a . 'AT A,. II'X W I II ' A ' A aA 111 VS ill II. . . fl I I V I I - a i :v !--'Vvi.v' - I .; THE OE8XETEB JOB DEPAETlECrT ; ' ' HAbeenfiloTofcgnlJ' Kipprled wiffi ewMeat want, and with the latest styles of Typeand erary r t manner otJob4Pttaang ;ean jurw W me pesineasrdispatehhaaa eheapness. - We canfam fchsiiortiicitioB,': , t rw v f f frr SUBSCRIPTION UATMM i A padv, one year, (pott-paid) in advance. ...I..f8 00 Six JfottU ............. 4 00 Wwe Jtfontat... a 00 One Month ................. WXXKLTEDfTIOW : WteHv,fin Vitu)mathamei:L.........t!i 00 OtdOttuniV,JpaL....... 2 10 Six Jfonttd........ 1 00 tLOtniRtduaiontjorCatam. IETTXB-HXADS, CARDS, tags, Bxcjm& pocrrxss. VOL. XXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TJJESPAY, OCTOBERS, 1880. , HANCBILLS, -! PAMPHLETS, CmCULAKS, C2XCX3 t aavouaaH MMaaaaMwaaaia f i BBBBBaaaawHSBawaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaawawnawaBjawai Counters and shelves are now loaded with beautl- ful and desirable goods of all kinds. OFTR stock of tress Goudi and "feres Trimmings Is superb. () (J R Mock of Hosiery" and Gloves Is simply enormous. O TJ ll - Hioci of Print, Shirtings and Pillow Casing Is larca and as ehcHp as can be found anrwtiere. n , bests eke CARPET DEPARTMENT la Western North Hu11aa. jy- Bj Tuesday or Wednesday next we will have t largest stock of Ready -made nothing erer cflarad by ua. -ALEXANDER & HARMS. We are Now Receiving Our Pall Sloek. Gent's Hand-Made, Machine A Cable-Sewed BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL GRIDES AND PRICES Ladies', Misses' & Clfa' ALL PRICKS AND STYLES. A Pretty Line of -t Trunks; Valises and Satchels, LATEST STYLES 07 CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. ALSO i !F RraiFF,8a;oayWoQUc, BespeetfuMy, i utQ8 When Yoo Are Out - ; , 4 . rpHE new and attracGye Goods Jost opened In town, doo'l ajlto 1t oof l ftefft Ktnin&Uon, We wl take nlwwire M abowhlg you through apdjpel confident thit you. cannot help being pleased with oar goods and prioss. We have the prettiest .stock of Cashmeres la all erades and colors that nas vni beep shown to the public in this place We have a Juutdsome stock of Fancy Dress Goods that we wittbe glad to show , , r -(; ; . ' -.-,i: t 1-1 . f ! yoo. Our stock of Bilks and 8aUne"ts eBiplete tn mi? m ir A'iiW flfoeadep 8llk flaWlos stock of mack and Colored market, and everything te be leond to the Dress Trimming line. ilk Cords and Tassels, very fwhlonable from 75c te S4. Bogle Tassels and eteganf lipe oit flch.ns inlaos and Bogte, some; thing new. Oar stock of Hwftr fW at' Chlldren: Is the pp?ttte tobe wnfnyWhere. 4 beautiful line of Sli 'flrs, dpinpore Lsoe? . r 4 patterfla, Kids 1r g buttons. Grej Petted uiuglan In blAOk and color JThi sWdseinest stoek e Cloaks and DoiimansltleWfteea ':ttkMtbU place. We hae taslTe eootrU of Wtt Bros. dty aue8hoes. Sandals for erenhif6Sess, T We have tithing that Is kept In $T-$f V$ MW&l SrOTp. and hfytytiprb H mt pttTchases. Bespejtfunyr f's HAGBAYjS A WILBXLM. J 'MADI MARKThe flPSU Klig-TACaCtAX: 'f 4Mfe KCBIftiy.Aa. Twanunng , ! ear inr A Animal r Vamuir Sum VF' 'matorrtaea, lm poteney, and all ' diseases r that S tseir- aHiisu urn 1nei sf n i k WW! TAI!21.Meraory,UnlveKAfTtl TAJ!" Uasltude. Pain In the Back. Dimness' of V i. Vis- (ion. Pramoliita CAA Am. and other Diseases " eaa to insanuy er matura rwk n,, and a fret arru aare-ars are la ear pantphW, wt wdertrate sr i t.-ee by sbaU to every one.: Tfct ielaa I'auf.r i 't t f 1 tf t'l trvr''. U tl H Helutge,rr i t 1.K r md t st4 iiaf f UemMv by addressing . K(l 1ft far . ..nW r.lwtir IirrAt 1"..-S- Vi h Char"-' wholesale and retail, tj Lb S 1880 FILL STOCK 7 a a w mm r Zriii' r:'u ' tuiisai everywa&nb , Oil STOCK -is- NOW COMPLETE; And we ask an Inspection of GOODS and PRICES before purchasing. Having gained the confidence of the trade by lair Dealing and Low Prices, We feel we can and know we will make It to yonr Interest to bay oar goods. The ladles will always find the latest novelties In dress trimmings all know we keep abreast with the styles In this line. We can show a very handsome assortment of Taney Dress Goods, with buttons and trimmings to match. Bilks, Satins, Cashmeres, Momies. and Henrlet- .1 tas. We make a speciality of Mourning Goods. We sell a good Eld Glove for 75 cents. In Hosiery we offer special inducements. Every department Is complete and has been selected with care. All can be pleased by giving us a calL Yery Respectfully, T. L Seigle & Co. P. 8. Our Cloak department has been enlarged and made more attractive than ever. sept2ft PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER JS A PURELY VEGETABLE REHBT--JfW !TiamALaad MSe&3At yaaV ' PA Hi KlUln 123&&f&tti& a'liiaWnV each bottle, awl ia prti& af M in IMS most SmumvUHtt a. III KILLER s lKM CI PH 1 If iHUA.II InbWt fifrkJliMdiieketFaiR la ICfeenmatlMtn. and News paiITkilUr m-otcsinrBs, aFkrade,(. Mm til (XMHW 11 nrn. etc. ? D) a tn vtWrV ma trusum tnd.frtu II frteod of the. WecbOBic, M. niaixn. Dallas. in. f 't nf a ;i tdaaaea trantuiif meaioina alwaya at band and aaie aw lawimirr VK extersuiiy v. eertainiy r rtllcii 1 v 4. j, , S fciTNo family eaa afford to ba withot tl-vf ' invaluable remedy In the bonne. Ite price birf it within tne reaob of aiLand llW apnuauy rr. A, W. VODOLM )HINA-mP5S J. jOX CJityLM FKMMMEJH,. , wawn ewusar aw 5 3 w. m . t M il sTaQLisWAB3. ClOCI.fcCTLXRf LOOKING GLASSES, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARS, AMD HOUSE TURN ING GOODS GENERALLY Majolica Ware and Fancy Goods. Wholesale , & Retail. AT A SACRiFIUJS. June 20 'hwm For 1 KiiftWwK newspapcrjto' jUCh nar u well estanusnea. in a tonTiu m hiiAlnaaa nmarjftcta: Uld has ft business js now that tQ re w"l nnArftltnn. to maid attend to It ; cry f oraodf 1 1: -S v .tun ...PArA.tivr.fivr-iAn til Clui. ..fca. a Sm rn.r, vra rvnuv UIIK. A 1:7 aDPi cations for purchase should be accompanied rlth refer-nces, and vr be addressed . to 'Q$ Char-f ' ills aJvst ta. Manual e9 naaa ou uut Dretienx eauora awi iHvtnrcw. fered for ealo, either 4a whole erj fwv rwaaaa wima hiivi A Tkoagat Suggested by Aatann. The leaves are dying slowly. Turning red and sombre brown; The withered grass bends lowly As the chilly winds sweep down. The summer's benediction Mingles with autnmnal hoes. And we miss the sweet affliction Of the wood ticks in our shoes. The long gaunt branches shiver Id the moaning, sobbing blast; The vines and creepers quiver As the stormy wind flies past; The summer time has left us Now, to Join the cold, dead years, And going has bereft us. Of the earwigs in our ears. The sky is clothed In shadows, And the earth Is dark and cold; And all the fields and meadows Are growing gray and old. The lilies of the summer AU are turning into bqow, And yet may freeze the bummer Of a bee that stung our toe. The dismal rain drops patter On the summer's epitaph, And the flying hailstones clatter. And the world forgets to laugh. And the autumn poet climbing Up the pallid, mournful wreck, Slings his miserable rhyming At Hie papers by the peck. Brooklyn Eagle. Toning Leaves. ''Here is a sketch," said the poet, Unto the editor gray, "That I tossed me elf in an Idle hour To pass the time away." "Here is a club," was the answer, In a bland and smiling way, "With which I frequently toss me off Six poets in a day. Folk Lore in Chicago Tribune. The mother who brines up her bey to run rather than flgbt will turn out a man who can be bluffed wben ne Knows ne nas a sure thing. A tree never shaken by a storm does net root deep. Miss Anthony saw the mysterious fisures "329" In many places on the Rochester sidewalks. "It's no sucn tning," sne said, clencmng ner bands: and it won't be. either, till my next blrth-dar. Elmira Free Press. To Drain Lands Drink whisky and spend all your time at a village saloon. This recipe will surely irain you of all your lands In a very short wnue. 1 want to see the villain that wrote this article. Where's the proprietor of this paper?' "He's out." Where's tne managing editor?" "He's out" "Where'm I?" (Rickety slam-bang-jam! Two panes of glass broken.) "Yeur'e out, too." Man found on sidewalk and carried te hesoitaL Ver dict Struck by lightning. Camden Post The man on the fence expects to save himself by a hedge. HOW THEY LIE. The Dally JJlsb of" Deception and Falaehead Served Up b the Indiana Republicans Indianapolis, Oct. 2, 1880. A person iving outside of the State of Indiana is wholly ignorant of the malignant bit terness with which the Republicans are fighting the Democrats in this cam paign. They have from the start up to the present time invented and industri ously circulated the most despicable, in famous, and unmitigated lies ever con cocted in the brain ot men claiming the east respectaointy. They have pinned their faith on carrying Indiana or dy ing. Imported negroes! Money and the bloody shirt! livery minute, every hour, and every day of the campaign a miserable and contemptible lie is con cocted and spread broadcast all over the State. On every train coming into the State negroes are brought to defeat the free white people out of their rights. From every stump the bloody shirt is unfurled, and the men who follow after Hancock are denounced as "rebels and traitors." And into every county in the State hundreds of dollars are being sent to corrupt the honest masses. Never before in the history of this country was, a people subjected to such Ymmuvo anu villainous aouse as tine .Democratic party of Indiana are to-da oy the party in power. Gen. Hancoc does not escape. His bright and noble deeds in the war for the preservation of the Union are forgotten, and he is pur sued with damnable lies and, fi.en.Qish hate. Since hta cbft?, concise and em tthafoi letter, sitting down upon the re bel claims bugaboo, he has been more abused than ever. The more desperate the cause of the Republicans the more numerous THEIR WICKED LIES, The lie that a new United States Su preme Court is to be formed; the lie that the rebel war claims are to be paid ; the lie that the negroes are to be again enslaved ; the lie that the business inter eats of the country will suffer, all if Gen. Hancock is elected, are constant- v being told. Thev lie exeat and thev lie small, and they lie big. They tell artisUcUies jthdbundin Net: matfg oantlieaawf ttfUf W9 had lies and vtnAn'lfnfl nnf liAnnnH aa11 It Acs n, liia afjd lean Jies, sondaloqs lies and vil lainous lies, auick lies and slow lies. deliberate lies and pasalonaie lies, ig norant ue ana oontemptiDie lies, iy- ng is their strock in trade, the bonanza upon which they expect to elect Porter. AT THE HEADQUARTERS but little can be learned beyond the 1 A . 1 HAHA.AH uVaahiug usual tu uiunaau jitjauuuit careful can.yaa$ e State by town- SWPSi eacn iumisnes a result claim ed to be genuine. The Democrats claim- eu uiai meso rumrua Kive mem w ui the 92 eounties by majorities that ag gregate 8075 ana give the Republicans 32 counties ? 22Q0 majoritV--leaving the Detnocraticie net majority 14,900. Thi liepublicans claim 47 counties out of the 92, by majorities, ajrgrgajing 3875 and, give $e 4emorats 4a coun tlea by SS28X)Q leaving a net Republican majority of 8,075. This is a. narrow margin m a pou 01 aoob ojUM, ( "The Cincinnati Mnouir which has csutsptid. ap the Papers, in enterprise, ha mace a canvass pf the State by its local CQrresQqeRra, q snovys up mat and the Benablicans 1,550, and that the Ltemocrati nave, loai. i,uio, wnue me Republicans have lose iahs. At this rate of increase and decrease through out the State the Democratic majority would be 12.500. The most striking re sult of the Unouirers estimate was that the gTBenDacav voj wm reaca u,uuu this year, if the localities cnjassed axe samples of the whole State. This result r w ' r , - 111.-: Ll m rs. will astQuna oath siaes, ana aeip wie Democrats, , Vaace In Tlrg-iala Balttmorlan. That Inimitable political orator. Gov, Vance, has been doing splendid and ef- kfiatLlvH vrork in t Vireiniar:-during -the past few weeks,, and it is saia nas xair ly excelled himself: He'hasf canvassed ihA Shenandoah. Valley tram one . ena to the othetipiaMnif Ml JYinehester rtfum nnrr. ntamiiruu. . . auu ; woo n uud. With suca a weaua 01, eiusimww. , iugio ami -wit anna rarelv been heard, even ia the .oid-UPmmonweaiui VnoMhAft dTa- reported' to ; haver had wonderfulffect and there JK) Ion gexr iins-ahy atmbtasmrae vopeoj yw eiiiat! H hasone tQhJef aeryice at a craicai.nme unw -j -.wHWimwv. yirglnia "Wi" noi rorgctrnm. . . -, . . .;. -. m.-M iota ' 'jtesm. 'Hutchison e ro.Havlmr thorourfity pd voiir "Neuralgine" to my case, I cheerfully recommend It to all who snserwan neuraa ana; jiedaciie..fT. - : otnow Wo PESSOlf AE. AKYJ POLITICAL NOTES. Gen. Grant will preside at a TlennMi- can meeuiiK au Dutuiiuru, ijoijn, ckjlo- i. ? A. 0M . . oer 21. Webb Hayes intends to wait a few years, and then propose to the Princess Mercedes. Speaker Randall has gone West to participate in the political canvass in Ohio and Indiana. Col. Thomas A. Scott has returned to Philadelphia from the White Sulphur Springs, much improved in health. The New York World thinks Brook- vn will eive 25.000 Democratic maiori- ty ana aew i ors it,y oo.wu majority. A newly-married couple were sitting in a palace car when she said: "Geor-. gie, ain't you glad? We're relatives now!" Ex-Senator Waitman T. Wiley, of Wsr. Virginia, addressed the "Remihli- cans of Martinsbrfrglast Saturday, dur ing which he aeciarea tnax whoever de famed General Hancock showed him self but a craven libeller." The Republicans of the 15th congres sional district of Pennsylvania, after having balloted 182 times, tailed to nominate a candidate for Congress. The convention then adjourned until Octo ber li. THb Secretarv of the Republican Hancock and English club of New York city, in a card to the World, states that the club now numbers over 1,300, all of whom have heretofore voted the Republican ticket Mr. Daniel Dougherty has declined he Democratic nomination for Con gress in the second district, Philadel phia. He says he prefers to remain where he has ever been, in the ranks. Delaware's "little election" occurs to day. Inspectors to hold the election in November, and in the country districts assessors and road commissioners will be chosen. It is proposed to hold a mammoth meeting of all the Democratic clubs in the Valley of Virginia, at Staunton, on the 13th of October. It will be the larg est meeting ever held in that section, and some of the ablest speakers in the country will address the people. Hon. Lorenzo English, ex-attorney- general of the State of Illinois, and Re publican candidate tor congress against the Hon. George L. Converse, in the Columbus (Ohio) district two years ago, has declared his intention of support ing Hancock and English. The New Orleans Democrat does not believe that Mr. Acklen, who is a bolt ting candidate for Congress in the bird district, can take a single .Demo cratic vote from the regular nominee. As for Mr. Acklen himself , the party, it says, is well rid of him. Col. David W. Magraw, who com manded the 116th Pennsylvania regi ment during the late war, and a Repub- lcan ever since the organization of the party, has written a letter announcing his purpose to vote tor uancocK ana nglish. Col. Jerome and Mme. Bonaparte having returned from Prance, purpose spending uie coming wiuiei iu oaii ington, D. C., instead of Paris, their us ual home at that season. They have placed their daughter at the George town convent. In view of the desperate efforts of the Republican managers to wrest Indiana from the Democratic column it is fair to assume that Garfield will abandon the fight if Landers is elected Goyerner one week from next Tuesday, Judge Thomas E, Hogg, who, like his Scotch namesake, was a poet of note, died at his home in Denton, Tex., a few dayd ago. He was recognized as a leading lawyer in that btate. nis ra- j a i J. 1 yt ner was a Drigaaier-generai in me con federate army. Mr, Fallig, a Cincinnati banker, for mally and publioly said that govern ment securities whould sell at ninety cents should Hancock be elected. Mr. Theodore Cook promptly responded that he would take a million of four per cents at par in the event of Han cock's election. Mr. Fallia declined the proposition. Senator Blaine made a brief speech to the Renublioans of Lancaster. Pa. He said he had lived in Maine long enough to know that her people were loyal, and that she weuld give her elec toral vote in November for Garfield. But Senator Blaine was equally con fident of a Republican victory in Maine at the recent election. Senator Ben. Hill, of Georgia, ealled with his wife on Gen, Hancock Friday. Other visitors were ex-Gov. Z. B. Vance. of North Carolina Senator B. F. Jonas, of Louisiana,, Gen. Egbert L. Viele, of New York, Charles J. a auisner, oi West Virginia, and Capt Hugh Monroe, of Mobile. As the day closed a num ber of business men from the small towns of Ohio and Central New York called in a body. At a meetincr of the Tammany com- mittee Thursday evening Hon. John Kelly nrged: the paerobera of the com unow until mittee to wori uara irom election day for the success Acratic ticket, and to see to the legal voters are reKiwereuiiufcwitu stanoUflgthe threats of Davenport. He adyMedDeTOOcrats to take. colored pep- iT . - A. J A. 111. pjB py UIB UallU, mo dvuvuciu ptupio were educating the negroes, and in years to come the race down there would be more intelligent and better citizens. 'itr Stttson HufcchinsTjeditor of the Washington Pout. - proposes -. a. grand national contribution to aid the Demo crats in their canvass., ue says toe col lections of the Democratic national committee so fax tftfring the canvass are leaslhan $1(XM0 t this Mr, Tilden is credited with hY)n given 2JMM0 and on, Atgu8tus acneu . &2u,uw. jar, litAhiTta aava the .Republicans are! raising an immense fund to be nsed in Ohio and Indiana;: :.,Ui . awvrrifnf to the Indianapolis Senti nel forty-nine distinguished Democratic speakers are expected toV address meet ings. in that city on to-day. In the list appear uie muuea w kiou -uvr ernors, wn. inaiur-icow am. m dozen United States Senators Messrs. Seymour;3ayard. Randall, Thurman, MeClellan, Curtin; WaJlace,"1' Butleri Pendleton, Forney, Kernan, Trumbull, civr,Trt l?nA(.ranfL Palmer and Doueh- tnnMf 's W:,- i f -V i" " '" ' ." -.; Chairman Jewell appeared before the New York Hnion: League Wednesday eYeningiTAhd, appeale4 for money t car it wtw Republican campaign. He as muctt as said ;th4t' tooner alone couW save them from deieat. .The league ap pointed arf comrnittee : ot.fifty, .among whom are 8oine?of :New:r York s mostj solid bankers and merchatits, who atfl frvinw tn raiM a millioa. or two. Sum scription papers have,, been, in circular tion lacwaueepmim j ay : uouiu - is' creuiceu iuaiviub - -. .... .. . , , - 7 - t . , ,, , m r - .-, j - i p p . 1 i iav i '' SIEIPTTIEIIBEE Day of OUR NEW AND ORIGINAL FASHIONS FOR FALL, Permit us to assure you that our aim in manufacturing a STOCK OF CLOTHING la to produce Fashionable Garments with ipod Workmanship. Our we cess in catering for the Trade, is FBDfA FACIAS evidence that our endeavors have met with the requirements of our customers. . ttat We Shall Open for Your Inspection this Season fcy Far The Handsomest Line of Men's Boy's, Youth's and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Vandykes, Ulsters and Clsteretts THAT HAS EYEK BEEN EiHIBrTED, BEADY-JMADE, IN THIS MARKET. WEINVITB EVEEtBODTTO CJTjTj OlST THE U."Sr OS1 OTHR oiFE2JriK"C3-- Yeryrespectfulir, L. BERW ANGER & BRO. NT) WE HAVE ON HAND A FINE LINE OF SAMPLES FOB MERCHANT TAILORING. GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER AT VERY SHORT . X. """NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED OB NO SALE. If HE for CHALLENGING COMPARISON AS TO QUALITY. WORKMANSHIP, MATERIAL AND 'PRICE. s We have the Pleasure of Announcing FALL vor in T, 1 ous elrts v and in now' Bcidtittg your nUxr -ariafar.torv. ing aiiK29 W. K A. : We take pleasure AVinCH AVE WILL NOTICE. TTAVING severed my connection ww wi. vuw. XL B. ones by mutual eonsenI am- now -pn gaTMewhanmseih bulk or ty aampie, for uie I cnstoinarytorokerageand eonuntoalo I s.mnlat minalammAntS and eOTTeSPCndenCO I apectfnlly solicited. u aAauLa.p i iiU Rvar and RnnHnlsslon Merchant, onanone, a. u., auu vimm,, . octl TO,THKAIIlS 4, . . a V . UTA.3 i V Wilmington. dreaa-her laere, enclofclng menta wlu .please aoareaa I atamp 1 xspu.j visf 4 ripw TTT ANTED By a gentleman who has iiad eon W irtAT&Wa exTwrteoee; and who can eomm imi wfit, rau wiihwhw and adjolnlnc counties. ?Z Tttxio Can give beat i nSaaoai,. Apply lor i-r- n ! Onr Barsaih Counter onr Entire Stoek of Mg;3Sn Mtb. OpetiiQg for SDspectiop. QTJJR 1 for Youths. ' n-j;: : ' . .. ..: i ' jv-twy - vmm - - t' ' ' : " lfII'BIS K8TJE OT THE OBSEBVSE PURCH ASE S DRY GOODS. nrcnarinff for the'bomins: season's trade, tb Burpaig aU preri TnigtinST tliat VOU Will put tnpse.-urauww. w j , .: ) " CI KM A. 1ST JIMjM J;i Vvii GIX)SB .I'Ai r r sale by CHAIiL0TTSr02SEBYIB :viv ..if .-n.'.-f , xm". I'j- "J ; i r i . the Arrival of Our giv DELIAS & (30MiliJN; o o., VK. 1,1. tl i, ., '0 iyM' i'.t j . .i i.J.JL V'-ai.t jl-. f a-j ' rnhnshed at xne wanunai vupihii wwj "i ' Gtvinc a full resume pf the preceding .wee, newt oTaUnattonai topics and general inielll&wnce, be- v ftBJIPjaSENrATrY? SJJTHIBH There supporang the nonaJL wmpe rwy. Xdtted by GEORGE C WEDDERBOBNy-of Vlrrfni J JallaTnsxiIJpmlSy vaiMijyifi f a- Bmgle e8desJWyW,o rive copiea, 10 one aaarea,-uooT.j? , , . Ten copies, to one address; twetage -pal " 12 M lawaaavitv jarrrataaaT aTfVQHL:nmaLHFV ITUh raOlsT ou .- (With & copy free to Os pereon ecuring tlie cjuhac hilar fnrUiermfenBatioa addros w U .'-vs.- 1 business 1 ishn&Xi-----! By a yotmg man, well recoromenc9d. nc7.v9 ci . Iredell county, a situation as saIasniaaAl , aome business houss In Cliarlotta. : J ' Jl , l --.. '"I v t I." 1 s otle,N,C, - f. J

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