.- --, i .-- M, - AM,mJw ""' 1 1 ' .'weiu Jte-iiJW in iCofcaiw r.. t- v. . - - - - - - - - - - - - 7T77V ... tUBSOJUFTZOS SJUBM t ' -nwi UcmDtt. . .. 9 C3 4 i.rT ? UI 1U 1- Bnmier of Job FriaUus t-uruow m ra ttfiftrtfi.'ilnrit'fl tb.'1 tarn W .v ilA tsJUJ-UitAi&j; - 'J , v. JA' "iO fc.KAWTT-l WMXKLY MDITZOM t . - y;(wa.aW'at..'.-...1..ta;c1 taJfxA...... .......... 1 00 asy nwii uvwai r:-:T... . . , t: i. ; t; ; ,.-..iiiti iiifniK i ...4 1 - . - : li . 'i't jit i j mi tsif etbuod 0-Jd ' 70- WMDIMO Sl.neLIiJyqiilj the enliyenment of the thanksgiviiiff if i gHjunci7T:a: uoiioi mince i:shs!a 11103 saJJiiamoosdT:. ,Ki;toU .fr wl jwun erw vMm sum ? I I .t II I i r t V r f -w; r . i I i f rfi i t i ' A iun;n.it i n i f -t - - T " I 1 I J ' r aoRvv LKyi yi yjv ruT 1 7 T 7 f.:TI I I1.! . - r ' I mp A d.U004 i ...... ;.-.-.." I r oIGas i meres t TTfia H1HAN VALTTE XJJJJMU - - ' 1 A. Dice line of IV ri o . . 522 :n-Raai)iiv S QQ 'O ti i4 ay: .Ik QQ Carpets, a low'ifoices. A VWf Harris.: We are Now Oar Fall Stock; eenfs Hari4-Madj ttaibtoe ft Cable3ewod BOOTS AND SHOiES, A.LLGBAX&S AKllPBICtBS J ALL Haa&AliB:8TTIJS34 ) . Trunks, Yalises !and cSafenefe, LATEST STYLES OJ CK LXUEAKD 1;, tj. .-Ui-..lf ".Tl'Wi Lower Grades- in For, SaxtmyWool, &c. aug28 km Uri! - i iT i A &1 u7 111 f-.y HO'i ajlrr tl'.A :JK!J J UST RECEIVED stock CLOAKS, DOLMANS, WALKING JACKSfS that baa e?er been offend In this market, which will be sold rery cheap. At ELEGAlT LINE OF FANCY 1 LAKI3,CLdiKIMa AKXPXLLAVT3 I aUrgeiinooi YILYET34 VILYETHNS TM ALLC0L0B3, Hoslerr, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Jlehns, CoUals and Cuffs, Passamentrie Trimming, Cords, Tas- Kls. Spikes, Balli, and Beaded Ornaments. BAft QilNS in Ladles Gens and Children's Uodejf itrwlr it a)u. Li LJLI ii - J " w IUUUUU I BUWBf wi : v Be sore and gl? us a ealL Prunpt, personil' attention given to orders. ? ' V-Uv iilliUUUU IAN be had every momlns;. oxeent Sandars. at ft . A. W A ft 1 Aoami'L nexi 10 uunooe nam , IVBTOdflhlS SEE?' Ahairoa vtU sarft ta r-f iiUr Jf AT bAIi LOU J. .ti( i h ri in mwt. til imi r i -33. ! I i 11 XT O TTTT A X mmnw REMOVAL. i I SA Knwed-io-rjs' own - stftre-oa-Bodn ; pbiceso 1. QWAXiTtXcnTt ReductinnM ClnnlQ? ;uou4 ksiu'j- iuj-i;alil baft sfflotf trliigm. s-' f; y if In Athis : Line j of 'Crooiis; !! .1' 'i ll, ,-i VUifWu. i:llT ,lf T.LSHGlEiCft. ; 9? '.-u i ij u J : - T iii A PUHSLY VEGETABLE BiMEOYj - Tor UTTSSJaL ihi EXTEBjf AlWj I lint-' iiumtntirHiHirTi vari ioTSitl B4HI VII I CD h-trafurioMU 2 rAll IvILLtK I3DUMENT 1 7 Pmkrm m. Severe Bans, etc.' iSsWa riend-of tbe ivrmlnabla Jemedy-inthe boahe. rlta pifer . it, within taa reach of -1L mndJt win winufcllr ij a 7 BtoT ttme4 cort Woctoi Mil . C J 4 S KRRV DAVIS SON, PrOnorlWf- Pronot -ft a . a ' ' l?r(illnwftl ?3 ?rt ',aa t:i, k For .olesale end letall Trada. r j lmnvr to examfcaie' Ti - IfvSJ N- r ---Tt !ManO jCtoroer 8torM3entrallBotelvharli Gi2 JJ. Powder. Vuse and all kinds Jilntor-lRipli- ww u --. ------ - www..i t TLUWS ! PL0WSJ3 1J, a-dsilArjtHWtStau. I 4 pbjub Uh nvuvnAHUi AamTrula itari Trvnn Rtwwtft. Centrsl Hotel Building. Charlotte, N. a 10 AT W :oi.!rr&" GOOB WiGOSl MCWWJLL; poTradenlTrytoert.,. I""'--'ii. .,;'. m IM!.'! yy.'t " . .--IS isiftJM.a i.:;-t tel't-j :S 1. 1 90 S- ;u-i i .bus .-jv- 3al I ii t - i .! i. . i f. i -;v .:.'ji'i: i a elf I .!. . ! I.. yy I ' ' r - Y!--itt. in A. U UK .I V WW Successor! to wa'ST'rTBl AgeHEj i luromtt andi.! .viiBfiortmentof . i A'aka, CtP CT-jifd 'ftvSi'TOal expenseCSt Qff. nombie. Tit as. the sixth of the; Bernhardt series, and in Aahh'i HtlW BftSoltiPlidre adhe.Sphiax wtn4ii . A .1 A. . w ft m I - li the siate i to fee unveiled at parUii M. Gambetta ten vears sLsta was orle ju. juio oAnaspiaeas jnen m irance.- uis- race was a face of fine lines and spirit Rgffbtinir attitadd. With a dntwh swdiid -aal cbntours hi figure was WjWP iT JvdgeKtfttevpaQor. Court. tt1 presence, but he lias no moreitha aK most noetic smart 1aa1t nf hia.vit.RTF According to the Kansas City "mi Tirni8, Governor-elect Crittendehdf that State, is to. we at his inaugura tion a hnndrealoHar suit of clothes; p?wwai Wr djmvoi,,aa irajrieic, merniarfefeiited repMWwan coaapsta- Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr thA rM of the rtphysfcian,teppeared la Bbston as a Successful legal lecturers He is giving a course of twelve lectures' 9H the common law bf trocU Institute. ; ' . ;. V,.J-.-V: :.'V," ..' ,Vi ' l-The endowment, mmitUQ.ft..ine Harvard Divinity School, of 'which thd Xy . T IT. 1T ' Tl i LIJ.t Ar. xxoory . jjeitows is Cuair Mas3.. hatidded to hen "i man iv othir1 public gifts 25,000 tortfteBoston Touqg .Mpn'-a. Christian iAssiclatipn for We .erecibn of f bujjdirig for its use. ; The Messrsr-Grump and E. H.Gil lette, who . woa a; good imputation is lessees of Congress fall, at Cape Mak ;haye secured bbtpl ; of Hthe house f .the pomwg seasp;!, ; t . x 4 . f yU)tta Crabtree, the actress; hasiaatd J in court against a Fall Rirer (Ml) coicon DroKer over a, um(nojri'r46iiW which she once invested , in - B'lcetiqn; gpeculation. wra - Air. Jonn a. Uock'erijl, of 1fie5rlV6li PokiDiaphtdh; it is said, wilP AocorL pany John McCollough to England ' Oraat the Ei- ounon uameron.in a roenteen- versation withua.Tepresentativ -ofythe uture48iia bis owtt' hands. -'As.rit- ATesioenv uranc, ,rnqnent,.jTJtfi( jthinkr have a thought of naxfcinii acsnaiaate ior tne preBWenwir) -ll savs-Mr. Cameron, and he adds "Jren.irant, with all his strength, is good-natbred maa. and can1 and will lapt himself to almost an v situalion to settleiis; immediate -future.' is: welUnogfrefe41rM isenjoyirig hitttlt jn vuoAg a.Beasonpcjes tO-HflOcHiis $130,000 asked for ha3 been t subscribed;- pledked tQUsinelAiernu .and- that.tiia great services, to tneacountry entalB tmeqmvocaTdenial to ihsrrtaiidrtalk:i:,'.1G()rM;m connection-with Xhe lately pr3iihfljreiiiniacUbelei f ODomre otrt 'eKew1- wnunK'i lv. uo BewtuSlwwua vrue inwaraness i or uen. . uraat - re - - - . - . : - ; Se;'to eflort Wl subscriDtion the-rmbl: itneyer reachecrr5i- 000 of the. ae mmoo, and thb m. rp x T. - greater part o: was maae up oi a dollara and' uader amounting in all 8120 only. One dollar and a half 'i so. nave come t torn iohmapm more tMethWt fttthtnl. it wUhddmuMiaaiablpd j apparbttbT JMl-nrf - aft.nA.M1&..-ALKr XalueJthemniainly'-;fbri Iheir anaTJ are thflfrvrfttdihrvaAfl!tr tJunlhhof thb4 ncnmei&iijia nefcag emuuatqr xr itm"iarifo!"U9BaMons irom1 riCD'Hien. tb anoejwlU take care. of him. He is 1usfcJ)Mk, jjtoiiiHWjn ;twKMii uucau rtiiiroaa en-r 1J I -A terpsciae, , or ;wmcii tue two pnnTpalliurned aa eiectddi Thia taer: waaiftted f imVimiUM itMH T. flurUl ftr from-wftnt f moneyr and we- praise aySMlriioirjdiim A . l j . j 1 . . .. ftv.fc-- .- . . r l ChandlerhMn awoimt L Ai.J t 1 A 1 V , ftftTVr v Ww v w -j tiiiv WeitortdhaetWnAaifficulty in getting a bill through Congreaji list of the army, with the rank o; TY Pfr&WiD&hfc nqt voted and conspicuous friends.' If he. eedS.monevtheref ore. rand wlahearii ,ne ana gracitiiuegiven nimtjy.ine'waT.'aa S&dB$tt38tttt JfftKffiS W:R,SS! Scarboro's mi mnrcatyilrwnlcn'Cbnglss; r- . r ., .t sure, is still ready to bestow on hiriiiifiMrner nd bnittsorevef .THiA fame Aw Ay Dyailowihir ig thelmpressiontosink intothe'populariTisiHfflkiaBlur ircar-ftma-rraaacwxOTPwaj uu u cixHjcckfyjrr r w iat tbe nflA tn which Messrs. Jav Gould andJ UQ n"P r-1 n y r -n - - bw i rr r it-i m bbm rr i bw ' TWriTwin am aw -rm wiftr n ft rr wxm m r. ejwAJW1 jreaen0P sreat aixwau bfB railroad combination, and the former is 1W ttueh- fri earnest that he WAuM haveJ subscribed ft20d.000 to the Grant fund I ifliiwnTttMigiit pradent-to cept4 such a sum from suchasourcf nAm tn tiavA hAn fttrnner Annnorh frtriilsaei ten .;'.'M)f riKnlwwftjqw'j , m 1 1 nluta tmspey way m, erenQwfi;j jve know." . - . Ann rAAiiBii imv. .. . v .4 ,.!. vrTO ; TLursrav that the idea of nroducin M v tv ft a vftw Aa Uft V ft ' a. vsj th rssion Play" at Bootl iTheatre inr-rer: YfheTxtini MfcjrruiAor; aaidTttfat and that so far l 4raban4p?el8 IrifcapMlx.Aa-lj fiorffiaiioei-wMoh -w .lAr A-Asttifff navfAi-moniA rtilHt rutx rL vtro ;w.YJSf.5!.W' Iv bV invitatlOBUl 116, WOUid vinVlte-aS project E3'' possibl; aad U the verdict were;-uaaiuaousIyunfarcrabl3iJi0 should not carry out fci3 'plans. r l r BST4anir-?c:nccrninff itHtitasdT uiHbernoaodLMeejaaer hit- . i&i&tt--ahhl Thearllf te kasseb nk n Thnr4daTi t)uton:aieoiint oi its be Wg AWda. ljolUntilJ-yestet daT,:wh$i if Jgaimef iftj tbeogse Emmons, ifie lollow-ag, conrposins i-ne ward, wre wesefitr : H: JSxcel-! iencjQo. JMvis,ret&7 of 3tae i Keaani dnatcjawjlefti Jntafes a fljockhirL of'AiWlirl j! Clarke, pf Craverix -Eht foQowiaif l I itfohn gpelmanjl i 'j.ut rRLunis lur iiuuinsm ma euDerr tor Conrt wererst toovaiied and af. lerwaw those' fo?tbe?(:u6ngre8sionai erection. The f olo wifs tiie ofBciai count: x ii, ud ), "'1'! ; uyrupw. ucanayiVvi. if. . ...w i4w t iLailiam's lnajoittyf. . fll i . , i Orlandd Hubs.. i. . . . 104 ;WuM'H, iKitchin 51. . .t , & . . 141105 1 . "Hubba! maio rittv. . ... .... 4.9M ;.i THIEIXDISlUlCT. ohn W.rSlmckelir4...;-i. . 165d t W. P Cafaaday. . ji-.. . -a A . . VMi? .' R, ornegay . ;;r. . .V i . . - jShackelford' majority....K -188. j' potato STBipjr. . ,. WmRjCoiru..W ...V.i...v.i 1761 oseS AiBlsoev -r 'lt Cox's.' majority .i. . w. : . . . : ,aU Jflt TH PI8TKIUT. ! Alf red M. Scales. u ...u.....; lZfi&l i John jt viSn..:;. . . .; . . ! , ..Scales' ma0r,itypi ......... . . , ,1,934 - I 1 SrxTH DMTKICT j UemBnt Dowd. . . .,. . ... 7.1 . .".u 16,401 Wm. RI Myers. . . . V.K . . . . . ;'12&j9 y r-w t v.; ! ; ri f.v -r-'i ".--! " r i AowasTnajomy.. ...... .... . . SKVKNTTT DTSTRTfTT. Robert , F.Armfield.-.-. , . 1341 - rmfield fcajojfity..;, . :j. i J yijM ttAtTinstn.'t i1-".' L . . : '? V.&tt' Tanstitajoftyr. :'. ;t55 The following paper' was handed to the bord'by- k Av-W.--6baffer nmd Wa read, (LShaer'Oiiig, that be didJQOt dealrjactioa Bgribeardpoet- puucu ucrouao vi tut jjapcr-w - was law V K7V inlhthifddMmct fchjf tne law lawtulyotescast or tenc esecuofi lor members of uomrress held i jb tuforaut i y -KrkAb' ft -was wuu n Lwui km w vm. j. it w citi b-b . WtSiWaD aceount and return of such vtes wuuld tstowtthai dvtipe)twaiejl iW. Shackelford, who tlnstead bfJohn I was returned as jelected ; and this the undersigned is radY te Verify if called upon or permitted" so to do bv vour board. The undersigned protests to vnnp KrQrH that Vv nf f nrtliavtuutif I W tbft se&rofitue si J ;tffiS;?H; tet the siat of the eaid Shackelford be- an 23ddayofliIb--f ft . w , . - I assist-lioraev far,CTrBA7j G, W'.' 1 X Lift. 1 M f r -1 .1 ... .. ... .-1 . , iff . . . ..---T-m, T-ftff 11 ni rr-ii minr nriirfi ith aw t i m Mi i m ri r-i t 4iA8ft3 f Kpxmat.t 414,883; maj0Tity;iXl8i 'ft 4 t Aaron: it i ii-1' i'x i ti'C I tion: John U scarboro. 121,965: Arc KerfaA'a 4vml6ttr,r.igfei iiu3,r j I Kenan's inX trirtifiv flnM,Al ht!!irrr i nrecinMaTnTU ,prmctajnr UfilPconftfttei1, !r(loubUeaacaati bus were-p t.ere-t - fcwiwtnn VH 4 1' ttnnrtryhfn t ifVi in' ftrj wia i ft v. jwvfmvi aft a f m h ftra-a w ftwft f . . . . , iu - aiii i bi iKti i .we,wckets,wie jcus ,sq ciosepatoinp I ' A ttroev fteriera rmma wnarvnAt t en.' tlwm. toiisrannts for Hhe JStoC voiek the AAndidates for thin fiHtHA-'Ya.1 fejWfe '1 JtgeM I no more oawioeeanpossiDiy attaex tne :1 eoivaMiiftAcf dersisrad -sUift f-the- iwer.' i iti mm 11 in mi i mm mrrrntyiw aa J,rop,' ftiiiJ JlL.j-lil.J .l'UL.1 IbaMHBII Iwftfti Ml ii - i ut... - - a .m oiOi I dlllLU B DUU1UHI S.W ftSftftU WftAmftft. fti v 7iMtfT.iaa.u4B vtrnn i raw -do,a 'r. i ni v$ieaiiS' Slew; ?WJ - J- ft -Tk r.A-. lfcDr. Cheney' Xxtectora-it atd' ' Preve I aooux iwo jears sto, c.-nTa i0Mui-ua vawap I Preventive, .which., ! at jlrwlwi8!y .cored Tthmnvrtm tmr$iwa J State TOTS trlst.'TtC -lii "'-iwi l.-r ril'H t i- i llIAL V:;;!- I --li .wMm3 I IN : Jsinilli . . .vi..m .'. i Largest Sm &of i.-.LM.i OPE FOR f'i.vfcuitM ? ;iJjeelfted!ntemteeilolB AlAtJUUXllJJ nTT,':T ' lt-7'f - t :j-'fv ; A I'll in h.ljv.iEe qoanUtles. We are sjsnrwehase at Ter .close fignres, and ely'e every pal Lwsiwm show, and better made ClotMti thu anr. olhe Jld .ia' this inarket tor the slmpletactjtl saniH a garment made to ordei1 "tW m combtotd A- of OtctoobIs, maters andtllsteretla soA w.iWJrhftTftihitetomftft-f.rfft. i -1;. , i.n).: f I -1 v v iiij jj :.i 1 . . ' . .,1 i . ..in ti II: v.- .j.:.r.iiiL!li..!i:. i . . k. kftTW I ti: ..u.'fri'ti i-iJ but; 'i.'iid j -SnuSni nti ;f i. n;ii;.-f- u f, .'. .:i )miL,Uw " Mikv-iAfti'.I;Ai,'a-i''' T -tf-r : 'ig--iJ --s:!-'t .Iftpino49dT.1iij --Vr4FH LJt lf7ilf7X ? On rc7ftVi 1 1 fToXV VJoNrirfirl I I A Big drive; Eqw, I . . . .. ...... n ' . . .. . i m' i.Yf 'CI-JW tvj t 1' 32 J c I !9fll ii)!)'-. AA4 I U II ii J-jrt.;iafmif .Ai DrAwKfej; i-i MtftAJB II I :i 'J-.4IIIM.J ft I IT 1M11MI iil IT I .f I Tl I t . . t :. -.t, K An 4 r a. ..:r . r t : i - Kr-f7 : uhhMVr A'ft Tris Qin rw.vi it t i : ntit n i .t'nftfln! !.,- ..f-.A ra-jx I 114 It iiirn f..' tR ,.r.t.:..l titoTrweor ill .tiff ; .m ; .Jl'f" " v '.,.VT fi ...... . . ....,!.' r ri . am . r . i . t . . . ama.. m . - a . apv w - - mm ' m a ' fl i . ... b .ft ' . B l s : r. - - '. mtb"i ftiri t i oas enorot ifcna imnQW soliciting your pauviAi5gftff wj uu aqiiuuj ,t ifttfti.ftfir- mfTtaiB-ftftr.-cpn ,m.icwr t.v. i I .n:btcd aril ni Jb! viVS-j-k:-) ! looa fi.rv iip oj AoMaA bsfjiJa i ift bib r i l i - ft mm- afti ai m - n wfi.-r rf-J bflti X .YA flAfJlfeUAl i.e. ui it.ivAj iwifivsb nKJJuriauM edJ 1 1 i-jJfeaV bna eh E tsiiT i a a j l. .i.viiir: 711. jji -.inii i nil s " f i : t m i r. i r ih J lar i .l :h Qei ioV)l?ifei.fl4arn our pnct3aT,4jaineiin t ies sdl to - Jaooi faii9Yp33i Ifeil swll'lo a btnevoosn Jwl s,:Ij"io j a - AM - - - B - - - - - B - - - - fi sifis-l vousba ctlA crncA hTriajvmatlaraQM WfttMaj.ftfpoln.the-cltTCA ge.onMonda& tft.i uto. cur orjoenl)er, 1 880, fill racatFthe Aoas- fTAldmrir0m NO. 2,-"'IlU330 mux OtU -WilW j Thft I "' ' "mftiWfclVftW,.t'- i i riBBf r i -i -t . if .. ........ . r . t . - " " ' -U 1 ..ii .. i am.ii a. . aa - J.lfiA? jc2ar-i ftic-oberleliemploy-i en se- enact 1 ttuiW)Ux5Brle te;ftlr.itrn - f Cj dBotw---'iU41tT?nvHMt!Xl Ufirm, Iber Yit4r'-' W a f a- '- - 'm J -- ft - -- i-i j r-erely a"rf elate rthCr ef" le-- tBdrnt i .ktwmaakZi " " m-mninrm wn-im. JT- jiii . l -- l.lft i: "Till W 7.j tvi:rp- T'j.'iiv, E.C"'' .. i .J.affw f-Jimdrildftiso idJ ni i - aftftmft tjjft ftHftkJi MSSBMh eWSfJ flBB flSJBJJJM ftKfftft ftftftft fBBftffMSa mfSftfj j fmt)ki.1i:iu1i i;$6 miil ito'c vi3V3 lUNIilMITED ki?dJ tnjjjiiii;iii;ui ou-i; ; i!) t:i J'i'i33 falj M f!i')TlI .f-jlYfii J.'.dl .Ul.lt.' f i, I'i fill I 10 'ILU I JilNU - ffl- the l-ft rvi w-wt.Tr ;-2o vio tyi:; u ii 'iJ li ; l. l)ii;- 31 iili J ; 1- 11.1. 1 i I a ft tl..' ftVftftllivi "ftftjftaftA'i ifAftl - r f , . . J tnt j: i:v;.Vi.ii at.:-i ll lk.l'fl1 Iff sPlI 1.111.-1:1' liSri-.liM M i l J'l l i t ll 4.1idt:iftl ..j.tv .-iboff u.vi rnaJ 1 Jnen .it .'i i . . ! 1 v t. . -w . TTiTt.'rrf a iTnriT . -; tti aT ea-reBDeotfoiv, 1WJ0 Jmu; ,vhO ji:.il J 'i Tvu..o ) ' ' I Ba MftW wm -mmr wmtmm n ,mmm ftTftB ii".,- 11 r I . a I i,4l i . i i no I ' 'i- Jai m Uu.ua ai niJi,:!!"!..; !. .1 .Sim! 5 ;,: .-.s ii - jt i i -i i' "1IH ft v d b-;;b'ii ni- t:i.a v.3;""v Vvi?"-' vj - i-iw J , 1 1 II . I iflijl TOIS j v-a v4-" Yv" i rrt ,Jwft.,'-krTii ' 1 i (i M 1 I Uft td coiturur season uaaje, m.srx . a . . -I - HWii.Vi',.LUU ll ,.41 iT .uhUou' fv-nniy uAi f-4-.oo TT . - 4 . - i. -ft . T : . - T , , - lmiiai 4.,UA,', 4t iu ... . . or anomnql bii JRjoxal d!TLj j - - - ft - - - - - - - - - - - iH - - i JL , A-u( At A A--U W 1 9Yi; Br fxloie-t-ttAlC 8L, Hew Yotkeaa leQxihx--Aeoetof any peol L3rts. 1twifflaT-ldd7;-W L-l S .. rx.. mmtrid T xu vi .1,9a cape cod caiyrtrnnrci.:aci - r-V; -1 r. - , ' : FOR iim ni fs'i'uifyifwYo 'i-f ,55?J.y: Jf ,bhtw - '.J odlld Jcoffe JjJjS mU1o 21 ffAmVamWsl ffammMBi ftSftSftj aAWbsI ftml ffM I iaJlviHUru; UllSl rti-tibiU mil" Jj,itJ x-n'jqcoi ittUtfj otli biiK.'iJAj '-i v ii ILu 111 a m 3d w iiiii 1J1W fclibIOImKi W:iTlvt at piiatou otu uji'ft isi'imoubmKi sU i.-t atisiuoij -Lois od Uivr ibidw siuaaudT lo eiiJ! .ran i f'Uiitirao) rojiKiJidifi-edl loiadmaoi ron&heflt01 Whsjfi riiore mVIIVbM almost of marejnede aa OM hashvac letndilbAeVtead ft";- tn-JeMH. -ixot! odJ Jn?fi nokbt)b -lilii IN AshT. I'l l 1 A 1 13 ii ni'fi hl.j'j w ww wr-m w -mt a m 1j. MJltvVV ArVilt WiJK 1 a .T , . . av ... aju , . sw, . ft " -. mmr t . . I .1 j h.3':. . i Jf-.:tii.'u JiMfc 9ifJ hi &iiv !.biii;:i 'J"iU Ail I!:nf -ni l,a oil: Rr xaT l.iu; -:) Ion lii? yj vwuilf mlT ' AM'. ! !iJ tun !!.'" ilnf.v t,'i ? .) ttt:m qua) v 'i tiiAil i(-i.;W-r eamtHi m ftil ibid ,'nb.;.;i i ..) Ju- etiJ ivi in loJune-fS tsh:) lim I lo uouski sviiqel hvk ,I4i;f..(i 'li ..Lfi. iu tfklg .jX51I,ia iilf, ,ynMvoO:tdJ TfJba 1ST" ClOODSi1 loewuo!'' lint' ."'jV.i u, Hiltiyq li'i ,l"ft-V-; ?JCJ .u.'. ''ii:5i. I d) ban ,Jjt;n OiiJ nf bxif: ,ii:ft-5 OiiJ ni Ifflffii .1. ii U)ipffti 05 luail'JtJijoH JaJ'3Xi 3il)uiLj5'jL bill liiXK.-itd lo iV. II bflooos yi.'j i ) ii. Diii rfoB-JaBaoJuyiJ J4-VJ V" ViJlJ ' Vf'i'!i 'Hi 1 w;j i.viyj-" - A .-a'-.ft LlEI!iIJASrT&:;COHE -lf;)i; ill tyfiV3 lo UyiJi51rliiO 0- ftiJJ JbC Hi rNl feifci-.d Ic d ii jjnii'tit :: M 'MiA 1 t. I V . I . f f I.ftff II w rt TTT a. ' rkl V; Jl(r OAT UIiliA. it.'i..M .';: ibbib: tJ b j r,rVGENTAit?IEDFQB n a a ; -, - - ' Ma toft vz 'X n,;,l THE !UCTJt8glIfM-Q 01 0J THB AGS, JiI3IOi VtJ8 il ll'ji JT eil-,01 'ii!u6 ' TA.elawVfflae?ftrUr1 I mentarr no t ti v"t jw r"' n-0sii Hatot! A t-ui -le a. ; W -jlO . .v- i.r- t . driife:Jir7:iCii:ft-Att. - : - V fijjHUA-l4A I -..l'.f IwyrrruTs,' Trov, 11' Tr 1 ' school An:-rtcir Keif t - I " . - ? ie;25l'la;L..r:.-tet.filS. i 4f I 3 h