"7T WEDNESDAY SEPT. 20, 1880. v BALi&OAD blBKCTOST. The following table shows the running of passes er trains to and i trom Charlotte, on all tn nn roads (Washington time): RICHMOND DiKTILLl. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro. 12 30 a. m. Leaves for - " 4 05 a.m. Arrives from Biehmond, i.20p in. Leaves lor 4 5iy. m. ATLANTA CHABLOTTI AIK-LINI. Arrives from Atlanta, 8.60 a. m Leaves lor Atlanta. , 12.80 a. m Arrives from Atlanta, 4. JO p. m T.eavna tar Atlanta.. J. 1 25 p. m CHABLOTTK, COLUMBIA A AUQC8TA. Arrives from Augusta 4 30 p. m. Leaves for Augusta 1 .25 p. in. CAROLINA CKNTP.VT. Arrives from Wilmington, 7 00 a.m. leaves for Wilmington 8 20 p. m. jinivFs froio Shelby KdOp.m. Suet-ves tor aUolUj', . . . j 8.00 a. in. ATLANTIC, T2SiS3i4iiS3 A OUK). Leaves for StateaylUe . 8.1 5 p. m Arrives rrom staiesvitie 0.40 a. bj SOCIETY DIRECTORY. , vn lanx Lodge No. 81, A. V. & A. M. -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday niguts. Excelsior Lodge No. 261, A. F. & A. M. Reg ular meeting every itrst and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chapteb No. 39. R. A. M.Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Costmandart No. 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. 3C. OP H. Kniohts of Honor. Regular meeting every 'ictiiiU and fourth Thursdays. X. O. O. IF1-CriARixm-E Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MKfKLENBTJRa DECLARATION LODGE NO. 9. Me"ts every Tuesday night r.Tuviu eivkr Encampment No. 21. Meets ;iiid f hird Thursday nights In each month. iivuacAriONK. War Department, 1 ovki;k Chief Signal. Officer, V Washington, Sept. 28, 7:30 P. M. ) For the South Atlantic States, south erly winds, shi fling to west and north west, partly cloudy -weather, areas of rain with slieht fall in temperature, and stationary or slowly vising barome ter. Index to New Advertisement. Hargraves & WOhelm More Goods. ( . K. Harrison Notice to Dog Owners. M. B. Means Question Asked. irOMfi PEIS'CILlNtJS. Wittkowsky & Baruch's opening to-day. The country emptied itself into the lay of the city yesterday, From one to two thousand cotton linkers were in the citv yesterday. The farmers couldn't hold them. Thirty miles was the distance some of the colored people waited yesterday I.O SPP, the narade. for they were not under the tent. A Dartv of very pleasant visitors from the eastern part of the State leave for home this morning, to the regret of a great mauy friends and admirers. The comic figureson theboxes with the drivers of the cacre wagons was the onlv t.hincr attractive about the street parade yesterday. The sleeper of the North train i nmnecl the track at the transfer switches yesterday, delaying the depart ure of the tram an nour aim a nan. The city marshal makes an import ant notice this morning auout uogs Thpv wi ll most, surel'v be shot down un luss nrnvided with collars, after the 1st of October. Lowlow made a good many hits at the board of aldermen, but he unfortu nately called it the council, and conse nuentlv thev fell dead on the ears of some of his auditors. All sorts of rumors were pravalent on t.h street vesterdav relative to tne tvrnp.it.v nf the bisr elephant and his deed of blood the night before was recounted in hundreds of listening ears. The advance agent of Ford's Dra mntin nomnanv was irthe citv yester day preparing the way for the coming of the three favorites Misses Bockel, Mc- Kenie and Thompson. The last named by the way, is a Goldsboro girl. At a meeting of the Mecklenburg Riflemen vesterdav. the company de termined not to go to King's Mountain, as thev have no tents, and the Adju tant-General can't supply them. While the Hornets' hose reel was nroceediner ud Trade street at a rapid rate, upon the alarm of fire being given yesterday morning, the horse pulling it. her-ume nnrnlv. OwinST to reckless driving, and kicked himself out . of the harness. A row occurred at Bchenck's bar room on College street, tastpight about 10 o'clock, between 4 Alfred Barnhill and ,J im Torrence, both colored. arn-l-.ill imspt Torrence with a bucket winch he. used ns a weapon. The par tis will hala.nr.ft accounts with tho mayor this morning. THE GENTLEMAN CLOWN. . t . . IIow JTohn Lowlow Drifted into tne Clrcu-"Sorler IiouyU but it Suits The man who rode at the head of the circus procession yesterday morning on the white horse, was John Lowlow.one of the most noted clowns in the coun try. He is Southerner born and bred, and has a great many personal friends i outh of Mason and Dixon's line. The fact that he was once a student at the University of North Carolina, is. we be lieve, generally kno-vvn. In the absence of the Robinson brothers, he is boss of tne show, and in this capacity a reporter met him yesterday iust before the per formance began, lie is exceedingly quiet and gentlemanly in his manners, but brim full of humor which occasion ally lights up his face like a sunbeam. Mow did you get into this business, any how r Mr. Lowiow was asked. Well you see there were five of us boys in Savannah that's where I was born and they couldn't do any thing with us. At last the old folks conclud ed to send us up to Chapel Hiil in the woods, but the woods couklii t hold us. We ran away from the University and walked all the way to High Point where we took the train. We weren't going ;iny where in particular, and when wo got down into South Carolina we struck the circus. I concluded to travel with them, but the rest couldn't) stand it. Estelle, the present editor of the Sav annah Morning News, was one of the gang. He left us at Charleston and went no me. lie is still editor and i in still in the show business. That was in 1856." "Rough sort of life, isn't it?" "May be it is, but I'm used to it. We get plenty of sleep and work about four hours a day. 1 got married up in .New York a good many years ago and my wife's people got after me to quit the show business a"hd go into something more respectable. Well, I did. I had saved up between fourteen or fifteen thousand dollars, and I put it into the merchandise business. It took me just a year to get away with it all. Ithought I'd better go back to something I was used to, and 1 have been with the show ever since.'' "Yes," continued the clown, "I like it, of course. Then, I couldn't do better at anything else. I have a nice home in Cleveland, Ohio, one of the prettiest towns in the United States, and try to live like a gentleman when I'm there. We are generally on the road about eight months in the year, and they pay me $150 a week and all expenses. That's enough to live on." 'Don t your local hits sometime get you into trouble?" 'Very rarely. Once, out West, a lel- low ran into the ring at me with along knife. I dropped on my knees this way (clasping his hands like a man in prayer) and said 'you wouldn t kill a fool, would you? The people here would think vou were the biggest fool of the two. He looked down at me a minute and then said, '1 believe you are a damn fool,' and walked away. But I don't have much of that sort of thing." "But the band's playing and I must get out of these clothes. Come again." EnglneerVMUfortune. Peter Josephs is one of best engineers on the Carolina Central. Bail way, and has recently been running one of. the freight trains. Night before last at Laurinburg he got off of his engine and went back to work the switches, call ing to the fireman to back into the side track. In tHe mean -J me he caught the switch, and it refused to work and he jumped over on the track to move it before the engine came up. He tugged at it too long, and the -engine struck him, knocked him down on the track and cut off his leg. His condition is somewhat precarious. Fire. The fire alarm was sounded, yester day, while the circus parade was in progress, and a part of the crowd actu ally rushed off after the new attraction. The scene of the fire was a small dwell ing house, on Myers street, the proper ty of Mr. T. II. Gaither, which was burn ed to the ground. It was occupied by two negro families all of whom were absent at the time, having gone up street to see the procession. The effects belonging to the family living in the end of the house in which the fire origi nated were destroyed. Hie tire com panies were out, but the alarm was giv en too late. On the ltauip ;ge. Just after the procession passed the square, yesterday, a ,shrewd old gray horse, that had lived a long time and learned a great deal, took the bit in his mouth and proceeded at a lively trot down Tryon street, to the astonishment of a small boy, weighing from fifteen to twenty pounds, who was sitting in buggy to'which the horse was hitched, and had been enjoying the proud con scientiousness of handling the reins. As the "s. b." placed his feet against the dashboard, which they could barely reach, and braced himself with the. small of his back against the edge of the seat, the expression depicted on his countenance manifesting the firmest kind of a conviction that he and the old gray were laying Maud S.'s record in the shade. The horse stopped when he reached the house ofhis master. COTTON. , Galveston Easy; nild'n 11: low ntlddluic 105h: Kood ordinary ff!h: nnt mc'i. 1.47I:sto 1603: sates 1.082; stock 27.203: axnoru coastwise 24273; France. ; Nobiolk Quiet; mid 11 1-1 Be: w. raueiuu 3371; gross ; stock 21.309; expurtv !astwu 390; sales 443; exports to Great Britain -. BAirmoKB Quiet; mkkrimzllSbe: u uiiddl'c ll1; good ordln'y 10te; net receipts gross 872; sales 860: stock 3,171; export eoasntiu 25; spinners 200; exports to Greta Bnuin ; to Continent Bohtoh Steady; middling I9i- um middling 11U)C: good ord'j 10c; net receiin., gOaxsross 3,083: sales : stock 2,056; export to Great Britain 967. WmnHOTOH Quiet; middling He: low mid dling good lOVsfii ordinary 9; receipts 841; gross ... sales ; stock 6500; exports coastwise. Phtladklphia Firm : middiins low middling 1 lUfce: good ordinary 10bc: net recelDta 80: gross 880; sales 151; spinners 148: stock 3,114; exports to Great Britain Savannah Firm; mid. lie: low middling 10fec; good ordinary ye; net receipts A.478; gross ; saies z.ooo: stock 70.068; exp. coast wise ; continent ; ureal Britain . Nw Orleans-yuiet: mid. lliAc; low mid dling 11; good ord'y lOVtc; net reeeiDts 4.177: gross 4,551; sales 2,000; stock 58,643; exports Great Britain 4,uou; coastwise ; France . Mobils Quiet; middling 11 the: low middling lOVs; good ordinary 914; net receipts 2,298; gross -: sales i,ouu; swot v.sum; exn. coastwise 2.061 : ureas Britain . MrorPHTa Steady : middling llv mneinu 1,162; shipments o4;saies 500;stock 13,574. Aijoubta Easier; middling 10c.: low mid dling lOisc. good ordinary 9c; receipt 1,750; shipments ; sates i,oz . Charleston Lower ; raid lllfee.; low mid dling 1 0c: good ordinary 1 OiAe. : net recelDta 6,330; gross : sales 2000; stock 61 ,714; exports coastwise ; ureal Britain . New York Cotton easy; gales 865: mldd'g uplands 11; middling Orleans 12: net receipts 447; gross 8.543 consolidated net receipts 25,898; ' exports Great Britain o,zu4: jrrance . Liverpool Moon cotton easier: middling ud- tanas 7 l-lou; mwanng oneans im; sates, 6,000, speculation and export 1,000; receipts 15,700. American 14.100. Uplands low middling clause: September delivery 15-16, 29-32ad. September and October 6 23-32a 1 1-1 6d, October and November 6 1 7-32d. November and Decem ber , December and January . January and February 6 15-32d, February and March 6 1 5-32d. Futures weak. 5.15 Sales of American cotton 8.800 bales. Uplands low middling clause: September delivery 6 29-32d, September and October 6 23-32d, Octo ber and November 6 17-32d, November and De cember 6 7-1 6al5-82d, December and January 6 7-1 6d, January and February do. Futures bare ly steady. (BW (BdhawflSo FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT" H. MORRIS & BROTHERS. f wZ OFFER EXTRA INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON IN 'I LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES, TRIMMINGS, &C. Also, in Mens', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing our Assortment IS TBBT L .A. IK, 0-E AND WE WILL ALWAYS LEAD IN PRICES. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY NOVELTIES OUT THIS 8EASON. BARGAIN -IN- FURNITURE. fgg lllfll, hotels. R. H. FlXLD, Charlotte. . T. X. Field, ' Hickory, N. C, METROPOLITAN HOTEL CHARLOTTE, NT C. FIELD BROTHERS, Proprs- TERMS MODERATE. AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock ta very large, sod embrace s fall has of Parlor, duunbes, Dtnmg Boom and Offloa Fur niture. All goods packed free of charge. "Fun 011 llie ra.cific." The announcement of this popular comic opera at the Opera House Thurs day night, appears in our columns to day. Because of its immense success in our sister cities, Mr. oru nas deter mined to present it in Charlotte.and al though the notice 01 its coming is very brief, its reputation is already known, and a larere house will greet it as has al ways been the case with John 1. r ord s companies here. 111s piays nave always come up to his promises and are ever worthy of patronage, and mis our peo ple have found OMt. The very name of this ooera is attractive to Charlotte, and Fun on the Racine win ue iun ior our Deoule. This comedy is replete with absurdities and ludicrous situations, and every where it has been presented, judging from the praise bestowed by theuress.it has been very much en loved. It was selected to open tne new Academy 01 Music witn, and me inea- tre in Richmond, which has been re modeled, upholstered, etc., and just thrown open to the public, and in both places larsre audiences greeted it. The Richmond Dispatch says of the com Danv in this play : "Miss Belle Mackenzie and Miss Marie Bockel are old Richmond favorites and met.with a most flattering reception. The former is as bewitching as ever, and the latter delighted her hearers with, various vocal efforts. Mrs. Fannie Denham Rouse and Mr. John Riebert and Mrs. and Mr. Fetterman were both capital. Their burlesque of high t raced v fairlv convulsed the audience Mr. Frank Cushman's impersonation of the negro Dando was inimitable, and ne was time and again encorea m ins comic sneeches and songs. "Mr. Archer, as one of the principals in the late romance, proved an object of much interest. He was Kinoiy re ceived and awarded a flattering encore for his rendition of the Marseillaise, and a sweet smile of approval from his fair bride. Mr. Wilkinson as the Cliina- man Kfitdhem was very good, - ana, in far.f.. all the east did well." 'Fun on the Pacific is a laughable comedy, free from all the objections of a variety tvpe. 1 ne saie or seats win commence "atlheMcSmith Music House :mrl t.hp. fVnl tid Hotel this morning at 9 o'clock. Charlotte's Share of ihc TUiturn. The announcement published yester day morning from the committee of arrangements of the King's Mountain centennial, indicates very plainly that the country around the battle ground cannot begin to afford arrangements for "sleepinc those who mav attend. This, however, should not be looked upon as a drawback. We are able to state that trains will be run from Weaver's, the place of debarkation, twice a day, to Charlotte, Spartanburg and Greenville, so that visitors can re turn to these places whenever tliey choose, and there need be no hurry about it. The fare will be put down verv low. Charlotte being the nearest point, must necessarily get the larger proportion 01 tne crowd, and is aoie to offer every facility for entertaining them. Visitors can go out in the morn ing and return in the afternoon with little or no trouble. As the fare to King's Mountain on all railroads has been put down to- one and a quarter cents per mile. Charlotte may be ex pected to eet a good many visitors who mav not be able to attend tne ceieora- tion. It is an excellent opportunity lor combining business with pleasure. The Circus Performance. As was expected immense crowds at tended both performances of the circus vesterdav. and those who said that when vou see one circus you see tnein all. occupied the front rows, or the best positions for taking it all in. it was certainly not the greatest show on earth, but a genuine, lively circus, witn some leatures wincn are especially worthy of note. Among these was the remarkable strength and agility 01 tne Ashton Brothers, displayed in the 'Brother Act," which we have never 1 T1. 1 A. seen surpassed nere. isot less uoie worthv was the riding of Mr. George Holland, especially his teat or leaping from the ground to the back of a run ning horse, landing on his teet ana bal ancing himself witli the utmost grace and ease. JNext 111 tne order or attract iveness was tne trapeze periormance of Miss Violeta and Mr. Tanl Hol land. The female riding was fair, but scarcely above the average, neither Miss Marks nor Miss Stickney excelling in anv particular effort. The horizon- tal bar performance, nowever, snoweu unusual excellence. Ordinarily the performing dogs constitute an uninter esting feature of a circus performance, but that given yesterday constituted one of the most entertaining parts, the clown down dog receiving more ap plause than any of the performers. John liOWlow still wears the cnampion belt as the greatest of the clowns, and is as of old the lite or tne snow. FUTURES. Nxw Yobk Futures closed steady. 000. September October November December .' January February Maicn. sai. 116, QUESTION ASKED. ll.85a.86 ll.14a.15 10.95a. 96 10.45a. 96 11.07 ll.22a.28 11.87a 88 I DESIRE to know by what authority Policeman Blackwelder prevented persons from attending the funeral of John King, the showman, yesterday evening at a public cemetery. sept29 lt M. B. MEANS. Apr! ll.52a.54 FINANCIAL. New York Money 1.02a03. Exchange 4.80. Governments weak: new 5 s 1.0248- Four and a half per cents 1.098- Four per cents 1.08. State bonds nominal. New YoKKStocks closed strong. New York Central Erie Lake Shore Illinois Central Nashville and Chattanooga Louisville and Nashville Pittsburg Chicago and Northwestern preierrea.... Rock Island Western Union Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Class A, small, Class B, 5'8 Class C, 2tofi Sub-treasnry balances Gold ' " Currency 88 1.07ty 56 1.47 1.24 1.03 1.20 1.16 1 7054 90 77 S78.253.507 5,766,642 E. J. ALLEN, AND W. A. TRTJSLOW, OF VIRGINIA, HAVING ENTERED INTO A CO-PARTNERSHIP In the F. C.IMUNZLER, DXALKB nf BOTTLED LAGER BEER CHARLOTTE, N. C. Fresh bottled Lager Beer delivered to any part of the city every morning at 75 cents per dozen bottles. All orders left at J. Flschesser & Co's. Ice House, in rear of T. L. Selgle A Co. will re ceive prompt attention. BOUNDARY AVENUE BEER GARDEN Is now open to the public and I will in the fu- ! ture, as in the past, make it 1 CITY COTTON MARKET. Omci OF THJC Obskhvkk. I Charlotte, September 29. 1880. ( The market yesterday closed weak. Good Middling. Middling. Strict low middling. Low middling. Receipts yesterday, 874 ba'es. 10a34 lOVt 10 10 Watt and Wry BUSINESS, Respectfully invite the people of Charlotte and surrounding country to call and examine the elegant goods they will soon receive. Fine Watch Repairini Charlotte Produce market. SEPTEMBER 28, 1880. Cotton Ties New, per bdle 2.50a2.75 SDiiced. " 1.7ft Bagging, per yd. lltfealS ooaoft 60a65 60a65 40a45 Corn, per bush'l MEAL, Peas, " qats, shelled, Bacon N. C. hog round llalO Hams. N. C 12 Hams, canvassed 1 Sal 4 Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides. 9aA Lard, per lb. 9al 1 Prime Rio 1 rial 8 Good. 14ttal6 SIRUP Sugar-bouse 80 MOT.ASRKS Cuba 80a85 Sugar Syrup HRaftO Choice ew Orleans ooanu Common. 40a 45 Salt . . Liverpool nne i.uui.ao Coarse 1.10al.26 Sugar W ILL BE A SPECIALTY, and all work will be fully warranted.. THEIR STOCK OF m Gold and Silver Watches, WILL BE COMPLETE. Call, and their goods and prices will please you. sept28 tf OPERA HOUSE. THE FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT for the citizens of Charlotte. Open from 8 to 8 o'clock p. m. Ice-cold Lager Beer always on hand. apr27. THIS Hotel has the largest and most comfort able rooms of any hotel in the State. It is fit ted hp with all modem improvements: is conve nient te the postomoa ana oanxs, ana is centra iiy located in the business part of the city. Large SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers.: With these advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling public. BB'-umniDuses ana carnages at every xram.j White, 10all Champion Cotton Picking. Mr. V, A, Berryhlll, of Berryhill Lownrtliin. brines in the first report of remarkable cotton' picking. Four pick ers, one of them a boy gathered jn 341 nounds in one dav. as follows i Miles berryhill, 300 pound!; Stewart Berry hill, 344 pounds- Morgan Berryhill, twplvft Years old. 271 pounds: John Hovles. colored. 320 pounds. Mr. JW- rvliill wants some crowd to come Uj and beat them, and says they can do it again, if the proof be. demanded. A Lot Ila.ll. Pr. O'Donoghue yesterday performed tm' operation on a Uttfe neso who had met with a: somewhat remarkable accident. The child's father had a pis tol in the pocket of his coat, and in put ting on his garment the weapon was discharged iri soine unaccountable man ner, the ball entering the child's hip find ranging downwards. Wherever it popped, there it yet' remains, for tie floctur's probe failed 'jto find ' it. The f liHtl does not appear . to Ue suffering ' from the wound. ' ' , Items from Statewille. Our Statesville correspondent , sends the following: . r - , Rev. Dr. Pritchard preached lit the Baptist church last night, Mrs. Jane Brown, .t&e oldest resident of Statesville, died lalt Saturday morn- inrr mnriiinVr norAfl ft.Mvpara. Old John RobinsOTls Strictly Moral" 3ld hot draw as large -a crowd this time us it lisnalW dnek.. ...It;.' onlv left ' three pairs of black- eves, but r the cases of drunk' and down were innumerable. Col. W. J, Coif wilt , soon commence the erection of . a large tobacco ware house; Col, Coif is abundantly supplied with money r,A.n4 energy, jand ' ijaU no uoubt meet witn tne success nesoTicu ly deserves. ' '- v j 1 t Cot.f on has. heenn to : come . in in eon piderable quantity, and is bringingrcood pnceB. ' -ine lown-cornmissioiienj itp taken intft'consitieration' the advisabiii ty of building d jcottdn platforro in, trie .lnrlnro.T7'iirid batra lttt rr11v t.hinka Killed en the Uailroad. A young man named Willie Abbott, was killed On the Air Line Railroad H:iv hp.fnrfi vesterdav under distressing iriumstancea. ' He was a resident of Spartanburg and a popular young man hut wsis under tho influence of liquor. The Greenville News says: "lie left home yesterday morning, telling his f atjier and family that he was going to the meet ing at Cannon's camp ground. Ttiitipa rfit.urninein the afternoon from this meeting, met him near the place nf i dfiiith evidently and heav ily under the influence or "quo. It is thought while in this state hefell ,,. ti.a frwir unrl l.v there insensible .,1:1 oir.b- lw tho train.' i The coro- cvninflt.pd the englneei and other officers gf the train, A CARD OF THANKS. The members of John Robinson's Circiis Troupe desire to return their heartfelt thanks to the Catholic congre gation of Charlotte for the courtesy ex tended in turnisnmg tneir cnurcn as a receptacle for the body of our late asso ciate: to liev. rather o uonnen ior so sympathetically officiating at tne lune ral; to the Catholic ladies who sup plied the magnificent floral tribute, and to Policeman Micnaei naiey, wno gen erously furnished the lot and so ably superintended the exercises at the grave where lies all that was mortal 01 our vesnected comrade. John King, whose immortality has gone to join infinity. All the parties mentioned may rest assured that no matter where their or our lives may be cast, whether in pleas ant nr unpleasant places, their memo ries will be by us surrounded with a wreath of immortelles and fixed forever 1 .r I ,x in the innermost recesses 01 me uemts of all the Members of John Robinson s circus. Yellow. Potatoes Sweet Irish Butter North Oarottns, , Eggs, per dozen... rOULTRY Chickens Spring ..: Ducks Floor Family Extra. Surer ft MtlttW' 9al 40a?)O l.QOal.25 18a25 'loald 20a25 15a20 15a20 300 2.75 2.50 ONE NIGHT ONLY. ONJt NIGHT ONLY. IMPROYED PATENT LITER PAD1 Nxvss Gt Haks. Cam as MaD aht Btremoth Dmissd. Lam Twics as Loss. filwuM ftwd withwt Sregslsg SritMU CVKU Chills and Fever, lifer Complaiat, Jjspeuii, NemlrjA, Kenouness, Klienma&a, CottiTeoest, Female testae Sick k Nenou Beadsche. TheM VA Can all DiKMM br AbMRitioB. Nnxlotu Pilla. Oila. nr Potanncnu Medieiriea are taken into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the fit of the Stomach, esvering the Great Nerve Centres, also the Liver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonic is absorbed into thecirculation of the Blood and Liver, porifying thoBlood, stimulating the Li verand Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomach to digest food. Prick or Pads $1 and $3 xach. 8oli bt all Dbuggibts, or sent byJVlail or Express. . Manufactured and for sale at 92 Germain street, Baltimore, Md. Vnr aula In Phavlnttn at. ttta Hmff tlrftf Of L. B. Wriston 4 Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson & uurweiL may 15 ly. No FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ANT) DK ALTERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND GOWN SPRING CHICEENS, FRESH BUTTER, Euua, HON EY, &C., kc THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR ALWAYS IN STOCK. i Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. w-l LARGE BASEMENT under Metropolitan Hotel for rent. may28 SCHOOL NOTICE. I will re-open my school In Gen. Barrlncer's school building on MON- ?DAY next, the 6th of SEPTEMBER. Terms: For session of forty weeks, payable monthly, Primary Depart ment, 530; Intermediate Department, L. HOLMES. $40. septy-tr Her, on trial warranted, only 9oo. Flanos7125 up. Catalogue free. Address DANIEL F. BKATTY. Washington, N. J. nnriUC14 Stops, Sub-Bass. Oct" Coui UnUHIlO Vox Celeste 4 Vox Humana. 100 Barrels OF THE THURSDAY, SEPT. SOTH. Ford's Come dy Cd mpany, Funeral of a Showman. fnrtpirpi which followed t.n ttie cemeterv yesterday afternoon the remains of John King, the keeper ot animals in RobinsonV circus, whose tragtaUefrtlt Spectacfe. The body lay in a magnifli cvu ami w. !w r-jirvifid to the crave vara in a hearse to wiucu ia iiwvucu i u.,,iainQ u-iiitA iirsp. Close UD- on the hearse followed the two pet ele phants of. the dead Keeper, -jimy "The Boy," whose stately tread m per fect time with the dirge which the bano: was playing, seemed to 4naicuw.w-w the intelligent animals felt the solemnx-. tv of the occasion, lieyonu ine icauuxw noted there was-nu utuci uioFij , .i. nI,.oKirg9 nnnd nted in a manner bUv iUUUCU ,1 v' . .. c I highly creditable to the propnetors of 1 the ShOW. me runerai cctcuiui place in ' the Catholic church and tba scene there was -itRewiao Wvitl. . impressive. The' performers, and lac borers, fresh from the shouts and glare jot the circus. In-their .rough: every-aay doHitvi. ;l,twitn iacesv..reipctAuj t;le;H:.i-.. vl Uutdust , and paint of tbe arena, wre' 6 present;. A;. ni oi mao t'uthpr o'Connell. anatne, body was IhterreainHlie'CaUiolip buryr , ing ground; rs ;ry Wj r t ? Tiie yoiiaic am o..im,iii- - 1 . Will send their celebrated Electro-Veltolo Belt 0 tho afflicted upon w VVrite to moranted. ; Thev mean what they say.-, wriw w. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH SlEPTEITBER gS, 1880. PRQprjCI. Wtlm ngtok, N. C Spiilts turpentine Quletat 38c Rosin DTm; strained 5fi.i!U. gooa su-ainea $1.25. Tar firm at $2.10. Crude turpentine firrnj yellow dip and virgin $2.10. M2 jifflODKpT OF CijDim For Constable. Please announce the name of L. J. Hrk as a ttuididate for constable at tne next novemoer For Conststble. I take this method of Informing my friends In Charlotte townshro that 1 am a canoiaaie ior the office of constable, which I have Mid by ap pointment for the past swo yews, um bj name wiu he before the neoDle for election in Novem ber. A. 'ORB. 5 Without Regard .to Party. At tti anitniteHon of marry friends. I hereby an- nnnnm mvRp.ir ah indeDendert candidate for the office of treasurer of MecKlenburg county. . Bellev inir naT do that conventions in county offices are . . ' . I.Ia m Any AM wr In managea ana mauipuuuau aj a iun, uw i u with the feelinss of a majority of the vo ters, I therefore solicit vue Buppori o 1 mo iree vo ters of Mecklenburg eounry, w4ibo,ui regara u pol itics.- 44 SWAJNUIUlUUajS. AUgaO -in- CELEBRATED The present Magnificent Musical Version of FUN S PACIFIC, with the most brilliant effects. MUSICAL. MIRTHFUL AND SCXNICAL. Th aotA nf Beats will commence on Tuesday morning, at the Central Hotel and McSmith Music House. sept26 MEDICAL COLLEGB OF VIRGINIA, RICH MOND, VA. Regular Session begins Oct. 1 t, and continues Nine Months. Intermediate J lam inations on the Elementary mancD.es at me ciose of the first session. Final Examination on tbe Practical Branches at the end 01 tne second ses sion. Eighteen months' Collegiate Instruction. Dally examinations and recitations. Only four lectures a day. Ample opportunities for Clinical Study and Practical Anatomy. Fees for the nine moDtbs' course, $125. For announcement or par- tlculars, address J. B. McCAW, M. D., Dean, Rich mond, va. IMMENSE 8UCCES8I $30,000 IN 80 DAYS AGENTS WANTED to seUlhe official LIFE OF GEN. HANCOCK Including the Life ol Hos. Wm. H. ENGLISH This work Is endorsed by Gen. Hancock and the party leaders. Is low-priced, immensely popular, and selling like Hot Cakes. The harvest-time is September and October. Outfits 50 cents. Act quick and coin money, x or oesi terms ana run particulars, address HUBBARD BROS., Atlanta, Ga. AND TBI ONLY GENUINE PIEDMOIN m ivu " THE NEW FOOD AMI Carolina CeatTal Rilwai Cfiipany Xfce Peoples Candidate, -ero.in koati BAltfiitMl' hv inanv voters of both. nartiea to become a candidate for sheriff. herebj announce rayseif an independent candidate ror the office ol snerm oa nsotwuuu wai" to no oonvantion. , u - -, A. Fbazm.. -aug24 till d;e.-.r - . -j Baltimokk Oats easter;Sov4bern 41a4.J,.Wes. white Ba4U, ap nuxeu ooou. jreuuyi- saons firm: thbcs bork lBJ50a.7&; tern Kit mopfa lfwisfl Ihoulders 5ia6. dear rib ditto racked 6Ua9V; bacon shoulders sruaranteed. nov.lS It. em. clear sides nams lzvsaiova- liara re fined tierces 9. Coffee steady: io fargoes I8al51a. ' Sugar firm; A soft 10. Whiskey Qule' aT i.lBtea.16. Freights quiet. ' cmoAGO Flour steady. Wheat lower; No. :2 red winter 93a94, No. 2 Chicosprlng yaifc cash, uOJ October, ViSyt noveiuuer, ouu . hferat 4(4alJovember. Oats higher at 30 cash. 2fl October, zva oveHLuxVr wf ""T eLlershomders 1.80, short ribs'S-SWhort clear 8.70. wnisaey a x.Ai. . . . .. i CiHcrsHATI Flora easier: family 4-60a45, k rnaKiK Wheat oulet: No. 2 red winter gfiaHS. Na 2 amber 93i95. Corn dull; No. a mixed '43 ,Oata steady; o. a iukou ) ro Rtrons at 17.50. Lard oulet at 7.85a7.92i. Bu 5HP?ii fhoniders BTa7tA: clear ribs . 8.37: badull .shouklers 6.12, ribs ,9.25, i sides nwhiifrA.Bteadr at t.09. Sugar firm: hards lOaaalliA, New Orleans, . Hogs Quiet;! ootn SSlVsUMi. light 4.75a5.10, packing 4.85a 5.25. butchers 5.25a.8o. i ' i VAnvsraithm finnr stp.adv: common to faS xtta4.75a5.25, gooao cboletrda 80ar5 5CK Wheat closed lower; ungraded winter re; i:, ot Vi. fT'NoV Si rTee steady; Elqln lasses dSirporto H Riew Ortean40a70. steadyf Carolina 5a7 Rangoon 8, Bpsta iftrm Sf? I rVNiTntinetcher at40i,i. : Wool ' yyZll?, nftaiii'nnlled 20a45. un liZq-iTPork easier at 14.60. !T?TClonVcTear8:80,ho a"nd shorTa .Lard, easier, ,aS r 0,0 Freights to Liverpool uiux. t , ,-.t OCTOBER PEACHES 40 BUSHELS ',; ON II AND and ARRIVING DAILY tm &&txtxtlszmtnt$. at S. M. HOWELL'S. Bept29, NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS- "DERSONS owntng dogs are requested to oaUnp H.Tv. m UanihaT. st Cant Tied Nash's f- im from 11 a. m, to 4 P- m,, and procure eoll.ar for them.". All dogs eaught running aiiarg mm 1 sept29 8fr - " " 'r 1 's ' Ctty Marahal. r -AFTER MklayT Miss Lou fetaarVftaddress wlBM be X at wiinungoni nes uesiru; .""".r;." Tnt will ulease address Bet theie.' enoletnf Patent it, k MEDICINE Orricx Gjutkral SppiKDrnocDKirr, WILKIM&TOM. N. C May 14, 1880. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON and after May 18th. 1880. the loiiowu schedule will be operated on this Railway : PASSENGER, MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. 1 Leave wBmlneton at 6 00 fm ! W 1 t trrl ut namtAt si 1 27 AX i unanoue " iTjmlm nhnrlotlA St. 7 25PM Wo.2. V Arrive at Hamlet at... 12 82 A K i I ... I i. . 1. U UM W " wununiEUia " no connection to Haieign on oaHiraays. No. a Train is uauy, except bwwd a . 1 T PhaAlfA 'ft flfl A No. 5. Arr1v8 at Shelby at. ,..12 00 i I Leave Shelby 3 00 r No.4. krr i AtCharinttA at. 6 00 F LOCAL FREiaHT AND ACCOMMODATION, "Finest in the City." DO not confound this Matchless Renovator 01 Feeble and exhausted Constitutions with vio lent cathartics, cheap decoctions of vile drags, and" ruinous intoxicants Innocently labeled "bitters." MALT BITTERS appeal to popular confidence be cause prepared from Unfermented Malt, Hops and Quinine, and other oreclous ingredients, ac cording to the process of Lie big, and are richer in the elements that restore to permanent neaiui uw Weak, Convalescent, Consumptive, over-worked ner vous, Sleepless, Dyspeptic, Bilious, and Fickle In A pente, inanauoiner rorms or sunt or awjuwauo. The genuine are plainly signed by the company. Sold everywhere. MALT BITTERS CO., Boston, septl2 GOLD Leave Wilmington.... Arrives at Launnnurg. Leaves Charlotte arrives at lAorlnburg. Leaves Laurlnburt;. . . Arrives at Charlotte Leaves Latrrtnburs:. . . . Arrives at Wfimjhgtoil. .......8 15 AM ....:.:4t?H ;.".....5 80AM .......420PM .5 00 AM .4 15 PM SILVER, LEAD. COPPER, AND ZINC 1 ORES PURCHASED FOR CASH THE New York and North Carolina Smelting Company at Charlotte, will pay the best Cash races ever aia minis counwTiw ORES, , -inrj-j-LTUuiu uuin, i L'juiuiAt -'M ul u'i'ii i n -ii - - - ' SIM B. JONESi, M. D. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THX crnzEHs of Charlotte and Snrroondlns Country. OmCl WITH DBS. JOKIS GSAHAM, Ovot -Wiison & Bafwell's Dragf Store. sept23-d6m Semoerat copy.: . .r . i ' i hM tiliik 1mm Wtlntneton and CliariottM Tkesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Laurlaburg Mondays, weanesaays ana nuayo. - - . "aow conneotlonsat Charlotte vlaStatasv?, to an points in Western North - Caioana and to Ashevllle. - Also via SprdHtrg to Henderson-- 4Ha tiMamit nnlnta ud AakevillA. i "passenw & Asheruto tta elSUef wutfl. teav ing Wmiagtoh at a p. nj,, wU, arrire destina tion fit 7 p. m. next daj; - w - :'Z v sreepfhcar aQconwodatlons on tBatralnjI i rit fWkfn T!hu4nttA inl WilmtaQton. - - fhere wl.l also t through Sleepers ran to: and trpuAEaw t i tnanono. IT.XX JOHNSONS -,--.--. General fiapt I No charras wrn be made for sampling and as-1 saring ores puxenasea vj u. tmnnmnn nnwTi rrrr i 1 1 i-uv ' . septt4d . t TO MINE OWNERS. mHE North Carolina GsVd Mining and Reduction J Comrjami havhur eomnleted their Chlorinating ! works near Salisbury an prepared to enter Into ne gotiations with mine owners Jor the purchase of ! fuilnhnret ores of Gold. To annllcatlons. acoom-1 panled by average sample for examination and as- aSwmos.v Dausoury, a. v. ,. 0. H.SALE. A lot of UNCLAIMED FREIGHT remaining la A. the Office of he Southern Express Company will be sold at auction for charges Wednesday Octo ber 20th 1880, unless called lor 05 otherwise dis posed of. " 'f - NT, "t- ' ' T See Hand Bin ..G.H.UNG, -Charlotte, N. C, Bept 18tn 188a.?? a;' i 5 he will beat Col. Armfieldi Poor DaYid I them without delay.