3HAS, B. jokes, iditOT ISliwrtnletion of tha Western Sorth Car ,WiDiT tm' mQmaUqawW1 J. ft. ArSaOOMKaAMHATrPH " " ' 11 in ii i ii ii ii i m in TUESDAY DECEMBER 14rl88ftrii TOE NOI1TU CAKOLlIfX KlItltOCAn facts which come to the surface, in re? sard to the comproSu of the Mortal Carolina Railroadet&ks proposed by the commission appointed by GoTerno jjaxvis, and agreed P7 the bondholf ira, that we feel justified in alluding to it once morehe Charlotte Democrat argues agsV'vratification of the Action of the iTOmBiV10111 wnat appears tp uato beaWt&raisappreh sion of te;fafo:ici be Huderstooiot pittlStiKjto quite iifferent light; ;The Ifemocrifc says tha the bonds ughlflajfeottat 6$ cents on the ooliara Jthej Were only Worth that amount when the act estab ishins the cemmissiontwai passed, and lat the proposition of thrpmmiott I to fund them at pari This is not the ase. Tne oroDOSiMOOrJun we nave phown.isnot tp reniwhe bonds, dollar for dollar, but rtopjy off; aij old debt with a new one,li vitei'r the same oUaterai;iwimottytiyeaes to .run, caling thield debttto 80; cints ottthe ollar and is .a dernier remrt to'-teave he'nmta;ble6ow owned y the State. AgaJwe Bax$ aireaay hown that the dividends paid toj ublio-treasurer, by- tfae-railroaa (even mder jts present' lease) - wilWoolooiTy ay all th4iaiertstti these niawt bsUtjC rerimmend the ratificatiopf ut will furnish asurplus. which con-J the work of the commission. The com-Tdoui ut will furnish Asurplus. "cli erted info i si Afar uM frU;bd si ient to fay jffil the1WW)14 ndw debt at pi in In of stock ow wndby lifat In tbo orth Carolina Baiiroaa, without tax- ngthe people a single cent These are ncontrovertible fact;, ,$ PEfC?i$rw stand the case. The construction bonds proposed to e settled by tattfyjQj; thftcfteUenjg tt$ ommisnait dete,otth Carolina Railroad, as we hare tned to howareayrWWMbW iotfiiisvmeW'hy f hlT 7SfltfB?t!Wfttt bet ,000XWrtotflB? iirtbwromt -pledged as ollateral, and as much more as the utnJlmlU I(7 ooOanf fcTCif tlia fearA (bring on the auctioneers block, in lne ker of a notohad arailed oirnejecteanay hisfcMig ion i Mi UpoalnyespgauoR we find tiat tie. irransremenVrOf t&ia deb! ibtiothUtitf Jtate oanret&ii rapidlytippreciating stock' inth-&nrOadhas been under fconsiieratioh' for fwetyears past, and. luciiueruioij-'uiiumuupou uj as xww eaded and asoodousiness men as the tateTTas within- her Jwrderspiauit Whell t if ted down ft purely a mattejrof J ess. The certlrflsaw f tate stock isowdiehilUpIV eceiver for the bondholders, appointed n the Swazey suit, ah certainly goes nto tne auctioneers nanas at me ma- nritV!nf ttiAhnnfl if tK A pit is nit , 1 , -r- - - t- J- jof stock is to be placed in, the han jthe State Treasurer, joi trust oral ties concernerati&ftH amadaa uaen aid stock are to be paid directly to him. r. PhimDertbfefeKiTtenilErjaiaiS- teharg"dAahdnisNfuHes Vill -detolVff hipon a paid,.publip. offieer- the State- ii.ieuuret ouu tu una waj save luc State many thousands of dollars yearly. Under thet J of. Assembly thftStateJ 'commissichierract In adouble capacity :1 poy eompeuijj sis commissioners, and mey, receiveJtnd liold all the old bonds(M!fc$Ofctii; such time as they are directed to be Cancelled by the proper authorities SiVhen these old Donas come into tneirj lands, as trustees they will have con trol of the Swazey suit, and willCofJ teourseaismlss?irnd 8 enornlonl Itoe'nsea in the ye now anoi'ees; jcosti landWoiaimiss!on$, KuihdjhoTd. the old bonds in trust. Let us revert ancjresoanall situation. Our former calculation was based upon? flie'la'ctthiattliere-tasbeen Jup to tlwsi?a3hWW Mr. -Phiiirps. $3,WO;Geo:ere--iseue: iut $200,000 were aetttednthej-fitatc't interest in the Jlalelgh andCacW rai 'road.leaving $2,794,000 stui outstanding; ! m a. a. 1 a. somft !?? fw,?ic-9 Ff S?J5S? comrmiseaif kumefn u ui plan of the commissioners tr thfcorf Womise of these bonds .this5 Certificate aa of Jestfoyd;andlt Wfliwaw wstynaw'the Senate 'He tirWfiowWer?that the Ao4ae WwX'tfttUk4 miiv matmhou never reach, but it is sufficiently accu- ratQ.tnnase m xaicuuon ropon.up-tf this aebtuAtfe1sVndWJdt mififfrl on of interbsi debt $S3244i0aCh btndrboid&oJjr pose to give up these interest reomr and UR?T VfYT PS' yTu11JrrBL about 8l)oW MHhfcft QeMsiTh' State-thm-83Tes-ee2e to begin wi The inteT5stc ion 1800,000 or lsl b&tM4C?.cCfionhe ! Tonnor if M A"r.1AnxtihteTesrnayiEbleirt !! Li 'l lyaoie a hi ani! October. ThftrMsterestvdue t leased, will pay ojLLLlatlofl VII f- TT-.,, -. . .it uf March a 3 per . cent uiv. - K - MtvAainrinT ooo, whicn wppw. tnvTL.; infrAAL and 'Treasurerands of,e33,00 to Je aaHSflMt'Sfiaturity. : The SaJ- fand. NowliW this or iTttom sho that tUsamoantof fSrnenlse Km 4wi ,000 of which hands for the benefit: of the bondholi 1 .1 . . v- . . IS! ...Ik una uaiiroaa, which e canno 'TfrfrVtrPT Ha delayCS, in ii y - v.. i , jagjv in contemplation, uie proper . wu "vastly more valuable, and Ions; be fore 'the new. bomb hare, matured, we may'confideiiypectjto see the value Of the rba&Jabd manchises very nee igaih : Tl commissioners do t Sreclmmeni U Mbk W &i nds fed: Ue oldobf : to parj duj pi oat Scents onlhi lM o IveSj an old one amounting w 9140 ($1,000 in principal and $240, accrued interest), and paying this at 80 cents orr the dol lar, In a new bond which is to run forty years; andwMeh canber paid off ?asi WUV TTU 1 V WJI VUW " out a dollar of taxation. the bondholders, commends itseii to ev ery thinking man, who will take the troubiaioaooicto it- fly ff !- yits!lh4iialiiesitateT9r to accept an extension of a mortgage upon his property when the creditor Surely not? Then if good for an indi vidual, why not good for the State ? WItwelv,,dfctorTSftfie Caroliria -IUiIroarna9diri&0l tin look after the j9m$fc)Y& Lilfee company. It may well be said that feonn'the Welfare of ano largely intprftsififloflj jtbe Star We have been Informed-tha the wor pbinfeffiy tlieTOY?rioi xavist jftomioru jhc WW octiDr" 1 ists 6t -the taxpayers are certainly safe in such hands - jTTese"gfiemeBT iate"! ftjflTSl thiaquestion longand wen. They say with one amrd- Tt thfi fw.hffmfl frt the Legislature will sav if Governor Jaf vis fU Ms afciffKraftrtautten sinaldsr e.naB6T to. ubmiL,the.xiueationL to .the representatives of the people. "i Jc; 0:;.r i.t tiL tcI ii?;Hj;rn h nl Wor i-4 Th "Mfiwr Vnrlr TTeralrl. nn Snndar. aaidaoJnrgirig the Democrats in"Cdn1 fgreffl to adopt some measure of civil service reform : "More than all, as an act fcf public policy, tne dassdgi ciTi!serinoBmeasuxii rwonity to the crediC otran hajpafaaiiri opinion oxiair minaea men Tcnrrtsde votion to the best interest of the Union, its respect for the national, obligations, ad its congemtrmcouiHgCKuiugfoe ftorafCb'mWisslon. hJclrtd adfl frA hia rrnrd a anund antl thnr- ough civil service reform measure it KDisa repawearaMorvuie fidi(g Ihjountrlyiyre campaigns. Vorw frna lint. Jon't. it. stranira tlot. you.neyer tauno. c. am oexocev i a ne J Herald was on both jsides juntiL after ifcJ 1 4 Ls ft 1 11. toeiaaianaeiemon, bco 1 did yeoman Bervucd f or the .OMit Hd-i bilier candidate. Now that its utter ancerjan;taOTreffepyt states tht tn meaoCratiQ tartr is ileteled ho tlift DestTnterests of the Union,!our nation 1 YbeMii 8 M inei jpemoprat al obligations and. its yconrvative Xhp4ar,teachabh3actable,thi amtse. U 3 Uf O ilT3 i Hlffo? gJploynMhwiiutarljru It helned to boss the iob of r.lanintr lauaihledwitB 'siriSes, antt"Statet helped to boss the job of cleaning dot JfcWy, andfqr that ibis entjtled ;tp-J the thanks of the whole country, but the Democratic nartv can live without its-f ulsome praise; when it. oostanethj-ing-er mean nothing to 'give it.' 5 u ' 1 QareVofA .ttkiM&f onxe guojept oi.couoa manuactoraJ id thufttfromtJtiett'of MettVl r- -i. a - , 1 . - I uitsa tne uuuiect careiuiiy, anu snows ,Wtot;iWlwhe4frti PlJelribul pbusn the ar- the wheel, v We waablagtvn Topics The Ohl Sena tnnip just from Ohio says that lie saw Gov. tne gismuMartataUr3 eierelsn.AiiM heme?4an baVinfe fe tf" "1"rlllr ""r. xay aistanChgTln'rairaoTSss'Poster with j Twaritate aaters m t&wnoTOiafsi Vf3A', makint i Himself U B4ye4lfet helgofng frWaone- distil to another in the State button-holing U?fi3latora in the eftort Uet .votes f ocH arrhsa sAlbnofhf th Legislature, ecw .. H ous that oftsuit&Lirin n aoow, isiiui isaaiiamnossi to learn the sentiments of the Demo r. rati ft .s mnmhni mi t.h mUitnrv mm. nil, .iiih '.tmihi- Utonia rint. it " w refuses: KeV Aatter.vEaAaenV UAo3rai lwh is on eood terms with the members of mSitary cgmitaelafaafriHe 1 tsithimh atjjiubricln dams s snoma ne paid ixoni, the ULwlAl 4 liUi JEtiiiVUaUAAM VUUi . 1 ti ii u t xirmrTi a t iATtmi I or toe House win spend mucn more I . A. . . . V . ' . I n-4bviheJUDUblican ancnsJast nisrhL taetnb4 du - - -- - liUuouiiMaiiuma. nim a a.rr i iiiii i claimed far a ndjaj 'niwtTr wW BeditirwiU be Im tosllbTr fo'-paarthe f esolution, and as tne Democrats say it is of no practical conseaueno4-all7W&iiiVFA to letltiga VTtTjmitti rjnessfrittM prpeeed with. .Any, J m pnrtan t. linai n wfc tnp xonwnwrrnOT'ariii-intPi s parw "vnwuua aaaa, , wumwk w(p on an Dntrhign hti' Ins emplo i : in . . t- 4 A ? a 1.1 1 UUinaitBieeaci iromJUaiinjiajU.xoinis th EKJUSinKr nf ,iooi (.uxiii nsic-a di it w i !.-!). f t ,i: -.1 n;i 1, i. . n jlj-ut ,.en W5I aa4 T1IE SOVllIEBIf STTAPiK. Cttoa nan : tt. a . fixr Uoveda There are seme ; 10,000,000 cotton spin dles operated in the Union. In the y ear lonn nniT nineteen vears away, there will be 2ooo,00& rjebeeaasetlw increase of popuiationran expoiioife of American eoJaswiil demaiUiaemi Ant. fpnsn.L ia. in" round numbers. . In 1870 it was 38,opt, an m- ets or inirxy-ono auu i., h tea years. Tne same raja ox . Assrease aorftlfiB next two decades jwiugraaKe it itft- Tnn antrtrpsr. i.iiml Trum mibu uj iou. and for each succeeding Pf&Jt ty years, the M(3ompeaa;tecW States Census" showman ayeraCT w crease of over one hanaredraadjCOrtjf nr cent. This rati fat rwVfwi m i7H trWpifi nsiOVer?90aX:i in iafcthirty yeSafei:Sa5 Dears thattwenty fF0anf fcisWWair fcxDect a DODulattoi Mrlrdoubteth Mfthe preswUaca;aiJsi asce; fails, the cteatedyej neoule towfi Jnaata f ontifersm ftSttonSfcods tjieoiiirfed frd ted States milimjMtt tp&mft new produced VWthta pem hVwnnn of snindlteilL TjiBxti Tin'ri-nw fhfl informal fnrnteBn tfj Qostof the spinAeabwlttuse wjtt be worn out ofi otnerwiso utcwu, tJ'rtvrT:-'; --ji,-vt - A, 1 this ex half nf onerated bv steam, the ethBT'half Iff K IL 1 UB TTICT KtCt-oJJwtf VJ jundseach. This is equivalen over of 1870 imaianainBGif, apV - LOOO.ODO lave t)eefi iAmifai Ired fry 1879 It yiicferalil73 V - . 1 well Jasi iUT t WteTpowrff The requisite power for 1,000 spindles as Deen Tanousir v -1 . 1 1 en eftweaiy-nvo norBe- siJeechr have been accel- rati Rinee the introduction or tne Tmeriean rinsr spindle, let us take (in- nsvtw-A TFw on nnn nnn at am n nTPR. AvTLrr J -a. v.vwv-ww w - HI 'thls'Wtmwnidfl-OftOOe hoise rTTxr'PTxm. tttk rrisT ' . iJUVUA v - ngipes 01 tne country wirMfae7rsU,eoattpfib of six pomade oft cj&al per.thors jOowjeE, per nour, or simy puuuus per ujr 01 wsu hours' work. At this rate there will be required 24,000,000 pounds of coal daily, or 12.000 tons, to do the amount of duty requUfefi. I sif))$e the ayragSCQof ai will ef Tffi DaVfiB Ol r Ail At) .rflaTndf4r a-We- e- Tfisrr of'sryxiaTS or iaBu(uuov'a. to this the wages of! enjtlneeraflremeil. and laborers to nanaie inecoaitQe excess of repair, cost . '01 elgmes ov E2t. friWHhsi! thft excess of i-fil RoTretna few gills dairysaiWfaflfficH for a turbine of 100 horse-power maKing ieightv--3!eV61UlUlia -iffii jumuier I . " . a. A greater coo 01 engines; tne cunavoiaa-. bM VvTTPFt0011363 aadi if ti anaMMsMT638 dlrlgWf-5rertli4h5t $15, 000,000 is a low estimate or the annual Ufstrofr Bteam tppwer -fi 20,000,000 of AmlearwOTlfeemsll What would be the-cost witn water-nowejrx xnecity . . a mi. j HugusUIGa haslbuUt aCaagBinfcedXt indleaiiowl2,i ipacitricfivireati xharge'of Xi0 pe: power, or me. per norse-power per aay. vne nundrea norsrpower canal hank- fiao- ittUtatfetaiai tion three-tenths or l. percentr-to oe. Weefte&fen'ln&aad fbrOtfcA State finances are in a most saijgfafr tory condition. Georgia has floafe'cru ncenfbqnds at orse power estimated would 00.000 instead of $15,000,000 by steam, a saving or nearly i3,oou,uoo an end of ,$260,000X100 in .twenty wm.-j.Tf lii aba vaaTOijta rwaierpo rhhafiein iieimlni 8803 ijvitrupQnia. 11 j-tnatelaie ne t labor .and storani ai,te?fo KeraftteWs Itaaai, pbtrer, I at the thirsej nxus chean buildins materials, abundant and pt&fcfctety Street, iSare JcfaJ lie AXLfhe Senate today; knthtnixing the Sec- doubt of the greatiy superior economy of water over steam power. RESOURCES OF THE SOUTH. Water power abounds in North and South Carolina. Virginia. Georgia and laai&JanfflaitabQleun6Vrin other Southern states. At Augusta tne sup ply can be doubled when needed. At Macon a similar canal is practicable, which can furnish an immense power. af Athena iia anrt it Immftri cinUy,theTe aro numeroos f aHsof ItapaTity. antkat other s ore vbiv fiineHhenattRbooeti-rkU, in this State, falls 112 feet in a distance of hrotaH h'off a Qnn KhnniT Tf lis Hk. ti The river, risipjf fa, w j i i or ,upper ' ueort iMtile'titei aI5ti( it es v ireinia. has a srreat fall as it flows nufiwiw nvurj wnnin i mm; hbntas"and Cai)ta1irt3mithrwaTiderei(H utl moria: Virginia. TK nd .nwaaaauga river in a aUeffo! water power. aTln .Louisiana. X under- faand thiiieaLverv fine; water vpower, Bonhei&ifeMor all toVfplrhaps, V w 1 ecLMarsKLcome. Tne union e&Jthe 20,000,000 spin dles by A. D. 1900. Where shall the t w ioc&etuuixnf are xmiisn wagon loads, direct from the fields; weigh . it on wagon scales in the milfyard (as you ds hay) gin it In the mill and convert it into yarns immed- 1 ateivivA Aav reoeired in tnis way in ,tne morning tif Innnr inio, iaiiiess nidhfi. I Jim liavli 6ie t se of itfalliti bbatddri sis om fcweJTfcJxnonjna il reacheMtantjmilur CarwAny. s.irw5tive -Deatm tnafejfs, inner fjxjiotbt f fihp.r whiRn nave raQrwiasseea ll&xtalrii'fau ide r,7 WW htm 1 4oo ie ib nSLHtIT.aaU 4 at ItiCh euDsxeiiJP nii, iswwawa Ubir Gbfri TSX TaUUlUUlltl BflgW "HPUM HW.IJtM I the m I yarn whferfnii Tr&oMHiM BDliMVi PfWoflPiir nark fid. jUintar'a-Daxikaffi Hraoie-i v . rvt "'" i uuuo. nuibu vtvuwj xif-p -iccu 1 I W Xh rTmnt fail t'- rauch for4Sputhern, ;-&tej-r;,:,Uiirc-;:;:ft rm;u tomac, buf mucE"iarerav ailable hero. at the cetten-nelds, and never impeded iyice. ; fi - U! i- it - - the-cthje. t or praIsssi J - W - mm, 15 v -ar- j : Northerm ma! lfar iii ow in desi'Ti af I cc 3r; inz skill.XrwVloV so; but in the manufacture of the heav ier cotton cloths and of the lower num bers of yarn we are firmly established anjiperfeeUj successful, as the .extrame-:. orthern Weavers give up to us the of t6nj of, SfWtfhernirarfiS yfrfothug Simply because we can spin as well 2 8 an v'other SDinners and Ttidfb ctieanlf . MAS If it wef f dt sO-Woil'tnfee'isitKirut andithrifty people buy 4-hsV As we in crease thenprataot&mtef urwen 'motes and; more mills will be started. or tjhjLQ, whiii wh will n constructed "Guton 1 fi(5 tdreds of thousands read yourbn ht IcttsmanoJitan journal. You caifra imtM&Wb:tectrM&A; vil-accecfctlie U1UUM 1 - ircj innv. 1 ir hiii ri n 1 n trr nruir 11 11 m rm r-vi air 303 1 yarns, and xn.en , , uie pimters ;or Tne, ajKuot tvw if?, s .? ffy M.My . 1 rtalWA cioro pe.nrinup inerermq mm 64 t w51ariasf 1 diataanoauia Mpgress w tra pwerrya the-unifof vtmmf mmmlwmim ikinirefl. tuat wm sqoa pariiBeaear -v Jserortt tne end of Mw.ceiithty(SherflSte8 JhjB jt.accumliwtionu; or weajth" at will not dnl y be verv'rHTh'nnirttS'. v iW Ite re Wrested ? nfy 00 :t4ii snaklJiw tnem'tTt)af' t'vvst weflrui'amiA souwanfl'fAcrbsstwe' aters'ftnii let wastiniHaraRwi-'pweroin i tne AUatftfoarldfteiigSlfiMirnessSedi arid! 21 tJ . .1 ) it fii blilViltlll .I.. I I- tne ranK or S6rs?e . . 1 I 1 z -: from thevayy, oi oy: brdmotfdn mm v6ttjit iSttat bttre.au;: & held .that thti Mrfaaii -cv a. military 'atment.wafia ds ' iiJ remalneoY sMt Head1 Anlrl h a fnilifarv Affir Ola fek Vest thought thattnavai"emcers were yi tiakiiiia better taotifeuch.du-,. ues. xne service w.aaU0onger essen tially military. , . Maxev , opuosed -any change Tri. .thiS mHn4ry. snai pe, mie py . gnMOUOA.oTlttndO the .yflier OTiJO p33:t0K,A;i iffeied ihe amemimerirah Wf Mf moved W fly,1 mMlrWOT? vlMWiffi".ffi vu w-p Ar i W$ aJrrfit,'W1daae,se I lSrStdm?m tiani VCfi dnaid YOtedfye; ater; th!a atj biuiuAbcu. f ....... r I the; fifofrees ofthte AmrioncpoopWa- BTe;rtonT'bertd terx1 W4; 8slrM cJvOTeAicY;mWittee toiiaqWentoVtM DrDprfersuoU' atttv'rjV"aDiiointment? oxnemetnx) uouautti LdnalrV LWM AOfffiCait.. .. i T '1 hblrittnfe Hf'a hnriliTYttt 'to wWfiMnA'iJiUL !Mil;twe:wT6ftiitoIThT i j(vauuuuuiL raw Diijiniim toaU6At t that If the to should not sfi At4.ca.trie SeaatB wwt uiritb?arr exlSWh'rtWAi wire reuuniiHU. iui uurnmi. i jJones, eSens i; bfrrorrda,' mtrodhiced wnw retary of the TreatRtf9i4ettttfBhase all the lands he may deem necessary,, adiar, cejnt to the site occupied by the public' oaiiaings lately destroyed Dy nre in Pensacolaand. po eet suitable (fire- rooipuouc miuings uiereon The ufwpproer jriates S5ff.00fV f OP trrfKWttrJ i 1 : . AT . I ffleniberf tlibtof mutd. fi Ji aentiais ?1 mm electl' IMcKinieyJof xWatfffli&fflafr uiurd stated tnat xo ldtn of May, ?78, a lawt Ihad been,, passed by. the )hio lirMatiir'crearlFtthe,hine- eehthiiifetEjc valUmti hu m tnntii 3uH jfT jjtrtuQ) wcctBii MD(iiiioi'JBterrupung. 1 1, TheJcbBtiileate of ifftectkra iiietelaTjxttiiw ltsaiafcetisjiatotm: etnliii Lnitd nid fit iJtaiHxt3iitaxiiEnaaufni noKwt-itJ ceeainttineKaid inaDrUfeniUariiQW baa 4 oeesciemear from ishK toatteenlbl r?ctpnMaBiamIbera under iswaniiwiii 1 j.n jxsD'j, aaa lawnasiu lfTaihad been rencxled Jihdl i ai nas. I disn Obreatemif4M?3iitd yon Whuh; oestes;htattta&av was toafctthe Tfuutxiif wuu yauuwaxiTWctiouiuj toots resjnfeStidD I. iGartldaCTtoaiithev Qj?l;J nlneeato uiistridmigiil tte.filipdiiby aneejoHJoricnaa mKsaaaMmujmwrytw tzict. Tnis.awomined,9WM natiacorjldiifitiicewaskmrf that district, and, tberforeJwni,ttojace. of the ; cerlaflcaifiLitLJvaiJjatent that jadno xightTt.O'eiWnhavHQuse, e whole trouble WiZmurtMT?- Wture of Ohio, whichMasBedM thousand peopiy weniQ Tiave fifteen 3 vwtu. ito.inuauB seii, ox,;njj,Ti M5 e? mmet mce nm a ne referred to tne comtnotsixsixuoM mm OhioCrm or omoitne cut .i i.i 1 1 tit j a rxinr.r'Diirn reDresentfliives-ur iRe next confrressi eiawahMaonijw baveeiprej ' eshbnrisioig'iP 'I seat a man earfrom aTilistxict t life aid sticl The TealcerthfehTJrbf 'ifett to a call ;'2f cornrressyi rarLriniii&hicall a.cuitcr A.crelivtfOi drRiittTf?na,par2? WUfT3 rXLL And our atdgk, now being reoelvd,wm be fourljrerrjttimcaTe, fall and eompleteTOar atbek of GJlITEBJ. W&k; and GENTS' HAND-MJLDK, fed cafcsot be orpnsd In good iinality.gtyle. md bMti flntri-Bajsatwi nrimm five IJTL. &ffa ol Wi Imil tartaiilea eTery pair ' f - v . TAGGED GO jpof the best gradea sept 1 IS illj I StattSn frfBfete-i! canil. uJ4viaa?iftai3-.fr-4 -di anunr 4 trvrfrrfR4V v,v.viiesoiveay-p'rma tiie-consxructiou: tke watesfcbed'antlcaLnd', Iacl ioeeans bxHtts-of ' foreign eapiital janmlin oer tne auspices or orxriTOigBaTn?te4 tile ' to the established policy ofi nntted JiStata inViotetid!i-6f spirit? a4eclar - - ... - ' ' VI fcinne ana anno& .tie aaBUKwedjoi: assented to by this govern montf-th at he lUBitf d St-.ites'Will ssriaMlmain taini sjueh control and supervision over nnao aesireo to .nave it exerted to tne l bjw.hft.osiojvee fQ.the jijpx.oi jNew xfHnwran tn amrniitee iQi lereigik asairsbaaiaAeJ id i riot much care t9"what'Odmiaittee4 pjwenr. ine ioreign itnairs commrtiee lad ffetktftftfl-'arradvq anrasntetioitcAn! lsgraced because the AgressJiedprit? Let the Housem sSmMlBf Xhsit report andi: otif ? aL re. loud iii ins1, of DouisiaiMi. ;enarBian. as ,lhft ifitfer-oceanic coWttflte iNdttial the V8soaaticfi:hft referced to hieeomiiaits! TaanarUa naicc&ac ws-the proper somewhat, simflar resbldffaWTOi Am6r1KWJ'peplei 4,babv ao action had reoort-iil'i bis'lHimlj aiuiiiloermissidn iiTbisbeu t J-nia. ixjjmt puu ui oraer vote was taren.on uie rererencec-d tna fTfirnft by! a" vote e 64 tol jef erred , hes Uitibh' Id tM fef fltftffairs oommdtte& I tt Thd can WStatS wWtterfrestimea: itBy O'Connor, orupi" Caroiina,"re- -peaiing tire eepdftax'Orf rooatfe6,1snff and cigars; also for thyconstruction of jt;ship!caBalaeiSoaB OkarleBboa ueckw i J .calkins, or .iwuapa ottered the foi- '(iap pie .symnayiy ot ,tnw euy Extender -w tn tm- ar Mass1 ,oi.JireTaj(l,l'fts t.a, rerorm tn;tne present Mitihihamfeiw r!a"Jwitotffel ttm eetteeefeetbra - fcxV 'tfEJSSSj aaOJtoni.w j, 'Bidr4eli:nd caM rthtT electoral codiff reBflWtion. . n l.vl'.' WOotfsaid thatiseeing' tio bosslbili itr or ajineerrrv termination of tnenendJ ir 'debate heWrmld mote . the2 rtsa mKmrnmrnrnM TQ PEJESIPENTk x LUB KRTT2XTR . !t!imr!ir NfArMirn. nrl ITInrn tar hHTfntsill wnftfflFi SanmetE. TillmambfTeiiSeis tJVUUllUli LJtjlUlfea " ' . J a. V a. rV'VrJ.Lii VUllOVlt. XAWIt aUVIIIM BicAarrisoGri.iils 1 . k .ajLB vvli4i ua yyuiwuv my, o ruauvun uvwsw knefnrWTnei liudanuials gmn t,beiMta. : -iiuiliii i SiMaiitiitii; ! ijaii r-i.Miu J ii.iY. .ii. ij:' niiii mm r,.: ,.t.T r. ... lA'fftrr'wn .t.al tf'tx to.1; io1 Jib3 vJo tut JIB sTTftrn ini?:(J 1o jib. exavxinieiat ta. .4i4iiiitT4l4U'uih4in'i:l:-j Jht lAAjUtoliAVA&HiLWAAiAa aleaiaU 'ltt? aamai pikaUnu i 'retiata ;iteatt.airs ..taav ioAea- Jiour fnuetrwHiier. wneois a.uaaarz i double extra' ?fert5J etra 5a47S at WnnfflittTfiV'Wti '.iTm fflntwifam iTfifc 2iOsma Fibrfary? (eahJaaaaryi nsl UrmMe iBVantKMi It pkffdllIitKW 2nndH7 Me a4,2S 64. wni tnwwri iiiiw i rerppol steady. ' G4U47STOteady; mlddllnjrl 5f1GreaI,t-,',J:ii2 5 1 NoMtal-e-'Cea' tlll4 Mouse L is .ner I i.nii. nniinrrv i "nwHffiI,l1 or certaurv Djaie IfrancWs'ft tr&ntMM:' WrT. fht rHHH rWrtlaHnfeW ended I tHdkacbusttsr'ri el-H iTOWl awata.Tlfitmia toct Georgia are-rfaimf mmmm IU tB- festrrctions 6nTth feferitbral Bri JPutle.mra4 Wectoffllfranfi.lnSf tm. WePRnSUtea:& farlaa theme daMfii iTnu.j. v(4I.A'tiHtrtV.4AiW.J UJJ, .YliU Piedmoht'West Va. ;Mlss Maty HiE sebbtiryr eil, jRMriD'EMit Atkinson, IsSjrge&wrPS.1 h6i:SMrttrrir.?:,S? JHera T hHtit u f 'Fir saw W j i GPSiaJthia; I II . lui lilil'iM l .i.j iUti i iU ii:t'mi 9 a Birai nea r aenu i i . lOal I IF. 1. . Itn 1 hkhh (rlMtoMS wi 2 jsngd 87f i. J 4 , j to?aau41.bBjgar Iraa --S3 w km. hint. voifeMt..Nr.i)rina.jUtnjPi.;.i4wn m.r r I I- " w i i WhiaowSeaale -') fatuMt'lxl 1 Mrriur.it RJUL Vrelerhta to 1 J V . f I aaxaiV fl e'i iut a xi j I j 7! CZT ZpQ H rvUrT.d A .d Uvj I 1 ' -- - . I "J Ti jKir-iii jMiTwieif'j, fj-vjt rw. .4.l -. P 1' I ' " lCTTT kTcHINI-M JLDK GOODS, BOOTS, CONGRESS of taem, and m sen themnrteM aMow aatba cttt sec I aane .VIA.' II 1 Is also full and attractlTe, and we can pfenflsft iadatacQq 5 nl 943:;aale 266: stock 40.104: exDorta aaaatwIiiAl BOBTOM inui; midanng 12c: lew middling 1 Wn Itlfii 10 13-16 kcrosa . sales -r: Mock 18.480: axnorta eoaat 28 v (? 'N I ; . .. . i ... 4XU.J. ii 1 1 1 1 . ill k am r . I nun j w v yo- ijju I I. w w- ww wise, W2iiuavjea ntj-; QHnnw lonnrrtno II PinDBMli Onlt: mkldltn niiu. 1m I ' mlddllnc 1 ltae: rood ordinary lOtec: net raeAlnta - j! 17 1 rrosa iii'j;saies oiKiapinnera 463: atoek 10c: eood ordinary yjtyc; net reoelpts 5,623; ,4i5o; ro - "wrearcnienr b,4LW.'-' 1 1 v' 1 UilVsw Orlbams- Easy; mldd'jf lUc; !ow m",rt- kiOikak 10: good ord'y loc; iieywmripU)!)! sales H.UOO; stock 303: exports BriUln 20A15;. coastwise 1,120. BUjfbfifien MPY (l$c: low middling ic; eood oromatr ltle; iwt receipts 5.497: gross ; sales 2,500;stock 41,596: exp. coast 4.272: W "'WT4513 al atxj.w ,w,-T -Easy: mlddllne lilac: renelota shipments 2.857: sales 4,050: stock 77,973L Oulfct; mtddllna 10c: low mid lOl&c.. rood ordinary 9lAc: recelots 017: iblpments : sales 1,02a JCaiRUBSTOJi Quiet; middling: 115fec.; low mid- 4Une HUe; good ordinary lOlc.: net reoelpts &8$2; aToas : sales 1500: stock 11 8.342 :evnorrs aoastwlse 1.U47: ureat untain ; continent 5.536 Nkw York Cotton dull; sales 440 mldd'v Lllbl miuumu uiieam iim. null mumiu : gross 18.5m; 522: its ureal con MO,H l Noon LottonnArltet cloeMl firm ing uplands 6d; middling tleans 6 13-16; sales 12,000, speeuwpy" ? Z.OUO: re- Mint 7.000. American ft.2501 Fands low mld- dlldfr, clause: December dfelitarr B l a T Th.mmi.A .iilt" 1-1 6d. Deoem- I lilHI f OUUMJ . .HIH4.I 4T . 4PtW4- ebruary rl 11- L9Ji-R2d. February a&dsarc etd. March Anril A 25 82d. A AT 6 27-82d. and Jane 6 27-32. June and July 32d. Futures aau i Yoke Future closed Snien 94,. mber C;7l4.77a80 February atfMjiVjr8cwB2P4a05 ABr i 4;.i to . n IZ4STaH ICaf. w..4.M..,.W: I29a.50 "Jone L..v.tMi4A.. r 12i9a.60 J U1J . . .hHVWnv ,il 37a 69 w yoM-iiolwaff iiO u mments arms new ls x Ex 7714 on and a pereeats LJlii. ,6ur,per een State i .j t :L 1 . is inactive. m t j New Tone Centrai'.ii . 4- '1.441& 4rtl Late snore . UK 1 ... ... , &14444 llnols Central is..! ..; - 1.21 79 82 Vs 1.25 1.23 1.H9 43 81 KaahTUle and Chattanooga. . -. lxiuisvuie ana kiutbia.. ........ . . anaoruiweaiem...-v....... 9 ash, St Lotfl ATadae . . 1C404 . ...l. 4 .My. 4 phis and iClunesttn 7 f. : 43 4 1.301A Jk Island . . fiii a..ftw. J ektern Union ...... lafcama Class A. 2 to 5 ..... .... j 7 3 82 Al: uassa, small, Class ft fi'w...,... - 72 92 iwasaii 0' .4.- m fill m-itf h -A A3ma ossiTnOBsnyaa. XRWJTrm. Deoember 14. 1880. e marketyeaterda alosed auletnnichar m i Hraiisui.jwaitr.. ...... uyjf.. tits yeslerdayt bales. . 4i-oi; 4 TW?4 "W Tja. ,m v.. m eJi -rttl mil tlTl ...J.'-fl 4, I j4t. 4 W ft irtl aSmi -B 4S Cw mi:VovI 4-t 143.) ttfcyAfi. ..Lnil 0 1 fell 5518 mis : vj j .aweu-rri dilnk upli 5i a expfc tlneh md prtl.'imdM Mai a2- tlede " rvW4-ii It ibnM MM W.VU 4444 m4TatrH KrlSldw awe .Jieeei lBAD no Mr .M -CL.iul , 05 ft) tl III r- i . . . i isiki"" til . "t. .1 f 4 r i-i o r-i 1 I J3 v I 1 I ' t I Vulht.f ..iili I I In. . and LADI NX BUTTON WWA tOMlHn1' T? GUI NATT and JCmictt Vf4..; aT ImlA-'mTmt-mmmmmm j, 01 C :iNtt, to all who faTof'ttwlWJWBilVH i- . -. e Street TjecSetrfy-t0,e1. sues: Wholaeals i AlTaHW0PW A TULL XJQffl Ov AMD LODNOXS. floiU. CO va s wzst nuss mor, 10 f ar w a -w- -x CIGARS ! 1 "I We hare just Received one olUie j tiAO A' LiRGEST AND m ifSf TMENTS - ? . I c irs, n ah rr f I f ever offered fiiarkeC We oflinSrtirFrtTT PIE CKNT. lower than any retailer In the market Coni fe and xanIn theni f r oirtVjlvej. 1 111 7 WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. BACOI?, FLOUR, , ,, 4 .Jl..: JEA.,,, .3TA ' 5 r i i i -'-SUGAR, doBa TGBAeCO,. '7i;, SYRUES, i1 NX Grrcyoerdfes We guariwtMl Om i ibo ve JulipTfailfe -j we .ask is a, Trial ..of .it. sriT .TTHTJiitfjiAWtMI Jl a-JS.Hl LB f-Wle tT iF -siuflT iJiotH w o W.l l9i TOl tttt X . fwu w nirj asAaia ertl 1 eilim od; ni ban df a lot Htji 1 nl la ttdnlmba bna v VatfTUV Il I I 4 1 1 Imt .1 .. I.l.l. I I . .1 . M .44 --4 ljelV'iBaL4MTMWIIU .otwudii relK ed salrniaiw VUwwy wit al ewod rA? JidM timsT . -9efci;bl44i1 mjrit o asn; AorTO4wH teredY f -Ir a v "1 y'Tf l Y ' i. Dr.szsYEn Btjildino. . .. '? mam I 1 .i:- 1 11'iMnk uiu hJ I i r i irnn n Txrxnn f iia is a nil i a m n wI ri3r J' j 3ja ya YL.Hi n.1 i wa A iVt 5l H V "a i i 3 I l , iasttk r I ! (wins.. m er1 ician? WCrat'dL tfl 1 l W4JttariMWMW )14ll"VWii,H";M "" 'i Dow Til TThr? : ncztangCX-3iif i ti Mwmonfsj-wcjT jiOxiruDl ...... J . Lrj1IriJii;l;I lot t.ii'A Jli'llulO ndl Bc;.3 :tL3 OliCTjjJ