waB!Me- -- ' SindatnaJI til xiTi.l in bill as6o WrVVfcT; rW-Uv.T TvVVyie 3 I Tbe rnptloii proceedings, in our Issue of - Deem ber r7tb.i that Dr. Closs had made i.SBQ0E k 1 t ' TUl!SDAt,1iJ:dEMBER 14,1880. torn ttae Greatest nlbnifd e Sfllijoa tfibiatoB beHqo complaint against Br. ;FiTZ Reid at .!"""1I1 cs Haw tne recent session of the North Caroli- EBT BLAIB. f ... -r, - - iirrrrTn;- 1 1 --.. r i ' - Ciitbjreaks & Dtodent ! - V n n n r. . !'-i: 6lH 110 f5itff it v,r4rx ? 4il 1 1 ill :1 1 flil r till II iri Ho: 1 I u)Z-dlLnLii era. u LliriGS, . . - : lr '. . f. .'tl' Cures tamsniapuon, ysiJawJ I - vj. UMwVMnt TltfHUnltfaa. I Bronchitis, Hoiuness-tiima, Croup,Whoopmgf Cough, nlall BMk. eases of the Breathing Organs. It soothe,andr,heala the Jtembfaie- ot the Ltinbt'Iiillatied and poisoned bj'. the disease, tend prerents the night sweats and tightness WQSSe xhesjb which accompany It" CONSUMP TION is not an Incurable malady. It Is only necessary to hare the. right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM 1 that remedy! DONT DESPAIR f RE LIEF, fofithis henigir. specific will craw yon,weTen " thpngh professional- falls. : - -- Wmmmmi mm-mm m tmwm mm mm mm """!3 . HEtlRYS 4 i. mxmmumi tlie Most Powerful Ilealing OinU menbarid DiHnf&ft&iAl ever Discovered , Benry ' Car6oH ,5al allays . jritrw' Car frolil0e pwM rptio. Henry's Carbolic Salve heal pitnples Menry'e Carbolie Salve heals bruises. Amis, tor Hcnryjud n no tflwr. r y BBWABB 01 COXOTTERF-KITS. g IFor "External and, (Internal Use THE GREATEST.. AlNRKLlEViR 0TTHAOg.i MsW Carbolic A sites van v itn TITO of; the Secret of owiftle Kembcratie Success. in: thfeerv Biair h'as written oOtejrMfeNew York 5m in sup- days Hawaii have eruption of which far ex of that v eel The erapti ing of the port of the position he lias previously tn tit a Aitl6n and' duties of. "the beniobrdtic partyj frbni whicii 4he ' f ow lydown to lowincr extracts are taken : ; ; I Kea and th c.?rWftbnvietXbn:i;wa3 stoBsdrAnterr two branch tainpd hv me durinir the Dast .four old crater of Tears hat we could not lect any other -ward the easl rhan l'Tildeh. The banMejatwas seen t of Tilden was an abandonment or me uia nre w issnesfx which h was the peculiar thft Hvft iwtiiea of the dav. of the princi pies which theiseople were roostintent ott asserting. - Hence the effect of aban doning Tilden, unaer exisung circum stances, the abandonment of the most cherished ptinotpiea-oi. w.e party, Kea. But some 12 ho peoplesCrgjra Island of beenteaigeigtby an tMfC vOIcitafl maM Lsoa, wraiea i mnuajamt pi nre. . M. M-M t Jlkll ' M Ami.' mit c&telM fiiweh rarfid- khe blatiaii Qylng Uetwen 4 Mfuna) mJ It for died es, oie rannMSg towurdlthe Ktina : ftrfd -the actr tb- LM)n beinfirst oSstrired asi maKinsiwway w earnum. Ha zards -Saturday morning it was noticfedtbata' BfeCoBdflotv-appeuf ed arfdTwjtxnrpidJx rjpniJS jiff tfee did rection of the toanwn,iua Tmmftdiatplv ' there was . the utmost alarmed, adrWt!m'e' ChewtiPcft ery feaothat CTlawwaat destiny to date the j) Th crrinff evil of the times in 1876, 1 be ovrwhelmeoVButbeiorethe 8tream4 tki as it still is, was corporate ana ring nacuracneajaau. me aiscanccLiLa ueep mil and corruBtion in itviblic3affairs;J wotfJrwnicft tnds iifthe 1teyi it sud- -Tilden had signarttM himself a a pdenfyVdtlitoty rea- VatO Citizen Oy niS Vlguruua uppusiwvu ouu, buiucu auiuu; w uio uuiwuvaiu. to this power, and nad been elected -Soaow continued until Wednesday, Governor of New York by the people the 13th inst, when two streams ran a their champion ; and for the vigor- beside each other for a considerable ous use he had made of that position in distance, rresentirjg one of thegrandest hAhaif of the DeoDle of New York -the, &&fclSi.could possibly be witness- people OtJH If fa Tfie committe of investigation on the complaint of W m. Closs -against F, L. unanimously adopted, . The committee to whom was referr- both Wtfgttinte(rfXhe fpURNISHING". i(K)M have had the same under cpnsidfirjktion -i v ii,njr(g , Vff . ft $X . . and W leave to BubteirWVoV' ! ..iT , ,V..1V ; - V ' " as their report: - The complaint of Dr. Uioss agaiQL.irctQfir neid was oxsuch a gfave cmlrthAconittxet once determined MgisttiUerias thorough and as impartial an investiea tiori as was in their powa to do. The Sjfeuser and the accused, with several witnesses on eacn side and documents to the ndmber of nearly forty, were be- iore mBvunuiLefrror. able f& AfHTo Al,t.t Irtettf&tartHf? i s r. htest in S-KtiS wfth!t; ublicnl jwrnlvyrrard and 1WM presidency; from tnii t.hA TtP.D rinmaifnissToAllow thw foTmed &h arch Democratic ringmasters to prevent4h whichfBiiles there could be seen the re-homination of Tilden, under such dull lareof the boiling and bubbling circumstances, was tfc surrender the . mate, which movedsteadily on its Way. control of the party (organizaWqn.W SudfK3reau(D tlftte, great cones them, no matter who slioura' 'Be "ffie' woTlffDeTnrownHrp aha again streams aomiaee; for however good and Jtnw of -lata; asdfnnable to find vent in any mtier i wni diovb d i Contacions Ziseases, Golds, Hoarse tiomfc JDinntberia, and wnooptng consn. if ha H..it nnnnrht hg t.hft ftlPifiilOTl of Tilden to maKe on tne monopolies ana xneiiquia nre rmrea on, xne wramtti clr.nolliiH himaplf n makTrtJ5nfh I and their Honth juurvincr from ft anft-fi KlraCa SOI "o at rrtif TildftTi J.1,?; 3sfc to 90 and SO feekaceordinir to tl i-5Tf IhnrA had hfifin no onrwstioJrin. I t.nrfl of h crrouS dyer which r-tH-"- -jjt ..isii -r.'r rr y: Tt- rhn4 Ki noriiT f mm rnn innwn inui ra armnnHmitirwaT n n aim mo mmr Li , Jfleoemnt to th Xaate.- 3 Believe Dyipepaia "anii BIliotianeM z 1 pjoiefse teMtforfi,erefrrfartrt -It Tess.1 tfm neetsefcJlra. Wtnsldw low Bef throuentha DrnaraHofi of Tii"i "aooming syrup ror cmidren TeetDing." if we had the power we would make her, as she Is, a physical saviour to the infa&l lace-- sSnte, by all druggists. 25cer4(pbl(J For Sl by nil Drajgiitt. JOHN F. HENRY & CO., 24 CdUege ftaoe, .,, ui ( v , Hfw Tone 3 yf7 ' XO US) lieUlUvia'KliouHF'w'uiwj IdUVC nan ui hvb rivui tuia iijitwi ivl. younger Tin ......n...-.. frnt " -t uiyiuauoi uuiiuinaaiijr llldn ias arjnngiBniasaeriuajaiaj crpraniea ana ovosie on, iainng w-xirm hostiMty was .ot43JprpaQBji iwcictDeannot DekaesQrjD5a. ward the rinmtetersrand wn6 jhadw Dl hasbeefiintimatedi if the4avacoli- pdsedall the&ineureBQreeppsM in ,J,he direction lEhas tioniatTildeMfrtniJtepr now takenpQiere-will , be baroly- ajjy m6-7fsoth4thep1irpel doing any damage to the candidatlJifWI t)does-it WPuJtd war more vigproustnn,4ueu www nave v) muip me great vauev oeiaw ridwmake iVvbyreasdn of -hi feeble 1 Pan OIo ahd Wailuknswarmpa biforA HeaUK the 4ct; could. not-laave heel reachjhg tbnetehboJrHood of thetow. constfued as n- auanaQnjnenF 01 nine t ttui tnere m a ranger tnaina atreai waron tne cprrupunrsjaaiiari me i may jstriKesjina u;oiiow jnecourse-or jwwiuipiw rrl " ""l-ut?liabotit two years ago. prescribed Tfoi -hia dSm ert oy eiecwnSiJUiupaf P h ucu rmonius, anu sem uie tava over an-areav PrevenUve. which has most miraculously enrtf en who wcr betrayed the people estimated at 800 'sqhare miles, f lrfsin. i find it equally benficSi m an cases of Thre Is no drafted nation la the . Western Hemisphere in' which the utility of Bostetter's Stomach. Bitters as a tonic, corrective,, and antP, bllltouil medicine, la not . known ana attnrecbted. ' While, ft is a medicine for' all seasons -and; alt ctt mates;ir is especially sultM to the cempTahrts eenerated by the weather, bemgtne purest and oesi vegeuw-samoian uuaa woi jorai.D7 plyforHottetter'; We hve known -awifrs Syphilitic Spi5i tesiea in nimareas 01 oosunate ' cases or syphilis. Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, etc and testK fy that It made the most perfect and permanent ures in ver7 chh5 . . . ,.v. Hugh L. Dsnkakv, - Gbh. Eli Wabbvh, Sax. D..1CILXKK, ' ? J. W. WiMBBBLt, f ' Ju4k Co; Coxsl t Da J.C. Gilbert, Crogt J.L.WAftaBN, of firm ol J. W. Maitn, J. W; Latfarop ft Co., - County Treasurer, Savannah, Oa., . Wm. D. Pubcb, Sheriff, JUJ. JACiSON, U.U AHJkCAN, Dept pl!lc. Snp'CL, Day k Gokdoh, We frelersraanrc men wnose signatures appear to tne above certln cate. They' are citizen of said county,1 '4ft the uigucsi respectaoiuiy ana cnaracier. u : and also with many, f ths,genOwne, whose sig natures appear to tne loregoing certincates. td are men of hl?hmter fl8$ I finjfaf; v wki tt irpetfltiGeorglajj 313 H05BITTEES. r Mi llfJ iLSLniteuet fflie fiiomaJOdweisfileiisJ TVirMBa piia f drt case Uiey wm uut mue or help, corruptionists fihredgerroseti,a height of .SQrfeeT. reiwtad ciiiandrfeF dated with t heiniand. air. who .claimed 1 presettng-fUiet appearance of an; ad- rthrough the teething period. iithlno-Ti orayTtnow her through the DreiiaraU and ouei He Msurel wind colic an rthrough the teething rwhat u professes-1 pwf 01 loassi ana so todk tl and sold out t&CrosTdeAcr it would 30 Uf.-Krrr;1 m my family. toitheleadfefenounTnJ aird beyjrtd &m4&eTc. SI?f t fTtilP and from the dawhen their treachery Stilt it is aboresant 21-knile front thattf oct2leni e W C . . 1 V ) d from the aav wnen ineir ireacnery 1 Ktm. it 13 aturesan consummated until TUden peremp-1 place, and the DrWDect'is thaLthetown torifv withdrewrftom te COn Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It wU4v.;Paf in at ITi wniatT WfPliaaadl q.1tt thn m-ostMMaMriAv Wf ; tt,V, i"moT VJ JBrmpUOIlS huuvu r.rCT!S34 - . "rv eamidiesJrtonlpIe: 10 denounce nim,ikyuiui uifBunnj-uiere ls-inany event more inan aproo-i wadlit, kkaitokl" to conceal the xacuuLt tueptjecii 01 l)aMii$y ?thafemuch Hxed propertr the betrayal artdjftvHayes and o beCdeatroyei -tHjan is but little dar ids fMiicHb oa jLtaeu gwuiuimyyy'w f pi mm ittc iwBiMr ot iv-m soia wound received during the late war. After bav- VJincranau, waa,w?pievoAu wyanu rpguiar-tuafci id nance by the DitJdcratiq pstw flfhatJ Atoided andall movaties war upon reuwonEW4 M rflng to care me until I used your Star Curlne. which with Which Tilden had becoi ldjBnxi-l;,v r 1 s),Hn !--f h&acureda remarkably badcase. Wlshtsg you fiftdJ and to can-Van: 3nlCnUia DedDie rCtolsrramM IrftT' Bacousfield'tfIVevrt sucpess, a am yours, respectmuy, JOHU mu And this eauaiiv ?rrTrH nvTn"-!? jta inue unowieaee ot tne worm la lure of the contest which eTtsiiedrIjit-j very dangerous tfiing, eapeciallyn Jit? t TT 1 nexttn iruafn thtease :fiaA ere allowed full 'finie array their testimony and bring from it-every shade uiiV'aneaniiig jiossible. Yoir committee then took the case. eration.tMSfLTfif urM sion that there was not the she grounds whatsoever upon which they could find a UlLof changes ifcsairtstK the BeV. Frank JL. Reid, the accused ; they movingllslelMaGtr lXdlmpM3lJ eu. ; David R. Beuton, ) Thomas W. Guthrie; Committee. T. A. Boone, ) ea. A Beaeuctress. e American mi this the doer for hi u 'Di this we SuBflfa sar 1 1 ereB0sai are sarei A 'hie OT.IW4jtdBlng. cellcklng,and teething siege. MBS. pain, ana cwseg mjte rs. , Wbislow ightedgale oC mat sreiwi lng I II dniAtW-sil and dlar- on. e Infant safelr It performs precisely arvet -it J ly8mnfifJaf White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? Fm C D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure In recemmending to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Kxpeytarpnw and rous Preven tive.; My mtlesonJeatounrerfrom epasmoaic oreup during tne night. Dr. Cheney, 10 Firie,Faricyi5pods, We Cal Special ATrtarttDii to MAJoitdllirb tjBAOXBZ (BLUBS, y i ud! -NiU p.rtv, , ;i!;.,r. nix NOVELTIES IX FAZbrobOD it DECORATED XrffAMBg&SmS, ? S BASKETS IN GREAT TABIMTT, d.si MOJfUNQ TO EliCAlri THKli IN TB3 CITTj f I 141 V ..! j Pin! taMf!Argest stock ftf : WMXia,uxp!urnCKryjl4HaBfl J, en! lo t'S.fi -jy illew.'Ware;' MO- P.-. whdiissaier&sRfitaH call erwrite?- Westell goeda l&hoiW& HtktJ andeantaaUeataaa7AUl.il? Sttdi oT Jay I ' '4ii -ii ti it I. ion j) JeiM ,mbi nrr T iiUuracny vaoai0 sai nu uaAOMa, rrV l :i v-1 'liWi iftl D. M. 0 l'j-ST-i:!' uioo a 3ou uvh i 1 ( . f uttstiH -!i3.1 JuwVI-jdlfMAtTTL .i raj Mi lfiafetcfV; I 9UJ Ol 9:i:l .'?,':!- f; ;(; V)(s-.Mi-'! lntl(eMl4 and wtD sell fIowftW lowest : IatpecUaa oa I f!i ;-:; i and afiet tpa. ( ono ap eeef . , Alao, , jj..., , 1 IJbi ai notMntr wasaaidinit in.denunrjexatuxe" " S ciaiion of corruption pncjeScWewlTu or against, uie gieat, juuiiuiAnwsrwiu is mau wo may enjoy puxatayea. rinm that actaallv control, or aarainst L A11 thincrs chancre, and auotfncr Vir the frand committea to aexeat tna re- gii will De tne forms whichk the people had; decreed hyj In! the last w lT.lu4Wlnr TiMarl if? woAa Sill Tdlin' 4Ai4ff ..oy.-AUven. pm? umemoe,r iwii mg to disap ent we often h tkktilbgt neYerrtfrom longer, as when led by Tuden, the, ntp kniembr iwitbi b: new constitteney. tacking party, out were, on tne eon-rnave neara tireer dnoted nereJJttt? that trary. on the defensive from the begin- I was long aero and a great mistake the nlog to the, end. of .the canvass Hanr house was quite alarmed." cotk's pblitical record related, jPnlT.td m London is deficient in dinning capa- reconstruction, a dead issue, awd ' had bility." jobj relation whatever to the reform of When a nation is;thprpycperplexed abases or to the great question whether I and dispirited, they soon cease to make the government should continue to oe distinctions between political parties, controlled by rings and jobbers and I The country is out of sorts and the gov- monopoii4si 1 r , ; ernment is held answerable for.thedia- But the defeat of Tildeh and the order. . ;? -I K t nomination of any one else, no matter tSensible men are all of the same re- who, completed the triumph of this ligion." class of politicians. That was all that fAnd what is that?. Sensible men John Kelly asked for.: And as, that nehrertelL" PMii) sufflced to aet aside ; TildenisrnJ the f Great men shouw think of bpportu- diStincUYepbUct.dfitheimrtyJHiere- nitv and not of time. Time is the ex- tained their position in it with power I cuse of feeble and puzzled spirits." nominee who refused to come to terms, -principles on anVverage-once in ten with them, and enabled them to con- years. tintteaflffwtlvetoKperatien:WlthUd -i 'Dynasties are unpopular, especially Republicans, m s . ..j.l. new ones. Th resent age is mon- rihe result vermes tnis reasoning, archical, botnotoynastic." foirwWleHahcdck'ft personal character- "You must show j that Democracy is frees, him frrn all suspicion of complip- Aristocracy in disghise, and that Aris- itV with the jobbers, the fact remains tocracyjis Demferacy in disguise. It that by superseding Tilden the war on wiHcaTtjyoti,thro' everything. That them had ceased, and the question in isj the charm of a principle you have the potioTrwhieh the-rjeoplfijBpught. ta always an answer ready. Uml- 3 L 1.1 "Tk IS L I . I . i - . i n ' I ! ins ueicau ox mo jL'cuiocrAuvv pu vytianci witn a powenui miaaie ciass, re 15 assured while this condition of things f quires grave statesmen." Continues, because it unts the Jobbers i-Whak Ja colonial . necessarilv. lacks .ahd their allies in position to dictate its I originality. A country that borrow its npmmees or to defeat those, who do not language, its laws and its religion cannot I TT r sr MBMLI , a ftMfl I Mi ff HVfH ad y ' lotT A-J Iri i i v-t x!ir;.; i-. ' w--i J C'i 7 1 ; -i uL . a 1 WmanHwtpys ' ourown laia7 Candlea: and 1 - "S-1"' - iit 1 . ijiwj Uflfl- ;&c twfattttebltwra, i lnu -Mae rrencli bandies e have a large stock and as fine as is made. ! BREAD, CAKES, RTE& ,. the place to get -yoiJ CHBISfTlLtft ?Pi !.JWife arantj BatisfaCtlon. 1 ?on'1 lii ftf!ftEB3l33t Ailc roar &nigstrt'0T; H4 Jitters and try tlT.(L U aa asMnntbAad trradstlbta tm Ai Dronkenofs, aisot opttrntftseiCand fiarcotfok shbmit 40, them.They opposed Til- hjtve its inventive powers mufht dennnimatibn IS 1876, sold him out veloDed." ? f'yi r . 1 1 .1 L l J l ween eiectea, anu , reswvea to aejeai tnat necatomo tney call a wea i T -: 4.: ...- la j..:- 4j i- ,vi.l i uing ureaiuasw wniou ctjieojaues, iuo frcfmTnds Ms renominatioh of election if refiomi- nitea Thevl defeated tnRcduasmS'tdiKumnh nf a rival. r3 make this purpose known, and to mard-Ll "Every thinr in the Vbrl ffest their power to accomplish itr,itctd1pon will." "1 think everything in this eiiy, in tinMiq8urutumtr-iH- aepenas upon women, -it is qrk, ODenfnMi2ion for his the same thin&T.t)"0 H I'M eseartsia& liucmnaaEBBcause, xam? 1 it is since tne depths 01 reunions any nadaiwaystttopcLJQyne eoutn, thought have been probed and the in ... w.r4.4. Cl. .. tl I J - - I il 1 . . fiaua Tnus yiuv.Kiucvi, nio advw.uiiiiD I auejucaui. woiiicu lu. tuaeuieiUA uabusi.o- Jden andBobiniiten sacrificed ntnti Mi i6mbite Jfedine has again .1 i. .a . i ' . F I r- - Ti .... .l . . a . k . . rgwraeiscmOT-". , , 1 been recognized, tnat lascmaang ana ftTenomuiftUon wsweeces- elarv fearrtf thial pMW 'VtiMtotiiik haclifthe Democracy w atJLtjfttftlwi1 tioniand thus sewreUccesMnjth ijecfntilWquale iiiTiTir no1 BTcyive: ana b any !" fci.i.W-Qa . T,a. K9tK&fil3 dt' c i Ucaieaieia to majley . IN the State Sfttf OnltedSbtfeS onrts.-Collee .tlons.. Home and .Foraiim. nii.iif .- aw 0r Mia i-V. Chaaotw,'N7C: ZJaS?1! .jroreign,,, sollce(t,v:, J f)TuiaL.V ILAii.TlU,tf tfl t. vJ " SIMBj'iJi0NE8;'.MD, .''.;' ; - , .',. . ""w.t vv" c viajf-j ilia,;; eors.-s:ze tnerpr rt jwa soum. Id XC- 3 tnT rwith ashionable prelates have become fa- tored gntyfii.tlufi MflifeftlsalOoTis of the mighty, and while apparently in flaJsng.inih yanitiespf the hopftnavi e Snflaiitte t McFift rs l SSneland should be. the suwect rathe: "JSii ier the surrrt nor fwpboafr llanddesnair which was deemed necessa- tion 4KUden isinaL Its ftaftaOlic r? mi&mintttibdi tT icDAtitiVel .UlJlrtlh-,io i,rtvf!or. - . l kii i M I ii ii iiiiiii nil I ill liiiiiiiMiiiiiw Pirn iiiiiiiiiiii - - i - - .iliaTlV rfepreseotsi: f DrWhichah" s M(Wonid . newer ifcink V oC death. fwatift'iin the ,be rinot oalJ down n.ndrlf.Slte icy.as was tuh v exenroHnea in- ne i :r, alt t,By:Jthattfife !f ;o pe-ji aggressive auu ueoaov4ii.ue- nwc "Turtle makes tav rflCM equal." an is resppnaiPie , anc n?. t i lArDUWie m MtnritismiA raa t- r . i rn . r-n tSJkWiJi) ate lire cnarcro VA-tTJ .-ri MtfllORta Isralalate.J hch of powerful 8Dr r -nstva party, aud were, in cpnseauence i&muduiaal miuiHfrrrm and If being . - r l ii l - i . tt. ' ieatea. it is, jnereioreinaiesaoaiotq taiked atrmwtfr rqniBqvrul they :perieppe,wii'w:;pT;;rw5o We cannot hope to winwiflidtit hbist pte oersrvM ara tMlimmMZ. of TUdenlsmr' poS3l2 afAhMtinrmfii)inl. -fr. l.ni.a nxxrUMrtdsince Wednesdavlaift. was cpnche6JFjiday7Tt iwaa. made to appeajttiha. tglM 34ttt?i 4e f endant shipped to Fox; who had charge !rincu.vi..t-.,ii. ii T vi n iuui.u.wtiKiugt uii Locn8Derjn. Frtf Qk iMuhtf.0 lot i'fi . RnsmoaM tLceiviii(,Uiat;rox hadBifeea tljief itithe: pwscfu?e. 6f 9teTerpc. Sors,j jFtofltttfrXix ;aedr hitnD;'Sep2 tembet.iizisifci.odain'ages, i-Th'ffjflrj. after an absence of about tweEtyymtu utes, returned ; and rendered a verdict of $1,000 ferthe plaintiffs Defendant's -Tt'sr'Tr. Aa,.i . .vwMWf-v . -1 ' ' metiew UMqnaituis ot the trorld-renewnaa ' Charity Hospital of New Orleans a beauffihft tabfcl ; TWvwrt4IK hlarniT nt nnniA rtwvl, falnt BB""'j fjEorain founded in the year 1788 dj TSon Andres Almo- munlocence of the Lslataj of Xf&fe, erd tha-iajjerarjifitltlie State of Tenn8ylTanla,The community is Indebted for the means ei erect! thla-edUoetlniayaaz IgDCCCXXXEL. lai tti ealls the fact ttoatrsineeilSeS'lta existence has neen continue measr una egdewmept of tne Louisiana Btate Lottery company, glring It ever I 00,0v0 14 thaktte.rjr-4ertdicBtf i c Dauptln, Nw"'Orleant' La.r )TraaexarDn bdte TtliJularta'I; uti 3tfc ?1Uj-ji 1 j itr.r??rpr, j ck I respectfully announce myself as an applicant. ror t e position 01 dooriteeper 01 tneiouseoi ;iso: i jur.sf jjCAHTAL PRIZE, 830,000.. , . . 1 00,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-TIck- eta. 0rfotkmy: ' LIST OF PRIZES 1 Capital Prize.. prize. icapitai $30,000 10,000 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 000 Prizes of 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 9 Approximation 9 Approximation' 1 aiiMV v& 9Ms 900 857 Prlzes.amol....... SI 10,400 espeo9e ceoeroooainii agents wanted at all )lnU. to whom a Ubertfl compensation win be fit(Sktlon, write WllhjlTUsg address. Send orders by etrorftegi? jd Letter, or Money Ama. I ' New Orleans, Louisiana, f ' No.81flBroadwaT. Naw Vartc All (Dor Grand Extraordinary Drawings an under supervision and management ef Generals G. '. Beaureeard and Jobal J Sarlr. . oecA-awbw , ;.ll OFTJLAE- MOOTHLT IWIlOF JTRS; Dlrs V i bift i 0 n C o Dpanj. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1SS0. v These drawings oecor monthtr (SanittA jikEeaU ed) under provisions ef an Act ot the General As sembly of Kentucky, lnoaaiMtlta-Wewport y EVThia is aspedal act, and has never been re- rTte.Unlte38tates Circuit Court on Ifardi ZU MiraRKJfwlowlngcteeiaionsr - 1st That tm Ccpunon wealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawipgs are tahk- toff asswa 1 s Ill correspondence shenkUbe with M. A. Danphln as below. In dU eases the Ticurs them sehres are sent, and never clrcolars oflFetfng ceittfi cates or anything re lwtead Aijfnftipropos lxti to offer anything else by circular or otherwise, on4ir Owhttehalf it Aai of the company, is a swfadler. A 8PLXNDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB- f ' TUNlt FIRST GRAND DISTRIBUTION, Tuesday, January 11 th, 1881 12 8th Monthly T ' Drawing LOUISIANA 8TATB LOTTERY COMPAlY, u lhis Institution waai reeularlr lncomad. bv the Legislature ef the Stale for Educational and Charitable purpoeee In 1868, fob ram tkbk y Twnrrr-riTa nafiS, to which contract th InTlola- bie laimi oi l Btate is pledgea whlcA pledge has been renewed by an overwhelm tnff nonniar vote, securing Its franchise In the new constitution adopted DecaitfrdrA. Drl830,ltb a capital Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWING will take place monthly xtn theeecond Tuesday. It never scales or POstPObea. Look at the Mm: sr. . b6 NOT VAIL TO .ll T3 'it J : I , it!.f If mm - vt.. a' f 1 t r. r ,..., ' " .1111 -1 fj i ! . I. ' j .V.".-i;.V... Hi- . I"t- . : hi.!:- "ii- r ' j -. . . . . , LARGE STOCK OF r.io.T La,; jUr,:.,, lo : .SJirr.ii.j ns--i f Ur,v f.U'j :,tii:i : . . . j . . t .-, - ii 1. W ' fii;.:' -lf f:t n t'sjui? i III . ,felo cytr dst 'L'::i2 ia tm .dj'me .0 .1 .iH f -aim ivf mn iu rto JIHWTQiJi fciis iiw's. is nl na .1.;b . w&rf .au I ...... TT T-JTn. J 12 Jl ftikiJrilj li,. xll 1 Prize. 1 PrUflT;! lUii.JmlA. -XYJml.mLUllX . 10 Prizes, $1,000 each,.... ....... 120 Prizes, &9.eaflhj&. ........ 100 Prizes,, -100 each,..... 200 Prizes, 60 each,.. wxi razes. eacn. 1000 Prizes." 10 each. D00 li 10.1 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, ,200 "rt "rr " : " . 1,800 iiirri:ui?0iiiit m 1,960 IWzrt,;.f.i,T,TiV..;.$l 12400 d - 450: 65 Ticket. $l(x i . . J BettSna7rT'"at',rN,itiB Letter, er send; by Express. DONT Slu O BY REGISTERED i LETTER OR POSTOFYiCE ORDER. Orde- of! $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex- R. M. EOARD1IAN, ConrfrJoumal Building, x v.! r ri i j r V" i , ki vt t t'l lo r11 7fl r'j i L-TSi. rTTiu Ji.yrt! triT .HfiUir. ,iu.f ri n tt'o , nr Taj f. Kin u f i;nr lo i-. Tf ,irtj dill ot oti av.i l.f'rtW"lj.BM Jt'i?-! 3T bY iJ3...-..'U J llSnJ WW .j&u'i ; jna:'3i. aii i:,-;j - I 1 ! i . a ii - - ' i)iiaiitcaiM.m -ita f - bed i-y, n V ufs .L. -br.d-iasv lo -r..W. CKSmiSDmiXi8AJrKCOTE&ED enJ lo ro m ivnirv.! r-, if" M. . i..l , Jliirl v RsaLuii Zaaf:aQH:,6tla LTSWUUIK r ..K VWW TOl .lWSSBlXIB -BOB i j . i Babied Toilet taaesrftotatthtntf new ail e lavtte a caatnL' laspectWiti a .-!... T.0NtXJ. A. 4,. j W . JvlSlV ..." "vj . ! 'i " .as: 'i. .-4 ..4 T. EULE 11 4 U iO5 a&QxI stwiT?".!. ,.- . TKTJCifA .! n ,Hi JaletufBeaftouiIfaw loik with icref' r - nAHOOTS, , SILVER and SILVER the ftnea rrf. li.i PLATED WARE, :? 7.' i: . life! Dili's! Safes! l!l 1-.' -ligARATOQA -yicnif,! , ; 1 . r i;v .-v. iii.ui t-.i; (: i,t-; Trbm 8aratxfce'SeMgi N. Y.1- A w water rebea- ' Dung u imponea vicbjl : jeceaweQdea : j . : ; .lasa ian antaddPH-saDyspep'da, ,, . , ,. akisplgestlon, la a powerful . ' 1 ; i. .i TTSjooie. and strong ,i -nn.m biw; jbtoBto.;.it ...!:.,. fi j 'Jt. f. tUa t; i:i jAtpo:s.i rn-, ; V : f"!4-) tWW" AIJAAAVAUUk , M MIVVl ) ! on 1 fllA' : ' :'J . , lt oommendetl yea ihighly a a CatharUe and j teratlve and In au forms Of Dyspepsia. ii- j V JA: fUajjSileOGK RRIDGE AW. ! ,i ib2MWw:f:;,,. " h Jemv ' I MHV. Ii. Unit tl .. :z ---' ana: tiaoyaai (!1 NOVEIH ! mm i..n.: ' i TBE'mT .etitfii H9Vi t i ,f: -iti v." J " : , Tie Best Natural Ipetieii.. 1,1 ,-i8iJMri-Soi's9' tj mmj-awuis gia wi eiore prefuuasi. The meuiradi Jtthoa.'-Bawm Ltebte af- mms mat ns ncnaess m-apeneni salts surpasses tfaatfotbeiwn.watMa.' - r.-, h Urtart MW Jwrncl'nnyadl Jaaos. Theaneet tereeabl,.saXest. and,. meat etOeadoos '' Pi5ftW tTBiL teompt suooessuaestvaluaWai,-- i pfcfcor BawScrVIklnwe nrescrib- ef these waterawtUkriflsiiaMemcoeas." - IttfH foimxmX; WtoBzbqg.-T-I pwsWba mm don. "Mor pleasant tha n its rivals, and surpass ea Oitinln efficacy." ' " . .i. . j UPrqftisolfJteB, Jf. i Royal MlllUry Hospital, Netley."Preferred to Pollaa and Fried- ncaanau?. ftt...; o8,Tro,f' . . ..ytitvi!.: ; ; -j S0 " .if Hill -Wul: ; 1 '-i ;'".Sf7? nOtiltV"! 'lii:.. ' :li , DR'J.-vMfApifiP. HOBTB TBTCnr-flT- r -eHARLOTTE, N. C f ; Dbfnrt!Goia Saratoga Simula -sui la gi.f iw; ; When yon canget aleur toontaln Saratoga MSxr eaisior jupew water lust, as nesn ana spanning i SPECTACLES ETO ETC ii 1 ! I-1 'A 1 Tae largest stoct ever hmtwta tA tHU i.... The above oda km in :"iia tr mi iw. 11 , Wt Hundred Gold and SUw watches left to be repaired and not called f w wa10!!! soil on the second Monday In Novera tmr. 1880. ,?" 0 the same. Save ywr f to girt in; if you mono lori Batler'a hmi ha ' - BaviBc a verr lam atMk h U o(n bargains to Ul who want goods Tor cast dont Know where Botler is ask for him, and don't be deceived by fellows that say titey are "Butler." . ( J. T. BUTLER, eetSl : - i Chrollna Jewelry sters. Snrrflurnvc. WE ARE AGENT FOB MARVIN & CO.'S SAFES, whictf have a world spread r(AitaUon; also. Thos; Barnes &Co.'s Safes, We rrotrs as when tt from n spring at Sara reccfv ihlMatei4a urge bloca as which we retarn as socdh nhntledto asaln evarv week. , rt ? J7jEL lldADEN; ' DrutJdst ana tiinlst Charlotte. N; a bsrefllted OADJ i.l V. Alr;iAlf5 1 h ITIIIIIIX V KU VAUU is,Vi-I. .J. t,il.-j9iJiil .. l! ' fpHF MiyBt??A3y " aibfl rtIo7n.ftSi4fS sfj ut, fc e ofliw ,fc isif; jsdw isj-sm -tfKfT .v vunain I' T. . '. I,. l Bi,.3'i. r.d,n j' t re tm k- i i dreds cf 1" .rs frcn ...vfc' a,' pronouncn' U..J yroduct t"-e be.t cj of 1 1 yet made, , 5 ee.s per gsl. oi cf ary rr?vi3.: - - - LOCSS ClC co.;- y I .War cl nVl . h i ! : - - w m f -w 'Jul.-. i 1 js'T; J 0 VI II mill jiiiwiiiAii;ti! UIMWrJIlTrlR owl .; -. li .... i WHICH ARE ACCEPTED AS FIRST-CLA83 Wherever sold. -xi . - . t. - We will sell as low as any safe dealers In the United States. Call on us If you want a Safe. BREM & Mi)0WELL Central Hole! Building, Charlotte, N. C. dec " - : , If you feel dull, drowsy v debilitated, have fi, qaent hetUlaoh-, toouth tastes badly, poor appi tlte, and tongue coated,' you ar sullerlng from ttr- H. in VhlllMKHM. " knil mnthlng will cure I f eu so speedily and permanently aa. to take Sim monr iitveriiteguuHor or joeaiciae. , !The Cwpest,Pu-2tB4iLri" and Best ramiiy intheWorld! : Aa Effectual Specific f er all diseases of the Liver, "Stomach and Spleen. .r--s : ' Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fever, Malarious Fe vers, jsowei torn- atnts, Jtesuessnes, iWffiMandiaaaea. ( Nothina U at urn VAi M.h. tA In idrT- rv.rr mm it CUVBM from the stomach, and can be easily corrected if ye wfll take Simmons' Ltver Regulator. Do not neglect o sure a remedy for this repulsive dlsor- oer. u wiu aiso improve your appeute, mjui. kn and General Health. PILESI ' HmiWih suffer torture dar after day. making 1 lie a busden and robbing existence ot all pleasun, X. .. .,. mmml llWJlll fm T( EefU ready to the hand ol-almost any one wbo will use systematically the- remedy tbat ha pw maoently cured thousands. Simmons' Liver Kegti lator is no drastic violent purge, but a gentle m slstant to nature. Ai.it- v-j , . . - n .... !;CON8TIPATIONI SHOULD not be regarded ss a trifling - ailment; intact, nature demands the ' - utmost' regularity of the bowels, and davlatloa from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove Impure accumu lations from the bowels as it is eat or aleept and no health can be expe ted ; where a costive habit of body prevails. i t SICJTHEApACPEI uy digested oontents. causes a se vw hanA nmmnitnlu. tth dlsflJJTeeabU and this (Bonstltotes what is popularlf SI(.Headaobe,i ' ; i r .- Apriaf.-i4sitbei a number ot unuaww the publlo. we would cauuon tne com munity to buy 0 SJigWhiWLlvey WBoL Medicine nieM our engraved wrapper, Wi r trade mark, stamp aB4sigrvjfp uafrcltM None other Is genuine. , T.r...... . Breath. '" unpleasant nothing so commco mdinneany lr. tbelm Jain in .rt) it nil jsMmp. ntu-i (to . i lbs. Cro. Sage.i 860 Ib. 6nv Bladt .Tapper, LO lbL. Gro. Cet.IrrDer. Rfsn ltMFniM 1am Tartar fJGroJ Kauon f kTlira. Chalmer's GdSaJteifKiJAooti;CoMa) aeciraaBdJto&a y. J i CifiljficnS !I 7 .a v m . rw .. r m rt . All I 'tiA-' ' I lirt 'ff'lfl .lm.lUii. "W:vi tf 'tiiawfcfT-sKsain $ 43p. -foffc .n Eyrup Ures; 10 6ro. GaEtoan Invpfriii, st AVhii..fU .. ," , - . .,..i..i..i -r. Br..r " iil lot c?i JrrM-M prierp.: tTcrnS novai 0 .. iliiOl.l-j CHARLESTOIY IIE ITPPI5R oAtlGtlNAS. juiiii tirPTir.?o.i4 vTi r rm , aiij m gjiMitejr.f m nmsfi dm bury SuilroM open. ,frwnt Wabeia, Wta and all ,adacentieitDy flj Li l'v.nce, a new line to Charleston ana w rind r. pectfuliy lavltei the attention ot all swr KWn; end a share Of their batlxwa; xwtl X ,riartes:d all mormiw w, j v-l L.ROSC, Agent, Wadsboro.or the ogf5f'