H i 1-1 V f If i -i I TPOKBTB JOB JKffJJHODCH m 'ki aUBBOiUPTlOM RATM8 : rxnZy. one , ipoP 98 00 tnm Mart W Month , WSBKLT EDITION : ottfUm-" JJJ dix Month 1 00 of JoFrtefins! St BOW hf OJI MtfiiiMjMM.7 'Wt Main ""SrSSSafcT.T " IUIIIHB, J VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C., SUNDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1881. NO. 3,711.; itoc&ammjbsEsMDsHLXs. ag it 013 cam i c j'ja: a . UM flKHr JANUARY 218T We hate received VERY LARGE STOCK OF Himburg Edging & Inserlings, FLOUNCING, &C, &0 ALSO, THESE GOODS are NEW, HANDSOME & CHEAP Don't fall to call and see us tiling in the when you want any Domestic Goods Line. Our stock of BLEACHED and BROWN SHEET ING ami cHIRTING Is large and cheap. Alexander & Harris. an21 881 Spring Styles 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK Of the Celebrated John B. Stetson CUSTOM MADE HATS. CALL InS SEE THEM. Our Mr. Gilmer LEAVES to-day for the North to purchase our Spring Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, and If Sosslble we be will able to show a better stock lis spring than ever before. PEGRAM & CO. febl The Sew Being Far ADVANCED, We will close out many lines of desirable goods VEBY CHEAP. The Largest and Cheapest Line of FANCY CASHMERES EVER OPFESID IN THIS MARKET. Single and Double width all Wool Momles AT COST. Velvets, Velveteens, Silks, Satins, and Fringes, In all shade?, Silk Fringes in all colors, 50 and 75 Cts. per Yard. Cords, Tassels and Passementrte Trimmings, a good line of Ladles' Gent's, and Children's Merino Underwear, to be closed out Very Cheap. Don't forget that we are selling our remnant of CLOAKS, DOLMANS, ULSTEHS and BLANKETS at C03T. 3 Button Kid Gloves, In Opera, Black and Street shades at 35 cents per pair; 6 Button White Kids J1.0O. DRIVE IN HOSIERY. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS. Smith, Building, Trade Street. Hargrares Jan 80 & Wilhelm. rpH WASHINGTON GAZETTE, ..Published at the National Caoltal ever Sunday ni f .fll aJuU resume of the preceding week, news iiiZT00?1 "Wca am general Intelligence, do ues Deing the only . j ' j .. y- REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER jere supporting the National Democratic Party. i.."7 OBGE C. WKDDEBBURN, Of VIM formerly publisher of the Richmond (Va. junqmnr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION s . "We copies, one tow. mbum nhMj S 2 .00 Ten f?1?8' to one address, postage ptr, el Cg lenoopiea.to one address, postage raid,5 5 (W th i Pws, w one address, postage pa l tn, ? Pr free to the person seeudngU 0t further lnfnmMm Mhm 1 Swiss Embroidery f WaaWnr 9' tb Zdttat1 ; : OUR FRIENDS Will please remember that We Now Occupy the commodious store room on WEST TRADE ST., reeeatly remodelled se as to make It as convenient and well lighted a room as any In the city. We Bkall keep, as we have always kept, A LINE QF GOODS adapted to the wants of all classes of trade. Friends & Customers are invited to par as a eall at our new stand. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. feb6 JHtscjcnane0U5. PERRY DAVIS1 PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. DA 111 VII 1 1?D haH nfrer failrl when nged rAIrl IVILLLn According to printed direct, ion inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly toft ven in the mnet inexperienced hands. DAIIJ llll CD Is A SDRE CURE for rAIrl MLLLK Mere Throat, Consha, 8hill, Dlarrho-a, Dyntery, Crainptt, h.lerib, and ail Botctl Canploints. DAIN V II I tO iS THK jIEST renedy rAIII IV ILL CM known tjr 8ca-)Sioknera, Siek-Healaebe, Pain Id '4ie Back or Hide, Pheumatism, nd Nenrf -ia. AIM VII I CD 18 unuestionably the BEST Alrl IxILLlK liniment made, it brinfrs tpcedy and permanent relief in all cases of Braises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, etc. DA 111 VII I CD is the velUMed and Irusud rAIN tllLLCtl friend of tiie Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Hailor, and in fact of all classes wanting a medicine always at band nrct safe to use internally or externally with certainty of relief. , . tNo family can afford to be without tliir invaluable remedy in the house. Its price brim It within the reach of all, and it will annually atvo many times its cost in doctors' bills. Bold by all drugglita at && &Oe. and $1 a bnttic. PERRY DAVIS 80N, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. mchl-dfcwly A DELICIOUS DRINK For Ue in Families. Hotels. Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston i C. H. GRATIS fe SOXS. Th "TTnh Punch " hat lately been introduced, and meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juiees and Granulated Sugar. It Is ready on ODenin. end will be found an agreeable addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarge the pleasures of life and encourage good I ellowahip ana good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, . to Suit the Taste. Sold by leading Wine Merchants, Grocers, Hotels sad proggists everywhere. Jan. 23-eod-6m. cw &&viextl&tmzutB. ADVERTISERS By addressing OBO. P. HOTTLl.ACCf 10 St. New York, can learn the exact cost of any pro posed line of ADTEBTISINQ In American News- .Tsapers. fW 100-page pamphlet, 10c TEAR and expense Agents . Outfltlf ree. AddrI ri iii j J I HE f U1MCH mm It the Last. BY JAXMS B. DIHBKlL There most be something after all this woe; " A sweet fruition from the harrowed past; Best seme day for this pacing to and fro; A tender sunbeam and dear flowers at last. There will be something when these days are doe. Bomeining more lair Dy iar man f ' far than starry nights rospect limitless, as one by ene Smbodled castles crown the airy heights. So, cheer up heart, and for that morrow wait! Dream what you will, but press toward the dream; Let fancy guide dull effort through the gate, And face the current, would she cress the stream. Then when that samethlng lies athwart the way vuiuuig uiiBuugui, us gooa uungs seem to ao 'Twill prove beneath the flash of setting day A nobler need than now would beckon you. For lifted up by constant, forward strife, . Hope will attain so marvellous a height, There can be nothing tuund wtttotn this life, After this day to form a nttlag night. So heaYen alene shall ever satisfy, And (iod's own light be ever light enough T guide the purified, ennobled eye Toward the smooth which lies beyond the rough. There will' be something when those cloud skim by A bounteous yielding from the fruitful past; Sweet teace and rest upon the pathway He, i&ougn out flBatana newer ai we last. OBSERVATIONS. "None but the brare deserve way the Indians put It. the hair," Is the An Irish bull, "It's a very great pleasure to be alone, especially when your sweetheart is wid ye." In Switzerland donkeys have bells on their necks. In this country it is not unusual to see them with belles en their arms. A Chicago paper describes an office-holder as "collector of the port of Ararat when Noah arrived there with bis ark, and has Interruptedly held office ever since. ' - "There's one kind of ship I always steer clear of," said, at) fid bachelor sea captain, "and that's courtship) 'cause an that ship there's always twe mates andnw captain." Much is said about the eld and new schools ef acting. Any, school is better than none. The trouble- With taaoy young duffers called actors is that the speak as if they had never seen a school of any sort. - - - He was making a call, and they were talking of literature., -'The Pilgrim's Progress," she remark ed, "always seems to me painful. Of ceorse you are familiar wtth BunyanT' He oald he had one on each foot, and they bothered him a good deaL A brave little maiden of Hannibal Aeroes a wtoe pasture ence ran a bull; But la her own house A shy little mouse Can make her yell like a wild cannibal 1 Francis L, being desirous to raise one ef the most learned men of the times to the highest dle- nltles'of-the eirarch, asked him if he was of nebie descent "Xour majesty," answered the abbot, "there were three brothers in Noah's ark, but I cannot tell positively from which of them I de scended." He obtained the post. THE PASTORAL KISS. How a New York. Preacher Was Caught and What He and She Say. In Roxbury, New York, a few days ago, a young woman, aged 18, called at the house ol Mr. uavia Williams, with whom Rev. B. C. Miller boarded, enter ing without KnocKing, ana nappening to glance thro a Key hole into the pas tor s room sh saw the pastor and Mrs. Williams kissing each other. The girl went away at once and spread the news. The pastor irom his pulpit, tne following Sunday, said: "1 did kiss Mrs. Williams, but there was in that kiss nothing of sin ; it was a holy kiss, as I have before averred, and it was merely such a salutation as is recogniz ed in holy writ as rightful and good. Still, 1 am willing to admit that I may have erred, that 1 may have been m- udicious, but 1 insist that the kiss was holy, and that I have done no sin. Further than this I have nothing to say." Subsequently he gave this ac count to a reporter. "It was in this room my study," he said, "that I kiss ed Mrs. Williams and was seen. It was not an ordinary or usual thing for me to kiss her, tho so long and inti mately have we known one another that 1 have really come to regard her as a dear sister. And she, I know, ooks upon me as a brother. Hence there was nothing absolutely nothing impure or wrongful in our exchang ing kisses; but, oi course, it was utter- y impossible to convince the world of this. In Roxbury, as everywhere, there are men and women who are happy only when they can impugn another s motives, and who are never so pleas antly employed as when seeking to ruin another's reputation. With such people mole hills are mountains and suspicions are facts. The young lady who saw me kiss Mrs. Williams spread the story so quickly, and it soon devel oped into an astounding sensation ; my enemies were jubilant. I was earnest- v laboring in a revival service at that time in the Methodist church, assisting Brother Burgar, when a committee ap pointed by the trustees of that church notified me that my participation in these services was no longer desired. Demanding to know the reason for this action, I was for the first time acquaint ed with the story which was afloat con necting my name with that ot Mrs. Williams. That night it was that i arose and referred to the story, as is published. I said I did kiss the woman. but it was a holy kiss, and prompted bv a brotherly interest. I have board ed with Mrs. Williams since May last, tho I have known her quite well dur ing all the past five years of my pas torate in Roxbury ; she has been very kind to me very kind. 'Has it been your custom to kiss married women in this brotherly way?" "1 do not care to answer sucu ques tions," was the reply. The preacher further said that tno be yet has no plan for the future, ht will not quit the ministry, inasmucn as he "feels specially called by God to preach.'' Mrs. Williams, a pretty oruneue oi about twenty-six years, the lady who was kissed, says ol the arrair : Jjpmi nie Miller kissed me, and it is nobody's business. 1 guess I am old enough to know how to take care of myself. The Bible teaches that there is a holy kiss amone Christians. Now, I belong to the Baptist church.and about a week afro 1 was engaged in ousting me dominie's room, when we eottodiS' cussing certain texts from our different points of view 4 as xiapusi, ne as ne formed. In referring to the UiDie we namft across the words of Paul, when as a pledge of Christian love, he direct ed the brethren to greet one another with a holy kiss. Then we exchanged kisses. That is lust all there is of it.' "So you think the teachings of .scrip ture vindicate you t "Of course; can't any sane person: see that?" ' "But Tour husband what does he think ef the matter V" "He thinks just what any nonoraoie man would think-netninKs XDai 1 am all riffhtt he knows lam." Mr. Williams. wh is an esteemed citizen ef Roxbury, was found:, at . his place of business. He averred thorough trust in his wife's honor; He eawt no reason f or condemn ati on of eitherher or;th nreachef. Of the latter h says "No purer man lives. Mr: "Williams' said with much show of earnestness that even tho'. all th stone toldpr;in- timaev between his wile - ana tne nreacher were true, it was a : matter of io ettisequence, Indeed,"' no atenreq "l consider it a decided eotopUment to bare a wife whom such a good man as Dominie Miller would desire to kiss." -Noth withstanding all this ' acqnies' cence.the church cited the pastor to appear and explain, and asked him to dtep down and out. He gees, but as he says abore, will preach if he can find an opportunity. NEWS IN NORTH CAROLINA. An Alleged Victim of Ly-acli Law Turn Up. Wilmington Star. About the time of the Clinton fair, in the latter part of last year, there was a report in circulation to the effect that one Doyle Bryant, colored, who had been suspected of having murdered one Charley Boone, in Fayetteville some years ago, had been found swung to the limb of a tree somewhere between Fayetteville and Clinton, the deed of lawless violence being alleged to have been committed in revenge for the sup posed murder. The reported lynching got into the papers, the enterprising New York BntB haviag a-enrtiea--fVT al description of the "latest Southern outrage, and some of the reports went so far as to say that the body had a placard attached to the back contain ing the words: "Hung for the murder of Charley Boone." Nothing more was hearSQT the affair, so far as we know, until last Monday, when the identical individual in question, who was well known around Fayetteville as a noted horse trader, was seen driving about the streets of that town, being the live liest corpse, considering the length of time since his neck was broken, that has been seen in that ancient burg for many a day. It seems that Bryant and another party were arrested on suspicion soon after the murder of Boone, kut were acquitted when the case came to trial. Waylaid and Killed. Wilmington Star. A colored man bv the name of An drew Nash, well known in Fayetteville, was shot Just beyond the suburbs ef that place on Wednesday last and died on Monday, the load taking effect in his bowels. Our information is to the effect that Nash reported one Peter Ray, colored, a very disreputable char acter, who has been in the penitentiary once or twice for stealing wood from bis (Nash's) employer, and when the fact came to the knowledge of Ray, he employed a colored boy about 16 years old to waylay Nash and kill him, which he did at the time and in the manner described, and for which he (the boy) received in payment the sum of ten dollars. The bov. whose name our in formant could not recall, was subse quently arrested and is now in jail at Fayetteville, but Ray is still at large. L.ar(reat Landholder in the Weat Asheville Citizen. The sale of the interest of the State University in the land, some 50.000 acres, lying in the counties of Transylvania, Buncombe and Hen derson, belonging jointly to the univer sity and the heirs of Zachariah Candler, ! came off m this place on Tuesday, and resulted in Mr. V. S. Lusk purchas ing the said iterest, paying for the same $2,758. as against $112 at which the said imterest recently sold. If the U. S. Court confirms this sale, this will make Mr. Lusk the largest land holder in this section. Proposed Change 1m the Uw with Reg-ard to Death Sentences. Wilmington Star. We learn from General Manning that there is a prospect that the Legislature will pass an act during its present ses sion to so amend the law in regard to banging as to take it out of the hands of the sheriffs of the various counties. and have all executions of capital fel ons to take place in the State peniten tiary, under the supervision of the war den, after a lapse of ninety days from the passage of the sentence. A bill to this effect has already been drawn up for presentation, and a good many of the members of the .Legislature wno have been consulted on the subjeet seem inclined to look with favor upon the proposition. Some objected at first on the score of expense, but when they came to understand that, although the bill provides that the cost of transport ing the felon to the State prison is to be borne by the county where the in dictment is found and the prisoner con victed, the expense of such transporta tion will be much less than the cost of erecting the scaffold and taking the other preliminary steps requisite to carry out the sentence of the law. The particular advantages ureeu m its la- ii 1 .1 i J J. vor. however, is the doing away with the periodical excitements in commu nities where these executions take place and the avoidance of the fre quent bungling executions by inexpe rienced lunctionanes. we muse con fess that we like the idea as presented to us and will be glad to hear that the bill has become a law. YOU KNOW HOW IT IS. What to him was love or hope? What to him was loy or care? He stepped on a plug of slip pery Boap the girl had left on the topmost stair. Els feet flew out like wild, erce things, and he truck each stair with a round like a drum, and the girt below with tne scrubbing things, laughed Bke a fiend to see him come. But he gathered himself with '-are and toll and repaired the dam ages with St. Jacobs Oil like any sensible man would. A trial package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" free of charge at T. C. SMITH'S. febl - Premature Loss ef the Hair nowadays maybe entirely prevented by the use of Burnett's Ooeo aine. It has been used in thousands ef oases where the hair wan coming out 1n handfuls. and has never failed to arrest tne decay: it promotes a healthy an" vigorous growth, and is, at the same (line, unrivaled as a soit and glossy dressing for tne nair. RnHNicTT's Flavoring Extracts are the best. strongest and most neaitnrm. Bold everywnere. izHONEST iz: Twist Chewing Tdbacee Is always reliable, uniform in quality and guar anteed to keep in any season or cumai mate. WNAl VHniifartnrd onlT QT BROWN A BRO., Winston, H. C ?feb4-2w Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad SuFJUturrcMuurr'a Omci, Charlotte, N. C, Nov. eth, i, 1880. 1 On and after Monday, Nov. 8th., 1880, the following schedule win do run over tnis road: GOING SOUTH. statesville. ft. 30 a. m. ;" Davidson CoUege, 16 to- irrive at Charlotte. 1Q0O a; m. GOING "NORTH, Leave Oharlotte,... ,. 8 80 p. m. " Davidson College 5 18 p.m. Arrive at Statesville, 7 00 p. m. J. J. GOBMLKT. nor! Sup'U oooooo 8b g c g g x -N N 5 $ CD cr o w CD 9 H KS S0 O 3 a. 54 fiS o a vg Ox g OB ' a O B a tti P D . O ts 0 M e w PB O e 00 lJ' o. 12 8 W o 8" : s s. B o c So e-r p &s ja 95 OOOOOO OOOOOO PRICESBOMM. a m1 m FOR THE Having received Intelligence from oar honse In 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline in Clothing, we consequently act' accordingly, and we now tract for large quantities. We are assured that we purchase atlvery close figures, and give every patron the Denent. j we nave more siyies uun any house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market ; for the; simple fact that most of tlx mare made In our own house and. fit the same as a garment made to order. The most complete We Invite the public to come and see facts. ,The Best Shirt in this Market D03IILi3a. Black Silks, Very Spring Sap til w al WMMWSKI "We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a goods,, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly in the Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late rise in price of cotton goods. We are now enabled to offer their purchases of us. We have loaks and Dolmans. A large stock ot Clothing Carpets, Boots, bhoes, and general mer chandise. By examining our stock before buying, you will save money wk the BEST PORTABLE MILL erlndtaf too C MUor ble uc. U riui. uuie orng. Or,. tSTloOO to "itKMMai lL lt round meal, wt flourTiind pwtr. R tke tna i M Tr rawer th r tatR A ."vsTcS" BBJ JANOH OFFICE nunm w'" " riwi ii 'ft. I hire . pair of UX! Cntj OrU MI11S wkieli ha aSBMbela Pr dear. lmm .vrry -- ' 77Z nnesrit, I vnt4 t-rrt with lh fo, I . "TV rdlnsry HonM. I beiwre les wo oe j sr wax r (ruming ow " ' rf nov23 d NOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. 8CBS9aBT t TBBaSDBXR'S OITICK.' " '. VUSIWJI1 00011 VM.aa. l, HI Directors ef the North Carohzak BaSimd Company have declared a dlvideodof S pet cent three per eent. payable on 1st ol March to tMkbnidAn f raeora en ran ot wrjrur mu. and 8 per eent, on 1st of September to. stnekheld ers of reeord on 10th of August next' The stock ; books of the company will be dosed from lOtn of rebruary to 1st of Jtarcn. ana rxom lucn ox Au gust to 1st of BeptemDer, oobo i I n 5 3.; bO to CW -4 OCJi SB &o P ge g g f 5 Qj p. p cu o OB B k Oi So OD 3 ' re -i o o SB -1 re re P fin P 62 ert- Ol O O O O O O O BENEFIT OF THE Baltimore, which Is one of the largest purchasers of.W line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsteretts that has mm Teryires pectfully, A LARGE LOT Also, a Lot of or both to Wholesale and Retail a new stock of Dress Goods, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, W. P. MARVIN, Agent. (Successor to F. Scarf 4 Co. T the same stand on Trade street, with a complete stock of UG3, MKDICINES, CHEMICALS, TOILS? and FANCY ARTICLES, SOAPS, Ac Special attention paid to the Oiling of all pre scriptions. Trusting that those doing business with the late firm heretofore may conttnue'ltheir patronage, I am, Respectfully, decSO W. P. MARVIN, Ja. For sale.atltne CHARLOTTHOBSXBTXR nox2i-sf ft ' 3. 6 H 5 i O S. PUBLIC ! bolensthat the same have declined. from 10 te oftef our stock at Bednoed races, as we eniy cow- ever Been exniDnea, reaay-mpaa, m hub iauH. L. BERW ANGER & BRO. Leading Clothiers and Tailoro. Cheap. & large assortment of desirable Buyers inducements to maktf Prints, Flannels, Blankets, ELIAS & UUUEJN. yLAGGPS IHPROYED PATEHT LITER PAD1 NmifimHiM. a tics as ioa. Vkjtvatutt, CwtntBen, ItBsIe Sd I Ivtmi Saisck Tbsse Pa 6m an Dtoeatss M AbMrpwsa: , IViM Ptna.Oisa.sr rssfsewaSsXadfasnasfMa Into tlx Btornaas xosraos arewon ststids. ef tbs Stottaek, vsriair she QtmH ervt-CcBir also the Llvsr aod Pnwsh A. genMe Tsal - TiatawrMiBSwsinwlaMeweflMstoodYirf " UAnert to hsaltky sestm, and strengthening tbe Stais todtgsstlsod. "PaiftKt PajSmI AH each. Bovb v uk Pxvmxrs, sr seat RKtMsA , sr Eauusi.' - O''1- Mantrfaetrnwl and for eaieat 92 Germato street, Baltimore, Md. . - For sale in Charlotte at the drug storti ref L. B. Wriston Co., F. Scarr, X. a Smith and WOson BuTwcU. tnwlgly. Lancaster & Lueke, STOCK BROKERS,- HATB for sale- FIRST-CLASS BATXROAI7 BONDS and other tnvestment BecmUes. Buy; and sell on commission BONDS AND STOCKS 0 ALL HND8 for investment or oa margin. Janll eod lm Late Misses, VI" 4- ;is ;( 1 i y it t it M 3 'Mf, i, W U 1 L M i ru at ifl V h? If 11 .11, ' ! I;! n ..I V 'J; ill m If 11 lift) 5' t 'Ii; 0 4rz k: 'III 3 II HI w

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