a. ' Stye l)ariottt b-atnifr. 8VB80RIPTI0N BATMM I Dooly, one year, postpaid) tm advene S8 00 efix Montht , 4 00 Thrtt MonV 3 00 On Month : 71 WBSKLT EDITION : WeeHy, (in the eotmty) tn advance S3 00 Out the county, poetpcad, 3 10 Six Months 1 00 liberal Reduction for CIkob. H ' XHB? OBSX&tXS, V i Hu beejx Qwnnghlx nppUed wtth every want, sad era tlM latest styles t Tjrps), sad even wwiwir e Job-Mattel eoao bedeoe wtth isa el snort notioe, BLiNtB, BTLL-HlABa. UTRBrHXH)B.lBM, TAGS. BJtCKPTS. POSTXH8, PEOGaAJDCtS, HANDBILLS, PAXFRLXTS, CIRCULARS. CHJdg. C t ? P ': 1 Ml m VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C,, SUNDAY JANUARY 9, 1881. NO. 3,693. i i ;; The British Lion. NEWS IN NORTH CAROLINA, 1 . tfl A LOT OF Horse B s 1IT 1J (Call&Seelhei Alexander t Harris. an4 1880 FILL STOCK. 1 We are Now Receiving Our Fall Stock. Gent's Hand-Made, Machine A Cable-Sewed . BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL GRADES AND PRICES. '0 j illlkJOVA) ALL PRICES AND'STYLES. r A Pretty Line of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, LATEST 8TYLE3 OF CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. ALSO Lower Grades in Fur, Saxony Wool,k GIVE US 1 TRIAL. Respectfally, jpegram & Co, aug28 grtj (goods. EMBRACE THE WE HATE THIS DAT MADE AJCOTHER LARGE REDUCTION many lines of DRESS ttOODS anq o all FANCY CASHMERES. Now la the time to buy the cheapest Cashmeres ever offered In this market. A g Drive In Fancy Silk Velvets and Velveteens In all shades. Fancy Silk Fringes at manufac turer's prices. Come and see toe handsomest stock of Imported Hosiery ever offered for the price. We keep a large llae pi Passlmentrle goods, and have just received a few ftandsoma pieces, Beaded TrtngM, Silk Cords and Tassels, n o)l shades. Eanoy Cellars and Handkerchief Boxes, filled with beautiful goods, . suitable for Chrmas Presents. In fact, our stock Is com plete In every detail, and a thorough examination will convince you that we mean all we say. The best stock of Underwear In the city, Umbrellas, "Tower" Shirts, City-mad S Trunks and Valises. Prom , personal attention given to orders. Hargra? e & TTilhelm, gmlth Building, Tp ft. decl anke FOR c CHEAP MLB a Childrens I ah m UtlUll Golden Opportunity ! Notice of Park IiROM and after this date A. J. Beall becomes 1 associated in partnership with LeRoy David son, in the Grocery business, under the firm name and style of Davidson Beall. the new firm by keeping a nrst-class stock of goods in their line, and by strict attention to uie wants of their customers, hope to merit a , cestui uance.fthe business extended to the old house. DAVIDSON 4 B1ALL. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to thank my friends and customers of the past for the very liberal patronage they bayjs extended to me, and beg tq!sate thai the pew tarn d ( Davidson Beall. will Endeavor to merit 'the patrohageOUhepabUti. iROT DAYIDSOnJ : Charlotte, N. CL, Jan. 1. 1881. . T. L Seiele & Co. Messrs Have rented the commodious store-room known as THE KOOPMANN HOUSE, NEXT DOOR TO A. R. MISBET & BRO., whi.h Is now being thoroughly renovated. When finished, possesslom will be taken at once. Mot having room enough to Justify earning a STOCK OF CARPETS We offer from this date cur entire stock of ALSO, CLOAKS, DOLMANS And Walking Jackets THESE GOODS MUST Bl SOLD, IF AT A SACRIFICE. Jen 9 3fUsceU3tt0tts. pAaiJ killer lb A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. D A 11 1 CD has nmer faiUA whan used rAIII IVILLtall according to printid direeU ions iaclMuag each bottle, ana is perfectly taf evtn in the most inrxptritneed handt. DAltk.lf II CD IS A SURE CURE for rAlfr-IVlLLtn Sore Throat, Coughs, Chills, .DiarrlHea Dy winery. Cramps, Cholera and oil Hot el Cemplointt. PAIN KILLER &S&.t3BZ Slckirmdache, Pain Id se BrpU 0' Side, lineuinatism. and Nenrla. DA 111 IMI I CD ia "txmo the BEST rAW MLLtn liniment Made, it brine tpeedy and prwtunnt relief in all cases of Brniae, Cut, Sprains, Severe Burns, etc DA III 11 1 I CD is the velUried and trusted rAIII niLLCll friend of the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Salhfr, and In fact of all classes wanting- a medicine always at hand and safe to use internally or externally vril-u certainty of relief. tyMq family can afford to be without this invaluable remedy in the house. Its price bri-r . it within the reach of all, and it will annually s. i c many tixies its cost in doctors' bills. Bold by sll drnggiiU at 85o. 50o. aad $1 a bottic. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. mch'l-dAwly ( St. Nicholas for 1881. 5,000 IOR Ehqlamp, 100.000 Fob Abmca. OT. NJCH0CA8, he charming magazine for boys P and girls, edited bj Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, has Increa.-ed sq much In size and number of pages during the past year that the publishers' hve been obliged to issue the yearly volume in two parts, instead of one as heretofore, a s to Its circus Utlon, (hey report a gain of 1 0,000 In the average monthly editions of 1880 over. 1879. The an. nouncements for the coming year Include a capital serial story for boys, full of exciting adventures, "In Nature's Wonderland," or, Adventures in the American Tropics; Stories of Art and Artists, by Mrs. Clara Ersktne Clement, a faithful outline of the history of European Art, with many Illustra tions; "Phaeton Rogers," a delightful and humor ous serial by Rossiter Johnson; "Mystery in a ManHien." a six months' serial i The TreaSure- Box of Literature, directing and encouraging young people In the best rending; The Agassi? As sociation, lully explainwi in the November num ber; "Two English Queens." by Mrs. O iphant;" "The Land of Nod," a children's operetta, with music. full of charming tableaux and effects: A series of beautifully lliiiafa 5!tw Young fonts, beginning with the Christmas number; A .-pecial Budget of Fairy Stories by Frank R. Stock ton -the first of wftich Is In the November- numT beri An Indian Story by ''Bright Eyes,' the Ponca, Indian maiden; a splendid'hOHdav story. "A Christ: mas with the Man in the Moon," by Washington Gladden. Open-air Papers, stories of sports, and games, will be continued, wHb all the popular de PArtmenta. Subsc iptions beginning with the November Is sue will Include "the wonderful Christmas num ber," of which the edition will be 6,000 to Eng. land and 100.000 In America. The price of this number, to be issued about November 30th, will be 80 cents. Regular price S3 a year; 25 cents a number, for sale, and subscriprlons received, by all dealers, or the publishers, Scrlbner & Co. 743 Broadway New York. hon27 tf Atlantic, Tepjicssee k Ohio Railroad Superintendent's Office, I Charlotte, K. C., Nov. gth, 1880. f On and after Monday, Nov. 8th-, 1880, the following schedule will be run over this road: GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville Davidson College Arrive at Charlotte GOING NORTH. . . . fl 30 a. m. ... 8 15 a. m. ...1000 a. m. Leave Charlotte " D:iv1i!smi College,.. . Arrive at Siaicsville nov7 8 80 p. m. 5 18 p. ra. 7 00 p. pa. J. J. GOBHLKT, 8up't Carpets at Cost, fir ft sa ml 10! FOR RENT. THl store room In the1 Observer buildlag next to"W . N Prathor's is for rent after January 1st a JKO. L. MO&lHAAfiu - deeMtf, Ia days of old. the schoolmen raised this question: SuDDOse an ass on either quarter saw, When stirred by any motive to digestion, Tw equal heaps oi thistles of straw, Each equally attractive to bis vision, Each equal In its succulence and size; Could he arrive at grounds for a decision, Or must he weigh their merits nil he dies? And they Inferred that, granting the condition Of equal apsetlte and equal claim. The puzzled beast must die of Inanition ueiore ne couia determine on ms aim. Perhaps the quibble of these ancient sages. Which only served to stir their wits about, May furnish us, who live in later ages, a pointed moral from the ass's doubt. The British ass. set between Whigs and Tories, Two equal bundles ot unwholesome food, Will die ef hunger, certainly, before he's Able to judge which mess should be eschewed. fendon Truth. Feet to Poet. During his recent visit to Norfolk, Father Ryan presented Capt. James Barron Hope, editor of the Landmark, with a copy of his poems, accompanied ky a few verses complimentary to the poet of Vir ginia. In acknowledgement, Capt Hope has sent the following to Father Ryan: Himself I read beneath the words he writes. I may come back and sing again. Father Ryan. This bard to me's a whole-souled man la honesty aad might, For when he sees wrong In the van He leaps like any knight To horse, and charging on that wrong Smites it with the great sword of song. But 'neath the cassock of the priest There throbs another heart, Another heart but not the least Which in his lays takes part. So that 'mid clash of swords and spears There Is no lack of pity's tears. This double heart Is brave and soft, As such hearts always are, And plumes itself, a bird aloft, When morning's gates un bar Till high it soars above this sod Bathed in the very light of God. Woman and soldier, priest and man, I find within these lays, And the closer still the verse I scan The more I find to raise. Some of these lyrics shower down The glories of the cross and crown. To thee, oh bard! my head I bow As I'd not to a king, And my last word writ here and now Is not a little thing. Recall the promise of thy strain Thou art to "come and sing again!" OBSERVATIONS, Too many pins go to waist. Newburg Eegitter. How dare you. sir? Take your ana away this in stant! CatskiU Recorder. It Is estimated that eight million croquet sets were sold in this country during the past five years. And yet we wonder at crime 1 "That's my impression." as the young lady re marked yesterday when she got up from the snow. "Father," asked a young rran who will vote two years hence, "what Is civil service reform?" "Get ting the other fellow's man out of office and get ting your own in," replied the well-posted father. The leader of the classes at Vassar College Is a Japanese girl. She Is probably the only girl In school who doesn't scream at the sight of a rat. It takes Worth a whole week of hard work to de sign a costume for the French actress Judle, but Lydla Thompson can design a costume for herself ia half an hour and make nothing of it. A. Donaliou of SIO.OOO to the Deems Fund. Raleigh News and Observer. The follow ing letter of Dr. Charles F. Dems gives the tidings of a noble bene faction by the eminent Mr. W. H. Van derbilt to the University of North Caro lina for the "Deems Fund." This fund is to be loaned to needy students to en able them to obtain an education at the University. 429 West Twenty-Second Street, New York, December 30, 1880. To President Battle : My Dear Sir: Last night, upon my return from church, I found on my desk the following: "My Dear Dr. Deems: Herewith please find my check for ten thousand dollars, as subscription to the Universi ty of North Carolin, as an addition to the "Deems Fund" to be loaned to indi gent students of the University. Very truly yours, "W. II. Vanderbilt." Whem I began to make my little dch nations towards building up tliat fund, my trust was that some friends might be found in North Carolina who, after I am dead, would, for old love's sake, make it up tu a few thousand dollars, but how my large-hearted friend, from whom I have never solicited anything, steps in and makes it quite as large as I had hoped it might grow in a quarter of a century. So very little was I able to give, that I requested to have the claims of the sons of ministers of the gospel pre ferred. Now help all applicants, as rapidly as needed, being careful to ob serve that we desire to help, not carry. I am satisfied that nothing is gained by putting boys through a college like grist through a mill. The right kind of young man will satisfy you that he will ultimately be able to return sum borrowed, and will fjnd, friends to stand forhira. Further particulars wiU be written soon. In the meantime draw on me for whatever is needed immediately. Thanking you for the trouble you take in this matter, I am, dear Presi dent Battle, with great respect and af fection, Your old teaoher and friend, Charles F. Deems. A Queer I tool. The following from the local col umns of the Boston Herald seems a, curious item for the "Hub : The an nual meeting of the Stonewall Jacksen Association was held at the hall of the Sons of Liberty, Saturday afternoon. The nan was neatly decorated with bunting an evergreens, including na tional Hags and the beautiful white banner presented laat year by the lady friends of the association. President acer made a brief speech of welcome, and made i 'mention of the cordial re ception by the people of Boston of the Continental Guard of New Orleans on its late visit North. He was glad to notice that the Boston National Lan cers would go South next month and visit New Orleans, where, he said, they will be received with open hands and warm hearts by the people of Louisi ana. The association received from Miss Mattie Shaw, of Boston, costly bound volumes of the life and public service of Gen. Robert F,. Lea and Gen. Thomas J. Jackson. The recorder stated that the amount received by do nations and assessments during the year was $l,44Q; paid out from the re lief fund, $940. The old hoard of offi cers was re-elected- Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White SwelllDg, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From C. D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure in recommending to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Crouo Preven tive My little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cared him. I find it equally benflctal In all cases of Coughs I consider It a blessing In my family, every one should keep it In their houses. For sale bJ Dr. T. C. Sailth. - oct28ri6m. Customer "Why are 'Malt Bitters' so populai? Druggist "Because as a Food Medlehie, they en ch the blood, harden the muscles, unlet the nerves, perfect digestion." Gathering From the State Papers The Raleigh Observer famishes the following facts connected with an in teresting social event in that citv : "At 3 :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon a f ash-1 lonabie audience assembled, in Christ church to witness the marriage of Miss Bettiw B. Haywood, the beautiful and admired daughter of Dr. E. Burke Hay wood, to Mr. Preston L. Bridgere, senf4: or Col. it. it. Bridgers, of Wilmington; the president of the Wilmington and Weldou Railroad. The approach of the event has for a long time been a subject of comment in fashionable circles, and the many friends of the pair and society generally felt that it was to be one of the most interesting ever celebrated in this city. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. M. M. Marshall, D.D., rector, assisted by Rt. ReY. Bishop Lyman and Rev. Geo. Patterson, D. D. The bridal party entered the church in the follow ing order: Mr. A. W. Haywood and Miss Emily Bridgers; Mr. .Robert Bridgers and Miss Placide Engelhard; Mr. Thomas McKoy and Miss Pattie Mordecai; H. J. Carmeck and Miss Maggie Fowle; Mr. Louis Davis and Miss Lavine Haywood; Mr. Bruce Wright and Miss Emma Bembury ; Mr. Thomas Strange and Miss Carrie Win der; Mr. Jordan Thomas and Miss Sadie Green; Mr. Pembroke Jones and Miss Florence Tucker ; the bride and groom. Preceding the party were the following gentlemen ushers : Messrs. Wm. Boylan, Sherwood Haywood, Ed ward B. Engelhard and Hubert Hay wood. The extreme esteem in which the bride is held found fit expression in the presents which were sent by many friends in all parts of the State. The presents were attractively displayed and were, perhaps, as elegant and varied as were ever seen here. The Marion Lanp post is the author ity tor the following important state ment: There are some gentlemen in New York who desire to organize a company for the purpose of developing the mineral and agricultural interest of Western North Carolina. They are mon ied men and will have an eye to rail road and other communications. They will apply to the Legislature which is soon to meet, for a charter for a com pany of 61,000,000 capital, and will at once open an office here at Marion where their Southern headquarters will be. We hope the Legislature will be liberal with them, as well as take some steps looking to the encouragement of miner al developement, especially now while the eyei of both capitalists, scientific aad practical miners are turned with sanguine hopes to the Opha of the South. Mr. W. J. Glide well, of Virginia, cap tured the daughter of Mr. A. Jeffries, and with his party made good their es cape t Virginia. A few miles beyond Oxford the party met a negro man in the road, of whom they asked directions to a certain point. He ws insolent and finally as one word brought on another snatched up a fence rail and made at a party in one the buggies. But he was met by a pistol ball, which struck him in the middle of the forehead, and glan cing upwards, split his scalp to the crown and made its exit. No body was much hurt, but the ball was flattened out of shape. The Wilmington Star says: "The ob ject of those who are taking an active interest in the prohibition movement in this city, as well as elsewhere, as we understand it, is to have a law passed by the Legislature submitting the ques tion of prohibition to the vote of the people of the State. It is a matter of some importance to have the matter properly understood, some being under the impression that it is designed by the friends of the movement to urge the paesage of the prohibitory law without referring it to the vote of the people. The Fayetteville Examiner calls the attention of persons who intend asking the legislature fox charters for private incorparated companies to the fact, that a fee of vwenty-five dollars must first be paid into the Public Treasury before such charter can be granted. Repre sentatives are often embarrassed by ap plications from their constituents for charter for private companies with out this necessary prerequisite. No representative can be expected to ad vance the money in such a case. A pleasant feature of the election of the officers of the Senate, and one worthy of notice, was that all the Senators, without regard to party, voted for the Democratic nominees. All of these nominees, except Mr. Small, have 'been officers of former Senates, and this re cognition of their services by their po litical foes, while pleasant to them, is honorable to the Senators who rose above faction to compliment worthy, efficient and faithful public officers. The Greensboro Patriot printing es tablishment was sold at public auction in that place on Tuesday last. The of fice was purchased by Col. James M. Morehead at the price of $2,400. His bid was transferred to Capt. R. T.Ful gum, under whose energetic manage ment the paper will hereafter be pub lished. Winston has a talented young lady authoress whose first effusion will shortly appear in one of the papers. Jflrs. Ctu-siiancy'o Denial,. "Washington, Jan. 5 The Evening tszar oi mis city puon&nes anoiner in terview with Mrs,. Chrv5ti,a,ncyvin which she denies haying written the publish ed letters alleged to have been written by her and addressed to Edelberto Giro. These letters she pronounces base, ma licious, forgeries, evidently gotten up to play their part in this case. When she spoke of the published letters to the re porter yesterday she had not read them. The letters sent Giro, she now says, were in a different vein, not so gushing, though imprudent enough for her to write. When in New York she hastily glanced at the headings of some of them She further said that there was a com mon sense side to her statement, viz., that her mother, brother and Miss Me loy all knew that she was not away from home, even a few minutes, nponChrist mas day, 1879 and therefore could not lie the woman referred to. "WINE OF CABDUI" for Ladies only. J ml For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. Wadlit, Emahtjil Co., Ga., Oct, 10, 1879. Gentlemen: While attendlag the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curine on my leg, It being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war- ' After hav ing thoroughly treated Ft I am compelled to say that it is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and found noth ing to euro me until I used your Star Curine, which has cured a remarkably bad case. Wlshiag you success, I am yours, respectfully, Johx Szu. - Tot sale by Dr. T. C Smith, oct2 Cm, ' BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costive ness and Sick-Headache. , -jwl For sale by Dr. T. a Smith. m.w - Nprk PRICKS DOWH. AGRM m FOR THE Having received JntelllgeBee from our hoase in Baltimore, which is one of the largest purchasers oLWeolens.'.that the same have declined.froa ie tt 15 per cent, vihieb. naturally makes a decline In Clothing, we consequently act accordingly, and we now offer our stock at Reduced Prices, as we only om tract for large quantities. We are assured that we purchase atery close figures, and give every patron the benefit, &We have more styles thas any other Mouse oan shew, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market for thelslmple fact that most of them are made tn our own housend m the same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsteretts that has over been exhibited, ready-mpae, In this mafket. We Invite the nubile to coma and see fant. ie Best Shir Positive Closing' A lare Chance WITH A VIEW OF MAKING KOOM 8 We Propose to Offer for the Next 30 Days our Entire Stock of Millinery, Hosiery, Cloves, Laced, Dress Goods and Suiting AJT STD BELOW COST. Our Stock of Men's, Youths', Boy's and Children's Clothing WILL BE CLOSED OUT ON THE SAME TERMS. "We have many goods that you will leod for this month yet, which we would willingly sell you at a BAHGAIN, so avail yourself of it by calling early, WTf MWSM & MMCE3. LATEST AEEHVAIL OF MEW "We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a large assortment of desirable goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly in the Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late rise in price of cotton goods. "We are now enabled to offer both to "Wholesale and Retail Buyers inducements to make their purchases of us. We have a new stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, Cloaks and Dolmans. A large stock of Clothing Carpets, Boots, Shoes, and general merchandise- By examining our stock before buying, you will save money. ELIAS & COHEN. I II! ID I W. KAXTKMlNr fc CO., OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING FOR IMHEUST, BOTS & CHILUREI is larger and more complete than ever heretofore, and at prices seldom equaled, and never beaten. Come and learn our prices and examine our goods. It will pay yen. oct!4 w THESE , DELICIOUS uivaives can uv nau cYcrjfxv morning (oxoept Sundays) on Trron Street, mext door to Cfcvlotte Hotel. ON SUNDAYS thej will be dollvored at the Linoeln depot. Oyster Stewi, 25 cents. I Oysters aw, 10 cento. BEST IN THE MARKET. Partlei having borrowed, bnekets pleaae return thorn. OctlO V C. L. ADAMS. NOTICE. JUST received 25 barrels choice Tlrglnla AP PLES, Wamples of Kenned and New Orleana Sngan, Coffee, Klce, Flour, Soaps, Tobacco, Ac I lespeetfuUv ask the large do ears of Charlotte to examine mj goods before purchasing. d J. L. HARDIH, 43eoS College street, near Trade , Oyst 9 9 TO EVERY GENEROUS HEART And Considerate Mind do we Appeal, Greeting : Fur an acceptable Christmas present to a friend, see display of Silk Handkerchiefs for Ladles and Gentlemen. Fancy Boxes, only to be found at . D, LATTA For a magnificent gift from a lady to a gentleman, see the unrivalled assortment of Cardigan Jackets, which are both comfortable and ser viceable, to be found only t E. D. LATTA A BRO'S. For a pleasing assurance of one's remembrance on this occasion, Is' a pan- of Raw Silk Pulse Warmers, In exquisite pattern at K. D. LATTA & BRO'S. Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, arranged in Deautlful silk embroidered toxea, is a very appropriate present, and are made a specialty Ir variety for the Holidays at . D. LATTA tX BRO'S. . silk Mufflers are In popular favor for general usefulness, and we fmll expect an attractive demand by those wh are more wll lng to give than receive. We have made a great (Tort to excel In our Silk Wear Department, and therefore oonfldentlv ihvtu InsDecilon. iverv noveltr In Scarfs and niunl. Call and lnsum a Merrv and Hannv Christmas for afl E. D. LATTA & BENEFIT OF THE Very respectfully, to Bay Goods t in Is ImL ill SI V1J S READY I OR 1HT11. W. KAUFMAN CO., linilm m r t Mil I made nr ZlCrft LTr.LTT," ,7eV -ue drains. " Ilin wlr mtMoon CVmnty Qri Mill 8Km. -which hjr. ... JlTio jZ. oBMUtly ualer heTT power ftnt 10 1. nov28 d " T QTLA pair of Peck and SDVdef's'CJufr JLUo l "Skates, between tie residence ot Dr. BrattoB and Phlfer's pond, on-Saturday last A liberal reward will be paid for their, return. Ian. the elaborate In handsome Sc BRO'S. i .ft- I i BRO, PUBLIC ! L. BEKWAlNttEK & BKO. Leading Clothiers aiicL Tailor . Sale ! Very Cheap ! FOR OUR SPBIGS'S CORN B. SILVER, LEAD, ; . COPPER, AND ZINO FOR CASH THE New York and North Carolina Smelting Company at Charlotte, will pay the best Cash Prices ever paid In tmwwUj.muJ J ORES. : . i ; No charge will be made foe .aampUng and, e saylng ores purchased byns.-1 " " . ', " 1 Specimen assays pi W Ad SDver. MACHINERY OILS. : .trw fhla bwsfnt tfei1-kAof All nf tm trlnrl yet made. 71 cents per gallon ef any gravity. ' tf 783 first Avenue, New Tor - Mm uuui; i ;; 13b 1 'A: ' 1 i ' ','1 ' r;t f i m m Mi i r fir ' if. I ifjil P lit2 II it V: it

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