, "c. u : s I vvv.-ysr .n vfiji u v w - xuimfJ'Wjk j w ' -r ...'Cat Jik r j. ...u- prt3sLvM V manner of Job Pjteflns sjamJWlwaHWIt rtm MaUht.. oeMMth..... 71 T r. iTTJ v ,t,.J . . . . ' ... r - - ! ,Tt I i I if I "I CHARLOTTE, 3&fiL',qajK8DZ PB PAMPHLETS, T'f l iit 'lt (i'it .'' Vf-T M? mi: . j: w .iw.j'ivi I i iinn mil I !!!;;;") vu-n '. j: iuIjto! 'iT .1 j ;i lane .Tjui.rl lp;;a L-iiXi'jTT.!'TiKli;iCT - The Earthly Paradise. J3i Heine, Trandated by Lord HoutfWn ? V MJJ lOUJ l v!and'v3bTer."fi nViM woe iuu t flong not for ElyBlan fleldsr - 30 Than In my time I've known In tfall3 buLbfl to me the wife 1 lose. heer. That goTcfer.re-n-jmAe .particles, yttle&e i Igf ;cert;aiij. it ; would, item HrDdod the cmd8 IB rikMM atag 'i -rj,i, ieaF It - I.: washMiffs lar a ISiat the srolrl Is held in Rnhit inrt M Mih ,VIU1UK IMWUDi, OUU U1UUHUL - M-i3UK.ll ii. 1.A ii . . . ' ;Baie1sn -y 'ail'fi:;jmii-; ,:likaTi. i!y f &M$kbttii hta Wf)lanatoW,6f the i ttet thtt had bfeeri -f hn- C - v:?1 v" ; ii i n i i in it 1 1 ii .ni? iaurr tuw 1 jam. CXM h?W A. J3111 J TBS BEST2T0CXXD i;(VIMOJIH ij u IN- WESTERN NORTH YjCAJRpLINA. Alexander & Harris. nOTl4. .-k-W IHA'H!..;. J-OOA We arc Now'Mvhf ftir Fall Stock. . Gent's BanjUde, xe ft Aewed BOOTS AND StiOES, o-.U ' ALL GKADS3 AMD PBICXS. Liies , Misses (S ALL PEIC3AI TTLia J1 LATEST TilLSaTED SJBTOifflN .HAXS. Pegito::Uio. ILuf I 7 ; T-i b - a o rr n o J J A The rX r rtv.,;;sAj:iO We are bow raeeivtas ft eeeosd stoek, 4 evei BROCADED SILKS AND 8ATTNS. PLAIDS. MO MI Ka, MOjlgMtfrfft Ac . C Our S oclc of BLACT GOODS la complete In every DeUtL The handstnest Mae ofCLOAKQ and DOLMANS purchasing, for we can sate you money. .. A large and baneaome liaofCords and Tassels and Cords and Balls la all colors. inrUHTED and DOMESTIC HOSIKKT. Big Drives la DOMESTIC DBT GOODS, buawas. bJLurm uLAKJirra and JLAJ(NLS, The CBArpestl Qlb&lla M otf-edmUls market. An entire new stock of HAT3, CAPS and Beady-made CLOTHING. J.. .;!( !! R ,.1A- , HANCOCK CAPAt finrMt' tli nontmt a. W Mnof , Ginimapf WOKS $pi rt Xvernhliig new In BITCHING A NIC! WEAR. KID b troia twrtowiu awttons. tUBAVlH, IDS, every pair warranted, a handsome : line of Ladies' UHBB.CLL IS. In Silk tMHkah't&nWct ' Bespeetlully, rAO MKAef?JETIIAeat,- . . itsa Hesseay an - :, aiseasM vw . .followii As a V , seqoenee 01 self- -Tk abuse; as loss of racw ".- trpartianHf, aw m oar fmktM,r ' 1- r 4Sraf'fcn all cr iTh ; f-SJjUitek-i a-Wi airdJt at CI Pfl tCXaee. bV nukMi far C X LTarill K ual ! .i'l ini jooa n 1 t Timn nrr r ft I jIj 1 1 1 111 ill I I I I 1 11 il 1 T 1 sLWlXHIU ,.&laTnCha t. 8mUK anJ . to'n s- t retail, by lu. 7 (iter oi:PI,tf Y. l 'A H" 5 V c Wlodln oif ,Vock Jiiat the thi thwapf v WelbivettHUy. opened W v- s : a- - : j r v p s r Hot agseQo-odfto beHooBd in the c ; 11 SI IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY PAIN. KIUER EKrrSKNKiilf, alia to Tim tBteraairr- mr rxternalir witii R ecrtalwty f relietV- jr q lamux can anora 10 do wiiuoui inralvtable remeqr ia tb bonaa, Its price br: - r t it within the naea of au. and ft 111 annually su t a . ai 11- a. J i l aiii PKRRY DAVIS 4c SON, Providence, R. I. Or3niof ivwtcftes. S wfpVCfrthiy 's arsora aTTTewTriit i 3 C WTPT Ctjurth's are sofa &TtewJYfWk1rtrt O by the ease er Jsss. without the addition of freight, at 7 WtT. . 8XITHr8Drog 8tere. ! 7 M. .!0 BMITH'8. GraUItDbrnei Pflnrmat14 Humphrey's Had! TVoMKipitMlC Spetu1cs,fuil line can be JLL foandat alHimfs-at i J ( J ' DB. T. C. 8MUm'. jGruaaVl Cinefc Pharmacy. !1W Ki3 Ch.. L,ai:oii.a4a aBtiO- lYL and 10 eent Oeartfln CnarlotteT1,Znl don't juu rorgc v 3 T M f II n 'I 1, Wuiur (Hi SKIN Soap, something excellent for the toilet . aasttaaryvvetotaUe tlegaatlyl perftttted. 25 iosmta atakv( -.sn e-o-iuit -saJJ wt' ' DR. T. C. SMITH a Drug stotn f boi-aa-.) iix .S'ja'ai a-vrfyai!i..Aic-i I - Foiflieaaresr Bf KDOCIVlW stUkH-&e MotWreiKnUiov of tnerti An mafrpti&V&mtymari awHl9i8-' i)iPdawl4e lgara, atxtotly. :centackiaa J t4.in) )iufidred,at .-. - i 4 Nov. 2 - an ."C'-T-J - W j ill Z - r 101 1, f Hraisest Jt isprmiDa aerere if unit eic. i f) AIM If I f rn is J" nd;trwc4fr JsftiOT.M8jor4toaad iajraoT??! cliim wanUnr a fnediciDe always at Stand and H n it) Inim I know that sin and vice abonmV, ' Ji; ' i ti,tK k au Deaamj vMnfr jaa, . HVitciwMwedtblaiHHighropd-. u . .jjaojoriwiwBivaye y ears.,-i , wip'l ;XI ntnK :.. niiii lame l neea ue noisy kwu,!,-.a . - n;Mid IaMaim T noaa mf tinvriVllA rifWll .-"a reeii aaa asw nr douiuik were,- - jfeteept ntwif? "whdne'ev she speak .' r. : AUdHhetfeOHeBtieyett seeks'' - " -i ! ' Thecrf'iwtneed. uu' u inA ;ri A l ut; ri-ni.tf !.!;: - : .... What has became of the DhanoraDh?v Am one sWnr lriaymg'arotodtoymerelateTr?1 Canhe toat It has been taken away In mistake for a san sagStter. Buriington Bawkeye. i iWhatjdo your audiences want, then'askad 9WWiw. wnen.uey. receiyea am niay. vojuboii. fit thick they, want plenly.of aweeiness and leal' nwerM the manager. ."Oh. then give tam daaatyen ballet .guis and . calciums," added Aat CseatmpnaUst. .. b,.uI. A gentleman who employs a great number of hands in a manuIaatonlnttiBSvest of Scotland, in order to encourage his work people In a due at tendance at churcn op a rast-day told them if they eat to'ohwelrjttiey wKrld fareoem tttMv sraKe or iDKiar m iswaame mump; to acquaint their employer that "if he Jawid' fja Ajhcn Ben (Lomond TroVatoi. Xfcer hills, seeing a water-cart for the first ttae): na4l mnnl ia'm Inn sain' a ' tr jffr. Inn. JJ,$f-ybu want to study the immense. i want to study the immense variety1 ef (tie face to exBresaloii;rtdttf om'eTj yrtut ontnemoMe eotjenanceof a deaf and an uson b man when he reftenesruhder'the ftlankvrak at A lost nickie and picks up a raw btrmble beevH SJ'.'f. UOieMTUCJ I.;'-! K r- Af Woung Naturalist" wrltea .up toiteani fho JMan catch a. Uxe wasp lor sclenttftoj pupeswa artthout injuring it." .Riihr lbAaraMfe3.Ctat nrwe append oi tne iaiu:ut)we23aM. the wasp eioy t mind it a particle. andVUfeltfcawans to be In jured any that ywu can seasejid3 aanChe bill-and waapaf!zocanew was, ihsewttjaxi iwnvrij-dib SYNO Thlrf TjirPeeafk--Iiloiiary Balelgh New& and Observer. . .. -.c :-o 'The Synod met at 930 a. m. , atta!,tv.a fipened with prayer by trr micdrat;i There appeared in thi;ieii llv. John W. Prim ruse and Rev.I.H. Bald- theirs tery oflI:kJnhurgv . , . OveFtares f rtTmltiiBV Trasbytery of FayetteyiHe. were referred to th com tDtttee on bills atnd bvtrtcfree. f T The reports of the Presbytery of Mecktenbutg'ere read and referred to appr Tke.ceDori of the coihrhiltee on &a- tistieal reports, appointed to prepare memorials of Hevi Hdvatd Hines, Rev. D. E. Jordan, Itulidg Elder Watkins, tie 2ajui Llndtey; D ;I.':iieirj 1. RrMland Elder Murdoch, deceased, wjas AnadoGrdci trf the &ktftt$i morrow at 10.30 o'clock;.. " Salisbury was ebo64d!a& the place of th next Meeting .of the Sjiiod, after .an iotrtstinfe Sruft ajiitoatdcf ntu4uatitln and ballot. This is a departure from the ufual custom tot, meet , in pfesby teriethrturn. Thfe tfmejw'as !!et to the choice of the pastor and elder of that church. '' . The report of the agent fit im of ,,oloirtjjre.,to -Svn report was armro wed"Withoui C w auteo. .gad the .Syflod 4i4Jarg tMdtdaee assembled) boyiea th-'ejp riis avibcaatuai 'VaitmAajr, rentier rfitn ve.T hJVBB'Ari'( I)FB1 IT 4"JT 1 F A .Til' ? P i4TlflIUTi L' i71'Jl SyodAgslltilVJiia oria 'jmissiwos,. waat 98Amdarass vrhtrh.' avCMUotintea takm amnn4 by ItevviDis Smiih and lieTii fiUTaytog TtH!'Syfiorl ra'afterrwew -nd r reBoitftiOn WpmmdtA thereto, -u m iu UOitW,-ir 'M- ldl ! tjWJ .til'JO". ttlU vBasofeminenkaa to 4iie rivnod"a8..i be af)ftidYd Without muttfr'defe,.'?i,tt JBOlSlwdJiyJifcYjCL M: FdyWR, of Wilmmctotri who ffirfseirtedTaAT in tereftincfriportlonithe iub. or f van- geliabie lauJbr. f ha mate: ras fend- insr whenfbcrnooltotk races! as 4n. m in order that itsnnimbvs njithtlttend a rcepaadb Kind? tindarti pyxthe principal of. Peace Institute to the Synod, cal ana calisthenic exercises, delighted and charmed with all that they saw and heard. Professor Baumann's great reputation was sustained by his fair pupil Wa,(eb.sSu4iofelxrpises like Wise enchanted those in attendance. After recess the hour for the cons oration of eojdcation arrived. The sabjectiWas UL UHIUUIZU 1 1 I I I l I 1 pburMJthebiiiaielfill!, able and interesting address on-David son College, presenting its status, show tog woxilUfl, A-eai; pTOvjjl that is claimed for it, its present hope ful outloolc atrtf full' iqlrlpttentror'W collegEriwrk.feilElre reverend speaker made an earnest defense of denomina tional education as-not narrowing the mind or range or, tnougnr. as meetm the demands Of society. the slariaaftf iridtiiaf f auat putetthiijeW had AiirJ f Wral the great professors? In the best universi ties, from the honorable standing its' stUAkmeto sod vgimduates atoiwri fi si ties and professional schools, from the : demand made a zorirusf teachers, and it,mluiuj ronasre ana incaeaBinpi iu 'also spoke of tho needs or lion, ana urgea me svnoa ta exer itrQMiicrii mT 1 a' A VUniLOt I uartr.,i m.i . i .... . juait Olivers are a druu, ucrT auu uooa .food, peculiarly adapted, to,-and .warmly recom- menaea sy, our aragisis ana' paj-Sicidns lopgen eral debility, mental and rbvrtvil exbi'isHan, ri- kus : "Haud ver fongue,ja feal 1 -mja' latt, out to JtMRfne laddies frae flimtf'u. - -w.. i if socoad)chapteri flevjiWAltex . Wi Fbaev the institu- tits maddi dyed'e.;' In process o: tjme.4 ! mmbh tto plce, ,nd thegldS.dl- 1 , jui,?RtwtnMiio.iact aDQmUiese eiA& det)rJsits J'5s tnotn' VftArn'rnrthiv vg.sws"" iwiv.iuiru ; crops oiien ffiSr3wM .uiph'ces that thremhont th b it . of if,: wili6hJthe solHtioii' M tyfhVilPrh fi tii ! f'jfart show pi Where f look tor mdm-6t: the mMr tvpcv, m two'probesses th''sr3ltfticTrid the'Mfl gregationof the. gold and tlje (ttposT tioAtrftlfe quartz ispts ortlMrsamy complex chemical'action 'which' is g"6 ing onm$ipMttr ttwssuperfl cial goid gravels, and the two proceed pari pasu, and af6 complementary to aMtehotbewi ylnl6sfae,the procesfgiaorirnder"Voir eyes. These deposits are simply ibe half-dft- s 3deS. ' Trie feldibathic sands are undereofhsr kablihilion bv . iherco- fation-of, meteoric Waieth; resiling arkaline blotron passing dowhWjards, White' th iihetjfted aiina J .i;t'v, a ruj'. j :i fL i Air ted1, bfttti Attafehm itieff and cing any oreanic. substances , that mav be present, tAwinfiisMpM fiepjana- tticnof tflr cur; seei depo &Df TJtis'wa Week" i a-'sedtib'n 'of suaeeDole not less than a foot thick, totrmfoiMle f ki the logV ' the allV &mmm ...rik ii. . .mSUn ' ' 3 irt ' eyes, these two concur ) two' cbncurriji-Atiutua nt .chemical' processes t tfatibn 6f workable gold lnaepsnoe the re-'accirmu gold in saaiiid weouiot .xpectoto- od these werld old orcedf ftifl6ra"i ,cUtnbfai- -t LMThiailar oltheanairBaate of theJnotoriotrs 0tr8iHi'f;"f)fli3 now followed Djrttie ebtprosrorr 7 br"a New York "IdlesiningT.iuid stock Exchang0.ni6V "fjnMdrance of the maliagr, ;i'rs;4vn4o seems So be aniiolyolakiMforr but so far in vain: Ttis'Wa apfecutative IfmrMMir ea projomsaDg tmwx i uimuies PI n return a the restitt of DeraitrWis that oi Afifii, Howe.(Djretended tiaJott ncfvioleiatientireryt liciatind'oihae giv4ihem Aiiecbancw to midtiply; Sheif incurtWHoThW flepsrlfbrsMirl grWvffrtie ,.eA"ite .nfiS?8u,eAme;,of epettoraiiajfteibaBfeer9,-andiike iafc' fceckgfthpid9o9I 6W NoveMbetii 1. ii.hMndfea yfciims pf he8perayn8i. who. have lost sums varying fromS3 to" $3,000. Thev are chlfly pSbirs vvj'Jphl not affiind; to-lPandywfoytflayfson. should have abstained -.ffoaiJ -riakisag their.MUleallan-Auchi uncertoin; vn- tUOSl " , I ! m Ing-erttoIl'MaSapliisiry. Chicago lecturer ' " ' 11 " tt 1 ' voune PEesbsEeiaan. the other day, tried to convert me," he said, rub bing his bands mirtnrulryr "e wfisja jtktJMewvrea4myiargest wKenr fst?Wrtci ,'wneri 1nahv:1eODla-ar&;&ou)ct :o hell ana youitgdiAig to heaTenf.i Xesv bfk saib wasiawpy.;.,itD wsn'fc it oiake MKnJiH;i.hlli DaUl 1,A rrWmlatUn mmm aaiip:jnuevejQ vmst yx)iur,rjheriahlf Tliffl youae man hesitated WttefrMafhftrti ! He has Water-BrasGJaFKauPaW'to KB ear 4lo: -4 ! , oi6TtS r tf Wil at ' whip a imi1! AniMttA,1fiA., Feb. 4, 1879. Messrs. Hutchison -crt)KHavlng thoroughly tested your "Neuralglne"Tn my case, I cheerfully , Taianmani ir BBusau mnaaacBe anaflwraiiw nmn ! . Sold by L. R. WfclSTQN fcCSbH 3e9t24-am: l i-iiBfttaHl la.l K'Ufl.ll.liWWI .111 l.' 1 sMDncrrnn(ii M iWmiri' l I painful, or difficult menstruation. .Oofj'.l; ! . yTa aHiM:iwi yij t 1H10 T rtii, ; 01 among physicians that Buchu Juniper aaParwai :Bravalacinaaott are.Aba.besf iwieles tap worJ4for,aRy Uaaaa cie.3JaiadfH fUyVooth male and female, suffer from daruwei meni nose organa ana negiecfr lauura mk im nwdieShmtyiSftrj'W' totfmeir-! ien'BrrcrDtasnSeiinsttsr, I,rtQgse&s7W4ai nr Tmcum to mess in Bacr ancnops, prouucea xr aer pi aesnltarfis anklai8rKatact C&KKMH anAuniri PrJlw'TiPdlses ffhnsa, Ifoits, ttavi aoidta; -Wuon4arwlMad WittowJrCpv Mt booa :0i stfiiiM' rfestori 'whd'ha itfst .taken hfafeeal.; harnairiatfefl rVnfAflvrbri dUfiMfnn ses ano; spnists or tnejaignQriBg txi ana sioues . , ine -reiasi llie ex te wtnm tiPatruja llllU wpp TOtr-may almosC see. .with. jotir own tion, transjTOp.'TM'ii deposition in bellff. Heeajbdehad nbi' nob.i.uoughkit ii thatitgljt. Suppdsf hw'lsaitrf Hroft are satid aro4ir.:tohteS!io B could youiba I s-a is-A'.ul! .LHfa'A'S -sdM .tll:l.-elM-wos i auMfuin .OS rfWsJ!rWc,aiS'-,!rt: nouic'Oa S Bahwi l9ioar,4MtnaaD, Jf8o- Bvean, w4bDnaadaeae and. oeoa. soitaDri:x9,hii iaJibmiMiBtlna4oaiiseiiiibydla iUieM Segolate JMiAvgaavaat y.i tajdaarrdoaeap bufebr TWJrwlT'nprQved,iiTer mi SmmaaM Pad aod at wbejestenKHftJiaalCaJ 1 1 1 ol Bladder and ffldwyhaMiwjrtth. ill,jW- t i 1 Ii'W UT71 A K a Ii Tii Ml u-'f raitriq -)S".n i f) ilj -:,) M1J K- .'i.jrjti "'.If ,l--. i.US l. ii, ill ,'.! :-: r : 1 ' AN h- f.-n:'- ! Uj jI i.ii 'ft . t.iiioj u Jii4w ,JiJUj ndjlo Jj,dJ tiJi n ili oii;i'l ; 1 -bi;ui -iv;!- -nU si-id vr;f"! iii-H vdT IdiMvKj J-i iiriM ir i i y iiii i :iIr,'Cir,,JiS;M ! Ill'it i", i i , ,iii imW ill. iWvij 'S mmHH trBmfz ffmHm i ItJ";' I Li J ' i il 11 ill ;,.,! - i WT-Trii-Pr J l M . . . ur JiJ Llli Jl( .1 l! 7 ,-.,aKjj'd) r.i; iMiun io iloj i iiji;i .aibKaicitn itil-isojfis' 91iW u.i) .ill Liiii jiiJ WilJ.. :m, iii.joii tU . ' ;-.ia1 v.islii;! 1-f 11 1; If 4 1 I -J- 3 A JTJ JTTVi O Wt Til i quavUUr Wey'are aa3aAus:pMaskiTevciOBe flgasaav a aive-erttTDattD aroa3ttfFaMttahatUiordebi1mim " . ... - ,. i . . Ju,z r .bioini;u bun ih;liui mim- m -ffi 7fi,?j1r?Patwffffi?ftf8', lu dJliiiiii;u fedl tki iii Wii 1u sJj.l.ib .vall .iI4 sJilutt .bf f!ii .ill u.uvitrsb noiJaii-i-bi iii itlfiu ini nit: JtlrlJith y ,,3 i 9. L. T I II IJ - :,-: . i i -. . ti)I I" ftouihiiv'i t.i s in Jiijiiii i .v r.iq ' i.fj fine i -n: -xd lHdii.s"! oj r 1:1 ni j.i a -lot su. : 1 il .,.. , f,. ..... .... ... . i t -v f J V f iT I o.' ; : t li I'l 1 I ' . 'A ' . '1, . i i.ijii-i-. r u i-.;viv -ik fi.n'i 1 ..;iA iiT iw. .... , , . . . . , , 'j : d 1 IkilXuf .iAfrt . aa a aw v a a 1 - ,11 IJiit llTily a V '"avsv rV rMV M Jl II II II I 11 1 t i-anov ' neoeiianTS- waierorooT .'! "A. Hi , V . A . . ' , ' 7..i ,rrrim.-..rMrhl . - I . -1 ;in ' 1 i ' . tutI Jj;m'.o i'l inn y 910m iwt f. ti iff ?ia.-i::):ii j;ii iu- KI.. . t. . It ...I I .r. I,. . ... JII3I I 111 cn'.'l "7VIJ rr-r.j.n ..... 1 ij 11 it': J I J HLilL'r JJ!!.'.. 1 J Jft".'!. I'1. V VilL. , Jiiiilic. kvi.iii- ii'-v-i, lo;':'t W Pleasure M Mn amm& U. ifiioX rfj m '.! ' '-lOii n USiv . V.i.iviWiiT J.1 lu Ww -io 'o. J -il will be mtftlaSl 1 w aa wl Ci a aa 1 1 M Va TTAM w- a 11 viaUMfiy'-i aU ai -ttta at .Uaiaitli wli.tnil (nil tiiiil T-?!'ti iwyH'Ml ill;;! ft i -nm . 1 nnou .10 atnsa miKt.mU m 1 witj ji .i;iwii'w m. ,tti .1: jig . jns wm biCltoVr .ti'Mr (W d-m-tfclo j "f9iRtl sill biifi ,iuq4 V'ti I oi bsail .'b odw .bioHiV Jmttu ia Ismmi a nrt tnnra nmn ora i 91aitfiirs' -I nix-l 3J)iiKul.-xi bra lkSl(rDIBI Im0KtBI)5aAL, 00 f no an 7i el biojio . .au i.uo tHAfipa LAll sUpiiiahtai;aah(aMtK tiadvjutagaaai . .. praawtaraaa4 AmBleslor2za SheS.JaiIldlng. Ba-ATl0ta,lLT:"-f.r7"v nr ijai t.t hut-ci . tffH wow arTTXS esday;MiaiA tsavt'aiaddajav arta d3 UCAi Pents amp lU wiu please address jierr the sept 3 hTTltSlir a?te5arl t-X'kSdi HiKrnJlfM.r 1 If f 41 ft :--,.uu.-iMl i 7.'i ...t,ni,i-.n , .H,r.;;..! ' il.iMl J.. ..A 4,1 ifMA i. -'i ,1'iihiV ' tlNl.J'ilXTEI) YARTFlTY OF--.: T . itfUii. 1111 , .! ai-.;- .7o'l. .r'M.K-lu-.. : ! 1 'n-i i -..m-iti " . t ---- i -iu li..i ..: i-) i:. . ij.b : hijj I WM(, I .il" ' lI'MI' 11 ' ,11 'i'l-.. i ' " . :i . 'J! i fit Sniti;:l 9-iuI vflir. ii yti; in j.. , nioijopTi vlqan r.i Unm -.' hi ''i .b:i . i- i. i'j, . -"!!, i xumlii.3oJicw hJ bluod mxn wViV-f l ir-i-M.-iHfi-f iVTaw te. ! ! Slfflfullfiafjinqqs lAionui; Xa AWMt W ii ui biuow -mii-i .t l.iil:uilJditlc jUlOUlleCSi y i ; vKi-'Uof ,-3i.-w ii'4iw "blEVV -it Hi - V lists Wit) i o-iui f-n mi . rj ji. ' . 1 U.i, '( I ! sHn-it)f;t' ., t fa.n :d on '"' uj SiitllJ'ifil.. fV:; ki: JlK'JIUi 4,:; fBV -; -. !u hiU-JJ mi( ilJ i" tj s 1 ii, 1. ,i 'ii 'I'l.'j;,! , (I').Jliii Uii lj f IU M.'JK 'iin.n " r . .7 wii 1 - I vJliiM LnluiKj fill: t..v..'t ji )! ! -Ill"' fi ''.Il ll )Dff JK f.l ! JU 1 ill Kith il ' V.-iii V 'aVo b A'lmil-iraT Hn , H i . ni. j a j'! , r - 1 -AL4 in. ; ; ij'iw baSv.Mrj' yd bIod n'n IfA uipMiii ) r.Ltmj r? J.T..1 BOl'i? IB ieWlUI -iriHd; ut-id muuM-.n O' i 1 V ' . , ,1 ,. . . i ' j , ... ....... 7 iJi!j:1ai 3:.J !;.!" ii.iiuMj, l neu'ij. : UtM u ' i l n-n i tii TrlTlTtlrJTr LTV Ts u avaaaaaaia a. iraiM:i. ,i, ;ijijij f 14 iTTrirTa r t m VJl1 ill 11 I Ii A iTA'I 1 mm'. 1 ia nsl1 1 )ii 'i iu7 v rev ,'aj- y 1 r-1 x-i i M 1 1 y .1 1 tt 1 1 1 : i .SiiTlSKjT "fi-? aJBBa aWSSBaa OF THE Ui olitfno your patronage, We do fly:fd(lto1elti'fj exoiy. EWJogjtto,,; $tf)n will puttheseniiabtrioioea i..I'-vhiIm1i io in ;.'QnidK7' iti i.-w- --- ;-iiteii?rl'l jrkii bfV.r) ; .( Kiin-.iU- i iuiM'.m v.r. 0 'iltiVA ;Y Jo FHai. 1V a?.nfii !.f3ld'4VibjklwtJi biu i' t b an' 2 amtijtiat 1 ti 1; 1 iin.nn iinrrmniiti lai tdiW fli tr iivwiU'i Winn ii VVff WAUtU Vl''A VJt JU1AVW . t s9di Mtiom x eifi Mt'Oiio AsreatoiDeaiaarattKausinnefi Ing ta-ns. cn aotointettM innssamWpthef hesii KAldfealeLettlM pat iswaaataheau M atwvint tdwawicaane MrsaproepeaallM4 ealiQBS'fer puipha should be aipMaanledT feferemsea, and may be, a Jdraed te.Q.. TChi etta.'Wa4 xl"! 'roiiiu mi''MEcaAincAixaw4.aac -knciib A2eat,te"J5IAKKiTeFHI a;TNeri-ti Iftth.vihat EeslsJer'iot ia aataiiaLatretb tbe fT-"ts fort the rc -r T, tKA,r gamine- oupfb6da t iu til UiWi t.ti I j ,Wi ;i ,wo t. o4 xrMltr 'nAudii.iaiI 1 ' . n 9t!ilT : ia'i iji; silj iljj w frjistfii n Juu lS(u &;ji vihk1 d) Jcdi inoiu-!.. I bul ut :ii Ail Imj! .bKii nnriWt3ii dJ 1 .VttKiui03 id nl rd 'tit n i Iisli.i-S I Hi ? y.M ;tWtf) l'SllT.of HM W -fitt ItHii la(, bit tiJ.ih -ntJ Jiixli Htotrr .vd MnMTVii RiK.vnoJ loiinam ' -Xrirwl JillJkrfJ' iassij't QfiHA il Oto baaeAe haHrmoae JtoMthmstianrMttvr DefnnTMteA ream'tatta rhtoketi J: k j Ji JflK'- 4 Jot ol i fcidJ no ynft Si mbl !lIvfTcf no AB 1 AAA M i I 1 i a w " - a aT IBM unif ii it r9si J j-'. i ' Ji:if tn.tt AJ ttltVl fj it-, ...r iwvvf 1 .H..JHOJ I'lVfawun-i I -I j. . A r ,(, -mhi 1 .v4i(K, itta iiiu.i j ne ?u aiul iauvt oi . n-MlJ itiJ i; ,.71 ai(t jt,t f., 4id itfoaifl gi j.'t tut A. .yiu'. i . ArtrJtd I ;i: ; odw ,:iol uimi.i & Laoiesf 'aaififiwe ul 'Z oii HgTiio'J hlgiH'fir: 9tai. Jk- .,vBi inaieli9i , . A"i..r. . ..... r-t .t, ; t 1 mMMTM'Me : Jt IH.r TC8 YJlUl dtrfw ,rt7t;. bUdh ia virro Jon Unsi -lHIUi'tiA 1V WW1SttIie ' ( 2 i auai ai jiV'sdJ 10 v.Jwb dj ,jioq Mje oJ - f,ne ii nsila riTiw eTm5Jni twx as Dewiu aioiiaiuqoq yiJTiinoa IId d"inw fAtwt m ran bojlr?w vd i9JK-.--Hrav,' bJfiw J V J L,i? affftfAaH - i 1 , , , , ,. , im.,,. if liT " itLL lZZs elas.m,TUrlverfV f wit ffsarhe bl .preeeJhweeivtieajl fkUnauuuaJ topics and general iptf U!orebe-t , i.;... I .?xsZ2tttTtktm22M!12rA I; il-, 'Kf,Zrraf Z alAOll tii tub jn-i iiiiu tuw, I III 1 IT 1 1 Tl, I Tl .7raTirr Tonn r?d -l iLJSiBaUlfcLalM' till C3 1 j a r v i. sUth bef son stculu ? thachiba. , - . AaVK 4jS-aa 4 A ABWaj i uaa4aaiU asA a Ht-rTT-O?dr!0X tty j fotTlACT t hh Kif AJfiiU : -t W ..wtxtw Kwn .nwi

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