LOCAL INTELLIGENCE THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalanx l)Ne. 31, A. F. fc JLf It-ioculw meeting every second and fourth ftfeqday nights, EicKisjO L6Ott Ko. 261, A. F.4 A. It-Beg- ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chaptbk No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday sights. CHARLOTT COMMAND ART No. 2, I. T. Regular meeting every first aud thlrtl Thursdays. KZ. OF H. Knights or Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. I. O. O. IF". OnAKixjTrs Louoa No. 88. Meets every Mon day night Mecklenburg Dkclaratioh Lodgx No. . Meets every Tuesday night. Dixie Lodge No. 108. Meets every .Friday night Catawba Ritisb ENCAMnrairr No. 21. Meets and third Thursday nights in eaeh month. INDICATIONS, War Department, M M. ) -. kh k Chief Signal -Officer ashington, Jan. 5, 7:30 P For the South Atlantic Slates, north erly to easterly winds, stationary or slowly falling barometer in the south ern portions, rising temperature, threat ening weather and rain. Index tm New AdvartUcHeau, House for Rent G. T. Coleman. iro.Tii; PENCI LINGS. Business is flat. The dry moon is a fraud. Zero is being rapidly forgotten. Rain gets decidedly the beat of snow. Moving continues, wait for good weather. It is no use to The streets last night were as dark as Egypt. Thunder and lightning last night Hare for winter. From corner to corner is twice as far as in dry weather. The rapid thaw delights everybody but sleighers and skaters. There have been no cases before' the mayor for nearly a week. Freezing is no longer feared, and if slipping is sure falling is not fatal. The regular monthly meeting of the independent Hook and Ladder company took place last night. The stream of dramatic companies is setting toward the Northern cities. The weather is too bad for the road. It is supposed that Tom and Jerry are warm friends. Augusta News. Are you not sufficiently intimate with them to know V Miss Henrietta Vaders, the leading lady in Keene's company, and Mr. Har ry Thompson, a noted actor, were mar ried in Baltimore last Sunday. The exercises at Davidson College are resumed to-day, after a two weeks intermission for the holidays. A num ber of students passed through the city yesterday. Two more car loads of wood for the poor were received yesterday over the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio road. It was distributed gratuitously to the needy. Having gutters to spout from over head to the pavement may be conve nient and economical, but it i by no rnpans pleasant to those who are com pelled to walk below. Last Saturday night while it was sleeting a gentleman observed be hind the clouds four bright flashes of light. They were unaccompanied by thunder and the inference is that they were caused by brilliant meteors. The precedent of carriages for en tertainments was set for hard rains, but lias been extended to damp evenings and bids fair to become invariable. Some of the boys, however, are begin ning to ?queal pretty loud. "Katie, shut that gate," was direct ep at the door of the opera house last night and was especially appropriate to the gentlemen who retire retire be tween the acts for what purpose they retire is not known. Asheville has developed a weather prophet named Gaither. He predicts with considerable safety that January will be the coldest month in the year. "The paroxysm of cold," he says, will climax with intensely cold weather, with plenty of snew both North and South. Bartley Campbell has brought suit for criminal libel against Charles A. Byrne, editor of the Dramatic News, in Xew York, who charges that Campbell : did not write the plavs, "My Partner" and "The Galley Slave," and further that Campbell stole outfight the latter play. Byrne was released on his own recognizance. It is a little odd why the gentle men always stand right in the middle of the sidewalk or directly on the nar row crossing when they want to gossip or talk business. Generally they are so engrossed in each other that they forget that the sidewalk Is not entirely their own, and do not pretend to move when other persons want to pass. ' Pat It oner In his Irish character impersonations to-night will draw a large house and the house will be largely entertained if Pat is anything like what he is repre sented to be. Harry Miner is also said to be very strong, and the whole com- ana tne diagrams oi seats win oe spreau this morning at the usual places. Se cure seats early. 11 i ' r i I Dramatic News. T?ir' Riinvris Tjrtv. nnm of thh: biggest dramatic associations on mafcieits road, and which has created a sensa tion wherever it has been, appears in Greenville to-night Thay give us the go by, much te the regret of all. It is stated that more than half of the two hundred and odd companies which took the road last fall have eith er been disbanded or will be in a short time. The distress is due in a great measure to the terrible weather. The rapid succession of companies all of them good ones, too at the op era house, is as good a thing, during this weather, for the livery stable men as it is for the companies. , j iflecKlenVurfr Trip SewBanoytr, The board of commissioners yester day Computed the State tax due from Mecklenburg county to be paid to the State Treasurer next Monday by the sheriff at $17,213.37. In addition to this about $12,000 will be paid te County Treasurer Belk as the proportion of the school tax due from Mecklenburg. This makes a total of un wards of $29,000 of State tax from Mecklenburg. Thesherifl claims that this Will give us the second Pitwi5: UaaovVrf MectUeWure. ' Tt) will probably stand' Wake, Frr klenr I burg, New Hanover. We am of the opinion that it most be good, for mo simple reason mat so many persons promo i. iri pDysidanaj Drescrlbe It. We mean Br. Bull's Ceujh Syrup. 15 cents. All druggists keep It. Cutting Scrap Between Brothers. Jake McCall, who was cut by his brother Bufe in a drunken, quarrel in Long Creek lastJSaturdaj is J we.under sUM4rjMAe,eri6u8ljr hurt .than'Was at first apprefcetrfled." Of the wounds on the neck, face and body, the first is the uiost serious, rears are-entertained that the man will die. Ruie has fled ine country and nothing has been heard from him. Bring In Another tloree. ;" One of the wafxU hauierB, Wttoi IhllYe all been having such a fete champetre, o to speaK, ror ine last week, yesterday came in with a two horse load. As the supply has been considerably better and prices off in consequence he asked only 61.75 for it. A Hebrew citizen, his only taker, offered $1.50 and the trade fell through, The wagoner couldn's stand the racket and drore off f6r 11601 with his wood unsold but overtaking a sym pathizing friend at the creek borrowed a horse from the tatter's empty wagon. spiked it before his double team and re turned to town in all the glory of a threehorse load. The same citizen watchful for a bargain, , bailed him. Two and a quarter was demanded. "I takes dot tree horse load for $2.25. Drive him to mein house. Dat is some ding like it." Another Inquest. Tbe'coToner will to-day proceed ito Sharon, have the remains of Ned Stroud, one of the victims 6f the Air Line disaster, disiBterred, and. hold an inquest The coroner sa3 that he had no opportunity to hold inquests oyer either Stroud or Sellers, as their bodies were removed without his: being noti fied. He is doing his duty, as he un derstands it, and considers that he would be guilty of great negligence if he neglected to hold the inquests in strict conformity to true statute. In this case he considers it especially nec essary from the possibility of litiga tion arising, in which event, he says, the testimony of the coroner would be of essential importance and the man ner in which the inquest was held, would be subject to the strictest exam ination. It does seems that the stat ute in regard to coroner's inquests might be made much more satisfactory than it is in its present loose form. In justice to Mr. Alexander, however, it should be remembered that the" cqunty commissioners pass upon his reports before remuneration is allowed ufor holding the inquests. i i i Jurymen for Superior Co-art. . The following are the jurymen draxfn by the commissioners yesterday for the three weeks' term of the Superior Court beginning on the fourth Monday in February: First Week J. S. Barnett, John Hobbs,John T.White, C. A. Withers, W. S. Herron, D. W. Flew, J.J. Orr, W. E. Shaw, J. W. Taylor, H. M. Sloan, T. J. Julian, W. R. Clark, W. J. McCorinell, T.T. Smith, J. Harvey Henderson, R. A. P. Merritt, The. Grier, Jasper N. Reid, R. D. Whitley, E. G. Rogers, L. J. Walker, Wm. Marshall, W. H. Robert son, T. L. Seigle, W. E. Sledge, N. S. Alexander, E. S. Steele, B. C. Griffith, R. M. Hovis, S. R. Grier, B. M. Garri son, C. P. Elliott, J. M. Love, C. T. Brown, W. A. Williams, N. J. Wineate, S. J. Perry, J. A. Taylor, W. E. Hand, J. P. Alexander, T.M. McConnell, J. D. Austin. Second Week B. L. Alexander. Leo nard Woods, P. P. Maxwell, J. N. RUyne.E. A. Flow, J. A. Elliott J. W. Clark, J. C. Burroughs, Joel W. Alex ander, N. Monteith, S. M. Bigham, W. B. Goofing, C. W. Alexander, E. W. Query, J. R. Ferguson, Samuel Price, S. J. Stewart, T. 1'. Pyron, W. A. Lucas, R. C. Miller. S. S. Miller, T. J. Knox, T. A. McWhirter, Lee H. Henderson. ThirdWeekT. C. Smith, A-W. Alex der, R. M. Miller, Jr., W. A. L. Owens, F. S. Query, S. S. Hoover, J. S. Spencer, A. N. Johnston, C. McNelis, J. D. Bar nett, W.D. Stone, E. W. Kinnerly, C. L. Adams, John Beatty, R. E. Lawing, A. A.Gaston, T. A. Squires, R. W. Mont gomery, John GShler, T. Martin Alex ander, I. II. Foust, A. II. Collins, I. II. McGinn, R. B. Cochrane. Fire Department JlaiUn. The Pioneers met night before last for the purpose of electing a president to nil the vacancy caused by me resig nation of Mr. Luther Long, who has gone to Texas to live. The ejection was postponed on account of the small attendance, barely a quorum being present. Another matter of considera ble importance Was, however, consid ered. The number of the registered members of the company is about forty. Of these not more than one-third are in the habit, it was asserted, of turning out to fires' or at meetings. The city marshal, who -is also the tixtl of the fire department, had stated that he was embarrassed by the large number of nen in the city who claimed exemption from the poll tax, stating that they were firemen. In consideration of these facts the company resolved that all members who should absent themselves at the next regular meeting, without a written and satisfactory excuse, should be stricken from the roll and that a list of the regular members of the company should be made out for the use of the marshal. In this dorffeCted; Wit-as to anythrhg calling connection attention is calledffoij HtcstOtt his fcoirOrVcoinm li ning of the interest in the firerlOBgvte .. to the waning department which appears of late. The equipment of tne department is more. thorough than ever before, and is a- credit to the city. Tor a long XimtilooA more enthusiastic firemen could not be found anywhere. It is regretted that this spirit seems to .be declining and it? is hoped and believed that all that is needed to inspire fresh zeal into our firemen for the prosperity of their com panies nd- 4h department-is. the call ing attention to the seeming lack of it of late. Chif4 of the S.crra. The nlav presented at the CTjera house last jiightffparama, rounded upon, tJtlVrie- xjpigeiy interesting story drjl'lisrj ssc? barmy De caned a, dratidtticrrpof the story, as much has been Addeg to it by the dramatist Hut tin tbsfacters are all there, and bavins oeenvfiilly brought out' and eieaylyeflftefttuustrated a highly. en- VJtftughtiy overorawn, pnase f lifHn California In the early days of mining in ttrsfr State, which Bret Harte has so inimitably sketched. Miss Pixley possesses qualities which enable her .to present with excellent ef fect the wayward, passionate, unre strained product', bt: Smith's Pocket With many aGCornpaniments ' of song; of dance, of bitter and trying exper iences, she gradually developed ; the. brilliant character.' whose elements and fine impulses were so dex trously shown ' in the original "Child of the Sierra." It was a difl ficult role, .and hence the praise Miss Pixley so richly deserves for her pre sentation Of ItJTbe audience were de lightcdrand persisted in recalling her with marked expressions of favor. The play is full of .humorous and ex citing scenes, and even hair-lifting cli maxes. Mr. Len Harris, as "The School Master," seemed to lack something, but it was difficult to tell what The "Judge Beeswinger," of Mr. Daily, was intense ly amusing r it would nave rjeen nara to imbrove on his character in the trial scene Mr. MeDonoughdid not at first piv 71 vrv satisfactory idea of - Yuba L- imurdyed tin &e-Vetf last ft nen n w8 onry-second to tne leading iliarac!er.' ' : . -1- vj We have rarely seen a rriore delight ed audience. ', . 'The melancholy days have pome, the saddest Of the year," because of the neat increase oi sui frlrte Induced tn eolds. eourb. asthma, etc.. all which Jr Ball's Couch Syrup will promptly cure. - Rallmad Notes . Mr. E. W. Trezevant; mail agent on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road is at hoC$ in Colombia suffering from acase of the mumps. . ' The h ight passenger tniirdnjthe CharJbttfe,:&)litBbia cST AigUsU rtail roaddoiiotrstaD at Wmniboxo. ? ' Iff is aid tfiat therere one hundred freight cars at the Air-Line depot awaiting a clear track to Greenville, Atlanta and other places along the road. Those running the Air-Lin fast mail think it entirely unnecessary that they should be kept waiting at the junction from two to six hours for the Richmond train when the use of the telegraph wires vrouad .giVe them the same time for rest The employes of the Air-Line are complaining or their overworked con dition for some time past - RIatters of Interest to the Sir Knights A circular has been issued by Geo.W. Lindsajriprerney Chancellor of the Order o Knights of yPytijias, to the subordinate lodges from which the fol JLo wing extract in regard to-the endow ment rank, is made : "Since the date of its organization to the present there have been instituted,, 467 sections, loca ted in every State and Territory under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, and comprising a membership of 10,297 in the first class, which provides for an endowment of $1,000 on the death of a member in good standing, and 14,804 in the second class, the endowment policy of which is $2,000. The third class, which was created at the last session of the Supreme Lodge for , the benefit of brethren oyer thVlimit of age in the first and second classes, is yet in its in cipiency, but will doubtless be availed of by members whose age prevents them entering the other two classes. The limit of age in this; fs sixty years." The Action of the Mayor and the Wood Uueauion-p.1 Anybody Hurt? To the Editor of The bserver, I have already fepent far too re money tUan, the action of the. board of alder men authorized, being satisfied thev will ratify my action in the matter when (hey . meet I was gratified at the announcement made by you that three hundred dollars had been contri buted by three of our liberal and hu mane citizens to further extend relief. I wrte to give you notice tbajt now is an ' Of portnne time to : expend that money. f - j ' . xou haure announced trior to an once that as soon as those who are unable to buy wood are supplied, wood will be sold. This places me in a f ale position about the wood I am receiving. The Atlanta & Charlotte . Air-Line, the Carolina Central and the Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio roads make no charge for hauling the wood, and by my way of thinking I have no right to use their charity to supply people able to buy woocL (Jut of the larae and liberal con- tributions'annouhced by you this class of our people may be supplied. I re gard them as entirely beyond the au thority given me by the board of alder men and the action of the railroads above named. I am. Very respectfully, &c, F. S. De Wolfe, Mayor. Mayor's Office, Charlotte, Jan. 5, '81. The communication of the mayor is caustic. The occasion is that The Ob server published some time ago the report that three gentlemen in the city had subscribed $100 each to the relief of the poor. It seems that this is an exaggeration, or at least that the mayor hasn't received the money. The state ment was made, it is. admitted, on in sufficient authority, but as no names were' mentioned, no -trarm is done. But the mayor writes as if he was be ing injured. In the first place it was not stated that the subscriptions had been made to him, and the fact that the Democratic executive committee of the city had, as stated at the time of the publication complained of in so in direct a manner, turned over $200 to Xien. Young, the president of the Relief Association, would lead to the inference, as between the mayor and the presi dent Of the Relief Association, that these subscriptions had been made to the latter. He makes no complaint. The mayor again forgets that he is petfoiniuig on the second instrument in this charitable ofrdjestra when he complaiifs of being- placed -in a false light by the statement, that, when the absolutely necessitous were-xelieied those who were willing , to pay for wood if they could gei it Would be sup plied. It seems that the mayor's sensi bilities are orfended by he intimation that lie would iu!keAny"-eftoxt to keep anybody' from 'free"zrb ereeuJr' those twJio , would rfrerthe quickest. To procure wood for . honest ' people who eitieEOldvt.getat-all r.were not able to pav, four prices for it is some tErJig fctfirnlca h has to blush in the pfcesenflef hejrafirpad men. . Bat the rejtortey f Sun Observer iliaS' hteard 4rom the-presidenr'of the Relief Asso 'eiation rieltthati'e, the president, jneugnxat wouia oeaeciaeayr, oeiter to ell .the wood- at or below cost as, by Jttean ifatinodhy ''lieowlw could n jreijeTetL rxow sunering -oan vj ine other so.liabieio abuse. V: $;fejUiiff it The subscriptions weteWxaggerated by report which; was thVmc-ht to hv reliable, tt f herewith itewUiattoas bt Senajtor trojatCnM- .-- fornin. c . S'AN&ACle4;Jaitto Re publican members ef tiro Senate and Assembly in joint caucus Tast evening nominated on the fimt ballot General John F. Miller for United States Sena tor, the vote standing: Miller (&, Booth 5. The Democratic caucus . on the fourth ballot nominated ex-Chief Jus tice Wallace. , . . Preserve your baby' health by promptly admin Uterinr. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for the diseases of early childhood, i Price 25-oepts a bottle. BURNETT eOCOAINB. Kills Dandruff. Allays irritation, arid,Promtts the Growth of the Hair. ; GSNttKKK For over tw6 years I have suffered terribly with "scald head" In Its worst form. A lew weeRs ago l tried a Dome oi your uocoaine. The first, application gave me relief, and now the disease la effectually cured. Tours respectfully, , N. C, STEVlNS, Deputy Sheriff, Ottawa. 111. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are perfectly pure. Staw.lm ddtw. "WINE OF CArUrVfouTtirnea a day makes a happy household. Jan 1 For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. NOT A BEVEBAG. "They are not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties of the nlghest dgree, contain ing no poor whiskey or poisonous drugs. They do not tear down an aireaay aeDiutatea system, out build It up. One botUe conUlas more hops, that Is, more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordin ary beer. Every druggist In Rochester sells them, audi the physicians prescribe thflm."5-Svenlng Express on '. Mop Bitters. No headVache or back-ache for ladies who drink "WINE OF CARDUI." Janl For sale by Dr. T. C. Bmltb. "Malt Bitters' are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists ana paysicians ior gen eral debllitv. mental and nhvslcal exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation ana dropsy, To alt who are Suffrlag4m (he errora and ln dlscretioas of youth, neraaa weakaoia, aaly as Qky, lass ef nankeM, keu rwill-sead a rvctpa that will cufe rRII OF CHARUI. This jgreat remedy was discovered by a nrtMlonary la Sauta, America. Send a self-addressed envelope to t Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York Cl apr 27-iod Lyawl y Fortj- Years' trial ku proved "BLACK DRAUGHT " the beat live it i case in the world. w '; ' . ' ' . anl For sale by Dr. T. dSmlUu Arrived !- IIS GILT EDGE --CREAM CHEESE 25 BARRELS Florida Oranges, ...25 Barrel. Gocoannts. SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASSES AND Caaned (goods -4W- ALL DESWOl. MOTT'S ted Sweet Cider, In Barrels, Half Bhrrek & Quarters. IN BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS. ince Meat -BX- Large Quantities JUST RECEIVED NEW Buckwheat Flour, IN AST Quantity Desired. 0E CAX LOAD XXX BALDWINS. fine Bananas, In Large Quantities, Irish Potatoes THl FINIST IN THE aTY. The Retail Trade Shall kmre special 4tentiM. &d we would resjjectfullj' spi litit & Cftll hourfriednd priatomers who may wish any thing in our line. HeapectfUlly, DAVIDSON & BEAU, 6B0CXBS, TBADE t, CHABXOTTI, K. C Ja&'y TO wm Holiday Presents ! WE SHALL OFFER UNTIL AFTER THE HOLIDAY SEASON, ; TO CLOSX OUT, OUB CITIBX.STOCXlOr Velvet, Ebony i Rosewood Phoptograph Franies at.Rrst Cost. . . . ' " ,; " ALSO, OUB 8NTIRI 8TOCX OF CarpeU, Oil Cloths and Rugg, Ladies' Cloaks, Silk Handkercliieln Balmoral Slirte, and Childrexiir Woolen Sacqnes and Hoods, at oosr to close out, ' ' . . J, .. 4 Den't Iom this 1AT HTDUCIMBKT, bst call at once and look at our BABQAINS. We hkn also marked down everytblngjln Our SWUFOTG BI DOeTlOKS, hMtosittf B3TV SUITS and OYXSOOATi. BAEG ill B. ilf B, IT E. 6. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, TEXT TO My stoek n very larga and emtweees a taU Baa aann. AH goods pasinfl tru of oharge. AT REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPOSITE CI NT HAL HoTBL, WS. B. Parties desiring Information In regaid novia 111 to fl P-i . o to to o p CD 0,5s Q S o H O H C 8 cl H H H Cl 3 7T CD - O c CD w w H o o 0 s- S3 a p V CD 3 t h a - -I to na ID B6 1 . O 3 SO a Large Ufa LTO OWB STOCK Of HOISERY, GLOVES, NECK WEAR, CLOAKS, Ladies' Underwear 4 ChiMrens' Goods s JCST RKCKITXI) A FULL LPT I OFg Silks, Satins, Fringes, Passmentries TOR DRESS TRIMMING. HATS " BONNETS fob ladibs, misses and ccildrxn Of Every Shape & Qqality. Have now on hand the most oomplete stock of LADIES'! CHILDRMS'COODS To be found in the Cftr. AmrwLOT of 2 Bntton Kid Gloves at 25c. Pair. eem MBS. P QUERY. A POSITIVE CURE Without Medlcea. ALLEN'S 'SOLUBLE MBJCATSD BOUGIES PatntidOekliaift. One Box, Ho. i will earn an v ease tn four dars or less. No. 2 win care' the most obsunate ease, no mat ter of how long standing. Ha nuutmn doaea of enbels. eeiatba. tt ell of sandalwood, that are etam pfedoee dyspepsia by deatroyirowtus t i."- rnoe. ai.on. oyiu nj cm JBH i wr uoucu torluKher pamoulaw send for drenlar. P. K Box 1533. J. & ALLEN 4 CO., declT eodBm 88 John St New York. MACHINERY OILS, CLNCB dredaef lettera weoauMiDCthlaviaauatla kind yetntyia. tt oa pexgaUaoany grmylly. , noti; at . T.9S first. Avenue, Mew to - AIN POSTOmCZ. of Parte, faamboi, Dtntog Far- TO ALL POINTS BY S. J. PERRY, CHARLOTTX. N. C to railroad travel will please address as above.0 WE HAVE FOR SALE, BOUND IN SHEEP, Vols. 1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7 a II -OF -Appletoa's Cyclopedia,- (LAST EDITION,) Arc In good condition and offered at REDUCED RATES. janS TIDDT 4 BBO. JUST IN 25 Kite Fine GUt Edge zGOSHEN BUTTER.- Finest in the Land. Jaaf-tf DAYTD90N 4c BEALL. Canaries-Fine Singers, . TUST received. Abo. the largest and cheapest it stock of ToyaFiutts, anim ever seen la Charlotte at PZBBX'S. T. K Told, icoii,H.C. HETE0POUTANH0TEL CHARLOTTE, ff. C. flELD BROTHERS, Proprs- TERMS MODERATE. TEDS Hotel has the largest and moat eonfstt able rooms of any hetel In tha Btate. It Is fit ted op with ail modem Improvements: la ooava- nient to the postofSce and banks, and Is centrally located In the business part of the city. Large SAMPLE BOOMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we offer superior Inducements t the travelinr Dublle. - aVOmnlbuses and Carnages at every Train.. FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, r ATO DIALXBS IB COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS DIP ON HAND GROWN A SPRINCi CHICKENS, TBESH BUTTER, XGOS, HOM EY, Ac, kd TEE BIST BRANDS OF ILOflB ALWlTS IN 8TOCX. Trade St, CHABLOTTE, C. LARGX BASSMXlfT nnder VAtrannlltm Hotel far rent, may28 gjettr &&vtxtistmzuts. n D P I IJ CS80 to $1 ,0O; 2 to 82 Stops. PI UnbANOANOS, $185 u. Paper free. Ad dresa DANUL F. BBATTY, Washington, N. J. New and very Attractive Styles are now ready. MASON IBKST CABINET OR PAR LOR ORGANS IN TH1 WORT.D. Wlnnnra nf hlrkaat AND distinction at every great HAMLIN ORGANS teen years. Prices, 51. $57. oo, ius, io aaou ana upward. Fer easy paymants, Catalogues free. MASON a HAMLIN ORGAN CO.. 154 TremontSt . RflSTON? yat lAth at mi Square,) NEW YORK, 149 Wabash Avenne. CHICAGO. "HOMES IN TEXAS," OTIlTlrlltf A ifew Illustrated Pamphlet DescrlDtlve ef tha aaantrv alonv and tribntarv to thellaeofthe International & Great Northern Railroad. and contains a good Coarrr Map of the Stats. It also contalnsthe names and addresses ef Farm ers and Planters In Texas who have farms fob sale ob bjkt, and those who will want Fabk Hakim far the t year. A copy of this book will be Mailab Fans to those who desire reliable Information aboot Texas, upon application by letter er postal-card te ALLAN MOUUI, Gen'l Freight & Pass. Agt, Palestine, Texas. BENSON'S CAPCKE POROUS PUSTER. No remedy more Widely or Favorablv known. If Is rapid In rellevlng.aulcfc; in earing. For Lame Back, Rheumatism. Kidney Affections, aches and pains generally, it Is the unrivalled remedy. GEORGE PACE & CO. ' losuMffcettureiwaf Patent Portable Oreulax SAWIIILLS Also aatmry inaftrtrtle STEAM ENQ1UES 5 N. 8CHS0XDER ST., SAXiTXalOBBb BA Grist and Floor MHa, Water Wbeeta, Wood Wortnr and Barrel Maehmerr, Bhkurle MilOrotoar Sawa, HU1 Supplies, Mo. BaeTtor CataJague. dec29 4w ADVERTISERS By addressing GEO. P. BOWELL 4 CO., 10 Sprnce 8t., New York, can learn the exact eosl of any pro posed line of ADVERTISING In American News papers. W 100-page pamphlet, iuc. $rr M YEAS and expense te H V. Agents. Outfit free. Addr W I I OT YICEEBY Aogu Mal SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. BY Virtue of a decree ef the Superior Court, I will sell at puWlc auction, at the Court Hsuse door in Charlotte, on MONDAY, the 10th day of JANUARY. 1881. One Lot in the City of Charlotte, known as Lot Cl In Squre 98. Said lot fronts 99 feet on Seventh street, has Improvements upon it and will be sold under the decree of said court for assets to pay debts of th estate ef Mary Lentils deceased. , J Terms: One half cash and the remainder at nine months, bond and security required. JOHN E. BROWN, Commr Snpe. Court and Adm'r de bonis w of Mary Lentlle, deeeased. dec8-d!2t , SLEIGH RUNNERS. I AM making and selling the Richmond Pattern Sleigh Runners, Inmed, Parted and leady to take, ed and Shafts at SlSrSOSead ta i your orders. W. T. WliMNSON. Jan5-2t Opp. City Oock. FOR SALE. COAL STOVE, geed M with ptpeAp- B. H.FTJELD, Charlotte. 1 Pit"

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