! f - - Oadv, one year. (jwct-pafcZ) in advance. . Six Months "itlL... Three Month ? One Month.Ji. .Lvi j WJBJKLT MDITIOMt Has been th(ope KfPiW vttWM want, and wits ttBMWaeiMgT'yiWerj minnerof J6b.lp eaa,!! neataawjytfcwfcftffl." W eaafnra In at sliort notice. - - - . . - - , W county m, fffMMMf. . . BLANKS, BrXli-HX&SS, out o the county, pottpond, . . . . , f . . CAEB&-, six Months. iT. . . . . : , Hf- Libera Bedtntimufor Ctniti CHARLOTTE, N. CIIMIJLYM 1880. iiii ........... a 1ft I T , , s - - - . .- 1 LSTTXEfel RKAMl 1 1 -i.. ) 1 ' ' . ' ' i -. - , . : ' 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 HO I 7HT 4 i iiiii'-TnrTtT ithumim ji mwww rnnwnni urn 4 B v,JUato.- BAR 11 YM M. tIBi itti, i H K fi:TP T.IiffT 7. -i i rwiiHj BRITISH LAWlJI i 1 &C-, V 1o uoiicidifloP . M tf. nM,U; t(J .III!!:J id'i Tru; ii-'ii: l')lrt I. lit: .! If r. .if-! -.-.'i.i.'j JUST OPENED ! second lot ol s wm mmm 111 4 rO' VUVS'I fgnjff-ffapftlly. The Cfelma ey' Sonc - -And the chanted melody no sne knew: a And thihtraf tba neBhe had long Mnce lost iuu saiu, as ner tear arops oacK she loroed, ' i bate the wind 4a the chlmner.'' Over the chlmnej the night wind sang 'AM Chanted it melndT noun Irnnn i And the children said. s the closer ilrmr. I f TIu amf nil Y,nt- 1 VJ V.I.. I i !'Tls'a fatirlhat Just theh Wew, And we fear the wind In the chimney." Oyer the chlnaney the night wind sane ' And Chabted a melodr no nnn knew- 4 Apdhinianj-ane saten his hearth below, oaiu wiwumeui -ru wut aureiy snow, SMcMrime.", Oreiiftaofciinoey dha night wind sanc , And chanted a mejodyno one fcnewl Bufthetitetnstened and smiled, ferae . ' ' ' Was'nan. and woman and child; all three Ad nesld "It is Godta own harmony, . ,Thl wind that slags In the chlmneT." , - , ; . Bret Hartt: , 1; i ! tl II si ?Siij !f 'tl'il til. 1 . WVHMUUVUi ,1 Andftjel (s.deacaadfl r , And i n stop the lea $ao5 T3 - 4 MONDAY, JULY J9th, Alexander k Harris. 5 I, r- : "I ABAg GOODS ' as we must make worn for FALLUiPlWaeHASESl B Ell . ..-..! ..un.n . .1 . . our speing vmcpidpl' t i If" -ilk) . i BOOTS, SHOES, DATS AND Is now Complete. '' we are determined jo swtaifi, ou, t.s'::U THE: BKSTfWa . !, j iiii' t .n-av't'ff i iiii!iit-5 erK MMs. wkkshi eBn , seasiMe i penos tooWi in eueapesi in ine ena. nease caii auTse Of il.i.;uii.'l before buylnfti i tT If e jwlfl deal fairly and hon- 1arch MSiQliJfnjtilTilljfl uemocrat indTOrne eepy, r VBAssft)bpler, Doxea.ana snipped, 17 STOP ORGETIS ONLY 897.75. New pianos, S105 to Sl.600 Msumne(a lUBStraWdtfiAddrtefcf, M DANttL itmiiii 'i'i By his VfeMgfjrU)hkt Hok. Jorfl Fl eauoran dentadnli Is oomDlete. ted. PoHltlvftir Cfy-Best terms. -J In.. -i-i ii.: I.i tuii:-4t:f:-il I'-nitv. P K July 14 T. L. SEIGE turn PERRV IS AUREiT V rotxsaiUUlAX. am PARK KILLER ion incUaiiitr each bottle. ern in ta maM fnxpi PAirHCILLER SI Ik. ''1)1 holel.an i rrli ok a. a a jso PAINKILLER iglck-Headaebe P ;ABClfinill IUU ana jai r.rwjLn has -" failed wht MMOEbir ka r in ad lsl vtrftdth jSseiilrr.T Cai inumiviauiLJ IS.THE Bflofhp" use. :n aiwiil. 4 (Ml BEST ( or Sea.Sh-i in in the iMEk tEfor nrh. W1 paiihcilLer tissssSils brinp4Miy and perwiment relief irijair CactpK nta. Nnriini. Htnrara Kimin.ftr. ILLCtf friend of the IttScWnlc, gUj . a If 1 Tle Bill for gllef lrhk Teaanli. jJClie proyisions of the "compensation for damage"! bill, .which passed the British houseof i commons ' on Monday night, and: which is now before the House of. Lord, 'with ; every chance of defeat, are thus defined by its partisans: "Up to fflQ; the Liverpool Post, "no compensation whatever upon dis turbance was lven to farmers for any thing they put on or in the laud. They were turned oit at their landlord's plea sure without s farthing. From 1870 compensation iwas KUaraateed i br Mr. Gladstoue's ac ,But many; landlords have iaraetottoouped theniselvfta hv forcing up th . rents a process called racK rent, aunott unknown in England. Tenants could have no benefit on dih turbanee, UBdeilMr, Gladstone's act if they did not pa their rente Three bad seasons inrlniHSl8i 1879 rendered it impossible, ,lorhany of them to oav their rents, fthdithe farmers to ' 9t large i Aiiau j nave raw ihw on cnarity i irom England and Aibaerica. Thereupon the turn vou out without lh rvitiKTitW pr,Qpaineftfc apeakers already promised wnicn tne 1870 land act meant you tc are.fcjeoretary Sherman, Senator Blaine, -i' wniun m uisier you wouia Sentor,i Logan,; Bxecretary Robeson; bve without any -act at all,' But Mr. Gep.iwlev, and ipossible Secretary Gl3dstone Mr. Forster say i A $oljur?,r i . ... J temporary inability to payment arising ieohi ovecwnetming calamity snail not jrritxTltrr" tyt"-j, . -1 epnve tnose tenants of; the status .PW,RWmthat a;oody of twp: which is ermanentlv secured to them nmrarea or; more Stneers ShalL make r Tarious county committees will be 03 us CLOSING OUT SlF $20.00 SUITS TO BE CLOSED AT fl8.00 u u u . .: u u $17,00&S16.00 u u " 4 IHI- i:CJ ;l I i i i u :y. MMtTi u I Vl .-('(! .'! U ) , S, , $15.00 b .ii U.eM9tk AA $12.60 The .RemiuKcan cambaiffn ir Ohi landtords.ittalyay to certain ten, t. , ",furn?'Bf,,u5u9 mysx iSwIbrtietftoi WlUopen tocmaUvaoh' Auemat 20. sfnd I aots; Outiy-o. We won't waiti 1 haadaoiB-bonnd nannetSlSult la rtaoad at S10. ItiaikVmn BniaifiT.'wtn.rt.rUi ..hwI tot'i--..,--... Wdilbe kiewLwpi.wiiib great animation and Jou-can't !pay your rent vrewilil ij., ''ri l',:f ' ! '-'A - -77.," T 1 TT.T. 1frrrVIim'r ui . lectifln ayi .Among the more I kU1" jwuwiu ww"ub kue uoipensaxioai i ; f r wwitwumaaa w nnu u in'wipwnm' wwww uok- us w earv rai purcnasea, ana must nave BOOM; we WILL haye it Oar Spru Stock shall be WoseAior LOW PKlcraia1ll ii! -. nr. 1 . .1 l7j r. At KM m m 1.: IS .r? J0 xi -I.M .H 'irtdcl ii:- i MIX! .h vMi :!iiuii,--ejaiai50'iJKf4 ' si mm Vww7, rAnf. Vukinrr tulir1 Wir nnafnm in TT1a4-A thetdnrfi6f the Stte, accomoanied by and by the statute of 1870 in the rest of ireiand. now is it to be secured to them ? Both parties shall go before a COm- I Inrioro anrl if Via finrlo tha lanilnp1. nn j . . T . - , . y.t T WUU Aft. UV UU0 VUU HIUU1U1 u vir municaiea Wltn. 1 rfiaannahia ho nhatl mot fho lanHlr.wl ;.l i T. . fi . - I - A. memm The Ddasted "WiQiusfastnr and much Wil,' orsie some just concession, tub tred'Mliarmdhv,,'rtfrirff 1?.BniiWiah operation of the act isstrictly limited rty-'Hav!ittd eifetfetfdet in fact Atl a brifif time tne probablduration of hAnlirn. An' ari-.leruel distress, and thus resembles the pekfaihce of uSaMttftrhhri ih grace given by special acte to acceptors 4 tiobut theit hjUWaT detestation' has j0.1 D,lls whose acceptance fall dtie at a not been mitirateo. , , . i or commercial crisis, uojecuou t i' .ij 7 "P i.i-) i ; .i. ! 1 the first is von am inrivnovt.ha lanrl- The-Caufaaia-Greenbackers have maae otxnte$soial nominations in tba I hinyn aotk .v, &nicratamtiet,'wn)eh is stronfflv Demo-1 rirhf -vy. -SSwSiSS in.th ur wnIcn.the rd. to fulfill what the actof 187 clearly pdpneans can always carry against a di-1 lays down as. a duty of ; property. The vmeu opposiuoa - rights of Dronertv will not! suffer if he Gftn. TTannhv wrni a wor in i sfti I fulfills that duty. exceBt in so far as cbrdially eridorsirig the nomination of providential calamity may compel the &Vomaha'ir:&nd "deelarlmr that landlord to share to some small elctent the adversity of his tenants. Objection the second The Irish are such people that they will make this act a means of living on their farms without paying rent, though able to pay. Answer The county court judges are not such imbeciles as to allow this, and if thev did it would be no reproach to the pro posed act, which does not contemplate or sanction anything of the kind." June 2 v n MID- Of mom, aha-Bteirl and declaring that fee would "commits crime aeainst his 'C0UIty', if .he Aid not ' icquresce in the ih;& ii&ufcination.. . . . Parkinson, chairman of the iemocratic Wfatg eomBrrtte; pf Wiscon-i sin, writes rThe feeling in Wisconsin is exceliemt'ih . fact, I have nejrer noWii a Ssidehwal campaign to open .ark aiiomAki-kiia v " .llliereV are .'&eadv five entries from Missouri for the seat now held by Mr. Cockfell ifltne United States Senate liratz uro wn. J.am es U. Uroadhead. Samuel T. G4ep; Thomas Allen and (JUarleS I'.Jomtson i!fefi. :f!'-4S; Hamilton, lata TTnit.Prl 1 Scales marshal for Wisconsin, has writ ten' a tetter predictinar the election of Hancock, and atlTiOuping his. purpose on the nomination the negroes were left to upport him; 1 " ; ' . without a leader. They do not know nWorWRiW.- i'.h at thnt Jardew w noP support bim. He XmiivM n fuseto worohip him. One old negro cHaLrtoan of the Democratic national c.,;h vMf0rZTi fQl, ,k4. -corhmittnA ia nffnsivo tn him ""V J " . "VS ' ' w ua.aaa I W II (Alt T HO I lum A11nrO T tTsi r -vinina Senator Wallace feels verv confident Marster Grant last fall, it clean DUt the that Pennsylvania is "all right." The 'Publicans agin him,' case if the South- Democracy m that State were never in ern tolks wanted Marster Grant, why TVhat the Alabama Negroe Think Garfield Louisville Courier Journal. The Democrats had it ail their own way, the Republican party being de moralized, disoreanizeu and aoathetie ana win vote tor tne Democratic can didates. They had banked their all on Gen. Grant, and when Grant slipped np h.Tl.iiaill' IDTJKHsTQ- JUNE 1ST ID iTTj- SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, HATS, &C., &C; ' ' - ' : -s: : 1. v; in . iooa wool uassimere Suits at $7.50 An. Elegant BIub Flannel Suit at $ 750, 9.00 and 10.00 jsimere Pants from S2.50 to 6.00. worth 25 per cent. more. The Very Best unlaundred Shirt in the market $ 1.00 A Better Suit for... .$ 0.00 A Handsome Suit of our own Make .$12.50 to 18.00 An Elegant White Shirt, laundred, ready for weary $1.00 Superfine Dress Shirts from $125 to 2.00 mi jv nr -.ii '. lit 'it' STRAW HATS SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. 11. . ' i 1o iHi.. h ' 1,1 a . . . .,.. 1 v -, t 1i IL 1 ne teieD rated I aylor Mackinaw Hats at Cost COST. All our stock shall and must be reduced, as we are determined to make some alteration In our place of business before fait We need not remind the public that we always come up to what we adrertlse. There are great bargains awaiting In our store, and the widespread reputation 'of ' bur well-made clothing warrants us that a prompt response will be glren to our GREAT INDUCEMENTS, which we now offer. , . 1 m m . CWe call the attention of wholesale buyers to our LOW PRICES. , , ,, ,., . ., ... hetter condition .A: great Republican hone has been ruthlessly blasted by the unification of me v lrginia democracy. The Memphis Avalanche estimates Iiaticock's majority in that State at from 40W0 to 60,000. : Col Henrys-Hay, a nrominent Re- fi Pittsbui s, Pa has declared The "Banner County" Buraned. Cleveland Loader. ' ) : -KM Eosrthe .firsfc time a Republican con den, the 'Publicans would not touch him with a forty-foot Dole : 'case if Marster Grant suited the South he wouldn't suit de North. 'Fore God, dattimede uemocrais iooiea tne I'uDiicans. 'case de rebels was only throwing dust in de eyes or tne JN orthern men. to make be lieve like day wanted Grant for King; an 'dere warn't a white man in Ala bama dat would have voted for him no how you could have fixed it. The De mocrats made de 'Publicans take down dere strongest horse and nut un a scrub what ain t got no peditrree and can't run any more dan a towpath mule. And dey does say that Mr. Garfield has bp. Planter, ftnllor. and in faot rf allr claaaea wan tine a medicine always at hand thffT? Mfe to nae fnteniRllr or externaUjf It 11W ayiaitinkj wb avucit 1- 1 Bold bjr all drasgUti at (Sc. 50c and 1 .bqiUc . OBKKV;.aa!V 1 rr 1 vHrwawi aw a a a. m n, 1 it BBOOKTIXLD. A. W. LUDOLV Fully illustra- lal work. free. Act lidilj'yl til IWIlU'llliBM t . r 1 . , 1 irwr, Vil Lentil I 1 ,rf-. dtr.fi foiia anlinoirt till nr itKliiljtiJII fcii lu r.M nfhii AT .iU. uwiJJ H (iiio-: -! UNFPRMFNirfflYi.t ads i ,1 h ji iir .r.v "?jiar ti . - .Mil iiuliwiijlAi ul:i Ht t,& llJr .x.u-4 vfVwiiiiwiAi..ili I'ifiU ,1 :-,v . ittlViM :fcilliiii! 1. 10 1 ja. W'wa-rfM.i' inrawawjisaB :j " wuoj 01m sJLuai "'Bans, uonsumntlon. KmaMnttnn IM a VWU . ' " w cm '"Bans. Conmimnttnn RmwhiiAA ru.Mj: SwisJBIcsw ,TurarettV aM ' DeMlltt 'tit 'Aae. of their rt,1. t STja Walt XT ; n aT I.i a. wwn, r-qe newspapr,lir a netghbdlj htlon'iwthe banner county of Ohio, I been a working the tow-path all his life, KrK8,' icuww ,u ,c apuij mei aupy uis tune 1 guess ne is spavmea Kase delegates secediog. . The causes and ready to go out on de grass. Hum- uaw jeu wwm uisgracerutBtate or ar-1 num, dey better had let Marster Grant alrsTure' the: more ; vexatious-because I keeD de traek. for da niffo-ftrs ."j' a, ...it. . .. t . - v"cio was ubtcny no necessity 01 ineir oon t snow notaiag bout Mr. ejysting. .It .eems that Judge S. O. Gairfeel, an we don't want to, Griswold, sja Townsend delegate, was nuther." elected ;terxrporary chairman. His ac- There are thousonds of others just tiptl, airulihg were so manifestly un- like that old fellow: they don't know i auai pniiw mac xuey creaiea in-1 liarneia ana don t care to know him tense dissatisfaction among the minori ty, me Denavior ot some of the Town iend delegates was very uncalled for nd indiscreet, particularlv that of Mr. 1 M. A. Hanna. The Townsend men had a large majority over Rose, and instead Of ehewing a generous spirit and liber Ufcjf&fctheir 4efeated opponents, they sesmea possessea wiin a aesire to take every advantage possible to make that defeat 1 the more severely felt. The Gen. Grant was their ideal leader, and they believe themselves cheated out of their favorite candidate, and now give up me ngnu or .11 ! 1 : J. Brookfield & 0. Mi W 11 Ml U iiahniiii CHARLOTTE, N. C Ir XHTNA, GLAS8-WARE, CB tif 1 Full stock of Betting- Even That Hancock Will Car- I ry Illinois. Hartford Times. Gen. James W. Singleton is the pres ent member of flontrrpss from thn Chairman, so the Rose then complained. 1 Eleventh district of Illinois, and haa scaxd0y recognized a Rose delegate, and been renominated. He is not only one one stage or tne proceedings, while 01 the most enterprising and wealthy r..DewstQe. a Rose man. was address- men of the State, but is one of the most il-i li V, 1 1 ' , , j, iuftBe.uomouwuiik uwause ue rmiu no 1 wiueiv Known ana poouiar. ana was b attention to his being called to order. 1 elected to Congress by a sweeping ma- fthe chairman, instead of exercising a jority. The following letter has been lnfele tact to bring mm to order, ordered I received from him, and he knows IB aiOtfd'VOlce.' a nOlicemah . to af rpst whereof hn wri tea Mr.Dewstoe and put him out! Thig ' i "JBoscobel," near Quinct.Ili) foolish.pieceiPf , indiscretion .exeited 1 . ,. July 1&I88O. S gteat indignation among the minority. My Bear Friend L have! received JLjbei action off the chairman in putting J yours, and as I hope to see yon down in ppue uui iownsena men on tne com-l JN ew orK l will answer your inquiry tqitceeioB -creuennajs, ana rerusmff to as to tne prospects or tien. iiancocK in KiT9bet. taalttbtlty a .representation, thus Illinois very briefly. The best evidence showing" a disposition ' to override the j I can give you of my own faith that we nnnor.y, aaaeoruei to the flame. The 1 shall carry Illinois for Gen. Hancock is action of the convention in refusing to that I am outtinsr money even on that journ at. tne request or tne minoritv. f orthe purpose of consultation, capped tbje climax, and the Rose delegates se- KRY. C17TI.TTBY. i$ietkMli and wTiwTi 1 LOW-WARE, AND HOUSE FURN - ; raOGtfdb&ikBALT:0 Wholesatieol Retail; 1 .snhljwBKcftt'isi'i 1.1 it .Pf. sJ,ft n 1m r la part-, Thpa k la fl ivtnar tm: arfih fltui .rrfiwaitlon4 be'wko-4 LIU till caraio 1 ifl. rtiiitJiiMlti-i. 'iirnauij SALEM..VA. .sf$ Ef -4lmtH; aassioft begin epteib- etenuna( H4eetlr m and Jrey Jbranr. -14.000 olaae.-ClW towBf ItOOA ifeet .fifaorai n urchet pt . fly ganoirimatlona. - Entire oraOmontbaiinvCiao-td 920Aln, college teesboard, fuel, lights nod wash- ix'a otates. 1 . uataiofTes IRETASY OF FAtU.L3ir.au 'tlven. nea.nf 'Men: K!??1-! aeooropanleA- Wlth otte hp "7 uo TrnnTSWci 19-oalrW3aP ITTOJrt M "nlaaairat t -ni." Char- ifrLWaaawat Couwe. I ua jinaurDassaa DCh lere eludtoi iiee.1 Addre expen-esoT-lu.Diont reoitegaT ctuaenta I.Jy. Heral The Situation in Maine HeMd.-:"v:' . : ltV Will elect the Governor instead of. a majority, as hereafter. if! taeui! i constitutional amendment to : ' oe ' supmittea on election ay result, and have some more left to ven ture, in that way. The Prairie atate is red hot. Fvery Democrat is on duty, which has not oc curred for twenty yearsfar more, and all brimful of confidence, and a will that makes Hancock, above all others, the man, for., the crisis. The country is laboring under a complication of dis eases; it needs doctoring until its fiery temperament is changed, and our pub lic service put on a new regime of diet. -With Hancock for President we shall have no North, no South; he will heal all dissensions with that love of virtue. justice and humanity that flow from his wisdom - and patriotism. Before North, and South he will "hold a shield of might, and let not either touch th others right." Remember me to all, and believe me. faithfully yours, JAMES W. SINGLETON. Tlie Hon, Thomas W. Pittman,New be' i "jpated'asit Undoubtedly will -ttej t If ' this . irule had been in force lastypar Davis would have been .elected by a plurality of 21,121 votes over dosepn 4j.)uulu. jxs u was ne lacsea i,l$t Votes of a majority over all. 'The combined vote of the Greenbackers and Democrats was 69,493 against 68,770 for the Republican ticket. . There was 363 scattering. The opposing forces have this year combined and hope to be able to bast last veatfs vote for Plaisted while they fully assert that the liepub- Tin licans claim that they will so utterly York ucLuytfliiin? 1.140 4; uuuiaia ujr ymiix catic Mtjife facts and testimony in the jpntaplsacyi hearing that their victory ! WJU w csoinparaiiyeiyeasy, 00 iar as, Te WWqrship is concerned . there aeeais to ue no aimcuityan umnqg tne ayeBu entuuaiasuc xorxiaistea, wno is corrects , aridity; ot . the stomach, renews wind a-Hjancock man, a dashing soldier and wiieigmateseioweto Kiyed wart niirnfaiamtmth'vf t'eVnna. TTa la andiomtort to mother' dr .cWkL. , w, believe it gU IUSlOnOnaU TXmtS. I fSwa r.TWMtMj.p'-AndlCnlAiMsiBa itiv nd does not hesitate; to say that if .the I wiwuiarit arises oomteeuuMtrom anr o Art I ' ' 1 A 1 " m . . I aa-uvm. 'VUtl jIih f ..in r ureenoacKers in ineir greea ror spous ??!.AisrawiJ?:,rr:If irm r. ii.iii ii is rai vna miuui. .mm n mam . v uaim ud w ui uouuua . lucif uvuuua- t runux uj mi dmjuiuuib ueoien. . t. . . . . .. .-v ... v.. : . . Krs. Winalow's BooQune firrun Ll the nraaerln- Oon at one of the beM Female hjsldana and JJurses in thte Onitea States; - and has "been used or thirty years with rjeteisf ailing .safety sad ana nas, br millions of inotaera and chlWren from the f eeble.lnf ant of one weeK old' to tne adult It 1 . Leading Clothiers and Tailors NEWS FOR THE LA DIE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED f t in; 1 ,t 111 sttkr A MEW lLf jih::j, :ni I'JlUV'iUVW . ii.i;l 'Ml :ilT .(H.l At 8 1-3 Cts. and 12 i-2 m i nly24 II fl .till JhJ . i f j ' ; . t r- v 1 i j: It. , k . - : Mi i 'in: biJ. . , i!l:l :i: tr.h. . );J-ilTriCij.liiv . tii !.. . ! ' l I in. fil VI uri ij. viii; :! 880 1851. TO THE TRADE: , tf .. , ! i (in i . 1 1 ! 1 1 f ! I 1 1 f ' ' Twenty-Nine Years Experience has Enabled the Old House gp V(i , . i TO XTXRCSLA.SIS THIS SPRING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Dry Goods. Notions, &c., Ui ill !(. .-iftlSl'ffU.. Ever offered to their customers- learn our prices. Nearly all bought before the recent advance in prices. Respectfully, Don't buy until you see and ELLAS & COHEI. SPRING NOVELTIES 1 1 WE HAVE ISTOW OT :)VklH SiPjRINGr-'- CXjOTHIIsTG- FOB 33 HT. 3 b "Z",S, TOUT EC S JL2STJD OHl Ii 1DM 23 ist UNEQUALED I ELEGANCE s STYLE I REASONABLE H?" The Public is Cordially Invited. No Trouble to Show Them. ja . : : - W. KAUFMAN & CO, A full tauwhn.nt a t sMt acan.t Tn., ui..nn, rru,i Tnn. CfknA. h. m .fi-ii at nriMa than thAW.ftan l)4V w0v.muu. v. uouflTo ana uuja Hioma . cum iiiuureu o jjww cuiu owns vou in xvuuwi .o v ownv, w ! . i t ' nought for anywhere else. A sniendld assortment of Hats, such as Stiff. Fnr. Wool, and Straw. Hats for Men. Boys. Youths and Children. Gire us a can. mar26 W.K.&CO. t J f ; -f . t i " Mens am iiiisiittiill. rri. OKE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS Ofc STAPLE AlWANCY a. ' " i,' . .e.".iifnt -'' . mu';:,,m ml! Am .ii: uiQse and rrompt airaae specially; lnviiect nd nthem SAMPLK PACKAGE FRIfW 7T tt. -!'f' i ;nii oo weU fcBowa to need further commentr Call for be boolt with testimonials from all secUona, ne purest and oest. Chemists 01 national re ft nttw PaUtPAfciUlfn: : i IfXTMMHl Mt ilIW MW-". Alan AMHitrffor aTKSLTlfeBAKINa POWDKBi f or reeommend it, aa ProL Doromoa, of New York, and totttera. I IT ! tl P 'I V, ! II if HUSH Him! j oijulf 4-deodifewlm . . - , uon ana taxe tne stump ror uancocje. i wiy 1