The LaU Fire In Laarinnr?.. iyi-awawi . i,iM.,., . I It Incendiary b te2 ITEADH MARX. ttRTCAT BAttfrATNS TN fire tat Jbaario burg wr si? rhtl v exa w wo iub propeny in me rear or me Mm r7- 1 aA..fa Wl!A.P.flT: t TTT1 mievery second and fourth Monday night. "T ao lodsi Na 261,1. f . A. M.-Bg- PCJrf ma nrarr first and third Tuesdai nights. .rlotw Chaptbb No. 89, B. A. 1L Regular eatery second and fourth Friday Bights. SSevery first and third Thursdays. ; Tflffrs of Hoxob. Begular meeting . every BUUiv - I H Q. t?v atf-rr T ' f PBiBixrrrtfLODSW'J jio. s.-vjumr ef JH0S4I ill D"- " , mo DICLIKATIO LODSX Ka tt rT,wday nlsht - . ETfEB EHCumaarr No. 21. Meets C Ind third Thursday nights la each month. Wak Defartmeict, ) kf Signai. Officer, y Washington, Dec 13, ISO OTiftiV northerly winas, iw"y M or partly cloudy westt 11011"' J . , , ure, r-r index to Nw ATrtlHnesiM ' T ' 1 gllk Cords ana laBscur Louisiana State LOttEm; uoniB rNCl lings. -The man with the performing bear was in the city yesterday on one of his periodical visits. A. numoer arrivefl in business of die Court. a cola nf the effects of Mrs. Mary ececdtofe;a;thef r 1 at a residence about, Jout cawePfcTiQrAtl i. i j i i ; mm io. ""Wwwww IhlW? rhfntJvTiSSSaffi" hTlsOTte? w"a1 nta in the United States j V;-sTi?fcjiTi private, and contained other matters. ,7kP i? uv vMterdar. ''', oi IUO WJI i , - . SUfV wm Vva nufoBB ihinhiJailroad about t ?SE bvmlftrv3' tofMfiterlnifth ulettes: . r;;,;;: ; STaM WWoadneespecial; 8 p.; w.1.MrCbflfllinllbfit-." newspapers of ' . .1 ;w.r-ni.' 7.lWi.t. TCni.. " l1 ji of Christ y t . Xi -The cil izens ajewmmaegtor te, of re-orgamzing the relief associa- iion for the poor. It is hoped that ev erybody will attend. To Read at Davidiuta Collg-. Mr. Nat Gray went to Davidson Col lege yesterday to arrange. foe Miss j.uuise Clarke to give a reading there next Friday. Miss Clarke has recover ed entirely from her recent illness, and kst week read to a first rate audience in Concord. It is her purpose to give entertainments in several or tneneign- borinft towns, and 'we take pwasuTfaa commending her to tnepuDiioc HHif Tnc 1 nnw.1 m mi. ueorso iB..r. The remains of Mr. George H. Rigler reached the city at 12 o'clock Sunday i.i 'ht and were received' bv his friends and relatives. . ,Tlie funeral waspreachT I ed by Rev. A. A. Boshamer, ax Tryotl Street Methodist church, at 4 o clock yesterday afternoon. The last rites were performed at Elm wood cemetery, where the remains were interred. Going ftt aad, gpfcIlpr tW7f?&& i'i The people won't come to the sheriff and pay their taxes," and hence he has decided that the wisest thing he can do is to so to the people. He now has two deputies at work ascertaining in what ward each taxrpayesof Charlotte, townrl snip resmes, ana win sena nis aeputies out to compel them to come in and pay, or pay whether they come in or not lie has to settle jn.a fe.weks, and it s "a ground hog case.' 1 1 1 Electia of Alderman. There was not quite as much excite ment and intereM lit "the Second' -Ward as there was on the1 2nd 'of November, but there was an election there, all the same. Only one candidate for the posi tion of alderman had been announced: A. P. Hunter, Jr- colored. The friends of Mr. L. W. Sanders, sudderyron, out his name after the polls were x and when they were closed, he had 93 rotes against 59 for Hunter, with 3 scattering. , Opeuinar of the Federal Court .Tnrira "nipt arrived on t.h af tfrrnooir I trnia from. GrefihSboj m - f ' ' settledaiJnde3tomlwai nit ami . . - " w - - - - VUVLU W n B1U LllL' lgIH' tha rmni(!vinn liverett U J,w njorhinaf.' iBeiktes! thisi ing, when the grandtijy wui oe cnajrgeo, i. and the disrsttwttfr.tbtf ertwmalfi business commeh6edlli ii "ConcftMTeltJ until npTtiXTrndaVAt !th HBaffUfisLlihe soace covered-bv the letter havinir beftni eciived fri IhWwfey- to that effect r- Teternirjy'4s fo?njiallyJjand obligations we owe to God and to opened bv the&f arsdial yesterday morn Hour fellow-man. -.ccr- opened bXtb . : , . i 1 i .B. j. ii HaiiroaOvinBMrrr mV lswoa -Th4iUiV lUtHroadtiharges fitfri:mar cents npr mtlfl for f Kk trail fttthrtatiotl' Of 1 Passenirfira over tHtTftrtrriri of the road xcuui per miie tuau wjuku. i$ Georgia, because the Georgia States makes four cents ih Mfitiest leiealrat rbndall -It is reported that'm exit on the W. I N. Carolina Railfdacli is1 to. &tia&3iray. I Ever aince; the kmm iWema&hw been neeessary.'to transfer passengers and fright ."W8'.f .-u.'irr 4 i -Theichmc Company hasposted billa' announcing that the HmUed.' tail; trains w1U not Greensboro arflfmr.?irr!tna, totr'uWafift iim'fiVetBaEJw.3 "ui uoi oe transported ;:omtuuftirrtp nrfim mevarpi vidmi fX0rrTi9a -. cnui? .tV?iaJB.ia fmcoatrri qfHAhi iHtbei " Through An officer of 'WADaeHcW nioit.Trie1rrkrih6mfivr it is learfl- ed th'alK nr3amiTriha in ornearLe: InfftotfWiim,. w'Sm irii iii four or flveof the companjiteleifraTph pole?, uwier party near - Greensboro, whose imme is given aiiacon, threatens - to u'e Plea for thus obstructing, the wofK ot the,company?ftnd damaging its prop- ties aboVe referrtoVfo. It is understood i - ..u iRiHranna Tn rtrnaOMll.l n T IT1A naF assurancesi that ii iPIB?Sdiaf opera: oTthi main street. tha nth. rio,. Crdyed all the buildinc nn th ,J: tile side.; The losses , cannot atw termined : WitfettCToappMr4 m afon itn acciwcy for thereason that the dam- jo ;inu loss or gooas or merchants can not be estimated. - Several of th mr. ' j - . -- " vii- wi wicu: biucks uwe opposite side of the street, only to be called upon to moTe tucmaKHiUi oeverai arrests have been ?T Wi upiciousicBaTOtambut thus J -T 4 . w WWW r uu evidence nas Deen obtained agaast tbem. receipt of a letter from his father. Mr. ST ff. Smith, of New York City, which expresses strong grounds for fears that MrjBcibtt mSmithbtotheraliUw obs and son of the other, and a Charlotte boy, has been lost at sea. The letter 'j '"oi wuuuia ; ago . sncrrnab sucrweeks had elapsed since it was due at San jf rancisco and no intelligence had, - been received of TrSit that port. ine owner of the vessel had already made Mbhnr&MilTi u fw r?v c.fa-u x-i 4 forlnsffirJXAVKT.S'K! r -w ivwwvAsiuu vucivoiO I SmithmiHea4isl(!UBddttai rrognlavritr of ieEaOItII-ertirr srence'liaialWireen inafie'M e Observes to tbeJojud .complaints the; mails 8iitW)ficfito&H&ifHr KWr5 onisDOJcen. m meir, co UhatfttMh Soritne ieet;?Thyv ail ttfat The Observer frequently does iater occurrencVW hti dotrbfr dtre to the 1 act in at. we mawr i not disuii unm vmtr WWttwmmtesncni whicJiiiiJtWoj rfpfb JrttHbul to negligence, witn reierence to tne delay of two, w three hours, it may be said that thi 1 tb f atiTtf' bf tbe' kil roads and not of the mail service We sympathize :,witik t)u.n rien4a,.aii4,call the attention '8uperiDteidoroATOiey to tne matigrrwgwcaotije expected thai a new sssiemTOi mail service could be introduced and main taihed from the beginninE in a state of ppetf oction but the fast .mail has now, been mODeraUbdVeraleeftsd aiid,ittl la ume an irregularities' sKaffld cfeistt It is to be hoped that there will "be no f urtheif'ibfccWdH'ttf aHffd4o?tM oat'f ter. : u 'uX'1 1 , , m-n- A mu to the A larsre conerefiration crai ereu at iue Second Presbyterfan tlrcIrSusday nigUt, q iafjDft Ilardjng'a apnual ser mon preached totne"HorJl!8ts, Nest ifiemen. The scope of Dr. Hardin e's discourse was confined, to a..discussion of the unbelief of thdse' hrteSired the Bjtaaee fOfitnlfacfLoeorJ vifacethem; andthe aCTentfdttrOTtnV Bible and the Divinity ef Jesus Christ , asjmMeated jnttd WdiMirdu.anflWiffl peyhumah JteachihgS 1 afrrpf dphecie1! which iatteraa.JnvenGedL in so many signaQhstinces. J. Taking for his tejtt, "They would not believe though ode rose from the-deadv besaidin sub- stance, that the professed , unbeliever, started oat with tbeiambtiph ithat a miracle was an impossibility, and yet asked for miracles, when, if given them, they had by their very tddtrmi, forestal led themselves against a belief in them ; so that no'ajunfcofjBvidence would toe sufficient tdvmCrfttiem Thijf trtfttf hid been ttedJJjhjeMtpce of our Savior Himself, whom, though He rose room the dead, they 'would, net belie ve fand the Israelites brought the golden. calf to rtae: foot of 1 'HoBnfc-Smaymd, fell down and wdrshippe&ifc&efoittftiNM ciojid anQ ttjre or.troa's ptesenoe irHtte"a partea Tronrv tne Tnonntairrs in abort, .. lt.ona Anowa unr wsiiflge in the sun beams-and,: write, in.flrol mm m J P a. . ,f m 1.1. Till. Y ' ; ins aiwmvi origin ai tne xHote -was .man's hand-comprehend all the duties TT J! . 1,-1. 3 1.. . xji. xiarainKB sermon wasiisusueu to dan 1 failure nf n- HISS sen buted Mrl, tat'ftnanifest in theiindiscribable grandemr'fbelieved that 1,000 tickets could be sold iJ f JtsLwritMgsIiy- The ilten eo.mwahd-iat S3 each, but no guarantee was of- reijnehts, which eduld: be written The correspondence is still umhi tnWfArtHrfcrvr rfn3! Oinnaftrnot nmpAMt.. f : "A 1 ;atror SimJ Ciated iated by all who heard it 1 Concert at the C IT TL. Inatitnte Below we append- thpregramme of rthe winter concert to be "given the winter concert to be given next UJie most advanced pupils or tne music ae- will take patM j ecr osrfw l inW6pilmT0a iiew7r mtnwi ow noiiiw 4TheiJf t (ffiEWWitlW Miss B. McQueen. - oeXr -Vo--5olorHCayatmaJxojBZlheJ opera The fajberSr (G. ltossi- ni) Miss IJ9goJi i JiJ tn f 4. piano 3-Jloisjdaa. 13 flat (O. M FflW i 5. Vocal PfCT$ irm from the opt$tttp&hUtlC. U. von 1; juisaea w. nyvn uu 4.-. mv- 6. Vical Solo ' onging f n.-usxii'-; Miss C. BaAtau r;:'fr mht Dinre fcr Two, Veterans Whitman and F. I.Kitter) Miss 1. Liddell. P. piano mSWM&SS' Walu (T MattesV-s-Miss S. Fmlays w. ni C Voc deal D r. rv rtn Miss F. McBae. wftft"! TTa vd n's celebrated ipaBimer.tXLft.tPianp 1 Wvn r"l f T W'-fl"-'.? WT1 i TTTI IK ni it ise. s?8 r 1 mm frott dohefaTheWwessfKHalstf) E lacs. When the door of an ant-house ras opened SatnrdaT nv'Siinff a trandla V rl;.ll 1. X - j ytuuauj uunieu pap" -vsa iounu on wo iiu; thrust doov and houie had recently been till of hay. and s imp of it was yet in 4lMiilding but fortiinatAlT I tm ordered by the directory of the Yo ng Men's CbriMlfssMation to retv rn the sincere thanks of the Asso- ciat(jttrjyflfA SIM.l!IWweIl JMd ; .the marty ladies of the city who so kindly gavb a festival for the benefit of the brary and reading fcfoto; Of athe Asso iation. We afiknowledee.the receiDtAt their i May they betaioplyrrepaidt for their labor by seeins tbe vounz men of this PtfiyHmDroveffM Bj improving the reading room they male a profitable, pleasant and attrac-J the (smiles that greet them there. u. HAvis, sec Philadelphia, Dec. 13. The Prcs say to day qf Bayard's statement: "Mr. i to day of Bayard BajMHrXhs''tir at-idents of VfoP,r.eshxtt)rr&'sSRlUt Hjenl,hattataneitt was! ppmmanicaw lieu vuQTUiiui vi.nBa r nwr of -We &itm stafl correspondent was authorized to say to f-l subject. To that suggestieau norer spofase()wjn?riJiyIf. Bayard jSftW speaks, or tne report of bis speech as aaPSMOnotmmuBieatun!ari inDonsibly made, it is due to truth to say that it comes, from a 'thoroughly; sponslbiJ &urBWlItttV7VU&;J 6mm reporU-iains have since been. :ea td verify it, an its autnenticity is ftacfifmfd not Jnewly' by thi reporter wnosB attenjtipri ewes particularly' 1 m at toe Urnfe m the extraotenn character of this accusation. The not be complete-until this tes- f Rerenae Baldlnr Orders frm W AsniNGQKi TfeoTfCJlDfrnf s3lon- er Kaum tOKtaenl-theltollsrwirfe tele- frrarn t f!nllitrr Wondstnrk at Nash- vilIe;"uTenri:: tMCcllttTitb ACdfwH" week five United States officers nave I been killed orwoutfded1HielfrHstiP1 ler. This demonstrates p-rneeessitv oft I retjuiriug jour umuers upciaiiing agttiuai, illicit distillers,tocarry their.bceejch-i ading arms, and , or baying posses or ers so ' large1 as 10 treier-resistance. You. are, authorieaV to employ ten ad ditiona'rTnljn it iiebessiary. In reply to b. message of irHjwrj, VVqod.cQck tele graphs: "DaviaTJoille'adTijk skull is xwo DiacKH anu ue is hiiul in iwcsmr rftno-ttaWp I fired from tifLJitaid!- Th 1 1 T ' . A t . ..lil T 1 11 particulars. JL tninfe tne resistance was not preconefcrtefl; JThifakertff s pcs&tis in pursuit of Welch. The PaleeWt taevSMck jgurhVfr b NaswriSiauE, Dec. 13.-?Tb sjtock marj et opened weaK and tne eenerat list wasMtffy WressloTYdF sale lrleh fttl suitetirtaiAaecMne in prices ranffinar l from U to 2 per cent The Houston &j rexas, amr wb prominent in tl can Uniftnnw Us, and" WBS! Slettl JJilluu beiu deelUae. dm xefptio and adva 75i with aCsi' sefadetrf reacl iflent Atffir5tthO(rtl of assumed 'a strong torle"and an upward turn. Sara Bernhardt In the South. Atlanta Constitution. An attempt is being rnade-to get Miss is being rnade-to get or Mrs. Sara Bernhardt tor visit Atlan ta for one night during her Southern tcnir. (Mr. H. C. Glenn, of the library com mittee, wrote to Mr. Abbey asking that -the great actress come to Atlanta un- er tuts ausuiues uj. ui a vhuk mcu a rennra that Mie would The library once sold a S 1,600 hottse for rJbe Jefferson, but the committee was afraid to truarantee anything, it was pending and Miss or Mrs. Bernhardt may co: tee having in charge the inauguration ceremonies, is meeting with decided encouragement in his efforts to have a fine civic and military display here on thMveasion. of the. inauguration or GafeeKL Firiaeyffsttimainjc e war the Southern States will take an active part Invitations are being sent to every military company in the South, and the replies are very encouraging. It now seems nrobable that very State in the Hai-h wilke repre&nlfedlb? lo cal mintart. AkranglknsntsadLbeing made to seoure half-fare arrangements hn all the leadinsr roads, and from let- tors already received from managers of truBK lines, it is prooaDie to at tms win be done. A feaVlteA0' the occasion bill be a special train from the Pacific tlope, with military companies and vis itors. : Dr. Bull's Goncn f rrap wit, ida reward of orwr UiouAndU will never be bilious. oet 24 6m . Tor sale by Dr. T. C Smith. ALADTSWISH. Oh. bow I do wish my skla was aa e'ear and nft m Tonrg" Mid a ladr to her xnena -xou can e tt'QrTanBwe;frlend. "Howr" InauUed the BrSt1iUry:wBf tftM. nop Bitten; that makes, pare, rich blood and Dioom Inc health. It did It for me, as you observe." Bead of It (tain BuMin. . . i t . ft -n fnm m T!whe' re Itflert z hi.: I irrdnf Ind will core you, FBKB OF CHARiiK. This grea remedy was aisoorerea oy a miNswnair m owi America. 8end a self-addressed envelope to the rt. Jomdd. T. Inman. Station a. New Tor fork City. apr27 eodltkwly cheeks and idarcorirpl oct 24 Cm For sale by Dr. T. C Smith. Tke Veluieenca.,Sfaraall. Blea. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 80 days trlaL 8peedy cares guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without deay. aov.16 IT. m rMA&TZ3. Druflst "I DrnecriRt "Because aa a Food lledidae. they en datiiiii m;.I lo 6i,ii increase tne iorce until x inutiJuiiMJjaKiujs g mew i 1. mf51 . naiiys suroo&r a frrJfKAY to I frTpfr A. 1 . Eror cerUflcaU ol llshei is Kenuineiai anari irnarea lor otm ororea-iOTM lit bril, (berve and bloda Exists id ,f Tian fit 1 land' tiTI(&l et-iisp oJ,3Ltt' Iffifi 1-iV JiM etw;.n ?iI- vdi? 3e bteSl mZTyL'rrZi 'ir.iS iaiald i eJ no hoiJfisiifcsvrfi lo ellimmcu - v ....... . uiiAUijvnuixviiuuriiJiua w d d)TlNTIOJIr TB3C ruBIJC to aviLARoi aad 4 'tfrtfiWi;AfKiaVvW Wtlltfi HU t&il A ; J 'JA.1iVj;.Vi'f -i.i, iV. IV . & - I . r , '' i'j :4O0l n ti o'i'ijiaiiiioo i ; --iayi!e (tA3 ion fenv :ajTn!iiJ tnli ; l.:ju-.fttt 1.11 ,((;-! .1 ;4.'.i: t -t . COEEEi&SHGAl . .7 - m .-.rt .ii-i.fl . vU t' .''' yy.t'.ii .'') X. i 'ow U .sii.'dJjal cwl-'Jil'l ii( 5 t iV: .TpBAGGO; 1 ' jl'l- rl .0 !..' c! L-iiuu -w.'i;si.-i?r!; ; -.u-rt '.' .f. Iii !IC f!.l il.lriUifi f 1 X 'Mint uj a;,. s.;c ;. iL, . , SOAP, ; i - trtj CRACKERS, GAKESi ; -4 .- i- ctl '!. 1 .4.-') -r. ,1 ..: I f y r. vs. Ai L BAKAXA8. 'INXAFPJEall .... ...... PX1B. LliTOKS, (X)GaANTJT8, ?0 T CBANBSSJUSS. Afro. j CANNED 'GOODS. i n . ' - PEiCBIS, tfv - vx ?. "Tax? iV;-i- : 1i . f'''SmSP; 1 -jrt stfl ji ' -CORNED BEEF; 8aralns, ' ' 1 Periled Crabs, Lobsters, lbek0m..)Xiif-lJ, CndenifcUlk,n 'rSeiEams, a)--;:-.'n. o Orsten. : rlSSl.j . o ...B'-h't !bJ!. (Mil Kff'.i'l .iK.-i fjxh"! inn tfetiff, Boasted Ctiffee, ;I fi;if - Mf8 BrandyTattsi. 98esi- 1-3X3 x j Ke.'.'w i-itjri .ii)! 1': , u&u .a .tt Snlees. , , -i-ti Papers, At' ; Gum SfODs. Jelly Pasta. it38qiaoi fiasiitaia2 nnB) "rfdlaoiH" visa j atahunf, fedT ;A lsnr ftdj loj in rjB ) taw ,bo'(so fi'wnsvaaa iiMsPtu if? jfJCISC n rt9f i jyan afid fens 4og tg:??rg i Fi i?MT-aa . l.m lo tiuia co Jjiwu JifiriiiJ awa toll unty all b a nr-i; f ..1.... .4i3i?9 OtV.i.i2 Jtasiii ol joo.or ClU.Of lf0 Ui ooimh ......... . Aa- tea sS7. ,&srrt f) .ii' niA I .ewshi .rtHri (;f - ssh'1 5.X)I cit-.!iriie.-......i;....,.,T . .k,,r ,aT ;j ii -ns thdtreta Groesftd w si-.'.'q r, . ;.tij:i: j ii - wmg, 1 iiil . mmmm ixKiiAinun APPEES . .0 h i.; I in lit J i W -1 1 1 f-ti P itijfK ' e i i.,-i 11 :, ... 1i i 19 i ! Jseq -WaftttUaitthtaof ttaeecdiiibrslsa V f' fi- -r ! r 1 iI-jv ; ; n j . ni iilno oidj a-i'h ' i v,'5H'udiJ ?nL ffod eiUfoinLj Vi T. Ji! U! Si .'(."1 V (--.! - B.Mk vert ,l a " So IS' O 0 ; - 0 ' a r-T- ;o. w3 So i.i i Mitg) erfli.ViSTRlliJiii-.V ?0 l.M. i 1-1, 0 . -X: 5 ttfcJ iff. .'f it? I 'teS sHtti , . www - i t"t xir - - - - J C c 0.i W i .: ,UJttng.Y.ii;,i 'V 5i;u' ( iy TO OUB 8TOCI Of1 iJ : ! -: i '.i.-'.iii; ' n3svJiKi eaoiJOi;' IIOISERY, GLOVES oil- , i . . i : i . , .. O J :'ia:fc I- WW v U'. : WEAR, CLOAKS. .s I": aiu. lij iii liii. j J .vV'f-r.'--' -i.i) OS BBTJHV A TOLL LWOPi - f . Silks, - Ml now ... v.-. j l!g '..iioid oaxins, . .b .1 J 1" ' 1.U'U1 W II . t Fringe t . . ... . 5uj yviila -i j i-iJI, 1. .fviOH! a3-' . ...1- r ..- IU i.'iia iqagM; J ui fl entries iual 11 .1 iuKMu wr.'A 6h-xn aiji-Hintet, i'jiu P-a 2!iiii2 Ai;'i&iR t.1 id x ud li uniu, Bni jayjana 8dioa bltfolla Ua&lgsiQ tHaie now oa handtMTatpVoikof i J lunar fu .TuTaeT aiwi.9ii, oiij . J .y.3ki liid-j fci jfciiJ lifld jlauiT rl'li"i 1 1 ilflll I I'I I II I JJ.Uu-i gP 1 e-wt-r- a fcBSJ IWPOU- :tTKl3 a ;iu:l.l nil! .nn XicrmsTeasoaacie.'Haiitmii ' - tec. 12. IE.-. " '' stl' wsacinu i .na-ji.oi Jti'L9vaairles affioe4 ;aa4-New Orleans tun j nci m i s ; 1 4 ,f J t .1. .J IV l.bll III I f 1 5 -i fm a r-m ii ii b . b arm . '1 IT 1 " ----- If,.? i i B 1 . l.i ' H If -l'' "iiil nl SJOl v -.J.fu. H i In Hif mm n 7 !1 ' i ...v .mm .l .......'"-.-r''.l-.. .! . krgc Aiflitions .--t;?i tu.'j ti;... . . -. . , .:.. . ... ,; . : iO dOLr4ijrKri 'aTrtrnviTi STm it-a .i;i tfife'i .rtlTgil wecJv adVi bgrrei' eh'ei-rviKia"lB ecstrs,iccrea; If xanuae mjjsw5urcD . T , i vftarwwa,,; ; ' it ii 5,-1 I CwmfflY Snpe, Court and-Adia'r uj Iv-j no ' ' .-oTfciT HSL J V-XXli' " Zl Wi .'2LWLLfcf A2?, f Mary LentlleV deceased.. TT 7 , - , S YvcsftaeA, near Trade j ;deo8-?-wt -iuo-Si r, decS- dl2tlJ y w , J , ' - -!i--j-joi o u ,1 , -;V,LL ",;:4;;t 'J .''iii t...,:ii;Mt'ii.-i;, , f .- , , r . ... - i immoiiuii asa UM UTMC , t r u- tia m i 27.nh Or & Blue Flannel We hare' &iso rececefred our KENS' aid B0T8 . purchasing, u n r.itfi. - t '.. r.v, V r DtUta li)liJi T Tfl lJ I JX) ttJejOrtlJS. U , JEWELRY STRE .Nfr&k. Can be seen ami proved the sew and Wy. PmH? ejealghtilTothoM neto Spectacles or Ey Glasses we would say can and see our splendid stock, largest In Oiarlotte and of at tfith the' Optometer Ivre' can: ttiftitj eye. if ate' bow receiving our ii '-.'.Jir.fp t,ii; a iU3;j Hiil WAfCHES, -1. l'i ' -- - i f -ilj. -! t . i . . i j.! i rt..-. . . . . ' ' . . : ..... i . . . I i . .11 SJL. Enrraatag tod; Fine; WAtcheQA alwma . .tt , ! d3i. a oi i j',. -fri 9tt- ;AVT '8faaitTa ome- ,: -WHB-vt '.' r- I uimtoafcor, t r..i.-. Wue.!ii aiodw -fid Merrrai ion -into Um Stomach. Thh rd ir worn teTr the Pit "oftheatuiaailii tmmikg Uw Gi&Nrs Otnrei ;; 14 T" t; eiaaoh.s Aogcaoa ,y etawa ocuc) raiMorMa into tueeiremstun f tM wood atxi ' Are, rarlfrlnr UtaBtood. attmiUiinr k I A rer and : 'mt SMWawSiiaaitii. or aaal 1m. VLaJL 'Samiiitmred antf for'safek e2Gernulatrwt,1 naii i litre, oiiniij .sioiTlSftj . " f Tl tuJcuL. - - - . m. . 4 ! "I i ' ...... 1 jaeraaie wuuinw awflrug.swff? Pfe,. Sffiffl55!Py WST." wVf lflSri YTJ riNLT asked Otr xfl-gvfFia-1 VuTeoBAlst,! fine,rLOUK,t8Tj BtESLtef revery- defcrtrony BU' NLT asked Otr1 WIMFia- my Use. which CCOKS, Aa Catt aaOaee ttXaa JWtrlgntfii -ii iU ill 4 i Ban I 1 . ... ... iiiil V; a Wallace; eonsistlni Furnttuiei Beraea.. Household and' Kitchen nogs conv Wheats ? TJm sala wUl be St the- late residence of the de suicuub wi vuB'UB phased on, the La??;Drs .r i, li'ijiuiiws ixomi 1 '. .... ... .:. ..' . - T. ' ' 'ure. aud take adranlS of fttm Special i Occasiohfi ' " . tMl: ' ::-j,i &'i J;'Mfs r-'iM i-i.ii, iwim''!1 if'ninfi . ; 1. . l!0i J i:.'i.;-j i :Vf1fi Sid yj ;r- ;f ffli i .'-. 'tti li-ni i i::f :'f .i: .Ml )i i ... -e .. s.nC.,i."sxi - VAUil ROGtRS Vifli.tRO0nS. Booataas fll iFXJrV! I f . f- ijTj jfcuituiit)uws too carna II : ui ' .! "' AT THE V -' ' ' 1 Jj. .-13. ; , ' 1 't ;i Yii.i lo i:ui inPROYED' PATENT LIYER PAl) t www a-v n-ij ! r i ; i . . . t ... -e m . mmr 1 V-tJ Um ' nvkWA. i,. las i six nay. pi tjtaui&is ieet on Bevenm street, nas improvements m .1880. we will sell ail oi-th. goods ,ard chv L and will be sold raider the decree ct emnt Sbv V) WXtjp4 araaV aa. -i. m Aia. T .a .a artiimrTiaa I t'es Deionnnc to the estafe or the laterM&rr Mr r muunn tn Aeht of thA Antta t t - SA0C of9 above Cboga, XU7 t rt'-vr a ' t J-' -t CLOTm(l.andMvtoutTOMaaaileCoTOJ ti m kj;um tir,S -. twtm J. . B, Hi Ftxld. w ! .tJLrjlD. - METROPOLITMHCrlcli.': ! FIELD 'MOTBEESJhMs iiif.(l qfilS fiotel has- heiarWaM"moU comtort-: X able reomi fit am hotel In the Stirt Ittj HU ted up with all me Jliir ,pui aaa oapw. ww is cemraiij DAJurjbB, fiuuia ior uommeraai Travelers., with inaoqeajMBtsw every Trajiiica' FIELDEROS. f -J AWT, TITIt.rH in-.: . .. CHlCKEN3, rK3U BUTTEH, IGG3L, HON- . l1 a,ou-TBI -BIST BBAHM ) j f ixotjr AtwAvn ni .aTfVTt -T TEA5JK Sl3 CHAfiTjOTTE: K. Hotel far tent, , , w. astots. pi- Paner free. Ad- dresaJPAKIBI, r. BBATTY, Waahl rasWngton,lN. J ; , HIIX'S SOOAl BDSETBSa MANUAL, fX4 wTB 'J ' otJtttoueW. Bible and other aaleable bookv:' ,1 Agenta wanted. Addresi W, H. SBIPABI , Fulton atrBt. Km Yortc . "''i5 ; " nil Dmlrii! Rnmorh Blhlna nl Pmmp Xnnrm nL ' Imopt elrenaway.. Grand Holiday Catalogue free. . f g Beekman-Sttopp. Pogtofflce, Kea ToricV;: Vim syierAttracaye Styles sienow ready. 5; BEST CABINET OB PABV m-tfLOVyA-l 5 LOB ORGANS IN THI ' kivai i lwBIJ)fyitoriers of Inchest "jP feldlstlnctton at ayerf freaJ, woria's exAiDiuon ior thir !'0ROAMSlle!88aa lUO, 0. lVO M OWU iOU S8.8S a ajuarteyaad upward. , Cataloruesfree. MASON TremBTONf aanare,) 149 Wabash Avenue. CHICAGO. , , v - uttuiiwiuoo jnso. muuii mi TJ A Iff 1J Ct T XT' Tl? V I. Cf.'g .2 J " M EiU, I IN 1 Jj A3v I .-I ) Jlw. ... n is rax TTTLS or A Kew Illustrated PamDuiet ' . Inierifatjonal L Great Northern Railroad, And cobtWM a good' Oorjimr Map of the Stitb. It also contains the names and addresses of Para nf and Plantej to Texas who have - - 1.. i I JaJMUXVAiavBIUUlei If AHM3 JTDB BlLKOff KEBT. ' - 3 i-mv. uiudq tuv mu Trail. fu ja&na ivi uio .cai w. m run... Mfli4irlnMl.4ll - - " ' - . . dMlie Mllabl J exas, upon application by letter or poatotcard li : Seal Freight Pasr Agt, Palestine Texasi r liQwVKEADr.q f?a r. 708CEesW8t;t1ffladelhli. athtw avDSC piedia,veeUHBatoM.wi4 juaic. enmbfnlni 8eittlmBt, Orstarr, Pstk, Ujmi Fkb. fre. &otfbtBMfcMUn.' t S Jtrjr boy vh m&iu pl nlma manlier a rr ntmber f S Lrmm K. . .U1 fat tate i ..... . . k. . B Ke to racita. haU the Whale eXfcfiab mh awl lbtr OMitoata Fraa. J irr- f:PateatPorUblrmxls .Alaa Stationary aal Portatle CTEAU EIICIIJ 5 jr. 8CZBX)ZDZB ST.; Sit and Vkrrrp VTiTW Wafav WhA1au Vnrxl Wfrrklnar . and Barrel Machinery, Slnngle MiCfacBtor3 IMUl Supieto, eadfCi Husm. ji.'. ' : MAXWlTSTCSIP CHEAPEST Wmg&&;?- 175.672 MaenlflcentGift Books: QorusTuVS- J'' mm a - I taIs.Xiiv ... "It K: ....4' r ..A . r ' ' '-'.. r: , . 1 1 a-w , J; NOTICE; Btate toamep4 the Charter, of MJWjecto tott&c; SALE QfeCttlLd'lWRi T3T Ylrtae ef a eeiw ot the 8aperiorCnnit,I X win stir at ptbllc auction, at the Court aoor in wnarione, on JuiiMUAX, ine lutn oay ox I 1 Mil 1 UV 1 WW . H.. . AI n tM trw fkff . nT A known as Lot 691 In Baure 06. Eald lot fronts ft'i SB' for LATttllA '' deceased. - - ... - --. ? E .-Terms -One half cash atfd !t t "a3cs x.r - 1 nine monins, nona anu secant r - r.. . .4JOa. 77Z. ' ' f. : V r.l. ! , of : 1! .Ii 5i a I it 4 1 L ' 4 Lj "'V- -i. 'I 1 f i 1