I A Hi Km ; - STmSORIPTWS RATMM i ivnly, one year, (jMstjxxfcf) adi JfortfJU.... rirw HontM. wmt.l wtth VasWBffTN.lnrwwi ...... .4 00 .. a oo .. 7S .. 2 10 .. 1 00 )vt Aonth wteHy, (intht nmfp) M . LKTTX&-HZAJ)e, CiBOS. . nOOSiwOBS, HANDBILLS, outoftht county, jott&mi,.. .,,.........,, iz Months VOL. XXV. CHAlROtE, N. C., THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1881. NO. 3,696. PAMPKurffccmeoLis. &t)C Cljarlottt if! i . 7 f M j i . j M ! i W 4 V w J ... V . . - -4 i - i j v CalMSeeTbei Alexander & Harris. Jan4 We are New Receiving Our Fall Stock. Gent's IluJd-Made, Machine A Cable-Sewed BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL 6UDH AJSD FBICXS. 1 If ) ) 1 ALL PRICES AND!STYLE3. A Pretty Line of Trunks, Valises and i Satchels, LATEST gTYLESlOF CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. Also Lower Grades in hi, Saioay Woolc. GIVE US 1 TRIAL. ' Bespee6fmlly, HVgram & Co. EIVSBRA01? j 17 WE BAf TH(3 DAT MADE AibBV " LARGE REDUCTION ! 6 .1 IK QN many lines of DRESS GOODS and ob all FANCY CASHMERES-. Wow Is tbe time to buy the cheapest Cashmeres ever offered In this market, A g Drive In Fancy 811 k Velvets an Yelveteertf. jn all shades, Fancy Sljk '"pa at lurer's ' prices, Gome aod see the hands omast took of Imported Hosiery ever offered for the prioe. We keep a large llae of Passlmentrte goods, and have Just received a few handsome pieces. Beaded Fringes, Silk Cords and Tassels, in all shades. Fancy Collars and Handkerchief Boiek, filled Witlv beautiful good, iit&le for Christmas Presents. In fact, our stock is com plete in every detail, &n.d ft tfogugk. eyimtnM gill epnvineji you, thaj we meaft all ve say. best stock of Underwear in the city, Umbrellas, "Tower" Shirts, City-mart S Trunks ani ValUea,-,;, ., : H.) ! Prvtn i personal attention given to orders. flargr Smith Bulldlne. Tiade St. declt U - f j .: .: ... a 1 1 " HE WASHINGTON GaSSETTB, J!? ! : PuhllahAd At thn VaHnnal Cacitat CTerr Sunday Giving a fult rteSunQw the preefeJe week, new vi aii naaonar topics w genena-uneuigeuwi sides being the only i BIPKESKNTAIirmSODlHIEa PAEia ii ! here supporting the;.Kattoal Democratic Jarty dlted bf tfEOBGffa WBDDEEBUBN. of Tlrcta la, formerly publisher of tbe Bichmond (Ta.) ' ;! mtvUmta. .. ) j , T'BBW!OBBCBOTKmP'iWt'lJ tlve Cdhlis trt rtrtrf additesft. rxwtiLM nald 7 5w Ten Qpiies, to one address, mstacf pejd, . 12, 66 FOR m CHEAP FILL STOCK.1330 T 1 ffi Childrens Laoies IJJUUVU lllil ut lurtuer iniorimALion aaoress WAZJ5XTJS fUBLlStUNU gUJaJfArt I, , . i Box 822, whlngton. fx C., or tbe Kfl ' j Messrs. 4 . L. eigle is to. Have rented the eominodlous store-roem known as -THE KOOPMANN HOUSE, ' MXXX boon TO A, B. KISBST ft BBXX, .... . - S'-. - which Is -now being thoroogbly renovated. When nUhed, tKMsesslo win be taken ut one. Mot having room enough to Justify carrying a We offer from this date our entire stock of ALSO, CLOAKS, DOLMANS And Walking; Jackets. J5ii l-Jii'O ; if- ; . . j THESE GOODS MCST BE SOLD, IF AT A SACRIFICE, jan 9 PERRV CILLER , IS tfUKEil VEQETABiE iillED? IVl J 11 1 1 rn has. yjC2 vbA used rill II IVILLCn acobrcfiDr to. print i-dimet. io iaclMina- each bottle, and is jxTfewUqr ma in tb most in Mpcrirri9ed handm. t ""111 ' PAIN KILLErforo VL Cramp. - tioierti ana ail jfrwic it ron PAINKILLER Kfeeamsfm. and Ner pain kilLeb m i BE! It baen tpdn mid Hrmil riuf imc. lap. and of claM Mnunff a neaietne always at nand osd fo fa we. internalL' or xternallT .svitn mr-KaMailjr oan aord to be without IhM iBvalTtable remedy in the bouse, "to-prioa brinat. it withia the reach of aU.nd it wil accuSMt''' ewv aiea Ita ooar In doctors' bills.. Sold bt all aracclitvat SMm. 60a. and 41 a bottM PERRY DA VIS A 80N,vrovldenq1R.H Proprietor. mcFl-dAwly ' w:'4 St. Meholas for ISM. J5.000 Tob BCauum, T00.Q00 Fob Axkbica ST. NICHOLAS, the charmlne magazine for boys, and girls, d iced by Mrs. Mary Stapes DodgeJ has Increased o much 'n sise and number pace during the past yearthat the publisners tMre been, obliged Ao issue the yearly volume m twq parts', Instead of one as heretofore.' As U)ttseVdbi UUldn, they report a gala of 1 0:000 fn tin swsin Y monthly ediUons of 1880 over 1830. 'TheahJ nouneemente for the coming year atade,a oapllhl serial story for boys, fult-of exciting advent Orax' "Inlfature'8 Wonderlandr" or. itures'totlifl AmericanTrpnl-S;r;e,of AW23y !-.aara.l(r8kine Clement; ts&hful Outline ot the history of Xurepean Art, wtrb- manjrllluatra Ugisibteri-a(ers,alelihtful apd humort i peasure noouraglng ooie in tneoeet readme: xne Aeaaalz am soclailon, luUy mlalned tactile November num berj ''w-SngllsfiiO'jee" oy Mrs, O ipbanti rTbe jjutfUtThodJt eiwlden's operetta, wltb mu8ta-fuU eTrtjarnTlnst tableaux and effects; ii series of beautifully tUustnued Ballads for Tonoa Volks. beginning wttb the ChriMatas number; A J special Budget of FUry Stories br Frank JL Stoakf ton -tbe first ol wnloa in tn aovemDer numf beri Am IndfKn Story by BrlghtYyes," tbe Pones Indian tBabtemS splendid noTldayMory. MA Chrtotr mgawttD tb Mjui In the Moeil, Wajhtngtoil gameo.aMf Dt cononoea, wiui an lae popui. partmenta. C.4-;.i:i-!,-i-f Ct? SobsclpUens bentitag with 'IW Ngye Wnd and 100.000 in America, frlie prli num lopeat arx Joyember i r prlee f3 yeari "aRofents a n ad SubseiiDtlananUtMi. hv all iwbllsfcars. 8crib A. Co. JAR Broadnav New brk. K -$s -r &. . I ? ' - mi. Aiioic, imessee s mo mum llrliecheduwltf beiOTOve t r GOTNGrSOCTH.- r Leave StateevinA.... .. 6 80 a. m, 8 15 a. mt " .Davidson College,. Arrive A Cbarlotte, . .w. .. ....1000 a. ti GODiG NOEW Leswe0nai'iotto,.....;-'...v.....w4'8 80 p. m Dirvidwirt Collegew.- 5 18 9. ni 4nr m omiesruie, . ....... . ... 7 00 p. m. war-- eOBMXXT, THS store rom In the Ohserver building next to W.N, Prather'sls tor rent after January ivLr?Jfy gap'- ggg. jno. l. MoasnAA I young ne T mm be of tbli PALATIAL HO TIES. H. W. Gi In AUanU Constitution. ' ! Id n6thirig"fias N"-evy TfjTls: advtthced so rapidly of lateHiin the luxurious appointments of her homes. There is Utaubt,Wai' ADQeriqa, .will ."Within th pext twenty years, set against the sombre sendor ,-anxi, slawly-aecumu-lated treasures of: the? English homes, and the elaborate finery qf the French, a glittering combination" of taste and regularity that will astonish, if it does not compel, adftrrraTOJn. The very new iie8S that Will rob it of the. dignity land reposeful beauty of the,joM castles and country seats, will add to its splendor ous effect and enhanoe its substantial effect, i It is-one of tbo .sequences that a man who made bis own fortune in a fert (years of absorbing business will have less, culture than he needs when be goes 4a spend It. It is one of the compensations, though, that he puts his check-boote-H .tlt nands of artifi cers, and' iyes tire M carte blanche, and so.we t$y riotous prpdJigality,"' if noth ing else. rLioakt soma figures. One of the new Vanderbilt 'howseaia cen ' tfacEed aC $H5U,uuu for LliB Mouse alone. FUHdjfeiX&i'iiKe tjf zbHf trfi- rurnished, willbe wbrtli" more than'all the houses and. lots in Atlanta, and when he has moved into it and has it adorned with all, its pictures and ap pointments, I nave no' doubt that five or six houses li,Ee it would cost more than the e'ntittfe of ' Atlanta. And yet L would ratliec uvein a cottage in Atlanta thartq own Mr Vanderbilt's hduseard jnake4t;niyhotiie.--J - The other night . Mr.; Keene's New port V i lift- burn ed down. The bouse was insured at $55,000, the1 brlo-a-brae at $5f,OGO more; and'the pictures- at $55,- WO. Thpm is one roni ju the house of'Mfe!&Ii. Barlowra modest citi zen, tba doooration of wnich, cost $56,- H)D; '""Jayv Gould'tf . tenser vtory, just burdVi as. Valued at $200)00. Mr. Robert JBiMirier haa.. Si 604XK) worth cf -horsed wth which- to k a hundred days' driving a year. In a Herald last weekr thefre were live advertise DJents of tetihd boeS,for sale." the price of the lowest f wbibh was: $215,000 and the highest$8S500. And sd it goeis. The days of gigant ic .fortunes ia -America, has freely set inf and it is natural that there should be luxury and display. G KANT-ON .NEWSPAPERS. II Indnlgeti Some .JHu ivrait JKt markji at the Expense of Editors. NUW4 YoitK,'arfr,6. Iq the course of his speech atlhe Press Oluh dinner tonight,-General Grant spoke of newspa pers as follows : , "Ihave.beeu somewhat of a reader of newspapers for forty years. I could read very well when I was eight years of age and it has given me forty years of observation of the press, and there is one peculiarity that I have observed and that iaib all ef the walks of life ptttside of the press, people have entire ly mistaken their" profession their or cupation. Laughter. I never knew a mayor of a city or even a councilman of any eity, any public officer, any gov ernment official, I never knew a mem ber of Congress, a Senator or a Presi dent Of the United States ' who could not be enlightened in his duties by the youngest member of the press. Laugh ter.X , I never knew a General to com mand a brigade, -a division, a corps, an army, who could begin to do it as well a1 men-far a way ia their sanctums, and I often wondered. 1 was very glad to hearthatthe newspaper fraternity were ready to take, with perfect -confidence, any office that might bo tendered to therjQi.from President to mayor ; and I have often -been astonished that the citizens have not done so, because they knew all these offices woold have been well andproperly filled: Well, gentle men, I am very happy to have been here with yotr'and 1 hope when a' new generation, about twelve years hence. comes:up, thatI will again din with the Press Club of New York city, and that I will see that' those of this genera tion who are so well fitted to fill all the civil offices, bave..ll teen chdsen and that there w.ill be nothing them, to pritiqse, ' . Nortb Carollaa. Hnd. Raleigh ews and Obserrerl yhe Qcmrse of North Carolina bonds pnthe zsarket has been as follows : The North Carolina 4 percent, con solidation honds were put on the, mar ket in ; July, 1880, aud. were quoted at 60 cents 'August, 75 ; Septtim ber, Oc tober, 7 t November; 78' December. 82. These are now quDted, t $i. ' . ThetoruptioKond Sforth. Care lina vRailraao, ; "w itli couDons. were :! Jami&ry,t879, 87 ; 'Febtaaryi i00 April, jua; AHgosw w; ojeceraoer, ijj. rney: are now quoted at 114, With coupons off theqaotatkm werei January, 1879, 78; March, 80; July, 88; Decettiber, 92 j and they have stood about that figure! averaliscfe, eing quoted no W ;at 90, " ' "KtA-tV. ' n'ri - T,l I 'I at 26 in January.1880; March, at 29 i August, 80; Decern beri 32, and they arei now quoted at 32. In like mannec tie bonds issu!,slce.th war have ad duced from 15 in January, 1880, to 21, thpi-fesent quotation, and special ta bonds that were Jduoted at a cents, in jjwly.ftre pow held at f. ; ' .i: . : : ., A Fortune tn Charitable Bwqacatn.' Bernhard McCane, a wealthy citizen of Manayunkv an outlying ward of Philadelphia, by his will leaves $300,000 in charitable bequests. Within: the last terr years he has giyen away 8200,- 000. He vras a-wrdowte'r,-withbUt chxL dren. The will contains' some forty bequests, varying from -$3,oM to $100, OOP, the latter amount reft to bullda Catholic church in Manayuak: e the Bite of the pregent phurpa "fetf Jotai ,e Baptist. - Totrfiooref Manavun 2ao00 is given, and 5fl0,00 . m real es-l tt to the parochial schdol. Bishop omas A. Becker. jotwumjrigtQn L will. :recem&k.te' St, Marys Hospital, the Horn ifbr Aged and Infirm Clergymen -in ijaricaster, fa.; and the X.ittl6.-Sistes,af tl)4 Por, B5.000 eactv anajijjbasuop trananaq 10,O0e. ' ' ' Vlrsrlnla Ifftafand Railroad. Lynchburg Virginian." A circular Anasrjerl Issued by the new corporators of -this company, narpftfctoJl6lfvinjr, .executive offir crai-, John Barbour, president: L. W. Reid, secretary; Av." II. Marbury, treasurer ;. A McLean, audasoti; Peyton KaMdolnh. general satieriTitenaent. , President Bafbour append tp tbis ,has order cohtinuing" tiftofficerjAnaagcEts f Kit wrn 4indr him - as rfiriflivepr'Rlid all the positionsheyrifeTTr "by thatauj thorityr ThenraTormorirrthe foif mer-th WetiPSrgrMtfon has been madftiausj easily; and speaks well for all the othcersrana agents. "MINE OF CARDUI"for ilin3 aiday : A?8 l.-tottBahirfd. ;-H , nan . Fpr sale by Dr. T. C, Seattle "THEY FOUGHT NOBLT." Tbe Pressure on Garfield to Pat . Nesro In His Cabinet. New York, Jan. 10.-A Cleveland dispatch say a delegation of colored men will wait upon Garfield to-day to urge him to appoiat Governor Routt, of Colorado, to be Postmaster-General. On the 10th or 11th a delegation frem Alabama will call on Garfield. It will consist of the Hon. B. F. Turner, G. W. Braxdail and other prominent colored Republicans of tile State. They will ask that their race and section receive proper treatment from the President elect in the appointment of his cabinet and the conduct of his administration. ' Garfield attends tbe banquet of Wil liams college' alumni at Cleaveland to night and will make a short speech. The same dispatch' says it is pretty well understood among prominent Republi oanswho know general Garfield, that he will'Tiot,as.has 'been . breadly sug gested In some quarters, appoint Sena tor Br uce kny'colored man to a place in his cabinet. Rumors that Governor Poster expects to go into the cabinet are all looked upon as sensational and misleading. . . , . , --a Very Likely, and tlte Same or Brook Rev. Ilenry Ward Beecher, at a press club dinner, said : "I think that if the city of New, York were built of glass, so that everybody could see what eve rybody else was doing, the morality of th,& city would rise fifty percent, in a year. '''' , . ' -'. ' ' Thousands Ise It, Why Hesitate? Joy to the world! Woman Is Free! Among the many discoveries looking to the happiness and amelioration of the human race, none Is entitled to higher consideration ttiam- Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator, "Wqman's Best Friend." By It woman is emancipated trom numberless Ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all Irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures "whites" suppression ef tbe "menses," and removes ute rine obstructions. It. cures constipation and strengthens the syfetem, braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never faUs, as thousands of women will testify . Prepared by Dr. J, Bradfjeld, Atlanta, Ga., price $1.50 per bottle. Sold by T. C. 8mlth, and L. B. Wriaton & Co, , - Thomas vrx.LE, Ga., June 28, 1 877. I have been selling Bradfleld's Female Regula tor for years, and It still continues popular an evidence ot its being all claimed for It I can re call Instances In which it afforded relief after all the usual remedies had failed. 8. J. CA8SELL, Druggist " BLACK-DRAUGHT " enres coetive ness and Sick-Headache, ianl . For sale by Dr. T. C Smith. Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curlne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Bheumatlsm, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From C. D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure in recemmendlng to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. My little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup dirrrng the ? night Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find it equally bennctal in all cases of Coughs I consider It a blessing In my family, every one should keep it in their houses. For sale by Dr. T. a Smith. oet'26- 6m. TAKE NOTICE. All correspondence. . should be with M. A. Dauphin as below. In all cases the Tickets them selves are sent, and never circulars offering certifi cates or anythtng else Instead. Any one propos ing to offer anything else by circular or otherwise, on his own behalf or that of the company, Is a nomdler. A. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNESECOND GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, February 8th, 1881 129th Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTKBX COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature ef the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1$&8, ran thx txbjt or twknty-fivb years, to wjUeh contract the inviola ble faith of Uje Stata4a pledged, which pledge has been renewed V an overwhelming popular vote, fpeuring ita franchise in the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Re serve Fund of over 8350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWING will take placr monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow er distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES, ; 1 CapItaiPrti. $80,000 1 Casual frfce 10,000 1 Capital Brize 5,000 2 Frizes of $2,500, 5.000 5 Prizes of 1,000 ..... 5,000 20 Prize of 1100.. 10,000 100 Prises of 100 10,000 900 Priaes of BO. : . :. 1 0,000 600 Priaes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of 10.. 10,000 0 Approximation Frizes of $300 $2,700 ., 0 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1867 Priaes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. ' Fqr further informatlonv Vfrtte etoariy, riving full address. Send orders, bi exnreaa or iWla tered Lette oj Atwvey Order by mail. Address- New Orleans. Louisiana. or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 319 Broadway, New York. All our Grand-Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management ef General s G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A, Early, oecl4r-dfcW'tw POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Cominonwealtb DUtriwDtiOH Company, AT MACAULET'S THEATRE. . to the Cttr of Louisville, on MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1881, These drawings occur mcaithly (.Sundays except ed) under provisions ef an Act of the General As aemhly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Pruning and Newspaper Co., approved April 9, .glThis Is a special act, and has never been re- haUnited States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions:- 1 SWT hat the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany la legal. . OA Tta drawlnes are fauL r TnevCompaTry has now on hand a large reserve ' . 'JANXTARY DRAWING.. IfPrlze,..,. $30,000 1 Prize,.. 10,0( '-Jf 'Prize,-. C0( ., to Prizes. Si. 000 each,... ......... 10. - 90,Prizes . 500 eah.' , 10.000 lOO'Pflaes, ' IdQ.each....... 10,000 20O Prizes, 50 each,.. v.'... 10,000 . 4H)0 -Prizes, 20each,.-.., 12,000 1000 Prizes. - 10 each , 10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, J200 " , ' " . ' 1.800 i Prizes. I001 ." : " 900 ,;; i i a:: -. , . : m , , WhOW-P6"- 82? Half Tleketo, $li 27 Tickets, Remit Money or Bank Traft in Letter; of send by Express; PONT -9EN P" B Y REGISTERED .lAwiCT'OBi POSTQJfFlOE ORDiSl.- ; Orders of 'lHm wward,Tt)y: Express, can be seat at onr.ex- 'pefrtei-'-AdofesB an-ordere to - peftsev R. M. BOARDMAN. Courler-Jmrmal mndlng, Louisville. Ky.. or T. J. COMMEBFORD7 212 Beoadwiy.'Ne Yeriu i jano j OOOOOO c a c a c c 1 1 1 1 i 1 t-1 1-1 to to to to Er 8 IIS B B O 3 B p- w co 0 ? n g P? 5 3 & 01 X 6? Wo X CO o So 00 - as 9 n 1 CO H m a rat 8 a P4 OS 1 e m W S8 4 OB 9 2. Or C er a 3 CO 1 & a o p p p p p p ft ft C ft t 1 I to fcO O rr C5 O . OOOOOO OOOOOO. 1J O " c A GREAT DEGIilE I FOR THE Having received intelligence trom eflr house la Baltimore, which is one of the largest purchasers of.'Woolens.that the same htn 4eellae4JtOB If to 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline in Clothing, we consequently act accordingly, and we rjiofettfer bur stock at Reduced Price, As w only , tract for large quantities. We are assured that we purchase atftery close figures, and give every patron ttoe benefit. We bare more style thai u4r house oan show, and better made Clothing than any ether sold In this market for the'slmple fact that most of (htm fu made In our own kojiaeaM fll tM same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and TJlteretts th.it has ver beem exblMtod, ieex)aipe. In Ihi Buflatot. Wa Invtto rnihlU tn Mma anil aa fiitf. J1- ' liieMMinlsliQ BOia OETIS BOE-laiZlS. : Positive Closing Sale ! A Clare Chance WITH A VIEW OF MAKING ROOM FOR OUR We Propose to Offer for the Next 30 Days our Entire Stoek of Millinery, Hosiery, ASF AND BELOW COST. Our Stock of Men's, Youths', Boy's and Children's Clothing WILL BE CLOSED OUT ON THE SAME TERMS. "W have many goods that you will med for this month yet, which we would wUlinffly sell you at a BARGAIN, so LATEST AEEEVA1L IF MEW mm. . .... . 4 - -g- We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a lar6 assortment of desirable goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly , in the. Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late, rise in price of cotton goods. -'' ' - ' ii - We are now enabled to offer both to Wholesale and Retail Bters 'hidncements tpjmake their purchases of us. We have a new stock of Drees. Goods, Prints Jannel, ' Blankets, Cloaks and Dolmans. A large stock 01 Lothmg Uarpetsi isoots, onoes, and - general; merr chandise. By examining our stock before buying, you will save money. u: -WT TT OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING is larger and more complete than ever heretofore, and at prices seldom equaled, oad nerer beaten. Come and lear-tnir ..prices 'and Jli ST goods. It will pay yao. octl4 ii at i f 0M oivaivea con u nu ercrj JT-r' r mornlBg (exoepi onaayat on Trron Street Mextdoor to Cbarlotto HoteL ON BUNDAS they wlU. be delivered at tbe LinaelnJ0! . Oyster Stews.- 25 cents. FcWsfera mw, 10 emta, BEST IN THE MARKET. ; Parties having borrowe buckets ptoaa re tarn them. ootid tf C. L, ADAMS. NOTjLCE TTJST received 25 barrels ehelee Ttrg(nla AF d PLXr samples' of Bcnned and New OrloaM Bugars. Coffee, ilee, flour. Soaps, Tobacco, Ac I respectfully ask the large debars of Cnarlotto to examine my goods before purchasing. Qoltan street, Deor Trdi . 0000 BBC B n 1 io6t ta to P p o a-.m B . asm Hiss B O) w 72 iii to . to r-1 Tz Ki a 00 to -a 7 Ot cn i-ji B ce Oo OO B CD 01 - 3 S I? 1 cu a O o 1 "t o o 1 on 1 ? 80 6 9 CD ct r cf & Ot O O O OOOO So Hi I to a. o ret 3R. 8 B 9 S HI 111 a II r0 k- t CL.. O B I CD Bs 3 CD o B a 00 5 St CD r1 if He f a o m BENEFIT OF THE Tery.rofcpectfully, L. B to Buy Goods Cloves, Laces, Dress avail yturself of it by calling A TTTTAT-A 1T kaiWi tW br. ."W, 52."tSr ity.. It I mta itatrplaM aavih aMoa a., r wa p " " 7 fiSaaryiMnM. IMietaiUaaapwiarWinxkW 7 . 1 1. . i ..... v)tk lkm nf are wmm ai Ball ifiniiiii 7" p"wiip vr. ao: novas-d m II hi 1 r 1 I . ' i-sa . . - a. 1. aaapa3 D t-sS 2 n Pj . loaic V ...... :. iv, fJ ''Qqi; .iLgn;--L;i .v.rtiii-w -. .. o. . ' . . d. .::.,.?"y"':: PUBLIC ! EKW A1N ixrijjx 15KU. Leading Cletliicrt ftncj Tailqrf . Very Cheap Goods and Suiting early At l CO. gPBWGfl'S CORK B. lyLlj , . ' ORES PURCHASED FOR GASH MS .'.X rpHB New Tork and North Carolina SmelHn - T VVmmrfVtnriarlctte. wrll OAT the best CnB . TiimrmTfvai Charlotte. ll pay the best Cat CTieea over pa w ( IK M..l,.TMm k madft . fi aaTMnllna- and. B- saymg Ores purchased by as. ' ' Specimen assays foe ftejd and ityr, UM.. . eptl4d , .. pronouncing tMtilctt Uwl - wajviuwy1- TO Vlra Ateaoa, Mow Ye . wrraitt flfflf woe 4 u.