lit. 3$tatttcX. fe,' t iyrrrivsa3rr- a- ,y - s-r r nlT.mmr-inf etHtap Iub. White Swellinr.Goat. Goltrt, konsuaotlon, Bronchitis, Narvoas De IbUltT, Malaria, sad all dWUM arliiag , front aa Impure ceadtttoa of tlie blood? ' lUb. or scalp. CUBES SCROFULA. flnrea 12 Iiati mntlim. .. Cares Sypnilis. RCDHDAL,IS Cures Nervous Pbtyity. CUIIES ERUPTIONS. mm 1t9 idleate jmbllshed on every. a will tell Ton It la comnosod of the n, Huuf Strongest alteratives that exist, and Is as BceUent lilood rurmr. EOSADALIS Uold toy an Prngslrts. ,E&r MA2C and JtJZJST, External and Internal. ' 1X1 GREATEST PAIN RELDCVER CT TftS AGS botfs Liver Piilir TEB UBXA.T VEGETABLE CATHAETIO BSGt iLiJLATOK. VmfiKt A70RM QVPTTP rORM TxtWOy destroys WORKS, and U recommended Vf pigrrtcdana aa tne Dest wutu juuuuuiJk v : best WORM KEDICLNK U"For ula bv all Draraiata. JOHN F. HESBY.A CO.J t4 Catfeg Place, nu paoparawoaa. Hew fork. SLEEP, 4.PPBTITE and STRENGTH Ketum whQn Eoktetter's Stomaeli fitters Is sys tematically used by a billons dyspeptic suSerer, Moreover, since ths brain sympathizes closely with tbe stomach. .nd its Asaoolate organs; the B?r anil the bowels, as hetr deratgeraenti Is rec ODed j (be action of the Bitters, mental despon dency produced by that derasgiment disappears. For s&le by aQ Druglsts an Dealers generally. jam ... -. 1, ? .4 JtAOOjL Ga, Mar 31, 187$ JrOnv navlDf "aeen Intimate Tot a dumber tot years with the proprietors of Swift's SyphlUltlc Speclfle, I have Known. much of its manofaoture ana lis use. mere are men in the community well known citizens who were victims In early lite to SjpbilUs, tb most) terrible cats that ever nmrctea cne noman iamny, a oman iamny, and Who have taken me a. a. medicine, and are now, now, to all. appear as free from the taint ances.and dlsafles Hrrnerrown oejier. rtherrown belle aiseaseAth0first) man.fresH tmm the, fnuuia nf his Maker? 4)erleftcrof ebnrse forBlds theilDubllc recommendaUona ot this medicine, but I am al lowed rww to tne- sceptic pmatetg to those who win endorse .everything that can , anld In Its nwor. Bentg' prwessionailj mtjcb opi HOMnirr reeotiUnendtntf nostrnms rir posed to en- dies, ft M With heMfattoo that t attach .my name (e thW article; tot 4now whefeof I speWwhen I ay tBareurjelence has not jet made public a ; etymMmBonevul to this for me purpose indica ted. - -The greatest "boon the Kovemment could be stow on btmdreda of tbomands or Its cltljensf V wouia D bo furatUBS tan receiat of Its proprletoa. and make It public for the benefit of the pre$ent and all poising generations. - s , i 7j T ' p1 T-ft- MASSyXBa, h. G. fiPECTBTC C)M- Sold'by TTaai itoi L.B. Wrlston d. 1 all on year druggist far a copy of "loung Men's Jrlenda." - niay27' iAw1 ui. -7 it-Torn aalktitt. tei.toUinS.ordn nisMwcMaJtaiartaT grata aatre aaa waste, 4tiuflDdns :'Jbfau any fo are.aawM ttaM K roa vtnar- oiq of l y.Ooaa.JUltBrJjW tram ins on bed of lak- mtir en u teutteia. iiaiVeyjr fiHifiliiwaiia -4ue ' . Mini r i ii ii towtrhf-Ki -t4 - ' - - effo ifciera Bitters. saB"ie?n gew 14 of U aa a fan lrredstable. itauor drank- Hopr SM ilryManalavl ItlMa anefarl try ltl lUrcaiar. - ' i tmayiiiv "H6rrl!fERB8i t h aa aaveot J hundred a, .. J RO. D. GRAHAM, A.TTOEITET -A-T IA"W; IN the State and United States Courts. Collec tions, Home and Foreign, oollelted. Ab straots of Titles, Surveys, Sec, furnished for com pensation. Cwicn iK. K. Corner Trade & Tryon streeta Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 8. SIM B. JONES, M. D. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SKIVICES to tex cmzRHs Of Charlotte and SnrrouDuln-t Country. Omcs with Dbs. Jokes a Gbasax, " OveLJL80n & Burwell' Drag Store. sept28 d8m 0 Democrat copy. S 1 BII Mffl PANACEA 9. 1 oa aneitfi ntniKbtB eMntidSJ I r t iil-tlkf S nrrnrnni JHUIW tf Wil I TA II TAiLH ' . i ii &t)t Ct)orlotU Jbcrcuer, I ;l - Act) H j SUNDAY, JANTJAR THE DEMOCR THREE GREAT THOUGHTS FOR rr ji:rTBfTrt'J mi Tbe TUwi of itepresentallTe Frank L ml Ohioiriedlfied. State Bla-bta, Bard Idtoner nod Free Trade EtUs of Proteclleu Demon- 1- -VU . I Washington, December 29. Mr. Frank Hurd represents the Toledo (QhdMtrwt .Iue of Repre sentatives. He is a Democrat, and his decided course in Ohio and in Congress in. faYOxnf sound money andiriYiKO- follies of the Democratic leaders in his in nis party, it win otj seen nuiu mo followine conversation that Mr. Hurd asrees with the Herald that a reorgan ization or tne DCBOC tiW' Priy "?T cessary, and he believes tnattnwoagrrc announces in the conversation, and it will be aeen.haUie .regards the four teent&tuaendrjjferit a remvyingam practical politic- on oLafnk. loaatv Doints of disDute. that of State rights versus federal r national ajuthpiityJ The citizen's paramount allegiance is 1 due, he says, to the federal authority, and that has under the ajnendincnt full authority to give profcctioiL.whew IQ. ciaiav .uearau hbrdWhatfoT J tit ifuany if or bts and for. Wormar4tri)r kfieaef the . tariff, anct wbat. b.eays on trial these points and others la tpnierit fc of being frank ana outspoken na ap mistakable. Mr. Hurd means to De heard on thes9 XuDjects? ftrtftM p'tettljtl Congress, mless 43peyfcerMndiiiI -fiH able to silence him by th-rwe fctfce rules of the House, and it is probable ffiit H fctfottcttets tfn tfpeninr' otttlfr DemocratsuchasMorrisqn, of Illi- hoTsfMilfs, of "Texais, and Cox; of ISew York, will follow hinU I Following is the (fersation with Mr. Hurd: M -f "I see, Mr. Ilu'thttyou seem, to. agree with theeTaWin thinag sort of reoigaaiiatiotf .rxA fcne'Dera'o crat parfar nsai7f;.Tf)arkeyouf corrtspondent. " ::. vi . , JtJfteorrtnitton JataOel defeat -tbe!&tf havr taught it fche-Becessity df irsnrnr ing to '-tb'0-piiiicn;ijrhtoi,i Jms main tainted f rom tbe davs-fif: Thoxnaa JcfCeiv " Tcs yc)itTjjairt is.liiat$ott wpnldi like d-get the oWUWfei23 om.t of ths con trol of tb DemocraUeTpafijr V . , "CfertalKff, Have a letter frttn on of the beat informed, rnen in the West, who jsays, 'Democrats tQ the front; old whigs toj((horear,r ATxtttfXl TATE RIGHT,. "In. the rrieanjzitioil of the Demo cratict party .what positionjlo yo think it oubt ta - take on ' the :ojaestiOa of btata rtghts?1. "The Kentucky teolutiims of Mx. Jefferson asserted wjcfnestionablt . the power of the States to; command th al legianwof ftlrtiJiBt-in acontro versy between them .and -tbe federal government. Tbiffddctfino,was accent ed by fUm Democratic -Brti- in tdlits platf orin utttfiaijLoiStriiiere Democratic pwtWOfiM; flaintah qw were itjpotforjtTrteentl UnieBd ment. toatattreruf merit eclarej that 'all persorItibrn pr naturSliietf ifithe United Stated BCeJiKe Juris diction thereof are TKaorBTtff the Unit ed States and of the State w.hejein. thgy fesfde? ' This siirf e'nders to tne 'genial gorerBinent the power todefine civizen ship in the'State. By subsequent pro visions tf the amendment the. United Stated is given the Jbower;tq protect the eitizsnfchiD wtiictTith;is doimeui This nrearie the transf ef bf the allegiance of a citizen of a State to trie United States. It settles the question as to the authori ty to which the paramount allegiance is due.' This makes a nation, at least in the sense that the federal government ment has the power to commend the duty of the citizen in all controversies between State and federal authorities. This new nationality doe not necessa rily mean centralization of authority in the federal government, because, first, the amendment itself is only a delega tion of power to the federal govern- ijaerifctafce exercised with thKother powers conferred'-ujpm ttjbwthe ensti iutfcfi -and. 88C0MAtiisJdet9gitibn of "powcfcrto btercisMsutfjeclo the amending power of the constitution, which may take it away when three fourth of the States so declare ; and, third, all the powers of the amendment must be strictly construed by the well known Jeffersonian rule. The result is that we have a new nation created by this amendment, not with a big N, but with a iitUe n," f f , . EFFECT tfV TW FOtjTSTEK 5NTTI AMEND MENT. If I understand you correctly, ifou hpld thathe adoption oLthe fourteenth, aafaemdrjant bms vveb alliaansslbn or pjecneeyon ot atlrigjjsfcatCf Jrac- 1 ticalpoliticsr : "I think that all questions of State rights are not of politics so far as W&tf jffdytK ,(XtatessitW relate to the paramount allegiance: 7x XfwdT 'Eight thousanor tro! Lii o vi lj i no luuibcofiu auiquu- ment has settled it that no nullification or seceaeion can be resorted) to for Jthe J protdn of. ihe rcservji. flowers, ffa the; ptf49. jllow lR 141! reenclmfent affects "the rights of a State to , control its citizens in other-respects is a-qnes tiarr to be dterrttte isrtternoi 30 : moh in" thefielerof politicarMisctissiOJii as by the courts. ' ' ' !l THE SARD MOfftftf QUESTT What, then, do' you consider ;the truestions wnicn tne iJemOd-t9 an a party blight to brfhg before the, fcjdplf 00 wrand hereafter' '...v.u,.. Firtt-l jCegard the fluefetidri ot hajc n iW -"ts.U.i.. mora? as tne most irjQportantv.J&ecajuse 1 tu ink that we can have ho stable blisi nsFathome pnless it bp- tmsed upon first, the discontinuance of the coin aeertii eftdiskonesti ettveij deHfirs .3ihe gov' - exhibit 43 fcow etiif!l Vrfthe busi iness 01 coining iie&r i taKes egniry-six cBttte r ninety, cennd'dcrartsStj to belOocehtav. Coinage, aA l waaeraUad it, is the mere . weighing of bullion Wnto he government and !a ' certifi-TJltcrc-T ft8 actual Worth? A aishonnat rupt government. With our resourcetfc ana strength we .ought to. be. able, tfrl give the people aft hbfiest weight. jThM roDDery is 01 tn poor, wh&rarecompell ed to take the dishonest coin, and not Of this rich, who deal only on the basis of gold,- I propose, not the demonetiza tion of silver, as I am not sure that bi-metalism in this country cannot be maintained, but enouzh silver should be put into the silver dollar to make ifi, an honest one. LEGAL TENDER AND SPECIE PAYMENT. "Second I propose that the legal ten der power shall be taken away from the paper currency of the United States. It was cot, in my judgment, a constitutional exercise of power to make it a legal tender, even, during the war, but I submit to the decision of the Supreme Court on that subject, but am not willing to extend it beyond the express terms of the opinion, packed though that court was by a Republican President to obtain that decision. I re gard specie payment as a delusion as It prefends to slamTat p?egeriSpecIe paiment, as l unaerstana it, mqaas i; abroeatiln of all power im pafei to - s.- a .. . - a. t tlecrunonpna pi WOOpMnai :haree aet lOdaar inn spec: :ntihas blei AlihAWl With, four ing the duty of specie is absurd. Specie payment can only be resumed jwnen specie alone can pay debts. 1 would de- io? t?Se8rhe TJkSted States and issue no other note in its stead, unless some necessity of the gorernment should require it. Iflsach necessity should . occur I would IwTre o Traoanrv nt wit.hnilt thft lftffal tAnC -' J k TTfYN A T. t k KTT RVSTP SYSTEM. "I am opposed to the national bank system because it affords an easi op portunity for the consolidation of wealth and because it makes a rigid .system ot banfciryj to WhicU-vvery -SUtK recai-asj Itlmft'bfcl cir cumstances, is compelled alike toi sub- anc&niirhe value of the national pa ank currency I fully appreciate. It solute security to the bill-holder arid its interchangeability between theStates I believe, however, that a systeiri can be devised, and with the full an&jf ree consent of persons engaged in aational banking, which willxombine the mer itSotthe rttanaB-blnk notes and at ttA 4Hune-eKnb TOfe-the objections to them. What I propose is the samje se curity and convenience to the billholder wnicn tne national DanKs give, ana at the same time a system of banking which will be accommodated to the pe culiar features of the locality of each cate, latibnal barjk system lacks is i elastioi-. ary g indhsi- trial intti ef uf fertafc,fre Me'r "Yes; I would fill the deficiency by supplying a system which will make it Itiett banking as each State requires, and atj.thrf I WlpDSsessiirtheadMirable feaLa(I How. would you give the notes of BjiaiMralalecur-, fty-'&na'inw.WffAa I would give them the guarantee of the fepejral government, "basal -.upon State beads of the highest? .otedit. I suggesjjthis 'p4 against tJ proposition to. lssue-Ireaiury notes of, th-United States or greenbacks inplaceof 1 the circulations 3T prefer a national tianJe note to tlrj) ifott of the w 1 - . m it a. ' a m . umiea eaates, ior tne auwoniyo issue tKSe nqtes wnl vest in tne federal gov ernmen4,heiaost dange'riuT pewer of ceatrali2tiofL in eablingt to abso lutely control the distrmutjon of the cutrencjpf the country?-. 'ji " JCHE TARIFFjjTJEKWdN. ' vVrhat3s the nextjaracjical question that yo44hihk the DetnoCra4c partjy is bound to consider and bripgkefore the haraesuon or free iraae ana pro tection, or perhaps, better ..stated, ithe questiotf"9f tariff forrevenu,nly and projection. I beliasta Qjat "iio greater wrong and injury has rjeeor oane tne peH)le of the United State likan 'has been accomplished through he-Morrill tariff m levying a tax which' trte gov- ernment "does not receive -tana from which the manufacturers imagfue they are enriched thereEr. "A protective tariff bases itself upon the thought that thtfgovernment should devejope heme industries and" thus give employment to mea engaged therein, .bxperienee must have demonstrated that the- Dtbtected industries do not grow4peTne!itly strong Under aprotectiveiarift-Jthink I can Show that in the last-twenty years the -State of Ohio has paW-for the manufactured goods of Perrstlvania nearly 830,000,t)00 more than Juda goods were intrinsically worth. SI have said to our friends in Ohfd, 3 had v no objection-to iMTtsphis i!uiwbiHd the StateotAennaTrvajwil it wouia onii ao rennsyrvama any gooa, duc sne nas become the most bankrupt-State -m,the Unien in the very indutrip which haye-Wflb protected-. Itiias lad more tratapB: taeiermen 00 eq etntioyment, morb jfiotj? of workmgmto r distur Dance's of labor than any onfer State in the Union. Protection has only over stimulated, sope of Pennsylvania's in dustries as it overstimulates all. In this overstimulus jiayjpele.haye en gaged in the enterprise preteeiM who otherwise wouUl not aye gone into tnem at an. imsfiaseBnifea in or proauction, wnicn has overstoctea the market and brought down the prices, to the detriment. df capable and strong capitalists engaged in the busirtess. Protettioriliaiailed to protect, as these expOTeirces" have shown, becona, a tectivearirl hnds its strength in the pesltihn that the balance of trade 1 in our favor when we exDort mon f! obdtiiari ve4 import aHd", therefore, hose who advocate a trig! tariff 'liisist upon restrictions, which would prevent im importatron 'of foreign geods. jThe truth is that the balance of tsaiej then against us, and is iilflijavor when we import more goods tjian we export. This doaionstrited by a simple illustration: 5rTnan from Portland goes out witjx,a vessel loaded with sta vea jMtrve are registered at the (?ifettiC3 IfVuse as worth only L$1,000. He goesrto the "West Iifrdia lWtlqa fVr'exarqpges them for sqgar aid molasses. Staves are needed taere txr.ptxthe,-coQiio4ities. He I re turns . to the United ' States and ithe 1 sugarand molasses will be register say ore iliaTe;beaiKiJXHagtatrta rtiiarf country lan have Deen taken out o it., JL he says we have added to the wealth; of otrt'itHtiryf8,0(K''uPh tnlf'Balance of trade argument to its last possible SpfrffiInjnclhin the pjoteconists would ay that ithe balance of tftde1'!s,HmmtoseTy in bur favor, an4jV.FftfeYe scarcity, poverty and death. Export nothing and import Everything and.fe ft'tflfiajl Ithe vreaiui on toe mcaaAA.oavi lspt aaq at ,tqr fee4,vProtection builds ujaHers to feawAherWfiflrirputiapjjfekeep us in It pfevfifbfr manufacturers hnd eaMng the ifiar jj America neea; lI":. v nca AreuadnuEtZXv fevelonaMfrUinhbKakinodnwrl nf " frrmeitt!4' ftftfteftd the s of our eia 1 csnrinz nnfte T. anMrt of recpiv- lcuiuiust Masi no pretBTraqiTSiy, 1 on has to oav tlt6 100 me iwoollensoadf he riust' day tafcigel wjjeiing mechauic(rperiter, eni a saiary! ail. com- UmilFtSOyiWto xtr. ertfetsed ricee3eowiftwH3iipj!e tro- Duy. "r- rmsiwa Doh"Owrot triend of mine iti elSao'lie'hteV'wao jiad a family of seven children. He had a wage of $10 a da,'terlmg;'.1if, in a income ol&WP- -J.asted him w much be paid fof . his, stonev He said 050. I told him that he etynldiave purchased as goe4-etovei& -Windsor, Canada, for $50. I asked! hiW how much hepam for the clotnfn'g of This family.,. He aaid $100 atjeast. I told him he could have beusht those ilothea AW rrarB ui proaucxs irqxn 1 - 1 eliXJi pSiWur r vrvvi -er r wri the lip 1 HDV-S&tZmsiS jaQftMtll ilftectKSiles a the tapormt .-ar. Vi.k43Uiil m. TI'l 1 am. t or cBfiept rwie4t teOT-ahi snoeniiiKer auuui Liiare-n., prawpc, .ttu;,wi, ,ai in Canada fer $75. I demonstrated, to himTHatlie paid in a year nearlv S200 pore foi articled reouired y himself ave beea tola mm ssuic or a J this was 1 X B w'liht-rhth. JmdfKatTie wuidit ten an nis neignoors ana inenas: van the protective tariff was taking npltrlje one-naii ineir wages, wnicn tne goremttd ment did not receive because tbsaerr goWt afiRsiftteti in America, anr Werenrre piiatro ttiity to the gr ernment, but which went into Mm twenty years has loeen the robberyi oi ail men on wages or from one-third to one-half or what thsys. have recieved, with no advantagepnlb compensate the loss to any, unless t be those who are employed in the maou racturin indiutrieajwhose productfee3 prrteH.yBifcheie nfjai are out TDM employment a great portion of the titoe; and for the last ten years. I will urider-i take to show, the average wages of the irnen in sjichimnufaaLnrinjtQlstriesl pnq wmuymawineA.CGuJa m VtflWU M ii Cafcidd. 1 1 MMvrMne&rfohi I lirosscfite laum HI failtbli QeneiailelglaitUi tl4 If, SiidA same persons similarly employeoj ion the ten years preceding i860 under:a revenue tariff. Protective legislittliaeWe-Bani rhti 1 1 rari iri'rrvi t- r- 1 iiiUa,iaLtv. luti lalt sales that are made from that loctlitjk must, in the protective theory, bpittf' American citizens and, therefore! it?' will end ifl "theTransfering of mony, from one American pocket into anoth er AEERICAN GOODS FH&ilI4& KES. ! j "The rdboltsioritiil insular service. snow tnat American gooas are ueing sola in small Quantities in the va peMSJor if Mria. 11 American g therefore, can be transported acros sea at an expense ana to a foreign ket and undehfoA foreign geods certainly can. undersell them at ho the argument tor protection h geoafXlCf tlsm the protected imports on the tariff The small quantities of American are the result of the inability of people in the- Uther countries to, inr chase except where they can give t t own proaucts in exenange, and as, Tp. ma-jcwwrthexlrae ne teld and sil-' eWrlJsiMy are cprh pelled to purchase of those countries' whictf will take their products. I my say that all their- manufactured gqods are bought from the English, and none in the Unjtedtatea. simply because, the United Sjafe4iNtruch a duty on, what they produce that they caariotJ any. "You evidently want to re-estabfibh commerce in American snips f American ships?" t , ; -' 4TW31XieYHtiat if oald only take ships into "I certainly Americans wo the sea that it would prove the most prqfltaitJe indurtryri tf prt hose engaged" in ii atiu urfcnt. ouuultj upon wuion they could enter. The protective tariff has driven our ships from the ocean by ojeha9fiilg the price of materials wnrcnenfer into them that we cannot1 compete with those engaged in ship building in other countries." "How do you propose to make the people see these ill effects of a protec tive tariff? You must have seen that the epi4blicansradaaroodIdeal out of the firotectioniit -arettmeaft in the v. "T nrnnnnA to thia niiMtinn r' f n j - i . - from to-day until the people shall learn their interest. . Conferences of Demo- crats who think as I do should be call ed to determine upon methods and policies to secure tfcitf feid. Speeches' must be made in Cher 'House orRepre-' sentatives and in the Senate wmch will enlightening people. Democratic free trade leagues must be formed ia ewery pari oi ;the United States. ' If Feifceymulia- Insists in standing by protection let her go where she has gpne for years, with 25,000 to 30,000 Republi can majority. If Louisiana, with her sugar interests, also wants to go let her go by IO.QOl Republican jnajarity, btrt Qkhie acdiadiana andfthe great JNorth Mttii&fe rldHand the past Eepuolican majorities in these States must become Democratic major ities in the future. We can do this be cause the mass of the people in the States last named are not protected and i$ lotee&t 9nfbe apBealexi-to,!!espe-aiyrnce it MsSreadeefrpwpos- ed in the British Parliament that a ta riff shall be imposed upon American breadstuff's, ahcT thus destroy the free trade which makes the Western farm-r erarich. Tie Democratic partrhould great i, moo lidntl to the consxrtuXionf nara moneyT as the basu of all our business and the measure of all our,valn&,,ad fxeertrade withtaU tbe wwrid'as' the greatest impulse to our commerce and the beginning of the growth otour people into the desu ny which our situation as an oceaa-i bound Republic intended for it. With this the DeipeqrltSvl party must win; , ATBssra-o Twniost weii6i: lMrfaMeSj ;sstl5ces to cases where persons are sick or wasting away from. a conaiuon or niiseraoieness, tnat no one Knows what ails them.KwnfWble patients for doctors.) Is obtained by tbe use of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the firut dese and keep it up fcnUl FOB I i 1,1 I I aimShMh.LVthbbao. Backache, Soreness of the Chett, rnTy9 aria Sprains, ourtfS Tina j jQifoi ftrN! farfaWtto gre$iei Feet ana Ears, and all other ' No Preparalioii on earth aqtiala St. Jaoobs Oil '' trifling outlay of 50 Ceata."and ererr on nfferiar jirecHona m jucTen ljangnafai. SOLD BT ALL DBUGGI8T8 DEALSa .msrilfcir. ritiWaSI dVWon ifliMIWP aaaa w;ipiTeafc insaMa-on on bring them here and purchase, ak he. jeorcitnaedLon 1th aef.uweel fyi.tlj ntendd the v"9fl9S OgpFH&V i I Wm "aT-"V afJMnih Wl PrOiJ n ' JrMl 45 a"1 H 1 f? riffnfiTirT rw il 1 v in 1 mil. 11 1111 a 1 Yf. nr.iii 1 niuftitfi v it layi.a. ijrp aec30d.w if, ' . i -H9 I" mm "r tr fxCjCi II II vjivvat xvi uvuuwj ijrsiji)L.)f Hl'V' Li fci:ii(ia39ioo -I5Jii 'nu :i - VitAu Hi;Vt! ilil lu L iil 3dw-.uoa Lfii. -' ! r.g-.i lJDA4rW j i tniHMH-: .U uiii l .j. qui iiiu: JUoui; s ' : ei ;"f ,f'o :r;i. us B M. ITER'S I j ij .HI to m flndh 4rthind:hWt aS3orthint nf' 1 ifiaitpriy.' '"6M-ari si. :! Aa, BAiSiNS, UUTSi- i-j-.Bli - .11 . 1 . . . . ... 1 ' CANITIES : Wf ,nainifaoture;.qw,illailo Caadles Frar Frtadi Candle, t -..i-5?:-; l- '- 'i - . -!-'' j ' Wa;he. lrie-ato ajd e(e i 1 la made. it t la h plaee to v W CBBJSTMJlB Brlsi jonr erderi ac we coaraatee ife8-- 9 t." i' "ii 1 FOR THE LADIES, TOYS, DOLLS -AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS, at astonishingly low prices. 1' TO-N-IGHT AT SEVEN O'CLOCK,- FOR EVERYBODY, AT PERRY'S, mi SALEM ACABE5IY, For Srls aal Yottng IMM, Thlainstttntten oomnaends Itaelf to tbe public aa a netablf , nieaean and safe" oma ana; nlkb-elKM seneol let Clfis and rnewen. tt ftas, -dnrlnr the( fear yeart, aeenareally bnivoreaL. IA SeMlasttB Arranseneriia kae been remodeled and fbs atan- flarda advanced (wofr iny toAenief of de-, J psnvn uen ui hdciuuu-ub-muim nnmber ef Instroctorff is emioye parliue rraan iu oeconar aaae-aoDOiwaajMein ana oners w uenwMH Iflfl. Aia and ttunitakr ina lnatroatioa la- Buaranteed. Tne nnratirr ef atueies kaA eeenmqcb ndeed and ia earehiUy llMted to tbe Kajdrementa ot. practical life. . It albm a liberal KSnsk. eT'lncHsn nd lasaieal eearae lot iiftdanD,naV under W new admin-1 l.flln. mlMaw MwlMt with . 11 llrtW '1 three ery jjreinlslna; eiasaea. All ita actelatla forktetnUlllxently uperrlandflr The fiissttutionia fhorotaf H prosreasiae in m practice. leeent mmreTemenu in tae neia 'hit KnmMtlit 'i MrMfnmti nf few Utterli been n-sdaoted to eefczraHtolt dantnuDfiflihe laneat meam vt -canto and onrenIene ; Kaht ranfenl teachen. are eontla-. f Blttratldn W oirreet raanners tad habits to ffew 4ntirl (BURupatem. eftott ilMnlarimdj vi I Uilok, aiaewbffe vnefluaJed-airraai&BM tot ronna- r pnnus. tspeeiat ajsiematio ana enugmeneo Vkywcal edttare and care of healtn atv pronttneai leatazeain tkin nrovement reeeatlj peiOKted . , - Kxoepttonaji faHUoes'an offeied lot ik atudr Vt ifualc The Aeademfa atnsle DepArtiponthaj eeed lately onejer the anfterlntendenoe of prof. n. Asnav'et the Bral Oem. Berlin, Piusata, ersitr of Palermo. Meal toran IU Muale CepartmemX' artng tbe neat: k w reajte 99014. wawant the Aaaoearr. in ne judgment cment f .eoiiwetent eUies.. In challenging I ipaSaM witti afiFother7 similar lnsfltutlorHH 1 'Botiss.':1.' two to three years' flmdoatintf t com tketl Oeiirsa (with dteiorua) has quite recently been Jn- Irfot Jdner information oensorf fcaialokne 1 It the acHbol for the 76th' Tear. The 77th yea began IrSeptajaber 8, ISfitt. J. T. ZoEN, nosAftti,, ifl , , - t i Jrnncipai. fTWA !lTH"ltT CHABLOTTK, X a M3L.Tina.i0t,. JJ lleeinentHirg com aiaf DAT. the 18th dar JAMM,M8V; 0m ntgntut Mdrta raj'tifeWm 1 contalblns about 185aerea,iing near the limits of the Cttyof Ebarlotte.trreetry'OR an north of the Carolina sulfa! ajlww , adipUthelaodaot-V. a Ban fto.JtsL, jar,Blakat andtbe lands of the me , ana Mace, an jonainaea area c land, jnng jnthln. m nma ot t.aieae, known aatue joans wii .llams mine tot, adjoining the . lands of John W. "Wadiworth, D. Asbury and others. " i , . a One-foortk of the nnrchaae money will h ra- oe,mUe oftaJSette, . Quired In cash anOia remainder at one. and . two rasas. m-Hiuai nueven at k ser eent from datr crrW(a,TTmeTr8SaTrBQ Jill pa tilt m Persona desirooe-of purchasing the aroaertr are referred to Jas. P. Irwin, who will show the same. UL)S. K. WILitHJN, i ' Commlaaloner. del6v-eTiaewsekt.d.j. -Democrat and Home oopy. -; -HOUSE AND LOK i j.juuJitv-t at auction at the court leuse1 Chifilotte, en nnay, January ardv 1881, the house and lot Beconateal ibiuCaot w. -fir. Hartrl-iaMnfiv r unH d.L ft -.' i- - i It i'Ti ;-. (K: ij 1 j.ia-y - .. s : -' I'M .-"i'"4 I nfuan liiifr ....1 I I 1 r v i f ' . 1 .iJt -v -jciij; ) ins. 1 -.... . . u 11 -..j .:i -ji: Ao-.r. ; ' ') .;! Mi; di!U- ;i'-.i ' " - - ...-.--. Biff Auction " Sale, Bcree oi iaeupenor boon oi. iuy, I will ejcpoae to pemw hense in OrMMte''TUB- rrH)rete-..A -Terf deslrahla. rerts. Title gaaranteedDyme'. - ; ' , .'" Terms One-filth cash, balanoa. an Atand 12 months, with 8 per eent taterestL 1 P "K UrjkoiWe5aul4ttentqni teor AMtof iiiv.n ,1 Mil e fu el Iljii eiiii no it .eli Sif J v tin ii"ib I ! Al OUfBQXVBeeiWOOli.TCtoVCBXD llbli'flvfiMi ase87Uw4ftfar .new and. , , i r; We.11te.elireti IneBeattoil, - : SIA 01TS, NATURAL AND 0LOBXTX: nsNCH MMORTsiaaiB, .. ao. r,: ix: wmsif on & co. y. trri las. 9m Sac. S004ks. ro. Black Pepper, pv 10 lt- Ore. Cayenne Pa ape r, 30 lba. PaN Cream. T altar, 5 Gre. Nelaona Gelatine, SGre. Cmalnwr't felattte, Baker1! Ckoeolat. tocoa, Saa, lapteam. Corn Starek, Maoe, Notmeta, riaTorlat Xxtraets. nortl Seaoerat and Home eofr. 19 lUttU 1 USJ C Gre. Adgna: Jlower larre; 10 fire. Ausnst J Tlowar amauj Grp. ..German Syrua larra ; t0 Ore. 'German Syrxrp riaail, at ' -" WllioW BUR WILL'S, -Bt31 rn Store, Trade Street At all rieea. WILSO & BU1WELU nerll Cemoenti lafioaeeevj. JUST RECEIVED AT A Fall StnmJy ef BeauMM Cellnlel7ellet8ets, bnpoTltio! an BmeMfa CWojae, LnWn'i' :es, and, Other Holiday Goods. AIAT 90S JTreah Seleet Jcrjgttaa. . f9Pes, Natmeca, . Uaee, i sW(aOingefi CH. Oinnnmon, AHlspiee, ;... afueUroVUBppei'e.j wboie .... .. i :, SMl groand, r i at' J. II, McADEN'S DMf, STOBE r ' i,.tv !' Yon will fmJT ' ' "" ' ; . i The Larajest Stack of Ha Toilet Soapa, Jsagllaa.. Hair nj fr Bruiiif wjler" and Toilet fni-l e;raf erer offered in tniaket, .il ( ' .' iwocilk itiijjk"-V..' ': EROSENE : 'l i ' jleonlf A'fni flt'Kerti; Carellna lor C. aAteroaneOil. 1 Weati f; in lmiii Jfi rV. 1 'U not IVKVV.8 U.'l RYOM No. 1 Park's Building, vi'l : '. o.- fiiiiw nJi ')Wsu; -i!T on i i 'J t - till ! I ii :;h: bsitj:: : : ; '.-' ': i t. 11 MYPilk A V All'v 30 Dozen Toe Soap DrJiiclfflrfw v .nl. ft CO n t GO TO .1 p'ft w iiOOE AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF , , ALl OF iWjUlCII HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. . . . -i i AirGrootfs Warranted as Tlep 4 resented, both. in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES iO CLNLS EACH. deelS Mt&wlw in Charlotte AT. THE JISWELKY STORK 9iJbe. seen and proved the new and W0m JUL OPTOMETER? for measur eyesight To those needing Spectacles or Eye Glasses we. would sax. call an s. ur splendid Btockwtte largest in Chrlotten x first quality. With the Optometer" we can suit any eye. We are now receiving our HOLIDAY GOODS i DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEW ELY, d SILVERWARE, and kindly iarlte our friends and customers to oaU. XngraTlng and Tine Watch-work always a specialty. declO Condensed Time Talile NorlH Carolina R. R tzuihs qojkq hosts. Date,Dee.l4'80 No. 47 Dally Ne. 40 Dally No. 43, Dally Lr. Charlotte, " ArL. Depot " j' Janet " SaUsbur, Arr.GreeraHMro LT.Ureensbero Arr.Eatelgh Arr. QoJdsboao : Lt. Greensboro for Richmond : 6.05 xm 4.50 pm 8.3Q AM 6.08 8.00 AM 6.41 pm 8.26 km S.U2 PM 8.05 as 8.22 98, MM i.40 ra for Blch- 4.00 TM . t: fn'nd ouly 6.20 nci R.35 m Xt. PflBQTtlle " N. BanTlUe f Barksdnie . ' DcalfsBr'ch , " JeterarlUe Tomahawk. Arf. 'Belle' Me Lt. " " ATr.Htapneater ttV83 J 1I.R6 12.01 Par 5.49 pm 3.45 Pit 420 PM 4.40 PM "4.48 PM 4 43 am DateDecl'SO Lt. Kicbmond 'VBurkOTine Arr. N. Danville . , 4 No. 50 Dally 10.30 pW ri.'6S At 2.24 2,20 P 5.40 PM 7 .11. 8.35 am 10 Ift AM 9,00 8U20 PM ir. Gteensbofo- M ; K.: ma 12. ArV.-A t. Tjunea on 12.01 Pm uaarmie Lt. Richmond .. JetersTini " Dak's Bi'eh. ''Barksdale 'panTllle Benhja 1 H Qraembnr 12 Pat 1.82 i 2.4A pm 428 pm 5.68 pm 7.20 pm 7 46 pm 8 48 PM - - 1 Vm m A-L. Juncobn AM 12 32 AM 13 ii7 am trr. Chailotte -AXAX BHAJfCH. N.O. 48-PaUy, gicept 8unday, " Leave Greensboro.-... ' ', fl.Sl pm Arrive Salem ......ll;0 pm NO- 47-DaIly, except Suhday. Leave Salem. 6.85 am ArrJges.Grpeusfcoa), 7.40 am NO. 42W)sUF,eoepvaunday. , . Itoava exeenaboTo.j.... r, ...100 am Arrives SaTem.. ,...11.50 am ' ',' NO. 43-pally. Leave'Salm. 5.00 pm Arrive Greensboro. . .- 7 Qp pm ii i Limited mall) 9 a.nd 50 Trill only make horft stoppagea at volata named on ie schedule. jWflsengers taking train4l txotn Cnarlotie will get aoojlrdjrt-the D. . R. depotThls train hhuloswubb ownnun TCureeneoero rorBaielgb, Gdldshorov Newtotme ust. ail potato. oa Wllmlng- Im.l il 2;. ':.. . . r&sseneer trams No. 4.7 Arid ss. ake all local stop between Chartdtie Vfrf fe t, and bn- Kaiei ineaMreeasboro . wKh salm BrapcU (Sun, garSer trains Wos. 42 and 48 make all local WWslteelwen Oharlottenaad UMimmwi. r.nt tQuew.'ki HarrtBhan, Cnina Grefe, BoltsburavLln- jwooaanaanitstown ... oonnVcta with Saleln Branch at boro. - . A. POPB, ' Oeh. Pass, and Ticket Ageut. ' deegs: ; - .. Tllohmond Va. PEOMtHJ TIPPER CAROLINA S. The New Shert Lioo max ins to the Sea. "" 'ii.'1 - ' OtlmJBBwai s. a Innt Qd i nto. 'f,fH' AuaMtd,. tbeCheiraw BalU J hury RanreiS opens fremWadesbere, Char lotte, aid all adjacent territory, via Charaw and ,raeiee,anew;,and the Bast. i 111 lit" a... ;r M-T ae w-"-; AND lfi.asfi()()(b. Allen iraslow 1 aOTTOpwKuiiy,TitaaihaattehBen of all tnip pew, and k tTare of tbelr bnsineem. .-i taWJtorratesan auterHiaUB, inquire of W 1 fioae, Agn, ,Wdasboro, ox the undersigned. ? GeaIJ; and Pass. Agoa. i : aaBaWfaav k "decSl 4t wlf ' SUJi BABtolGlB. '

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