53oroT; and $rtr SJtrrattufl THX OBtirBVKK JOB pXPASpttXt " Has been thoroughly wp'pOed jwtthf ejrprr' pec& want, and with the latest style of type, aid ereiy manner of Job: Prtntrni ean -itow bedone wUS neatness, dispatch ana cneapnes J-we can tarn tab at nhrat TifV " SUBSCRIPTION RATES t ; needy, omn vear,po&pai&) iaadvcmM.i . Six Htmtkg:.. 'v ..... . . . ... . . . , ThTM JfOWfXK. ... . ..... i . , WHSKLTMDITIOir : Weekly, (in fte county) t adtWMt. ... oftV county, parfpatf,. : x MontTix. r.. , ...... 4. TIT . UVfl' TTTT TntlttA LXTTEBHKAD8, CARD6 TIGS, EBCHFTS PQ8TKBS. i 'jp FBOQ&1MHES, ELlNDBIIXa, VOL. XXIV. , CITARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY AUGUST.31 , 1880. NO. 3,584. I: PAKPHLITS. CIBCt7LAB$ CFTXfXg, ACL .- Liberal ReOuctiontfor Club. ' o in 1 : : - : . - . . . 1 00 I MEW (&. gr (goods, glotfting, &c. . JXJSJ OPENED A LOT OF ' We tad now receiving our illiiii IN VERY Which, In a few dajFSwlil W complete. V ; -OUR- . ; MR. AftEXANDER has been North some time, and is going to , pur chase an. unusually oaiiJ.lIfrjj'Sd j AT PRICES T1LVT WILL SOON RUN lDEJi OFF. OUH MR. SEIGLE Is in' tk PURCHASING .OUR GarHeld Appeals to the People. ; . " . . "Fellow-citizens: An honest man Is the noblest work of God, and I am that man." James A. Oarfteld Is mw name. Ohio Is mi nation. And all the stock I got Ironi Ames was ier a poor relation. I did not keep a share myself, as can be clearly shown. And when I got It from Oakes Ames, I thought It was a loan. I , am a member of the church, and I do swear -rignt nere That 1 never trot a single share of Credit Hobilter. He tried his best to get me In, but I withstood : temptation; And if you doubt my word, my friends, why ask my. congregation. About that little paving checi De Golyer gave to me, UDon m v Bible I will swear I took it as a fee ; Tne only Jhlng that troubled me or gave me any Was, when they asked me for the proof, I could not find my brief. About the tariff, I would say, to put your minds to rest, Pm for protection in the East and free trade In the ' West. My record, you will find, Is good, as far as I re member; And ask you all to vote for me the second of next November. There is millions in It. Hon. James A. Garfield. '-Progress. THE CAUSE OF EDUCATION. n u S TOC The Teacher' Memorial to the Gen eral Assembly. To the Honorable the General Assembly of North Carolina : . - . .. . The North .Carolina State Teachers' Association believing that the best in terest of the State demand a bettersys- tem of education for the people, dare- T. JULIETS LAST ACIIIEVOlE IT, - t "-iJ.-.'-i- i.i-j Hi'i I j The Fastest Time .Tet -on the, Trotting . Core A,ITIUein.'i.iH-4, ; , j ' Hartfori; Conn. Augirat1 tT. The event of the jday at Charter Oak Park was the successful effort' f fcjfc Julien to beat his Wn recdrd of r2.llr-;Both day and track were favorable for the trial, and while there were predictions that the horse . Tpould." accomplish the f eat the general imprtiBsioff t vr as that the record Would not be lowered. When Julien Came on the track, appearing in "fine condition, he and his owner and driver, Mr.1 Hickok, were loudly ap plauded by the large crowd of specta tors. He jogged awhile and then trot ted a mile in 2.24,"towarm him for the grdat undertaking : A tew minutes later -ho -came on again for the trial, trotting tinder high speed. Hickok nodded fothe word as he came to the wire, land the horse went down the stretch and: around the curve at his magnificent even gait,work inglikea piece of machinery.- Hun dreds f watches were held on him, and every eye watched him with intense in terest. -ine watcnesavjmB a narter at Mot. a 8.11 zait; ai v ' in the enthusiastic crowd began u&x claim, -He Will do it." His action was perfect and beautiful . down, the back stretch, and he came to the half mile in 105, or a 2.10 gaiVand the excitement increased, as did tae onuaence r 01 me crowd in the success of the attempt. ' The third quarter was passed iii 18. and St. J ulien came in , Magnifi cent speed around the course and 'upon the home stretch. ' As he approafched the turn there was a thrill of apprehend ti "San- CLOSING OUT SALE i FrO U IF1 C5 Gs2 JHJ TEJ H"! $20.00 SUITS TO BE CLOSED AT moo u a u $17.00&$16.00 " " " " if. IA " 1 $15.00 $14.00 .$12,50 We shall make a special ran and leading sale for a few days only on FULL BLUE FLANNEL SUITS. Lot 5050, our celebrated and very aUMdiWi handsomely bound Flannel $14 Suit Is placed at $10. It Is the very BIGGIST Bargain ever offered, all wool in fabrics. TdTCTjyetftrnxrtot and superior in every particular, to durable and a non-fading suit The Best $12 Blue Flannel Suit ever sold In this market Is now seiltng at$ifv,We a b4w loot- I to early Fall purchases, and must have BOOJI; we WELL, have It Our Spring Stock shall be closed,:tor LOW riucBS pnooiK ' " IEo Wo ILsitWrn ' : - v ..srjJ::-;.-i i D?CID jnne 2ft 111 our fi lends are most respectfully invited to call and see us. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. WHICH, WHEN COMPLETE, WILL IN EVERT RESPECT BE AS GOOD AS THE BEST, " AND as the Cheapest. T. L. SEIGLE & CO, . m i x A. -a. , . I ilAC UilA AJ. bUCID TV CU Cfe till A AX A V. Mt-'ftA v. spectiui y ana earnestly peuuon. your. . fl nihCr owrf on discorerihg that nonoraDie Dooy , 10 incorporate "e the drlter' dt a ' drag; which W eeR ar nrr 'J w u j 1 vi 111 iiniv u Mini i.mh , ,1 hv.i . - . a. . M Cheap aug31 aug.2(l pxiscjellattje0tts. A Sure Cure! We are Now Receiving Our Fall Stock. Gent's Hand-Made.-Machine & Cable-Sewed BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL GRADES AND PRICES. Ladies .MisseC & Childrens ALL PRICES AND STYLES. A PretTilne of Trunks, Valises and LATEST STYLES OF CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. ? AI Lower Grades in For, Saxony Wool, k. GIVE US ATRIAL. Bespeetfully, , iPegram & o. aug28 CRYSTAL E C R E A IYI FOR DIAKRHCEA, DYSENTERY, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, And all those numerous troubles, of the Stomach and Bowels, . , so prevalent at this season. No remedy known to the Medical Profession has been in use so long and with' such uniformly satisfactory results as , PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE -r PAIN KILLER. It has been used with such wonderful success in all parts of the world in the treatment of these difficulties that It has come to be considered AN UNFAILING CURE Fob All Sujqeeb Complaints, and such it reallly Is when taken In Ume and ac cording to the plain directions Inclosing each bot tle. in mich diseases, the attack is usually sudden and frequently very acute; but with a safe remedy at hand for immediate use, there is seldom danger of the fatal result which so often follows a few days' neglect . . - The Inclination to wait and see if the morrow does not bring a better feeling, not infrequently occasions avast amount 01 neeaiess sunenug, una sometimes costs a life. jJr.-; A timely dose of Patn KUler win almost Invari ably save both, and with them the attendant doc tor's fee. , . , t . Tt has stood the test of forty years' constant use In all countries and climates, and Is perfectly safe In any person's hands. It Is recommended by Physicians, Nurses In Hospitals, and persons of all classes and profes sions who have had opportunity for observing the .wonderful results which have always, followed Its use... - - ... ' I have prescribed Perry Davis's Pain "Killer ex tensively In Bowel Complaint (partlcolarly for chil dren), and It is, In my opinion, superior to any pre paration I have ever used for the relief of that ClLS6i86 . ,. I, . , 1 A. HUNTING, M. D. No family can afford to be without it, and its price brings it within the reach of al L The use of one bottle will go further to convince you of its merits than columns of newspaper ad vertising. L : . Try It and you will never do without 1L Price 25a 50a and Jl per bottle. You can obtain It at any drug store, or from fEBBx DAVIS buci, Proprietors. ; ; - ; ;i' v , Prpvldenoe, a. 1. school law certain provisions that they deem 'indispensable to the' cause of education in North Carolina. Your Eetitioners respectfully request your onorablebody: 1. To increase the school tax for the whole to an amount sufficient to main tain at least one public school four months in every year in each district in the State. 2. To give the people of every school district in the State the right to vote additional taxes on themselves, over and above the taxes imposed, on the whole State, and thereby to " improve their schools to whatever extent they desire. This right has already been civen to several towns. It is the very germ of a good system, and this right belongs to eyery school district 3. To require the school committee of each district to procure a suitable site and erect thereon a suitable house, pay ing for the entire cost of the same out of the district school fund. 4. To authorize the county board of education, at their discretion, to appro priate not less than one hundred dol lars a year for the support of county teachers' institutes. 5. To require the county board of education to appoint, as county exam iners in their respective counties per sons that have been school teachers for at least three years, and who are com petent in all respects to perform the duties of the same. 6. To authorize the count; board of education to employ in their respective counties the county examiner, or some other suitable person, annually, to visit and supervise the public schools in the county, paying for the same out of the public school fund. 7. To require the county boards of education in their respective counties, upon the recommendation of a majority of the teachers holding certificates or those actively engaged in teaching in the county; to prescribe a series of text books for use in the public schools of the county for the term of four years. 8. To authorize only two grades of certificates, to be called the "Primary School Grade" and the "Grammar School Grade," the qualifications for each grade to be determined by the State Board of Education, and to pro vide for the removal from omce of any examiner who does not comply with smoothing the' track ta make it "perfect for the horse, was still at his 'work, and it seemed he would turn the horse from his course or cause him to break. But a quick turn of the drag to the outside was made, arid the horSe came unim peded and without annoyance. Nearing the distance some of the spectators "thought trTere was a slight slackening of speed, Wt 'if there was the perfect handling of the horse by Hickok recovered it, and St. Julien went to the wire with a tremendous burst of speed, and in an instant as ma tt v watches were -consulted as were shouts of "He has won!" and cheer up on cheer went up from the grand stand and from the crowded section of the judges' stand, where many prominent citizens and visiting turfmen had gath ered. Some gave . the time at 2.11. others at 2.11& but all acknowted, that the record was beaten, and four out of five agreed with the time afterward of ficially announced. 2.11 M. St Julien jogged back to the judges' stahd. the sDectators in the crand stand- rising to their feet and cheering, and waving hats and handkerchiefs, Hickok lifting his hat in response. He was met by an official of the association and presented with a beautiful wreath. A floral cushion was placed on the sulky, and St Julien was blanketed and led up and down in front of the grand stand. President Harbison announced thaUn addition to the purse of $2,500 which had been won by beating the re cord.ahe association had voted $500 ex tra for Mr. Hickok. tt:; ' rus : -pi t - xTn ! gin rnv urTflirmTOTnimrm z r n iTTTn rminTYa - ; i : : 1 r i it $20.00 SUITS AT $13.00, $15,00 SUITS AT $11,00, $10.00 SUITS A '' ' ' ' X 1 A Large Stock of Boy's and Youth's Clothing, Suitable for SUITS AT VERY LOW FI G U It E S: Our Stock must be reduced, as we are about to purchase our FALL STOCK to make room for same. Now Is the time you can purthase 8PBTNfl and SUMMER SUITS at 75 cents on the dollar. We assure our friends and customers inai we aiwas give mem wj ucucul i " Bespeetfully, !.!.'. ' ill in;' .iti:K - . - 'h. . . ,' augl2 Clothiers and Tailors. GRANT'S INTERESTING TIVES. It EL A- MILLINEEY, I - MILL1JN EttY , a C. C. Tompkins, a Cousin of .Grant and an Embezzler, en Rent to Col orado! Pittsbukg, August 28. R. 5-;Uayes and party, consisting of General Sher man, General McCook, Mr. Howells, Mrs. Hayes and children, Miss Rachel Sherman, and MissHerron arrived here yesterday morning on their way west. In the forward car of the same train was a United States Marshal from Col orado, who had a prisoner C. C. lomp- kins, cousin of Gen.,Grant, and forniei- examiner who does not comply with My United States marshall for Colorado the Instructions from the iiupennten- when it was a Territory. He is the dent of Public Instruction, or grants certificates to unqualified persons. 9. To authorize the school committee in the several districts to employ teach ers at whatever rates may be agreed upon between the committee and the teachers 10. To make provision for introducing in WE TAKE EXTREME PLEASURE Iff INFORMING THE LADIES OF CHARLOTTE THAT. OUR t&S rf FALL STOCK OF5 si i c into the public schools studies that wil promote industrial education. In conclusion, your petitioners declare that they have at heart only the good name and welfare of North Carolina fT.-vrttjiMSrwrT tfKTattti.1?fc and the crrowth of education, virtue aug6 d&wtooctl same TomtMns who at one time was largly interested in the District of Columbia contract. In 1877 he dis appeared from Denver, and came East to dispose of a mining claim. Failing to dispose of his claim, he forgot to return home, and it was discovered that he was short in his accounts about $18,000. For a while he was an inmate of a lunatic asylum. Two weeks ago Deputy united States Marsal Sim W. Can trill of Denver came East in search of Tompkins who was go me under alias of LercnDerg. Me trail- Mies' Black ant Brown raw Hats, in Mi an and Canton, t,:,M AND ROUGH AND READY, l-HAYE JUST BEE.V RECEIVED AND ARE OPEN FOB INSPECTION.. AT I. BBOOKFTELD. A. W.LUDOU Merchants mm PBUBT'S. PRRRY'S i I l ion ! ! r Grande opportunity evejr offered to Merchants ana Pleasure oee.era. Round trip tickets from Charlotte to Bait; more, : : : : loOO Round trip tickets f rom Charlotte to New York. : : 20.00 irMtArar, nr.rfor 1 9 marl half nrlCfi.t ChOiCe Of two aU rail routes Virginia Mtdland, or Richmond KrederlcksburgPotomao 24 hours fromCliar lotte to New York. 20 hours ahead of any other line. Leave Charlotte In the afternoon, take din ner in New York Leave Charlotte In the morning, take supper in Baltimore. ; M, Good on any train going or coming until Novem ber 1st Holders can stop oil at points, nwaaea on the coupons, ' ' U you desire to take advantage of these rates, fiP.llrA en... Hnl.r.n aa.tff Q a TWMaihlfl. HA tllfl time tor their sale is limited.; STATE ROUTE YOU 1'REFEB. - , S. J. PERRY, IXCUBilON TICKET AGENT," ': ' CHARLOTTE, N. C N. B.-Get a supply of ferry's Celebrated Bou quct (5c) Cigars to putt on the way. - aug22 f ' .' i . CHINA and learning among her people, for the ni3 man down to the mountain reces attainment of which object they will ses 0f Virginia, and in a little place call not cease to pray and labor, ed Dublin bagged him. He has been in All of which was unanimously adopt- Washington two days, and was yester ed by the State Teachers Association, ay on his way to Denver with his pri July 29th, 1880, at Chapel Hill, N. C, 80ner. Tompkins, who was one of the SCO 'UPIHIIES TTIES.in5Elr2 I A ;" !) i. i m .'i - - Tr-oy J. Brookficld & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C ; FBVIT JARS. JELLY TUMBLERS,' REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, WITP THIS TSSTT"R ClV THE OBSERVER , , ' . - I " ; 1 " 'I OVilvA . AVlUpIlUWl V .w I , w M. M. m. . w w V A' I , A I ; h and by a unanimous vote of the asso- m0st tromlnent noliticians in Colora- uauuu it, . w ii.4uwwu.uuw v! w j ao during me urani uuimiBuaiiuv, r j r it.- A.:AI nun per in the State copy the same, f sasdthathe wishedhisarrestkeptquiet, A hnA thft PlfiaSUrG OT AnnOUnCltl&f 1116 AmVai 'OT-iiUlir a.m. watchek, -.1 he thoneht he .could fix things with- I w w w w w - "."T ."77 ------ w . .. . ,: .:.,.( ;! u-.a.: out any trouble. . Marshal canuiii, who - ' ' . . . . ' : - '- .wi una o Secretary S. T. Association. Reproduction of Sound hy LiifUU Boston, August 27. Prof. Alex. Gra ham Bell lectured to-night before the American Society for the Advancement of Science on The Production and Ke- produfttion of Sound by Light," based 1 ! . ,t 1... Unmnn. rPn!nfA on successfully trapped Tompkins, is a bright looking man with an eye that measures you all over in an instant; and a hose of ' such prominence as to betoken that he scents his game from afar. ' FALL P U RC HAoii .;: :.! ! ii.i ; t".r.l i . : i uttxrc jduction or ouna Dy i.ignv oasea , . .n.i - L iii discoveries made by Sumher.Tainter hrremendou. Energy of Southern Will DO mutually satlSiaCtOry. It hasten' 6ur endeavor ini preparing for the coming season trade, to surpass i ous eflforts ; and in now vi- Full stock of CHINA, GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSESr WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, AND HOUSE FURN i l ING GOODS GENERALLY.' - . : , f a Majolica Ware apd FtiJood. Wholesale & and himself. He described the remark able substance, selinium and the man ipulations devised, in previous, expert ments. "The final result," he said, "of our researches has widened the class of substances sensitive to light vibrations until we can propound the fact of such sensitiveness Deirig a general property of "ail matter. We have found this property in gold silver, platinum, iron, steel, brass, copper, zinc, leaa, annmony German, silver, Jenkins's metal, Bab bit's 'metal, I vo'fy, celluloid, gutta-per-cha,hard rubber, sof f vulcanized rub Ijr'papfir, parchment, wood, mica -and silvered glass, and the only substances f rom. which we . have not obtained re- Isulls are carbon .and thin microscopic bt glass. ,o wnnuciuai, viutawij earn of light1 fails' upon these sur People Detroit Free Press, editorial, . .. ,.u The tremendous physical constitution, and energy of the Southern people, at least of the males, is something unpar alleled in history. That they spend a good portion, of their nights in ; riding about and engaging in murder, arson, robbery, and other crimes, is .conceded by every Republican newspaper and preached from every Republican stump.. An ordinary race of men. would, of course, require sleep and jest duringthe daytime; but no sooner, do these Southern banditti arrive;! home and take, off their masks and .put away their pistols than they begin the work , pi tne uay-unre vy-laisiiijj vaxie, uuuwii, and other products to a larger tent than bef dre the wat; - Some of them, soliciting your.patronage, we do so fully confident that; oiir Mness btory.' -Trusting that you will put these assurances to testy .giv ie us with your orders, we are, respectfully yours, :f r!i. iu;!:Z Wus a call, or favoring us with your orders, we are, respectfully yours, ELIAS & GUlIErJ. aug20 SPRING IF O B ."J&' JBl :2STi CLOSING OUT ; ; ' AT A SACRIFICE. ! . June 20 ' which depends, upon .the ueney of iT, Covered with blood, eo to work Forgale'bt'i unel3-u i I ' CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. AGENTS WANTED FOR , THE FASTEST 8KELLIKG BOOK OF THE AGE, foundations: lot: f t Cray's Specific Medicine fRADE MARK "je (Brest KS TBADE MARK lor oemiuai Weakness, Sper rnatorrtea, "Irflr' potency, and aH -diseases tnas sequence oHiiba Ail IEFQBE TAlW.MemorT,pntFri ml L ,ssitude; fain to'tlie BacK; lAOi SSSa1!" 'vNKI we have sp P' andtheres uence of, zZjXUrd the results iF4L"rf ia I distance. a Bess or-vw the vibratory angein Ught e find ZSSSK r.-fhnt nhAiv'.wa mnrrn r.na rnrm i ' . , wwt7i7rjxKZ;X! other ku-klux have raised.; They even or character of liebt Vibrations on selm- w wt .VAi,:.;..i-M iuju, F'7" - a northern newspaper says that the stances, we , control the oi "grtltte fwi8ton;(Maine) Machine Company's sound andhtain works were' never so busy as now. P-KiSSPtiii Lbbms are being made for mills in conducting wire as Jctn le- gj? Nortn aiTd gouth Carolina, and lesnattc S "WAhave -othadnoppprity Xaact5Sl 01 tesung tne wuu. w.w KU?WT WiainV mttorL bv dav. and. in the classic as i niAn,ii inflTifiTino. ran rw PTTAnnfid n u i -o -- . . ' i i ii it ii i ii. ii u s v.. w www n i .. . HiiAntivnii 1 1 - - nwr we nave spoKen;uuiiwipaiw nirht. are at bnce the most viirorous seems no reason to ooudi mat nft- ,rtof inarrinn f m , will HonhlainArl at whatevfir I """ """ -w rV Jbeahi bt light can be flashed from one observatory to another, v. The oi v onr .experiments !B O 5T S. .T O U OI H S : A.2STJD UNEQUALED i ELEGANCE s STYLE S j REASONXBLTiT VJIIDES. The Public: is inliany inyitea. sso axoudio Mw;,owj,wiu.j(;.,, . Box, Misses', and Children's Boots and Shoes em be df aMJf assortment of Hats, such as Stiff, Fur, Wool, and Straw. Hats lor Men, Boys, xomns ana whmih jfcCOT bought for anywhere else, a spienaia mar2tJ GORIER; BIREBSg. Ail J.ffiilB8M. SttClOTS. UUSIKES . AND' ;S0C1AL FORMS? . ine ian or trade, legal iorina, now w iransacv business, valuable tables, soeuU etUquette, Parlia mentary usage, bow to conduct public business; rn. lact tt la il mmnl ma a m mi W Hlirr.VM f nr nil classes, a family necessity, Address, for Circular Jidspeclal terms, : '"-yV-:' T -than a u f Jsnin or Xicmaunttttojian Tt hitherto has preven ted.arjrattempt at i m - m i -. . A ITM 1 A.l.n mn. ;mvnr nnn III . I II" I - .f.rT.jr .. rial m in una iibb ui iuou w "v- 3-! yiiii v..w .. a-ii uioauu w v uww.. anunpsiB o vi 1 nmrtit'itfrtn win De nTaiiaoie.'i Mitikta lcines. out wnen a raour. of will b sens - .i- . J ; - t t rr -1 valuable remedies known to we QimftM UarflahM 1a KoUlfcT all . naflliMnr air BneKaeCS TOT SO.' i-S ..n on Miwilnlaf thu'mfflli wjtiie Voltale Belt Co HnhaU MleK No. 10 Mechanics' BlwJc DetrolMtco. I iwni'ld flieir wrebrated,-!!; Belts: i m nwrtnttn: wholesale and retail, by Dt .rAf,a'nfHitAi nrwm 80' tlays trial.' Speedy cures i- hWAV B-U . S ..-i 1 ', V UMASJ C . . . . . A. C Smith ftndattdruwrtstseverrwneiBi a f--;f;;laiOTtA':7hey.;inean wnaitney say. wni on earth. slS lfWICKKB-FOR CLZEfif KEtfJ: -iiaj Washlrurteti. D. r C.: writes: bellere i nil- wronff. and even wicked, for. elerermen and other nubile men to be Jed Into eiviBK testi- vi mitt Biuua FOjHsu uieu ineritorious article made alL that all mtn .jneudtt therefore, eneenmiy and nearoiycom- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN THE. STATE CihfiA rnd Promot- Trader SDeciallv Jnvitedr- i --1 -J t. ;,!SoW J : i I -1 1 . !'. ? . .. I r- . ... .... .. . ... .. .... . . . . ... .,. . ,w.r; . . . . .x ' , Ti . equal lor lamiir usex wiuuw uo miuuui uicm. i iuo y"1" " V , .7u v. . io." "V . ' ' '- ' - Others.t.aAJa'LK PACKAG3 rSlA, Ti? . 'i I' 4-1 I I I'- i I 1 v. July 21-diw 2m , . ' ' ' maru. dAw w iy,, -"5 .- i - j -v : taemwimouiae'ay.. ; , !(- uw.iu-m.