Charlotte Obscrm LOCAL IfELLI(EAXE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 15, 188L SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MASOIsTlC. Phalanx Lodok No. 81, A, F. ft A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excelsiob Lodge No. 261, A. F. 4 A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chapter No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Command aby. No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. OIF Knights of Honor. BeguJr meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. IC. OP jp. - Knights of Ptthi as. Regular meeting nights first ani third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. T O. O. IF1. Charlotte Lodgs So. 8& Meets every Mon day night. Mecklenburg Declaration Lodgi No. 8. Meets every Tuesday night Dixie Lodge No. 108. Meets every Friday night Catawba Rivkr Encampment No. 21 Meets and third Thursday nights In ech month. INDICATIONS, War Department, " kjce Chikf ISroNAi. Officer, Washington, Jan. 14, 7:30 p. m For the South Atlantic Slates, rising temperature and clear or partly cloudy weather, winds shifting to southeast to southwest with failing barometer. Index to flfcw 4d verlicm-ii. S. hool Notice Mist H. Moore. iivu: PENCiLinvs. Full lrioon. f -Prohibition or no prohibition? The mails now are regularly irreg- Hand in ypur church notices to day. Nobody from the country comes to town these day?, unless it is necessary. Cotton sales yesterbay 194 bales larger than any day lince Christmas. The last of January is the time to make the first .break in the gardens here. State-Senator Burwell is expected borne to-daj to spend Sunday with his family. The Juveniles had a very enjoyable German at the Pleasure Club rooms last night. At the mayor's court yesterday morning John McCorkle and Mike Per kins were fined 2.50 apiece for an af fray. The trains on the Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta road were on time yesterday. The track is clear of the wreck near Trenton. The action of the Pleasure Club against carnages is having its effect on other people. The omnibus bids fair to usurp the business of the hackmen. Maj. W. W.Flemmingand wife have returned from Pennsylvania, where they have been spending the holidays. Mr.'Flemmiiig says that the Dan river was the fust stream free from ice ho saw while away. Ben Jeans, a colored car coupler in the yard of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road, bad his leg severely cut by the wheels while coupling yester day. Two accidents a day to couplers is pretty brisk work. The item in The Observer some time ago in reference to Barney Ma cauley and a bottle of wine, credited to the Greenville News, calls that paper to its feet to deny the soft impeach ment. It should have been credited to the Danville Netrs. Hailroad men say that all the roads are terribly warped by the recent se vere weather, which, it must be con fessed, has been very trying on them. It is impossible to avoid accidents un der such circumstances, say those who know. Lock man has not yet succeeded in giving his required bond for $10,000. Nothing has been heard on the subject from the authorities of the road, and it U now understood that they are aware of the circumstances ; so it is concluded that they will make no efforts to secure the bond, at least unless it is reduced. The meeting of the Dramatic club at the residence of Col. Morehead last night was well attended and greatly enjoyed. The rehearsal of "Among the Breakers" which it is proposed to pro duce in a short while, was the feature of the evening. Those who have been assigned parts entered into them with much spirit. 4 Mr. Harry Ilarman, who ha3 been for some time at WiUkawsKy Ss Earuch's as decorator, will hereafter as-, sist Miss Louise Clarke in her readings, Mr. llareaan "Will take the stage name of Harry Montague and will appear aa acharaoter delineator, &o., in his laugh able entertainment entitled "An Even ing with the Mimics." The discussions on prohibition yes terday were animated and general. The temperance men hold up the evils of intemperance; the anti-prohibitionista say that it is impossible to stop the traffic in liquor, discourse on the rights of man, and some threaten the Demo cratic party, as if politics had anything to do with it. The children of the infant class of the M. E. Sunday school are once more re quested to assemble in the basement of the church this afternoon at3 o'clock to enjoy the entertainment planned for them at Christmas. Mrs. Greene has been quite ill, and is still unable to be out, but earnestly 'requests all the children to be there. The assistant teachers of the class will be present to distribute the gifts, lead in the music, and help the little ones to enjoy them elves, ' .-tea mcetingr of Hie BeTi of Alrtf imrn on mcuday. The regular monthly meeting of the board of aldermen takes prace Monday. It will be of extraordinary importance as the report of the water works com mittee will be made and their report will probably decide the question not only as to whether we are to have wa ter works but as to what sort. Besides t his the proposed amendments to the city charter will be discussed and pre pared for the consideration of the Leg islature, The amendments, however, fire of no, great ipiprtanca. ' Appointment of Presiding; Elder Wood. Presiding Elder M. L.. Wood, of the Charlotte district, of the Methodist Church, preaches at Monroe this morn ing and to-morrow morning. His otner appointments for the first quarter are: l'leasant Grove ct., at Bethel, J an uary 22-23 ; Monroe ct., Centre, January 29-30 ; Anson ville Ansonville. Eebraaty 6-G; Bethel, February 12-13; Matthews! ek," at Matthews, i' eoruary 19-20; Lalesvllle ct., at lilies ville, February 26-17: Charlotte, Tryon street, March .5-6: (Charlotte CU at iTospect, March 12-18; Calvary Mis sion, March 19-20. inediatnct Rtuwarris will meet in the Methodist church in Monroe, Tues nnn-wff on the It. & D. The passenger train f the Kichmond and Danville road, due here at ,12 u chjck, iugnt before last, ' did not ar rive, jietween Salisbury and Chrha urrove ine engine, the tender and ex press car ran off the track. The x press car was damaged to such an ex ten t as to delay the train after the en gine and tender were replaced on the tirtun.. io one was hurt. xne trains were delayed again at liar risb org before reaching here. The regular passeger ran into an epeta switch ai iiarnsburg depot. They had left Salisbury at a little after six, and this latter accident was the cause of the late arrival last night. ine track was opened and trains arrived here at 10.30 last night, there having been no Northern mail up to that time during the day. Crubhed Between tb Cars. Ben Morehead, colored, who in the absence of the regular car-coupler takes his place at the Richmond and Danville yard, was caught yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock between the projecting ends of the side sills of two liichmond and Danville cars which he was coup ling. He fell unconscious and was dis covered by the engineer lying in a mud hole at the side of the track. He was taken up and carried to his room under the old Exchange Hotel. Dr. T. J Moor was called in and found a trans verse fracture of the breast-bone just aoove the heart, but no further injuries as iar as couia oe discovered. The man is in no danger unless internal injuries nave occurred or pneumonia should set in. 1 j ;ii i t i . t . , - . it win oe rememoerea mat this pro jecting side sia was the cause or Kow lanasaeatn. mere may De some use for it on the cars, but surely not enough to justify its continuance when so fm- quently the cause of accident The Telegraph CMlida.tiott Continues to excite much interest here, especially among those whose business requires constant telegraphic communication.. From the telegraph men here, and the reports of the New York papers of yesterday, it is gather ed that Jay Gould has got the best of the fight in Wall street, and that Thos. T. Eckert will be made president of the consolidated companies, or that Gould himself will become president, and Eckert first vice-president and mana ger. It is further stated that several of the most prominent members of the board of directors of the American Union Jay Gould, Russell Sage. Fred L. Ames and others will be members of the new consolidated Western Union, a meeting of the directors of which takes place next Wednesday to ratify the consolidation. Bitter accu sations against Mr. Vanderbilt are made, it being asserted that he has played into Gould's hands. What the effect will be on the reten tion or discontinuance of employes it is impossible to say, as the details of: the plan of the consolidation are guard ed with great secrecy. . Dramatic Notice. The Atlanta Post-Appeal says: "As a general thing, the dramatic critics on the Southern press are altogether too good-natured in their notices of the worthless sticks, gawky novices and broken down hacks who are frequently sent down here in the character of stars." The newspapers are in many instances to blame for the undeserved celebrity of many third-rate actors ; and it is refreshing to occasionally read a breezy criticism with a caustic flavor. The sooner theatrical managers are made to understand that newspapers are under no obligations to them the better for all parties." And yet, wtien papers do make ad verse criticisms, about half the public for whose benefit they are made and who are benefitted thereby, say "Oh, that's too severe. It wouldn't do any harm to speak pleasantly of companies, no matter what they are." There is very little encouragement for a paper to make honest criticisms of dramatic companies. The Observer has tried it and will continue to do so. As for newspapers being under obligations to the companies the boot is on the other foot decidedly. The Grouping- of News. Yesterday was about as dull a day for news as ever occurs in Charlotte. This is the frequent complaint of re porters and yet it is almosfwonderful that such days are really so rare. The evenness with which news the record of public events is distributed is al most wonderful. It is true that events of the same character are often group ed, notably railroad accidents, the truth of which has been so remarkably illus trated in the last few, weeks. The weather is the principal agent in this grouping, as is evident to the least re flection, ad4he infection -of events is, also a powerful influence, but in spite of this something seems to be going on nearly all Upetime, "New is not a list of chance occurences by any means and therefore does not exhibit the Te marKable runs which are sometimes characteristic of the ace of clubs or the jack of diamonds. The disposition to excuse laziness in keeping up with his business, however, often leads the reporter to excuse his short comings on the ground of "noth ing happening." The Newspaper man is not confined to what is happen ing. (Here la an excellent opportunity for somebody to remark, with the idea that something good is being said, "we know it ain't ) What is going to hap pen, what has happened and what ought to happen, may all be made good by an ingenious application. This . ingenious application and the capacity for ran sacking resources, has a good deal more to do with' newspaper reporting, es pecially in small towns, than the jca pacity for putting it on paper. ' - . The Construction, Bond uetion. To ttte Kd'tei of Ths Observer. . , . . Gov. Jarvis, in his. message, on the subject of the settlement of the con struction bond debt of the North Caro ontinu Ube paying mr.t. aiid suceests thatf fpeHant tines may be built by privitU; Individ uals orcorpptj,iaanay injure a value an a paying Institution. The writer is in a position to know from information received from thoae-wno are very largely interested in the Stok' or tne uicnmona Danvnie juucoaa, that that company will agree to extend the lease of the North Carolina Rail road for twenty or thirty years more, until the new bonds to be "issued under the compromise shall mature, upon the same terms. If you are correct in four calculation, and I believe you are, tben the State would receive enough intertsft over and above trrat8heyovdaYe to pay out, to create asinkiqg fund, which if invested in these bonds would have the entire debt Jaiti. of before it ma tures and the rdad gaved to the State, Your articles on the subject of the construction bonds has given the peo ple more information on that subject than all the articles ever written on it Let me request "'that' you re-p.ubUsh them; they. showed great care, and thought and evinced a patriotic ppirit -for the good of the State. '. In our town resides a ladrwho Jus ufffctod- for five ' ream with swoneh eet, -writes Mr. A J&WTi Mohawk HU1, n. Y. She was unable to walk and had to use crutches. Urged bj some friends to tn St. Jacobs OA, Bhe dy .so, anii informed me thajt her feet were better now than hey bad been for many yeartr auditor she ould go abeut" hei lina Railroad Company, says the whole matter - hmgej upon" ' tire question, whether th North Carolina Kattroad will continue toTe spaying: inveet- Let the Railroad Answer. T the Editor ef the Observer. Will yon please explain why it is th; t the Kichmoud & Danville Railroad (as l have been informed) charges thirty Jive cents per lOO&s on srxkes and handles from Greensboro to New York and forty cents per 100 fts from Greens boro to Charlotte. Does it cost more to haul 94 miles than it doos 500, or do you think the business is going the wrong way? Perhaps Richmond is even get- tine a better rate than Charlotte or New York, or perhaps there is a slight discrimination against Charlotte m fa vor of other markets. Enquirer. CCRHEIVT FACTS AND EVENTS, A Hebrew exodus from Germany to the United States has begun, and will doubtless swell to large proportions. Deadwood.Da., a place that did not exist a few years ago, pays now $30,- 000 semi-annual interest on its city debt. General Garfield sent out 9,000 letters from Meator during the last quarter of 18S0. nearly all m answer to office beggars. Thirty million dollars is the sum that Great Brittain laid out for a scientific frontier in Afghanistan, without get ting the frontier, after all. General Grant will probably start for Mexico within the next thirty days for the purpose of obtaining more accurate information and forming an opinion as to several concessions for the benefit of the Mexican railroad consolidation to the commission of which he is a member. Me Lud Beaconsfield, in his alleged novel, "Endymion," says, speaking ef America: "A country that borrows its language, its laws and its religion, can not have its inventive powers mucn developed." Me Lud forgets that America only borrowed the English language in order to prepare the dic tionaries which Englishmen are com pelled to consult when they really want to know, what the language is. On each- side of every compartment in the railway car of India is a revolv ing lattice, which is kept constantly wet by a reservoir of water on the top of the carriage. A revolving lattice is in the form of a spokeless wheel, and is constructed of fibrous particles of bam boo, cocoanut and rice straw. When this is thoroughly wet the hot air pass ing through becomes cool and deli cious. Boston is going into the tower of Babel business on a smaller scale. A company has been formed to ounu a tower 325 feet high, or eighty feet high er than the Bunker hill monument, near the Boston and Providence Rail road station, to be used by visitors and tourists as a lookout over the surround ing country. The tower will be built of boiler iron, and be or cruciform snape. The observatory at the top will accom modate about 150 people, and will be reached by four elevators, with safety attachments. By George Eliot's death, sums up the London Academy, we are left with only one living novelist who is absolutely of the first-class. Thackeray died soon after George Eliot became famous, and Dickens when she had yet much of her best work to do. During all the years in which she labored, it is perhaps true that only one novelist of extraordinary genius had arisen. It is perhaps true that the position tilled at one and the same time by Dickens, Thackeray and George Eliot can be claimed at the present moment, lr claimed at an, oniy by a single novelist by Thomas Hardy. TFXEGUAPHiC SPARKS. Mrs. Bateman, mother of Kate Date man, the celebrated actress, is dead in London. A Berlin dispatch says it is stated that Bismarck has sent important dis patches to Constantinople, advising the Porte to assume the defensive. Edward ltienhardt, the wife murder er, was executed in the yard of the Kichmond county jail on Staten Island, at 10 ojclock yesterday morning. A joint Republican caucus of the Minnesota Legislature, nominated Sen ator McMillan, night before last, for re election to the United States Senate. The live stock commission firm of Jackman, Iliekman & Co., of St. Louis, have failed. The liabilities are estima ted at $25,000. The Cheever & Burch ard cutlery company have also made an assignment: Nominal, $100,000; paid in, SS.000. In the Maine Legislature yesterday the election of United States Senator was made the order for Tuesday next at 12 o'clock. Both houses have ad journed to Tuesday at 11 o'clock. Frontier LifeStage ttobberf. Galvestoic, Jan.' 14. A special to trje ifetrs frctorySare AJitefVtr says the east-bound stage of the San Antonio & Jagl Pass line was stopped yesterday morning about 3 o'clock, 10 miles from Salerfta, by two masked men. There were four passengers in the coach, two of jw ho na were ladies. Nothing was taken from the ladies, but a small amount of money was obtained from the men. One of the passengers, C, H. Winters, merchant at Brackett, being warned in time, concealed $1,300 in a door panel which escaped, observation. The mail bags were cut open and rifled.? It is thought the robbers are the same parties who robbed the Laredo stage a couple of weeks since. Population of Southern Cities. Washington, January 13. The cen, s,us bureau furnishes the following, statement of the population of towns, and cities in the Southern' States hav ing) more than 10,000 and less than 30, 000 inhabitants ! Augusta, Ga., 23.023 ; Galveston-, Tex., 22,253-; Norfolk, Ya., zi.yoe; reiersourg, v a., zi.ijog: san An-, tonio, Tex., 20M1 Houston t Tex., 16,646.; YViinaingtan. J-. u.a&i ; Montgomery, Al... 16,614; Lynchburg, . Va., 15,95$; Chattanooga, Tenn., li,?92; Macon, Ga., 12,iT48; Vicksburg, Miss., ll8Hl Ports mouth, ya., ii,38g; ynreveport, La., lliOltl Austin, Tex., 1C.95Q; Dallas, Tex., 10,338 JXJoiumbia, S. C, 10,040, the rtational Guard Give Xfm.j tmr Garfield. NEW.Yokk, January 14. By direc tion of the executive committee of the National Guard Association of the United States, the convention of the association called for the 20th instant, at the Mercantile Library building, Philadelphia, has been adjourned to the 7th of March, at 10 o'clock a.m, at th? santfe place. This adjournment ha been Sao; tee reauerpr a nurnoer or the ejegates from 'the South and West, as Weu as -wow orK ana rensyivama, to permit those attending tUe presiden tial inaugurauan to De present. A Youthful Criminal, Bangor, Mb., January 14. Warren Langmore, aged nine, yesterday found uiltyof manslaughter,. in causiag the eath of Freeman Wright, eight years of age, at Tenibrp, Petober feth, last, was this morning sentenced by tfudjge yibber to the State reform school his minority; Langmore $rs$ shot his victim apd.was, Sisoovered in the aot of digging his grave; while doing so, Wright shewed signs of life, whenlangmore strupk himspnthehead jjeveral times with a spade, with which ne was at woxk. -. rw Mrv- N one should ne irleet a cough, cold or sore 1 throat . Dr. Bull's Coufrl Xmgb Syrup cures these and prevents con8unption.925c Cold in tne West Chicago, January 14 A sudden and remarkable change in the temperature has occurred. At iu o clock yesterday morning the thermometer registered 39 degrees, and at midnight it marked o degrees Deiow, witn the mercury fall ing about 5 degrees an hour. Thousands Use It, Why Hesitate ? Jor to the world! Woman Is Free I Amrmc the many discoveries looking to the happiness and amelioration of the human race, none Is entlUed to higher consideration than Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator, "Woman's Best Friend." By it woman is emancipated rrom numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures "whites" suppression of the "menses," and removes ute rine oDstrucuons. u cures consupauon and strengthens the system, braces the nerves and purines the blood. It never falls, as thousands of women wui ussuiy. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfleld, Atlanta, Oa.. price si.ou per uuuao. ouiu oj x. u. Bmiin, ana iu a. wnsiou Z KA. Thomasvtlls. Ga.. June 28. 1 877. I have been selling Bradfleld's Female Regula tor ior years, ouu u sun continues popular an evidence of Its belrur all claimed for it f ran re call instances In which It afforded relief after all tne usual remedies naa tailed. a J. CASSELL, Druggist Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a ueauuiui mm ciear complexion. Wad let. Emanuel Co.. Ga.. Ot in. 1R7Q Gentlemen: While attending the General As- semDiy ims summer, i men your star Curlne on my leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After hav ing thoroughly treated It I am compelled to say mat ii is a success, ior i nave naa experience with different Dhrsicians and remedies, and found noth ing to cure me until I used your Star Curlne, which has cured a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, i am yours, respectruiiy, JOHN KELL. For sale by Dr. X. C Smith. oet26 6m. "Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria. nATTnilSnAftfl. alAnlpaanQa AmgiaHjm any dropsy, The Volute Belt Co. Marshall, Mich. wni send thetr celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to thA flifllntari nnm an isn Mil Onui. ... wiv. urn.. UJmu; III CO guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. nov. 16 ly Do not fan to call on your druggist for a bottle of that Dure, sweet and delicious blond nnriflr Smith's Scrofula Syrup. Star Curlne cures all chronic Sores and is a sure cure for Piles. Call on your drueelst before It is too lata and wt a bottle of Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curlne. From B. F. Moore, A. M., President of Moore's Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga: This Is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's Expecto rant in my family for Beveral years, and ran re commend it as an Invaluable remedy for Coughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other reme dies that I have tried. For sale by Dr. T. C Smith. owzo am. "WINE OF CARDUI" for Ladies only, linl For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. A CABD. To all Who are snnrin from thu Armra a.nH In. discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a snlf-adrireittAd mlnn tsi tha Bev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. lr i j ewaiyacwiy SCHOOL NOTICE. THE Spring Session of Miss H. Moore's School will open for GIJtLS on Monday, 17 th January, 1881. TuiUon, payable by th quarter, ef ten weeks, in advance. No deduction made save for protracted sickness. French and Latin taught free of extra charge. Music taught on reasonable term9. janl5 lw FOR SALE, THE Lot on Tryon street, adjoining R. B. Alex ander, with a three-room dwelling and sena- rate Kitchen upon It. Apply to jani3 lm X). W. OATKa, AgL J Is. ONE CAR LOAD XXX Baldwin Apples, 100 BUNCHES CHOICE BANANAS, ORE C1R FINE FLOUR, LARGE LOT FINE Sugar, N. Orleans Molasses, Coffee, and everything desired In the Heavy and Fancy Grocery Line. Davidson & Beall. TO A FOOD'S ERRAND, BY ONE OF THE FOOLS By W. L. BoyalL For Sale 25 eeats Each BY TIDDY & BROTHER, BUTTERICK'S Metropolitan & Patterns FOB FEBRUARY HAVE COME. Price af Metropolitan One Cent, P.B. B-M Alt, CENTS. TIDDY & BROTHER. i Arriva res k urn Janl3 oliday Pr WE SHALL OFFER Velvet, Ebony i Rosewood Phoptograph Carpets, Oil Cloths and Rugs, Ladies' Cloaks, Silk Handkerchiefs. Balmoral Skirt, and Children' Woolen Sacques and Hoods, at cost to close out. Don't lose this OfcEAT INDUCEMENT, bat eall at once and look at our BABGAINS. We hare also marked down ererythlngSln oar SWEEPING RE DUCTIONS, laeludlug BOYi' SUITS and OVERCOATS. bargain Hlfll AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO My stock is rery large, and embraces a tall 11a nttare. All goods packed tree el chare. AT REDUCED R,ATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, - - N. B. Parties desirins Information In regard 0V12 B 3 n 5 CD oe Qu 00 rr fin CD CO P-i H-. O a CD I"? CD o 3 o a Jsr H O o i I o P CD !J CD ft CD CO CD O Large Additions' e:to owm stock or HOISERY, GLOVES, NECK WEAR, CLOAKS, Ladies' Cnieirar 4 Children' Goods JCST RECEIVED A FULL LPT 5 OFJ Silks, Satins, Fringes, Passmentries TOU DRESS TRIMMING. HATS d BONNETS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN Of Every Shape & Quality . Hare bow on hand the most complete ateek of LADIES'! CBILMENS'OOODS To be found in the Citr. A M1W LOT OF 2 Button Kid Gloves at 25c. Pair. t34 MBS. P QUEST. A POSITIVE CTJRE Without Medielnea, ALLEN'S SOLUBLE DEDICATED BOUGIES patented OeL 1(J, 1876. One Box, No, 1 will cure any ease In four days or less. No. 2 will cure the most obstinate ease, no mat ter of how long standing. rio nauseous doses of eubebs, copaiba, or oil of sandalwood, that are certain to produce dyspepsia by destroying the coatings of the stomach. ' Price, SL&O. Sold by all Druggists, or mailed on receipt of price. vnr fnrt hM Darticulan tend fox euculax P.O. Box 1533. 1C ALLEN CO., dec!7-ojdtitm 83 John St New York, Canaries-Fine Singers, TUST received. Also, the largest and cheapest O stock of Toys, Traits, Candies, Ac, ever seen In Charlotte at PERRT'S. de24 s! UNTIL AFTER THE TO CL06X OUT, OUR ENTIRE. STOCXLOV ALSO, ODB ENTIRE STOCK 07 POSTOmcX. of Parlor, Chaabn, Dining Boom and OSeeTur TO ALL POINTS BY S. J. PERRY, CHARLOTTE. N. C. to railroad travel will nlAA&a sridrpas as abore ffl Ira ODDortunitv 11 V TO GET Fine Bananas, 2 FOE 5 CENTS. Oranges 25 Cents per Dozen, and a large lot of Toys, Dolls, Velocipedes, Wagons, AND OTHER SANTA CLAUS GOODS to be closed out at A U C T I O N ON SATURDAY FROM 12 to 3 O'CLOCK IN THE DAT AND 7 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. Laules specially Invited to attend the day sale AT PERRY'S. jan 14 FOR RENT. A COMFORTABLE four room house on Church street, with Kitchen and splendid Well of wa ter in yard. Apply to C. HILEKB. Jan4 tf H-cxty &&mtxtlszmzuts. ADVERTISERS By addressing GEO. P. RO WELL A CO., 10 Spraee St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any pro posed line of ADVERTISING In American News papers. W 100-page pamphlet, 10c, $77 A TEAR' and expense t Agents. Outfit free. Addr F O. T1CKE&T Augn eMat Great Bargains HOLIDAY SEASON, Frames at First Cos R. H. Ftjkld, Charlotte. T. E. Field, Hickory, N, C. METROPOLITAN HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. FIELD BROTHERS, Pfopra. TERMS MODERATE. ' THIS Hotel has the largest and most comfort able rooms of any hotel In the State. It Is fit ted up with all modem improvements: Is coiTe nlent to the postofflce and banks, and Is centrally located in the business part of the city. Larea SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling public. fc-umniDuses ana carriages at ever? Train.. FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND DIALERS IK COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWATS KEEP ON HAND GROWN & SPRING CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, HON ET, Ac, Ac. THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR ALWATS IN STOCK. Trade St, CHARLOTTE, X. C. WA LARGE BASEMENT under Metropolitan Hotel fer rent, may28 gjcttr &&vtzvtlstmmt$. nDPR UQ$30to$l,000;2 to 82 Stops. PI UnUHllOANOS, 8125 up. Paper free. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTT, Washington, N. J. New and very Attractive Styles are now ready. MASON BEST CABINET OR PAR LOR ORGANS IN THE WORLD, winners of hlchast AND distinction at every great HAMLIN ORGANS wona-s exniDiaon lor Jbir teen rears. Prlfins. 9tKi.kfV7. 8, $84. 8108, to SfiOO and upward For easy payments, 86.38 a quarter and upward. Catalogues free. MASON A himi iv nnaiig rn ic, rremoni St., bustun; 4 East 14th St, (Union Square.) NEW TORE, 149 Wabash AWnue. CHICAGO. "HOMES IN TEXAS," IB TSI TCTLI OV A New Illustrated Pamphlet . Descriptive of the country along and tributary 4o the line of the International & Great Northern Railroad, and contains a good Couktt Map of the STAT. It also contains the names and addresses ef Farm ers and Planters in Texas who have FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT, ! and those who will want Farm Hands lot the ext year. A copy of this book will be MArLWi Fsxs to those who desire reliable information about Texas, upon application by letter or poetal-eard to ALLEN MOOOTr . Gen'l Freight ft Pass. Agt, Palestine, Texas. BENSON'S CAPCIE POROUS PLASTER. No remedy more Widely or Favorabl known." It is rapid in relieving, quick in curing.: For Lame Back, Rheumatism, Kidney Affections, aches and pains generally, it Is the unrivalled remedy. GEORGE PACE & CO; Patent Portable Circular SAW BraiSjT-f aim Stationary ul Patau X ll t "tv a piiaiii pa ' irxl T ..( ttAlilUXLUtttt, nit. Grist and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Wcrting and Barrel Machinery, Shlnjrle Mula eireolar Saws. , Mill Supplies, etc Send for Catalogue. dec29 4w t DRUGS AND BONES. W. P. M1RVIN, lgen; (Successor te F. Scan ft Co.) T the same stand oa Trade street, with a eemplete stock of UGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES, SOAPS, Ac. " Special attention paid to the filling of all pre--scrlptlons. Trusting that those doing business with the late firm heretofore may .osntinue hejr patronage, lam. Respectfully, dec80 W. P. MARVIN, Ja HONEST Twist Chewing Tobacco Contains no foreign material to .give lt artiflclaJi' flavor, which Is always detrimental to health and used to cover up poor or damaged stocn. Manufactured only by BROWN ft 3RO., ec2-2w Winston, N. a II day, a ebruary 1st, at 11 o'clock a. m. work as Bhp did twenty years ago,

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