" '- ' " ' 11 ,-.. -.fir -.--WWlii r tm' ti-iii-i - I - ". It.. .. .v-! J!. . ,., fi : r.-T' - . . -z , . "-- ?iirniiliwinil n Willi I Will 111 iSafcTil Wtfr IWHIHilll r 1 4iVfi MVBBORIFtlOW RATES: HBBbee&llionBUSaiz supplied witn every i Dam, one year, poetped in !.". .7.f8 00 400 nrm jforui......;...fe...i,...;:..:...;. 2 00 One Month .....4 71 ihiMKijrmnowr j WnCn4JrtaiUe latest itjle oTpeU- - fW manner ojofclPrliiSoi.6fta ncwBs fitn Ub it tliort notice, it jtstJwCj'eA.J K BLUn3,1SLIrHXAD9. " i-1 ' - -TAGS, MCIIFra,-06TEi3r -PBpGttXMMia, pjLNDBELIA ili BfS' vjl is, -.a 1 .S3 00 I CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESX 'SI NO. 3,606. SixMonth$.. ,..4... 100 iy rCwnrt XeOmeUonijve CttOm. i '- :; : VOL. XXIV. PAJCFHLXT9k dBCCLlBS. CHXCX8, CL -if i Married for leve. s sr ... t rrrr 2 tV 4. .1 fcf OM STOCK Counter and iw are inow loa2fed with beauti ful and desirable goods of all klnda. . t ', ? f . I ' ' "I 1 i is-. 0 Stock of bress Goods aad vBres Trimmings Is supeUbA Stock of Hoalerx and Gloeals straply enormous. O II R Stock Of Prints, ShlrUngs and Pllllow Casing Is large and as cheap as can be fousd anywhere. h tUe nest s eke CARPET DEPARTMENT i Western North GaroHna. ; - V. NOW COMPLETE ; And we. ask an Inspection of GOOIW and PRICES v ; before purchasing. . Having ganed tte confidence of -the trade bj Fair Wing and Low Prices, We feel we can and know we will make it to your interest to buy our goods. The ladles will always find the Jatest novelties In dress trimmings all, know w keep abreast with (he styles in this line. ; f We can show a very handsome assortment of J"ancy Dress Goods, with-"bottorti andtrtoblngi te match. BUks, SatlnSi Casnaseest Kbinlea' and Henriet tas. We make sr speclaWorBoBrBfogr Goods. We sell a good Kid Glove for&eents. In Hosiery ' we offer special inducements. Every . department is complete and has-been By Tuesday er Wednesday' next we will I selected with care. kavsttie largest stock of Beady-saade Clothing ever oflered by us. ! ' ' All cam be pleased by giving us a call. Very Respectfully, ALEXANDER & HAfiMS. T. L Seigle k to. septl2 S00t nuti 106 '""FALLSW. We are JIfei Our V - , ' -'it J' 1 MS P. 8 Our Cloak department has been enlarged and made more attractive than ever. sept28 ' ' A Sure Cure! POB DIAKRHGEA, DYSENTERY, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, And all . those numerous troubles of 1 the Stomach aSb Bowtsxs, bo prevalent , at thi3 season. Gent's Hand-Made, Machine & Cable-Sewed BOOTS AND SHOES. I No remedy known' to the MdIcalProfesslon has JJV-,v,XkJ XL!, J-XVK9 been lS use so rone and with such unlformli ')l .si, -ALL GRADES AND PRICES. . 'Tea, Jack Brown was a splendid fellow, But married lor love, you Know; I remember the girl very well &wee nme junr Dunau. Pretty, and loving, and good, And bright as a fairy elf, I was very much tempted Indeed Temarry JUtcy myaeu. "But her friends were an of them poor, And sitcr had net a cent: And I knew I should never be . With 'lore In a cottaae' content. - So Jack was the lucky woer, . j Or unlucky anyway ------Tou can see how shabby hie coat, And his hair is turning gray. "But Fm toM he thinks himself rich with Kittr and honwiy joys; A cot ar away out of town ruir oi noisy giris ana Doys. Poor Jack! I'm sorry, and all that, But of course he verr weu Knew That fellows whe marry for love Must drink of the liquor they Drew. And the handsome Augustus smiled. His coat was in perfect style. And women still spoke of his grace, And gave him their sweetest smile. But he thought that night of Jack Brown, Ana said. -I'm growing oia : I think I most really many -m i eia heantHal girl with gekk" Tears passed and the bachelor grew Tiresome, and stupid, and old; He had not been able to find The beautiful mrl with gold. Alone with his fancies he dwelt, Alone in the crowaea town. Till one day be suddenly met The friend pi bis youth, Jack Brown. "Why Gus!" "Why Jack!" What a meeting! Jack was so nanny and gay: The bachelor sighed for content As he leiiowea nu inena away To the ot far out of town, Bet deep in its orchard trees. Scented with lilies and roses, Cooled with the ocean breeze. "Why, Jack, what a beautiful place! What did it cost?" "Oh. It grew. There were only three rooms at first, Then soon the three were too few, So we added a room now and then; And oft, in the evening hours, Kitty, the children, and! Planted the trees and flowers. "And they grew as the children grew (Jack, Harry and Grace, and Belle)." "And where are the youngsters new?" "All happy, and doing welL" Jack went to Spain for our house His road Is level and clear And Harry's a lawyer In town, Making three thousand a year. "And Grace and Belle are well married They married for love, as is best; But often our birdies come back To visit the dear heme nest. So my sweet wife Kitty and I From labor and care may cease; We have enough, and age can bring Nothing but love and peace." But over and over again The bachelor thought that night, "Heme, and wife, and children ! Jack Brown was, after all, right Ob! if in the days of my youth I had honestly loved and wedt Fer now when I'm eld there's ne one cares Whether I'm living or dead." Harper' i Weekly. TTnloaa Mio tfattfirwnlfth a nH v tiff. fers toproYe is se'Otf l ttie Record, the erjror jii rejecting it 4 botafrpcar. The omisHWiVcVP & 'excludes W 1 his nfttA.q of the. testTtaoitv - to the lory for the Viitppsa, . " xicaiii fUitelr 1 S. ., : ' i i MwvsvMMBAswMar'vaMHBsaeaMBii ml i . t M -; -xto"-, ' excrae for toMjf,' ,J ... "A point wDicn . irie:-Dm orexcepnon . shows Was not' taken itf wcoiirt te- low: cannot be.iafceW hi the, Sijpreme, ; life. an mitSSm WILL MAKE A GENERAL ' CLEMUNG ..SALE1; OF ALL nhsn ffmitiuit r(rthr. -ntMTir. sAn f ' - !"v . ...... .'Hi , I -i clusively to the gtlllt of the 'prlawerJl that the joxy were(,well ' warrahted inr flndinga yeraictvox ,nuty,, m'W point taken.that in thiarconrt ' that' the evidence was not stirricient to warrant a veraict oi guuiji uyo bcuuic?. . State Ts. swepson, irom vy aKe. w rn. f () The inaanto la CASH. SUtTS and CASH. PATS.wJDtt be sold at a sacrifice. All our i BR1W HATS, lidiiolnj flnisUqdi wi e (osed at vv annrui BfiWWW Ull I. (St m.a mi m naatl Mtom ftw V A of certiorari to issue. ' i,... Tr is irnliannthlA that this COtttt has t the power to supervise and wftitirjl the proceedings in the Superior Cotirtsi ni to that end may use; any writs rfceessa- ' ry and proper, of which, the writ; cer- j tiorari lstne appropnate one . in cae where the right of appeal irytotofp1 pressly' denied, but simply not pwided of the Superior Conrt ifVik&r5ler. August term, 1815,: in thtsr casSfthe State' vs. Sensoh.. the indire wnse4 to hear evidence in 'support di-jtteiwo posed amendment tin the gfoiMa oflh-? nrnnf. nf m ariiT ihifOTwJ tHC OTilt question is, was the refusal to enter-! I ' Uin the motioiirfbr the reason allegea; TOrtTt:' K..rrmi:TW WTTT,WT5 such an error as to require correction I dLJk a wr 4Jk 4.1 iJ ' in toe exercise oi ine buuciwj j jwci conferred on this.court, and is the,wtit fl.-f W K ;'...t rti w Jfl r I ft . 5 Til1!- M-f ' - : , . ....... . . . . V ' ! '-i';iiitl'rj '! " 1!.: SH; ! Oil PCDId Misses' Wilte' i . - " 1 ALL PRICES AND STTLJC3. A Pretty Line of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, LATEST STYLES OF CELEBRAT1B STETSON HATS. ALSO Lower Grades in Fur, Saieay Wool, k GIVE US 1 TRIAL. "... . ; Respectfully, Pegrto; & Co been in use so long and with such uniformly BaiisiacioiT resuiva no j PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. it has been used with such wonderful success in all parts of the woria in toe treatment oi these difficulties that Unas come -to be considered V AH UIIFAIUNG CURE Fos AixSoMrntCpiiPiJaNTS, l.and such it reallly is when tlkea-in ttme and jae- eorumg to ue puum uirewoua utowbuik cacu iut- tie. SUPETJK COVBT DECISIONS. of certiorari a fit and proper wriPtp W Of the power' of the SuperiorMirt of Wake, and indeed of every e6uit to amend its records, and for that-purpose to hear evidence' and theTeupdit jtto amend its record so as to make ft the truth, there can be no doubt' Bu it is equally well , estabiisnea mar 1 Dronrietv of an ' amendment, and t Darticulars wherein it is to be amei are matters discretionary with -the judge, and, if in the exercise of this discretion, tne amendment ; is rerui then no aDpeal ntjr cert iortirL in natnrfl of a -writ of 'error, lies to reve' :i TO 1! OUR NEW AND ORIGINAL FASHIONS FOR PAXL, , Permit as to assure you that our aim in maniifacturli a STOCK OF CLOTHING is to produce Fashionable i Garments Uh ij?i?S"Wp' 0ur:u sta eMng for the Trader fi fRIMA FACIAE evidence that ouf endeavors have met with the requirements ofour customers. mm We Shall Open j for Your Inspection ihis-SeasoriF r . .... -' j ' ' t t ' t ' s i'. niiu imi . i an g lhe Handsomest Line ef Men's BolyX and 1 WTJf':'.'; :': THAT,HASEVaBIKNEXBrrEP,aiAM refuse to entertain1 a motion-'to amend, ' - 1.' . m to-ct-c't-q-t-4v -rrS' tx, o2r'THE'b and to hear the evidence on the groUM't W Xlil-VT;EYERsro:D:3r TQ Pi.."- ercisehisdiscreRon.andtheTelttaeP" '.. . Tery;respecUuiiy,; ., . .., . iJ'E K WAlNVJrJli'K ' ;i51tlF ... , v .'t-.. pj! ijo.: ; !, lu;-aiu-jui- JMase mi Digested by W. W. Fuller, Attorney at Law. Raleigh News-Observer. Smith, C. J tion of law is made, which is, review x BEAT -:ll .11. r I .r. ' j ... . ' fi 'i:.f Pitwut t f! .;: ft f. f. ! u able on appeal where . that is allowed,; T, . n WE have on hand a fink line of samples for merchant tailoring,, tflffif.OT," T?oiito,r pJ,m,. itisanrror which maV'be brouehtUDLi?!; X."" NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED OR NO SALE. i hi ; -ii 1 vs. the North Carolina and Richmond and reviewed in the exercise of the sU-fjJ; ... i and DanviUe KaUroad Companies, pervisory power or iqis emmuj ; from Mecklenburg. Affirmed. oi certiorari, jm.wtjw .uunBiu mB The opinion in the case between tne uie ou" vs.ow.eysoii, pi x. same Dartiea. with nositions reversed. In our opinion,takingthe facts a iarOM nf tha oimiisir nnPRtinn in this in the betition tone true:-there wna a: u.aFVOV -i , i .w t.MkA tHl appeal. I C11UA J1 U9 vxiaiw wi-vro juugo, y J'".'' erourid of a want of DOwer. to entertiiin i .nU f iho .horur nf Hia the motion of thft Stat to amend the UJ BWUUU U1UD Ul MID biwxv vt Kiau -- . . , Ij plaintiff's company to persons over recoro; ana-DeiDg sawsneu aJlTl whose lands the railway or its branches diction to have the record certified lhto . in BUUU urawo, wyi, uwn I mi l .sii V,; LcuieTDUt wira a-aie remeay may pass, iiie npptMu nui miwi; mm- this court for supervision by .'.lis. it hL' I ordered that the writ of certiorari lMu f T - TV TT 1 1 WEI n ; m 1 I ray l h:ifli ! ! !" YARDS OF FLANNELtPRESS The beat Flannel Material ever offered Wwhere fdrltJte' price. . 5 ! A aug28 at hand for Immefflate uae there seldom paiteer view th6 legality Of the order or ap- lrureq wia me wruwicetwww'wwi S,t5?iSSL5MStt"Welt'wr ofteiOollw8!a fw pointment of the commissioners to as- returnable to the next term of;, Ihls, the tncunation to waitarid see tf the morrow I sess damages, if there be exceptions court., il iinl tirlm n hnitnr fnnHnir lint InfrrnimnHT I t i i i n aa well na nf t.hft nonfirmfttinn. I nmurtnnaavaflt&Hioantof needless sufferimc. and i ' I T)tt.tJart-.T ' mfSSSStlm wm almost invarl- SMITH. C.J.: " ' 1 VS.C ably save both, and with them the attendant doo- North Carolina and Richmond and .-AwaMd, , i, . u , JfttiUiM J " "V f ,art. - Panville Bailroad companies vs. varo- , , m "3.SiJ?iST taaaounTndclimarandU COn iromJaeCA l;fj?j ft. fl llJrecSnjKied by Piuaans, Nursej to a? the successor of the Wfiming- without any deewhatsor.' rIr y f . Nrn.pit:(xa :n tv' j'od'sV Snfel 'Stillfe, jMi Velvets, 'Plain, Striped.:and Hospitals, and persons of ctassw aM protes- tnr rhariotte & Rutherford Railroad proofs estopping trefendant from qies-, latest JXOVeilies in ireB puw ?9;W, , .J. lens who have had opportunity for observing the ton, cnariOlie X "UMil SlTT iirtnr,. tK tJtl Laimwl bv th Dlim- ' ! 1 ! Brocaded., , , wonderful resuito whichhave always foUowe its Company, under the purchase Hrad at- tloninjr tne UU iaimea,,py in ( t , , xxwafixwu,, r .. m.. i , , l the Judicial sale; the defendant cempat w?,. . . . , . ; ... nr-.w-w.-r.i. ht succeeded to -all the'estaW iad A W esrapnsnea in eitner moue tecsively In Bowel Complaint (particularly to imnV mwA it a In M nnlnlMi mnntaf tA kx auease. . , t." rJli ni...i.u... u..h... 1 atthAin Of titl from tne State. OT! ne-1 . A .il t ttlfiSn the claim bfiM ' ATM '.At tllfl No tamUT can afford to be wttHeut tt. and, tta IZZZTZZZ rr'a;r ,aS to' hiake a Question as to his titieThe'J ' AIM) VI mj price brln8 tt wlthtathe reach of aJL .? w m6. - T' " n.mnBlrf'. itl-in fwi mwiftMi: ' : i l ... a. i . . . m a. a - . - fltivnr wrav nwop t nam ' . i ua a k m is a vtaa v& m mmw - -i tt i youof Its merits than columns ef 'newspaper f ad- Vith slight modifloaUong the defen such a .title, M0!!?1?' i'; ; ; ! '.- ; Jr : ''' '' 1 lVUti vflrtlslnir xry u ana you wm never w wiuhwu . Price 25eT 50c. and SI per bottle. Toucan obtain it at any drug store, or from PKRHV DiVIS iSQN. Proprietors, - Providence, R, L augOkxwto octl IveriiMi nice an! nef iD . t Mlliiits in : . " i; : v i: i: il ii iZL nLn : -i. v :-i 1 ' .. : w t. : u Inst defendant by etoptervj; can please the m ofct fastidou , , Ruling ,10 Pcqs. .t ,; .. iMtkm tA'nav rentiiadxnei v r. ' T . .... . . a new - ' ( Y i 5 i -1 1 1 i j uv. l. I nr noh Ofralti'of. Atflr aanb company is ctutueu wuu uw outo j "r " . v i ti, iJ7,n. a - J and the objuration, to nay rent nadth V4B1UU9 UUUW.IUCU IU VMO I Itw" - J-- j ,1 I 1871-72 for the formation' of railroad ouugum 01 uoieuiiau w w LTjri n nnmnontA, vohm vnii KhooQ I relevant to the rssae. and was properly I . iWrrrT tr srtrrT fTrtzixrrrV section 25. This section primarily ap- LcItS"v f 4 , qW0CReVaj ailli iaSSWra? Uea to railroada formed, under the act, The rule ta.JliJ!SffirSl rwSoIJ but is extended to "all existing railroad pnu, fflraT? sameaVrWO "ir- daontract of parch, (bond for Thesft references sustain the claina -of title), ana ne nv noc ; perm;t.iu ,w . V I A A. a m A.. . w Awm CHINA -of the PRETTIEST STOCKS MIpD 7TI UUt! PALACE wi the defendant to resort xo tneTtent or "? "TA r?J ri?7A3t u IT DONT FORGET OUR OPENING NEXt J U ESDA Y,; W DN ESD andJ T ii??2rt . n p cordially invited A band of music J will be ia attendance ana every. 99 ..wm ;ub-j whmj w. "- v .'.rr rxir establishment a pleasure to- you. ! . ... -tu:-) iTaoi:-.!.' ;! M,;t !iiir-:) "tf;i:1. T... .is;. B I a. i w r r u aH. ' aK a. ssss. a . ii ai Kn ... a bbmbb: ' asammmm. m v -v a. ' . , tEUH 1 1 f I 1 M II . f r - . 1 I I J - - k. aaf aaaia-i aaa mm Baa-aftaaaa -Of SILKS. SATINS, CiSBMERES, Hosiery, fjloves, Laces, Ribbons, Ttes, Rlchh appellants, c, that has eiet been offered In this market. Our Second Stock of Imported and Domestic D.ess Goods will be In by October 1st -OF- J. Brookfield & Co: CBARLOTTB. N. C FMVIT JARS, JSLLT TVMBLXRS, JOJS CRmM FHE "ZEES, WATER COOLERS, Full stock of .' CHINA, GLASS-WARE, CBOCXSRT, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES! WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, AND HOUSE TORN- ! ING GOODS GENERALLT. , Ia a widioki VA a Dossession Drevions to a lease or cott-1 1 '''''' " ' " ! 1 grant onh7rShtof"enet tract of I Wl HaVft" f.,r, mnr AYPmnr. frnm ttreTiSclsfiq nartv to dispufceithe MUe whtch-henas 4,. llfAV&r '.Ji.l ;- ':.. . . f..' ' I ')lr f;t ' ; ( . i : . ', i 0 i f 1 il til . I . -S ?." f i l aBkaaaaal I T- JO4V '-' i i v';. 1 u .ijiT ni haiiwi I oT-uur when the public interest requires itifbr I recognized : public uses than other larras neiany in dividuals. Each must be suiordinate to the demand of the Stater fpr public and useful purposes. -v ! The exercise ot tne power or eminent New M UM Cttlauuraw . Jil k trr . ...r.,A4enn OK Pant. Ti!)W rase B -rewrvw . mo iwiwnj, jzr J t rt , , ie;Plea$ure of ! Announcing the Arrival of Ot went Hoping you will give our atook a thorough Inspection before purchasing, we are fours tpflr M sept26 ADVERTISERS By addressing GEO. P. R0WELL a CO., lOSpruce St., New York, caaleam the exact cost of any pro 'fir?4 Nf? of ADYRTpp(J lq ricapljew Papers. luuinuw pawphlet, .jjftL Jt, f. j " 1 -' n i "- j' . ' . .. . ii "iii -. ' r y ' . (Ili -V -r M l VlkK mill MnMlUtt. Jlh 1 7 Agents Outnttree. Address . I - I O. V.CXERY Ajwoata. ; Maine . . ... ... ii tROslDIGJlAlM 1 N the State' and rifnited atatei iooorts QoilSeJ ttona' flmu Mnrf 1frln:- utilrtt: ; kh- xiues, Bumyft. bus lunusnea lor -cwsl ijiwWf .flUP! Wholesale & Retail.' 1 domain, over the property orfubllo corporations may be: strbject toTirqita' tions not strictly appacaDjp;rppp property,. . , ttL The laying Oftwn of a traca eigru. ieei from the track of another roadwtlL not seriously; if at -all, disturb Jfr&M& tiMamii&& '' "I tions of the. latter., orheitttng CtMUndi itiSi h -il down ana usintr a secona rxacswnen ; i ua trrtvr Awnsfc 7tfeich, required, for an hlarfied tranKn-tation ed DiSC0 on th68th with two Mnfcs in me laiure. - inoR and stove in on the starooarq By chapter 203, actapof l874-7o,tne auarter8. Tffl(he Ut repairing. Took nelit toconetruct ana operate anKtfw(tM-WfJ;' Came telegrapn along pub I ... f A I "itdwtt5wt -poanfC. VltMg, bom erifleaW in preparing, for thevOWng .aeagn xraae, to rpa JftTJ J r flSSIkifiv, usfe. Triafino-thiit-Tori will put these.uasaumnfieu- to,.te.fir1iv- Mix i'ilm -y ak,f,,,f' ts' an - ' ILJ 11- UJI JLL -iSA Jm mSm mm. m . , CLOSING OUT T I IN" W .A. : AT" A SACRIFICE. firav's Soeeifie Medieiae. a4 Hah Hrtmti4r. A mntnrrhH. Im riwtetwy, and all Bewes that f allew' a ' a nequenosof selh abases as whs h. ii&r vV.?mvMve"ihrt TAXrC ,tbafctoid JPaofp ff" we desire tand tree tt p'l fr wry gpeeitlc SledVslne Is ;oli IMWlKt TlSTiJm"i d uiot i s i -t V'ressUtt K?i - a -ecu : .a. JU1 Mil DUW III UUUP .Di ..uanv,.....- - "".iW '-,. f- Unllh in. all itv-vinLa ttyoti V ; " ileire ial emanaea nv one raiiroaa irum aoin-1 ygBalirorwa8t-l8-Bre reSUltJU WUUUUDU BUB(DU flowi ; Is a eondlUon which i J5! MffiS&awi BbetrifleTwitbr Immediate relief U nfesuaid lrn"l" bmhumwwiih, rum., mm, a , MMnaTMln M viii rtr morttatelf V ftradfie4d,AUu..i ga. oannrV. a.; , v rr ' hV5r Is. fciith and U B. Wit State vsrjouii uraay.iron.ntwAiaiy-j r'-fh-t novasowa ovr. Affirmed. Vr tv. Where it is not snown ness is dead,- coronersjury, AlO.. Ji V.'l ' - t tmotJHr-Vpmale Regulator has Deen i taotft' ! . : - , . i m ..iMnnr mtln'i nT fin va wit r."r rt&rYPrzrju$x a la 4. inOUKT - U KVall R5i I .VOJV T 3 ' T7'5 .. I ! . T our A me 't. :iu i H HOEL! :Bh sjtntres, lir- wit tWep?tT e pt ,z: .....4 aad'tiw; I 1 4 SIIa) per bottle. ! 4 1 COtM 'I .,.,;.i Hlv T. 1877."- 8W 3g r . :. '' . i Iaf!J5l ) to tth r-'iL f i i m B. WrtstOH Ciaie anu wwrenuiw, m-o oi. oostttutions require,"' saw nwueoii perfected the composition ot the "MaltSlttga." - nnn est intientus. : ;iH imiidrtan7 hasbtei omitted in i the i!W?WWfIMd4,.'lt: icept tne juoga, ,ak vvi"p nIHfiKWtlfX IIUH a .1 . tUl ducive tP a fairorial v ;)' rfffierdicpoeanot auUiortzeTts, being zt aside. -ASHE,,. isiiafiaiayiCfe joornstl !hHov ' nr Irrr.n tKr.i:?'"r. i tli bifc Wit -tiiSi' ' '1 J- .BiifOlSliS'ji-r'J .if? CdiT AIHD .rt;r bVsr7ifj lTt oiJnaiafi JfiiUrV PA'il'W'S W&m TAOriTtai!? 8U0C .-'-fT; ,(u3? bv?atiiA?vj rm . . . f . . a" . - nts for 8TERLINGBAE1NG PQWDIRene of I ' ' Umra ur v eij 1 iv. ft. - ... .v., . .... .... ...m

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