1 1 1 t)e l)arkttt bstrDtc. SUBSCRIPTION HAIMM : Dady, one year, (pottrpaAS) in advenuf $8 00 ffiz Mont hi 4 00 Thrtt Month 2 00 One Month 78 WBXKLY MDITfflf S Weekly, (in the tounty) in attmot $2 00 Out of the county, poetpwA, 2 10 Six Month 1 00 Liberal Reductiontfor Out. ifl IIO0 THX OSSXSTX& JOB DXPAJTOCEtT EMteeaOuaoagUr MppOttf ia mrf DMds mot, and wtth fbe Utott itylM of Tjrpt, ud tbu Miiwr of Job Prisons an dot. to Add wttfc 4 1 h peatneti, dlimteh 1 ihmm We w 5 ra fct curt noose. LXTTZBrHIJkSB. CASUS. TAGS, BXCXIPTS, POSTXBS, PB0QRAJOO3, HAHDBTLL8, PUfPHLXTS. CIBCUULBa.CKm, ACL VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY JANUARY 8, 1881. NO. 3,692. I t A LOT OF B s FOR SALE CHEAP. Call&SeeThem Alexander & Harris. Jan4 We are Now Receiving Our Fall Stock. Gent's Hand-Made, Machine & Cable-Sewed BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL GRADES A.KD PRICES. ALL PRICES AND1STYLE3. A Pretty Line of Trunks, Valises and LATEST STYLES OF CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. ALSO Lower Grades in Fur, Saxony Wool,Jk GIVE US 1 TRIAL. Jtespeclfmlly, Pegram & Co. aug28 EMBRACE TH3 OMBlff! WE HA?K THIS DAY MADE AKOTHIB LARGE REDUCTION IlsT 3? aiOBS O N many Hues of DRESS GOODS and on all FANCY CASHMERES. Now Js the time to buy the cheapest Cashmeres ever offered in thli market. A g Drive In Fancy Silk Velvets and Velveteen! In all shades. Fancy Silk Fringes at manufac turer's prices. Come and see the handsomest stock of Imported Hosiery ever offered for the price. We keep a large llae of Passimentrle goods, and have Just received a few handsome pieces. Beaded Fringes, Silk Cords and Tassels, in an shades. Fancy Collars and Handkerchief jtytas, fjljed wlfh beautiful goods, suitable o? Christmas Presents. In fact, our stock Is com' plete in every detail, and a thorough examination will convince you that we metn all we say. The best stock of Underwear in the city, Umbrellas, "Tower" i '- Yallse3. Khiiti. liir-inad 8 Tniiika and , - 1 1 j 'j Prom , personal attention given to, orders. Hargrayes & YTiihclra, Smith Building, Trade St. dec It I7ROM and after tbls-date A J. Beall becomes - associated lu partnership with LeRoy David son, in the Grocery business, under the firm name and style of Davidson & Beall. I he new Arm Dr KeeDinz a nrsi-ciass siock yi goods in their line, and y strict attention to the wants if their cus omers, hope to merit coatln uance of the business extended to the old. house. DAYJD30N BBJfLL.; CARD OF THANKS. I desire to thank say trlends an$ .flietotners of thfeiLaatfnrlhW ve.rv ltbefti iatrt)nrer-het have extended) to me, and beg to state thai the new flrtov patronage ef the public 1 ! .2 anke FALL STOCK. 580 Lades ffi Gfuldrens mm I11UUVU leu Op Notice of Partnership. Aivitv A s tm. v awvi Charlotte, mauaWLil)' -:' THE GREAT Opportunity of the Season. JANUARY next we move to Trade Street. In anticipa tion of this more, we will for th next 30 days, to reduce our stock, close out many lines of goods at COST. Embraee the opportunity while it is open to you to buy goods at les than valu. A call will convince you est. we are m earn- Just received some beauti ful Holiday Goods that will be sold cheap. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel. de7 5XxsccUuie0tis. PERRY VIS' OILER lb A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTEBJfAL and EXTEENAL Use. PAIN KILLER font inclosing tacb I has never failed when used accorrtinsr to nrinttd direct. ineloemir ach bottle, and Is perfectly tafe even in the most inexperienced hands. DAIM Vll I C'i IN A SCUE CURE for PAIN ft I LLC ill Sore Throat, t oiialis, Chills, Diarrhoea. Dysentery, tramps, Cholera., and fill Bowel Cnmpluinte. DA 111 If II I CD is TIlF J EST rpinedy rAil IVILLbrl known fjc Sea-Sickness, Rick-Heailache, Pain in Tfte ltack or Side, Rneumatiisni, anrt !Senrjrla. PAIN KILLER lYV?$$l brinsrs speedy and permanent relief in all cases of limine., Cnta, qprains, Severe Burns, etc. DAItJ lll I CD ia' the well-tried and trusted rAIll MLLl.ll friend of the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in fact of all clanaa wanting ft medicine always at hand end safe to use internally or externally with certainty of relief. jyso family eari afford to bo without lliii lnvalnahlexcffieaj: iff fee house. Its price biiri : it Trtttetwic y rovah will ancualir i r toatijr tiiiiBa it. obst in doctors' bills. Sofd by all ruggiti at Hoc 60c and $1 a 1, -.in. PERRY DAVIS & 80N, Providence, R. i. Proprietors. m,ch'l-d&w ly St. Nicholas for 18S1. 6,000 108 Enqiakb, 10Q.000 Fob, Amebica, CT. NICHOLAS, the charming magazine for boys and girls, edited by Mrs. Mary 13. mail juauva vuiutD, has increased so much in size and number of pages during the past year that the publishers have been obliged to issue the yearly volume In two parts, Instead of one as heretofore. As to Its clrou Utlon, they report a gain of 10,000 in the average monthly editions of 18KU over 1879. The an. nouncementB for the coming year Include a capital serial story for boys, full of exciting adventures, "In Nature's Wonderland," or, Adventures in the American Tropics; stories of Art and Artists, by Mrs. Clara Ersklne Clement, a faithful outline of the history of European Art, with many illustra tions; 'Phseton Rogers," a delightful and humor ous serial bv Hosslter Johnson: "Mystery in a Mansion," a six months' serial; The Treasure Box of Literature, directing and encouraging young people in the best reading; The Agasslz As sociation, lullr explained in the November num ber; "Two English Queens." by Mrs. O lphant; ' The Land of Nod," a children's operetta, with music full of charming; tableaux and effects; A series of beautifully illustrated Ballads for Young folks, beginning witn ine cnns,imas numDer; a .-.peclal Budget of Fairy Stories by Frank K. Stock ton-the first of which is in the November num ber; An Indian Story by "Bright Eyes," the Ponca Indian maiden: a splendid holiday storr, ,fA Chrtsfe games, will be coqUfi'ue.f!, Ufi W popua de partments. Subsc-lotions beginning with the November Is sue will Include "the wonderful Christmas num ber," of which the edition wUl be 5,000 in Eng land and 100.000 in America. The price of this number, to be Issued about November 30th, will be 80 cents. Beguiar price $3 a yean 25 cents a number, for saie, and subscriptions received. Dy an dealers, or the publishers, Scrtbner 4 Co. fi8 Broadway' Neijf tion21 tf Atlantic, Tenpssp k Ohio Railroad sukbbiwsw's omen, i Cblfltte, . C., Nov. 0 th, 1880. On apd after Monday, Nov. gth., J 880, the follpwlpg schedule will be rup over this road: GOING SOUTH. Leave itatesvllle., Davidson College, Arrive at Charlotte H 80 a. m. 8 15 a. m. 10 00 a. m. GOING NORTH. TV BaMnSsffilE V nZfig&ffig&p GORMLKSt iilillllfiiijWiuClA J I ip '"(il lift ill . 3.3.ajj.i.' 5 18: iv: m. itenslroornTnKS r I 1 n L II .S2Sfi George Eliot. Judge not! The keen, the diamond pointed pen Hath fallen from the woman's weary fingers. And on the month which spake high truth for men Death's lewly silence lingers. The eyes that sought life's mysteries to scan. With daring glance irom which no depth was hid, Now rest content to see no farther than A straightened coffin-lid. We crowned her brow the queen ef such wide fame As seldom man's more ardent thought hath wooed; But still our hearts were heavy for the shame She wrought to womanhood. Judge not! It is not Genlm; it Is Death Who lifts her err.r sacred from our blame. Weep for the passing or her mortal breath, And praise her noble name! Literary World. OBlEKVATiONS. The fatted calf was killed that a ferglving father might re-veal his feelings toward a prodigal son. The skin of the enlon Is much used by soldiers to scour their bayonets. This is probably what Jehn Pie i pon t meant when he wrote the thrllLicg line: "Bead it en-yon glistening steel!" This woman had outdoor nerves, didn't want to vote, and would hold a husband with a firm crip: l oee jour pardOD, madam, saw no, i.r ine smoke In the room." "Not at all. I rather like It. It smells as if there was a man around." "Now we are nicely settled !" exclaimed the bao- py new little wife. "If we only had a cow, Harry, we could have a nice soft bed." "Cow?" asked the poor husband. "Goose you mean. Geese yield feathers, you know, Mollle; geese not cows." "Yes," said Mollle, with a twinkle; "but cows give down, don't they, yoa stupid?" He ut tered a snort of defiance and went eut to chop some wood. Why is a Mary, why elon't you listen? What's the difference between betweem a be tween Farragut and a cockroach? No; that isn't ?;eod. Between Farragut and an ardent yeung ver? Ko; I mean between Farragut and a new shoe-sole? That's 1L" "Oh, I don't know, Joh. Anything about 'pegged out'" "No. you heart less wretch!" "Well, Is it because one wasAdml ral and the other admirable?" "Naw! course not! nothing so simple. Why, Mary, it's because one was lashed to the mast and " "Oh, yes! and the other mashed to the last! Very good, Johnny for you." Buffalo Bill says the Indians are an ill-used Dee- pie, and that they fear the miners more than they do the soldiers. And it is not strange that they do. A mlneT plays a much better game of draw poker, and it is a cold day when he can't rake la an In dian's pile with three aces and a king, and have two aces and four kings to spare. A fugitive dog. scudding alonz the ridee of a Connecticut mountain with a bit of lighted oakum hitched to his tall, recently gave occasion for "ae of the most Intense bnd picturesque descriptions of the appeal ance of a brilliant meteor that ever lent life and color to the pale nothingness of rural Journalism. A Chicago grocer sells soap, every tenth cake of wnicn contains in its centre a gold dollar, and the citizens of Chicago are getting to look tolerably clean. Boston Post. But the fellow who keeps on buying and never hits the teath cake finds out that his soap deferred maketh the heart sick. Phil. Bulletin, La, suds! we should soapese so. X. Y Graphic. This Is soap pathetic. IS THIS DEATH? Puttiug; a Watch en a Body in Hopes that Life ia Not Extinct. Special Dispatch to the Phil. Times. Baltimore, January 5. To-dav the friends of Miss Barbara Liefeld, the daughter of a wealthy German citizen, who died last Friday and was buried yesterday, placed a watch ovr her coffin, believing that she is in a trance ana will come to lire aeain. Tlie case has a number of interesting features, which are exciting much surprise in the western section of tha city. The young lady, who was about eighteen years of age, was found doad in bed at her residence, corner of Fremont and Waesche streets, and her physician gave the causo as heart disease. On Sunday she was to hare been buried, but to the astonishment of her friends tha face assumed a life-like appearance, and the undertaker expressed the opinion that the body had turned partially on its side during Saturday night. The fune ral was indefinitely postponed and fur ther developments waited with intense interest. JNot only cid the cheeks as sume a rosy hue, out there was a no ticeable absence of the coldness and stiffness usually characterizing the limbs of a corpse. The hands were surprisingly warm and up to yesterday morning a warm perspiration was per ceptible. Yesterday the body became rapidly cold and seyeral physicians who examined it pronounced life extinct. The funeral accordingly took nlaca in the afternoon, the cofhn being placed in a vault in St. Alphonsus Cemotery, To day the friends of the lady visited the cemetery and insisted on the coffin being opened, when tLey were greatly agitated Dy the discovery that the body had again become warm, while the color had returned to the cheeks. By the ad- yice of the cemetery authorities the re mains were not removed, the precau tion, however, being taken to leave the coffin open and. place a guard in the vault, The painful suspense under which the parents of the girl are labor ing has completely prostrated them ine result is looKea ior witn much in terest and curiosity. Western Railro&d blatters. Nashville, January T.-In the oase of the minority stockholders of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad against the Louisville and-Nashville Railroad, for the appointment of a re- ceiver, a decision was given yesterday, refusing the petition. The attorney for the defense was about to open when J udge Uaxter said further argument was not necessary; that none of the al legations of the bill had been sustained ; that so far from the Nashville and Chattanooga road having been operat ed by the Louisville & Nashville to the prejudice of the stockholders, that the management was fair and efficient in every respect. In regard to that part of the bill praying for an injunction to prevent the lease of the Nashville and Chattanooga by the Louisville and Nashville, the court accepted the as surance that no such lease had been in tended, and none would be made ex cept by application to a court. Cost of Indian YVarw. Washington', Jan. S. Seeretarv ! $amsey submitted to the Senate to-day estimates of the expenditures by the department on account of Indian wars occurring between 1803 and 1879. The report states that it is impossible to as certain the exact amount which should be charged to these wars, because the expenditures for this particular pur- Eose during the last two years have not een keptbeparate from th3 othr expen ditures ef the War Department. State-: Hients, however, made up from the best attainable data show the amount ex pended from the ?fppiopriatious of the quartermaster s department on account of. these wars tp pa.ve been ,60,1 From, the casualties officially reported to the adjutant-general's office it is shown that there were 40 officers, 52Q privates and 13 citizens with the army killed during these wars. Friglilfal Killing of F.ight TJen. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 7. The boiler explosion at the Allentown Rolling Mill last niffht was more disastrous to I Mfm ond-nwrniiiiT tliiM ot fleet- rfriniii(l l'S"" v. m VI ti lit Til UK.lgltAf'otf "'ti VMJjunes since- the e?;p;tastfl:'S',Tftee1 - with. . Jnhn ..SbAnlra. . bilJML s-iniiiant.IT. '.?ji?l"J?. j n:.' J TC ' ' otrrers are-iiouny expeGtea toaie'"-; t - . . . w)ir,i i DrukXIst "Becausoas a Food Medlcfrie: iHkf en clr'the blood, harden the muscles, aulet Iheil nejysa; perfect dlgestloa" . . T rake.rfine men already, dead m&.tktefm A Droadfnl Calimity London, Jan. 7. Yesterday a large steamer was seen to go on Godwin Sands and afterwards sink with all hands. Thousands Use It, Why Hesitate ? Joy to the world! Woman is Free! Among the many discoveries looking to the happiness and amelioration of the human race, none Is entitled to higher consideration than Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regulator, "Woman's Best Friend." By It woman is emancipated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It euros "whites" suppression of the "menses," and removes ute rine obstructions. It cures constipation and strengthens the sjstem, braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never falls, as thousands of women will testify. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta. Ga., price 1.50 per bottle. Sold by T. C. Smith, and L. R. wrlston 4 co. Thomasvujle. Ga.. June 28, 1 877. I have been selling Brotifield's Female Regula tor for years, and it still continues popular an evidence of Its being all claimed for it. I can re call instances In which It afforded relief after all the usual remedies had failed. S. J. CASSELL, Druggist. Smith's Scrofula Syrup aud StarCurlne art pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney aud Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure yen? i rom u. D. Met'Urry. Newton county, ueoreia: I take great pleasure in recenmendlng to the pub lie Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. My little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed tor him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cared him. I find It eaually benficlal In all cases of Coughs. I consider it a blessing in my family, very one should keep It in their houses. For sale oy vt. t. u. saiita. oense-em. "WINE OF CARDUI " for Ladies only. 3nl For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. Do not fall to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith's Scrofula SyTup. Star Curine cures all chronic Sores and Is a sure cure for Piles. Call on your druggist before it Is too late and get a bottle of Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., President of Moore's Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga: This is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's Expecto rant in my family for several years, and can re commend it as an invaluable remedy for Coughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other reme dies that I have tried. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. oct26-6ra. Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. Wadlxt, Emanuel Co., Ga., Oct, 10, 1879. Gentlemen: While attending the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curine on my leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After hav ing thoroughly treated it I am compelled to say that It is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and found noth ing to cure me until I used your Star Curine, which has cured a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am yours, respectfully, John Bkll. For sale by Dr. T. a Smith. oct2 Cm. " BLACK-DRAUGHT "cures costive- ness and Sick-Headache. ,anl For sale by Dr. T. C. SmlUn. NOT A BEVERAGE. "They are not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties of the highest degree, contain ing no poor whiskey or poisonous drugs. They do not tear down an already debilitated system, but build it up. One bottle contains more hops, that Is, more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordin ary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells them, and the physicians prescribe them." Evening Express on Hop Bitters. TAKE NOTICE. All correspondence should be with M. A. Dauphin as below. In all cases the Tickets them selves are sent, and never circulars offering certifi cates or anything else Instead. Any one propos ing to offer anything else by circular or otherwise, on his own behalf or that of the company, is a twmcUer. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB TUNE FIRST GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS A, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, January 11th, 1881 128th Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTKBT COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature ef the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868. fob ths txrm of twentt-fivk ykars, to which oontract the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in the new consUtutlon adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which ft has since added a Re serve Fund of over $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWING will take place monthly on the seoond Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow- ng aismnution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets. One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $80,000 1 capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize , &,000 2 Prizes of Sg.500 , ft. 000 BMTzesM l.ooo ... 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200...... 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by mall. Address ed only to M. A DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 819 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. .T. Beauregard and juDai A. Karly. dec!4-d&w4w POPULAR ltQ$: OxBAWINft OF THE Cemmqpwealth Distr l Dution Company, AT MACAULBTS THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) uiwier provisions oi an Act oi me uenerai a sembly of Kentucky, lncorporatine the Kewpor Printing and. Newspaper Co., ajibYoTed Apnl lt- tyrThls Is a special ac, and. bas never been re-- peaiea. The United States Circuit Court on March 31 rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com' pan; is legal. 2d -Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund, ueaa tue list oi prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize $80,000 1 Prize 10.000 1 Prize 5.000 10 Prizes, 81,000 eaca 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10.000 100 Prizes. 100 each, 10.000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 rtOO Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prize, 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, S:00 each. Approximation Prizes 2,700 9 Prizes, 200 tPnae9;'1IWr' '". ' 900 m.ioo 1 1 JRHTJ frlBXtS?. AH, i I r.l .t V.J? f J wiae ffictete. Ha eetg;' tickets, W'wn8W Remit Monei or, Bank, JQjaoJa , Tt t A -U-nn.A eMer.er end iJSTKttBD Older of vtjwtti i pvnn lllSSv "i-a ftwi?t.55t.& uMtne. MWs.We-f7.or, a1j r.fTOW.Wff dUplar wr..- Fancy For I m A"3 is A GREAT DECLINE IN WOOLEN GOODS ! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC ! Having received intelUgesce from our hose In 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline in tract for large quantities. We are assured that wo purchase at'ivery close figures, and give every patron the benefit - we have more styles than any other house ean show, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market for thejslmple fact that moat of them are made In our own houso.and fit the same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsteretts that has ever been exhibited, ready-mpae, in this market. We Invite the publle to come and see facts. WW mo, l Villi DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, LACES, NOTIONS, RIBBONS, TIES AND SCARES, FOR LADIES AND GENTS, LINEN, LACE AND SILK HANADKERCHIEFS TO SUIT EVERYBODY GLOVES, FANCY HOSE FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, FANCY BOXES, POCKET BOOKS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, IN FACT, EVERYTHING DESIRABLE AND CHAP IFTO CimSUAS PRESENTS. Everybody, and especially the children, are invited to see SANTA CLAUS AND OLD MOTHER GOOSE. A Special Attraction for the Little Ones. LATEST AEMVAL IF MEW K(W!S. "We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a large assortment of desirable goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly in the Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late rise in price of cotton goods. t We are now enabled to offer both to "Wholesale and Retail Buyers indncements to make their purchases of us. We have a new stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, Cloaks and Dolmans. A large stock of Clothing Carpets, Boots, Shoes, and general mer chandise. By examining our stock before buying, you will save money. ELIAS & COHEN. FILL ID Will STYLES READY Ml! iFfTll. W. KA.XJKM:A.Vr & CO., OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING FOB ZMTIElsr, ZBOTTS &c CHILDBE1T is larger and more complete than ever heretofore, and at prices seldom equaled, and never beaten. Come and learn our prices and examine our goods. It will pay yu. octl4 e THESE DELICIOUS bivalves can be had every morning (except Sundays) cm Trron -street, next door te Charlotte Hotel. ON SUNDAYS they will be delifeied at tb'a Lincoln depot. Oyster Stews. 25 cents, i Oysters aw, 1 0 cent. $MST IN THE MARKET. Parties bavlng borrowed buckets please return tnem. . . .. .. .. . . . . octlO tf NOTICE. XTT reeeivied. 35 haHel,cb,efc Jglnta iiP O . iamplespf Beoned anA New. Of lease Suart. CofTe, Ktc, , Floirr, Soaps," Tobacco,; Ac H ipectflir-BH ttoe! la 4 xn r ChuJott t examrne rnj goods fore jwtbasln. i i t; o ' - .' ;.. r. t i. L.Bksnm. Oyste er ,n i jqBiiejfe'aMt, nee? Tracto i TO EVERY GENEROUS HEART And Considerate Mind do we Appeal, Greeting : an QAMriohln PhHctmfia ntfOOnt t A fr! ft fill AAA of SUIc Uandkerch efs for Ladies and GenUemen.'in . ... v.- . j ... n n t iTti jk Boxes, only to be found at a magnificent gilt from a laay to a gentleman, see me Tlceable, to be lound only t E. D. LATTA 4 BRO'S. For a pleasing assurance of one's remembrance on this occasion. Is a pair of Eaw Silk Pulse Warmers, in exquisite pattern at K. D. LATTA 4 BRCS. Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, arranged in beautiful silk embroidered t oxes. Is a very appropriate present, and are made a specialty in varltty for the Holidays at K. D. LATTA 4 BHO'S. Rllk Mufflers are In popular fTor for general usefulness, end we hall expect an attractive demand by those wh ) are more ll ingfco give than receive. We have made a great ffort to excel In our Silk Wear Ef partment, find therefore confidently luvlU Inflection, i very novelty In Scarfs and Neck apparel. Coll early and Insure a Merry and Happy ChrlstniiiBlorall E. D. LATTA & Baltimore, which is one of the largest purchasers Clothing, we consequently act accordingly, and we now n Tery respectfully, OIL M mi in Is XTQIR OlSTIS OSE-.S:. UM W. KAUFMAN Sc. CO., W rtlm rt.r BEST PORTABLE MILL Finding U Cor? " for ble u. U require, lull- arcMing . OriBtU Irom 1580 to WOO bu.heU with one "re.jing. It mk- r.n.Sr.,Tnor7 ud pty. I t.ke. from to P" " 1. power th ny o.her Mill net ' Stvn CO baSoh orric sorts cabolisa m1llcj. c all f l n r? f T. feT.. peir'oiPeckaqf mrputt Uvtj X Skates, eetween the residence of Dr. Bratton and Phtferr pond, on Saturday last. A llWral rewwd WW be paitt ls ttMt wtanj," UUv tt II Y!T.':(! filO'i ttlA PlilhOrAtA handsome nira ,nn rivalled" BRO. prices mowBi. oL'Woolens.that the same hare decllned.fioni ! to offer our stock at Beduced Prices, aa we onlj ce- Leading Clothiers and Tailori. CLOT SPRINGS'S COBN B. $XlsccllnncQXKS. SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC FOR CASH THE New York and North Carolina Smeitinf Company at Charlotte, will pay the best Cash" Prices ever paid In this country for " ORES. No charge will be made for sampling and i-BikaeltDerJBSsayi fOf GOM SSVr,'fI 0U itf--rt fid billvds hilllO' 0iii ee-ni..iifeictt7 travitjjiY 73 ran Avenue, . U KJUU tll yd J t ft ! m I