r thx tnjsrsTranHH'ilZ 8TJB8ORJP1I0H RAXXB t 7:1.11 Bit wut. ta with the a on ; si. Btatwr ef Job PrtBttot aa to done wbi rirw wn.. ....... 7S wmmxmi mm .rr..iLi f ! fTi- muMiihrt m flrfiwrnni KI AA ' JLJTTTE-gKADat;iliri, .Q-nsooa ea ..cr. .TAoa; Bjetwia. wam nut oft county, txnUtxad. IHrT GHLOtM, .N;;OC?jiE 1880. YOTJ. XXIV. NO; 3,6311 tttZr ban l PAXFHLXTS. I) : . . - .. .., - - .. ........ . . - . , . , .... - . . . . . '. f 11 ill lit ; Mi , 11 I J iii-atm. (hi xMdimk hu 1 JUfcari . 1 k : m k i ; , . , , , , . - : U 1 j I r. . , -. j ;.; :. ,. . . , F i. '.C!L;.;saw -AND DolmaiV-Ornaments very ?icjyr usj jusceivbd. eneefc? 45 BQOCADSD SILK ADSD8HK& f . r. r.u OfcKJ '. i, LOW PRICES. Ask to sewUutbeenjtrftri pUwofcNUN'S CLOTH, WE HITS A HANDSOME 8TOGKOF CoIorecfCashmeres which we propose tocloee" out CHEAP. is be desbWiiatbatllne. , ' OurM of .:Gothing : 13 LABOE. WELL , ASSQBTED AND CHAP. . " we bare the best stocked Carpet Dcpartniciit CS WESTERN NOBTH (CAROLINA.' ALEXANDERS HARRIS. ' i J i octl4-dw Boots atid jhoes We are Now Reeeivisg Our Fall Stock. Gent's Hand-Made, Machine & Cable-Sewed BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL GRADE3 AND PRICES. Ladies, Misses ALL PRICES AND STYLES. A Pretty Line of Trunks, Valises jand Satchels, LATEST STYLES OF CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. ALSO Lower Grades in Fur, Saxony Wool, fe. GIVE US A TRIAL. Respectfully, Pegram 4 Co. aug28 JUST RECEIVED A LARGE rtnieiit o AND TASSELS IN ALL SIZEi AND COLORS, AND THE IIANDS.QMS.X ia of ;; - " eiSpikesJ THAT CAN BE FOUND IN THE CITY; ALSO. ; An Elepf !tinet Ik1' Veil W-.ill lev: ,y,s ' ;i : ,jnl , You can find In our house everything you wish In the DRESS TRIM line. Our Stock of CANT RE BEAT FOB STYLES PBICEAj Bluukcjls iii i n grades. in Respectluiir, Hargraye? & VVIllielffli zee; (-ray's Specific Medieine? 'RADE MARkrbe bretf KB2-TRADI M ABK wnroiuug . cure, , i or 0miDii" .Weaklier Bpe-irf matorrhea, In , 'Wtmiwsaod'alf I disease ffcat follow, as a jeqbBdeeef eelli i a . t nuuse: as ions oi l 1 ,',Ju'l?8tu,11V fain tn the Back, Dimness of f J'rt, laiuie 0W igoTand many oftar pise; f-Vull nnEflnUiM awt h em niitrtnWnt whfhh I free br mall to averr one.- T i ' flint Mamaliig U Md b . M OFDUft. LIDO 1V uu IddlMdid la cMd lit AV dan ir rial at 1 T -K. m x Dleks for 85 or wUl be se - for. ZXi or will be sen ue by wall on receipt of the' money by addressing ItiO ITHSnRAYMKDICINKCO.. t . , No. 10 Mechanics' Block. Detroit, Mlcbi -. , .. ?1(i.A" Charlotte, wholesale and retail, by Dc X 1880 FALL STOCK. 880 (S Cite Bead car WW ST IT" a vis- . i au druggista everywber j, .u- hit. 3m &88&& QloihinQ, is?fiov Vgqmpletje, And we ask an Inspection ol tiOQDS and PRICES before purchasing. Having gained' the eonfldenoe of the trade by - Fair Ming and low Prices, We feel we can and know we will make It to - . your Interest te buy our goods. - iTHE LADIES will always find the latest novelties In DRESS TRIMMINGS. All know that we keep abreast with the Styles in this line. We can show , a very handsome assortment of Fancy Dress Goods With Buttens and Trimmings to match. SILKS, SATINS, CASHMERES, MOMIES, and HENRIETTAS. We make a specialty of MOURNING GOODS. We sell a good KID GLOVE for 75 cents. Ia HOSIERY we offer special Inducements. Every department Is complete, and has been se lected with care. All can be pleased by giving us a calL T. L. SEIGLE & CO. P. 8. Our Cloak Department has been enlarged and more attractive than ever. octl5 w MlisctllzimovLS. PERRY 18 A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTE23AL and EXTERNAL Use. PAIN KILLER feof-KS io inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly toft en in the. mmt iMj-perinr4 hnndu mill 1llirrtlH A jSUHE CUItE for mill rVIULkll Horo Throat, loiitrlis. Chills Dlarrhtta, Dyaontery. Cramps, Cholera, and all Battel Cnmplaint$. DA I II VII I CQ W THE fl EST remedy rAIll IVlLLttf known for Kj-u-Siekm-H, Slck-IIealocUe, Pain in the Buck or hide, Kheaiiiatinm, and Nearalglo. - . PAIN KILLEftVreDBE htiam pdw andptrwuuunt rtlUf in aH owes of flvataea l ata, Uproln, eyere i PAIN KILLER drTO FurbteV, Planter Sallarr and in I ana rrusiea Mecbnnio, i fact f ml elasses wanting a medicine always at hand aaie to ants iniernuij cwruauj ecrtninty of rollefc J ... iff- No family can afford te be witiort t:s invaluable remedy in theTtfmae. Bs pnee Di t-rw. it within the reach of all. and tt will annuall .-r j many thnea Its eoat in doctor bills. Sold by all drafgbt at Ua ftOe. and 1 a bottU. PERRY DAVIS tt SON. Providence, R.I. II TTNDEfl and by virtue of s deed ef trust record U " ed in the register's office in book 20 page T a F.i t in 11 nnnu for sale at the Court House door, in the city ot Charlotte, at 12 o'clock, m.in SATUKDA I , toe Dtn 01 ITOVJEJULBBK. 1SZSU.TB1U- able real estate, situated in ine city oi unariotca, and also tract of land in Mecklenburg county, de scribed as follows, viz: Brick Hotel Building, on the corner of Tryou and Sixth streets; Store House north of hotel feuitflng, fronUn&-on Trypn street; Vacant Lot On4 Srrtrr-8treer -between Tryon and Chttreh Jricait 4L0T on Blxfb street between Tryon and Church Jtfliunlng property -nf :W: Wads worth: House'Whdliblod eraham street, adjoining ibtofMrs.i:Caldwe and- Mrs. Johnston Souse and Lot on Srxth sljeet,-between College street and-fofH1 -caxoiTia -Kaiiroaa. anrsMjiiiig ru i Mrs. Means and Mrs. Pharr; Store House on Col- creet, adjoining lorawv Jars, jueana aqu w. erman; Store g0uaeUdlleiHtr.8outti idn iHntrfhw. nrnnartv .!ofi (lommeroialr Na naTBankrLt?rHritaln jutaraecuDusei store n abiprknonn as tho Todd Gold Mining ; tracts aqd cn i aa cash, u payable xnx tbe iniwhicB increase i 1st day of Janaarr,1881, note with aeehrttyfwlll be reaoiredThe balance payable in three equal lfc Btaurntoatbelatday of Jnuaryi1882, lt of Jduuafy 1 1 88o VteftraUhf(l)pl niday of salesrllulei will t mirytV84 wan- interest saaea tght(8)pep. ndmt nor nnnliro. fmntdav Of SaleSI'lltlw Will b swad,pllai3ihuhas iwnftcattf ben insinediH -wllatae companies to who In Wyabeenee will give parUee dei inspect any assistance thej set mat wittn. ' J. D. MEANS. Trustee aet)tl8ewerysun.tUl net 81, tnen every dan Wflarofaaio, . , . ; i; , -.,: ' AGENT3 WANTED FQH V THE FASTEST SEALING BOOK? OF THE AGE, 1 ,l xwal . j r;iran Inm rfniA. Imml forma. hOS tO fransact business, valuable tables, social ettlquette, BarBa ry usage, now-to romiia iniufiv kihmu W(4 rTpte'QpK- tO sgCGESa fof M ctuqara. T nP!- "twvp?. . - . r i Ciek: O0t2-d4wlm LiOliA VVAV..P. Hj'WV(jwi t"V.:.:" AtfantM&' r" JlO0 covers total expenses r ftTl lw.k t-iiliiot-alPd Circular. I ' . STOCK 1 iff k' PH KILLER VMAB upon wnKB gooa tsova yems nave oeen .niscuverr ed and on paftjally developed. 'X'.C'J'.i . ' - TB low RiX.Tt urn aa follows: One-lourth three tnonth-. Send for Illustrated Circvdar. i i "The Indrprnaenf Farmer. Lot sailors sing the windy deep, J ' - - Let soldiers praise their armor; But In my heait this toast I'll keep, The Independent farmer. When first the robe In robe of green, -Puftflds its crtrnsoa teinr And round his homely porchls seen Thetwineywicklefiintogi;--r''i :. -Whan banks of bloom their sweetness yield To bees that leather .honey. : , r .. He drives tjhe, team across toe field, . Where skies are w$rxn and sunny. The blaekUrd clucka behind the- piough, - v Ie quali pipes toud and clearly ; .Ton orchard hides beyond Its boughs . ' ' The flOtttb he loves so-dearly ; The gray bid' bamWhoee doon enfold ; His ample store la measure, ... More rich than heaps of hoarded gold, A precious, blessed treasure; -3ut yonder la the portik there stands His wife, the lovely charmer, . , . , , The sweetest rose on all his lands The independent fanner. - To him the spring comes dancing day, u To him the summer blushes, The autumn smiles with mellow ray, His sleep the winter hushes; ; He carta not how the world may move. No doubts or fears confound him; He smiles In calm content and love On children gathered 'round hlrh. -He trusts In God, and loves his wife, Nor grief, nor 111 may harm her. He's nature's nobieman In llfer- The Independent farmer. .-.u ODSEBTAT10SI8. 'Are'you building air-castles in Spain ?" The lanalady asked of her boarder. Then the poor fellow, flushing with pain, Replied, as he sadly glanced towards her: ''No, madam! My coffee's so poor I think not of bevllle or Havre; Yet, really, I wish I were sure I were looking At grounds, cow In Java." It Is not whiskey that makes a man drunk, It U his inability te carry it. if you know a tree by Its fruits, how are you going to recognize an axie tree. A good question to ask a policeman -Does your motner Know your router It has leaked out that a girl Who eats onions In- voluntarily -Dreatnes me iact to ner aamirtrs. . "Come and seam me; I needle little of your aid," remarked a piece of cloth to the maiden fair. As a street-car conductor took a rural passenger's money the other day, he called it an agricultural tare. Says George Eliot--who ought to know if any body does. Marriage is a state ot higher duties. Yes, Georgle, and the laborer Is worthy of his higher. . ' Rev. Dr. Hall said every blade of grass was a "sermon. The next day he was amusing himself by clipping his lawn, when a parishioner said: "That's right, doctor. Cut your sermons short." When you see a man with his nose peeled it isnt safe to Jump at the conclusion that be has been on a-six week's yachting cruise along the New England coast, lie may have called some man a liar A Western wofnan, who married the next day after her husband's death, excused herself on the ground that there was a whole ham in the cellar, and she was afraid it would spoil if she did not get some one to help her eat lu "Pa," asked Utile Blodgers of his parent, "what Is paper made out of ?" "Lies!" roared the elder BlodgeFi, who Is running for office. "Lies! Infer nal, outrageous, villainous lies!" And the inno cent boy wrote It down that way in his composi tion. INDIANA. Halt and Cunaider, You Indiana lie lublicaiK, Defore you Attempt to ISepeat ib OcioUcr Frandv in No veniber. Special to Courier-Journal. Indianapolis, Oct. 22 Tliere is Iiow no longer a doubt that Indiana was car ried by the Republicans last Tuesday week by the commission of the most unblushing and outrageous frauds ever practiced on a free people. A million dollars, in brand splinter new United States legal-tender Treasury notes, fresh from the press, were sent into this State in sheets, and openly used on the day of election in the purchase of Vo.tes for Albert G, Porter. There ia not a town ship in Indiana where this money was not sent to corrupt the people. Again: In Delaware, Henry, Ran dolph, Wayne, Marion, Warren, Hamil ton, Lake, Howard, Wabash, Steuben, and Parke counties, open and notorious frauds were committed. The ballot boxes were stuffed and gangs of repeat ers got in their -dirty work at nearly every polling precinct. These facts were being discussed in the committee rooms this morning, and some one re marked: "Well, it is too late to talk about it. We can do nothing now." ; Yes, but we can next month, if the same thing is repeated," 1 answerd. "What can you do V asked the En quirer man. .. "Do? Why, if the "Republican con tinue to carry Indiana for Garfield by the.satnecoundrelly frauds that they catried it for Pdrterj we can refuse, to give their "Electors certificates of -election. Xet the matter go to . Congress and have that body investigate the frauds committed in this Slate. That's what we can do." PiNaw this is good meat." said the nguirer man, who is a Republican, T imrt Via arlrlorl . "Hill. . vnn namnnrato have not got the nerve to do anything of that kind." That may he, butl --da.fnot-? believe that Gov. WillhtfHrlHvrTrry--man a certificate bf electron if It is proterJ to Mjgl that that man was elected by un blushing fraud. He is an honest man, and believes in staiioing by ' the rights of the people.". This is about ub (Substance of the conversation which occurred, , to f al as I am personally and politically j con cerned I do riot retract oiie' word. w Itl may be given a se'mi-Qflieial bearing on acpount of my connection with the Democratic State central' arid, execu tive committees, but that is purely un warranted, I -have conversed with no member of, stfie committee upon the question. It is my qpiuien that, iX.the Republicans repeaji. their oulragedus frauds in November 'and.succeed, in, ob taining a f raudulent majority i lor' the Gareld, 6ct0rs; th& Governor1 of;nIn diana should refuse to issue ..the. certi ficates of electioiMjntil the frauds con?-, mitted are inveBti5ed. On the other vhand if the Gar,fieWelectpr5krece,iYie a majority b-y f ait and honegt:?i votftfiof ihe-edprWthey 'ae 'entitledvto.- d uboWreiV.tfte'ifceTti ofeftp tion. -If this is treason, make the moit of it .okauoD -oT . : Is it a "aaronablexehei.conspiracy to urfndla tilt neon le. out or tnehtate y ' "No. It is sitonlt tt1 warning -to 'Hhe nolitical land Pirates in the Republican party or xnaiarm io nave a uaio ww Tuesday week in repeating tbeir.bellish frauds"'''' ' - " ( i.Tlwipeop Porter Governor. MS was ejecieu wy: ernot W ieuorant black scoundrela from theoljt1iRndvillianon3--TeTat . .-.il V 4. . t. . . f - a-ra Trnm t.iih rinsi. .: - Had an honest vote oeen pouea inin aaasL pne weeK ago,.utai. j ueauay, ders'Wdtfld Irate 4jeeh eleicte4 Goverki? h.ln the flrafe ai3trict,ci-man cpumie?. ten rnonisancr newxwonu iiaiiTruui- Tar 613 Wc3T!tTrmiDn: by Bill H6ilxh4nr ana f itepuDucan disbureing comfiitf ea S The State was aeDaurea.wmiiex from Lake to BandjljfrBmPib drnaiuJfi iA Tndiaixa for Patter; Haacock. in "rfw .Xrk' and Penpsrl- rattr A: T have SDokeni seven. times. In the great State of jKew'6rkj fdrXlerieral Uancock, ibe favorite son. of Pennsyl- - " if ' '- 1 a . IS C.' 1 M ' r '.' vania,apq rj a iuuk utu, exiierience in nnVi tink. State ana national, with con siderable knowiejdge in, foreign lands. I nave never wiwuesaeu suci enmusiasm for a public man as that' which thrills the great masses of the people of all Krties ia the Empire State. I remem r the, rapture with which Gneral Jackson was welcomed whenever , hj peraonaiJy appeared in the "orth', th resistless force of his character when lie became a candidate for .re-election ia 1632, his merciless abuse ,Ly the same Dartv who are now-trvlne to defeat General Hancock fox theT Presidency. and .his overwhelming vindication stt j toe oaiiot dojc a rsuemoer tne un speakable gratitude of the people for Abraham Lincoln whenever he showed himself to the masses. Everybody re collects .hQWj., General Grant was re ceived as he . passed through Philadel phia before he left for Europe : and I was present at one ofVtbe indescribable, receptions of Garibaldi m Rome. I wais a spectator of the wonaeriui scene De-, fore the opening of the last Interna tional Fair at "Paris, when, for the first time in many years, the Marseilles Hymn was permitted to be sung in the streets, but never have . I seen such a manifestation of public sentiment and publiq graUtude. as the, sfigl-tcst refer ence to the . hero of Gettysburg excites among the people of New York.; , . . Polieemiun No. 329. New York World. Officer Michael McDermott of the Church-street police, arranged at the Tombs, yesterday, a woman whom he Said had been drunk in the ' street and had called him "old 329," that being the number of his shield. "Are you a Republican?" a World reporter' asked McDermott. "Yes I am' he responded. I intend to vote for Garfield because he took the $ 329 and wouldn't give it back. I admire such a man. "Do they bother you much on your beatv "Yes, they begun it about three weeks ago. l was standing on tne corner ot Vesey and Greenwich streets, when a well-dressed man approached and whis pered mysteiiously that I was wanted a block up. I went up, first feeling to see if my revolver and billy were all right I got up to the next street but things were as quiet as Sunday. , 'There is a man down there who has been stabbed 329 times,' the fellow said. 'What?' says I ; 'where's the man as done it? By J upiter 329 times r "Yes, and that's not all,' says he 'There's a woman around the .corner with 329 fits. The butcher on the other side was Just robbed of. 8320.' "'Holy raurtherl' says L " 'And that's not all, he says. M lost S3.29 on this very spot, a minute ago. A colored man stole 329 dogs, last night, from the butcher shop. The Chinese laundryman ran away with 329 bundles of clothinc. The baker threw 320 loaves of bread at my wife, just now. .The book man over there has just married his 329th wife.' '"What you givin' us ?' I says. 'What's all them 329s for . "'Well, just wait.' he says, and then he runs round the corner and don't come back. That's the first I heard of it. I've beard nothing else ever since. The little boys are always yelling 329 at me." r Then Policeman McDermott, under cross-examination, broke down and confessed that he is a Democrat. Mr. TJlden'a I line. N. T, Herald, 20th. " There were rumors again flying about yesterday thatex-Gov. Iiiaen was dying. Mr. TildeS took an effec tual method of giving these rumors an emphatic denial, for he came into town from Grevstone about 2 o'clock with his private secretary, Mr. Smith ; drove about in his coupe to make gome calls, and, after repairing at about 4 o'clock to his residence in Gramercy Park to see if any telegrams of importance had arrived, he returned by the 5 p. m. train to Ypnkers. " Those about the GramercV Park house say that Mr. 'l a den is perfectly, well . and even better than he. was last sorine.: He saw a num ber of people ; yesterday, and the im pression made upon these seemea 10 oe that while he. was undoubtedly suffer ing he wast in no more dangerous a con dition than he had been for some time previous. The ex-3overnor is troubled with, a rheumatic complaint which causes, him aouarentlv considerable suf fering, but he attends to his affairs fts before and continues to take a lively interest in the election.. He Oot Hfa Pans. Detroit Free Press. The manager of i'draMatlc cdthbinai- tion playing a recent engagement; in Detroit was approached, on the last day, by a stfige-TWlKTTisked for a pass for, that evening: : ... . "Whv should I sive vou a pass?", was the blunt demand, - "Oh account of the fellow feeling; "TJpiihpt-'fly T krrow voii'. but that isn't UTV-. AurilliUUliS A f l. rrfinililnn 9": ' Theri I fajl -o isee how thre Is5 hny t,hiT((y in'cbririiion.' " i" ! : MYou struck tlris-town last Monday P. didt'yor" twlsed tJie .sti5ang.s' , . .1 "io niu l. ana x m kouik oui, yj. it. m v noinL may it plei tire court." m.iaTtatVolv, ..tunegwek t,mpre, pud Aerl wj o6 fe,$iTat iurtner argument, V'?-i 7 !.'r., ' '-VaiM '-'-HDattOJWUWT ite4 imMy&&2L T&SSfi& rsoldibj itWWSNJftAii i4 3ePj3Jh3ja 'ttalt Biftera' art 'a-1 bratiii aienBaf -Wood i food, peculiarly aqapusu ui, auu waruujr' wp oral debility, mental an physical exbaustloa, hya--terla. nervousness,, sleeplessness, emaciation and 1' : h''.r o-;.'! L Xi.-i i v- M.'J uj Deaeri Wilder, I want toatd teU ime ?ttowrDu kpt woweit end-family VeU tne, past ieeason, when m tne rest of us have tbeen . sick so much, and have bad tbe doctors visltmg Us so Often.' i Bra-Taylorftt iwwwef toerr-eaBlI used Hap Bitters In tiroej kept y flljji'apd saved tWdoctor bUl. TUree doliare' wortb or it kept ua all well and able to woxk all the time. I'll war! rant n bas bt too and tbeaelclbnn one to two undrea OOltart WteoBf -;piKJ ttnMkTu Ve'reAftef.J fl'su - in ion 'ACMKOirtjifi imr, -ma i f , lW , . , I. A i - ' To WV wbo tfre.' suffertnglion hef totnxaad-ls scretionf youth, rvow eatoesa,. early da eai?tosaaooaTini senda jeclpStbaJ win cure you, riutis u uja," T j "remedy was discovered by a imlaslonarr te South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bev.4owph T. Innnp&tlonpI'New To Cltj. ..-.... tV ..:'...,.: .i Ji!H.,.iX', udXJ... Ai- - C' Jy,:) i ,,i,," ' . .f if.fff i"! . k'l " , , , ' V;?'-'tT ' !,,.,. -,v . -nk !.' 'I" I , . . ' - ' " ';' ) .. . . 1:1 ' ; ... .:-! .: j--;-!! ... ., :. 1 : . '. ' : ., ': " - -' i ' ' ' ' ' - i I ' LJi, SBPT IBM IBM My of 22. Tjr W E2 ET S OUR NEW AND ORIGINAL FASHIONS FOR FALL, r Permit us to assure you that our aim in manufacturing a STOCK OF CLOTHING Is to produce Fashionable Garments with rood -W arkmanshlp. Our a cess in catering for the Trade, Is PRIMA FACIAE evidence that our endeavors have met wltljjhe rewlrementa of pur caatomm. i ; ? p '' - ; '.'j.o-ujA I i We Shall Open The Handsomest line of Men's Bey's, Youth's and ChiMren's Suits Overcoats, Vahdytes, BIstijK-ini Wsferetts THAT HAS KVKB BSEIi EXHIBITED, J-BADT-l-ADK, IN THIS MARKXTw -1m, f,;-i: . , , .! ! t WE1 1 JST VITE EV3EYOD Y TO CALL O-CT THE OD-A-TT QF OTJE 03?E2Irra-- Yerrrespectfullr,.- : L. BERW ANGER & BRO. NT) WE HAVE ON HAND A FINE LINE OF 8AM . 15. " NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED OB NO SALE. FLANNELS, PRICES BLANKETS, PRICES SHAWLS, PRICES DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, KNIT GOODS. W TrrrPTCO The Largest and "Finest BlILUNERY DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY. FIRST-CLASS TRIMMINGS. Popular Prieeti for Fine ' Hats & Bonnels. ClotMng, Mats, We have th6 Pleasure of Announcing . It has been oiir ee&rbr in-yrepg: dus effort : and in now soliciting: your patronage we do m .fully confident lliat pur Tmina willto mutely vaatlsfe. Trusting that you will put tMe asauoes to4et ii ia tallv or fafotitrg: wM'rors, i restfblly yoursi '!'' ;'' y"" - i ' "lo ; l. .r.;i,;,.ii,..: I I , , !.!1M'..P1 M;IiiiKiEil(liaii!l) lii! IJ fi-zi-ru'if . ii n J ,ff 1 n" t JOHNL; MEBCHAKll6E3EOJttitI anftj 6NICAjL CPM- i.! - isii-. kiaSiQS-lfEBCHAJlT.;: .ur i uroera, BampieB," ' a.4o anl rnuuu)iM RAn4tMLi All shipments handled to best advantage abd j Ample storage rflott.i 8eaoj fcrtjdi. it ..Uof 31 J flyi .t i!-itfpih : . i 11 Hrfjf f-wnminetAn Tdiaa deauinc naironu w nntit9 Ml -t)am addrw ihar ibereii eneu tampilor rsnU.iiiU 3ml j tU.u-.ullrri Ilti ti HiLjIlJiiri mil ffi iwTi fh,.Li u.l 1 i -TX7ANTXDB7 a tentteauui who.hM Jd ff tuteraoi mim trndel f iderable exi-rtP"ce. and who can coi rrom ireca ana aajotnins wuuwa. sitoauun- to" Hoc to Qiartotte.M Out grvo hh MMmmniidatinnL Annlv for Information, to 1 Is larcer and more'toititet? kbacvei lifepetoSJndjafepri.fl0Oia r,ii!?ifir 0 ... . . ... vno f. v3l T ?'li; r awi tl it-! i;q ki;oh.Jwi1 no -ik;;: tj; uilT -TWi"a; fr-ii b m r J mm. - i taSfoarTi Address -1 . tu2j tt.' .-v..ajv -jra cMavxa. , ;r::':- v-vi-' ! - HUB. 3KT EJ Uweoia. for llosBeciioD . ......... rrrOTTOESf , . - j"; : X3ST SsrC3- TOTJTl JVTTElSrTIOlT TO for Your Inspection FINE LINE OF SAMPLES FOB MERCHANT TATLOBING. C20 WHKY & BA ml Gaps, :':XEDpots '-and TvTtl THI ISSfUB 01 THIS OBteBVIR l i..'. , , .ii ! tlaioiq , iUxi dull' :!'JulI!..! !Jiilr"!o!) Lit;; 'Newspaper rop Sale. A WHttemACTjirio nriwa.ia!-Jrela1bt)tvinr Nil LU.UU1G1 il tmrDHeter.Jto1of k r-.' - - - a.nw iia iniiHiiiiT i -mi . . fti. j. a '.nan - fflJiTi-7 tnAaieriear . Kart torn bedna I I6tl-VThe" Beglster tof 1880 eootain a ttrt MKKBiNOat the Bbk83u PoLtifacHiria iMrrmrre, Tbs. k . ' ; T-a oldest . eriglrerlnf the gradoatealpr. Tsst' 54; years wlUrthelr poleon&dtr also,' eourse of study, reqmrementa, 'perie8,-eie aaaresp e-tj;! i l y,rr. :i : urr r,r1 '. iU ii-V'I this beasoirwrw GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER AT VIBT SHOE! KID GLOVES, H-roory Fair AXxA3CLtocl to suit you. to suit you. to suit, you. embroideries; 1 ' ' handkerchiefs' and laces, CARPETS, CARPETS, RUGS, RUGS, OILCLOTHS, : Olt CLOTHS. Large Stock of Gd SiylM ft , Brussels, il .It.Sn-rr;. ,U2ISa S l iiJ -:h f Al -.) ; li i A the Amval oft Our nub and niut iioi)iit);IJi;(i luru ' yD'iuciuiiJj is;;- j mi k ji -j Kfa& bcda31 '-' V.klf-Krl 4 nlMUbe of the pwcedinf weet. news at me kshoiuh Hf"M Aft u naaonai wvica muu .i-T"'vyrrr?r" . 7 . . i IntalllamnM Il rr . . i .w M.i. ....... - H tihe Kattifal lrtnoeriafJ Py. hk wl inrerii winiM. wnx iawro a.aawa wr adSret5rad. 0 . f!t, ex - mm business house InCti,. - iij-jl., rrr TT LvTlocmerli pnbllaher ol the Elcbmond' CT. :ll.TreountRTaj W-ti ..irinMihniia m Ch) ..... ,i A - aug20-wl2w VS - - y 'A 'Y.

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