ml 2HM 11 p riA.iA or I itMieai oaantf Kit tat, gTyigrajfe. u t hi-ri "V 8TTB90BJPTI0N MLAXMB i $8 00 . 400 . a oo - 78 woo One Jfonwi' 41. wmmklt mmowt WT.ATgrw, BILIrHXAM, .... it- fh. rmintiA M rv. - . 1 ' 2 10 100 CHARLOTTE, FRIDAY JANUARY 28, 188L KO3,709. I'M P JB "0, Maj I Join the Choir Invisible." NEVTS I BTNOBTH tAROLlNA, ' j .nasals Sill iSLli J HAT- oooobo ia T3- cs c - ps 0 . h i i 1 t 1 ".ii ;.'iJiUiii'.- We hare received A VERY LAP ; STOCK OF . . '. .Ml ' Hamburg Edging & lasCTtings, ; FIX)UNCING, C.,C ALSO, Swiss p oidery TfirSK GOODS are NEW, HANDSOME k CHEAP Don't fall to call and see us thing In the when you want any Messrs Have rem d.L(Sl;0. i ; v.. v tbjeonmodlou atqrMooiJtnown as 8- E. KISBIT A BBO. SXXTDOOBTO A. which la now being tnoroBghlr renoT&teiUWhen finished, pBsasloE-will be taken at eacftSflot baying room enough to Justify earning,-.; 5 . STOCK OF CARPETS We offer from U1I3 date our entire" stockof wets a ALSO, Domestic Goods Mm, Our stt ck of BLEACHED and BROWN SHEET ING ai.d tHJEUKU lalargeiUiid clie&p. 1 Alexander & Harris. 1&D21 Soots a tt 1880 FALL STOCK.1880 Tc are Now Receiving Our Fall Stock. Gent's Hynd-MadeMachlrieJc Cablo-SewBd BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL GRADES AND PRICES. Ladies' Misses' ffi Chilurens' ALL PSICES AtfD StTLE3. ATrtttr Une of Trunks, Valises ui Satchels, LATEST STYLES OF CELEBRATED STETSON HATS. ALSO Lower Grades in Fur, Saxony Wool,k GIVE US A TRIAL. Respectfully, Pegram & o. CLOAKS, DOLMANS. And Walking Jackets. ilTCESE GOODS Sacrifice. Jan 9 JfCST. BE SOLD, IT AT A aog28 US E ceivea 2 BUTTON KID GLOV " IN ALL SHADES AND SIZES, At 35 Cents per Pair. g BUTTON WHITE KIDS ,aj at 81 PER PAIR, AJLL S1ZE3. i O ir stock Is complete In every detail: "TRETEHO" KIDS, - "TOWEB" SHIRTS, CITY-MADE SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, .' : i ; Oar remnant of DRESS TRIMMINGS CLOAKS,; TLSTERS AND -,DftrJ4ANS TO BE CL03ED OUT AT & BELO,W,;CSXv "GIVE US A Ian 14 ; JBispectfully, UarsrraFes w FASI KELLER PERRY O. may Ilomthe 6bIr tovfelble Of those ImmorUU tlad v4o- Hv Main In minds made better br their Dresence: Uve In pulses sarrsd to generostty, , ; f . in aeeas ol aanne reeutuoe, in scorn v For miserable alms that end with self, In thoughts subttme that pierce the night like :-&ait,'H -i.i .'.. : -.'.'.I. And with their wild persistence urge man's search To taster issues. . . . .- Sato liyaln Heaven! To make undying music In the world, Breathing as beauteous order that controls With growlHg way the growing life of man. 80 we inherit that sweet purity 1 For which we struggled, failed and agonized With widening retrospect that bred despair. Rebellious' flesh that would not be subdued. A vldoua parent shaming still Its Child, -Poor aatouq peitf trace irq.mok. dissolved;: . Its discords. Quenched bv meltlns harmsntafl. Die ih the large and 'charitable air. . , '. abq ail our rarer, better, truer sen, -" - That sobbed rellziouslr in yearnmiz gone. 1 - ; a That watched to ease Via heathen of the world, t. , Laboriously tracing what must be, ' , And what may yet be better saw within ' m wwoier image rortne sanctnary, .. And shaped it forth before tbe muttUude t., 4 Divinely human, raising worship so To higher reverence more mixed with love That better self shall live Uli hflman Time ball fold Its eye-lids, and the human sky Be gathered like a scroll within the tomb Unread forever. -( 1 . w This Is life to come. Which martyred men have made more glorious For us who strive to follow. "May I reach That purest Heavon, be to other souls The cub of strength In sotno great agony, Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love. Begat the smiles that have no cruelty ' Be 1 he sweet presence of a good diffused, And in diffusion ever more, intense. . So shall I loin the choir Invisible Whose music is the gladness of the world. 1867. AVERXODD CUSTOM. How Two Connecticut ITIen Loht - $450,000 In a, Produce Exchange. New York, Jaa. 24. In the fall of 1879. D. and N. G. Miller, of Bridere- port, ConD., . placed $450,000 in the hands pf E. A. Kent & Co., brokers, of Broad "street, with instructions to use it in speculating in corn and wheat and lard. A year ago they were told that their rneney was all gone, and that they bweti ' the brokers $10,000. The Millers .began suit for accounting. In granting a motion to-day to make a second , answer, Judge Barret said: "The defendants present a most extra ordinary answer and affidavit. They acknowledge the receipt of enormous sums of money from the plaintiffs, de clare that these sums have been" ab sorbed, and substantially assert that they' can furnish no comprehensible particulars as to the process ot absorp tion. This, they say, is in accordance with the custom of the Produce Ex change, of which they are mehibers, the plaintiffs' money forming part of a common fund, the transactions being mostly what are' called options. They cannot assign any particular option to the plaintiffs, and after the transfer of options they cannot trace them upon their books so as to determine by whom the sums lost thereby were actually paid. All this is simply a meaningless largon, and tbe defendants may as well understand, once for all, that law will not tolerate such trifling. They had bet ter act fairly in tne matter and make a clean breast of it either frankly con fess the plaintiffs' claim or give them data sufficient in law to justify the ab sorption of their money and property. If the difficulty arises from the exist ence of a common fund, let tnem give full particulars with regard thereto, and show how plaintiffs connection therewith caused the absorption of their part of the margin." IS A PUEELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. DA 111 V!I!E?E$ haa never fuilfl when UBed rAlil EVILLbR ax'ordiUK to print $4 dirct ioni inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly taf mm in the most inexperienced kandt. DAII1 111 I tO 1 A BUKE CUBE for rAIrl KILLtK Sore Throat, ( onahs. Chills, IHarrbcm Dysentery, Cramps, Cboler&, and all Bote el Conrftrijit. PAIN KILLER known f r Sea-Sickness, Sick-Headache, Pain in itie Back or Side, i tiltmaMy tne r JJK. It cases of ftrntans. Cnfs. Snrains. Severe Burns etc. naitJ lll I FD is the wMUtried and truitcd rAlrf IVlLLtK friend of the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in fact .r ail classes .wanting- a medicine always at bard n" : safe to use internally or externally wi:! certainty of relief. tNo family can afford to lie without i!:; invaluable remedy in the house. Ita price it within the reach of all; and it will annually . o many times its cost in atfctoru' bills. I 8rtl y all druggist! at S5c'50e. aiul 1 a l.orue. PERRY DAVIS 4 SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. PAIN KILLER mv&$& brings tpeedy and permanent relief in all ca6ei A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in UlUOS Parties, Etc, . J IB Qpwi. J lufadar I t fa WASHmOTdN QXTXtTX Utd bSPIX'SSf.S'S Naaona Democratic Party. addreuL bo&aae bald. 7 fio S os (on i C H. 6BAViiil BOWS. : Taa1''nblPtmeii'' Bi fiteV baen introdoeed, and mseta with marked popular favor. It 'ii 'Warranted it f Contain only the Best of Liquors, United with Choiee gmitJuies and Granulated Sugar. ' It temdy on opesinir. andwm bfoji4 an weeal ftddiMOnto bhs Aoioa tkindswhich nnaeiMy mi th pi jam-as ofiifs aaJenoottrage tood feiiomaip : good nature u rightly enjoyea. GOOBoAMIfflS Just the Thins to Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards nottorletB1 Wlthrfiii Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with.BreslD Milk, Ice. Soda, or Hot Wai Bold by leading Wine MaKbAnlk, Qrooer, Hotels and Pruggists evtaMlM k. Tsj t y j Tbe Western lusane Aaylum. The report of the progress of this work for the two years ending Decem ber 1, 1880, has been laid before the As sembly. The commissioners, in their part of the report, state tnat tnere is a balance of the appropriation of $4,891.- 82. This amount, however, will be ap propriated to paying for work that is yet in progress on the walls of laundry building and slate and tin rooting. They further say tnat S80.000 is re quired for the completion of the wings extending southward from the centre building, together with th cen tre building, the boiler house, laundry room and worksuop. VViui tne con necting passages, heating, ventilation and drainage," to which add $20,000 for the purchase of the necessary furniture and other incidental expenses, in pre paring tor. occupancy, and it appears that the total sum of $100,000 will be needed to make this institution availa ble in caring for the insane of the State. The building will then accom modate 250 patients. Mr. Samuel Sloan, the architect, m .his report to the com missioners, says: We also esti mated the cost of constructing the walls of the wings, running north from the centre buildiug and roofing them in, at $60,000. In doing this, the walls of the cellar, that have been already constructed at a cost of $10,000,. would be protected. They are exposed, and damage. - if not ruin, will ensue if they are left in their present condition Besides, if tnese wings are placed un der roof ihe grounds around the build ing could be properly graded and put ia order. The additional cost of com pleting these wings, including heating and drainage, will not exceed $40,000 in all -$100,000 in addition to the work dotwn. the ceUar walls. With these wings complete; two hundred and fifty more patients can be accommodated in an nye nunarea ii crowaeu: iour hundrea" being the number provided for: r although the. former number can ha accommodated. It may not be amiss fcr call ybur attention to the fact that nai asytum of the kind has been erected in-thi,, country, witn all the modern imbraveiments and conveniences in'tro- ducod ''for the' treatment of the insane, wfcer tae cost per capita s not far In teifcess of the estimated cost of tour building when completed, presuming Ithe remainder of tha work can be done iat the same rate that the building has cost .uptta the. present' date. J. (WttT1!. g" oo 6wwipotnwe n4 lata h.TX7. ??? eiwraoacBnKUoibU'i . . ADVERTISERS Vi By addressing GEO. P. E0WELL&CO., lOSproco i!ai:i oi ,W9 nn aiil $7- rw 1 mm I i O. YICKXBT trM Mt FV oga nlbf C M mtttt 9fBt: l-ll ' " ''r ' '-" fiTlje: jl4eigh; Netcs-Obstrver says: Frrrm Jtha reflor-t of Mr. H. A. Gndfirer. aupeftehdent of th'Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum, for the year 1880, we learn same interesting facts. There were present during the year" 206 pupils, of which 63 were deaf and dumb males ; 53 deaf and" dumb females ; 47 blind males ; 43 blind females. There were 52 admissions and 9 discharges. The report says: The shoe,, broom and mattress Bhops have been successfully "operated this year,, "hile they have hot been entirely self-iustaining, itcan rit be expected that they should be, with new inexperienced boys in them Jjearning .tha. Jrades The cooking school na& co. me up to tne most san guine expectations. As ia jusuy re garded as the most important feature of the institution f er the practical in struction of eur. deaf mute girls. There are w-areeefriflg instruction in this househeld science. The finan cial condition of this institution is good.. We have settled all outstanding claims up to this date (January 1, 1881), and have a balance on band ot $4,983.73. During the past . four years we have had under eur instruction during that period 316 persons, . of which 131 are new pupils. During tne time we nave purchased 1,200 volumes of books,which have been of incalculable benefit to the pupils and officers, and form the ground-work of a large and useful li brary. We have made many improve- j ments about the buildings, and have built a new kitchen. . . More room is needed at the colored department. Ar ticulation is being taught with marked success in the deaf mute department. No previous period in the history ef the institution can show such a record. Capt. J. E. Fry, road master on the Western North Carolina Railroad, re ports the work west of Asheville pro gressing rapidly, and that the track will be extended down tne J?Tencn jjroaa river to uapt. Alexander s, twelve miles below Asheville, in a few weeks. The two bridges across the French Broad and the one over the Swanna noa will soon be com pleted. This looks like going to Paint Rock, some thirty miles oeiow, ana connecting witn tne Morristown Railroad", thus making through railroad connections frem West to East. The Lumberton Bobesonian lays: Frederick Harden, aged 104 years, 7 months and 2 days, died in Sterling's Mill township, in this county, on the 6th inst. He served as a private in Capt. John McPhatter's Co. N. C. Vol unteers, in the war of 1812, stptioned at Fort Johnston, at the mouth ef Cape Fear river, and was honorably dis charged at the termination of the war. Jas. W. Albright, Esq., editor of the Beacon, publishes a card in that paper of January 25th, announcing a suspen sion. He says: "I have struggled hard to make the Beacon a success ; but have failed. Having been unaided since November 4th, I am forced to sus pend. The people along tbe line f the pro posed railway from Danville to the Coal Fields in Chatham, are beginning to show signs of business. Meetings are being held at all the prominent points. This road would open up a fine section of country. It is stated that a verv valuable man uscript, on its way to the publishing house was consumed with the wreck at Indian Creek. Sucb papers should always be duplicated. Citizens of Greensboro have memo rialized Congress for an appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of a public building, court house, postomce, occ, in that place. Dugald McEntvre. a well known citi zen of Robeson county, i3 dead, aged 60 years. A large prohibition meeting was held in Greensboro Monday night. Capt R. S. Dashiell, of Greensboro, has invented a fire escape. Try Smith's Scrofula Sirup for jour blood. It removes all sktn erupttons and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. WADLKT, lyMANTXRIi CO., OA., JCt, 1U, 1S1W. Gentlemen: While attending the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curlne on my leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After hav ing thoroughly treated ft I am compelled to say that It is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and found noth ing to cure me until I used your Star Curlne, which has eurea a remarKaoiy oaa case, w isumg jou success, I am yours, respectfully, John Bell. For sale by Dr. T. V. Bmim. oct26 6m. A WISE MAN. "Enclosed nlnaaa find S4. for two of Flaee's Pat ent Livar and Stomach Pads. I tried one with the best result. I nave long suffered witn uyipapsia. and T.ivw nomniaintJL Thn vnstz Patent Pad gave me the first and only Tailef i have iouna."-jame Devens, S. Seaville, H. J. aoia oy imigguw geu erally. A truel Husband Is he who allows his wife 'to drag herself around the houso, minlsterint to his wants, whlla she Js suffering untold agony from Dyspapsia and other ailmants when S2 will buy Klaifg's Patent lm- Droved Liver Pad. which will eure ner just as sure as she wears It according to inswucuens. ask your druggist for Tiagg's Patent Pad, and take no otner. 3 5 'SIS' I' a. a P P tr- 03 o i-J. g I- il C7 fi g Ot3 3 5 o m SD 93 C3 PS M o 4 OB 72 B a 03 w w o S3 0 - o c lr" CO g w w e -i w 99 O . 'O " M3 SB ef S3 cf 65 O O o'o O O O OO O O g. p,p.:Pnp.; Spill iug.;-,:;-.. "3- 4 t ' i V. W.hil 4Cn , SS &. ' I V-' S,iW,t,.:; , r.rfSAH'-A & , i- ill' v3 :-Hj ..."SS (JlQOO Mi ? , mgm FRISKS BOWIM, Having received intelligence from our in BaUlmorei wtieh is cn,f tbe largest purfh&seia oJkWooleM,:tbet die aaa lepyrom 1H 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline In aothlng, we consequently aet accordingly, and we now offer oar stock at Eeducea Fdces, as . . kL sMh Him tiw tihwr tract for large quantities. We are assured that w pnrchase afvery close flgures, ana give every patron me ueueuu. v house can show, and better made aothlng than any other sold in tnis mantel ior tne stnjpie iaot wi oi nlc "iT n"v" WiTw T:W rjill same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulstert and TJlsteretts that has ever been exhibited, redjapaA, iytbJglm?,. Smith's Scrofula Sytup and Star Curlne are pure ly vegetable, why win jou suner who cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two erent remedies will cure you? From C. T, J4cCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure In recemmending to the pub lic Dr. Chenev's Expectorant and croup preven tive Si y little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the flight Pr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for, him bis Croup preventive, wnicn nas most miraculous ly cures him. I find It equally benficial in all eases of riAiurh I ooDSioer it a blessing in mr family. every one should keep it In their houses. For sale by Dr. T.c Smith. . , ... , octZ6-m. Thonsands Use it Whf Hesitate t Joy to the worHt- Woman Is Free! Among the many discoveries looKing w me. nappmess ana amelioration oi too numtm race, none u enanea to hisrher consideration than Dr.' Jt. Bradneld's Female BegQlatot, Roman's Bew Friend;'? By it- woman j la emancipated, from, numberless ills peculiar to her sex. ueiore its magio powe au irremiUruies of the womo vanish, itoures "Whites supwresaion'of ithe"nert8es,1arid -reraeivs ute rine obstructions, it cures constlpauon. and Rtrftnethens- the &j sushi, races we nerves .ana Durifles tbe blood. It never falls, as thousands of women wfll testtfy. 1 -J -J PreDared by Dr. J. uraaneia, Atlanta, oa., price 1.50 Der bottle. Sold byT. CLSmlth, and L. B. Wriston & Cp: " . ' . , . . " . . .... - - bM as vrttB GA.r. June 8. 1 877. . I have been selling Bradfleld's Female Regula tor for years, and it still continues popular an eifw ABpfl of its betn all daimed toe it: ; I caa re call Instances in wmeii it anoroea reno anef .au A atr SUyipor led hf Tct-raplus. Ailamia Constitutloaw - ; I have just heard of an instance where a United States Senator is sirp- by terrapins. Senator Derthis, if Maryland, as my information goes ihas about twelve acres or-iana pui wn in a pond thesis fed - by salt wa t. . Tiiis nond makes the largest ter irabnarfarm. probably, in- the world, and -niA fli'nf rixray' 'in'iilva . HiMiaanl rcunts" have been sold from K m r asr&rM iveaf. -It may be noted for. th'. benefitl i ; V:; Jbo not fall to can on your dmggUt for ai bottle of thatvpyie.: '8w6t aaa oeaoiows , ptooo pormer, ol,Ki Ci,infiiln Rvnin .". ''.' . " ... i TWiifoirme-enTesl al earefbc PUb&O o o J vy. if uninitiated that, a. "count" is a t,ifrani n over seven inches HI lenetli : :an& that "counts" -art, sold, 'by liumber labout $1 each.' In market they retail for ahnnt..1S2n a dozeni And. in the fash ionable restaurantJirfi serVeof at $1.50 a pate, one terrapin filling about three plates. -:SBaalleE:terrapin81aare sold at lower fisureHLlTualLbtinff good figures apdiare Mdiamond".backsin faeta well ias'in name- There ar eeerl''!teTrt: ipiM-punus in jXLiUjiaiiu, nuu juJl f4mportance. as .'.'terrapin fltftw,;Mary-. labALfleyle " is beeoming more and wore popular among mgimnvrii'i.iml Gall 4m reuri BbotOeorSmi From ,b." Jr. i Sofeahd'liA'sTrre it before it i&toolate and set a Serofula 8irnb ahd'Star Curlne, Moore",-a: M.-: President of Moore's Rdnthflro Business Udtvertf tv. AOantai GasThU Is to certify that I have used Dr Cheneya Fpeeto rant in my family for several years, and can re commend it as an .invaluable remedy for Cough a, ami have- found It sweriof to ahv oQier reme dies that I have trifid.;FcBlaJiy.Dt. :T-!U SnttM oct20 om ness and Sick-Headache. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBUIC ! We Invite the public to come and see facta. Venires pectfaliy, T. WW ANGER & . Iieadmg Clothier an&3Mor;t The Best Shirt in this KiQl3Li3LiZIR ! .timing Positive Closing Sale! A lare Chance to Boy Goods very Cheap 2 WITH A VIEW OF MAKING ROOM FOR OUR pno3nDg sinodl SoniiDDDDDcBir Stoc We Propose to Offer for the M 3d Days our Entire Stock of . Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Dress Goods and Suiting AT AND BELOW COST. Our Stock of Men's, Youths', Boy's and Children's Clothing WILL BE CLOSED OUT ON THE SAME TERMS. "We have many goods that you will ed for this month yet, which wee would -wulingly? sell you at a BARGAIN, so avail yeurself of it by calling early. UpMlI&iyAlliil I. '17,'.', MTIES1 MEnVAIL OE MEW We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a. large assortment of desirable goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who ha remained constantly in the Northern markets dunnsr the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late ntse'ra pnee of cotton goods. . - . . - , . i,,,. We are now enabled to offer both to Wholesale and Betail Buyers mdncnieiital'Q their purchases of us. We have anew stock of Dress Goods, prints, FJflimel.. Biaiskefeu ( Ioaka and Dolmans. A large stock otUWtning .UarpetSvkx)W, noes, anageneraimer UJi H iUiim nn ofiut:KaAM4i tniimn' vViir wilt mih mnritv ' r ''A ' ..'1C"'J- "K i iilt.I, ilTOXI CO.. I hT pair of Jloore coonty urn m ' aun 1 1-4. ja kMhi Mr Mar..-. .vr PC' wy " to M00 Jburtel witt-ono ttesij , ' . . . . . i i . a . it ,.km mm n w . ileu nt .K. n thr MV1 wuta our j SUM. AoW bbaNoh OFMCB WOBTH OUma i Wor. ffie bn emi in vo "u"v- ," T I .u.a IfleeaK riottplo d ther awko tMBU ondirJSy I oeUpvethem w PrVr T kAna ! E0V23 d .. - THESK . . DltCI0bi3- blvafres can be bad evi s9 moraine Except Sundays t Cbadotta HoteL , ON SCUD AYStboy frUl be deMveredthl4romaejpofe Oyatef 6te.''2fr behta Oyste'rlf ew, TO cents. Parties tavtajcbcjowed bucket: please letom t " . r i ...... . he; -!..-. .. tf far. .A . :A HOUSK with fou ex fire rwm near ttw XX. ' iet-of the bustnear poroorf or mreltr: Host be within nve mmuieB waunrom aopBoneroare i ait-1 V; ;'' CwfliM- tetrai -Meai " Company. - OrrflCBCEintEALSTjraRINTSKDWr?, i WnJUHOTW, M. CL, Deo,il2, 1S80. i Change f Sebedald OJt air after December1 tOthe rollawtmj Schedule wUl be operated en this rallroed : ' PASBXHGXB AKD 1XPBB8B TKAIIf BAIlT BICWT I Leave Wilmington at... ' f Arrive at Charlotte at:. O 10 am 10 p m 6 10 o j Leavohaiiotts ato .-fr80 a m a su m tationf on- Um ompaaj's ttme f Arrive al Wllmlneton at - is r os: l sua Z stop at regular No.l ( I No. 2. Trains lyand pelnts-deBignatod ln ; )lvT?Um.lDgtooi...j.,- fi 80pm No. -5. Arrive at Eamietat ...:.. -1 AniyeatCliaHottB tt.......... 8 15 a m , Wvehartotte............. 7 AxrrB ai Hamlet ai'. . . ..a . 1 3d a U . r.)4nfve.wat wumtotton,- ,0 45 m i Nd. KIdiuny,xcrnt Snnday.bu nftcon Kl 6 TramU oaSexMpt Saturday ;-' .i smavsr ivK)i psuwfrasav hail, SXfrxss ajh ! o'tlssve Charlotte.. ... fr8 am j Arrive at ner"Si f ."s . .via 8&p X - Oeironers itoifthrTBw Dasnnlta issue. a sfDhgly wriaencerjrbr nbeat -sale.-1' ear ago the mor-taij circuiatian. was ftxwf saeoDles: mrln th'oast ntno' months ft has averted J16)J.ile; tha, rlt MUflw Bf v. the KOvember issue is 135,000. ..t ' : .... . tn JTk araC -PaJOf tha MwVfttMMtf 'MHSP bt" Part ULi "fetef the 0reat a KinvJ and Bafornw: j Ppan already pabllahed, . Krajiabl. wader f cure, rait t tn .puousner?, maao,, u uhivwi te-Mhtrf ber aiotr To-ajiabl. iit rrnnk L aXhTwhOeftn jvKh jua HosttheBmnm4eei iio f ! (1-) New subscribers majuibtaln, lor5, "Scrib- pners Monmiy. ior, yie coming jeat .rloeat Mne oamoer rebruur to-1 ;whJch,tocloderpartt ,qf VPettnttM Burnen-B -ljomsiana, etc. in ao feifc Wenty-ono) num bem wmjaei 1 i .. J Leave Shelbr . .v. ; .;. . . . ;1 - p m Urrtve .at Charlotte.,.. ... 85 p nw Trainf Noa, K and 6 mate Warn eonbection at Hamlet to and from Balelgh. except as above, and; at manoue icn trams if ana 4 on aneiDj vn Throusrh Sleenlnir Cars between Raleleh Charlotte. Y. Q. JOHNSON. dec23 Gen'L Sup'L be(rinSlS 8S; vMan aIaW Idva wnlninn 1 AWralniwMBV .PftefXi af.' d a rear's 'subsariotlon. .Jot S7a . Otesular , SnelbrMTWf rAlAhHllerM ,n lelKh-and ripon4 andsuprfy the number and yommw . njeouunea m ue ' aov peaiu wow- extra charge for postage, or; JJ?iMybJ 1 1 Ushers, Scrlbner k Co., 743 Broadway. Tfowjont. may be addressed flUfau.' Tifl jegiiliu' prroo 01 ."jert" if 4 aySosjnjaja nnffibir. T , i - 1 S- t'S v ; - i t : ; irtMV4i ,-a1rrtir,aVlii''' stock, brokers;? HAVB f(ir Bate :.flB3T-CtABSCTilTLttC'AD BONDS and other lmestment flW!mlUes.-Buy. and sell on commission BONDS ANC STOCKS Or ALL KINDS or investjnent er en margin. .., laiill eod lm Cloths. aalr TnHln doth: ttdesrltr'nrp! apply to and ana - Providence P. O.. R. L If! 4 Cski 'i 'Mi ? 1 'i'.j! 5 1 ., ' J 2 it ' J ft s: -tf f r 38, Mr 11 "I ,1 "I 1 J-s- i If It . 1 ,1 ifvf 1 w It1! i w it'?: I I Mi1. It If irf i'iii i; IA

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