- i : i si LOCAL ilLlLLllidtt. BA1LBOAD DIUECTORY, two tolkMUw txbl shows ibe&toaldaTef ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roaoa trr ninuigvun umej: - VTnninvTi A n Arrives from Blchmond and Qbldfbm. 1 ZOT c rk Leaves for . . ., 4.06 a. . . m m . .lX arrives uora BKmnWUf nv.n V u Leaves . rj.vj.VA.fi4.40pui. xTLAJTTA CHABLOTta AIB-LDO. Arrives from Atlanta..-,. 8.50 ft. to Leave for AUantay.:.,r. J.-M. 124MJ Arriraa from Atlanta.'. .:..h..i -4.80 D. m Learotfor Atlanta,. ...... ....... 1.25 p. (jUifMnu OOSjOMBXA 4k A0CU8TA j Arrives fKAnXAftgnsW 4.80 p.m. Leaves for Augusta.... 1.25 p. m. imTN ixvm xuguoia, o ov a. m. Leaves ivaukusw, ia.u p. m. .(Llity v 'nVsnrnt in mm JULtlMA VJWTJUJU Ington,. M.f4' ffiQAvm. gton,...,4.vi!.J i-fei pM y 5 00 p.m. Arrives from Wilmington, Leaves for Wllmingto Arrives from Shelby, Leaves ior bneioy...... .00 a.i Leaves for SttkSrSe'J! ?X5$8.80 a. a Arrives from Statesvllle,.... .......... 10.00 " S OCLETJf .DIRECTORY. . ."MT A RQ3ST1.C; Phalanx OQbrtoM, A. F. 4 A. M. -Regular meeting every second ana iounn uonaay nignu. ; EXCXLBIOB Lodoi No. 261, A.T.&L H. Begf ' fltrpwtvg'ptexrjlnt and third Tuesday nights?; ' C-sx&oTn Chaftkb No. 89. B, A. M. Regular meeting every second ana iourtn Jrnaay aignts. CBAxunrm Ookkxitoxbt No. 2. X. T. meeting every rsvena i&na Knights or Honor. Regular meeting every, second and fotirOiTbursdayg. , . cAi6r)5iLoKl5tiets every Hon. day night, ' . Mkcilknbtjho Sxcxaratiok Lodgs Na 9. Meete even Tuesday night, j CxtAwvx RrvraXitaAfrjpdkT Na 21. Meets and third Thursday nights In each month. INDICATIONS. 'Tl : 0Fificff Chief SieNAjiiOmdEa, ii Washington, Nov.13, UOp.m.) For the South Atlantic Slates, partly cloudy weather with occasional rain, northeasterly winds, lower tempera-' ture, stflf)rftty 0 hjffierTfaj&fjer. index f If ew Adwrtlaei wait. LeRoy Davidson To the Trade. 0 v . - Thos. R. Gather Notice to Debtors, Brown & Brr Honest f TBbaeeo. i K 4 ' i f fialem Academy for Girls and Young Women. Ned Glavln Notice.; . ii t.uw. More fun at the opera tfttuse to-' night. . :-f:V wuT-i ..larrer jfi Federal court mef ts oiv?the f&th of December. 01' I -Mr.-Rteh'artf isiylrafftaf 4t0 back to Texas to live. lu.auz or v Senator Vance leaves next week for Washington. - - The young people are begirrning to look up their skates. Several hunting expeditions have been planned for Thanksgiving day. :i j The weather was so inclement Sun day night that no services were had in any of the"clrche ' - Judge Avery,1 f North Carolina, and Judge Mackey, of South , .Carolina, were in the city Sunday.: - j t t i a j . Charlotte Colpmbia & AMgusta Railroad stock was held in Augusta Saturday at 4 cents j 4 Ibidwi 1 I Chas. S. Roberts, late of Company Shops, has been appointed freig rt con ductor on the Carolina Central Rall- Tjuecotton compress his fit U lith, been repaired, and yeste-day waaVtajrt-! ed again. Its work has been greatly, needed. ' i The first mail from the western, part of the $tAte hi a weqk as received yesterday. The blockade lias been re-; moved. " Hattie Ellington, colored, bou'ikl ftr to t t vesteicayKcM BffromiUeotj -'-The funeral s vices df-Mrs. Mac- gie, wife of J. C. Russell, will take place from Tryon Street M. E. church, this: evening, at 8 o'clock. j The liquor) defers wfcjre consider-i ably exercised oVer the'actlon taken by the board of aldermen yesterday alter- noon, in reference to the liquor tax. Dr & 6. 4exi3ef il lyi(g ir)f err cai condition from partlysisr IJjfrfiasj not been able for twenty - days to take any food except .what was admrniscerea to him thfo taW. ' " A So there! will hav to' be awk)Ctknl in the Second ward to filj Uije, vacancy caused bY the resignation of Aldermaa Davidson, colored. It requires, we be-i neve, tjnrtyfdays notice. r , . . It if saYl that m po?f clft Which' aWnrdl thtei irMVribersI hnd 8oliuch plUsu ue re-organized for the season. The Young iLadiesVMissionary so-! j a w . i .in tieiy oi me irresoybenau cuurcuea win hold a meeting at the residence of Mr. John L,.;MorfihfeM;thls,mormng,at'll . The construction force of the Amer ican Union Telegraph Company were the citV -veSteTdlCvT?einewni soon be compieteiif to 'Charlotte from' both directions, and Mr. -ohn Bragg; win immeaiateiy open toe omce. A protn4e it fiawyer of thia city has Wm WW in FtehceJ to a prWWjdffi I tof thejTelicpoi for Waggoner, who is fnimafctoie elected and DavidBringltvthe Republican! nominee. - i Two deaths occuTfedliil or Mrs. Keppie Johristfth.f Ala., nee Bailev. otttilseitvi lastFridav. On that day bofheVTfatheV4n-law.i Capt. H. R. gotnitwi, and her child! died. Her m6theTiTrs. W. H. Bailey i mis city, jwasjwlth the family in their affliction --One oftbfe'colored men who attends to Mr. W. WPKifeT'a onttnn orin. near the city, was struck yesterday jnorning "j ?1ever ; iWfticn .uatieniy pame;ae wcnecL ann fnr on lirwur nr mnrA ifc was Hl9"ht that hehad. beenkUled. Dr, o Donoghue was1 daHed to seer tim, and ascertained that the skull w ven. ... v . . Uur latest information ftam the work 9? Chancrincr tbiwMVH tvt 4hn Wester'fi orth Carontfakafirtfad 7s that the Mg? t bad ,beeiv, ,wiaened nearly to f rain iora rr At r AJ4. AK M WIUW V& v uie western end, or narrow-gauge por Uon, sottiitbytfirirterHiiiJangers rvei i8 not completely stopped. It U or toe week. ' . - " , or ine murder of Jo Roarlc. also color- -a irjttl?ckidUa 6perioiwCortiof aay noon. It is reported here that n PPeaiAabecn fgraritedt oTlie-mur-thl was committe4 Jrt.Xincolnton and jne case was remoteti toCleaveland at was I irgeai y J - I the Board ! JU- r i i Hern Lter4lde: .y?rca7 e uorne ana vaness. - - ... The mavor rerwirtAri fm 4Tt CmtOTmerygrilar ermenvedtti Pa Sir Maxorxiew tee oa water works, that the commiUlf tee had been correspondine with coh-U tractors In New Jersey and awaited a definite proposition from them before proceeding to act. The committee wits eSa6onklkldeVmafc Johk Davidson was read and accented. Th removal of his residence from the ward in which he was elected, beinor undw the charter a disqualification for, hold-vi "8 wvwtxri 'was grven as me reason for the re8iirnafton? The mayor stated on behalf of the committee appointed to establish a stockade that work had not commenced on it yet, owing to the inaWOty1! the committee to obtain .lumber At present. Alderman Oates offered anprainance amending chaDter 8 1 of the citv or dinances in regard to the erection of wooaen ouiiouigSf Bnaouitions within the fire limits.pf, the, city, which was adopted.'1 U5 - , j The amendment forbids the building of a wooden or roof, the change of the position of, any wooden building with! out express permission from the board 0 aldermen, under a penalty of a thou sand dollars. Alderman Osborne offered an ordin ance for the suppression of vagrancy1, subjecting offenders coming (Within its terms to a fine not exceeding $50 or 30 days labor on the public works of the city. The ordinance was adonteri. ;-. iTbe OLtV treasurer wan nrdrvl tn wrr t ,V. aormeVfince OA ULjseet ujuvou. wuiK, in accora ance wiui aa or der heretof orinadei t o,tBrpb&e-of wMenihl mV$j$j&tr :-&f3 Alderman Osborne'suggested that the! keeper- o&iElmwOod Cemetery fesn4 structed. lo. keep .the gateTf thef oot palnlleAd(niS intp thelcfepiltery n ini day time, and have it closed at night ! The liqnot, wtwlersuagain appeared before Ihe tkfctpemtoiiinfr. further suspeasio6 of thBoprattp&f the ordi nance adopteotOTHwldraofJuly, rais ing thbMicense 4ax50tfa year.' MessrsyHaSelW renresented the TMiV?i Tt wm suggestedft!jt)ehMtf5t'iet that thea m mediate Operatlftnf the ordi nance woeld work pfdjndlciany againsti those dealers whahad taken opt licensed for shofoktWeffe bfiiTjg to tax? them at the rate of $500, while others who had obtained them for a loncreri time ahead would be enjoying the same privilege for $125, a difference of 400 uer cent. On, thee ptjrer bandijtwas contended that tliloanl4Ad ttiis tight' unaer me charter, ana it was the best method theyoould pursue under the present pro visions of the revenue law Alderman Scott called for the avea and ftoes on the question and the. vote: was taken as follows: Aves Brem. Schenck, Edwards, MaxwelL . Noes ScottMillenPefduei ! Qatts, YaniNessj usDorne, uie motion te postpone being lost by two votes. , . Licenses were crranted to th& follow ing: Wholesalers Elliott and Remleyj Retlers-W.R. C4chraaeiC.il Adams. .Joseph Fischesser-j J D,Northey, J. F. ouucuiajtci auu o. x . Aiac&. . j'i. .. i ill III III. Stuck Bllad and Dumb., "Tcan't 8eeir,"said a coloi ed train hand to Capt Robinson, of the Carolina Cen tral freight train, atone of the stations down the ,rqad yesterday morning, in respqnsa co fa question, wrty na aian t come forward and help unload the freight. He was conducted to the plat form and' told to vlride there'uhntil tie1 reached, the next station, and perhaps! the fresh airmouldrfclWyeWm. When' me next qtauon wa' ireacnea, it was found that the man could neither see nor sneak. He was broueht to the citv nd! atlast accounts ' had recovered neither of his senses. No one had heard him complain of sickness before his sudden attack, yesterday morning. Jtod Ihft .mystftry. has. Tiot-jttJbeen ex- MAin A1 I Federal Court Jnrorn. - Jno. L. Brown,- Capt T. L. Vail, R. R.' Ray. And theclerlc of 'ther Federal and; select a, jnnr for these courtsrlet-yes-, terday an di BtewUi following; ,who will be 8Bmmuned tpap irtheirst ip3ber. Iasse,'2jv5.:Myers, Wm. Slo$n 'W. W.' AlexanderaTBLackwelderv?TFred. Cline, iJna.VYWalkerj Er-MTJ&onatdrCynra Ajexanaerf' xm ix. isoiDTOOK, urawrora; Godrnan. "'iU j -f UniohXJbuiJacfesoh iGhaneK. .JF. W. Hamiltein. Jiia Xwyia, kuoreds Jno. 'HPiiOng, Benson 8tarhes,S. B,StenhiJn- njfi. k Finchirl Bicluon:.X! jt jGasfdn County Johh Farror,' Geo. M. Armstrong, Ciayborrie 4 NantJL Jor dan Underwood; llJOTf: C.,T!r!fSolo-( mon FoVw Eslervr Khihei 'Mm. Mimnz. - MtQyh Ifrm' ffi&pe, Bfieihrt,! il,evi Uauss, Jas. Feigle, W.a Jien- ton, MLL Jjof tin;-' & : 'J il.r.7 nU.ji-Pi ment of this juaciy ceidDratea acaaemy this momtngr-FouYided iff 18027ltrflnfls itseJf,after nearly four ore years, in llhVi&nitn of Its usefuihem.ai home i&ae weU as a school for girls And -young jl 'WJowen. it, is one or.tiyainsiitBtions W higher learninc in the Uliited States etheprpjrof -ment domestic-arrant?eiueiits and Ton- i family, -and are,, lu, fftctiAdeaignedy as txr aurx)8si Die, to com wensate puniis w1loihhstgtftds'chw!;Jfott&e'JJ 9 homer Eajrenta traininffj illietoueh in- il istructioninu useful- khowtedgean'dfl the acadHiiir.ttar aim beincr to afford a safildjpleasanthome; for thpse, Jn-1 iqumrrsr a,pltaeOTCati?r4aTrditOT substantial . foundation of moral ; dis !j cipline. spiritual knowledge and cul tuefoB after .lifer Morethari tiptoi-: &dAx icluiniM-halrtf Spieild 4ts ktpiLk- J uou over an pans oi ine oouin, ana to day its pupiisf come-from ry soutn ern aridtnapy xCthe Northern States While, as said before? ;the"hooHs-he pfbperty of ahdnnderthemaiiagemefit of the'Mora vianf! CttiircBhetelloius ihstructiotfl in parted by the-pHneipal is atricilv unsectarran. We conraend theytoutiWdl?k)s'o5four)Mal wno aesire vne services oi suca an iw Bllluiuu. rlmovH cjH AiiAiXitAHeR Co.,GA0ct, 10. 1870. oorrhi M mmec.iinfu. iuui ciar uitiiib A received fiurlD (b. lata war1. 7 Al-er. tai Tni thorouchlT treitd" ft , I. am. compelled .to. gai . MecKienDurg uounty j w . ubV- s;iiuy-; eridal. Lawson ;A Jbtts, E'lft vMc Ginnis,f fhos,,JL Saminpnds, Jfth(Ett-: TCr"LeandeT"viuery Iso m BrTeeterxj.! uiiiiiclri ieruDtl6os . an will frlve iiouTa tnariiisi In, tn m:? physlr'.art" - irere!,ArlouBdotll inr 1 1 luscl your Ltar Curlnet lch Tbe friends of Mr7ArMirTZTfiffr f tx.sk wit- ti.--iL IDL-rTZT-' -r-- uif uijrAutHtr mai ne days njapKBo&ixenn. x itensaiauois, aA en otn. ay to! lMernihis.1 II. . .v traveling in several of the Southern States since he left here, and has haS considerablesTiricess meeting almolt' XL wuu large audiences arid VnrHBl 1 lCalJiJ I Burgrlary 1st the Country. TheSwm &kimm uccok w uu uvea in jraw I'.rpir 9hnut A1t,. 1.8 fromlhe city was broken immpimmwpm$mo ana I a quantity ofrwearrnz annareTX in th early part of the nieht the famiiv h4 m kaum uAjkxu. Awoxa ukm uTes returning aboufciCck; ,iiufivftri CoulduH Black tbe,,Boar;d 1 " '''" Some how or. othef1 the newspapers ill 1 1 x. , . will keen ijrrtalkine about our nanrii- dates, nere is ine irniiaaeiniua lieoord comes forward and savte"1 i "One of the defeated Republican can- !u,ftte&) juiBKress aown in JNortn Carolina was ii. Vyashmgton Chalk; TherWfs aMSStSPfe Chalk wih !l(much je.0 thumbs RV) 0The? feared heMuld draw the f wrong kind'iof a color line on account of hiSJiiAiiflre, perhaps. If hispatEonymic had been Coal he would nave stood a better chaWrf6Tkg V&f&m at'Wash. lntOOrC ' 'TTtie Tiaptist "Stated pohvehjn;';1 con venes at Goldsrjoro next wgek, arid the Eabtist-f in(fs't;h'erBati'i 'hrOMiiP tn entertain the preachers; delegatsand vi8itoxs, A lar atteirfanceiS arltir.i- raU3ftar at4 their fares. The Seaboards; Roanoke, Richmdha' & WesternS(tl fjolfaWRaleigh &, Gaston, Kaleign & Augusta and Wil-j mington & Weldon Railroads will is sue return tickets1 three cents peri mile both ways. The convention will proDawy be in session until Monday; bf oMowipgjk. , inferior Court. ;Jnfe4or? Court convened yesterday, JusUces R.P. Waring, H.O)fSto we and S;rH;a!liIton' Jhe,, heuch Justice Waring charged thfe grarid Jury, which is composed of the following : E. J. Alletf,fokniif,JiPuckett D. C. Flow, W. G. (Ebler, Joseph Haw kins, W. A Singjtli.-A. Cunningham, J. W. Martin, Leander Query, A'. Berry' hill, H. M. Forbes,, ..A, UTfOd. Paul Hagler, R. B. Weddington, T.' S. Bar nett The day was prfrfginlly-'bodnied in running over the docket, only two cases. oeing inea . x ney werej - State vs. ,ben, Dennis, carrying con- ceaMWeapnshot guilty. State vs. WnPplesan.dKA4FHPiicjB, forcible trespass; guilty. Judgment not pronounced. f tr'f y 'T''J'f - t'Prank 1'o-nlghu Of the company which is to appear at the opera house tornigh e JUch mond State says: Georize Denhahra Pranks which was.played last night an tne tneatre, is a medley fill genuine fun, such as we have rarely 'seen on the stagehand it was carried through with excellent spirit by the great Denham himself and those Richmond favorites, Blanche and Ella Cbanmaiki iwhor after their longabsence were enthusiastically gieeteu uy uieir uiu ume inenas ana admirers. Both were greatly improved, but neither looks a day older, and al though Blanche is rather more woman- Jy, and we may as well say too, mother ly, yet Ella is as "childlike and bland? as 3Vehlantifiust'-'asT' f iife X$e otnejr paiitSiJnvtfteiittie comedy were all well played, and "Pranks" is reallv a very meritorious and delightful bit of nrstiastooessi, n.rj tare. Savanpah News, Dm. . ItTS'abontiiMfoTahOthet eW de parture," but, as.usuaJ,J4r. Berr. Hill is? entirely ahead of themisic. The Na tional Democratic party is not vet dead m Ung sH6i ntf iff iHll wfll tfirtd .Very! f evy tblldwets W liis ipreposed ' fu neral procession. Augusta Constltiitlflnallst, Dem. ' J ' G Mr- llutiieJue d toijnake aamueaaaanyi otiierRiiviauan is founded a Mr. Hilii knows, up0Qi selppttrtie.c3tiQn. 'The form-; ation of a new party at the South pre-' supposes a ueseruwv- oj tne iNoruiern Democrac siftdb grourid and nether millstone, and meet with : Bboo thseame fate-that'dvertook the Nor ftoaa" inovemerrt in tteorgla. So! long as the blacjk, .population of the South is practically" hostile to us, politi cally, we cannol felWrid destWy'bifr! solidarity, aiwillnqt 4oso unless We are clven oyer to the madness that nre- eediTsdstrudtlOrf? nr 1 How to Break (he Solid South. SAnd it. the Northern . ueaple4fouid ; only tealrze thevf alctthatntheriibdo ple cannot consent to surrender their fcUU governments to thexontrol of the negroes, and thnsallow thedegriida- i tion of the moralpurity of their, society, and the iriiirf all thejjfcmaterlal inter-' ests;andthe sooner the Republicans! learn this the seoner-will they find out ! tm 'cai ag; mg to piace tnem m poiiiical power here. Iietrthe. RerJahncait hkflv find some metnoa oywrnch our state and . . II . . rr.-i-.- ; citygoveraweBtaon.th!s secmoniriiay bdayskeptf tirlrletheldcrolrjfthe ! best elementjin.guiv society, and they win nave discovered ine true Key to the solution of tiife -' problem f' theSblid h$t,spMily ;.wt un4H then, iniseJJrae fence, we should preserveftesiiTt-of nanffflitjnamoilgoui white perjplftft ,..-..., gM , y- .tret 8iiT 5TELIJLRT01'W,-O.Vemerif6. There.'baJveTbeew seerai xfflrj9dngt nine 00,6-110 inraijer iDsy w me. euae., win r sooa.jsuow itseii.arQm now engaged in digging atrenclrttf let th:water-to .tromtte.u-i?elt-t4rfliWn If yon want yourtjafcy: fo-took bright do not put It to sleeii with laudanum when restless, but use Wtflsendtbel celebratod'BlecycAtale Alts to tin afflicUd mxib EolidavS IrtaLf aaaedf !karea Kuaranteed. . They mean what ihey say; Write to ti taem wlinout deiar. nor. IB It 3 Jl; ,gyT0,lrmt' ' l?t Vuttfl! HTnbVI Do not fall to call CD rout druggist for a bottle of that pure, fimllV. fi sweet ana aeiicioua Diooa punner. 8ta: eP?ieti:tft l0orei rare core on your druggist before Jt Is too late and get ocBmrurs sscroruiaByruft anaetsrvurrne. p.' r; XLOtmJi. M.frPresdem 'fit-' Moore's Mi Istd Tant hat ipav UsedlChenersEtpectO" imnyvfot several fear8iiaftd'wu 're'- eommen ft as an Invaluable remedy Tof 'COUehs. eKs.-sndliRve immdlt sacendrno-aRy-ethw reme- re:.- dies that I have tried. For sale br Dr. T, octae-ea was a rew ago n avw y. A third party, .movement, as MmiHill hlntctaU would (vHe ,?ay to DreaB,thejsoiid:ojLitn. '.tuey iijumoii I II aav; StnwoMJoi 'MT Turn SmmSbm ?! tiu,i'i iUvtijhiirM !'i'"eOOii ft:21 j r WODLD again sail toe UwtlMtivt tbttnie Jttttdmii nttuX town I .xHlji'.is''' . Kl'i-t, t-.lil ) t : m 7;.i- f Y.-z'- en; th: ' ( !- -tef!n iii; -tit, fji UMy.c- -.. ! :-.. -j ii 1 ?j i.;li i -t(iMU alii i " The if. -1$ fis.Wtt ttelestobafoundlnmy stock, artjwhteri are tXoUowfaig3 i: ii. ; '111 - !-:-- Vl .1(1 HllJ : -i.i CxK LOID LOTS,: j aXlifQItlkub Lens. corn; ft C1B LO AD LOTS. NCW PSLXRS MQL iftE3. Mi " 04P L' TSL C0FFI5IJ &. SUGAR.; la lmmease stock Uwsjr on barid. . - i'J iJli'l 1 '. ! J .1.' LARD & BACON, In WQuanuV' destrod; " tl , --si, 1 ! ,' . K. ..i-. : - . Ai. i .1 J. vi. U. . . .. am : , . , i ,a.!:-M a- HAMS. I keep a full stock. of the very choicest to be fdond In the market - : ; u.'.n NEW CROP RICE. A large Jot always on hand. SODA AND STARCH, !.,...' . ? ' . " J ia (Of ilzePackages, Kegs, fcc . '1 ! In all size Packages. lilt- .I i ; .i-'dT iV.-iil-'L it) .' 5-J f. INDIES;- -i iOf thoe nillri Birrel ets.1 rt&pTlargest stoct of Candi d In Charlotte, and can offer BPECI L BlGiK3 to the trade, -n-. '' , V4 i IDER & VINECMTl, The largest stock In the State.' Mott's Cider caa be had at my house In any quantity desired. 1 1 - '.Jii ; 1 . I !' to 1 :?? -At,'-; i S-iii; T& OAxNNED, GOODS, , g WnnrjTjt lrmlt: T-TCTrni8TT)rands KThfa line, and am PWaxfedlft-lii orders aromptly. Railroad and Gall & Ax Snuff in any style pack- i age or barrels. A large lot of fine Chewing and Sm klng Tobaccos always to hand. i i .StustT cigars: A large lot Qo-.handABd tor aaAy box,, thous and enawptfiii4sud:?aa .D X ,ti3fciiu,U'j ,;-ion laUtwJ ,(wols? iaJ FKOlTSf' PRUrrS! ;,iK5"t 4tHmp&Jn H MOTE SRt TOlT. always have a large-lot In stock and arriving da! B ,T?"wAPPIJESr v t'fl tKti lia "' I.Hi)ii''W 2. Jf.T.MM .'.rojf. Kf-'.tiRS, ii Lift 11 fciUiriU iviUi bfrKM'HflMH'r!B,i Ijj! .kjU 1 A-mh rVsMiVnTV-1 j Don't falUo call whenjom nespearoir. aj ,-'a '' flJ'JVJ JiJi TlTflACT - f I w w m r '-j-'- mm NhplhpM'Rnchvhftaf 1IV1IUV1U 1UVUM UVUIH wantanit in . r.ti .I-.', v . i - I ! bo I ii! i'ti JiAl -ril t.s 4 Hi- : . A iN A'T': W a:lvtCD;'iMtS IJIH Iilu Mil i'li li .Alt,, 4-1 .--! . . JbAPlES' DRESS; ; ' 1 lilll&? U--1 R 1?1 it'O E 1. ttl T E S Also, in MehsV Boys' and;e 1,YZ ,;ii t,;a,,:I' Sn v"";' " i:1 v'" - '.'ul';'" "i'lr'-ij'L-lL x! '!i:'g-i- a-. ".-T.rr:; t,":'l-'v '..'i !J. ' - ' .!u. -.'j. t'u '" ir u er'f.'i ijrl : i v "?:':J v i :- ' ' 11 ' ' .1 inn --.i 'ii UinT Ttjiiii-,; -' !: i ;f iuyLi. BOUOiHiND'iLD's 115? 8. jV PERRY nronaTTT7 nrunmt ri.ife' f 1'11' f.'u,J 1 IVNB. Parties desiring 'tidbnnatton la regard W Ij il l mil .:ir. .1J J li-yi -i.'- t TfM.il (1SJ I i J'l.ii; ; u , .ti.-.ru. ... ;j .(.;-'- -;;; .;.,; ;.;,,. J ... ; ; . . v t ' ! i . . 1 . njriji .1 . j ., .jilt t 1. h .... ., . -. ar?5.T. , .... .. AT E. G. HOGERS' VJftREROOr.lS, -.1- . l -i:. !:.' i 1 MVito(ls vry iam. and embvaeM a fall Ha of olture. AIlgoodspaoKedfrMof abarg. sttlVxmaus. OF FINE FRUITS ! Extra Pine Nortb-ro Apples, zoc. per fecK, l per Bus. 82.50 per BW. Moat delicious PXABS ever seen uiUUs market, 5 and 10 cents eacfc. Bex KANAKAS, ,Vm large and BIpe. . Catawba. Caltfomia andMaimalfA UfiAPKS. - vsraons, oaies.aaisuis.Muts, njtw, an kinds.! 1 PlzrJiil's Plain Candles and UM hirgest , assorupeijr, 01, re,ncn manoies 10 tftAclty. wpERftYS. 7; a. B. Smoker : who have tried the La Belle Cwde clgass say tbey art the best 10 Cent cigars t , . they eVer had. novia 4- 'Hi'. JUST IN.. 9TSOI LOfPDilMYS, : ' - H-,r ANDOBTHXKNAPPLK3 . . , , t . s i'. ' - '. .. KA BDSHXL8 APPtKS Just received, and an 'Vr kinds of Produce arrtvlnir almost dnllr. Or- eri, samples andoonslgnmentsSollclted. - M? eom..mery Charlol. O, and ocm. ij.ir.il ii;. AGENTS WANTBDOR Tl PTElJyfLING BOO 0$ TBK AGK, Foundations of Suems, xaui1sjrSaf rrattetagairoaiayo to ttraoawt ;A fiUnlly neoessltrj o Address, for clrcalar 2idwim mtWT.n Ttrr rs ill wf'ft'?'"! ejij!unia-j r i ,rs;:'j . JK''i ITBitdlbwioi'JsI welf-esUblbUMd? prosperous rrTJwBeWyj newspaper, orted f to garowhw erous.itaiiroadwwn inat.wui m soiq . cneap. Jbtecfotthe brobrtetor In seQlnc Is to change his residence to look after other Important prttate Interests. Apply to bo Koiter of this paper. Cash f4- V'M 1 11.. V r ULpttrmetMMmimminU m few w table L boarders. TT MBS. C A MUBTI8HAW. et31-tf4 A Near Cor. Church Third Sri. DEfiTMt'i- ed dha. ,iw a uiA oiii -tua U I tr fti ltUtatrngGga.P.TOwLLjkCOJ,1Spnio St. New YbrkJaaia l&am tbexact oostbt tor Uxt posed llne-otyTICiya'-t'T Aiuerlcan Ne ws- ' BOVlO 1 . . . I I, . . . ! tii all J. '-'-'l 1 Mitlli ;li g, ;! I .itlj Mlit'j J H 51 :4 I; ! u.-i! 1U kMtSk l.ill. iii'sf 1 .HulS'.i ifiiiJ ! W K . W BlLIf KX 1HLIN II ITKV M" "V' ! J 'I U 1 u UfH G.()QPS, CSH.MERES, AlW - nhj - ri 1! ). i m J.tl .if. : "A L L P Of NTS .-i.'j. railroad travel ul please, address as aboveJE '"I ; Jill- dr. J r' Parlor, Charabea. Dhdnc Boon and Offlaft Vur . Outers on Half Shell ., - :., ' AT THB MOZART SALOON, SERVED; IN ANY STYLE DESJEED. 1 ' GEO. B. NAZARKNUS, oct30 tus&satlm Proprietor. . SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC ORES PURCHASED FOR CASH TfiB' New York and North Carolina Smelting . Company at Charlotte, will par the best' Cash Prices ever paid In this country for ' - ORES. No charge will be made for sampling and as saying' ores purchased by us. Specimen assays for Gold and Silver, $1,50. septl4d ; rixA-cao-'s IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD! Kim Gxts Hxkd. - Cxw.sK AxMxkt Stbknoih Duiatft. lost : . Twice xs Lous. ' SUfuaiCaxtlwttboutBngttisSritia. CXTKXS ClilliiodleTer, Liver fompliiit "Kenowaw, . Csthenesa, EeaaidlB. . These Ptds Care all Disease! ib: AbtorpUcB. Ne Soxiou rills, oils, orfononoosMediciaesare takes to the Stomach. The Pads are worn orer the Pit of the Stomach, eererfnir the Great Nerve Centre, Jjo tbo hirer and Stomach.' A gentle Vegetahla Tonicif absorbed into theciroolatlonofthe Blood ana LTeftyirifytngtheBlood.tiainlatlTigtre Livtrmai Kidneys to healthy action, and (trengtheuiiig th Btomacb todigest food. Paica o Pam SI xhd s ' xxch. Sou st all Davooms, or tent IvrMail -.- f Express. , j vo' ' Ifanufactared'and for sale at 92 QerttOin street Baltimore, Md. r .For sale in Charlotte at the drag stores iof L;- B. Wrlston Co., F. Sew?, T, &Srnlth and Wilson & BurwelL.-.' .,.;f .. ; ., ', '" " maris iy. i . . ; NOTICE. CAtoLraA(fcirTRAfcBAILBOAD,: J ,- :u ':'. Office General Superintendent, f Wilkiuotoh, Nj Cj, Oct 22, 1880. Ka FINCH is this day appointed agent of this . company at Charlotte, N. C V. Q. JOHNSON. ' ccm 0W ' - - '! ! -.Gea..Snpt"-i .1 w "NAN be had everv moriilnar. excBpt "fidndars. at a L. Adams's, next to Charlotte Hotel buHO tag i. !J ..!.u W vifj ,1-iAKH Jl ,:lfi7 tTri8li,'FMafidCtfsfets'wffl the lineolnton Depot s ki- i oc10t'' matt i - l;t BiSPtCTABLE mfddle-aed wcinfth to take xJ ehame of tno Some"anif03pitaUe Chan lHte.;iiAppjwithJeienee,;tq i f-wj vu v .'teir'rpiili -'''-'& ? Chartotto.JStiCUy ilfil YH'.'n I . rJ I HOii.'1'ifll!. '"t'ii '.' jo -i;; -'iHtaiT jiia W(..uH faitii BYyJrfflaof a. motgageeieciitad to,me by Wm JKea, and registered in the reglsteW brace at Charlotteiir? tist,- 1 879.' bodk page 2i; to securothe; pannentoftho aotM tfceMia melted I UDOli wnie&4ho late wirLBetMieceasodiUvedatasieaa on&9iwateraolloAh?herpekt oi rrovioencef ennron ana weu lmprovea tract contains One" Hundred and KUndr-Ont of laaoVwoU adapted levthe tattrrattoaof eottoaj frsBai-fj?ij(I .-rwrrlitw r?f jijliH , Terms-c .le-.rnCne-tUlrd: cash, one-third ;lst Novertbet; 1 1 881hdonhtrd7lsfr;Noveinb I8827wkh Interest i 8 percent - 4 .? n ftnit 3. i'ltiiU -.jcioa. xU i Sllcdnningbiam; Jna ' iBAttorney. -J'??W:i.. hvi4wd3s.iusTxni-i',ii(rtAy' ti- .Tryaypxttlldaiof.Bale, u . , f rBTVl see me. : jiot jutogetner, to, nor, but to. see wnat I am selling to other people, f I expect to oiler sucn row prices4l2U;yoa wllibe sore to bur somthlng before too lesveL Ifr personal and. special atteit WINTER - r - i-iib itt r 1 r nifirM- 1 ot i Ill j. I .1 IV .11 WIU BBU U DUDUQ WICUOD. Ml UIB OHITt HIM In Obarlotte.yoa MONDAY, the ;20UYday 61 eMBEBL lmthat varaardeTtract of land fHitt eSdvetf "tty'rra'dre W"n6ftii J. ryoR street;! next door to J U Dcvls fc CoJ where vervhodr 'Is cordially lavtted to sail . and J tlon is p'en to t!?e reta'J'trV;; 'r fwaw s'J 0 F A H .-.a iii & ft C B , J m.uil frifuloo-r.i in una .vu 3'VJ v il;ooitV .iu.j i W TRINIMlffGS &6j; Mill ii is . fri ss M " f.K. 'm l II II FIELD BfiOTflEBS, k-VahiiiKi. u Mir ') f 1 f ; 1. Ulijt.l. k THIS Hotel has' tbe largest ' and rfirJst comfort able rooma of an hAl In iHa n.u kH tedup with all inodeni'lmprovemenUi is .conve nient to the postofiloa, and banks;' and u fientrally IPP Inthe buslneso-pari of therdtfTvlarge SAMPLE BOOMS for Commercial Travelers. With tbese advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling public. J (Omnibuses and Carriages at ever; Train. JB 4 flELD BROS,, j Wholesale and Retails Grocers, ' and niAUtagjarii.C" .. COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS KEEP. ON BANf GB0WN.1 SPBINO CHICEENS, FRESH BUTTEB, EGOS, HON EY, &&; a ths jncST brands of t PLOUE ALWAYS IN STOCK. , Trade St, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. 01 LARGE BASEMENT nnrifir M(bnnlllan Hotel for rent, ' may28 I w Sew &&vexti&jm&ut8.i 14 Stops, 4 Sets Beedft,'ONLY $B5 PIAN(fe. SI 2B on. Paner Tree. Ad- L P, BEATTY, Washington, N, ABMEB'S SONS, $45 TO $100 Per month, daring Fall and Winter, la" every coanty. Interesting and valuable Information, with fall parti cul ars.rVee. Address at once. .- " a. C. McCdbdt C04 Philadelphia, Fa. 4w ...''.,: -r" v-.i First-class Sbscripttorr Books;: glves-t steady em ftloymennor Agents andall seeklng a change in business. Illustrated : circulars of .new Books and proof that S150 per month Is made, sent on appll catlon, , ,, . . , ,:.4w.,. New and very Attractive Styles are now ready-'i MASON AND HAMLIN BEST CABINET OB PAB- LOB QBGAN8 IN' .THE WOBLD. winner of hli-hest dlsUncQon at very great world's exhibition for thir teen years. Prices, f51, 857, S60, $84. S 108, to S600 and ORGANS SSs Catalo ra jror easy payments, a-oiarter and npwurd. catalogues free. MASON HAMLIN ORGAN CO, 154 mkw vnwY : - Tremont St.. BOSTON;1 Eadt 14th St. (Union finnoM 1 M Wohosh 1 .antiA rDfP I VI ? -T -r '-A' ' THE NEW FOOD irrafo). mete rpHEBE Is no it Blood Prodocer an X sustaining PrlnciDle in the world of 'foods' or raeaicme toan. JLXXii.. iuxxx.ua. prepareavroiB Unfermented Mait Hons. - akd feed the bod and the brain, enrich the soiiouy tne bones, harden the muscles. nerves.eer the mhid.terfect dleeSUorf. reKUla the, stomach aott Jwwels,-. cleanse- the. fivof rand kMners.and vlfctflzewtor NEW' UJE every fluid or ine body,. Beware fl imitations slmliam-rmm-e. -"Look for the ''COMPANY'S ' 8I0NATTJBX which appears plainly on trie label of every bettlo. SOW everywhere. - HALT BITTEBS CO. . Bostotf , Mass.' ' :. ' .' - , 4 :T;i ..4wiF, For- - -Home- .Garden, -Farm. , HILIIUTI . TT A TJTJTy : w ju AhEs-i n n.r a.-r : at OTJB 903OL f r a " iMeanse we oarv v PLE1TTT-Tc E1!LL. .1 rigriciiltiiiistf'J ao7 its .Thotrssnds'of 'Good 3 . ..if g Tttnk.pln,aa4wrk'eXtern iand tNM projUBSiy 1 It helps j i.-cn tovwryt Maw Wntisni ad A Chlld Wpit,:rtaW aad U'rrrim'nitr'ln.ii.-iviii "J?w- ' . "1 1 '.. iTi ,''" '5' .-it rtzf r..trj rThreel'S i "To: v. ! ZWa&MAAfialSxtfSjilcpdli 4aL T.8BAWaWy iHw t YqL.40.11 ! COOIastrnctlve, i (MlriaL PlesaiB. Card for Fi'e tbbtf sof 4.4 :ri l! Usciul Eafrravinr. Cer-i.nEdltloo CIIIM.IJ JL I'Dl rs trv a 4- . . 5 mm it 1 Li if Life .rrii. 'i -lb. s i r u in r 1 ,. s; sii f 'i I I 1 '? 1? s has' cv 1 airemaikablj bad easel Wlshlnz roil ;a rosy Dor rTft ta F? yi?vsiy -ea naa

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