t -ass 1 Kind of 9ltt wh F&afiaat r A Trxa 9saian S Iwr r i ii A i wa. - i ii - - - ---- ..whmjbmiw I : -J 'T5 0 lijJkiiJU HI 1 1 X ROUTED Y far the ear ol. Syphilis Serotnleu Tmlt, Kfc wiSe 8w.Ulf , Goat, Galtr;, kUlt7KarU, and aU diseases arii"S Ifromai import condition of tie blood, aealm. ' T - ri CUKES SCROFULA, D L ROSADALIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 6,f 18Sf. COIf KLlNCs) DISGRACJS. men. 1 ! E- i J . S vtnnaisiii to- tramp and a lean prati- Ilis Open Efforts to Secure Social Re- Wash.Uor. L6uWrme CototeJdntnaLJ It is strange that astute men don't see that they concede eyerythU g when they court favors 'trom Mr. Conkhng through attentions and pecuniary as sistance to Mrs. Sprague If thatl lady easily have done so by living at Edge- wood and educating ner cniiaren in stead of permitting politician to pay the rent of an expensive house in the city, and also keep .a retinue;f ser TWW&i f arriage and other .expenses? lSaW-Uinterilr.- Clitaj? rwai . nfer. dailv visitor, andihisiservant, wbotislso Cf'keialUfrJoolsili hathe ttt&Jr) ISO-- Corel , SypWUi. ble, was major domoS oftheS ment. Mrs. A tROSABilLIS:; Cores To Tisitors who were strangers, Spragiie would expatiate upon her friend. Mr. Conkling, bringing in 'his -Iflahe Yea7' when unnecessary, as tnougn ine gionea m mu their names wereunKea wgetner. mrs. Sprague, a-jvell-as-Mr. Conkling, has Cores Nervous Iemmy. 1 ROSItlWllilS 'cubes' EninrtiOws. c 1 J I -1 ' . ROSADilLIS has Its lnrrwllenta published on eror. acknra. Show K to your rnywann. oiiu e wUl tU you it la eomposeu w rtrongast alteranvea tnsc uih axoeUan Blood Purler. BOSAD ALIS 1 old try MI Btagglrta. BffiTPM tf men. I HAttfoolTes. II; s study if uii OB men 1 haveknowm with the head and hair of the dress of a doctor with tice, a .person whp wnJedU faBnak tkmH bet. fcra&fiintlfSaJa ammy hand yet this person was a perfect, woman killer, une gin was Decroineu to him for three years, and then he jilted her coldly for a new flame. The . . . 3 1 A new 10V anair euueu nim a uageuj, for when in turn hp-ahook thenewJwfc 9f&m rsUe4rick0yTeed ner irouDies iorever in a veiguuuiiuK river. There were ether women whp loved the fellow almost as desperately although they consoled themselves more easily. What they could ever sep in the man to fall in love with passetfc understanding" ',' . . -y. i-' 1 r-Thrt 'wasant)tnet hrt-kiHti?. too, who seemed to melt women's hearts s aiefcrellnsetts butter. He promised to be one of the great men of the coun try, and wemen bowed down and woo shipod&ft supposeu4ellectual pawer$. there wen nTe (romantic schooI-Rlrls in love with him at once, if I remem ber. Friends, relations, and enemies alike DroDhesied a future of extraordi nary brilliancy for him, and he could hTLveJriss "Dick and teal" of all tho r ry , . 7. tl a i a. 1 I II2LVB jlllV LTlUIk UU braved so rncn una mej .n;Mi t cijntryt Wel, the least eensitrvean . as-x- PfntnTr m a&nd-unon the tot- mr MAIT and MsLiuofPilli. fV - IHa GEIA.T VEGOTABEB GATHABTIO ."'' r-.XV ... - - -1 . EKOULiTOJL - ; ! I I ' ' I " Vtigetable WORM SYRUP rrRor uIa fav all Drnrslsta. r, HENRY SOLH rBOFSmOBS, . IT.-.' said, they succeed in all their earthly undertakings, and so long as that is the case thev are indifferent to pubhd opinion. Senators who have gossipped won't hesitate to shield Mr. Conkling if necessary, a rom ponueat moura sr. m will lie in hia iavor. and others f rdS Wfudentlal motives, lestt bray VidiSa-fc:iaother.'f And sd. matter abpTtflhi terdicfc,' Or'. ColSkUlignWllt b6sIWw York-poliic8i aa asi jong as there is a necessity for protecting Mrs. Sprague it will be done, and that, tnn. hv men who are caroful of the good name of their ovrttf Jirive and daughters. l' The l'resiaent ana nis wiue nave act ed thxpughout this scandal witn great tacfiradffood Judgment. They have ived-he ire of Senator. UjpnkJing ana. Mrs. Sprague has never entered tne White House during this administra tion. It remains to be seen what course Owiwal and Mrs. Garfield will bursue aftr the 4th of March. Gtn. Garfield", mav not care to antagonize tne -Hew York Senator, and that gentleman's ultimatum is always: "Will you receive Mra.Braarde?n The 'refusal Of MfsC Conklinz and "her dauthtef td invttff Mrs. Sprague to the latter's wedding wasjesented by the Senator to the ex- 'tAitrft absentuie hlmseli on tnac occar sion and a refusal to speak to his1 r daughter afterward.. ;When he wished tq smooth nis ruffled plumage prior 10 the State convention in New York lastr February, he commanded his wife to. come to Washington and drive in an rnasce with Mrs,,, sprague ana with her. If she obeyed he said he would call to see hisldaughter and be reconcnea to ner. 3nt wife meekly sub to the Riggs House, jp Eve days. Mrs. Spragl carriage xa uie noiei a. most pinnacle of intellectual greatness is now a school-master, and a second rate one at that, with an insignificant wife, who is the merest stick-in-the mud.. Probably he thinks about his old games. lolat and toliiical 6, - jJuiUMry a- rUSe. SlwlJiia gepubllpan,. rthns de- iiei a queer jreiigiois eniuusiciai, naune unr-st. nia nsuas is uuitnuwu but he is sometimes seen wearing a gen uine crown of -thorns, flowing robes, and sandals of plank upon his feet He : took ta tha wjQods out of a nest of San-J tificatipnvyiraajnd believes that ha is oerformine heaven s weiK in tne wilderness or this world, xne religious coterie of JSancUhcatJonistsiS. maoeupoi skHitiDlfe-hiinid WLei. rtiiwdmen. who c'.aimtobe the holy family, di scend-" ed again to the earth, to prepare man kindfer the end. which, according to their revelations, is in the near future. They do not, so they say, eat food of the earth earthv. out Droress to De iea on the strawberries of Paradise by invisirii blehalJodCtfil).efciiB'tS hear ce lestial tunes played on golden harps, and the voices of unnumbered angels eternally singing around the throne. hilo.tWfivisible dn feaxte reay ieaviaMr the Wpeosf of a jr-- Ml! .. 1 mi L merry Christmas are Dniiiani. xne people of Dallas are greatly interested in this holv familv and visit them in droves, after harcinjg driYnftlreinia lit tle 1 oys ! Gooife for the Holidays ! AT Wo call attanUoh to our stock ot Fine Fancy Goods D. 'Me RIGLER'S Tou will fiad tbo laigert and; best asaodanent -ot ' SUIT ABE FOB dtrjertisjemjeuts. General &.$tkw YflBii JakuarT 2lTiii Trl Itiwoflo-morrow in a conspicuous edito- Oittf will say : "The time seems fit tor at least one siaiemeni auoui uie p 'Afoating adtniljistration of President f?uiMMd:"ltia not to bo used as a L nWiirai nrVif in nonHinor natArial fnn- V tests, whether in JNew i ort or eise vrhte.,fW"ftare fuily adthoi?ed toay .thisnmeMiaf? ntr.to;thfeir full significance. It is proper to say, further, that the incoming administra tiort'will see to it that the men from NewrYrkand other States who had the otirage "at Chicago to obey the "wherftf jRieir districts in the ballot ing for F-fosident, and who thus finally voted for Garfield, shall not suffer for if ofl&&W it"fflxanltpspt fail of -teabflSlff re6tfenflTrt!ftir inde pendence, their resolute pursuit of the policy they believed best for the Re 'ouMlcan party, 3ndfdr.th$ ootiiltt-yVf - "GentleMen at Albany whtf afe said to have been threatened with a diner ent course at' Washington may reassure themselves. ' Th 'administratfeii of iniured, pa- 3uid came ipassea rove in her at jrereard tn Vfr rtortVHnff ' Rhft TflClVPCL jXextldaytbatwO; er tkiatoffiiB-Tjnncuiai snros 01 tae yrhe.iaiMTtritha the difatter.?fanrwj6wl3a rshsea riWfiYjairtttadlEIJ ldge mm (bu notthoirtwiF tt, young raftn, memoor ox ioxyfrej lroui llhode aslicl,' Mrs,- SptagufJenator and MACohiaw;Jraesflwprised the guefctsi-i 5Ctt aster 0Mf. Conk- ng caijsett Ihff dinner, to De written up 3r theiresrtttth4a8t lavish style,. with fufl esctiiiof;;ilie minutest details. TMJoaJaMjJsjared this SLEEP, APPETITE and STBENGfH tnm when fiortettei'i Stomach Bitters Is ays- tftmatleMlT used b? a bilious dyapeDtlc sufferen MoreoTer, since the brain sympathizes closely with the stomach ana Its associate organ, tne lintr And thn hnwnln. as their deraneement is rec- tlled by the action of the Bitters, mental despon dency produced by that derangement disappear. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally! anl . peo FOB RHEOM&TISE President Garfield is .tobe an adminis tration for the whole" Republic par ty. It will foment no quarrels ; it will mostT earnestly " seek the fhlngsTEat make for feace and for the best inter ests of the tfarty it represents: But it will not permit its friends to be1 perse cuted forLlheir. friendshipT Whdever has been persuaded to doubt thiwnay a woU make heaceforth a declaration Of inidopendencerom the dictation of iSy atrthoqlsy save the wishes of con stituents ad his own convictions of policy andiighw- : : the ablofeW strategr his jifej bjut whettthttaartfr'if wasgonev and all oWto6tk il nrfs consid ered themilisie8tBtjtia;verTerectT ed. Th4oldtLlntbDplSjrjTeT.and "fnen blu$bfar4iw2ex Wheix they coxi sidered the enoraritv .f the'ctttraco: upon an nncomplamingrTiifwJSevtr: leless, jiirzriea,pfi&5onr ration ?f o;rantiW? expected through kisliiyatidttt6rthreffldi to silencs aH thow Who WliEsed disAi crust. IiefctnadoCQnreSivnrDr to avengdhUnselrtftJwesid ana secrotarvrmajiiWJtin not ejWi He at thatvtime ejpettfd hUhpoirri was greaVOTOujrHof elevat MTrWCw thur to the secSftd highest oflffqa. now his revengtfisomjpietand h8 feels strong enough" w4H'y-uod and in . . The Maaafcerchlel earner la tbe " 'ate. - Sen- Tb.'preidentM ProvpecUre-Exlu The :President has rcenfiy 4n con- . i , , i j versation wiin ms irieuu roiuaineu thatrtie ws extremely wejl "pleased mat nis teim oomce was bo rapiuij drawing to a close. . Her.sani to a iftntremau who was talkiagHo'him on the Stibje4tteiy that he wpuld leave immediately after the fourth of March lor hl horfflS injhio, where he would be oDierv for some timein arrang ing his private: affairs. HiS pergonal friends sav that Mr. Haye9"vrillileave the White House with, at leaet"Al50, 000 df.his f6ur years' salary. He-was in quite comfortable cjrcum'stanccs be- forer-na ms White Mouse savings. withwhatTre already. "nad,"wiH, for 1 man -of his moderate desires andT eco nomical expenditures, make him rich PionT what he says, it. is uhdesetood tlat-when he eets everything fixed he will to some extent follow' the exam pie of Genrurant and enliven a- por tion of hisiimejn travel. He: said to a prominerJt Saffthern Kepublicanjthat after a whfcic he. "Intended to visitarts of the sotrtn wjiich he haa not-seen He indicates that he will BfotTGaTe to re-enter mrWic life, but if a favrable opportunity should be presented and f hrfa oynvort tiwooi ol io wo mtkkbt different from all ofcliejr American poli Macon, Ga., March 31 , 1879. 1 From having been Intimate for a nuneer Of years with the proprietors of Swift's SyphUHUc Specific, I have known much of its manufacture and Ks use. Thexeere men in the eemmunlty well knowrt1,ltJzens-twh6 were victims In early life to Syphillis, most terrible curse that ever afflicted the human family, 1 and who have taken the 8. 8. medicine, and are now, to all appear ances,and in their own belief, as free from (he taint disease as the first man, fresh from the hands of his Maker.- Detieaey or cOWse forbids their public recommendations of this medicine, but I am al lowed refer ta the' skeptic prto&trtyXo those who will endorse everything that Om be ld to Its favor. Being prof eeBionally mnchop posed Wj en dorsing or recommending' nostrums or secret rem edies, ft fs with hesitation that t attach my name to this article; but t ksow whereof I speak when I aay that our science has not yet made public ,a combination equal to this lor the purpose lndicar ted. The gteafr-st boon the government rould be stow on hundreds of thousands o its citizens would be to purchase this receipt of jits proprietors, and make it public forthajbeneat .ot the , present and all coming generation 1 ' ' . T. L. MASSENBUBG, Ph. G.i Prepared only by the SWiFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. ' .. ' t , l Sold byT: C. 8mlth andL:'R. Wrtston ft Co. Call on your druggist-for a copy of "Young Men's Friends.' r at-. , r;.- . : lWK.n.Mi id. or injrle, old or poor maitik. ir kuucoiah Mt.MVWKrttoaj 1 'WtoTW to M -jn tt a, of fcn1eaL, i id Inr Kfca itr.1. o . tlrsialant'dl op Bittori, . Tmrjxmar and a or ati If iw. irinniiifTn'r ' tM it wkntoxieating, J H JXicn yon oibi of lo. ' tentoUintr over mid. r'aicUwork,to I t miiiim niSeriiur from llBS orf-Uk bed ot'iick- Binor. : TBoasanaa alt) aju form of Kldhov ) th.i Uirhtl ha.va.been tHKUattedl oj m. cimeijM n M Hop Diiiarit typlatnt, disease ot tiooa, Rtwr wnmt Ton wffl be cored if roa seHop B TfTo ara alm-l it may ovo rour iuw. has savod hundred. r had) 1 nut- Imnrnol n rrui I 1 ! i unro II II il ja, m ma D. I. C. Is an absolute and lrreaistable! cure for drank. lenaaa, use of opium, taoaooo, or naiooaca. Sold br druor- Blats. Bond for iCarcalar. HOP BITTSag Tf8 00 K. T. ishlngton Letter to Chicago Timet., ... -fcen!or Oonklinff, for the three days i&at m has been-in Congrs this week, has had the corner of a dainty silk handkerchief sticking out of the out side breast-pocket of his coat. The handkerchief is of dull-yellow silk, plaided with red stripes, and has a red border. Senator Thurman also has a ereat fancv for colored silk handker chiefs, and always carries them; but he usually carries a dark one, for he is an inveterate snuff-taker. But on yes terday in the senate it was noted that he kept turning his eyes towards the brilliant handkerchief showing in the pckfeCof the dainty New Yqrk -Sena tor: 'Then Senator Thurmah was ob served to take his own long-suffering bandana from his pocket, and, looking at it contemptuously, thrust it back in to his pocket. Finally he got up and w&lked over to; CqokHngis gaaand, it was piain t!b be' seten, asked4 to see his handkerchief. Senator Conkling took it out of his pocket and held it up by two corners. Thurman stood off and admired it, and then stepped up and felt it between his thumb and finger, like a ladv when buying a dress. Then Conkling hung the handkerchief from the centre over his finger and let it fall in folds, as a clerk in a dry goods store holds. silks so as to show them in their best lfght. Conkling drooped his curly head on one side and gazed at it ad miringly, while Thurman again stepped back in the aisle to get a better effect of the colors. When they had admired sufficiently, Conkling folded the hand kerchief and offered to present it to Thurman. Senator Thurman looked at it longingly, partly stretched out his right hand, and then drew it back. Conkling still pressed it upon him, but Senator Thurman shook his head and, drawing his own old faded red ban dana from his pocket, took a large pinch of snuff and walked away down the aisle. AiTlUlloi u , u tthluT City to aid lh the id. tn the city. We have-most everylhlnf In the line. d wlU eU as low as the lowest. Inspection on and after to-day. Came and see. Also, RAISINS, NUTS, CITRON, CURRANTS, DATES, SHiXLED ALMONDS; &cr, &c CANDIES: . We jpanufacture our own Plain Candles and (aarantee them pore. Fiir Freafh Candies wo tafcvo Huge Btoetrmd as fine as Is mad. ts the' place to tot your CHRISTMAS CAXXS Bring your orders and we guarantee atUfaottou.. D, K. RICFLEB. de-M Sale, CBMMAS & BRIDiL PRESENTS. NOTHING TQ EQUAL THEM IN THE CITY. Upright Cetlaloid Toilet Sets AND PERFUME CASES. COMBDBOSKWOOD SATIN COVERED TOILET SETS. Busslan Leather and Satin Covered Perfume Cases, Gents' Dressing and Traveling Cases, Bables Toilet Cases, (something new and elegant), french-Plat Mirrors, &c Wo lmvlte a careful Inspection. L. B. WEIHTON 4 CO. k CelMofl of Beautiful Ornamental GRASSES, CHRISTMAS WREATHS, BANGING BASKETS, FEATHER GRASSES, SIA OATS, NATtmiL AND COLORED, FRENCH IMMORTELLES, Ac.. Ac. L. E. 1VRISTON & CO. dectt JUST RECEIVED GO TO ill . in tiers AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF CiristmasGools. ALL OF WHICH HE SELLt, LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS EACH. decl5 j A f tikuralgi Sti&ticc Um9A 1 Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains Burps land, i Scalds. GtneriModfff 11 1 Pains,; Tooth Aar wd ffff fLrosted Feet and bars, and all other Pains and Aches. Ha Pnrwralktti on firth aanals Sr. Jacobs Oil Mi d mfA timiple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails bat tne comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it claima. Directions In Eleven Languages. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ABD DEALERS IS MEDICINE. Ai VOGEIJEIR & CO;, i j. . lialtttnore, MtL, V. 8. A. lc30dA$ ly. -' " DURING THE DAY FOR THE LADIES, OF TOYS, DOLLS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS, at .astonishingly low prices. AT Dr.J.H.McAdens Drug Store A Fnll Supply of Beautiful Celluloid Toilet Sets, Imported and Domestic Colognes, LuMn's Extracts, Cot Glass Cologne Bottles and Poll Boxes, and Other Holiday Goods. ioi, See, Real SomethiDg New in Charlotte AT THE JEWELRY STORE -OF- A en Wow Can be seen and proved the new and WOKb FUL OPTOMETER for measur tiler CALL AT Auction Sale, TO-NIGHT J.H. McADEN'S Druff Store . TAKE NOTICE. AT- Dauphin as below. In all eases the Ticm them- SE VE'N O (JJJ Ox-a" eates or anything else Instead. Any one propos- FOB Fresh Select English Spires, Nutmegs, Mace, White Ginger, Cloves, Cinnamon. Allspice, Mustard, Pepper, Ac, whole and ground. eyesight To those needing Spectacles or Eye- Glasses we would say call an ssv ur splendid stock, the largest In Charlotte anu . - first Quality. With the Optometer we can suit any eye. We are now receiving our HOLIDAY GOODS DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELY,& SILVERWARE, and kindly invite our friends and customers to call. Engraving and Fine Watch-work always a specialty. deciu gj&ilvjcratls. --T am fr n ftniir uart i xpineatiy one ave beexrrntsrFtin tins constroctloir" of the St. Louis and Texas Narrow Gaug Railroad, . line. J,ich is now being Duiit irom xexarKana 10 waco, Ji exas, and which it is deskga? d to extiHHoni the former point toEail-o;i ItU'tMar to connect with the narrow gauge rail road to St. Louft, iy (s ?uao:'in tended to push the road from Waco to the Rio Grande to KjqnnectyWith the Palmer Sullivan syfcteW which is to be con structed to the city of Mexico. It is also in.1 xn&idplation to ultimately builda irarrow gauge railroad from ,isof , (Jairo to iNew ioik, anq afO-YLv continuous narrow gauge line from the latter place to the city of Jdippa-ijAiisyndic-liafcien ffefOied Srie'W'TrJrk tdPcaVry' but this project, and it is said that sufficient money to complete the ' roWftasalfeidy been raised. The line between Cairo and Texarkana is expected to b Mjhed in the course of the year, as the work of construction will be pushed from bothj ing to offer anything else by circular or otherwise, on his own behalf or that of the company, is a A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB- TUNE FIBST GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS A. AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, January 11th, 1881 128th Monthly. 3 . i" Dratrtdg - VOTREUXA STATU LOTTKBT CbMPAKT. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, fob thi tkrh or twxitt-fivb TEARS, to which oonicact the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming 'popular eouong it Xranehue m tne new constitution l$lJD00106,lo;vfhl(lt las added la Re- fidortMK6aooo. i . f i Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWING will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ng distribution; FOR EVERYBODY, AT AT PERRY'S janl J, H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE You will ttnd The Largest Stock of Fine Toilet Soaps, English Hair and Tooth Brushes, Combs and Toilet Pow ders, ever offered in this market Menseil Time TaWe NDrltt Carolina E. R TBI INS GOING NORTH. Date,Decl4 '80 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Daily No. 43, Daily RO. D. GRAHAM, A.TTOENBT .A.T TjATTT. TV the State and United States Courts. Collee pn nd Foreign, collclted. Ab- tttaSotTlUofcSumyo.&c.. fumlshwl for com Xl.VOorwt'Taa 4 Trron stroeU Charlotte, N. C. - llHB-tt- Bllkf TBrNES, M. P. OFFERS 8XITICE8 it cvraxa Viw ' - oepess oom vomoenu copy. Nortli Carolina Exdn(eri In m. Bad Way. A "Washington correspondent writes that some North Carolina colored exo- dusters "were brought up at the night loading nouse Monday vening in a condition of considerable frozenness and yet more hunger and anxiety. They representea tnat thev were from Ma con, Warren county, and said they went oun do jjutier county, Uhio, last March in search of better times, but not find ing as good as they had had in the old North State were making their way oacttnere. They AMn'l have a cent, were aim si natea ana tne children were crying for food and warmth. They were ffiven as much soun and- bred,AS they .could eat, and after a bath wer put to bed. Ther Wer two men, t.wn wnmon on1 ni rrVkf oVi i 1 4 tn , .-. : Ike TettsleJtoU Co., Marshall, Mick, i wm send thetr celebrated Electro-VolUie Beits w m9 5uaaea upon so days tnai. Speedy cures Thti thet Writ to vbsbi wKoout aeiay. nor. 16 ly. etires ; coislive- r.'11 BUCK-DRAUGHT ri - Ji' i w f 1 ' -w tua oicK-xieaaacne. : . Janl For sale by Dr. Tf Q'Smiah. Tb ChFsllaocrpBTrce Case. WAsmiftTTON," J aifuary 2 The de position of Edil Giro, taken in New lYorfq Dtt behalf -6t, Mr. Christiancy in his suit for divorce, was given to the press here to-night. He testifies that he was introduced to Mrs. Christiancy by a Mr. Kutz, a reruvian banner, on the ToVaye; from Lima: that he recis tered her ai the1 St. Nicholas H otel, Ne w York, as "Mrs. II. II. Wharton," at her request that she came to room' at the ht. James Hotel, this city, and that they there occupied the sarjae Aed.fllrhe counsel for the -defendant will move to strikeout this last portion of tbe de position when, thd cpurt meets, owing ja inreais naymgjpeeii maoe i0y i tne commissioner 10 ijiro. CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tick ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize : S30.000 1 Capital Prize. . . . i 10,000 1 Casual Prize J.000 '. 2-PHterof $3,60.r4.vy.':,i.i.000 ! ! ePrteesvjf liOOO.f.l.f.WT-.OOO 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of i 60 10.000 500 Prizes of 20 10.000 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 ; 9 Approxiiaai o ion 9 Aoproximauon 9 Approximation Prizes of 100.. 1857 Prizes, amouattng to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will bo paid. For further lnforatlon,-vM(o clearly, giving full address". Send orders ' by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by mail. Address. 2 ife Jl M-AUlBSN, w , NeOrleanff, LoWSWna, or M, A. DAUPHIN, at sin .No,819 Broadway, Jew York. luriGwEir8)rniry DrawiDgsare under the sufJefvislon and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. decl4-dtw4w IMPROVED PATEHT LIVER PAD1 KmiSniEiit. C4 t Mxn ART StuHOTH DbIIMD. LiAMt Twin Lou. XHtum Otwi iaat Sraolst tt !je. CTKBS fMiudferw, lherCMpUi, Hfrrnaoiv leule Th frit 9mmM DImm bjf AMrpccu He YraioaaFllU. Oils, r Fioui KeSioiiMS arr Ukj wtb0BMk. Th Ti wtn ov tt Pit of n knmik i Ttrlt Jb Gt Narva Cl, mim aba JAvar an BtocMafa. A ganUa Tefftlabla 7ftilW-batiitothrTOoiafWooda4 Livar. srifyiBCBtoo4, attmnlatinf tka Lirerand ta'hialtiy mmictu aad fthoinr hj BACH. SOU IT UL DllMlKI,C Mt (VUd ar Expreaa. fji MaaufaetaTW u for eele at 92 Gormn street. For saT in Ckaflolto at tko drug stores of L. BL Wrlston A 00., F. Bearr, T. C. Smith and Wilson St. BurwelL , , may 15 ly. Salef ValttaMe Real Estate NEAB THE CITY OF CHABLOTTJS, N. C iT virtue of a decree of the Superior uourj oi :o:- TWO CAR LOADS KEROSENE ! Just Received at J. H. Mc ADEN'S Lv. Charlotte, a- Depot " Juntft Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Balelgh iiV. " Arr. Ooldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Arr. Lv. Danville " N. Danville Barksdle . Drak'sBr'ch .TotrarlllP Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr. Manchester 3.50 am 6.03 am 8.05 am 8.22 1.40 PM 4.00 pm 6.20 pm 8.22 ?m 4.38 pm 6.05 AM! 4.50 pm fl.30 AM 8.00 AM 9.38 am 9.58 AM 6.41 pm 8.26 pm 8. a 2 pm for Klch m'nd only 11.32 am 11.H5 am 12.01 pm 1.19 PM; 2.49 pm 8 45 pm 4.20 pm 4.40 pm 4.43 pm 4 43 am The only Agent In North Carolina & Sons' Kerosene OIL for C. Wests TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date.Dec.14'80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally JJ. Wholesale and McADEN Druggist, TBYON STBEEf , No. 1 Park's Building, Lv. bichmond ' Burkevllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Arr. Greensboro Lv. Salisbury Arr. A L. Junction Charlotte Lv. Richmond Jetereville Drak's Br'ch Barksdale Danville Benuja Greensboro Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv 44 w Arr. Charlotte 10.30 pmi 2 24 am 7.11 am 8.35 am 10 10 am 10.15 AM 12.00 AM 12.01 pm 1.52 pm 11.55 AM 2.20 pm 6.40 pm 6.00 pm 8.09 pm 8.20 pm 10.10 PM 12.00 m 12.82 pm 2.46 pm 4.28 pm 5.58 PM 7.20 pm 7-46 pm 8.48 pm 9.18 pm 10.56 pm 12.15 am 12.32 am 12.37 am CHABLOTTE, K. C. SAXJEM BKAKCH. Dec 18 8 : , astii ehz: POPULAR Monthly DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distrit intfo n Company, ouia sen wis oi Jr.as irom Daniel FJTgare, Tallapoosa, C Bala at ru Store. J j ' SO WILL PLEASED. Dr. E. H. Flagg: Dear 81r: "I wish to get tho agency for this county .for Flare's Patent Liver aad Stomach Pad. I bought oae of yor agvnt in Atlanta and was so well pteasod t sent for two more. I am now over 1 00 miles from Atlanta and oould sell lots of Pads from my recommend." Ga.-Tiagg'B rads for Some One Alayi Wins. A eormipoadent Invltets ' attention W tho facfe that it has Men everywhere remarked by the read ers or tbe leading joamats ln-aH pans of tho coun try toaUi drawees, tho Xuislna State Lot tery (2tmirJUiojti occur without over jftny In terruption in their rewjlarita' on tbe .seeond .Tues day of eachTTpjaofiaaiqtloaiXa., and aj, aaaorUonajaado weilne. name. of . Jd. A. XiaucblD. New,iOeaos. h La. or same ,Dorau at No. 819 ''- - - 1f, .... . . M ".J. wuj. eWfiooccMy, are jovapaDu.iusunoqr v ine suDseaueui acuon oi.uus, oomoaas. so mat $30)00 far $2 seems t,o be certain napplness In storo for some haFpy mortal somwere. . . . f " - A ,"J 'M r r: im, PROFITABLE PATIENTS. it SrMrM -EdT ifcfeWs Uceas in ire ufeisVtis airaj itcs Or wasuftc-afway from a condition . of Tjoiaerableness,. that no one knows wnat sautnem, TpronwTfnioiriST9r docttrrs.) is Ull Obtained Byio osoi,MJ ttwIJTheyegln tif Wrt fttmtho'rirJrMSOBO taofr"-Jttinta Dorreei neann ttntraireiieHrw KBtoroo. "wnoevei' cairgetHop QMtv aynefd not auffej. when they .MStoclnnatl stw ' 7v ! . AT MACAULKY'S THEATRE, a intwatt:ix)uiu.on These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act ot the General As sembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Printing and Newspaper Co., approved April 9, 1878. BPThis is a special act, and has never been re pealed. The Unltod Sfiites Circuit Court on March 81, npdqred-tht) following decisions: tTt--That the Commonwealh Distribution Com- M-Hta dmwlngi ire iatl.f ? 'h i The Company, has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prized:. !:i..'.:.V..;f.i.: $30,000 . l Prize ., lo.oou V 1) JTlZOA Umi - j i 5(000 10 PrlzM, $1,000 eacC. ... . . . ... J10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10,000 4tie''l8 tt::::-:::::: (Prizes, 20 each, . 12,000 AxoA'Ytiai $ii700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,800 100 ",iUii Vjo'il! 1.960Prizes. '. ' Whole TlckeUHalckets, $1; 27 Tickets, Romtt Voney or Bank Draft in Letter, er send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LEf fSDSpl PlTrcjrpVl2 Orders ot 3B4adh4irdt4w Ixnrew,&n.U) tint at our ex- R.'BMA&orterOwraVBuUding, Louisville, Ky., or T. J. C01IMERFOBJ). 212 l Vurlrlanhlinr mnntv T Will AXDOSe tO DUDliC sale at the court house in Charlotte, on TUJES t7at th i8th dav of JANUARY. 1881, to the highest bidder, a valuable tract of land containing about 186 acres, lying near the limits of tho City of Charlotte, directly on and north of the Carolina Central Railway, adjoining tho lands of V. 0. Bar- ringer, Mrs. Fanny kicks, ana tne isnus uiub late J. S. Means and others. The land will be di vided aad sold In lota of about 40 acres each. . Also, at the same time and place, an undivided tk interest in about 16 acres of land, lying within one mne oi unanone, Known as m juim a Hams mine tract, adjoining the lands of John W. Wadsworth, D. Asbtrry and others. One-fourth of the purchase money wOl be re quired in cash and the remainder at one and two years, In equal instalments, with Interest at 8 per cent, from date of sale. Title reserved till purchase-money is paid. , Persons desirous of purchasing the property are referred to Jas. P. Irwin, who will show the same. GOB. E. WILSON. Commissioner. decIO once a week t d-s. Democrat and Home copy. SUGAR CURED HAMS, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CRANBERRIES, HONEY AND DRIED PEACHES. Broadway. Mew York. an6 vllP decSO a H. HOWELL. .... FOR RENT. A COMFORTABLE four room house en Church street, with ltchen and splendid Well of wa ter In yard. Apply to C. HILKEB. Jan4 tt Boarders Recived. TOARD for nun and wife, wlihont .ckfld, or two teclo men vrlllln to oecuov ao aaa.rtmat Sd Tor a few table boarders. ' Central location, ferenaes exchanged. Apply at Til Obskbvxb office. - " ' ' f Jan4rlw Tfv fMi drih drowsv. debilitated, havo frv nnnt hffjuinnhA. month tastes badly, poor app i tlte, and tongue coated, ypft are suffering from top pld liver, or 'bluou3nes3.'randjiothlng will cure you so speeauy ana pernranennr aa j ko mono' JUver ueguiaior or jseouau The Cheapest, Pur est and Best Family t Medicine in tne world I As Effectual Specific for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fever, Malarious Fe vers. Bowel Com plaints, Restlesanes, Jaundice and Nausea. BAD BREATH! Nothing la so unpleasant, nothing so common as bad breath, and in nearly every case it eomws from tbe stomach, and can be easily corrected if you will take Simmons' Liver Regulator. Do net neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disor der. It will also improve your Appetite, Complet ion and General ueaitn. PILES! How manv suffer torture day after day. making life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure. ; owing to the secret suffering from Piles. Yet re lief is ready to the hand of almost any one who Win use systematically ioe remeay mat nas per toanently cured thousands. Simmons' Live? Regu lator is no arasue violent purge, but a gentle slstant to nature. CONSTIPATION! SHOULD not be regarded as a trifling allmont in faot,1wtnre demands- the inmost regularity Tf the bowels, and devlaflon from this demand pave the way often to serious danger. It' is quite aa necessary to remove Impure accumu lations from tbe bowels as it fs et or Bleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevaHg. SICK HEADACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most f reniiAnt. it. me aisturoanoe oi tne stomaon, arising Irom tbe Imperfectly digested contents, causes a sever pain in the head, accompanied wtth dlsagreoaM nausea, and this constitutes what Is popularly known aa Sick Headache. Cadtioh. As there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the com munity to bay no Simmons' Liver Regulator or Medicine unless our engraved wrapper, with "Red 7" trade mark, stamp-and signature unbrokesx None other la genuine. J T-T 7.RII.TN X- C.C . PHILADELPHIA, tim . Frtee $L 5el4 C7 All Dmgsists. sept 19 dlawiwlyr. . s t NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.31 pm Arrive Salem 11.80 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem Arrives Greensboro NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro Arrives Salem NO. 43-Daily. Leave Salem Arrive Greensboro. 6.25 am 7.40 am 10.80 AM 11.50 AM 5.00 pm 7 00 psj Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Pn ssengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the H. ft p. K. R. depot Tbi trulu makes close connectlon'at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton 4 Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all locil stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro. No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. R. at Halls bury for Asnevtlle (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 48 make an locai stoDS between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisburg. Cnlna Grove, Holts burg, Liu- wood wa janvstown No. 48 connects with Salem Branch at Uru- dec23 Gen. Pass. A. POPE, ana Ticket Agent, Richmond Va. THE CHARLESTON LINE FBOMTHJ UPPER CAROLINAS. The New Short Line TOW The Mountains to the Sea. Cbabueston. 8. C., August 2d, 1880, COMMENCING August 3d, the Cheraw A Salis bury Rauread opens from Wadesboro, Char lotte, and all adjacent territory, via Cheraw and Florence, a new line to Chart est on and the East, and respectfully invitee the attention ot all ship pers, and a share of their business. kFor rates and-ail tatormatloa, inquire of w L. Rose, Agent, Wadeaboro. or the undersigned. A. POPE, Gen. FrV and Pass. Agoai. aug 4fim i, ..