' gVBSOMITTIOS SITU i Jlas been WroohV upppjftth Seiu ...13 CO 4 CO want, and with the latest ftyi "T.Tn n ""T. " . manner of Job "Prtnjjng.ean :u oW-fis1 neatneay dtopeaah and sheapsisei We men ; Hh atahoxt oothatH aiiaia ttKu. o jfMO..........-...........w -7J LXTTXE-HXADS, CAEC6, 1 taos7r2cxipts4 podrzBs, -. . f i ' nr, - ' . .., Vib - .'.i i V ,t j J iV iihf .ii ot.:o3 gut.' jU,-JKt !.rt I Silt &A e&tl,liuifvf -9 " - , I ll'i,.!?'! Ml i "H I'll! ' rij; -Hi A-v-.'-tA ..'.insin ,At! "r... . . ' : . : ....... ...1. 1 L JCilalJAJLViA, I lOOUoi Ji-u UJ , &fcis '.r'Sji-jraw JXVo 0010 A i JiiiiBiJtTA23(?rLBa.c vy i r- jj :j t . ...... Counters and imItm we now loaded with beauti ful tak derirtble kobde of all kinds. Stock of Dress GoodV hdvDrrtw Tifantedngs Is OUB 8tw ef Keelerf and leres Is slaply enemooL OFE Stock of PrlnU, Bbirtlnci sad FUlow Castsff Is large and m cheap as eaa be found anywhere. We hare the best stocked CARPET: r In Western North CarollaA. I3T" Br Tuesday or Wednesday next we win h ave the largest stock "of Beady-made Clothing ever oflered by us. " ALEXANDER & HARMS. septl2 We aw ttfecaTlEHMall StoA. Gent's Ha-Mader Vachlne A Cable-Bewed f . uootsAnd' shoes, ALL GBlDia AM) PRICES, 'f J .. . . :; - ALL PBICX3 AFJ) 8TTLX3. ' ; APtettyLlaaof ; ' Tninks' Vand; Sak LATIST :STTLXS OT C1LTTRBATKD ; STETSON HATS. ALSO Lower Grades in Far, Saxony Wool, &c. GIVE US A TRIAL. Bespeetfully, Pegrap auc2g ' f CRYSTAL ICE CREAM AT-1- iursion! !I Grandest opportunity ever oflered to Merehants SAd pleasure 8eekeraV'-: Round trip Uckets from Charlotte to BaKr more, : : t j : .$104)0 Bound trip tickets from Charlotte to lwy ' J. York. , i: ;, j':r-...' ii(Wfl (Children under 12 years half pries.) Cholos of two all rafi routes Tlrdata MldMnd, er Blehmond TreMouburg H Potomac 84 hours, from Chnr fotte to New York-1 UO a ours ahead of -any other Hp. Leare Charlotte to the afternoon, takedla iter in Mew York Leaye Charlotte in the morning, take supper In Baltimore. -v ' Good on any train going or coming until Norem ber 1st. Holders can stop -off at petnta named n the coupons. , ; ' ? u you oestre to take adraBtage of tbese-rates. ? wr ttekeU as early asposslble; as Ue time jsale ls Umited. 8TAT EOUT1 J9S s, j.:pRiixef - IICUBSION TICOT AGWT. cHASLorrxc, N. B.-Get a supply ef Perry's Celebrated Boo- MuC, KOf) urg u pog eo ute way. f r - - z -t ' .Published at the National Capital even Suadsr M atir fuu msumaof the praoedlng week, news- SiiT. topics ana general uueuigBDoe, m being the only ... - ' a . - kkPttSSKNTATrnt EOTJTfnC&N PAPXR , ' aere apponnf the National Democratic Pasty. ; ed by tiSOiUii C. WKDDKaBUBN. of Vlrrtn- . lonaerij puisher of the Kcumond (Va4 , , 8ln,.u J1UUt3 01C2IPTIQJI f ' - lie,'on,Wa'.t-iPai J-1 2 00 Te COpies. tana nnatnTa nnM . TM tSJStoene address, postage paid. . ii t nJJW eopfes, to one add8s, poui. e r 1.' Z J (Do Mereknts m ABE ARRIVING DAILY, . 4 f OiifMfilfk&ietea FEW DAYS. i', .-1,1:- r ; t"'eawhlleweare offering Great Indue1 ments la some lines of Goods. v - ,?.. . . ... . - ,; i CbanjUeE-Out BddkJCosL &mM Co. septl2 A Sure f FOR DtAiRRiraiL :DYSEirrEfe' And all those "numerona:. troubles ef the Stohach and ESpwrai,' 80 PREVALENT AT SiASON. NO remedy known U the. Meo4J been In use ao long and with. such uniformly-,. sanaiaaorj resuns aa . - PERRY DAVIS' '": VEGETABLE : PAIN KltLQr It has been used with such wonderful success In all parts of the world la the treatment of . these difficulties that It haieome . to be considered p AN UNFAILING CURE Fob Am. Suioceb Complaimts, -and such It reality Is when taken lnUme "and ae ordlng to the plain direcaonsjncloalag eacnbofe, tte. ' - - Vr. In such diseases, the attack-Is nanally sudden and frequently Tery acute; but with a safe remedy at hand for Immediate use, there ls seldom dan; ianger a few of the fatal result wnten often -fDllQws The IncUaaUori to wait and see If the morrow does not bring a Dener reeling; not infrequently occasions avast amount of needless suffering, aa id sometimes costs a me. r:. A timely dose of Pain Killer will almost . lni ydoec both, ably save tor's fee. and with them the attendant It has stood the test of fortr rears' constant use In all eountrlee and ellmatas, and is perfectly faU n m any person's nanoa. x .1 Bis recommended by Physicians, Nurses fnJ Hospitals, and persons t all classes and prdfes-4 wonoerPH rosona watca nave at way louowear-ns nse. , stsui V'f ---V 1 hMtoTMnrfhedPamrjAvUr'a Pabi rtller tenslrery in Bowel Complaint (particularly tor ehU- I n!a condition favorable to the employ dren), and B is. tn my optnkm. superior to any pre- I n Th.ra iwWrriArWrMr awV rlhnhthit Dfcration 1 nave ever-neM ior uo nneioitnai 1 relief of I disease. A, HUNTING, K D. Ko family Can afford Utba wltl wufen KvlnM tt tulfrlatwa laA SMksiAK a all , r - wpw a w Msunw say wwww wmmw punvea w wm The use of one bottle wUlsfurbei yea of Us merita than columns .ef . news; vernsmg r?- - tfttewjsz TaUMdrm wiaTwverdowithoat; - You eon fctain it at any dru; Bre. ot Mm SiSRY DATLS it EOS-ixk; Proprietor t PwJdeaee,R:t' aucc lis io cti ; N . v A.w.unxp, - K V J. ceiawrTTl. , V, 1 MIT JABS. JXLLT TUMBLMX8, 1 REFRIGERATORS, ICS CRJSAMrRJSPZXRp, y , ! WATER OOQtXM. . YuB stock of CHINA, GLASS-WABX, CEOCXXBY, CUTLIRY,' IXLNG GLASSY WOOD AND WILn r ;. rag goods (Ttnihatxy. I f x: j 5 '. 'i - i.-i-' t - . : i Wholesale ;&Retai I AT A SACBIFICE. -fgrtjtplxSpec fKADC JMARK f he f ret ;f T A01.SJAK r , Use Kemedy An . , - "v"v lmfalllnr : euro f X rvl ' for. aeminai Weakness, ppef a. - follow. M;a nhiuA! as lOSB Of - "- t tEtCSE- TMtSi.atomorY.Onivemi TAT. T. lltiuClMdn,tn the Back. Itooan ef i...i i. i..uiii or conaumLJoa. ana a xre- maturo Grata,. -.rf.etM v Jtc, desire to send tee r-v mail .t eTefrcne f l tfeonTlaee paper a- Slclile Jied.elne sc. j r y aa r r: . V? t ' tckHe. er six r- f Jr : j. t f t -1 J tree ty mall on r' -u'f-.. ' ' 4 --5 , life j ,-; ., U. -V STATBlfEWS. , v Gen. Leacb is speaking in thd'-east- awuue. ; Shelby Aurora f The'rtl of students at the Shelby HlgtrScriooi n ow numbers 1 aoout cffrrntmarexr ror tno ran .session. 1 Concord Sub.' H In a'weelc cfttVwoiwe will hare the town teiejjrapb, as-all a- ; Miss Lou Lee, tlie" evaftelist, of Ban doli)b,,CQqnty,twas, married, on the ,23rd, W llr George M imdger of Yayne i Tb.fr Aiamanea t Democratic conYen ifon nominated Dr. B. F. Mebane 'for Senator and Jamw,THrreBtf ne the Houses r i na-M aww -1. st vVUminirton JStvrj rA freignttrain-J f fifty-six Foaded ars arriYed in ' this 1 ity on tbe Aarouna Central road. Wed nesday " afternoon, leirig the largest trainvitia. thought that Yer .- came- in on any road leading to thisciy. ' - f Teter M, Hal Esq 'Severs -con nectiohItlvthts BAleig&eVCdvit siiocee4e4 o ba' -Wfl J5afieloivF,3Esi4 The iNews Pobligbing ' Company 'new corisistsbf mmfjmwmoi GaUiB&iplb: an4 W.EBatchelor. hams charged with the murder of- Has rison Kinder pfAff "cofixr Jjtnv,) was conYicted mJ h$r;f;atawa' Superior Court last week', and sentenced to be executed on Eriday. October 22, 1880. . I Oxford Orphan1 FrUnd: ri M mre gratefal to know that all over 'the Btato ihe crops are better than ,ieBrbe foiei and the schools are in consequence opening with an increase' of numbers; Parents will please remember .that North Carolina does not need ajfy more lsmorauL citizens. ...... 'j , . . w ; Kinston Journal .'There are more sick people "within fifteen miles of Kinston than than there has been! since the war. In' some neighborhoods nearly every: other family lias sickness ; in many families 'nearly every member is pros trate the doctors are1 traveling 'night and day andrdruzeists can hardlY keen in xneaiciiw-3; r-' t?- --..f'a..w Baleigh Observer; Judge G. D. FoWle will armrest the people at the following places: Rbchingham, Richmond poun ty, Tuesdayv September 21; Fayette ville, Coinperlajiacoun tyi "VV"ednesdayt Beptember" 22 -Beidsyille, . Rocking ham county, Friday, September ,24; Tar boro, Edgecombe county, Wednes-iiav-KTtirnbei 2fi Kincr'a-. Mormtairxr !i. 3f ". .. V. It -- Tuesday 'October 5 r Shoe iTeetT Bobe- 7. sWilliama nas returned io me city. Mr. j. u, Sughes and Mr G. B. Anderson have ten admitted to West Point from Xorth Carolina :. .Statesville Landmark: The cotton top of Iredell is, estimated : at 10,000 bales. The assessed value of the taxable property of Iredell county for 1880 is as follows: .Land $1,454,490; town lots. $238,135 ? and all other kinds lof property, $98832 an increase over 887. The increase is: on -.land, $8,185; town lots.8,075; money on hand,,$7f- PtO 1 on-allother prorjertySldJSST.- j&looresville gets the railroad it seems. i Dr. J. M. Carson, of Alexander, runs as independent Democratic can didate again i this year. He carries enough votes in his pill bags to elect him oyer the regular nominee. : THE FALL TRADE. Onr nercanille Prosperity on sa Firm Paris, ; . . X8on.' "1 The prospects are that the trade of ri 'uZu CZ..Z ' IiT'-.rI wMnall have?, an junexampled s wheat harvest this year, and of grain general- Hy IheyieldiU.bei upto ii:;Tiighest l wlnt in the past, -jThe wheat crop will probably exceed ill a.inot480.000,000 I b labels, vn&'13i&toie,&iimia.;$Qi export will be aboQt 200.000.000 buahelsv He) w-mneh-of thia surplus-Europe wilt want at fair, prices is. avquestton. now machdbcussedby the Corn lExchlange. and it is one in which the farmers ha a-very live interest. T' The average European crop may .noU be so heavy as it was expected to oe at .'one. time, but it is hard to see bow there can be any demand, either at home or . i 1.21- it . irom aoroau, wuwu wui prevenii unuu ly low, prices lor grain this rauv fi he p of cotton also promises to exceed An total the yield for last year. The es- J-Umates of the production put it at over 4 l .... . , . 3,1 V. 1 m Isljj mUIlon Dales, wmcn win oe px lar the largest crop we nave ever Known. ft. j it 4.u--n ii,..:i s will be taxed tameir utmost nm- t to furnish transnortationj orXhe erona the comuurfail ancL winter, , and-that our export trade will be on a gigantic scale. If the prices of grain are low, thoHsrh the farmers mav snffer. the - re duced cost of bread iwlll redound to the Denent orotner classes or laoorers, ana i the enormous bulk Of Itt transactions mill r, imrArA .'4tA- Mirlraf AVnsninno)11 busy. - ' . .'. ' - : f Since prices declined the the spring I 4afx ku VAvaiiBvuaaw aavs. amuwvavu itww fall, the general merchandse markets have beeaj4afihealthyj andi hopefuU cooditiourf Jf '.this statabf thlmai con a!L- Al .lAt.. Au JA . tinues throuehlthe year, trade will go on im broylng and ther wiU bejnodoubf that our mercaqme prosperity is on auo stantiaMba8is.ihais4the normal working Of the'law of upplYcnnd de mand wp set ns al right.; But already there are signs of a great effort or the partof speculators to get up another ex citement which would prove serionsiy cmirious to legitimate aeaiers. . -iThere is nothing to. Justify high prices. All the great commodities; are in f uH supply i and if they are Kept at the pricee the demano: lor fhexa wouid naturallly fix,iae will be wanted ..in liberal measure for consumption; and there wilVbe afair profit all around. ant if these peculators succeed in their tempts, demand will receive a check " . .V 11.1.1 ill 1 ana tne lnyjutpie reacwqn.wiw. nek mi It It t Well Known fact. among physicians that world for any disease of the Bladder o? Kidneys, Hrn.TA in tomDinsaun i ana ma w leas luou uu tutuui uwbummui uy,i mala and female auffer from derahse' mei thnae anrana and neoleot or failure to use S roper remeaies nurry many io -umimeiy urarai. uraerous combinations nave been tried for Grav el, Brick Dust peposttav Bright's JMsease, Weakv ps in Baek and Mips, produced by derangement of Bladder and Kidneys, but none with: uc .hap py results as Bankln's Xxtract of Bnchu and junfe i if inn anffAr fmmfinv il.iefe i cf ithose ro. ion. m m. htftovO" Ot tWO WlJ TellBV VOU. ' 1 . J I Prepared oaly ny i nw, ariKin "tenuu, r..i 7V c i n,.' T. .Lull Dinsu'I ani T. I ACABO. 'iJ ..l' V- ... arrWavfn ffM the WTIM STM SS. c -etionscf yc-tir, trr-i . Sl , , t . . nt.a tp i.a r 1 the' autumn will oe active enoogn to 1 K Ij6n2'ago tne energies of all our. men tof I vMibusiness. and to keen the labor market I j nA,tXE BIQIXm JUtXIsQtffOS!iLI .j; A.-4Sii. 'iLa.aiiLir Ineapolis is a miniature Chicago as een in triennial conclave week, .The crowd as expected, to increase every day imtiH ine culmination -on .caturqaywnen j mien trots. ujl twenij-mue cusmngy race - betwepn .MiHS.Tgimna., Jewett, of Minnesota, ; and .Miss f (Belles?,Cxx)kr of California, was a feature pf .yestexday, and aroused ;the, Interest "-anbSexcite-toentofthe thirty thousaiidpeole who saw It.1 At 6.1bV ,after1,,the iipatierit multitude had enjoyed 'the proverbial f wait on a woman's toileCVthe yoong lariiftfl , vnrA driven-in a carrlaif'' nn3 amid the chteers of . the people,' .to th' : j adges Btahd, id front 6f which'Were 1 uozen swut-runnmg norses' -me1 pia.y bf the race was for each' ofxhd ladiM txv change; her 1 horse 4at fpleasure; which J mo uaaciouj u.ix a oo;u iajixo Both ladies were petite 'in , form,;' Miss' J ewett weighing twenty 'pounds more than her orneace'.nyasedistihv guished bv the elaborate dfcdrations of her habit in gold, and MiSfvC6ok:byia blue -veil whick, streamed ?;f rptnf , Jier band, it was almost impossible for the two men at their bits to hold the wild horses. At the wordGo" the horses plunged off with-their fearless- lady riders, and then ; occurred opo . of the most, intensely exciting races-that was " -A ' rati . i - -. tjyw i wiuiesseo.. Ane crpwtfiiljwas tumultuous at first and 'afterwarda grew crazy with, excitement ,s JBwem m. minnesota, was, or course the favorite of the great majority,: but pluck rapidly won her friends. Dash- liij lujrwiuu wiiu irignuuA440unas a the word "Go" Miss Cook's veil was soon seen fluttering in the lead, but half-Way round the glittering gold of Miss Jewett's" habit came abreast and she passed under the wire ahead, While Miss Cook reined her horse close to one waiting, and with hardly . any r help I Sprang from the back - of one horse to the back of another, and dashed in pur suit, encouraging her steed, already wild with excitement with ishouts that rose above the noise of the crowd. The girls seemed lost to all danger in the maddening excitement of the race. At theend of each mile they changed to fresh horses, and to do so without loss Of time the speed of . the running horse seemed to be hardly checked,- but they threw themselves recklessly in; front of the animals, and, seizing their bits, threw them ion their 1 haunches. Once Miss Cook's horse was thrownMolentlV to the ground, and' fell upon-her.", A cry or aiarm went un rrom tne crowd: but the girl sprang to her feet and to an- utuoi uuree in waiting, losing oniy tnir ty seconds. Miss Jewett was, very un fortunate in changing horses, losing much time trying to mount an unman ageable beast She was kicked in ; the side; but if it hurt no one knew it She was soon on his back. On the seventh mile round Miss Jewett was unhorsed," wheny intelligence was shouted from the reporters stand that she had fatten. For. a moment 'fear held tho.crowd silent, but the craze of the race teturn ed and they shouted madly, "Send her another horse," and one of her backers dashed down the track with a fresh ani mal. This she did not mount, and the crowd -noted with horror the riderless horse from which she fell fearing round with saddle turned. Miss Cook rodei once more around the track, and was! awarded tho purse1 of $200, having made eight miles' in less than twenty minutes. The interest in the race gave way to the desire Jto71m0W'tbe. extent of MissT Jewett's Injuries.4' She Vas brought ixrthe judges'i stand andr sur geons surrounded her. She was pale- aa death, begrimed with dust and dirt and only kept from fainting by brandy being administered. Her lee was-ev- erely sprained, but not broken. : It was: announced from the stand that on -Fri day Miss Pinneo, -ofColorado, would ripe a twenty-mile race with Miss Cook fjir,$5,000.,, The interest in thiSievent seems' tA'occnDYlbe ,bub many lobKC with. dreadi upon a. repeti tidn'of the maddening and daneerous .1 4 ; : The. Heir t Vlctofta'fl Xbraie The Prin( of. Wales has-recently (ex hibited, f considerable . iatiellectnral. ac; tiYity and skill in. preventing two; marr riages of his friends. He. hindered the marriage of Admiral Glyn with Miss Neilson, andis.nowvthejobstacleito the intended marriage of .the JJaronesa uurueu-i)utts. ji win do jrrauijJBg io the friends of civffiiation1 heralUy;it6 know that the fgenilemah jwhty' is to rule the United Kingdom of Great Bri tain has some capacity beyond enjoying a horse-raoei trsdlBher,:Sirtatitoif,for a good, ,time -cemnavr the scenes or.,'.a theatre, t As theyuhav ijonopular elee tiona for their, Kinir 4n EnfirlancL and have ' hot vet, !learned liow to emnlov I h .caectorai r""1")!1"? h1 'lta"r:tt-'-"tJ heir apparent , to .the4thrQneVibei is reasonably certain to be the ruler of the greatest : monarchy ;.of-the woridin.a few yearaat tne latest; ana as ne nas never exhibited the semblance of stated iiianshiryeniieedTohe itiadjt i it is some consolation to know lhat he is equal to something, even f it c(oes not rise above dictating lhe ;wiYeaii bf Iris favorite chums and 'dependents. it tue mace mn waiea nau.Deeu Dora in this country; with fair opportunities - CLand industry fia anight have risen to a I t . -a a,n- 11.1. A v . if . i ; street-car conductorship, with the' hobe or pnttaTTretuminrnara aoixarr clerkship .-(bat, rbmR xnenrsEsoni p the estimable. Queen; ho wm King o Enirland." It makes all the: difference in the world tr sohievileustEwbere ana wnen tney nappenea to oe opm Londrficuth. . : Mr, afea1irP-f mmstrei enterumment, ow - a.Aier Majesty's theatre, has a curious hiatoj-y. Not sa many years ago he was a brake man on a small local railway in Ameri ca. ; One day, as Uie ntrain to which he was attacned was aooui, w stare, xn m friend suddenly tor&ed up.an explain ing that he hadht a dent in the' werldT begged a free passage on -the train to a fair not "far - distant. Haverjy asked thin favnVnf hi Runetior without suc cess.' Very well," he retorted,.,if,my friendcansfo Iwon't 'A ne wTbtake-H man had to be found, ana uaveriy and. his friend, were: left! ieMndi The for mer had a little money, and w ith, it they Surcjiasea a Dusnei or:-appiesv,i wniqu aey reiaile4:ata:pJcofitl?They repeated VMa Anrttnn Rflireral. timfiS'til? th& imade enough to payheajf to New x orK. . v nen next xiaveriy was ceaxa of he was in great-cpirits at the pros. pect ci ioinrepr a tnitrer.jroupe wim started a ttoune of L.iowurcrl nc.Li waicn ooi3Ct mjriew s,fm pracucies . assidiously on tne iixmeafe Ila becmep nj uiu i.jim nil am UU'II lunji.mji) ' r r. .'.." . 1 , ; - , . 4 j rTT ' - ' ' , TT.j,'."-. -r ijjui j-., .' i." 7TJ.! ii':o . . . , t 'J st?fM. .riiuv hi , t: i'.-.! u.ii our J - - u ; f j ; ; ' -J -U3!tii. .It).' I i. . . ' ' .. - ..' . ,1 . -X - 4 V. V" s"v i t erv- 1 1 f:7 ; Hi H t 1 - I, f'FlS remnanti hj CASH.' srita and CAB,ANTd wm be sold at a saertflce. AH ear flTBlW 914QU OarSPBlNa STOCK toft Is tory email; t : eptl : Ji ... 1- - . :- 5 ':: :! ' ... . . j. 11-) iA nifc -. -f-nTiriim rifiOi ft ra nil 820.00 SUITS AT S13.00, ! . . , , $15,00 SUITS AT $11,00, Stocji:; of Buy S.UITS AT VERY LO W X)uri8tockmutberetaoed, aswearealKuttopurch 8DMHKB 8UTTS at 75 cents on the dollar. We i . : 3L. angl2 tbr W$ jAI tarHATX JDdT BSXlf BECXIVXO AKD' i;.- .-. ' i . -.'i... a; all t.t o i Jid-Jr. iMo'oaaaAWtV&a.'W:T.k Liidies' Blitek and Brown 8tmw Ilatu Wis favohb Pleasura lot "Announcing JmjiMlvtiafbm aufM 1 -it 3 1 Uolini-:L NiXntilt UtOIJX;Us.iii.'iUl WJiA- ,TI eet9 ...... t . 4 r-.j... . .t .. tH.CT:Tr?':'ife--- -.ij ill Ann .ii ifk.i .... fi i l v,fli" ii iii svi ws.1 ii sn i r.j. i ti'iii ;iii' i ; rimiiH . ' i - ; ' . rf'-rhroiiK or TSSLjiBOEsi and best assorted stocksoi.!. k -av.v jt-t ; . f?.?!n3 and as we need room for FALL GOODS, we will make IS0 Do rLaxtWsa & and Youth's Clothing, assure our friends and customers that we alwars give -iBespeetfuBy . .7 I OP CHARLOTTE TJiATloTjR ... . 1?; l x' v s t o c k- mem m beadi aSX OPKN JOB ttSPKTrbl-, w rnr I ' f- :- ' - ' - - ' WITfl. THIS IfibUJS VJT THIS U113itVlili I -. tnlSfi wMuiiliase! assurances to test byrrir-i ' 0 i - J. ..(3. 4 " -17VM : BITS, including line aUCkUAWaVwUlbe eJeied al a QUICK 8 ALB. 0 1 o -.1 . -Si-.' . : ;(' Fi I .00 SUITS.ATJS8.06:tf. r F I G U RES;' .I'!:.- -:. '1 . 1 .' . .'i;if'SJ Now la the time yottcanpinhaaeSPBIN9 iand,C( them the benefit of the adtanoed seaMO - ... . . : .. A-.iii Clothiers and Tailors. - '.'7; o f :--ri'! -fen . ; -. i y. , i 7 , " ' ' ...... J ffHl -imri'h ? 't T5fJ ui , rJi . fiHJ'. 'till r'N.fiT X' the Arrival ot uur 1 .u:wi.i'w..' Ji'.-J' i t..t Ji. s-' - .- - - m .... - . rw ... lUriJllitSixXv:: v- l-i.:t A ' day Aneric"- r:t' ::. i nair ttccraci .... liist"-' -'-V ,fny ta Lant rn cur y i uso, ve rot I fcttlrft ,1 i i, fci V ... ...... .. -.j.---,, 1 It a n. -..or--r ia t-v ; V-, - r - .,.is. .-a01 ' t .j-crn.8A-ii"L1 PACXAG3 rr. , Ii Hit