V ,i J 4 1 -1 i- - ! 'A ! i t h I- r-'-v; ir-r CIIAS, n JONES, Editor Ac Proprietor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERS 1880. mm WIN JFJELP. SCOTT HANCOCK, . iO Of wFerWiltania. ) FOB VICE-PRESIDENT, STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. i To tGorxSHOVr-Tliomas J. JarrJa. Fob Xjxotkmamt Gotxbnob James L. RoDitison. For8KCBiTASTOrSTATB-wiuiaMi it. eaunaenb, FOB ATTORHXT UXMKRiXi i nOBM f. BUiiu Fob Stitb Tbbasdbbb John M. Worth. Fob Atjditob W. P. Baberts. vnn Uttwt pmtr.fn 1 KSTRnrmoir J. C. Scarborough, Vltctoim tsb Stats at Lakok James Madi- fTrX Crj r Leach and-ablns U. Busoea. tr-i ITUEMOCRAJIUICKEI Vnw m bmiti-Armlstead Harwell. jTHOC tp PBBSKNTAJITB3-iA. U.ieei T it hi-iw-rlT..I. jUexaadef. ri Fob VBenraB or Duds-Wm. M7 WaxwelL Fob Cobobeb w. Ht Aiexanaer. Fob Sobybtob M. D. L. Blggers. Oub Platfobm. " The right of trial by jury','tfu habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of tveeeh, the natural rights of persons, and the rights f property, must be preserved. ' ' Han cock. Goy Jarrlv Gov. Jarvis will speak at the BarnsYille, September & , - Jefferson, September 13. ; ; f Sparta,,SeDtember 44. ' " Trap lifll,kstpAb3be lo. ' Wilkesboro, September 10. Taylorsville, September 17. Ipoir,ptemberl8. . Maiion.September 20. WaynesvfllerSeDteiHber 2L . . ; Mprgan,September 23. ""TliH JiBwa' uomtouestD couitffiuin cr we pcedictedL. the majori l t it ' i penifce W fiiacie district elector Covington represent Richmond county in tha Legislature of 1879- 80, It was tlie solid old empcFattlfuiity ot union ne so aoiv repreBencea m m body. ' ' Everift and Barringer were engaged all last night in rehearsal. The pro gramme, at Iron Station tolay opens v7 with' "Darkies musing"" s6ng by Bar ringer and "Cast one little thought for me" by Everitt. The .entertainment , winds up with a laughable farce a speech by Barripger. . jsperaupn to oat m. mosey to l NATIONAL DffllMlC TiCKCT. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH. ilon ollme. EH.; ji fepuj jr'Mbruli women" at the lunatic asylum in Wash ington and forced from them their piti ful earnings. Thus ha teen' jfehd j vuo very acme ut meanueas a piece oi petty meanness that no other party has ever been guilty of. This thing of assaulting and intimida- ing !S!!)lrorfdrifafi g6fee fit? point when it will be no longer snbmit ted to--At CtohrnTbia-vesterdav. an in offensive co!oTematthe4 name orrraftlimiminimevefe' ly beaten by another colored man be cause he dared to entertain different political principles from his assailant llus bli coVrediIiinoceats must stop, a coiorea man nas tne same right to be a Democrat that he has to be II iWagers mrW iijsea'flieb( , jttBetfUblican.at telnfkiitei irfjari i 1iWcedkS4nVbimm;raU willAseVf6' that he la protected in the en joyment of i if mi v prove Garfield's corruebmpWtyJln tha-ffitnraing.boarda.frauds iu Louis- Indlanapoli Journal, and the opp tunity t6 respdnd Vas afforded G Hendricks at anass - meeting at dlanapohs.; The accusatiqinr geligW3ualolr -,y-'fitii9 taiiisflo'd 10 Greenbackers.' ,fy : rl vr Garfield te repeated with 4t4 beneficiary ot tn'frWkwVa & i .v i . . . . r - "t ; ;a iurns, and his statement la heeyl ' dep&'Xr fe jboJcynpifam he JL disinterested fitness Jie Jjui : : TnIa pllif ul - wail ; comes 3 from that i I nrnfl ierata and mendacious fi!et south of PennsylYJinja axfeaueiaai i- Washington Republican :. ription Rn4 emaunen.for theH fjc 1 1 4 a cmr UrnJ hay already r wiU furnish its quota pi piug-ugnej for colonization purposes in, woosierf Kfatj., Kn will other portions or -ait Xiamanpv ; xn terrnmea to-' cciomza h , Ferfki fnWif ,51i;lf7 JtT f mm t.h a other States. possiDie, to secure the election of Landers in.Octo ber, and It bl A XVafl-jpu Uifcitl fc that State to be on guard tcprtvent ' 'ialir EtsJinSrxiilliona It apnirs In cclcnizin-j negroes; IfU.tr -3 Staf tboT it ts cf Tri-iinf ccr : j i ataerJic Ihi :, : "y - -J " .....Ji:..;.; :crt- Everitt, the youthful and handsome man of the Big 8 combination and :ad- Vanceage&t f the sh0wasiajton yesceraay mrom jcp acuu . swauwu wnere hesappearsf ito-dajr as "aim Smasher" if ti&.'TautfiiaDie, icLenuc' ... . -. " V , ' V" A practical Joke. That is stirring news we print this morniniy from the doubtful State . of ndtbeTpivotal State of Indiana. I being waged in these Statesand, every bit of news from that quarter isTBerly consumed. We cannot help ihMiiis so one-sided this morning. We would not help it if we could. A Democratic victory in Ohio in October ought J be as ..certain . as. . Hancock's election in November. About Indiana we have no apprehensions whatever. As a mat ter of pride it would please us to see T&tS 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 ii t ! 1 I ' fl f ?j E3 'A ,u a aegree 01 ic ejrree or tnsoucu absolutely refreshing, the Indianapolis Journal says: f "About aH tli9fM -progress made iajj der the so-called 'carpet-bag govern ments. Since the restoration of the Democrats to power the South has re- ss-ffif iTromdWJir aTP13eCim1Tm tnie prpgrcBoy1 mbaa w . From a Radical standpoint this may be true, but as a matter of fact there isn't aetata in, autU.totast jfj duced its debt and doubled its wealth since the robbers of" the carpet-bajf re-' gime were driven out. If levying crush- in? taxes.jilundeririELtreasurie3.xaabe said to b'progresi, tlen thecapei-bag- and teaching. ,1 1 1 .-. Attorney-General Kenan explains the landlordWitenant act :LXChe MibaisedbvHQel tref677'hicnifer contract between the parties should be in writing. This was amended by the Democratic Legislature; making itrs- cretionary with the parties whether the contract be written or verbal. The Re publican Legislature changed blawt, making the rent payable in money. "The fUfemcAticf$frty 'aetid tyh iaw so as fo make it optional with the con tracting parties to pay money or part of the crop. Both parties have made it punishable at law to violate this con tfact TO; .make it punishable here must be' ip tent tp defaiul, gm thipin-j lent amounting to larceny. Now, Buxton and Barringer know this to be true, and when they assert to jthe cpntary tjfey jeliratyiy l'e. One aspect of the Arkansas election will be a sore disappointment to the South-hating portion of the-Republican Rarty.iThe , defeat, of, . the .Fishback amendment which means atf emphatic i rotest against repudiation will sorely drels who are eternally piping Southern dishonesty. The riMack amendment proposed to add to the State constitu 001 certain., o-ftsta&linglnfyrovemenf bonds. Senator Garland jut himself at the head of the debt-paying party, and ably wan$aehe f dtiillc honestyV fcenteigtba tfetatead received consideration for these bonds, whichjtheref oretCould not be equitably repudiated, ana that these bonds were not to be classed with the fraudulent county .bonds; UsueA under icarpet-bag1-ger misrule, for which no public value was received. The result is the collapse o$ the) Ihib4ckmend$en3 nlaii county alone giving a majority of "2,000 against it, and it . is one of the largest Cabell and S to rail Opea the Congrek- Danvlile News, Sept 8. A large Crowd wras at Rockv Mount yestedayto' hear -MajD-iriielTCbLCa-bell, Col. StovaU and Mr. B. A. Davis. otn tr to support,. Uarhf.lfl, whea it -was well aiftahis cbfiiiection as JM Sfcovall, of Halifax! ixfelielnUiJatedthai coi. caoeii was pnvy to . the matter. col caheir interrupted the speaker ; by courtexrasiy disclaiming arit coifntectfon with the matter, and said that he had wwafcSFareweni PAPJJciy once. him right before the people, stating at me same time. buai. ne was nor. roanon. Siblftofljrliitywsia&fsaidf standing close enough laid his hands uppnrCpL Cabell s arm. It is more than f-plabthat'no' n tififfi S3 clMise pihibltiiM' We EeSJslaTl tue tjorn maKingnypivisto'fl tor I paying'elther the iateresifo prfoqipaif i i j r StotpSWne?pa3 enlatkf a retort 4hAt4ie Vh ttUficiilSwkTdihayeTlitia -The sam'ei L had, tit Radical' naffledV Wsdn. . wHond iy a scene or . confusion ensued, pistols were arawn. nowie knives flmiria uuuvi iumi Aua - enoubs-an wild MraUbelLneplifi3!W thkriU; ot"-" - ujaju . vui. otovan, some say reversed it end .used it witrrtAllinor of. fextunSi hkJngTilap gasnes; from-which the blood flowed yUaf tiMai Djwielei ter makinz so far for-. mianre- 1 sui-" auj: we ume, tnat some ajtwtnaroiaed-f fenwiim his ciutcb. also lost his hat, but not a esence ouziiaa for vhikh isnedwfEBe la wmie restored order. Colonels Cabell M m r4 U&An.11 . - ins nurts nemor va I, but not datigerbukXi itVMSSti I fusely, but after a bath, he returned to i-tr.-..yrrt'rsri" great credit . We hear that CoL Stavall 'A aALVEST-TNreptrTnber w4 t-V rfn sherif Geo. Gl ri "r r ri mfjm WVoa i wtth APbair,. elected, Stateflfficera aiv yeniifliit. iT":. . I ?5? aiarmeiee' eusueinW Bpubffist Avt y ,5 ' Ttte wait or. inai i - f a .ma a rkelis tiia41 vv (ceisiaftkr Tha 1: OABFIELP CONVICTTED. GoTIIendriiksrAVe Corrupt tndianapolisVourna2-oLtalned an edi torial review of a speech delivered at Marion, ma., Dy ex-uovernor iien dricks; in which General Garfield was charged, with fraud In-preparing- the Presidential electrnrcaseitfev'Uf leans, ta-lSTOrfo b4s p4ftyannaklngi n nTofcnf wl CTamin a tinn. nf-i tLatWash- lnfftonrIn the Bpeech Mr. Hendricks said hM cpnsidered himrmore responsi bll t or the ETeal feSfrVan the Ameri- arf' ballotribdff anyother living roJUK' In commenting urrcne speecn ihe jeur not, which is the State organ of the Re- ... J M J. ? 1 puDiicans, saia 11 luis, cuargo against Mr. Garfield could be substan tiated Mr. Garfield would be disgraced t unless Mr. Hendricks can prove thii charcre he is disgraced. Last night the Democrats held a mass meeting in the Indianapolis Wigwam, which wa;tQ hareT)een!aaaressed by John vv. snaw fcnlof M)jt editor of the New I York1 Buffruffffl, bdt he consented to give Mh' iienariCKS an opporiunuy u repiy xo the Journal, and merely made a few re? marks himself at the close of the hieW Referring to the Journals edttoriai Mr. Hendricks said that if he did" not riJfeTeW33irf his charge h field; but if he did, the JournaT own admission would make him a disgraced' man. He recounted the circumstances that ledjto, General GarfieWfc visit to New Orleans, and. according to rbpOTts to'the Democratic1 press, proved by flarfialH'a mx'n fitafjamanta tThoti hu rtfrfrw. pied an inner room of the Custom House examining affidavits and by additional interrogations filling them out to , suit the requirements of the Returning; Board. The testimony before the-Con-; gressional committee and that of Emily Mfre-wre-'q notes to- snow that he doctored witnesses and enlarged or cut cress me '"movement to eo returns in the Louisiana case ana then after coming back from thore saying: that it could not be done in justice the people. Mr. Hendricks called vm the audience to say whether he had not i i 3 . nioveu ins asseruons ana vindicated Taimos)unaniraous tnane-naa.-p SECRETARY SHERMAN IN REPLY. On his way here from Cincinnati tills morning secretary Sherman read a te port of the meeting and determined tof. answer it, and to-night in the Grand1 Opera nouse he took up the speech of Mr. Henprcks. lie said 1 ' i vynue on mti nrar aiere; in the ears thistoorriing Piiotioed ia the Cincin nati Enquirer extracts of what pur ported to be a speech made bv Gover nor Hendricks last evening at Indian auplisc in which he is reported to have saW : "I i saif that Garfield went to New Orleans immediately after' the election four years ago; that he uartici patedinthe manipulatincr of theevi dence and in prepiiring the case for' the returning board, aha that upon the evidence which he and others'pTfcpared, the returning board made returns against the men that were elected--and for the men that were not elected. Now I was present with General Gar field at New Orleans on. the occasion. referred to, .and I, wiyynpje kaflwledge1 or tne facts tnan governor Hendricks. deny-that the returning boardmade re yturnijap:ain$t the taeit-whQ vere elect- ea ana ior tne men wnp wereot eiecr ea. tiut, on the contrary the return iag b$ad, in Vpursuaflce ff tbe! plalfr provision of the law of Louisiana, did reject from the election returns those from parishes and districts that were jfcdhtrpHed by fraud and violence, and lnJdUig.so did their plain duty, in strict accordance with the law. Sherman's Detente of Garfield. New York Herald EdltorliL . , The Shermans were always an impul sive race; we suspect'the secretary will see presently that he has gone too far. The less the Republicans say in praise or Justification of the Louisiana retdrnP ing board the better for them.. Mr. Sherman has persistently stood by those shameless swindlers: by tot) means to his pwn:credit fend iu .amTisingt to see fcl.l Heridriicfc I has i noW f a GbnfrplttlwMcliT It is continued, to )dam- f is pretty sui age tne rvepuDiicans. xt is not prnaenx for them to help retite the infatrious" story of the Louisiana returning board.' Bnt eten his opponents must admire the secretary's readiness to stand by returning board friends. He has never failed them from the time he returned1 to' Washington ' Ltrdm Hew Orleans. There was at that time an amusing story current of his zeal. He remarked to a very eminent citizen of Washing ton, "Sir, the members of the returning Minim am r.iniitiiiinu , fciir. uuum-i an nnipjtr. oar n im i honeffiftrbir "Hold oh,'hpld; ijsm dressing, "hold on. Sherman r you rri compare them with yourself, but' you1 can't let you do that" But this onir rsnpwstnauas Mrs. jjiaiaprop jemarK i . -m r - i i ; leal "CdflatntirisQflsvaM ftdo rasfat x - m . . 9 WiiiTEvRivEiu-JtrVtnoN. SeptembeT 9. The returns from 220 towns leaving J JI to hear from. lritearFarnham. Rdnldbi Of. 2672. a yembcrUic Joice 7,067 majority. aii vue secona ais- trict, 92 towns gave - Tyler 8,445 ink- KTXr T I Third Mfi4ijtV. frtWt crave Grant 481 majoritt.therel are iRiCHMO.lirDSeDt. 7-Yesterday'a first Jiilla down their evidence to suit mis plans; I -a rs I I 1M W I mw jLtwm 1 I VUS 1 K f 1 W I n 1 A Ilia Teress The fcioiemenc notis.T' . ttepttbucan jram or; 2941" teitf' of Sltt:Tn! 'the first belfh thdistxlctXp towns to -be anLrjam. Xbe exi legislature imil ernoi Rosrell iF-roham ucer John A.raee. Ai reaw-I-Charles H. Joyce. , j ii. James M.Tvier. . . i IILiiWmianf 1W. fircftJ riKia 'is Ihe ereasufer.Jbyte: vo.-wp' . - ana Tyler are members of the preseni Hofasf iiCrrdrftf ir&f iuced Bradley Barlow; who was elected as a Republi can Greenbacker. . - ! -iif l U ! A It .500,00a Wimm Me MtV Yote , J , Sept 9. -A fire broke.' out abouV light on the north side aitanlrattaH market 'which occupies the block from 'Eleventh Avenus to orth Bivrjarii; ltwt rfH'i 35ti sti-ros; ;Tt I -ix y-VeatJie "sii ers, and . spread rapidly. 1 building was soon wrapped in flaeaYi Trej cklCfaii large nay estaDiisnment or t. Ji-Ciartnatjas b'de rasoutasiacpi: Ber' surround jtreet and a num-4 stores and Ilav Market Hotel 1 re and were blazing ne loss is estima- he market and hatr s rif.ririoizin3 r-r,ana ninety XL 'L. ar- CI 1-3 UU-5C iat i ta: road rrra Durneo. xna stands m uie r2', we"3 owned by soas sixty pery r ... : rT rr.3, wheca czzz3 rate frcn ;' it-.' Tr-'v. JToi''ir'""1. T Y :j t: OHIO Alt D INDIANA. . - - Cbeeiing' Intelligence from, tne Tsvo ;', t- f; Octortate;'-':fet. Teere HATrTF.?TwTij SeDL 8.-Senator Yoorhees is inost; enthnsiastic jn .the' cause and he predicts the largest Demo' cratic majority ever given in the State. ne lears mat the appalling frauds con templated bv the "KftDublicana mav re duce the:maioritT. .but- he-intends to -devote hia enercTpa.to expose and nun-; UahlhelBeilic criminals -who, are ng to pouutethe baU.oWwxo Democratic enthusiasm in this section oz tne btateaasnever been equaled and large masses of i Republicans are daily comme over to theBucDort of the Demo cratic .ticJteVj English, ; is,very strong ; turn is airecxinff tne 'contest witn srreat sWUafidLandei'is aliet on the fltumpl atid will sweepth State In Oo tober by 20.0tX) ' The irrossest Renubli- caft frauds will be attemptedi! but they wri not ;uceeean!But fr tne-1 rauas we- hate to buttle Hcrainst tha Demo cratic majority would be ),000. l-vDiitrMB'DS. OniOiSeut.6. Gaiheld is adead' weight; The only hope of the ltepuDnean leaders-ot the State is in the most bewildfirinV frauds and thev wflr 'be fcttelnttMl'. Ir TWl 'titinlfj buU thev f Wr hiot defeat 'the Democratfci State tiCket.in October; f Olijawtll settle Garf field's; presidential liepes.at the- State eljtt6i!i ihmn ivn -i 't iiiTSCim(ATi. '0-tBeil: 'STliel Ger- mant'hRve ,;kll 1S arpaved3 'thtimselves Ugairis Garfield, arid the1 citWilJ give the :JJemocrats 000 mawnty in October ana elect both the congressmep.! gigan tic Republican frauds are beinff tilannd nera' and elsewhere in the- Statp, and that is the only danger the Democrats have te5 meet Gittf us; tl'lioHest elec tion and Ohio will beDemdetatie.! .''. Men ton, O., SeptiS. Tbef0! is-' no' en thusiasm for Garfield ttmontk his neigh bors;; 'He has been irnpopiila? here ley er" sincje tue ureai t Mobiner exposure ana hV will Hot noil ahythfrir like Ms partv vot rior.- The1 most 1 terrible frauds' hate been "detected on- the; Republican, side in the. Western Reserte, but they will-be exposed hud' thev wilt1 not save iGariBelfTOm a most htimiliatiiifirdef e at 'Putffo-wij Ohio as teitaln 'fot Hancock, f WBtasitsiti'- VASepti 8.hef DemocratslarerthOrbulti -united and eVithusiasticin thisState aHdtheeptib - licasB1 tor 'demoralizedlshd 6elessli xvcpuuiicarre: uuu inrr win itjr in ineir pttiTabse'.AB rhotfest election 111 give the Detlieerats'lSyOOO WajeHfjCy : J;. Walogton post t ; "n - ' Senator Wallace says Ilaucotk; eari7Fennsylvania. j " wil Coionel John 0;Thompson hesitates not to assort '! that eleven Democratic o: g eismaa will be returned from Ohio -afr the coming election. - j.MrEngH8h predicts ? a DeiiKxifatic majotltv of 15.000 in Indiana. CoBccressmam Ellis announces that : ianoucK ; iwiu nav7 VwO - nra jon t- in ' Governor Matthews stales -4c ' jb his deliberate opinidu time UKt Virginia wtll 'fiiirei Haheock a; 'Majority df General Benjamin P. 'Butler ' tliinks the Domocrats ean easily elect four con gressman itv Massachusetts. : Senator Farley foresees a majority or lULOWior iiancocrin uaiirornia ! No well informed Democrat expects to carry Maine nex t Moiidav. Arkansas elested the' Democratic State ticket yesterday by an immense majority. : ' Vermont will hold an election to-day; ana wiiiKOitepubiican. - Hancock will be elected in November by a popular majority of 500,000. , Death in tbe TIine. London. Sept 9. It now seems that the dead in the Seaham mine numbers between 130 and 140. There are sonte corpses in theJower- seams-which are supposed to-belying a: mile -from the Shaft , The air there is so foul that it is thought to be impossible that any can have survived 1 Thet exploration of 'the Seaham mine was continued throughout' the' night The,, statement in the dispatch from-' Seaham last night was that 18 men had been recovered alive is new confirmed. The number of men in the pit is still uncertain, but 250 lamps : werfir given' out Tuesday night No . hope is lenter tained for those in the mina The fires were discovered in the minedUring the night: -and. extinguished, ,very effort' is nop being: made to clear , the $haft lumber ouiand get Uiecogs Atiwork; " 1 I 1 il I ill mm I I' lBMH ' 1' " i i 'i 4 - ttt! :si :t! .fi ii a j i -ini.i-.i .,! . AOBKISTOWN, kSfipt. 7-To-Dlgllt tfte ; rooms of tne iJemocrauc -Aiociation j were f rowdea with ? iiemocratic 1 and ltepubucaa Germans, who were address ed'in German Jby. iAiKneuleui of the Mauerd Rrennd,, and C. FPluBmacher; t.ww (Xears agoaeaaer oi. in ureenDRCK elemeoti.iHi. Montgomery county. Mr. JCneule astated that the only . German iRepubiican daily .paper in, : ClncinnatU, Aoen4rPoi' declared against Garfield ilast weeJc . While.. Mr.. Kneule was speaking Mr. Louisi-icharfl, proprietor of the Jarira terra-cotta morktulftvr Lorristown and a liiVloruj Repilican, entereja. , uo was greeted rwiaijappiause. WhenMr. Jvueule eeased Mr Scharff was iutroduioed And received with i trtv memuaaiapplattse He spoke amid' cheers. .r-.ui . v. . . . h'.nHiilJU -Aim V.l'i i'Wi'Wulii it I .IkJ-'jim. I I'll-a i.tftit.-t can , cpriyentiqns in.thjs the third Con". I eiession strict have t nominated C. H. KH-iaxTiominated for iteeumicana;Qf the aeviniAnth matnof. . ,' . ..... .. 4, -JL CTsm .ptembei; p4TK0 n-.'.TTTrwT',r wei mtfmm -- j - i v : . 1 ApuDiican convention or vv a jtwpuDucan coweT40ja;wat rashipn; titt Afios4ivrenft ,rftr ejkeate; ,11 Till i. 4 inprviLigepE lc?The trial of Jat; i!janrett eiolasirnmt The ti was Hvento tlirmrr at5 Wo'clpclc I and at lO'o'cWv thA mrtnfh ourt 4 uLiouuni au aii-Rii'.r in vihhf i ii i, IWa'ttotioof tanewi tourtnxM UMnmturdaV hi3jr.t to1, heaf thd-itTgrttmentcoutise trial la refused the case will ti& Cakento the Ootfrtof ''Appeals -drl exejeptfon'ttf Tire Storm a RswfXerkd rerjsbtere rforttteast 4tifrfn: along th6, -tQ -itif wr4V' tT?iT!nfla '.STJllifiri and &eanri!znL one AracK casAwca wiuu. - YVft awa1 ve- 4 U 3 xclaroeriocraus wi -rrat . ill COma:-jUtfor tl 3 f ifcwJt" electors .and Ccngressiona tic!rtt-xri - r-tri Vszzllzm tra pc ? y suSptmdmr' alP wwer-xrirai ; e. .... . .- W J i I .3 "X 'ra'WANrS Q; AJ.ii CT i&SE fe?- - . , 'sujttLv--- c Andourrtock,nowtelngreceJr GAITERS, tc, &c and QENrS' HAND-MAI)!!, and caanot be surpassed )dte -ffKd iiTjBatr, st goasM(I IreA l tpXea, warranted every pair "" r - - .-.'-.-'! :-''' fteekl fiSAf: 1, ' septl- I TtobSn'- ;sfbf! ' f T l" The Scalp Hunters. " f ' NbW Qi$Jtim &tilz-& special fronlTMemsseW Mexltcl the Gal veston News, in reporting a recent tuV tack on the mail stage by, the .Indian stites.that ."vTlctdrias aJitic8 all the trouble on the. Rjk Gindel () the afternoon of the 6th his acout "jumped", a coac;i3,iniles east of Fort Gummn'gs force of eoo men is stationea, ana iuea a.. t. Mutlden, Isaac Roberts and Ale. Le beaikiuTlfeiBute4itate were scattered! oiThessavagesi then ' attacked afe0pjpanyrbfeavilry,'-kilHf sol dier and wounding several. Gen.iBuell puslied ferward i hia jientire' f oo mm an d and ffaed-tWe' Indians abot4 o'clock. .GenfiDudley war coming - rip ' with his p i i T , . . m lnxantry wueu tue courier leius Ajue saves.remMaacatero,ja5peace reserj vation. on the 4th of Aueust entered 'Xullenoia'canon and kUledi miner .nameoasjojdonand-4droe pff con- 8ideraoie stock, untne 5th,toey iwere attacked near Tulle Rosa and x were ui )-j-T,i: 6EPTEMBEB 9, 1880: 1 v ' $AirijfcoKSOatq hlgner; Sogfcern lT4ai. Wes tern white 4Ia42,do i mliedS9a40 Eenngrl ifania 40a4U Pro-rtalOM flniii.p 6w 1660; OoUc , rneate--loo8e r, shoulders . 6aQ, clear rib wider 'Ste,. ditto pad6l9iA;"opon shoulders 1, ileaTaldei lOyhains 12afS.a Lard re- lUolfi . Qtiivn. ,twuu,. A win T i i eagtf 8rMng4iA baflOstobei. ben; No.; 8 do-tm -tomacaai tiK October, 41A& tNoyember. ,aatw Pork acuta af lT-SOaTB. tardBni LardHrmat7.8fl8a.00 Bulk meats steady f slxwiders'"i5;50i snort tiDs short clear &75. . tWlal&lcey Bteadjy- t : CtoiciJniA'ii-KouT- actlvef !kmll; l50a4.0,' Iancj 6.00a5.75. : Wheat troog: No. 2 red winter 94a95, No. 2 amber 91a92. Corn strong, No. 2 mixed 40c. Oats strong: No. 2 mixed 53a4. Pork dull at" 1 6.25. ' ' Lard flrra - at 7.95a8.00. Bulk meate acttTe; :shoolders 6.75; xleat Jibs 8.87; baoon strong; sbonlem 07Vk rlbs sides 0.871A. Whiskey steady at 1.12. sugar steady iards lllalllAr New Orleans "Hogs steady; com mon4.00a4.85. light 4.70a5.00; paeklng 4.80a obuherf 5285. ,q o, i! i . ii N4v TOTta-rSoxitliSiit floor Bteao; cotnmoir tot fair extia4.60aS.2aeood to ehoiea do &254fffin.' Wheat .elosejdrneaT7,fungraded winter -red 86a l.(JleW::veJ'imfraiJed 'Jtfila8"m. Oats steady at 4I" forNa 8.i Coil quTaio-tti earrt-!,-! Sugar dujl; metsaesisnga Affair to good TCftrdsa ,7a7. prune. ,8; . refined quiet; standard ATOaiA, Molasses1 4oM; Porto Rico b, new WMans40a70. Biee steady xxroiiaa 6aT, Wool steadyr tdomesUo jSeeee 86a48, Dulled 20a45. unwashed lBaS&Ti isasz. jfura rft.85. short dull at 16.00i middles firm; long el eiear tone ana snon w a-lo. 86a8.87TFreightB firm COTTON. :. Lard weak at Galyhstom Easy; mid'ng 10?' low' middling 10V4; good ordinary 9; net reCU, 2,883; gross aaies l.o&os stock 13.78a: exDorts ooastvlse T Great Britain . Nobtolk Steady; middling lie; net receipts 1 gross ' : stock ,357; exports coastwise 1 ,698; sales 120 exports to Great Britain . BALiRy41et mMdllng llc;iow mlddl'g 10; good ordla'y 10 8-16 net receipts-'-; gross 118; sales 850; stock 1 ,634; exports.; coastwise 40; spinners ; exports to Great. BrUaia 221; to Continent ' Bobtoh Steady; middling 12c; " low middling llfec; good ord'y 10V,c; net receipts 119; gross 119; sales ; stock 3,964; exports to Great Britain 165. ' j..,; i-;!u. , TV WnjinsaTOK EUrrn; mlddUng, 10c; low? mid dling good 10 3-1 6cj' ordinary ; recelpU 808; gross- ; sales ; stock -2,308; exports eoast-wlsew-. ( ; .A. , BHn.AoaT.pmA-rirm; middling 128.? low middling llifec; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 81: cross 150; sales 559; iplnaers 442: stock 8,673; exports to Great Britain W -. 8 at AirarAi Pfnn ; s mfd. i0S4r low" 'mlddllna lOicj i TTOOd : ordinary 9;- et receipts 2,283; gross 2.784; sales 8,S00t stock 2 U547 ;xp. coast wise 26 U pontmentj-;., j , . . .. ,y , ! ( flaw RLaAirsflmV' jnld. '11c;' low jnid dltng ' lulAr good'oroSt?01 ' recerptB 86i gross l,83ralos 200V etoek 8.7fi9.f exports Great Britain; s cDa$twlsa.rrt! eoutioent rn ; McjuiTimu middlmgUOJAcJiJow middling lOVb: itood ordlnarr. : net rec6tnts,)1.04r; xnwa sales 250; stock 8,721 ; exports coastwise 9d8rt Great Britain J - ''' i-iKi : t -'rtn JDdbtt;tWldTlnrilr: lO'fter ';ce1pts' ADJTA--nTnimiaaxnigtiuwit?'-ww! mia lei; l dllrof lHips.. 'inodordmarr 10e.-riM mail tk! tf f A.V A VAAA- 83Ar Novem- h tcash. 41 Mk-ei aUM.lQtt., s ordlrIarj;iqiA6Ail JWOj shlpmento j sales 721 , , j 'ii-inrm: mfdlmff ifei W mit rmtrecelpts'r'. f rA! salea 2,000: Stock ?77Trexpons coastwUe200;GreatRrttaln5,80U onr.i Nxw ,Yohx Cotton steady;; sales. 816. midd'g (4U14Uiaa I 4. 4-r-lUi U14WIUB 14. U-fU, iiu. uy.iJ w ; gross : oonsolWated set receipts,' 11.19( riorto GtBrttom 8.152: coottDtrxt -- ; k ' . LrraiXK)NoHot! steady rmidm lands 1 7 lrlKd:. -middling, .orieans 7Vt! sales. 10,000, speculation and ; export 2,000;, rertrpJa 8,850, ATOerl2.2TJ0: 'TJpfaiid 8,850, American 2,OT0. uplands clauses September delwrr '7 r-82d siBoer ana October 6 ltKJ2d October, and Idorem ni2; Jiovember and ijorember FeJraaj j.and II larch 4J.44 OOW9 Wi 4U1U1KIU t - f Uplands low middling clariserOctoberdeliTei 1 U-R'2d. JSoveader and Decembei 85-16L-: les. a berand January 6 9$2d ua) and Kebrte MfidTlTebroary andTMarpliff Ud4LTMarc April6d: Jrutares quiet. "' ' -" ., -Tlwl:,- Mil' . -'j I it IK: a U ."10 ItW oatlNiiViir 'osediWi''t-daife 78,- 00Q,!iii dt'i lfUf u.li; U yi'i'(fti r tefteaibev. iUut. i J .' i.a iUUJLjiil Tt2fa.26 , October. 4. 4 . , ri im I 4$ila82 SSef:. Jsnuary .?.u..rf.t.l-v.fiu5:y 140.f8ba.8i ,.w..S;10i93a.94 Alarca.,-,. M i, . i tts s,t-r 'iiiw( f "".VitViiiiViai la.23 r. . i.i . . 1.. . . . CtAL.. J., iit !:t ! Jil'hlH iit f . . - i iWJL4.- WXi'vAflS 'kltniriilQlW. ovemriwhteTlule1'neW s '4.02. jt oor and roartod.lOwpercenu AriiMia, ;atai ,ponuflnvinnpv)j(,j, ,; 4; m -m jxttwi Naw. ToBaStoeU(dbsei ftretratafe: vv- i New. Tottt Centraljw-ii. all ...Jii'! il.32 IfeahTflle toifChattanoort Ji. . MnHif 1 69 A LoalsviUe aDdNasnjllla..fa.ll. io n w'a 1-44 Rock Island; itJ J4 as. J. ffralll7Mi item Union,.. . aroaCIassA.2. 'U.I 4.i,l(llrlaJ 1 i. ...... . . vraw At Biuoui, ............. hncw.t tfr tftarEmMN Antr.JtAl J . T A J A ".3 1 1 tfu tf CtJtttMrTm Septombet 10 1 880. 1 h Tne maraec yenaroay momv " ' 1 Good IflddllngJ. Ul iul ii JaSwJC a .da ih . 1 1 0 Btrklow mlddlfngw.,..i..- n . Low nnddlinxi t 4"i?. v... J ilOlA lii 4 1 T - AV iLimi l-4iU:Lrtf 111 iliIHI ' ' HSf 1 i prlvili JO, Hotels and rtlne Honses.1Restauran WMia and !toiwa, Itu. and Confectlonerlesn rrttOi eryr at th Engs ilountain Cetratloa MM onio teUo trotaii of tml? HesC. troca tmrposw-tt id, :rfn-si i"onre? oisibli t " s '" reentf -otTK M" 1 ' ' ' r v' :i l.-ntv.-.,rrt I Da 1 ueoen T-iv .3 "cy rme- ; WE;BAVE; TAKEN JSPEOIAAjteVil, OJf; TSS; tJOJIXTH IN THE'CltY Vv h,s- X--. complete. Oar sto&k tfACHfNX-H ATD1S GOODS, BOOTS, CON(iRES3 of them, ajidMD oejl jSfiem at prices as low is tne'same class of goods J-X. - - - -- - . - . v Jt?" .. TT EEEISTEREIL r ii & t f i 4 l Aiiulf. 1 nRir.ri tftf "If 1 A. kX J ;sf5 wriestfBaurboa Tonic mar9deod6m-ww6m. n naif i . a B.C.BIBB &4 SON, I ron (tWufftcture a Desirable Lfne of Heating and Cooking Stoves, Including the Renowned Ft The nsostT pertect in operation, attractive Do not buy until1 you have For sal alers. - mil Atstjcal. 1 'O ' i'J - !- on (lie Ike . BADLY bfSTIGUREDl BUTSTILL U .: Ci pO as t CD -GO : 'ti ' a.- 8 0 u,OOt M 1 E" r. VU" V. A' A V i 'A A -.y.vt AHIi ft OAT- A,r4 edlSAM SIAJIT . ,&4J-OIlt 1 I. iMtn Vu- aat .m A Las,...-'.'- a . . ... i-. te twrt i l(ur f m.T Iimm mi hjj. L JI Jti. i. 1 iMi Ii ! '.i( J ... J .... . tttM Mi . T McSil mTHBRING Tfh . H O rn r 5 U L ' ' a-. a L l AT w l.:jLrl ' w4 ' -N Wrt V - M b a k. : r s . M g :S 0 8- ? ! c jj lW?tj.'-' ..H J f Jfi-ijiP U-Ui f :':l : iiti U 1"1 I ''ti'i i-4si il! il KM mm mm . -Js ?T ?JN fQ t?A .SHi'.W.WOU -" I 1 f Li ittiii ii mf: v ki ii i i 1 1 11 1 1 ra H 71 A If Hi I H KH iPT44al II fi ill I l-J I I ti I IlklUUIII l'4 "T tFOR- 1 1 1 1 1 -j ,1'i.Mv.v 1. j ' : 1 -wtv. I I 4T-4T4WHI -m '--- - , r r.Tr.'-TTMaUiUATiAaATfc-,-, 1 -. ;w" j v - t ."t. -JW-i u4J A , AND- SURROUNDING COUNTRY of LADIlt3 flMK BUTTON BOOTS CONOiiEsi XSAlTEIB AVTand ENfiT law tto t . great rariety and of the beat o-iaiit, w cart be bought anrwhere. Ouf call' FT 4. 1 . .Trade Street, under Central Hotel. BURGESS NICHOLS, waoleaale and Retail Sealer la ALL KINDS Of A Mil LOT 0 Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suits. OOmNS Of ALL KINDS ON RAND. OTLadlM- and ! Grjattojnea'f Borlal Robet t fine gupplj. HO. 5 WIST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. Q HUE. Combination of boneset and othsr fin. taalam wlthartneOT.nrHV'TTTr.iTTr mm. : " whlsklea wi p1 Tfh k . . Tf -1 ATOm ounarge stock orpnre, wS KK9 5S81. 'or this purpose. Our tonic MUSf BE F iria Var.rrK.,.:: "a' "".H"3 "--"w preienses. xor oys- ioria 1 VHTrTXt'"1111' JZ. 'eemenessor Delicate Women. Th wostratlon! of overworked clerormBn nt Phn.n. ,,i laimH. iT.i. viciujmeu ana rnyaicians, tn morbid itfaSS Bronchial Weakness. . I COAj.IBERSBROWvrioirtsyifT Ry, Founders," BaltiiTTore, Md. in appearance, and imequaJtd for durability seen it aug 18 52t si r GENUINE Aeknawledeed by eminent Physicians and the Public to be the XDNLT REAL Remedy for Malaria, Chill-Fever, Dyspepsia, Children's Diseases, Liver Complaint, eta, If you get the genuine not else. P? ice, for Genuine Holman's Pads, $2. Sold bj .Drogglsta, or mailed, postpaid Write for free treatise. HOLMAN PAD CO., NEW T08K, ang22deod?w3m Newspaper For Sale. A weekly Democratic newspaper, In a neighbor ing town, on account or the pressure of other busi ness on the present editors and proprietors, is of. fared for aale, either In whole or In part The pa per is well established, in a thriving town, with fine business nrosnects: and has a business now that .would return a very fair remuneration to one who coHia asiena to iu very accomodating terms will be given. Refer by permission .to Col. Chas. K. Jones, of CjLusbcfrzK Obsebtkb. Anyappll eatlons for purchase should be accompanied with references, and may be addressed to "G," Chaj otte, N. C. , July9 dawtf. " AGENTS WANTED FOR tksTST SHELLING BOOK OF THS A(iE, THE Fodndatioits1 of Success, BUSINESS AND SOCIATi JjMIMS rThe laws' Df trade, letral form i, 'liow tr transact imslness, valuable tables, -sootaiettrqiK-tte, Parlia mentary usage, bow to conduct "public business; In factltlsacomp'eteOUinH TO SUCCKSS fr nil CtSBsesr ' ATamny necesslryr" Address, for circular and special terms, y A ANCHOR FffBLlSRlNG CO., Atlaiiui. . July 21 dw 2m The best Practical ool for the time U Moore's Business University, Atlanta, Ga. C-$100 covers total expenses for three months. Send for illustrated Circular. ug'20-wl2w - f ; TO MINE OWNERS. sportlyCaTOllna Gold Mfrrmg and Reduction X tmpany-having completed their Chlorinating workAnear Salisbury trepfepared to enter Into ne gotiations with mine owners for the purchase of lUlphuret ores 01 worn, to appucaiions. aocinn- iedT)y averagtf sanlpIO for examlniiuoii aim say.T? romps ittenuen win to two. tlmi will be nalii vii4 rn-s,, llsbury, N. G .WANTED, BY a young man, well Meommeodott-aative of Iredell county, a sit nation: as salesman lu some bosiriel443usla ChariottevAddre8S aug6 OBSXRTER. rJ ( .HH4 ' it,l i r, V f VH )IU IWIIM. Hl;-t! 4ni 4SJ4R4lr fciiL . ..'M r . 4,iW:Vi.i nii.lS'iS i.,rj , 3r iJl -jJTj VfS .,:!w!l ' . ':! ,M'- yTiif dl &toJm Wlobe-Fire- ArrtnTi i ltnn nnumlTV Paid firR0Oedcall kinds ot, Insurahle f " . - " ' T1VT -IVlRli. ASCII!. llilllli lii ' U4:"vc, jni(lilW"3CT,W4Fatrepre8e AtlaBtiliiifMllaW 1 i 9 flanl AM i . .. . 'til 44 dJMtJtti i MOW it " : . . . . .TMtfr A. HT..?I ,ifTl. 't. ' 8uHKKHfTnn)Ors ornos, . CliartoWll... JolT 6th, lWfci. -i-F4iiwwjLti'(tw.L i-jK.lavATtfr1' teal ciio -t v14 ai(u nuw.nciuiraaMij,.'ii'""r f(niii.ji nv,arTt,iA inui thftf roail: jaiirttK "Nil i4Hnl . T. TTT. .-m i Ilfi:: nuiiilLi .... 4;r'.Trri-Tr7-i-TWTT t.U,i tniM Ut 1U . I . j r-. - .a ...... - . . . on Cot;.Vifl( iiH-- m arte . . . . xiiA with 1. 1. ! i ma(iafit r""sert' i(rJl. . . , ' a has. m r,,i. L-,aLa decked lirougX. 4T 4 -3 c c: ..jr. tcry tta, Ij ,. -. .... , 1 ST, ?'n

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