7) EMM! Ur. '"""II II f 1 II II c b , ..... JH .u M .1 f oft 'ffis uia Uronchitia. , Hoarseness. r- Asthma. CrOnp,WhOoping Cough, and all Dis eases f the Breathing Organs, f It; aootles, and Jhealai the 1 Membrane of. the Lungs, Inflamed and poisoned or the disease, and-prerenta the nig h oiness across me cues wlif Ah ju-j-itmnfiTiT It. - flONSUMP. f i TIONiii Soifitt Gctirablejmadjr-xl) ' u only necessary to hare tne rignt juujt, xor mis oenign speciuo urn aid rails. , ? . ; : j.rr m a mv.rfi w ui 3 IIEIIRY-S " V 'J if CI j.m thOiMQ&EotoerfulHealinff Oi&t . - j . .xtnent and JHHnfectant i wii rkAU ium auavi mmm. s Henry' CarWia fiolvJeals bruUe,, Ifnr THE QSlATPliy E2UttE3 OyTjBAQy. nv(;riti.n ma ' JUhth'nria, 'and .WboopinK waffOn ty;jt& College Plaoe, -r-. '-c, waW xorfc r Meets the requirements of the rational atwwjortl tat alterative. It fortifies the body against dl eaaeinTlgonUftg and re-vltallzea the torpid storn actvaaaiTer, ana enecw a most saiatarj eb&nge in the entire system, when In a morbid eonclluon. . -farm h nil TYm&vatji Rfi1 '.TAib.ra vnhArnllT. ' Wa eertlfr.thB-.iTt at( hppm eiifar fetri' eertlfr.that we liare been aelltBg fSwtrt'r Syphilitic Spectfie" for many years, and regard it far snpfijlor to anything known to science, for the disease for ,vwWch It, te,ecQmmenaed., Wet have rik)wa ofii'9iwiaiWt. " ' ? - ' i liA'8.a.XM8-Thoiia8vllle,rflai U T r i! L. KICBSOIL. Forsyth, H . n jMno, natuon wuBar, AtiantaGk Petnbertotu 8aitDt c EeynoKLj, 4.0 .t.V.ltV?..!!! '-'T H-iii I . I 1... !.,. , iMfMi-J. -14 AttlrTAjGA, July 1, 1874.' ijt4j.VwilrrM-Iea8Iri We Have Men xxtkhx .: jwiril,8tftti 8ypMlJ Bpiflo" lo-the treatment :'. t eoirtlctr ttr the last' tear, and believe It Is the 'tol2$?! fcttwrmt Mne Mtf fOiaLsfeasesfferwtilcb-yob sscomtoend tt. $1,000 REWARD . - Will be paid -to-any-ohemlst who will find, on analysis of onHrandred bottteMf & a a, one PreDitea only hi but awnrr ftiThrTn miir. FANY, Atl1a. SOW .8JJ.TH,aBdjL.-n-iWBISTON ft O few-juauTOrji JBqpy.".X0W3Mis' Friend " feb.! , 20-fUtw.lm. . 4 j ?3is on ZE33IT ah m .r spimeteira X V.Li."-.-JULu mill Oh Jrt!!fl. rsaJJi Jsist .tmi.-n ;-fli ifaif- less. rleadachp. TrccicfcrnJ 0109 r .iWK sent iief DrJ Saotortv j 6aiBroadwayN. YJ Htpropors.t; -BIAolBuWfl-' f.r7r:. jAWfl-rrwiio-iBftiBSr Ft , 3 ffissBS? .1: -a Burt rt .TII. " ' fB-wJ ,nywr Ul Jih m -T7 -io oUufl.r nor la tan ow.iw hat in. iCHr?l.i-i. , HP -- mMammmw -w . DflLIC ALU -jap " w m .' " fe " a 1 JU 1 J tiHet rrrrc -'UUW y V, t t? - . ;y OARFlEzV D BEX1CEN CE keeping Ills Mouth Closed on the Philadelphia Times. y WJOsttiNGTON, November 26. Gen. Oarliem this'mornW breakfasted with Sir ; Edward Thornton, - the - British minister, the French minister ana tne Crimani i minister .were '..of the party. So far as can be ascertained no confer ence has yet occurred between General Garfield's chief reasons for coming here was tor fix-tip the" differences .between Sherman and oster. uarneia aoes atorial canVass,- although he is in reali tw fni- Vnter. StilL if Sherman should batiFoater for the seat there doesmo(41 pedrtd bdany doubt that, roster will cro into the cabinet. Garfield sees who call on him, but he is quite as tetfceiht and taciturn as urant usea to be.He will not say1 a -word -when the future policy of the administration is mentioned or when the subject of cab inet or other affairs rcomi up: He merely listens patiently AndneverTe plies. A Bir Fire in RaJiei News and Obssrver. ,. At about 3 o'clock- yesterdara morn ing the watchmant Uingtow & Boy-4 sters large planing mius on JNarj,n i afroof j. lit.t.JA t.li ft west nf the Rat-I iKtviid,daton phopsj was heard todi6 shout fke.nd a-party living near byn saw sheets of ame . Durst irpm, wie,up-( per windows'dttheo-story btiildlir: ThexdannAiwas jquickly giventnd the An lgines made as gopd tpe to me spop tthe deetf'mudould 'IowVuTltti were powerless almost, lor the nre, -xannea uy a sugui ureeze,i ouraeu m . ,,. 1 .1 . fietcelyr TOeuildfgbldsi&d3f wiln sawausi ana suavings pneu nigi was jusynheitiaiLjOf tinder, an was consumed witnlgrea rap'xnty. D soite th&e4rts irjf ,xan yl h uadrea, wil ing hands, the fire extended to several t3' buildings near by, and no less tn ft veJi""3' of these were, with the planing millsTn116111'? e"tered Ann street fromJ tntallv burned. Broadway, while Bennett's route wfcsT The shop was of wood, two sprttS- neiffni ana J -. tv . 5- ---k . iA ? ! m j - ' . esu&iateaf. $10,000. In the buudmg t-erewa$ $1,000 worth of nmshed wood-wori; while near by were 150,000 feet of lum ber. The workrffcjtt !ffyfhi-AH kits of tools whifeh'wemiI-theFiopsf,l t Near the planing mill waf. a f out-d room, one-story frame building, occu pied by -W. H; V.!ford. "This caught tnf Pie..and was destroyed the Joss being about $800. Oh the other sideoflhe mill were a row of tenfiftient houses, the nroDertv of Huntets& Beckwith. etc; 4 -l-Three of these buildilsQacii of two. J rooms, were burned, jmi lrn-ther was Hpulled down and rufcW j Qffice of " itbe plaqing mni was also ourned. vn Therjf.as quit4 scgjity.of water, tpe cistern at ihe Teit ana Damn Asj lunxf lxrnishing about all ; that ' was ltd workkifut Jabopgd lirtder-nanjCdisad" Wotifniaiu) TIir f ntll 1in'l nil . 1 A- " T 1 , ... .'.' . - Smmf Vv iy is esumabeut hv jukjuu $is,uuu. there was piilyOOa inaurahee held liy EllUicUMl. &i$sfr. -. Interrlwr Tlelirecn Senator t alkii'Cienral Ciarfield. Blaine rL- ... i Baiumoi y Washington, November 20.-Sepa-tor Blaine, of Main evliad a Ion? private interview with Geheralarfleia Uwlayi iThe codrersatfttn between ' themNwaSr of the most tranx and friendly charatv ter. It undejtoc that -Mr. Blaine gave his triews of inatters andUmurs jvith gre,at freedona; an$ : it. is probable tpese gentlemen fwiu not meet again until about the time of i the inaugutai Ition. Such , beinifthTaBeheraI Oarfield ;wasv ahxious tolve-vnow. whatever. sueiyestionS the'Maine Sanik- i . mm itk :,t;!,' .: t - it - T. V . tor wished to jifake, Afrer? their inter- iuestion nt igardto i uauxueu ana re uucu ui4iie ?noma not ijgree in tiswtnrjihidrew ui ma ciwniuW5UV euf,ua ne tnougut i to come to a portant question4twati3ter frieQd of his supplements tnTsHETysavinsr that General ba9 notat4hi9-4ime-a-irl gle man in hismind's eye whom he has concinaea to ask mto-his cabinet. As has been stated, there are anuni- ptX .pisoirthern Bepublicans.Jui, the city;anQ uxiay. a .aeiegaiioiv' OLtbet. waiteu upon mm to urge tnat m ma mgupnis caomec inac ne give one crest but they protested asrainst his ma- kingWhanhey4 callett 1 a' iseational cabuitdSjcenje made . up. entirely framltaelirorthern States. aQne ot these -gentlemen, a Tonnossean. told Gonoral Garfield thatnrn ihatr State nn. tHe arEesAcrainst th SWMJ8MA was l y thi uporrti sj-f!!-Xhia;.!;morBing f -General jusxftfld Thornton and-lLgiL4ilomats. It was J 4hes Geteral'riintentidd OTtearr fdr"! 1 fay ;rflnHnflejtn ramaln Tntf Moft- aay morn A IGAq KltUh WttAAQ5Vmm IJuchmondDlMaKli.Tza azvxK . i yTiKniepteoUsr of tl xseasury at Washington, bas,Jitteri tlf sMicturOEls tmtmeoVte .coijderiraMw if ten WSM&ta rMh deDrive lArVlMLafnrji rrr-flin HoWi. Vri vo-le'i for ,ucrress lost r 9 r1 iiowvnrj,.t poi int is nflfrwhrth ar- Thurmanis.the ble4t la. er in the i -lata. ha'Ka4 tftvdn if. 65 his opinion-iiTat the Ohiogitlatuf a MiputiiuwwptuATOJWiiiu)goxn me Balelgh News and Observer (lit .l uiuUuAl j nan, proprietor or . tne larporoug lldUsRiHas leased the mammnt.h iwnri rhead City Botel for a- term -of -five. xroora on1 wilt iuiii ' tti. ' .Ai. - .. 15, as pnel of theleadlngeaside resorts' place to some capable Southern Repub- BlJrSBnufeJi- iiey wantea tnat gun spile fOtorar$f aTfcsWrief positi fane! Sbtitlrern ReDtrblitfan. i Piwmocrara fpe, jSfipate, r who will liave.amaiorifcTi.eveB.a.ftpr Mr . - i on the Atlantic coastThaMoreheadih' Hotel has the capacity X or ntertaininl2xR. w h jmmt K . . . j . s wharfage -and - such ; othef impr0YfV penis anaraodiScrtins the new'1 lessee deems neceasaryand desirable fir ' making this one of th first Tsummer rt- Two lie i-Tnelr- Am tiom Appearancei ttndnna: The street man for six t years of toil thev we: reeley almost daily, but congeniality, and dti 13 - .doootful , if the ei heldahalt hoiBJconversatiourjr Bi er nett howeverjjajarthe power of the ?4- H Vnmr..n N f a1 if nr TXT VlA 1VCI ll I nation, and ship - in the practicable, en ir, and you aa w en jfrank )urnalistic d Toll BothVHei jeley were tiods, bitlM the joufn- m as lth and di4 while ired wealth a metfhaof m Ifftheiourn- peixectroewspa !r was Gree- felons innett cared nothii Jor the" 'his paper so 4 long j pa tue ubiter A.C - -il 1 miiJi .4 fcv-n- r i rlV. tunnlamrv jio&did hecftre fr rite loss ftles las thepaper was mainwinegrTn ltsmooie destinj?aiHH W he said) "ex- peMii tieaae'Avtrj! .batbtrT-ae intend ed to makea paper iwliteTWMhody Cof decent cnaracier) migi-tiling -Lome; tning'of interestrffd" nothing off ensivl to morals. n or inis reason ne era Dloved writers of classical attainment ucrwhlch point he was utterly deficient Rpnnfttt nn t.hft other hand, thousrh a UalfewrorCl fcnnartwr ila IrTiAjui vters and wfia rkl .He metAl xnexe j uraar no fjl scholar, was hi- OX tree ldUW) U uia.g ivia on Bocierv. ana reauirea- spice rawer areganceeleyessayed the of imDrovinsr the race, -: wniie Jtsennett the tei we west. ThevVhoweW.'offly WaraiM a f ew1nandredf est. land fwtiel-taty years each labored in produciirg ttlsreat journal but what a gun Detween tnem i were Ann street editors, were both 6f slender build, but in expression of cegtnfre was ar TOSt amerence. Ecesjrretnt-ar, but thfy approached .from xTifferent dirqc- rom the Nassau street corner. Grae-f' though slightly stooping, lookid - ipta squat o iu tuc ittuc, nunc jjcji i Of ho iTl5)!arn?3rtaMewstok fTSJgntJ lit PiJ$!$P9wh;J eauisiye and ed a cane, ureeley Would: hate s awkward with the latter as he ould with a sword. Bennett dressed y. rGreele was a sloven. Beh- wntevaiegiAie nana (ne was once aoeacher). while ureeiey s caiigrapiiy was abominable, as an eaitor, lien siett'a forte wa tatate.while, Gree ley's teftd' wrlCRhe jtTald,iet aiuuies were uoue oyne sutnTWhiie the Tribtrtc'8 thunderbolt'scbote the. stamp ofMts chief. Both of tlftseinen were abstemious, and aithQixgfSejiQett was ofterrtheglpologist for jrice,'his habits were veo correct; Irjfc influence. ovryer, was aijvays ror sie.Kach ft tieseccjentriceaitors, toougltilladap ed xor courtship, became married men. y ew-ad Ies ;time for lovi matters 6r lessgraceto win woman'e-faor than Bennett, wit he iannouncedT: with pride his approachingvwedding. "The birth ht lejettne editextr ' was annonnged with stiirreatfef pride: and. whatra career that young editor haslendared! Both Greeiey ana Bennett-wen bbrne to n . i ' : u l - Ktetnoidal p Rerr Dr. Plwner. ' It has tten "determined-thai; some tribute oMhe mbstfsubstariatbtrab ter shouldce made toTthebeieinorv of Bev. William & Plumer, wno'diM re-" cenlyinthis city. RevsctJenLey bunj,.W.5i.Mu"rklan(3Joha OEJDftckus, and J. A. Lef eyxA ofLUaltunorevVhave issued a cWulasuggOsUngthatas Dr. Plumer lelfi but little monw jjflr his suryiyingamUy, Mit 1 believed to be tae most proper ana wortnyiJecogni-tion-of his eminent services to raise! a sum of money jas, a 'Plumer Membrikl Purid; to be invested for the benefit it ma two suuivrag aaugnters, wncusnai shar eauaHy iri-the interesCtherfeof du ring their fife, the survivor toe Wfceive the noie-ptooeeds after the alem 61 one, and the fund itself ta beJdve after the doiath the last-beaefioia to the heirVat-law of the two dadStt per camtaS- It is nrooosedjfo Mace this JuiidJuiJeThandsiJLEieT, nson and.Messrsj iiaiiauton faster arid vv . vv . spencer, w oe inariaged and final ly disposed of by . them. .. jlrs. .George Patterson nd iMrs. EhzabethtC. Pal- I have .undertaken the rK. ii li l I I uiaxf Droezist "Because as a Food-Medlclne. ther eh is a FoodvM edlclne, I ch the blood, harden the muscles. aulet the nerves, penect aieesaon." 1 A triil pack hi "BLACK-DRAUGHT free of charee at TTTTtTTTTTTTT 0ct24-6m lJXbtY.tMkS Mathers! iltftWjf tofttrs;!!! I Are you disturbed"' a) alright ahdroken en of your rest Dy a sick cnua iTUSg and crying with ine with the matt teeth ? I f so, go lat once and, get a, bottle of 800THfN& filWRrflt will suflerer Iraniedlately -depen relieve the noor litH dlatebMdenend urxn it : there Is tut take bouMtr There is not a mother on earth UBf VTIWlVlb, WI1W WW UU M3U JUU Ok VI mother, and relief and health to the child. lnffiiutem scriptlonol one of the oldest and best phyBi and nurses to the United States. Sold everrw 25 eenu aibbmri uam ujJlu -ic-j c novo AWOBLDOF One of the most popular medtajnesnow bef them up. -It Is not as plaa&ant to the taste as some other MtortjerttMtfief a whiskey drink. It Is more ilk aeUUfhMoietfbone set tea that has done a world of Wbd If tou don't feel innt Tate TVBLACIC-DRAUCHT;V and yoii 4 1 oct 2i-om . Tor.aal hv n T n s removes all skin eruptions and will rlre youi a nuuuy BUMiouiuuivii a unu ivul rjMir VUTUiO my legn being afleotedifflth ot joHsoraesnaed AimKle f Via ahmmab T wt OVm only laughed at the reformer and his Lend of all controversy. When thefee Gen. o. t. BKAimitainn Ar T i naYEAble'imenleft Ann street. oneJj 9erJUBALA.KABLT.otJa,-,,.UwffiW nt to the east ,nu ,Uia , oxner. jQntpe I Application for rates to clubs should m& I 'V X mf .1.. f T a I r- T J a 1 3 1 neia. I m 3l fniJfeJT11, H'M iMohsVwrMta'fteksnie jps.thoronghly teeated ft I am compelled to say Box of Literature, directing and encouraging 1 fbatltls a juecesst for f tsmhad tKMrlfnee irtth f acerent piiyaiaaaiiArtJnecUessQafsMtLnbth- ing u cure me unui i usea your mar uunne, wnicn nas.cuTeda.nmarkahly .-.bad case. . WlBhloar you success) I am yoart'reenectnillr. u ' Jomr Bzlu -ForsalebyPt J.,G . l . w mm ew - - I in - Bit iTs"'B!mhxeTreto44 llohd to;nadijrariaiyjrenDm. our, druggists and pujslclans for gen. neniai ana pnysicai exnauBUoa, nj dropsy, r,aiff riv it tf,Ti I tt$- juonot iauteeaii on yonrdtnggtet ftthTsfula ifua,gyfj star vainne cures JBS: fo&Ptiem I u lm rni Lll I I IIK.L IIHWH 1 IMM1 I ir inanawa 1 ' valuablf remerfor Coue other rec f. C.8mli ftnirui?,'r,!T0X t m,Vua?V v?1" I. tS' iftV"-C7CAn' M-i. ,na foraHftftttletof tllrwiel ir rfflar P. ra sour arorjsceiore a toia't sf d a at cf .1. Core's NIIKl I hi Mini - w iiu ir i nn fi f i n tyttopeopu qr ity State. A if TOTCTkWitw.m.i.i..i..w tu.v! h - jujuivu a riJi jw riM r m iim i : i ' I !f ThlS Institution n imlrt InmmvnlM bVlUtfiV .M fWW-SWJIW I J : tne JLeglslature of the State for Educational diNtilw .lit.H-.-l!'. .Isf-bi8:rl-ui n:a -im TWKMTT- ble faith has been renewed by an overwhelming popular of the State is pledged, which pledatsai "r ,! serve Fond of over S350.00O. TTjjIii Sif t vifiti-t.fii fo il ;Mlfiin us uttAMU ULNQLB NUMBER IrBlWINQ fill. If It nmw amlA nr 'muuu T vwM at fh. Anlii tnsr distribution; . . T mKaisRiDuaon: . i. ii mthGRAND MONTHLY h XXTBAOBPINAHT SKin-ANNUAI DBIWINGL at AxwuBusAN3,xTnsnATjxciifBKB 14th, 188 GEN. JTJBAL A. EABLT, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRT7.R aiminrm. t. tyNoncB -Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves. f 1 Capital Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of $100,000 . 50.000.. $100,000 50.000 20.000... fe.ooo... 20.000. mr AAA 1 2 Large Killed fct HO 4 large ftizes of 20 Prizes of 50 " 100 " 5,000... 1J000... .500... 8 VMl ' . Mfiwti lAiiua jruiSf t 100 Aproxlmauon Prizes of $200. . .. 100 " - 100.... 100 , " 75.... nrwvA m.w a mvaw wwwm-bih t2o,ob6,; 10,000 7.5P& 11,279 Prizes, amwiBtlog to nW e tCthA . Qfflet IbltieniMilYi ; mia , riZ RBU3. Write for circulars or send ordei 8' t , :; XL M. Av hea:4 MTArlnir mitw: cates or anythlnar else Instead Ing to offer anything else by circular or otherwise,. vu ma unu ucuan r taw oi me company, is a twtndler. . "",p " UJ., nov9-5w j - ong M 10 , i" - " I i eta ari . iitr sittbeijoUasSiiMonoiedBU : y TUESDAY, NpVEMBBjS188. 1 xnese arawines occur monumr aiwuir m Torlslooa of an Act of the tteBeraV wmWy -jqf jfo laeorporaung tnir mewpoif Frinuhj and Newspa- ewpbitPi 'lhU hOTpcc nefef been ro Thurt-cnon March 81. Distrlhntlon Hnm. fair. i " Tri ne uompany nas now on nand a large reseneq fund. Bead the hstpfjgrlzes for the ; 1 KOVSHBEB DRAWING 1 J S5a8 $30,000 i 10a.PJiz t ;O0 each, juI j X 1 0.000 2uu razes, 50 each. inrwi 600 Prizes. StXeach. . u nm 1000 Prizes. 10 each. 10.000 1.060 Prizes. .$1 12,400 Bemlt Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DONTSEND BT REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders 1 $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ez- t .J?;,AB1JJ?)MirJoDTOal Butldlnk' LwilsTille, Kyr or7!? Vat. 507 x 809 Broad waTr New York. Nov. 2j - t i .brfti .' J tls . . .siil A ! t I . Thirty thousand human lives, and twenty mil lions dollars worth of property sacrlfied tn 1 I 'i! 7 I j- the use of Inferior Kerosene OIL Pratt's Astrkr 1 OU Is safesnd 2tIQur4sQed from its i 2pHtt hH aszt.'! El .SjllUlS J'td SiU lO Dr. C ftalth, the .orDraggl, In, phajflc iilEUOjTlf? JATDKT-i i-.Tt CS3 Uis .sJjohBdO d " who keeps It for sale; has made it a pedaity.fbr i 1 eleven vears nast I Ami95 Vi.;lUp V ! m SB ceil -Ml I e80Of-OHVIA0 St. Mfholas for 1881. T. NICHOLAS, the charming j. ana cuus. eauea ox mql mcreasea so much in size parts, instead ofons m hererejoAa toltsxSktu fatlon. ther rerorfa tn of m:6 fie sverart monthly editions oT 1880 ever 1879. The anrif nounoements zor tne coming year include a capital; serial story for boys7IuIl of exciting adventures,-' "In Nature's Wonderland," or, Adventures in the Ameilcanrropicst Buries of Art and Artists, pt Mrs. Clara Era4 Clamef halthful outline of the history oMpianAj,MAth many Ulustmr tlons; "PhSBton Rogers," a delightful ana humor ous. serui oy uassiier jonnsoni "Mj story in; young people in the bestieaungThe' Agassis' As sociation, ruiiy explained in the November no nam- ber; "Two EngUi usn Queens." br Mrs. Olinhant: The Land of NodJ2. ehlldren's oneretta. with music, full ef charming tableaux and effects; A; series of beautifully illustrated Ballads for Young folks, begbMiM jih the,tPtinas,purber;T; tpmu udeser ;airytortes iir ramx u Buxxi tdellrsf otwblch tslA NdreifibeT num? I ber; Ah Indian gto7 by "Bright Eyes," the Pones., i Indian maiaeni a spemyaouiJ s j g to: iSur wtth to? JSan m7 toe-VofinJt? . 4ldrlAn. DBAtMlK Pururra. mrnif. -r games; vmi DC ontrtned;'wlUi 41' tpcuur Mftfporipuvus ueKuuuiig wuu me novemoer bum wiu fnflimu -we woneemu cnnetmi ner.v oi wnicn the land and 100.000 number, to be Issued oe ou eenu. c,-j-y. - j . i Regular prpq r3tyear!25 eents a number, tof f n k bbers, Scrlbner , A Co. 743 Broadway N7 w: . non27-tT , " k nl ttM ii J. iv r, "jjn cl f?rl fiKd rpBlJ yotm? ladles etryi'S!yt?s Society offeE,' "J. tl",'re"'iP',,i to the r"blle to Embroider both. 11-' - koore. on Be 3d- 00.. 0, KMfl - IAi ML PAUPlLCi. OHraMSTKXJTSa einvia.ni A v razes, oyu eacn, approximaaon Prizes $2,700 and number nf Utt00 w1feS6O0ritt Ena In ImeriiWyTht dHus of this iftemhft h, l4 H ess Dolls. Apclttcoff jjIi i ai .aceof the liisseg f e renlh s Lte t. I limy., mmmt & .TTHVH 9f jO-jbia.l aAj'lUafoIdIt' .14 .1 t i ojd ij.'.oih Vll't tVt'il i i tv (f-rf 'It -i f ,' .i w - f I : . . t l- .J " . f ' - V) - )ttVkikrV ii WrF.Tsf :'4 tibLJ ll .'bsniv-)i u,7Toni i-vti no oi ttmui ban bLAt flt n:llff! bnff ft-tinisty j iS i II ft rttwn tstL 1 MW 1r?PI1MlH It l)i4 lnuH .3f:'w f; la iu'.mipin! ; - i io? isiiiiirryuTtiiHiT.Y i7ii i qfia no j" w-.M! r'i; 'sii'f .'Jtf x' ?!J"jwi;5j i ,7Jioii.'3 i!e vdUo buifi ei ana ii$ti9trr Merthants a&& DnunditanlU d well tif-f. !iiU uhn X l!'i):i:.I li-f 4:i fin! vi(Mj;-j i CATAWBA GRAPE n .i v ! 2PatlNDSJ0B35tfa..: rul-..; ! - iJmf- -i.r. rAwteijl . i- .. -.i;l i B n c k i n g Ij.a m Carom eig' tv., iultrtyJotoi iglJ w i ! , Also, a nice assortment of Meerschaum Cigar and jnigaretto Holdera. ) ..i ifa'fry New Prlean s Superb 5 centtagar: ; nov24 -i , , , ; , . TipDY & JBROTIIER Butterick's -DECEMBER OTICX-VeftropeUtan Sheets fer December J pylWPajMUcaflorv as usual j but Metropolitan Sheets foFIanuarr and succeed ing sMnthswin not he Mtn awarbut sold at one' cent each. When sent by mall the price will, be , BUTTKRICXS CATALOGUES OF PATTERNS Vm hereafter be sold at two eenteeaoh atour counterTinall the Rteerntbe flvo centsT1." j iULf e words of xplaiiaaea for the ' mason1 f w wove orange may not: w amiss; xno. ei poutans ana uuaiogues.paet us eacaotiy tni we DroDoee chaMmK f or themTthereisnc. sage and postage we pay ta addiooni. Ixhe; 1 VII IT .9jixiif;tt'n) HUN baui: fcx ,v'.flIoa I i ei WMH halo s ana oostate we oar ra addiooni. iTatr- iret..ilT Tntn-.'.. . vi.w-c : npi baengiTto to uftaaapAiw aUran. eosta , us as. above, antounttag , to i nearjr inw nunaiea voiimiB panu&uy. xnis is .mora una im paitem Dusiness so we must tuoerxiveiia itee arga fraiitn- Ipgues-and Monthly Metropo .asnions,., ., aes; J 3 i;.l j jyoi'rja i !: ltd x 9fn3ellartesfftsfoiuAeMJt83Lfi,!i! TWA ' aWaw p- ii i n-'aJhfooBBtanQPtf hatid o?.Dni: j Ir-ii-ii-- .i iiJ- j.- . f t j-i ift: Afl i' i'l-ffiVT.i lnen and lnenWindowhffcleS Pht i i itograprn ana AUtogGtpn HiAiotuns, ; . Blank Book-Hymn BoolrAJW" . szs.m-. w-.; u; -iSoOKS; MeT- I ft! I .l!l::t- w j.:-ifd-JII.Wwir;'i .is 1 i ; fiii fp!.f2fif -iWG Vim B f 'I rT i'lbiieMH bvgS - uiwee o wkiu (svery t reel.. next ao to Charlotte oteLpir enNpATathey wii delivered ill ha- iiill ttwlJtiil .d few; .iu:5,to IffUsU'bJiaij iwUl b'tvoi'Ttat iftltiwUIJ 4 i I .y!f -.n::u to .'51 iti3' -i fBlKAtGlass.and Crockery, SlwPteteaWarei J tociXflses,TpUet SeisMaJollcaWarBas? kets and a General Stock of House-Keeping Goods. The Dublk na esDed&llT the Ladies, era tnvttedtecalland'see the' haadMwnest stock evert eauHBitearnvnanoaev i " JAa.'UAjrri. a aDY24 .,. na-'-ansirt 5CTro "if ! sir j iWiifitJI J(iJAf iti AIUI wAyiSl-1 .TU 1 Jf5alsfed offers the aJKveti&afyejproV jf-twtorreritmemofeara1.U Issltur, ateaintMceni r the hnsfnAM-nortiAB r th lsjpd-4iTiited 1 air-respects for a pub- bocse iLrBOIytSS, Arfi .ill aev27 lm 3-HONEST7 ia.rConeniKey.rshted.lafoJ a found oa jeJfeen-1-,fe"ay-TJl i , 1 .w.l;' v it f AaJ Will JHSOTT Dine Daromsflrca titan EboW' J sti&i VeTVetrrPicttr;,rA 3raels IfassnsMaUpw ? y iMiitJ y'r .uiijiiK noilwoqys j ess i" r"t rpuiar" f,jnjw- it are ci i"""anop4.1Nue Manmonnian 1W dl .tftd ncci Ct tixriV.eHJaTib fehi-jH.JIolmd'J.f i4'Iutiit 6ilT .aTOilCHnihtjU j..ia 1 uoiiit)noju id JBfcJlJ rwirvf unno . .. . Wa ' All I '!M l-.'H' . vU'lil- 'i.l(I frii In ! iyh J n-ra oil r.iioh-.t'-1 ' - L-J J.:R x!4 BWv A flPtled-Unseed Jifift Rimis ri'til elf no ii tuiVii kh(m XJ xl 1 WMnoi i ti 1 J; i3i-ii;ia jli'.v H 9,IrrWIvBAed l!'i:-' nl JO6i j oTb? m.uv7 io y; ,n iy;x;iit hanvj y, i-jru tn ifi -j. ;.s . - . l:u:-nrl 'BdCkjp9SnaJS''. li'iiii 1jic kjijakuni31 ,ce,J:',,I L. R. WRISX9 W.- STOPSNeZiiAYoNCIL . , , . 0 M. 'il -t it-,:Hn .8ol4hyIi.RJWKIST)NCi. 2 yftSSWwdefw t:bejae?ntdy t .woufiJ uoJJw ai loiiiLiiioa laidii as v-ScW;htRA,Rl8XOfiP. noilwf no m bKkfin SdJ jUJVS-iq Oj i56 ; ,iiiiili-U Aji'uxnaa FAD) l -jjj;ira i the lolyttlsiJjaJiWjW fffPWPf- duJ8 i-vo .11 frHtlaiiivml YleueiY lA eljiil,Jii'i no 04i;"fi I) 'qna rr Bf fti Foreign tad Doaestq i-l t aiid ziv.lUi.t't lu'l-Ji-i siii bji 7 3HV, K. a ; ;;:! till tiu quii eiftAttlltfOfilA.tiyiCHYV i I'.'.'.V! yretaSexaeA Sprmgs A ne water' reseW 'tt biuulhirinitiertedMeb2!Beot(mmended i as a an antacid; cures Dyspe al s Digestion, Is a powerful 4onfo9aiiiPuuug 7 edanmendod very highly natnarUojuid jl- !t I i j i. i w' ft l'l I ! 1 . .nufl i ... - Ai A .d:;.,ifB 9rii ft SSUITALQ.ILIZBIAi 'Oil'. iU'jbWTt i ArfUllssuppU Ajf (imported e n fl!J . .' . ' I-i J.:HJ C.i l-'.fJi ji . 1 ' . ' - A0 A UA 1 1 DokA wuie glass full bafOrt ffifeaaxast, w faaaefuiTmyaai JanosvTvBaron, t, tftnirlts'richnessjn aDerient teltPit thatef another lmeM waters i ' Tj irii-BKask JrttfwW'unyadl YanoUr The most, agreeabte, safest sad moat efficacious .rWrWt' -'wi,: fun. ;,' 7j;: : "pvtirttspr i6rayjehna,M ea teese waters witn remarKabie sneoess.' mwor.ftMJMwt Wuisebui.--I prescribe none" don. "More pleasant than its liralVaadanrpass es mem in emcacy, BosDttan NeUeiOATPre ferred tb ?ullna uid iriicvi. 'IfJfioiiBrM Diilkiiifiaia- leal "Oili r.i vxifo eifixi:f. .i ! tN0KtSnttCsi:8lU-Jii ' CBABLOTTt, ' At) C. PnM .i.itn .ti-;uxtu;i"fn ..i.r-i v:''i ! UkrAiSiTin r. --; t '-.nil : . i Whenvoucaneetatour oar fountain Saratoga Ex-1 itetior Mftifetal WftteVifiaf ji TrtmK nnd KhArfcriarf T as wnen liaom fn spring Saratoga1 'We J I to; Hania .bloek Ubj reservoW I i reserve-this IMMUM 1 m. iii JW i i , i ( i fci .iVI ifiisi ' 'a -shiiI'j :jill in as ! li i ; ; JUST BJCCEIFID BT ! . ; r. u: j itiii-iV W'lnfiUKH Vl7-tYi.l J im. JHHk saee.ao0i lbs. Gra.!Black tax's .eelatlneL l: 1l t nowefr-amallt fi.ei Oermeii Kmbimi ftWflnasi Bjroj-sibaUit hiijjjfiii T if,J7 ... ?,r r-..' rt- n!J i."-n.ri? k. , Ulll It "2 vDeaoarat and Home'teyJ & 'fi &i u t7 yifr v -.- . i fc r , i . C INCJ establlshedan 1873, we have had hi ' ,hiiiiihh vt reel K. Trenows2 ttls froduc tHet ;0 pf Ifsrktoi , L.TJJJJU.r.111 TOM ritMiiWAiriRv ma MXIWWAI 1 1 1 1 UUU1 . . .... y io . ' 1 .J ? 'i. ' : U If IIL1UIIVr A-' VAA ii yjxa J'O ;f,Mi ) A HH iLA AAlJ t rr mil mm f1.J !.! S- i i rSf I hV FXr!U. VJLIALL L.I II Iff . fT -.W .A .Vf . A . 1 1: i- !.- .( . : -.1'. .A ... .: .-.TpT" f kit-bid VJhh'i ii.rui,i ! iino'wts ut. f;7" "f" '' Has just returned from New Ton with the finest , k of - ,i nn llx.H-'i.ua ) .v .t i-r.:T ,TSfA3I(n)GT-.-., a iiius ') 'I 7 :.. PLATED tiTlf WARE, 3 7- . li -i h ThahwSioidiwihla abovesadiaJtrlftiluaLitam.juMi nnin mind. I also have Eire Hundred Gold ami an... 5iSHTh?reBBtteE to aBK him, Sad don't be decelved.by fellows that say .they are "Butler " ' Bespectfully J ff1- 'iUtii; 'o: : f ' ' J. Ti BUTLER, . octal H n; ; Carolina iewelryfitore. TO THE FRONT! :J -if h E; J. AtLEN, V AND W. A. TRUSLOW, , Respectfully, announce that tholf facilities for are now COMPLETE, and with their Fast In- creasihg' Patronage- they hope to convince the people of Charlotte and country, that they need ho longer snftfhelr work' North. They do not BOTCH work, but WARRANT very Job. Their stock of GOLD & SILVER WATTES will be large and complete, aud their elegant will arrive soon. They guarantee 'better work and bettor , goods than e u be found elsewhere in CharlotteY novlS ' i-. . .R. TBAnfs eeiHO aot. DalDec.257&f No. 47 ' No. 4ft 1 , Dally f Dully f Dally lex. Sun v. Charlotte, x.ej i m w Mm I 8.60AM 4:10M ' B.08AH 6.64 pm , i81 am. 7,0pm 10.23 ax ll.OaAX 12.20 PM .80lM .0dA 4.00 PK 10 00 AM " Bausoury. r High Poiat Arr. Greensboro Lv.Greensboro' Art. HUlsboro. t Durham, Jt .Belgli Arr. Ooldshoro 6.00pm 10.22 pm 11.54am 3.00 am NO. 47 Connects sjt8ausbnry with WI U.C.B.B. all points hv Western North Carolina dally exoept Sundays, At Greensboro with R. ft D. RA for all points NortrvJast and; West, At floldsboro with W. & W. R. RVfor Wllrnlngton. No. 45 Connects at Greensbore with B.-4 R R t ax petatsjNofEas and West No. 5. DaUr ex. Sun. Dally. laiOAK 12.25 pm 8.40 pm ,462ra 84pm 46 pm 7.0ffAM .ft It) AM 11.07 AM 8.45 pm AtrvDnrsam b-&80PM :' .' V 0.56 AM T.80ATI aro Y.OUPM Lv. 8.20 PM Arr. High PotoVf- -ft 5 9 Salisbury 10.16 PM il;t1m Charlotte, 12 27 A M No. 48-rOoanects' at . Greensboro ; with Salem Branch, at Air-Une Junedon with A. ft C. A-L. BaUroadforaU U DOlnts bouth and soath-WesL At Charlotte with C, aft A.'R. R. for ell South and South-east. :i JliJJ, 'a C. .a AiL- RaUroadforall DOints Routh and South- li.Mu oJiIvOreewporo,6fDtSJhidAy, f.flflpw JvelfomeraflueTw, .,,, ;,0.QQbni JlJArMRalflit4 ' ' inert iT, Arrive Salem. 10.60 pm Leave Salem, " ArrtTOernersvllle " Amva Greensboro, . " ' 5.00 pm - - M . 6.40pm fnMrtJngai. tow 1 wjjtytrajns on bs R, 4 .".ana oijji flMtappracABS .vfrwKrr CHAire ten ireensDoro indlnmu la t And on Train Nos. 42 and Afi between Boston ;and Savannah.-' r . Through TlAtcntu on tuiln ttt Gmniiham. ItAlAleh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and .'CnartotteTjand at all principal points uoutny souto-west, west, Konn and East For Emigrant rates to polata in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. &. Iff AnMTTRTkO iii .iii' i'r.' u ften.PassencerAeent. 555 ' FBOMTQB UPPER GAROLINAS. : i rjji. xX4 r. ) r ' ' ' Mir- fcwniiM'.t' '11" ury Railroad brU' troa Wadeebero,' casr. u.n.i v V!lZj!brvaaiam dh&Ti Floren imw lne to, Chariest on and Abe J nd x r &w'ily invited the attention. Of-alL ship per, S idaharef thelMwsmesa -w U I Forratas and all hflormaUeMnouh-ooi w. SlSitil Sdl-Jtf MejrtxrifPasai Agent 9 i