jl)C t)arloite bseroer. gUBSOKIPTION XATM8 : ,wlIV, ne year, (postpaid) in advcmc 8 00 tv m 3 ?s a 10 Clfl it ft! f TBS OBSDtYXB JOB HMfceWaoutfbly wppHee-wtJfc mat, mdwUh thclatMtattfMOf Tm. TAGS. EKCKPT3, POSTERS, PB0GRUmS8,HlNDMLLS, PAMPHLETS. OBCDLABS. CEKO, AC , VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1881. NO. 3,719. W i tun 8T. We have received A VERY LARGE PCK OF Hamburg Edging & totings, FLOUNCING, &C, &C ALSO, toviss u iOOPS are NEW, HANDSOME & CHEAP lon't fi.il to call se us thins 1:1 tlie when you want any Domestic Goods Line. ()l,r st( ck of BLEACH! D and BBOWN SHEET ING ai d i-HIBI iNOi Is laige and cheap. Alexander & Harris an21 loots a t JUues Sfi Styles 1881 We ;ire daily receiving our SPRING STOCK the Celebrated John B. Stetson CUSTOM-MADE HATS. CALL ill SEE THEM. Our Mr. Gilmer T EAVES to-day for the North to purchase our Li Surine Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, and It possible we be will able to show a better stock this spring than ever before. PEG-RAM & CO. febl Ik Season Beina: Far ADVANCED, Wfitvin close out many lines of VERY CHEAP. desirable goods He largest anil Cheapest Line of FANCY CASHMERES EVER OFFERED IN THIS MABKET. Single and Double width all Wool Momles AT COS r. Velvet-! Velveteens, Sliks, S;itlns, and Fringes, In jii snaaes, silk Fringes la all colors, 50 and 75 Cts. per Yard. Cords, T.'issels nnH Pmn,nnu. rr,-, , too line of Ludies' (ient's. and Children's Merino Underwear, to be closed out Very Cheap. Don't forget that we are sell inn- cur ,.mn,nt f CLOAKS, DOLMANS, ULSTEHS and BLANKETS 3 Button Kid Cloves, in 0lera, Bl, nek and Strent sli.-i 1-alr; 15 Button White Kids $i.6o7 DRIVE IN HOSIERY. ATTENTION O.VEN TO ORDEBS. PROMPT S'-uUh Building, Trade Street. graves & Wilhelm. TBE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Qlvini I , rnnat tl,e National Capital every Sunday o;U iannn.,sume 01 the Preceding week, news 5kle8 being the only8 geQeral Intelligence, fee- REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER ""'ted h?,1118 tne National Democratic Party. 'urmerly publisher of the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer. 8tamennTKaM3 0F SUBSCRIPTION : ic0 CODloo D """raw, posiug paid. J IN W.p,j.t0 one address. Dostaire oaid. 12 60 (Wtl K ?ne address, postage pd, 20 00 Sor rurtfiL , ? to tne Peon securing tne clubs. BoS,TIE PUBLISHING COMPANY, JANUARY 21 11 1 1 noroittery jgggggggt fflolMtxg, Sec. ourTfriend will please remember that We Now Occupy the commo Hons store room on WEST TRADE ST., recently remodelled so as to make It as convenient and well lighted a room as any In the city. We shall keep, as we always kept, have A LINE OF GOODS adapted to the wants of all classes of trade. Friends & Customers are Invited to pay us a call at our new stand. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. febO iHisceUattcotts. IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For INTEENAL and EXTERNAL Use. PAIN KILLER has never failed when used according to printed direct- iom inclosing each bottle, and in perfectly tcrf even in the most inexperienced hands. DAIIJ IfllirD I A SURE CURB for rAIII IVlLLtn Sore Throat. Coughs, Chills, Diarrhoea, Dyaentery, Cramps, Cholera, and all Hovel Complaints. DAIftl It'll I CO THF EST remedy rAIll MLLCn known f r Sea.Hickness, Nick-Henjln.elie, Pain in ac Back or Hide, Rheumatism, and Neurt.cia. DA 111 If II I LTD 13 unquestionably tne BUST it brinprs speedy and permanent relief in all cases of Krulses, Cuts, ssprains, severe Burns, etc DAIftl ll I I CD is the welUtried and trusted rAIrl IVlLLtn friend of the Mechanic Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in fact rt ;; classes wanting a medicine always at hand n -n. safe to use internally or externally v,ii. certainty of relief. SZTHo family can afford to be without t'ii invaluable remedy in the house. Its price brii it within the reach of all, and it will annually sr.u: many times its cost in doctors' bills. Sold by all druggists at 25c 50c. and ijtl a uio. PERRY DAVIS St SON, Providence, R. !." Proprietors. mch l-d&w ly A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston ; GRAVES gz SOXB. The "Hnb Punch " has lately been introduced, and meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juiees and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on opening, and will be found an agreeable addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarge the goo pleasures of life ana encourage gooa ieuowsmp uui a nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL Just the Thing to Keep in Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch, It can be used Clear or -mtli Freslj Milk,. Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the .Taste. Bold by leading Wine Merchants, Grocers, Hotels aa4 Druggists everywhere. ' Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by "Wil son 4 Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Charlotte, N. C." Jan 23-eod-0m. 1 ADVERTISERS By addressing GEO. P. ROWELL 4 CO., 10 Sprue St.. New York, can learn the exact cost of any pro- nosed line of ADVERTISING In American News papers. tSf 100-page pamphlet, 10a -IT T T T TEAR and expense I Sk" 7 Agents, . Outfit free. l0tTF hi fll 1 1 f jjl 1 m ( in PAIN KILLER HUB TIMES In the Conservatory. Howe'er I came to do It I do not know; We to the waltz ourselves bad been devoting. Gliding as smooth as lowland rivers flow, Te me delicious music round us floating. But even to tne lovers f the dance weariness comes in rooms like ovens heated: Paused we to calm our whirling brains, andchauce took us to tne conservatory, seated Wl'hln a cosy nook ourselves, we found rne air aooov witn roses perrume laden: While from the distant dancing room the sound ui music lainuy came, a iairer maiden Than she whs sat beside me, I may say, JNe'er uvea uer cneeks were dimpled, rosy tinted. Her dark lashed eyes a clear, deep, soulful gray; Her hair the hue of gold but newly minted; Lips red as coral; curved like Cupid's bow, That sweetly smiled, the pearly teeth displaying; Tapering arms; plump shoulders, white as snow. Kissed by soft tresses from confinement st: ay ing. Surely Georglna, had she known how fair She looked had realized my great temptation Sne would have pitied, pardoned me, I swear, or mat uniucny, stolen osculation. I know that It was very, very rude, am, wnen tor nardon amectlv I Bleaded. She might have been a little less a prude A little more forgiveness have conceded, But no; with flashing eyes and cheeks deep flushed bne only said: "air, take me to my mother!" And so I did, and was completely crushed to soon oenoid ner waltzing witn anotner. And yet I do not think she hates me quit; And really I suspect she told the story, For every girl I after met that night Took me at once to tne conservatory. Boston 1'ost. OBSERVATIONS. A Boston girl, full of sarcasm, 'Twlxt her lover and self made a chasm, By reading one day, In her Boston Hill way, ' An essay upon protoplasm. Why Is a sneeze like Niagara? Because it's a catarhact "My love Is like a red, red rose." Too late In the season, Alpheus. From now on It will be her nose that will be red. The man who wickedly Invented the saying that "a cat nas nine lives" was a mutton-pie dealer, He endeavored to show the Impossibility of kllllDg a cat in order to give nis customers connaence. A Scotch clergyman at Ayr, a few Sundays ago, prayed: "O Lord, bless tne Established Church and tne Free Cburcn, and tne United t resoyterlan Church and all the other churches. Thou knewest the various nicknames, Lord, by which they are called; bless them all." A Cincinnati man found a rough looking indi vidual in his cellar. "Who are you?" he demand ed. "'The gas man come to take the meter," was the reply. "Great heaven 1" cried the householder. "I hoped you were only a burglar!" There are a good many things In this world te make a man mad. The young man who kindly stopped to assist a poor blind man afterwards found that the girl who was looking at him from the window of the house was the housemaid and not the daughter and heiress of the proprietor. ... EATEN BY CATS. riie Horrible Sight a, Sister Witness ed All IVijftat, Louisville, February 6. A special to the Courier-Journal from Owens ville says: George Pierat, a bachelor, aged 70 years, and his sister, Mrs. Eliza beth Goodpastor, some years older, liv ed together five miles from this city. Mrs. Goodpastor had been paralyzed and was unable to get about. On Thursday evening Pierat had got in his wood for the night and morning, and before retiring started to throw on us back a log to build up the hre. lie if ted the log and in throwing it on the fire fell with it and was burned to death. His sister was lying on the bed and unable, in her condition, to get to hirn or render him assistance, bhe got out of bed finally, and dragged her brother's body out-6f the fire, and man aged to get back into bed, and there was compelled to lie, unaoie to turn over, with her brother's dead body in full view. Nothing was known ot the affair until yesterday, when Mrs. Good pastor s son, who lives near, stepped in the door, and there in bed lay his moth er, looking wildly, while on the hearth lay the body ot his uncle, badly burned, and with his eyes, nose, cheeks, ears and a portion of the neck eaten by cats. Mrs. Goodpastor had never closed her eyes during the whole night, and lying th?re facing the body of her dead bro ther and unable to move or make a noise, was compelled to see the cats eating the flesh from the face of her brother. KILLING HIS WIFE BIT M I STAKE. Blows that Were Intended for a Guest with Whom the Wife had Chanced Beds. A dispatch from Charlotte, C. II. Va., says: Wednesday evening a wuite wo man went into John Demp a house, in Chickertown, Charlotte county, and asked to stay a day or two. bhe seemed to have plenty of money. Demp had only one good chamber in the house, and told her she could occupy that. He accordingly put her in there, giving her a bed by the side of his wire s bed. Demp, seeing that she had money, determined to murder her, and last night he crept into the room, arm ed with an axe. It seems that his wife and the other woman had changed beds during the night. Demp went to the bed which he supposed the guest occu pied. He could only distinguish the out lines of the figure, and he dealt it two murderous blows with the axe. The noise woke the sleeper in the other bed, and the man discovered by her screams that he had murdered his own wife. He tied from the room, and, fortunate ly for her safety the other woman quit ted the house. Demp returned late, carried the body of his wife into a clump of woods near by, and buried it the light of a torch. lie then went bick, and was engaged in burning the bed sheets when he was arrested. Hit lit Day. Washington Republic. Twenty-seven more days and we lose Mr. Hayes. The papers will doubt less be glad to announce on Friday, the 4th of March, that he threw himself down on his cot about midnight and slept apparently soundly until dawn ; that he ate a hearty breakfast and eemed more than usually fastidious about its preparation ; that he display ed wonderful nerve they always do at the last and declined to make a confession to the clergyman ; as his cap was pulled on and he vas about to step off the Baltimore and Ohio plat form he wrung the hand of the execu tioner, Mr. Garfield, and whispered: "You'll find the key of the wine cellar ft the bottom of Babcock Lake. Take care of Mad. Wells, Bill Kellogg and Stagey Matthews. .Remember if the Louis'ana matter gets out the party's gone up. You can trust Carl Schurz and Mr. Rogers with anything you don't want. Let my miserable fate be a warning to you. Good-bye!" Tne Confederate Flag in Court Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 6. In Oc tober last a criminal prosecution for libel was instituted by Thomas ti Dawson against Charles E. Smith, ed itor of the Philadelphia Ejess, forputn lishing a statement that at a Democratio parade in the borougn of Uxlord, .fa., Dawson had exhibited a "rebel" flag. The case was brought to trial at West chester on Friday, and, after the exam ination of many witnesses, was given to the jury, on. Saturday. The de fence rested on the truth of J,he publi cation and the absence of malice. ! Tne jury rendered a verdict in favor of Mr, 7, ill.- iV i. 1- -11 it liu. wjo luuBewuvr i pay au uie ts. WHAT JAY GOULD SAVS About Tdesrapn ic Consol Idatlon What the Kew Company Propoiet. New York, Feb. 6. The New York World will to-morrow contain an in terview with Mr. Jay Gould, in regard to the consolidation of the three tele graph companies, in which he says the consolidation of the telegraph compa nies, against which Mr. Rufus Hatch asked for an injunction, has been final ly accomplished, and is not likely to b disturbed by any legislative or judicial action. It is a complete transaction, complete on just and fair terms to all concerned, as well as to the public, and in compliance with law, so that it can net be disturbed by legislation, and, as will be seen by the very able decision of Judge Barrett, which has been con curred in by the Attorney-General of the State, the courts affirm the absolute legality of all that has been done. The object of the consolidation was to car ry out a long-cherished plan for devel oping in the United States an efficient system of cheap telegraphy on a great scale, both by sea and by land. "When I was in Europe in 1879, I was struck by seeing how much more freely the telegraph was used in ordinary private business there than in this country. This is especially true of Switzerland. Of course the distances to be covered in this country are so enormous, and the population is so sparse that we can not for some time expect to see tne work of covering the whole country with a telegraphic system done as cheaply here as in a little country like Switzerland. But I am very sure that under one svstem, without conflicting interests to look after, and with the expenses of only one organization in stead of three or four to be met, such economies can be introduced into American telegraphy that rates both to the press and to the public can be gradually and systematically cheapen ed without impairing the efficiency of the service. It will be the policy of the new company to effect this. Since the consolidation was affected $10,000, 000 has been subscribed to carry our new cable connections into effect. TWO ORGANS. Regulate first the stomach, second, the liver; es pecially the first, so as to perrorm their lunctlons perfectly and you will remove at least nineteen twentleths of all the ills that mankind Is heir to, In this or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy, natural action to these two organs. Maine Farmer. "WINE OF CARDUI " makes rosy cheeks and clear complexions. For sale by T. C. febl SMITH. "Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, Do not fail to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith's Scrofula Syrup. Star Curine cures all chronic Sores and is a sure cure for Piles Call on your druggist before It is too late and get a bottle of Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., President of Moore's Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga: This is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's Expecto rant in my family lor several years, ana can re commend It as an Invaluable remedy for Coughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other reme dies that I have tried, lor sale hy Dr. x. c. smitn. oct'26-Bm. A trial package of " BLACK-DRAUGHT" free of charge at T. C. SMITH'S. febl Premature Loss ef the Hair nowadays may be entirely prevented by the use of Burnett's Coco- aine. It has been used In thousands of cases where the hair was coming out 1n handfuls. and has never failed to arrest the decay: it promotes a healthy an-' vigorous erowth, and is, at the same time, unrivaled as a solt ana giossy aressing ror the hair. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are the nest, strongest and most healthf uL Sold everywhere. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " makes chills and fever impossible. For sale by T. C febl SMITH. Jcm thjcvtisemcuts. Druggist by Examination. Go to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. Scarr & Co. FOR Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very est Drugs do I keep in my stock. Also. Toilet and Fancy Articles, herfumeries, Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &c &. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully. feb8 W. P. MABVIN, igt. A MORTGAGE SALE. DT virtue of a chattel mortgage made by D Stuart Lyon to K. S. Gray, registered In book 22, page 19M, register's office of Mecklenburg county. I will sell at public auction, at the court house door, in the city of Charlotte, a lot of office furniture and surgical Instruments and medical books, conveyed by said mortgage. Sale on Wed nesday, the 2d day of March, 1881. Terms cash. B. S. GRAY, febtt 8t Mortgagee. FOR RENT, 0 15 V ERAL Bed-Rooms newly white washed and O painted, in the Long Building, Spring's corner, Apply to t'eb6-lw a. b. Davidson. TAX NOTICE. ALL persons who have not paid their State and eounty taxes, are notified that If not paid by the 21st Inst. I will be compelled to force collec tions, which will be very disagreeable to me. I hope you will take due notice and govern your selves accordingly. M. K. ALEXANDER. feb6-2w Sheriff. -HONEST 7-: Twist Chewing Tobacco Is always reliable, uniform in quality and guar anteed to keep tn any season or climate. Manufactured only by BBOWN BRO., feb4 2w Winston, n. C. Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad SrjPXRIOTKNDBHT'S CTFFICX, Charlotte, N. C, Nov. eth, 1880. On and after Monday, Nov. 8th., 1880, the following schedule will be run over this road: GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesvllle.., 6 30 a.m. " Davidson College 8 15 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte 1 0 00 a. m. GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, . ' Davidson College,. Arrive at Statesvllle, -. . , POT? g IS P. IB, .......... 7 00 p. in. J. J. GORMLET, 8upt. a S 09 2 so So S o a ooo$e 5 P f S a S3 E 1 n 1 H ? t 1 t-J to to to to f-r- cr a W CD a a; 9 a, 2 fo o I- So' ei- i-i. Q Pj O a - a? OS o B CD PS a CD O CD an B W X Vi w o O t4 c H I t a 3 O. QD a o w w O H W 2 B -6 to O ; so QD W rt- 72 SO m W ; g 00 O cn 70 w w 99 . e-5 O (9 B O. a IK CO c fa l H' H W o p a. a o 93 p So p sr QD O E o c to rt trf I ' ' h-1 r l tO hO O tf C5 -4 O O O O O O O o o o o o o A GM1 FOR THE Having received intelligence from our house 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline In tract for large Quantities. We are assured that we pnrchase at very close figures, and give every patron me ueueuu no uarc " house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market for the simple fact thst mcst of tttm are made In our own house and flt the same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsteretts that has ever been exhibited, ready-mpae, la Oils mat. We Invite the public to come and see facts. Black Silks, Very Cheap. Spring Sapes in U11U1 at LATEST ARKIUL OIF KEW 00iS. We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a large assortment of desirable goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly in the Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late rise in price of cotton goods. We are now enabled to offer both to Wholesale and Retail Buyers inducements to make their purchases of us. We have a new stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, ( loaks and Dolmans. A large stock of Clothing Carpets, Boots, Shoes, and general mer chandise. By examining our stock before buying, you will save money ELIAS & COHEN. We claim the BEST PORTABLE h,V Z.'J Krindiu Corn Mm! fort.blc n.e. H req.re.Hlle drawing. C;rin.U lrora 1.VX) to al busli.ls ith one dremg. It BJ round m-l, not tlourr o,l pany. It t.kc- from to S3 per cent l, ., .i,.n anr oth.-r jfitl not um; our Stentn. AMrKS BBaSoH omCliW CAROLINA MILL STOSE CO Cliariotl, , . L . ' I hare i "Air of Moore County Ont Mill Stones -hich hve ZZel per hour. Dr... everr 2400 bu.bel,. .nd they , best meat m th e.natr. -Jf I uld ot replac. them with nme wit, I would not part with ihem for ot time, m ml l erdinarv gtones. 1 belixve thw te.be Jnpertor te a.y ki - rbuhr forBTindimz euro ral. KcspectfuilT youra. G .'OkGK K. TATE nov23-d NOTICE ! RAILROAD CO. SECRETARY ft TREASURER'S OFFICE, Cokwlmt Shops, N. C, Ja. 31, 1881. THE Directors of the North Carolina Rsllroad Compaoj have declared a dividend of 6 per cent three per cent, payable on 1st of Marc to Stockholders ef record on 10th of February -next, and 8 per cent on 1st of September tft stockhold ers of record on 1 Oth of AuausV jiexl, Tk& stock books of the eompanywIU be closed fro 10th of February to 1st of March, and from 10th of Au- ist to 1st of septembej, ifebl Im. MRB.BUrFIN,8ee. i J1 -l ij CP so P so a P 3 B pj P- pj Pa 12 to to 3 a OS 00 to O O o 3 95 3 o I B s s p Qg STo -i go a 3 & 3.ET n O rfa - Ot p ej-2. 5 a e c Ss" Set O o o So OD O P OS r-r- O B Cu CD o - CD -1 O o r-t-iP -: CD CD P o PS q o c- M 5S CP o r, H CD r1 W H O O a or So trr a t-i rf C5 O Cn O O O OOOO BENEFIT OF THE oooo P P F3 P i -t n n In Baltimore, wLleh is one of the largest purchasers of."w"colens,;that th same have declined from 10 1 Clothing, we consequently act atcoidingly, and we now offer our stock at Reduced Prices, as we only co- . - a nr. nfnlMi tVlfitl mv AtVvO? Veryjrespectfully, Shirt in Is fg EOEt ONE BOLIiAH. A LARGE LOT AIsOj 3j Lot of WIf KOWSM ILaLdlies Do yon want a pure, bloom ing Complexion! If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify yon to yonr heart's con tent It does away "with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of thef skin. It oyercomes the flnshed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Jan. 22 - FOR RENT. THE store room in the Observer brrUdlng next to W. N. Pratlter's is for rent after January 1st N0. L.MOREHEAB. M83tfv &2 i-3 0 I d 4 ft PRICES DOMH. PUBLIC L. BERW ANGER & BRO. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. & MMWS. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Nxvxa Gcti Hajlb. C&ir M AaSM axv Ctrkboth Duisxd. LaM T wick as Lows. ClseuM 0a4 Uta:tfinctf&c ft SjiUm. CWljui Fever. f$$. liver CoBrplaiat, tyspepna, Kenonsnesi, Kkeomatism, Cwtiveness, female Veakoea, Sick t Nenou Htaiiehe. Th.ao ParVt On all Tiinmin br Ahaontitm. . Noxiooi Pills. Oil, r Poisooon Mcdlcraateretalrea into the StomMh. The PaU are won OTr tha Pit of the 8totLAch, eererinir e 6nmt Hrr Ceotrw, also the Uir nd Stomih, A gen 'Vretabl. Toniei s abtorbdintotlMdrcaUtioiMftl Blood aod Liver, rMirifytageJilod,tulagUHLIwnd Kidneys to hMlthy'aotioci. and trerigthenfag tbs Stomach todifwtfood. Pic a Pajmi as iach. Sold bt all Davaaitri, or test l,Ha r Express. f Manufactured and for sale at 2 Germain street, Baltimore, Md. r For sale In Charlotte at the drug stores of L. k. Wrlston A Co F. Scarr, X. C. Smith and Wilson BurweU-CJ rmayl51f. Lancaster & Lucke, STOCK BROKERS, r KICHMOND.VA, TTAVE for mile FIRST-CLASS RAILROAD . XX nnsiTw and other investment securities. But and sell on commission BONDS AND STOCKS OF ALL KINDS for investment or on margin. - -, Janll-eod lm n vu; 3 Mi if; 1 I r t if its :P