i t IJi I." 1 nmmm n , UWIGOQ Only Vegetable Compound that acts airecuy upon ine iiver, aiiu tiveness, Headache. It assists di blood. A Book sent jreeQPr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. ' TOft AX,E BY MJJL imtJQOl8T. ' may80-6m.deod rke Par at Beat JHodlelne CTcr Made, AeombV of Hone. BuehUr Mandraki Pnd Dan LdelkMl. titk all the best and moat cant Ure proper k ties ol all otner jnttera, makes lBIocxJ Purifier, Liver Regit la' (tor.andWi .ana ueaiw nenoiuur Atnia 70a Jong eaM where Horl MM ... - .': jBltten are oaed,ao ana perrect are paratlons tfcir ln 1 Yigw to ti aged &d Mm J ToaIlvheniPiP7BienU cause irremlarity oil tot hnvda ar w-iaarTm.Dfrc-aiia. brrad Manlre an lappetaerTome anamuaBtlmnlant, nop BittertH re invanaoie, wrcnoux Hinxoxicating.B Ho matter what your feeling or symptoms afefl Don? watt until you are sidtttbutif you only feelfl uiazaBemaeaseorBuniDncia aim nop uiccers.a bad or miserable, use tnajjittersm as once, it may iareyoiiruie. it nas savea ann: 1 $500lllbepaldforaasftthey wSI not cure org Jtielp. - Do notaoJXer nor lot yourmmeiicis suffer, but! use and onre them to use HOP KrifnnmNir. HopBlttersano VOe, tlrnnrsn nostrum, but the Purest aai Jest Medi- btneerwrnadei the "Invalids Op'aaano person oriamUy sooaidbe TX I. C. UaneijeamteandlrreatnjecuieTto l,nse Ot oplTmi.totxi oco and nftrcottcs.1 IsoUbydragtirtai ' Bend tor CSrcalar iKlkwCa, Bocheiter.'X.'X ayjeod&wlr. Meets the requirements of the rational medical phlloaopoy which at present prevails. It Is a per- iecur pure vedetaoie .remedy. emDracine the three Important properties of a preventive, a tonic, indrl an alterative, it rorunes tne body against "dis ease, Invigorates and re-vltallzes the torpid stom ach and liver, and effects a most salutary clasge In the entire system, when In a morbid condition. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally?-! nova TESTIMONY OF DRUGGISTS. We eertlfy that we have been selling "Swlftfa Syphilitic 8peclflc" for many years, and regard 'it far superior to anything known to science, for tne disease for which it Is recommended. We have never known of a single failure. - 8. J. Cassels, Thomasvllle, 6a. L. Greer a Co.. Forsyth, Ga. Hunt, Eankln & Lamar, Atlanta. Ga. Pemberton, Samuels & Reynolds, Atlanta, Ga. Daniel k Marsh, Atlanta, Ga. "L - - ' AtlaMTa, GA , July , 1 874. Mb C. T. Swirr-Dear Sir: We have Been using your Swift's Syphilitic Specific" In the treatment of convicts for the last year, and believe If Is the pnlu certain known remedy that will effect a pernio nmt cure for diseases for .which, you recommend it $i)oo"bFwabd Will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of one hundred bottles of S. & S , one particle of mercuryylodlde potassium, or any min eral substance. ' - i j Prepared only by trier SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. Bold by T. C. SMITH and L. R. WRISTON A CO. T CaU for a copy "Young Mens' Friend." - feb. 26 dAw.lm. -- . . . garxlxxmrje. Successors to Walter Brent, Ugent. Have a complete , and new assortment of For the Wholesale and Ketall Trade, whloh buyers are requested to examine before purchasing elsewhere. . brem a Mcdowell, Corner Store, Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. Oct5.tt . - ' . J I, rtlBD WARE STORK i JJL Powder, Fuse and all kinds of Mining mple- octirtf- v. "DOTH Pocket and Table; Pistols, Guns ni uzzle sj and breech loading. Hunting Coats, and Im plements of every kind for sportsmen, At ;r f t-i , . H1USJII MCDUWJCLL'S, . octo tf : ' Hardware Store. .PLOWS !'PLOW,S!V COLE AGENTS In Western Nortb:.and' South O Carolina for tne etlebrated OllverChllled Plow. Have also j a full Mock of Hoe iBnorels, Steel ivh iuiu an aiuaa pi larminr . impiemenis. ,, - ' BtUkfla at MieUKJWJtlaU, , CnmAT TrorlA anH IWn Btnoii -Cental Hotel Building, CharlotteN. C. J lijliiiociqa rytt CHARLOTTJt 6S3SEYIB f cures Liver Complaints, JaLin-, 'dice, Biliousness Malaria tbs-' gestiontrngthensAe syf 1 BaTfjtrougb; Ptjwf?? reenilatesthe bowels purines tie Jthe passage t'M i J the tbeiiM U .tit I I Blacksmith ;ar I ,111,, I , t,, l. DEAR DOIT. and Sympathy. D trolt Free Press. l,c p-fhfir -Jiad cone overto injfr next I T T 1 T - , . J I 'irL J fowbsMp lo comminwfeewy, am Kail taJrVsn mother with hrmT so DorCa and I had the whole care of Mabel, a pleasure that 4id not often ijall tous. She Ms sitting In ieiittle foerwitb the white kitten inf her lap:arrtiojie little red cheek pressed against my knee, as she looked in my face. while I read. Dorcas was Sewing: as usual, bot more intprfisted in the reading than Mabel, who 5oudTiot uidewtfeo4 4 wbjx Dt cas was twelve, ana naa never reau Jane Eyre, and I was tired of telling hftr the storv Jn snatches. We were vr J m r ta listen. Iliadcrpacntd vtue ciifnax wBerelhe old sefrant-tloses the tfoor upon hpr, and St. Jolin appears on , the scene and speaks as one 'having au thority. . . ...... x ,-VTho ir.hit spfafof.' I asked, ter rified at the unexpected sound, ana in capable now of deriving from any oc currence a's hope dB" aid. A foigi was nearwhat form, tlfe pitefiar'gl't and my enfeebled vision prevented me from distinguishing. With a loud, long knock the new-comer appealed'Hohe door. At this supreme moment there came a sudden, loud and pecuhatncckt the aoor.o close to ine w i iiraj . -m 1 A ' a i M ur.- - J r- uzht Malel seizi aBattaad to ui i puOTrsof for I felt that the hqciewaa' left my care, so 1 rousca up 01a usaJLfwnfl was asleep in the kitchen, and vve: eu cautiously through Ahf ijjanels W5lwy4 there, but receiifcd floansvitfr btiflaiawj moan, and I felt sure it, waspmejpiie in distress, so I opened the" door, a irttre bit at a time, and at lastiooketi uut,iufc could see nothing. The wind whiled the dead ieareisin great heaps and .sifltfdtithem over the doorstep; there AsVmound of thetn Livincr tnere. ana unaer ic soraetning f ivtirrea. My heaitaxd ftfirtat boundt "iiring tne ngnt, isusauiL Old Susan brought the light, shading it with her hand, I stooped, trenbUn, ai pypr ana loucoeu cawemmg; ;io. gave a moan hnd'supf v ' -'-' It was only a boy, after all ; a poor, sick, wasted, small boy, that seemed to be starving. - We carried him into tlie house, and tried to make him talk, but he did not seem to understand what we said, and,moanfd and; cried as .if,, in "What shall we do with, ,Jim?" I asked in; despair. ."I dQ. ,wfsJi father would come, he will have to stay ail ight now, so you may as well put him1 1 the little room. Susan, and make him comfortable, poor little fellow P He was such a pretty boy, even in rags and sickness; he, was so thin that his bones actually seemediwprn through, and his great black eyes stared fright fully ; he was too sick to hold Jiia head up, and Susan carried him iutolthe little corner room, and undressed him as sne would a baby, while Mabel stood by the door and said "pitty boy," in her small bird like voica. t When father and mother came home we met them at the door, and Dorcas and I both tried to tell the story at the same. UmQ.; "Well, 8Hty father sternly, "as I un derstand It yoti have takeri in a lazy tramp, whjorwfien' we are all fast asleep will get upTahd let Ms f ilerids in to rob ahcL murder- -- - - Mpther had disappeared in the bed room.' .'Now she came out and said ; Hes-eSyN Indeed, jephtha. It would not surprise the ff hb died before morning. He is-burn ing up with f evr." father. ... v- j ? ed mother could ou? 'hnaM.tt'n havfl lpfrrhrnt nut. !haif tn die r1 asked Dorcas. Susan. Hft's only starved to death beaides,tVou 'iiaiafr no ,Jieed to 'fear 'Some yarb tea, and a night's rest 'ill fetch him 'round all .right. "He had the varb'p and manv a long night's rest, but he never was any better : as busan - would savi "is otnin but starvin' did it;" but he had starved a little too long. Nature uid not reas sert herself, and "I3oy," as we all called him, could hot take hold again of the life he had so nearly dropped. ' 1 "it ain t in him, said old Susan, pears like he gets whiter and whiter ; everyday." . ... . At.hrst, while -he seemed like a sick I boy-tramp, we all-kept aWay from the except mother, who took the best care of him, then one by one we drifted ih to see now ne was., getting along, and at last the little corner bed-room was pur geiieral rendezvous; and Boy sitting up, white and wasted, its center! of at traction. We knew from the first he would never get well, iand .we -tried to find his friends, but he seemed, to be alone; M. the . world. i This touch we could see for ourselves be was of geh.-i tie blood, and had been used to home care, but he spoke a foreign tongue end but little of that. All day he would sit bolstered.up. and plaF?witbrWAni fingers with Mabef i toys, and tUen! Me found his sickness1 wasi Koti. contopfous, 1 1 we used to put our darling on the;: little bed, where she would sit and talk to him in her baby lingo by the hour-, - fihe is suchi a happy child ;it sefmed as if shfrfji armed tiaihrkWavbv;iher . caoinir UHi f ondriesK' theT mk thing ialhe j morning it was "boy or "pittjy bo3r ' a.nd the last hour of ber 6cd-iime when she would kneel with her thirf hand in i, i ,i l i : . n i J.iuv MCI 9VUt CUIU) 11U amy UCl JlttlO lSda- believe prayerj.tHatwe t)aught hr; she would lisp "dear uoy." v "Rnf. thorn' mtrAix n :i?orrif. wlin "Riir seemed 4oth to-bave-her go aha telirrg to7 the mmipred hand, and kissed vit wittiT)aie. coianns. ana tnen sue tni nnth iirr.iA.armH nrwinciia.ncir mnn in jltral'hjekifirywhoje ber tehee, and jwe were so.-prouq, ami jsne; was to say it1 $gaiaJ,tp fcint e firstthigi in ;the .morninft, but when tVetojki her ir sto 4 AUU 1VUUU A. UIVAUUJI. LIICIC. we bet f eacfied Out glad hands to het, into tn death-white niaibie; and;; sh$Ookejd ;Kat ooked-at it wonderinglyr with tuhrecpgnizing eyes, .nut when we tooK nim -away 'sne yj T- ""-"f. wa-w j w wvu. py V au W murea -jjy-Dy, aear Dpy, aj leatfclr-' ed them bear him, away. I We-"buried hinTtr, oti own lot m tfie cemetery selfish ;kindness-ibe,CaUBe ibenoy;hjm,sJa7id cyejlii raised a simole, memorial ? we raisea a SLmDia: memorial i no., atreu onjyfJMSijHM.. li t ..iuw-by.DearBoy." fI have taken -Mabel .tip thwe ievc ! tiftfesi" btifshe onlyfpiayed -y ritr tW dead - rustllngleavea jancCUl id, never . unuurenriTiey so soon iorgec t mi, fVHi wrote ail this iaf yearjage, I Oh, can iy oe oniynone. yearvofteaiitle year." and now there la another 4rravfe ' rOinlfr !weif tklnk so null thlagv! W"j iflOh, aMabepMabell by-by djtrHiig uab uciore sua went to sleep sne iited I o uuu o viwx, i- - - ' IMaibe itsuiwitheria," cri littlei.'SmiiiBfir friend ..who! alwavs I all loved so muchraiid mo: T.-T ".T7' Z-i 1 n r darWnSwaafoil J. &dl he: hpr sav: as if to herself. Dear bdy." bi in snnh a n-lad vniRft al if she Saw And we thousht she had fonrotti TVVe had entertained angels unafwares. A Siranffo Superstition Ilecallcd . by a 1 ua.tiping'Ui Virginia. ( anEferrespondent of-the New 'XiP Sun, writing from .Liberty, in givi an,account of the recent execution or ihiTnegro Pfte? WrigT2Tsaysi j v Wright ws ramouss in jnia part or Virginia as having been connectedayjth I a crime full or mystery and moneuxfr-ii rible in its ending than the crilnrft for which he was hanged. In 18C $ Miss y)ja(bf. rfjbecAitififl M)ing wonan of Bedford, aisappeareu'from her home. Her disappearance caused much Excite ment, as a mystery had long hunjg over Wier f snrilri iKbe r'as jttje IAI tof her line, ana umong tne srarpw toi county there existed a tradition i aod superstition concerning her family. The legend was that one of her ances- flprs had, insulted a sorceress, and the nnnionntnTiT t nar nnr rTa nT rna L ri (rill u . 111 1 1 . p 1 1 irz " li I esewe iurl thereafter should die a natural uiah4J&OTs,a Miss Wright's grandfather was drown ed, his father and mother were burned &lite. and her father and mother were Jjj&jffderep, yhiij h jr brother was" killed rmuie war." So the tradition goes, and, the superstitious farmers would shake their heads pravelv when thev saw her o -J ' t .'if and express sorrow that the terribjej malediction hung over head. It was T - tsurprisihg that really sensible people - eaxtea tins superstition, rue mys- . . . . n -tdn )ry wflflqf e iojiawjea mv toittii wasffouirfl T$h tlieu ftff tv th of Several f "he high ro f her neigl social position, the appearance !of her body was not made public, and sit the inoAiest neitical examination Wits al- MojJtfedjl It! was remarkable, also, "that Lshe had been murdered in easy call of her neighbors, and yet they all prof ess- ked;ignoi'attce. rot' 4ierv end he body, from its arjeaingefl iainv n e re i t nuo luuim uiicc ji ijul unjis, i clci r Wright had; been seen in Uie locality f awnrtptainwlrieiuMleF Jwaia suppos ed tihave been committed, and, it was r tn 1 v I) eli&ved h ai Ti e committed ttfeTIeed IttMhe-fistlgiirlon of sbme White man to conceal a more revolting crime. v.Wght, ha,4 'fbnn.erlyi been a Slav" in Wie family. ; Nothing could be protefl Qfl fiim; but1 there 'lias' never been any doubt amonfc thei country peo ple that he committed the crioje; It is gtrange that Wi'ighU rt .nerbf slave the familv to which the sunerstitiorfat- tacliesVsbouldTollow tftfi yourfg1 woman; J lo an wnnaiurai aeauw , ,t a-.,-. . Cxemuiiou in Hal ft T .1 XT. . ' ' ' ' The Italians -are resolved tu mafels thesystewf-mraatron 'as;itierfect a? r possible. TlieeadquarteTij.pf;, the in stitution ai Milan nave reoenliy k-eceiv-ed : a 'Very singular ftdditiott. ts cus tomers were confronted, :wlth difficul ty which at n hadijiciAeeii anticipa ted. The difficulty ?wasto know what tner were todo with Jtba'ashes of tltoir deceased relatives. "It seemed improper -I tuac ordtpary sepuiuaef mould tollow sdnnusual a process as cremation. The management at Milan has' atfobnd its way ouVof JLhe&auKy Incineration is.fter'ali; but ii revfval bian od fasli ion, and it wa only neeessary.to' follow out the usage of its originatoig in or der to cause all difficultr to disauiear. . aa m m ,' as sMe U lbors. ecatfse'iD The crematory temple at Milan isf t)H0 uue tin ciuiJtJA h uicii win, in ictci, ue il cemetery. The municipality has al reaOj aelecfditg architect ahd ap proved the plans which he has furnish ed. The cemeterv, when completed, will differ as widely from arr ordinary graveyard ajL cremation differs from ordinary sepulture, , It will be an Et ruscati uildirrgj thirty-six feet high by about twenty feet long, and will b0 furnished with recesses, 120 in numbef, according to the present design', in each of which several cinerary rrjs can be placed. The authorities) aria jb confident of the success of the undertaking that they have ordered vaults or catacombs to be constructed under the. nave. and I these wil become the private property vl iLQiiieq. no iici,iu uicremauon seems toliavemaoe more way in Italy than in Germany, to which two count tries of Europe has as yet been -almost entirely confined. ' ' ' ; Tbe ITIarriag-e of U S. Grant, Jr, A New-York paper, in announcing the marriage in that city on Monday of U. S. Graht.'Jr., to Miss Fannie J. Chaf fee, only daughter of ex-Senator Chaf fee, of Colorado, says: "The marriage has ibeep the subject ,of , discussion among the elite of New York for some time past, and has been regarded as a social event. The engagement has at- ,teniu)n,, taken in con if s Calif 6f nia 'exneri- iJ. LJJ ll.vl.JI -L.L!tl,l I. - ice. nuu oas oeen! enenBiVEiT aiscuss- ed here and in San Francisco. The bridegroom is a lawyer in this,ejty,. Who has already won some distinction in his profession jind.-whQse prbspects are jLh,h$t, r .Tliajride'lffthe only 4aughter,of Senator "Chaffee. She Is a; Tbilonde of the'falrestype, aged about twentyo.nj4 has begn a nrorninent belle in mw Ybrl ocietjrfaniei her in frp4uct4on hre., The .courtship which nasreroutea in iier. aaarnagc with Mr. urant is a little over a year oltf and is dfesctibett4'by tbei'lntimate friends of botliias.., match pi pure love. sSbeA air; wilr proDaoiyi make arrfrc-H tended tritrtoth WsfanSouth. . To attend tbiMI'G yieMM his votein GalenaiallwanaTviUn;ot visit theWest, as he previously feterided." 1 1 , i A cattle. Gcvevnoi, 8pr agsie is guarding) Canon uiie,viLi zu o. rag5)heivpierj who have been enlisted in the flefe n the placie j and under the oircn ffin-4 ces, if. would De.extremely difficult andT e.extremely difficult and' nazaroous'o awempt'jm rsntrfciice. it la ofatorl f rmrfRrirQiriidtMBVAf oiX1 Ttnr traetad fecial at neQtldn'fith dra ende. add his bee JyelfjaltiiuEaBAtliiEWtrjsel, and propo- jcsluuw iaj uegin a iiveiy series oi at aSfcs oaHf reriesl ifcaiibn. He ilatms heatfeftaiiP fMtsf in the .great, estate, even if Chaffee is (trustee iuiu lio uieciiis tu uave tne matter iun TV ii l . I to a reporter -in ai ne could conunuacM i a., i' , . " .i ' ---".T efforts to acquire nossession of Canon- CQmndfthelflrbr.imM Mrs. Sprague. What had Deen ddlfej he said, wuuiiija,Bw-Ausa;utiei9o utj unioia- wr cenainiv Knnwn.inar. the 'Trier SSB1 ar: Rltrift' of. tho - w V41V V VU VtaenfTB. t Mtirlncj ibai mwRimf. wa soine , it i rat a,riktftA i H Tof alT whar1terfriin9ieniors and In- tuacreuonswyoaui, nervoBS-vmunesa, early de eayt 1 mi mnnhonrt , to , I will awiitp recipe that will cure joo, FREE OF; CHARGE, ffhls great Bev. Joseph T. Inman. Station D. New tYork ntv. r-'.rrintfawr. .1 .118; I "Tif&iferedinA. nn.nn.n.i fc bottle lea nhichii.naed for rai two ltti me doctors and tlie neUthborsiald coulHioT't- on nisflonre.'ne scsnas'ready ttravi ttearrcliitib Tho&rOtr'i't is llOi mm 0 OT'M-pia y0?1" navwiosttboft them 4 Bfgha it I ftfioT Hot (?iren.. them Hop Bitters.! 5heydloy4 i ,? reu. low " nj i-say you ao not Know haU the valoe-cJ.Es i.MMurand -do not 6obrnl mend them . high jenausn.' WB. .Rocheste N. Y,' it See otter column. Ainerican Rural EomS7 - - sident in dirig.one lvidere thei?68i-.!i comer, a well-to-d Amfertea; woman, introduced herself an Mri TIq, gles ofL-r-7Missouri,then askedp rtL Is this the Apollo Bellvidere -tj ieirFtat)I!4aiol5e hiiiJ rP I"icnfy mepcnlf aki ll lulhrtnll..l-il.I JS I I II av. 64dokinsr a i4iitMi8ajIlWr4iestified!to drt3ri , The interroeai was generally thought to be one the master-pieces or the world ?Manly,beauty, andjali .thati sort of ming Taainuie lawyaromitfie1 land of the setting sun. "Yes," responded the now amazed ar tist "It is said to be one of the noblest ing her Badeker, and with arms akimbo taking a last and earnest lrvik atf'tiiA pfrhe,lmarbjewy.e 6e8n,.Bagglesj undiveme The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. " Will SAnrl tTlAlv aalritiUniAM ttAl&L t7ttvil4 to thaffledjfiph RV dlfilrlal. SpeeoV-oures iZri trniirzi ri ruin .aan wnat they say. Write to nor. lo-rll,: "Malt Bllters"are a brain, nerve and blood food, pecultoitlihlaptea aB;warnilj! recom mended by,Mart4cuggl8td aad'pbylcts jfor gen eral debility, menuU-tBd phyBlcattAAausttoa, bys teriacxienoiisBlaK.iidAtmiajriAs.qU.qp.f nri i a r HiK .rii a ill rati . I I ff A WXfc oawlUlU. T Diiis and nortion, 1., iik shnot.v.p O ' v ...i the eyes shut When rou are laneuid. eRaWr. . eloo sore, with sour stomach, nain in the body and umss, ?how ;ejea.' skfiUandUG dysB6VSiajiil&irhoe& ani) other ,ia bad cough. Hoaes-rtBaiJCr. jagg's troYed Llvgr aiwtoni aob Pa d cei. V . ea taKe no Cuslom. r "Why are 'Malt Bitters' si popular?' DrugKfetBtfttuWBaFltodMeClcliie, fliey en cti Aha J(Mnl;(iiflrdwin,lUB 1taB?cletmt 'tbe nerves.iwAf(.4iicfstU.V t u , . r r f- H "It S 'ATtANTA.GA . Feb, 4.'1879. Meters. fTutfhitcw Jirn Saving tested-your "Neuralgjiie" Jn my ciite, recommend It to all who suffer with ih headache. Tnoa. W thoroughly I chef rftilly Sold by Li. R" WRFSfON ?et24-3m - ie,-, Thlrfv frill -wv fe establish ars of ' constantly increasing 'use I a reputation for Dr. Bull's Oousrh Ryiup second to no similar preparation; It Wi lleves Instantly and cures all ooughs. eolds etc; mi? Or. pXcdical. 1 JlHaGaaEASoUTEfiN l-L REMEDY for the cure of Scrof ula, Syphilis, Scrofulous Taint, RtteH matlsm. White Swelling, Gout, Goirroi En . I t) L.!.l X' n ...nv. n TV- t rllltyl Miluii, and aljdtoeases arising bWROPwaipt ' CURES SCROFULA. 3 k Cores Btteumatism. Cares Sypbilis. Cares Malaria. Cares Nervous Debility. CURES ERUPTIONS. A3 its ingredients published on every pacKatrc. Know it to your .Physician, ana no will tell yoa it Is composed of the r strongest alteratives that exist, ana is an lexceUeBt Allood Purficr. BOSADALIS b sold by all Druggists. If TT For MAN" and BEAST. External and Internal. THE GREATEST V&JS BELIEVER OP THE A&t: VfrZiT - ' --- " tiir Pills. THE GREAT" VEGETABLE CATHARTIC . i. REGULATOR. Vegetable WORM SYRUP In staauy !e8toy 'ani.tai mended by physicians as tho best WORM WypmStt C-Porsale by all Drutrglsti. . JOHN F. HENRY & CO. i : SOLS FBOPBIETOBS. B4i CoUtea Placo,r 't (iTi 'pfow Tora. ltillinjcnj. TO OUR STOCK OF T-l in Tl,n ; ;"-! 4 'T$ttfK WEAR, CLOAKS; n i'funn: TVMT I An I DAMJl 0 II III! BMfe'rwislrie ClflJrens' M MWOTS Ilit ..-, ..- ' .U1U W.ni KITili liu lilJI .11;. - ,.i "i .eteiu Liiwi'jj .attliiitK taw.'r .e5!ttlii.-an- V-1- .Uxt Satins, A l I i FOR DRESS TRIMMINGi ' t it , C'U.lJ' foittltJlfiafljGgSES AND CHILDREN I Of Every Shape &dnaliiy; nave noH.cn hand the moat complete stock of T 1T1TSCI TiTr r rTlTrii nrt rrrt lijiUUll llLUlll lY 1 U1JJ Ji tmhfrtlHbjiiT. . V . W K. . . ii irt; iiu -t iijf PtiL aMaii SJBAirJIr-lV - i - i-,ti tllawm sultinoi; iiiajj JL. V D' I .Jf .Z-xriis. p. omcaV. JTl tji an. - j I bi! j ;inpj. r. r.'uuU-.-i j iiij f. , .(( iiili HtH toi . :'tu i' -Hi O- MANUFACTURERS AT DRUG STORE : Vitalized Phosphate n Imperial Granum, , Milk of Magnesia, Kitchen Crystal Soapv Sapolio, Bakers' Chocolate, Corn Starch, , Infants Food, Liebigs' Ext. of Beef, 'English Tooth Brushes, Flavoring Extracts, Gnuitie'Bay Rum, Wt l.'e'a Aromatic Sehnapps Fresh Cod Liver Oil, ' Palatable Cod Liver Oil. octal WE OFFER FIVE GROSS EACH, Bull's Cough and-Baby Syrup, Mexican Mustang Elhlmeiit, Hoyt's German Cologne, Wins low's Soothing Syrup, Allcock's Po 'rous, Strengthening Poious and Benson's Capsine Plasters, Tutt's Pill's, Bar ker's Horse and Cattle Powders, and other Goods In stock to mer , chants at Manufacturers' Prices. L. II. WRISTON 1 CO. A FULL STOCK or Lamp 1 Lamp Goods consisting of GERMAN STUDENT'S, HALL. LIBRARY STAND AND GLASS LAMPS. Burners, Chimney?, Wicks &c, all of which we offer at bottom prices. L. R. WRISTON 1 CO. BRAZILLIAN SHOE POLISH, THE BEST IN THE CITY. L. R. WRISTON 1 CO. FEED YOUR CANARY ON LANDRETII'S MIXED BIRD SEED, Sold only by L. R. WRISTON 1 CO. TEA ! TEA ! TEA ! THE BEST G-TJJST &c BLACK, L.R.WRITON 1 CO.'S septl8 . -ux fRESH MINERAL WATER, Both Foreign and Domeste, :-JUST RECEIVED AT : gARATOGA yiCHY, rm Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water resem- uuug ux imponea vicny. necommendea as a an antacid; nres Dyspepsia, Uiir.. f r j . aio Digesdom la a powerial ; . Tonic , aad strong ,.(.... Diuretic , i . i . ALso, HaUuttf NaW MMcra! Wak fietbmmended very highlrasa Cathartic and Al t ; teraUve and in ail forms of Dyspepsia. ! j ... ... , i , , " .... . -oalso.', ' .; ; g CASES OONGREdS WlTEB. 10 EOCK BRIDGE ALUM. If-., :. ' L-rl !ASES BTJT511LO LITHIAi t" " it j 'A- :'tr -!, fAnbt4full supply -ottoported ; 1 - -! f Ff iedrickshall German Bitter P- . I 'it- ', It; '. ' "Tri, ,l !I UsicathW:;:- . u,''i! xMUijroui anus. .ocumj xieuig oi- nrms mat its nconeas n aoerkent salts surpasses' that of all other known waters.'? ...tyM uy The British Medical Journal. "Hunyadl JanQ&rn-. TheTOOflWjgresable.'Safest, and most efficacious, aperient water.'.' ,. , ,. .;...... , ' Prvfiiuor ViriTtoim, Beirtta.'Iirrariably good and prompt auoeeeat mwt.TaJuable." a tiia 7 .. ; Vlehna. "I have nreacrlb remarkable success;" j c uiw. ML' u mrhxinr -T ' nvafiArVhA hAnft . don.-lMar pleasant thaa. its rivals, and surpass-' aftUteBntoffieaey." -'s ilh. i-. . vn 'Preferred to PuUn and Fried- richshalL DR. Jr H. 'MbADENV r '.VisJ. .Tt- f. '.-iff Hi. ' U1.UU. . ! il Ar .Ts A When roueaa tetat ea f otmtala fiamtoea Xxw celslor.MuM4 Water Jnst a iresls and sparklinar as wheaitflowafroiathe sprJA at Saratoga. t.W.J aw.,v uw iu w(iik; iiu reaerTuuifr, whlrh jfcrafnm as saan ms emptied to be refilled Sgaln every week. -, . J. EL McADEN, , !Ji iU' ')n,Sadt and C2einlsti Charlotte, It Q. L: Jln'. c i 1i- Af llaris afld Hunyadi Janu . till 1. -f.i. ft-V A-?,:'- j '' "O ' i t .1 .HI ((, '.v 11"! t mm:. ra, n i l hi J.T.Bn,TLE R 7 1 4ia8 3astretnrnedfrorNewTrlL with the flriest , i- : - ;i:-,;: -jioi of WATCHES, .; f , .CLOCKS and, V -JEWELRY, ! DIAMONDS, Rd ii:: 'siLy.ER ; ' . V. 1 i;;!,LATED ' WARE, i SPECTACLES,. ETq; ETC. The largest stock ever brought to this Market The above goods are in his store and not in his mind. I also have Five Hundred Gold and Silver Watches left to be re rial red and fn whlch I will sell on the second Monday lo Novem ber. 1880, for charges on the same. Save your money lor Butlers Bargains. Having a very large stock he Is going to give bargains to all who want eoods for cash? if vnn don,'t know where Butler is ask for him, and don't ue ueceiveu oy leuows nat say tney are "Butler." kespeetfully J. T. BUTLER, oct31 Carolina Jewery store. E.J.ALLEN, AND W. A. TRUSLOW, OF VIllGINIi. HAVING EKTEBED INTO A CO-PARTNERSHIP In the Ii and J eweiry BUSINESS, Re.-pectfully invite the people of Charlotte and surrounding country to call and examine the elegant goods they will soon receive. w WILL BE A SPECIALTY, and all work will be fully warranted. THEIR STOC K OF Gold ani Silver Watches, WILL BE COMPLETE. Call, and their goods and prices will please you. sept28tf ilailtjcratts. Mensed Time Table Norffl Carolina R.E. TBAWi some slat. No. 6 I Daily I ex. Sun Date,Dee.35'79 No. 47 Daily No. 45 Dally Lv. Charlotte, 8.60 A U 6.03 am 731 A v 8.10 a 8.29 A u 10.23 a X 11.02 am ,12.20 PM 3.80 pm 6.00 pm 4.10pm 6.54 pm 7.07 pm 7.37 pm uausDury, High Point Arr.Greensboro Lv. Greensboro Arr. Hillsboro 5.00 pm ia22PM 11.54AM 3.00 am Durham Ralelah Lv. " 6.00 am 1000am Arr, Goldsbar No: 47 Connects at SaAsbarv with W it r. n n all points in Western North Carolina dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R. 4D, R.B. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. & W. B. R. for Wilmington: ' No. 45 Connects at Greensboro with Tt R Tl for ay points North, East and West , tbaihs soma west. No. 5. Dally ex. Sun. Date,Dec25'79 No. 48 Dally. No. 42 Dally. Lv. Goldsboro. 10.10 am 12.25 P Mi 8.40 pm 4.52 pm 5.80 pm 7.50 pm .3.20 pm 8.65 p M lOl&PM. 12 27am 6.34 pm 10.45 pm Arr. Balelgh, -: Lv. . " Arr. Durham s 7.00 am 9.19 am 11.07 am 3.45 pm " Hillsboro . " Greensboro Lv. " 6.56 am 7.30 am &1&AM HJ7AM Arr.High Point BansDuiy . Charlotte NO. 48-r-Connecta at. . GreAttahnm ifh Raicm l1? Alr-I4ne Junctloa with A, A C. A-L. Kallroad f qr all points South and South-West At voanoKe wnn u, J. A, R. iu lor afl South and South-east . . i li ;i ; 1 i r t . . No. 42 Connect at Airf.inVjrmwHnn with i a C, A. L. Ranroad for all points South and -South- cos at voartOBft witn U. it A. Railroad for au vomcajiaaui saa Hoi "Leave Greensboro, daili exi Sunday, 8.50 p m 10,00 p m Arrive-Kememtile " Arrive Solera, . -i f--itt LeavaSalem, . ., Arrive KemersvOIe 'f " 10.60 p m ,uu pm 40 p m Arrrni firwnhnm ' ' warn ' Conne at Greensbbro with trains on the B. 4 D.andN. C. " 1 1 1 ' 1 :!'.-.'" : 1 , .ii ST.npnrA niM wi'runrpv nriunv Buif both waTs"6ri' TralnK Nos. 48 and 47, between New1 YOrit and AOantavla) Richmond; Greensboro and Chaftott,-ad4)eweon Greensboro and Augus ta ; and oa Train Nos, 42nd 45 between Boston and Savannah. .w Through Tickets on saTri atrWiMtrWirrr? TtiAirv Goldsboro,, Salisbury iKTid, Cbatfotte and at ail prlnc,rtaulh,,Sojithrwest7We8t NorSi nd 'East T r "Ihitorant rates to rioints in Arkan- bob una ileus, aaaress ' 1 1 r,!" m 4 l ,'1.10 i.avrj J,,B JtAaauBDO. TOE CHARLESTON XliVE iU.wlfjl .1. Y.I lUt "itVtt !' . - , : -!?'(.' i lu.rrPp; ',4. ; .;: ' TJEEER &A&QU3SAS. SUI CiiAr; S. '.'August 2d, 1880. - : . .1 . k :-'. i and -"tha! East and resTectfuMyin1tAs the attention of all ahl jers, anda share of their buslns&ni k - . " . 'tv-jror rates ana au lmormatien, inQUiro of w, L. Rose, Agents Wadesboro, or the undersigned.-. "wvvwi iMiafiy vi ii irrri.i 1 1 iiijii Fine Watch Repair nur-we:' j BRANCH. I f r i , I - tnuauajstunu ; August ua, cne uneraw ct uaus f bury Railroad opera; trem ; Wades boro, Char lotte, and all .adlacent territory, via Cheraw ahd JnoT8nce.'aJnewnil9'td Charleston anilt-fim nil 4 if iLi . in JUST RECEIVED, AT Oct. 6, s OF THE CELEBRATED AND THE ONLY GENT JINfi D D atent floor, Finest in tie City." sept 12 J! JUST RECEIVED 3 000 Bune9 New arrow T j9 1 000 Bunche8 sPiicea Arrw i-,es gQQ Bolls Bagging, 2QQ Bags Coffee, all g-r,dest jQQ Barrels Molasses, all gr?des. 2QQ Barrels Flour, all grades, 100 B&rres 1atent Process Flour Bushels White Va. Meal, 20Q Sacks Salt, Barrels Sugar, all grader, 75 Boxes Bacon. We also hare a large and com pie ta stjci or Lard, Cheese, Crackers, Tobacco, Soda, Haii'., Soap, Starch, Candles, Lye, Matches, andy, Pox der, &c. In fact everything kept In a firat-ola Grocery Store, that we offer to the to le low. All We Ask is a Trial of It. BP" COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES, -tf i BURWELL & SPRINGS. aug22 - 111 Jl LAST. RECEIVED THIS DAT f MUM -wm I ! OF TlH CELEB! Tr iJluyiillnuim llfluunwi ! 1 Which I offer to the planters at-Ur pg pr.ee. F O R C AS H. ('."t.i.-. H 1 CALL S1BLT, I CANT SOPJPLTTF B DEMAX lUi'-SJ,.: m era JJfttate MI BURWELL SPUING