.t6 ae IS. . v lhisiti I P eatn erm Urainafr i moment I KLferd 4lMnera4reb 'fJi&gJ4L MJUU. anHtrater, &i Ne.w ork The service and tShoirntedttieiintheWs,ith musufdly so4emectrw:XAfew pei- :ons prBsen,vau rat wipiu m leceasea.-'werB TrffjyTO-4o Hcai m laiew the rs. The sffir,yewtbenIlf?ed in the hearse, ana was driven away io iue Liitzaio rtilway station, followf d ry the . Ipdy, Albert Cliftton ana aftxJtbcr lafly. frue to the last thevr accompanied, the., re- maiii itdtSt- te'fmaft-etWh iere they were interred in the Strapgers' Cemetery. The expenseslod bk luneral were mostly borne by Lady Albei t .Clinton.' O?)0.T; A SUIT WITH A ItJMC!.:. A Woma- Keeping a Sepf tOK, Kif IT Yearsmillions of Doll Baltimore Sun. There is now pending in the courts of ,01110 a suit involving several millions of dollars in real estate, and whichy be sides bringing some of the most promi nent men in' the country, including .President Hayes, Chief Justice. Vaite, 3ti8ge Tilden, rand others, ; fot;ward as 'contestants, has an intensely romantic mstory ;onneccea wan it, in wuiuu Maryland family constitute the chief characters. The story goes that some time in the year 1812, a Capt. Ford, of this-Crty m married to one Lovey Buskirt, a widow, formerly Miss Lovey Ward; --Somerset ofty, Maryland. s said'tirtiaTf-left Baltimore in com mand of a privateer, which was cap tured by the British. Capt. Ford was taken captive and placed in Dartmoor nson, .wnere ne-remained ior some, me. but finally escaped by tunneling is'Vay out. He went to Sweden, ana lie closest 0ft awaivjexunied to :ty, hkm tfeei three nnlifatflrfi heSfAmJhls wife living" inagooii. sbfef HI afcoffound' thaW,here"wias airacwrtioweo mgnouse- hold in the nerson of a lovelv little rl, whom the neighbors said was the ineirswa. oiiaptiKfcVKiu. uiuwu iongremainactiverbirfrsoo after his return fcttea out jEsiayerjina maae sev eral trips to Africa,' landing Tiis living cargoes in this .country . at Charleston, Savannah, and sometimis hi Ouba. Re turning home again his wife is said to have become jealous of hjm, Captain Ford then left the' house "again and went West, where, he located a number of land ' warrants, among which was one at the Indian block- house, or fort, at the mouth of the Maumee river, then (1S17) a wilderness, now the site of the oitjl ofi Ttfedo. It isjbverthe own ership of this property that the suits are pending. - Capt. Ford, af for aa ab sence of three years, came to Baltimore once more, but 'finding1 his wife deter mined not to have anything to do with him, he left, going to Mexico, where he entered tlie navy of that country md served until 1822,' when he died intes- tate. His only- kinspeople, so far as known, were his wife.Lovev. his moth er and sisters, living in one Of the J?er England States, and his so-called child", the little girl, whose name was Erne- line. In 18&i or ISSlpersons from the Wrest eamebere and oommenced a search for th&keiu of Cant. Ford. Td these' ber sons was ftllegedHnat iiw. Buslirt, or Ford, represented that Emeline was the legitimate and only child of Capt. Ford, and selling her dowry interest in the Toledo land to them, she caused Emjeline. to convey the f ef , receiving for it a small sum of money. There was living with Mrs.-Baskirt a sister named Elizabeth Ward. who. 'it is claimed. begged Mrs. Buskirt 'to undeceive Eme line and totMtAer whose child she real ly was, so thatra fraud upon the pur chasers ot thejproperty niight.be pre vented, h,. Meanwh other partv, observing the growin importance of Toledo in tlia title to Ford's property, quited as t tiien yacan and unenclosed. After in- vestigatingtoome extent Capt. Ford's life, this second partv came to tlie con clusion thatie Captain had left no le- gttrriate cluldren, and so purchased the tifjte of thearppei'ty from Capt. Ford's mother andjslsters. It the course of time it happened that Ben. Wade got an interest in the property, and sent somje of his agents herelo see that the title was clear.; Thesegents found the marriage record or 01 uapt. pro. ana Lovey BusklTUn old St Paul'fHparish, tru. great ueai 01 ugutiug in tne-Uhio courts between the owners 01 the two titleSuie case "was finally de weed in faworof the Baltimoretitle dersition4riiving beejTA-returned to the court alleging that Elizabeth Ward had sworn thateEmeline was the legitimate ctaaghter oitCapt. Ford and Ms wife Lovey. ' ( About a Ha afterwards, bs;evfcr, E44abeth Tvara, who was then married to a man uxtxl Johnson, andJm liv iog.near Mtiem, a few miles from Cris- tieiq, bomerset county,jiu., saw an a etftrnt of thTfcision in a Baltimore p; per, and was heard, to declare. that grfiat wronxwsd been committrM,- an srre and she-'wone could right it To Mr. John IfSB&ndy, of this ciU, ant 11 y man," 37 Western lawyrx who u to awMw. sne reiusea t disclose hing aSto whothe real paremffcf tlie child werebut persisted in saying that she had neveiHSaid that Emeline, was pon ide it jvas ob- ained by Kqgjfltl and fraudulerjj testi- Judge , a cousin or Samuel ' J. Tilden, an principal -persojyy cor rought suit toecoveri . W 1 :cerned, tl: i possession i i" 1 1 i 1 nw pruperuy lusu uy uie hich Judge Irving, of .J 'uecree; ai -sneeial comm-iBaion-. took testimony to srtrsfafrre ise("(iR'ter a great deal of hard work Mr. Handy succeertedrat iastfitru JZ7iiti getting Mrs. Johnson, nee Elezabetn Ward,, to j mae atanwat 111 whichhA.ajctiow ieagea - Jthat JEmeline was her own daughtegT&B'cnmdtatfSffcH leap tain wno rrequented capt.viorQ8 twvseij Tovcoyeif her, altera disgracB ijapt. a ora s wire nadMWrareci to the world thatEmeUne was her own child, aim aa ixi uuu aim nveu lur many years. . ; o -,;;',, jj;jw And so at last thes.ecret ws disMosed. Emeline was itrarrrea xo S i!forriier cap-tainQfTanoy8teri)UBgy,;iiw-ho is now living in this .city.. Her mdiher, Eliza- bethrWard.'tlied at'Tier hQuse, in Somer set county, last year. Mrs. Buskirt has been deaxi' many vears. A great railway depot has been built more title, and,. it is said, nearly 300 dwellings It eomtirisea almost all o the fifth ward of that city. A large hum ber pf person ar directly, or indirectly concerned m tne case. : t Ilad at CetnrEtidHi ) . MadlsonWjls.) Denjocat , t - . We.met a Republican, vesterdav. wticr said jja-couia bxomach iiaxLiela. but Jre couldn t stand5 the tail Ciii the the" ticket. The next one-W,e jan a acio.i.-. assured us tlM he'-coWd.; wtjw t4ttur, but the head of the tnmg was a "stumper." Gen tliOijjytottld better reject the whole thing as rotten at bith bejadti4:j;ait Thre is lifctle. god it. in for w ixdlusivelytlMsfidapWd especially to cases where the womD isMmroerea, ana of the !Tnenses"or "moi 'x'byi restoring' the Mfsclarge, whe acute or chronic, In every tastanee 1 crauiiieiu b f ouicuo aokuoi. nviuouB v?o er "assured me: avir Hvmsiiuu a nnMtum tn nui. h :.jtiA . I - r . - .... ' . KU uivocaLnrem- tIiedecree?)riTrie cround that nd hvSqusl?lltfidactM esDecially n - & rln1 la nmmrAd hv TWS . HffHifltktf AtlahtaL1 DEJflOCIlATlC IIEADQTJARTERS. A I.arjre Honw on F Street Secured Washington Post ; ' " i.- ... The "Democratic congressional com- mittea have .secured" the house 1.405 !B j street for .their' iriiianent headquar ters aonng tne campaign. The-ToomS to be occupied are the first, second and third floors, and afford ample accotnmo- aaHons.- ane nrst floor wilt be"ued as a reeeptiorr room. The second will be occupied. Dy the ; chairman, secretary and executive committee, while the third will be occupied by clerks. The committee have furnished the rooms wiLii xeuiu;i aLiu simplicity, -Ana toon, possession on Saturdav. The commit tee will also have use of Willard's hall for folding and directing ' documents. xney propose to suspend a wire banner across the street, in- front of -their rooms, bearing the names and portraits 01 the candidates.) The banner ..will be 20x30 feet. The committee are inform ed from all parts of the country that . T-v 1 j muie i a,u eiuus are ueing worm ed than in any previous campaign. They are especially numerous in the New England -States and Pennsylva nia. A Hancock veteran club has been organized in nearly every county in Pennsylvania; A large number of Re publicans have announced their deter mination to support Hancock," while colored Hancock clubs are rapidly forming throughout the South. The committee has appointed a sub-com- jrrittee on documents and communica- national committee, Senator Pinknev Whyte, of Maryland, B. M. Bozer, of Pennsylvania, and D. M. Walker, Dis trict of Col umoii." 'They bave also con stituted a finance committee, consist- ng of the national committee man from each State, with whom.have been associated members of the congression al committee, ; The various committees are actively at work in the several de partments. Some members of the com mittee will be constantly m the city, and Gen. Walker, the secretary, will al ternate between hera and New York: The committee have received favorable reports from Ohio, especially since the recent State convention at Cleveland. Hon. Milton J. Southard, who has just returned from Ohio, reports great en thusiasm and activework all over the State, especially in 'the Western Re serve, : which is ' Garfield's stamping ground. No reports of the formation of clubs have Tbeen received without the accottipanyihg intelligence that Re publicans are enrolled as members. The Hancock veteran club has head quarters at 'Westminster hotel, and has representatives on its committee from nearly all the States. The national Democratic committee occupies the entire building at 138 Fifth avenue, New York. The parlors on the first floor are devoted to recep tion rooms. The other three rooms on the first floor are' occupied by the com mittees on speakers' which consists of W. A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania; Ores tes Cleveland, of New Jersey, and B. B. Smalley, of Vermont. ' On the second floor, the large front -room is occupied by p. b. Walker, the assistant secretary, wmie becretary ijarnum occupies the adjoining room. The third story is oc cupied by clerks,; while tlie fourth is not yet occupied. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebrate'd Electro-Voltaic Belts 0 the afflicted upon 90 days trial. Speedy cures ran teed. They mean what they say. Write to m without delay. nov. 1 5 ly. Who Is Mrs. Wlnslow ? As this question Is frequenUy asked, we will sim ply say that she Is a lady who for upwards of thir ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result ofthls eflort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing SrruD. kior chUdrea-teethlng. It operates like magic giving rest ana neaith, ana is moreover, SHre to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Wlnslow Is becqnaiiig world-renowned as a benefadbf of her racerchllareri certainly do rise up and bless her; especially is this the case In this clty.i Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here.- We think Mrs. Wlnslow has immortalized her name by this In valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share Its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering liuie one, in our opinion, until she has given It the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try it, mothers try it now. Ladles' Visi tor. New' Vork City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. nov20dfcwly A FOOL ONCE MORE. with such a complication of, ailments that no doc tor couKi je what vw uie matter oi cure ner, ana 1 used up s smarl 'fO'rturie ln humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and I thought I would be fool pace more. I tried It puttnj toliy proved to pe wisdom. Two bottleatcurad 14, fhe If Bow as fell And strong as any man'ajwitfefaBcfc It t rae pniyitwo dollars. Such .W4 Detroit, Mic. Free Press rTlQrf CAN CURED If n i liiAi o Cures Consumption, Colds, Pneumo- ma, lnnuenza, uroncniai lyimcuiues, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Cronp, "Whooping Cough, and all Dis dasM of tae.ireathing Organs. It SBtles aMrifittls the JtemAriftae of TO lungIhiianMid andWSdned by the disease, and prevents the night sweats and tightness across tne chest which accompany it. CONSTJMP- lncuraxue maijiii xl inesaparyito navekMe nsni rented y, iu HALL'S RlXS'Ai is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIR of RE LIEF, for this benign specific will cure you, evea though professional fails., Y . , , . rl. . , T 1 HENRYS CAQBOLIfi -tun. the Most Powerf ul Healing Oint ment and Disinfectant ever Discovered . ITenru' Carbollo )srl fealdbirnsil JIenja Oarbolic fgaZtw furei stores; SfW' trM PWf kUaffr Pain; tOirta Cfrbi,li4 gkfw fintpte. Senry 'T!krbtlU)Satv' Tveals bruit?. ask for Henry's and use no outer. tW BEWARE OP COTJNTEEFErrS " T 1 " ' ' ' '' n For .MAN and BEAST. 1 i?emAli(Arld Internal, Edey'g'CarDblio' Troches, rrtatfca Pi4aiB0B, Cold, oaJrsen.ess, Bipbtheria, and Whoopingr Coun. . Pleasant to the Taste. 3 SOU FBOPBXKTOna - ua. Hj mm m PMCEA Swtfls aufl gteftlrtms. I LANDEEfPHS'S NEW CROP tomip- mm White Globe, Amber Globe, Golden Ball, White Norfolk, Flat Dutch, Red Top, Aberdeen, and Ruta Baga. These Seeds are Fresh & Genuine. L R. WRI July 16 DR. J. H. SIcAden, BDCrom aid Kow offers to the bmo a follitsjckC Labia's Extracts and CIogneg Saghab Select SPICES Colgate, Hoaey acd Glycerin Soaps. taiil Trench and i merle TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Otfefany prepared at all boon, both night tat day at 2. H. MCASSiro rreecrlpUon Store. TH JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN H. MCADEN. full assortment of FROM CROP 5 1880. July 18 TWO CAR LOADS WATERMELONS TO ARRIVE. IROY DAVIDSON june29 THE NEW MOREHEAD CITY HOTEL, MOREHEAD, N. C. rpHIS new and splendid Seaside Resort will be X thrown open for the accommodation of. the public by the 21st of June. The hotel is entirely new and affords ample ac commodations. The building is supplied with wa ter, r&s and-other desirable conveniences. The rooms are large, thoroughly ventilated and well fur- nisnea witn new rnrnHure throughout. - We exaggerate rothlng 4n sartnir that this is the most delightful Summer Resort on the Atlantic Coast. It is safely located near the water and com mands a magnificent ocean view and a fine refresh ing sea breeze. Being located on the Morehead side, visitors, on getting off the cars, are saved the annoyance of crossing the water In boats, so fatiguing after a long journey, and especially at night time or In stormy weatner. The ooUdine is so constructed as to render it ne- culiarly comfortable and attractive to persons seek ing Mtttiiui ana pleasure. ' THE TABLE will be supplied with all the deli cacies of the season both land and water. 8er vanta polite and attentive, and nothing will be left untried . to . render guests and visitors comforta ble. BATHING AND SAILING, Splendid bathing arrangements wltWn a short oistance from the lOteL and one faculties tor open bathlm?..-..Theaiirf laanls about' a mile quianv fast sailing boats can behad at an times for surf- Datmng, nsbing and sauing, wun expenenpeaboat men In eham nf thmn. - - - . we nave- a roieiMKi isau swaasa-i iiiu-vManm niiioraanHnaBeaBon.v-j;:-i sm, i RATES.wBoard tsf the day S2JD0; by the week- li3.uu, ana r we muuui m,vy Sneei&l arranaemants Blade with families. : 3f. TN SCO fo"teft MUssvmxt l, BBfKXtSIXUV. A..W. USDOLM il A- TSLMJS OF J. Brookficld & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C FBVIT JABS, JELLY TUMBLERS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, Full stock of " CHINA. GLASS-WARS, CROCKERY, CUTLERS', LOOKING GLASSES, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARS, AND HOUSE TURN ING GOODS GENERALLY. Majolica Ware and Fancy Goods. Wholesale & Retail. CLOSING OUT T I 1ST W IR, E! AT A SACRIFICE. June 20 R. M. Miller & Sons. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cor. College and Fourth Sts. CHARLOTTE, N. C. June 27 WAG0M.S. OWING TO THE DECLINE IN IRON, I HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT MTXCT OF Webster W mbs AT A REDUCED PRICE. CALL EARLY AND SECURE A GOOD WAGON AT A LOW P R I C E. FINE 'CIGARS AT A SACRIFICE TO . (ME OUT. COME QUICKLT, OB THEY WILL ALL BE GONE. lomasH. Gaitter. - June 11. Qob&ccBf Sec. Tobacco grown in ; Western .' North CarollBa -la nosea tor vn good smoklnf ,uauues, jne, pen i Ask your nearest merchant for samnw back- pge; or, it you are a neater, wriwj m iu tor circa lars ana wmmesaie prices. aan;B i , . . . g. TQMLUIbUM, tUCKori. ff, C. Jan z ... TN the State-and JMtoa States-Courte. CofieV 'J,jr?LnWUte4 iAb- uaciaur.xiutNkiaunBH. as. mrniaruwi. mr mm 1 OIIOLCmG TOBACCO 1! NOW IS YOUR TIM i;. BOOTS, SHOES; HATS and IAFS. The remaiuiug Stock and Fixtures of AS I E L ' S ESTABLISHMENT . Will be sold regardless of cost to wind up the business. ' Call and see prices, you will be convinced. . P. 8. Extra Inducements offered to wholesale buyers. Next door to Dx. J. H. MoAdeji's dns store. jul3 . . F RE S H u r v nun w JUL CATCH OF 1880, FOR SALE. Jul7 16 Jlailvoads. CQniensed MMe-lMCari)liiiaE.R. trains oonre xast. I No, 6 I Dally ex. Sun Date,Dec.25'79 No. 47 Dally No. 45 Dally Lv . Chartotto, 8.50 A at 6.03 A if 7.81 AH 8.10 am 8.20 A m ia23AM 11.02 AM 12.20 F M 8.80 pm 6.00 pm 4.10pm 5.54 pm 7.07 pm 7.37 p m BaiisDury, High Point, Arr.Greensboro L v. Greensboro 5.00 pm 10.22 pm 1U54AH 3.00 am Arr. Hiltsboro Durham RaleUh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro 6.00 am 10 00am No. 47 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. fl ail points in Western North Carolina daily except Sundays. At Greensboro with R. t U R.B. for all points jNoruuKas; ana wesvAt WiasDoro wun W. A W. R. RTTor Wilmington. No. 45 Connects at weasboso with B. B. R. for all points North, East and Wast. TKAIHS 6CCH0 WMST. , , No. 6. Date,Dec,25,79 No. 48 Daily. No. 42 Dally. Dally ex. Sun. Lv. Golds boro. 1010 am 12.25 pm 8.40 pm 4.52 p si 50 pm 7.50 pm 8.20 P 8.55 PM 10.16 PM 12 27 am 6.34pm 10.45 PM Arr. Raleigh, Lv. 7.06 am 9.19am Arr. Durham HlUstwro . Greensboro 411.07 am Lv. " 6.56 am 1.30 am Arr.High Point sausourj i Charlotte itHii lM- lM No. 48 ConnnaJa atfiManaboro with Salem Branch, at AirUne, Junction with .A.J C. A-L. Railroad for all points South and South-West. At Charlotte with C, C A. R. R. tor all South and. South-east ., ., ,, No. 42-r-Cbnnecta at Atr-TJnd JuneHon with A. A C. A. L. Eallread-tor all points South land South east; at vnanoKb woo M. t A. u&uroaa ior all points South and South-wast. 8ALSM BBAHCX. Leave Greensboro, daily except Sunday, 8.50 p mi Arrive KerBeravUle : " " 10,00 pm Arrive Salem, . 1 0.50 pro Leave Salem, " " " 5.00 pro Arrive Kemersvllle " " M 5.40 pm Arrive GreeasDoro, " " 7.00 a m Connecting at Greensboro with trains ou the R- D. andN. C, Railroads. BLXSPIMd CABS VnTKOUT CHANOS Bun both ways on Trams Nos. 48 and 47, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and between Greensboro and Augus ta ; ami on Train Nos. 42 and 45 between Boston and Savannah. Through Tickets sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Golds boro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B. HACMUBDO. Geo, Passenger Agent, Jan.12 Richmond va. Surjckuri'Muwr's Omci, i ' Caariotte, K. GU Jalf 6th, 1880. 1 On and after WeAieaday, July7th, 1880, the feUowtnc wtaedpj wilt b. rum oyer this road: GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte,. ... 8 45 P. in. " 'SavidsoBUMlege,... Arrive atStateSvWe,...-. ...10 29 P. . ..K 00 p. m. -O0TN8 SOUTH. Leave Stafesvine... .......... ........ 2 15 a. m- fiavWsoaOoBete,....i.. .-.-... 49. m. drrtve at Caariarti; . tm.i . . m . a j 5 BO a. m. tVClose eonneetkm made, M StatesvUla with trains over the W. N. C. R. Bv Excursion Uckets to SI principle MjhTjTTO W7K.tr oa sale at reduced tes. BasWcheekwithrpdrHV 1MB Grand Closing Sale V Atlantic, Tenn.fi Ohio R.H a.-, urlee i7B(ferottle. Sold by T. C. silth T X. twsaso& jyieaKaJawitrus, may, nenrxsL3J:on la:, andOfcRwnstonaw). "-" .

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