L r, ; .... Jtf J I 1 1 A I- - - - u u-fi ' v -li i I 1,. lt THX QBSZ&TB JOB..J90RAShER SXTBBOKrPTIOH KATSB : APosH) WOO dl xon! rr ?u S fin W m .... 00 anuuwritf7ofe rttatsot (ho, iknt iuMm . I - KAi lljt c JJvu Charts. HOSIERY Oar entire stock of VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1881. NO. 3,72& IS : BLmaTELL-BUM. Tiaa. MUioJia. foams ;;; PAjtrrapftci rr-rrrnrrrr OUR FRIENDS Ladies', Misses, and Children's FANCY HOSE ffi::1)e offered at COST fr the next TWENTY DAYS, Including a'l the latest styles In Fancy Stripes, Cardinals, Black, Garnet, GEK D'ABME, SEAL BKOWN, LIGHT BLUE, LIGHT PINK. will please remember that We Now Occupy the commodious store-room on WEST TRADE ST., receBtly remodelled so as to make It as convenient and well lighted a room as any In the city. We shall keep, as we always kept, have Two Magicians. 8ABAH O. JEWKTT, T When one idtb skillful Angers swift as wind . Swept to JMfdtIj'tf ltteitfe' 9I8. f I said: I wish I were away from these Clattering andnolsy. players! but resigned, . . Myself Ultetet.fLnd I tried to eel i i f ) j Upon somtf meanmgln the nine r heard. v f But in my ears the harsh noles rang and whirred; It was as rf 1 listened carelessly Ameng a crowd of people coarse and rode. Who talked ra shrillest tones tf grndge or f end, Though only seldom one could catch a word. Even their voices were a bore t me; I Dlctured their dull faces, till released I From such companions, when the music ceased. IL ' But when the second player struck a note And fiagered soIUy out a geatle air It was like cemlng from that turmtll where I waited, to alight Venetian boat, : Idly te glide acumg (he shadows, there s Where one may'dnit and drean; aud audeal . One deep sweet voice eaig lucha-eong to pie. I listened? and J followed faraway ' No music ever sent me so astray I never could call back the tale It told, But all the world seemed lost, as when, one day, I laid me down upon a high cliff's crest, Warm with the sunsnlne, there alone to rest. While far below the great waves shoreward rolled. OBSERVATIONS AXD SILK EMBROIDERED. Alexander & Harrist feblS Boots a gUoz& it Spring Styles 1881 A LINE OF GOODS adapted to the wants of all classes of trade. Friends & Customers are Invited to pay us a call at our new stand. T. L. SEIGrLE & CO. feb6 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK Dt the Celebrated John E. Stetson CUSTOM-MADE DATS. CALL IK SEE THEM. NEWS 'Mr NOBTKNULittttlllA. GatberinffM from tbe SlMa fapw A few days srnce, says tbe Carthage, (Moore county) Indeic, a heartrending a icident occurred at Jacksotii iSprlngs, . in this county, resulting ia a holocaust' of dead and wounded-men. A party of negroes, working in turpentine, went into camp in the. woods and for shelter built an inclined shed between two large pines, bracing the cross ridge-pole in front between the two trees, Upon the roof they piled poles andT turf of earth, making it very heaty. That night a severe storm, with high wind. arose, and by the swaying of the trees in tbe hurricane the ridge-pole was loosened, and the: horrible death-trap fell imofi the unfortunate men. crush iner them where they lay. To add to the calamitythe straw insidathe shel ter p.Hni?ht from the camu-fire blaziner at the opening, wrapping the victims in the names. Une man, wmi gieai aim culty, succeeded in extricating himself and crawlinir out. ana araggea iorm one of his companions. Three of the men, we learn, were killed, another has since died f his iniuries, while a tilth was seriously hurt. A SDecial from Reidsyille to the Greensboro Patriot reports: A white man, name unknown ieft here last night waltihgsthe raifread trascl going tewards RicUrnen. I About Due mile from Reidsville he'fefl intosa cattle guard, and itil pup4osed he waa trying to get out when trie up-rreignt train struck him. As soon as the accident was discovered the train with a num- Lber ef persons went back and brought the man to town, tie was seriously hurt, and died to-day at 10 o'clock. Wilmington Star : "Wright Quinn, a man 70 years old, was found murdered in his own house, in Duplin county, near the J ones line last week. It seems that he was in the' act of getting sup per, as he lived alone, when some fiend shot him, and then placed the body in the fire place, piled a quantity of wood on the remains and attempted to burn them. As yet no clue has been obtained to lead to the identity of the perpetrator of the horrible crime. Statesville Landmark : Four of the prisoners confined in the jail at this place made their escape Wednesday niffht. All were United States prison ers, names and counties as follows: Amos A. Hudson and, Wm. Taylor, of Burke; Norman Hines, of Alexander, and Hugh Redman, of Iredell. Of these Redman is colored ; the others white. ' At the annual meeting of the stock holders of "The Bank of New Hanover," T Is often silent; but a tea-party Is the nolsest thing on record. Every gentleman should have a melon patch on his country seat "What are the cold waves saying? Ulster the whole day long." ' When It is announced that a politician Is In the hands of his friends, it Is understood that they will take him heme all right The Philadelphia; young maa may not be pluck ing the fairest flower 01 England by marrying Cotuts, but he secures the biggest plum. It Is now said that Gesler did not command William Tell te shoot an apple off his son's head, because there were no apples to Switzerland at that tune. Short courtship: "Rachel( the Lord hath sent me te marry thee," said the suitor. "The Lord's will be done," was the submissive reply. It pleases you now, doesn't It, to go into the closet for the seal-skin cap and the wooly ulster you wore last winter, and have your wife timidly inform you that she gave them to an agent who was soliciting assistance for Mr. Boycott's tenants? A man in Belfast has amused himself by writing the whele of President Hayes' last message on one side of a postal card. Damage done, one cent We don't count any value for the time lost, as the time of such an idiot Isn't worth, anything, any how. ' ; wife who had been lecturing her husband on, coming home intoxicated became Incensed at his iridlffereace, and exclaimed: "Oh, that I could wring tears of anguish from your eyes!" To which the hardened wretch hlc-coughed: "Tai-tai-tain't no use, old woman, to Do-oa-uore ior wawr mere. - Spurgeen, the well-known London preacher, oc casionally gets off a good thing. A report of a late sermon delivered Dy nim conuuns a seuieuce which will be as much appreciated here as in Eng land. "Brethren," said Spurgeon, "if God had referred the ark to a eommittee on naval affairs, In my opinion it would not have been built yet." "Plague take it!" exclaimed Fenderson, scowl ing at ihe dictionary; "tain't here." "Whatisn'S there?" "Why, philosophy.'" "And no won der!" said Fogg, looking over Fenderson's shoul der. ' It doesn't begin with an f; look under p anri vnn'il find it. You must learn to SDell if you would find a word TO tne oicnonary. eiruro hp1 H t thAir hankinor house ThUTSdav suppose ra '1 "TZ.j. ."Z V t- Q Irs OP P I g 3 (X S w a H oooaao ;2 ?3 g g fS-.p CJ. 1 H Mi rt to to fcato hf- O fcO C7i GO SO 9 b 59 JO 5 it I a c an o rja CO td O a as a a c o s e s B W 1 o H at f e en 69 W M to n e -h p p p p p p rt- rt- rt- e c- c i I1 H bObO O O O O O O o o oooo tr p S? P-o o 2 an so o s OQ a O B O tti 13 CD O 13 n OOOO p p p p p- P- Cu Ci 00 bo to lO -4 O o Sbb o o i SO 03 p p p ert O B k to o O n s o o p r-t- 33 CD O 0 OR 5 3 I 8og ao 5S 1 - c. cs e n j B.9 SB.9 p p Oi O O O OOOO PJ a 5. o r1 S 3 S3 o a cn PJ 2 B c-o 5? ft- sr 5 Hill 'ji;fi-i; , - . .UMf;-,:..::' . HB m-L B i 0 W i t) CD TO Hi lA: O g. O w. s iJ;-. dnll!" Tftlled Fenderson: "do you hunt the dictionary for a word If I knew hdw te j snell it? What are dictionaries for, I should like to know?" INGERSOLL AGAIN ATTACKED. PERRY DAVIS' PAliM! Lieu 1H A PURELY VEGETABLE EEMEDI For INTERNAL and EXTEENAt. Use. Our IVIr. Gilmer T EAVES to day for the North to purchase our Spring Stock of BOOTS and SHOKS. ana n possible we be will able to show a better stock this spring than ever before. febl PEGRAM & CO. PAIN KILLER -!EffiS3&$ '& XX$ 0!0 0&2. NOW IS THE TIME TO- km bargains ! DA III VII I CC ha3 "'rer fai,id when, used rAIII IVDLLbll accordinir Us. print td direct ion inclosint? each bottle, ana is perfectly taf even in the most inexperirnred hands. DA 111 lll CD IS A SURE CURE for rAIII ftlLLtn Sore Throat, Connhs, ChUls. UJarrbcea Uentcry, Craiup, Cholera, and nil Bowel CipioMt DAI II VII I CD IS-TH 3EST remedy rAIII IVlLLttf known f, t S.-a-Klok-es, Sick-Hentlache, Pain in 'e Back or Side t fr,uK. it hrinirs meedv and permanent relief ill all cases cf Rrnieea. Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, etc nilU lll I f B ig the teell-tried and trutim f Alii lILLtn friend of the IHechanii Farmer, Planter Sfiilor, and in fact ri ; : claKses wantini? a medicine always at hav'. nafe to use internally or externally .::. certainty of relief. . CKNo family can afford to be withon, invaluable remedy in the house. Its mix, In it within the reach of all, and it will annua!1 v many times its cost in doctors' bills. Sold ty all druggists at 25e. BOc and 1 a h ..t. : PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. i Proprletors. men 1 d&wly A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. neresi.tvtfull Invite your attention to the fact that we ofler It Cost for tie Next 15 Days' OUR ENTIRE STOCK" i fancy Dress Goods, Opera Flannels, Water- iiroois, uoaslngs, Merino Shawls, Balmoral owns, uvercoats, Hosiery and Ladles'. Gents', and Children's Merino Underwear. OUR REMNANTS -of- aks, Dolmans and Ulsters EG A I ID LESS OF COST. .... fliven,M ,.'umany otner llnes " goods. An yricH. 11 AstfMtMMiribi I Tbe New Cattle Grand Jury Speaks of Him aa tbe; "Arcb-Blavpneuier and iceviler." : Wilmington, Del., Feb. 9. Another whack was given Col. Robert G. Inger soll to-dav. The New Castle county grand jury, in its final report, compli mented Chief Justice Comegys tor his "incisive and well-timed declarations upon blasphemy," adding: The audacity with which the notori ous blasphemer, known as Robert G. Ingersoih recently announced his pur pose to lecture in this city on infidelity has no parallel in the habits of respect able vagabondism. Practically he there in proposes to destroy the sanctity and comforting influences of the Sabbath, to undermine th assurances of faith and hope, the very pillars upon which religion rests; to spread broadcast among us people, happy in the promises of the Bible, blank, fearful doubt; to extinguish every ray of light that may shine upon the trusting Christian's path of life, in death, even to the soul's eter nal rest J? or the assurances or prompt and exemplary punishment which the honorable, the Court has expressed, all rsuch cases hereafter, not only the grand jury, but all Christians will give earn est; thanfcs. And to the end that this despised reviler of religion may not asrain deal out his impious rhetoric in our city with impunity, the grand jury recommends that the city authorities be requested to prevent his public ap pearance here in tuture in tne charac ter of arch-blasphemer and reviler of God and religion.'1 Let bim te taught that in Delaware blasphemy is a crime, and as such will be punished by fine and imprisonment It is generally understood here that should Ingersoll attempt to lecture in the State again he will be arrested and tried. Though no engagement has been made, it is further "understood that In gersoll shortly wili deliver a lecture at the opera house in this city. PRICES UOW BJ prices sjomr; FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC ! Having received intelligence from our house 1b Baltimore, which is one of the larrest purchasers of. Woolens.Ithat tie same have deellned.fic-m If tr 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline In Clothing, we consequently act accordingly, and we now ofler our stock at BedUced Prices, as we only tract for large Quantities. We are assured that we pnrchase atery close figures, and give every patron the benefit. We have more styUs than my; .other . . . . . . i i. u.. .,t nf tVfvi r frtnrip Jtt mrr own 'kouse sild fit the jhouse can show, and better made Clothing than any otner som m inrs mantei tor me.Biun.io i "vo. same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsterette thaAhas ever been exhibited, reaoy-mpae, m wisim, We Invite the public to come and see facts. YerrJrespectfully, L. BERWANGER Leading Clothiers and T&UQVBf the rjresident submitted a statement showing that the net earnings of the bank for the last year were over 12 per cent, and for the last six months a fraction over 7 per cent. The Wilmington Review reports the death of Mrs, Robert Ransom, at Xewbern ton Monday last, and says: "She was a most charming lady and had many warm friends here who will deplore her death. The funeral ser vices, as we learn from the Nut Shell were to have been held en yesterday morniDg. The Asheville News reports that Messrs. Charles J. Brown and W. C. Burton, Mormon missionaries from Salt Lake Citv. were in that town last week, They left here for Burke county, where thev expect to work for the in terest ot the Church at Salt Lake. A DroDosition is on foot to ask the .State, through the Legislature, for twenty-five convicts, t be used in grading the proposed new road from Statesville to Wilkesboro, and also for the grading of the road from States ville to Jonesville and Elkin. Mr. Geo. A. Warlick announces that after this week the Newton Enterprise will be published by Mr. F. M. Wil liams who has purchased the business. FALL FROM A HORSE. Waxahachie (Tex) Enterprise. Rev. S. 8. Yarborough, whose wife, by a fall from a horse received a severe bruising and had a bone broken, and who used St. Jacobs Oil with splendid effect, in a communication on the sub ject, observes: It would have done one good to listen to her eulogizing the oil. The good lady's experience is simply that of multitudes through out the entire country, whose absolute faith In the efficacy of StJacobs Oil Is rewarded by never a disappointment. FOB OlE DOLLH. TIE FIBST GUM OF THE SEASON I . Beatomt 6XATXS 4s SOKI. Th "TTnh Punch" hM Utelv been introduced, nd meet with marked popular favor. . f Warranted to Contain only the United Mth 1 7 is Best of Liauors. Choice Fruit Jiupes and Granulated sugar. . The Reward for Jof f. Bavin. There stands to-dav on the books of the treasury an unexpended balance of $2,968 of the reward of $100,000 offered for the capture of Jefferson Davie. President Andrew Johnston, by procla mation of May 2, .1805, ottered a rewara of $100,000 for the capture or Jefferson Davis, but. Congress did not authorize tha payment of thesatne un til 1868. Congress neagea xne appro priation with the strictest provisions arid prJecautiof6iiiea,payment, re quiriaaeryj one cileefped In the cap ture 1 JctttC7iiUA0a. , Deiore .xe- ;eivmg WiyjortloJi m tne rewara. There wet$0e$A ttany claimants,; atid threasufi$nciaia naa mucn troilwiritt.d tifflwtyfsi.. arriving, at a. corrercrMlnsaict3aMTO who '.JeaMy ttehcT5f th'ehqrough examination teditRftjfojgn WieeSrs frotn jiSf)s0to the1' n.esftnttime. In ;1S7SL?$12,000- wasHpaid i in lSSOs '$BR&iu:J&n, $ij611i50; in 1873, Bargains, convinced that tou can Bespec fully, get HAKGRAVES & WILHELM. febii oves at 35 VT palr' addition to the choioe things which undemaMyeniawi th nkiunraB of life and enoonracre good fellowship ana .atweifxifhtto anjoyiMU. -; ,.; ; .;,.:, iti Is79.'2g3. ' The "amount yet un- . . b. ..1 . 7-. - . . ' - . n 1 rt'i'uixj enficQoei iDinnn..mn hair nnzpn orisooniyates in, an Iowa CavaVry reg- ;establtelied, altnougn j r ice easurj Qltn word foe it, enough of them . took . ' . .... 11, . . ..nnflhlf IS Kf O ILTX 1.- Smith's Scrofula Svrup and Star Curlne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From a D McGurry, Newton county, Georgia: t tak PTflf TilfAsiira in recemmendlns to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's ExDectorant and Croup Preven tive My little sorr had heen a great sufferer from Knnrnrw1lnfnrin rlirririuf thft nieht. Dr. Cheney, about two .rears ago prescribed for him his Croup Preventive totttnti Uah most miraculously cured him. T find it enuallv benfidal In all cases of Hnnirha T vtna1ier It n. hlps1nir In HIT family. everv one should keen It In their houses. For sale by Dt. T. C. Smith. oct26 - 6m. TWO ORGANS. Regulate flrst the stomach, second, the liver; ea pecially: the first, so as to perform their functions rerfetfl and ou will remove -at least nineteen- twentleths of S41 the Wsthat mktodis heir to, In this -or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy, natural action to these two organs. Maine farmer. It is a Well Known Fact. among physicians that Buchu Juniper and Parera Brava in combination are the best remedies In the world for any disease of the Bladder ot Kidneys, ahd that ho lessen one fcalf of the human fam ily, both male and female, suffer from, derange ment of those organs and neglect or failure to use proper remeaies nurry mnnj w uuuuinj giavcs. Numerous cojnblnatlons have been tried for Grav el, Brick Dust Deposits; Brlght's Disease, weak, ness in Bact and Hips, produced hy derangement Of Bladder and-Kidneys, ut none with 8nclfirrarJt py results as Kankin's Extract of Buchu and Juni per If jou-suffer fromany disease. otthose -or- cans. eei a doiuc vivo vi .mu. icucr jvu, - Prepared only hy Hunt, 8PEING UL8TERETT8, J IP'OIES "ST O TO CS- IMC EES 3n3" at WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. MO Spni mm for Lades an fa. WBtTKOWSKI & '.'; GOOD $2,osf tin mmTj xiuSTl1 AT ALL TI Cellar 4 P. i-:?:J flt th Kwtrrir id THE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, D.,v,. . GivTn 'J&at tn National Capital very Sdndar' "'all naMAn re.9ume o tbe preceding week, news sides h."""?' wv cs ana general mtemgence, ne "'"B me only ( ': REPRESENT ATITK 80UTHKRN PAPER KdC9hPp"ln8the National Democratic Party. lafnLbE,0ttG? c- WEDDERBUBN. of Vlrgta- yuDnsner or the Richmond (va.) Enquirer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Just the Thing to Kep In . Wine Sideboards not Comolete Witlimif Hu I .... .i.tiMiv vji iiiw':!Wi-.'tuuiuJ . It can oe used Clear or. t$ Milk. Ice. Soda; lor Haj liiemonaae, or wiw xejur to Suit the Taste. RkM i i..(mVm Mrch&nta. Grooersl Hotel aA ' prugrfgU evexy where. '....,,., 1 . ' Tmqe aupplled at manufacturers rice s vsmi i senJnBurweQ. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ChariitteN,C." n l ( Jad !28eod-6ml . 1 'c ininioa nnn . a : a A U; m. n Teutoni one a401888. Postage palol . 7 50 Tf"nn. .ne ess. postage paid, -12 60 With VSSS te 0M address, postage pd, ' 2lOQ ht f,,rt,Py tree to the person secoringthe clabs. ; IUprt.hnrrmatlon address ' , ' BoTTE PUBLISHING COMPANT, , Dec 23 Washington, D. C, or the Editor , 00 , ! ADVERTISERS Badartssrng'GW): P. SOWXLL C0.7 10 neaediime vMiir la imeoomii Amn papers ,110 M ho M t5H u ,r;v '.i $irt in the capture t constitute , Try Smith's . Scrotal iSyrup lor your tloxl. ' It removes all i8Unerplioa; and will give you a beautiful andeleaitspmitfealoip WADLmr.BHAilBEfi,:eA.-, Oct, 10i 1879. GeBtlemenar-.WWle Attending the General As sembly this sumnjnriei7rer ei-Cdrlne oii mv w tt. rx-T,a ffrted Xvrtfr afl old sore caused by a wound ieddiirlTi41ie;latewar,i: AfterliaT- Wrlston A Co., T"Mait Httars" ai & brain, nerve. and blood food, peculiarly adapted .to., , and. warmU reeom jmended by, our dtuggtetaand physleUn for gen j Oral deolUiy, DWBHM UU pnyniun vuaucuuti, uja- i terta. nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, , .' " -!,-. " BLACKDRAUGHT " makea chills and jfjsyer impossible. !,: ' For sale by T. C. SMITH, febl ' LATEST ARRIVAL OF'NEW We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a large assortment p'deairM$' goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly in the Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late rise in price of cttt on goods. '"' We are now enabled to offer both to Wholesale and Retail Buyers inducements to makii their purchases of us. We have a new stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, Cloaks and Dolmans. A large stock of Clothing Carpets, Boots, Shoes, and general met chandise. By examining our stock before buying, you will save money. ELIAS & COHEN. M..A.GK3PS ffiWKWED PATE1I LIYER VkQl CaVm JUss ax &TKM?a Dxatmn. , 1 - -c.Ti? As Lett' tteUBfOonl vittast tatfagtli fptMb . .. trfffib m.mu ..j viiiif,.i ILsiidLios BEST, PORT ABLE MILL BBANOU OKKICB NORTH CAEOLIVA H.-'c. " I h pair of Moor Cntj GnV MiU Swoe. whict .tare Ttm,Voot 1 with them for tre umn the ft nov23 d Ine thoroughly treated ,Piat tt is a success, tor iTnnTTC fiTlTH ICIBjIS fill Sg etrrewsrtlntn Inse4 hciiw a remancwrr pfiolT sse that j, add myteomop to say nee. with tthich: ; grifili .Kami nit ism mmnueu I fiavejiaa eiperw dretnedles. Marotma Daa case; . ernim. &7r3THTOL ilJ OJ ;JOTVe fiffWhr;. ai ifiuraigiatandi imedv is a Messing, and all rufferer, should p J han 'H i ki ,i.I8K Cathedral Street, Baltimore. uifidld by L. .wsjait W-iltt II s:h-i Atlantic, Tennessee' & Ohio Railroad StJFERXNTBlTDEHT'B OFFICII, I . . . Charlotte, li. Ci, Nor. eth, 1880. f. :TCto afcd after Mondjrx,' 'Nov. 80L..J 1880, the ifojUpwrngechedtQe wlH be run over this' roa4: ml-'i GOING SOUTH. ,i i : Xeain Statesville.'. . .7. . . t)A:" BavldspBoouege, in.'.-fi ."iL no7 iai asonwnege ii - JL .. . '. ? lit-lifiil I' 't .:'. i. Cliariotte...... - I .GOING KOIITH. . , . :-fi:.f ' 'Leave Chaflaue..u . v,- -.r Arrive at Stati 0 30 a. in. 8 i& a. m. OQ a, m. AAA 80J ........ 5 1X1 ;M':;;.V,U7;00 pirn. Supt,.;: NORTH NOTICE ! CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. SECRET ABY ft raBAffDifflOJllCB myn? ninvtrminf Oi Korth Carolina Railroad deeiaied a divldfind ot ,aDer cent three per cent, payable on jei pryajcn w atnoirtinirfnraarTBeoraoa wuw mnw ihuk -an 3 per eemVdn 1st bf September td rtoefchOW- .ers of. recora on mu u au.uv n books of the company will Jse closed from 10th- of farTWlst oOlarcli, and from, XQtfa fj Au Bu.ttoi8torHeptemper,iooi. bllm ''. P. B. BUZFIN, See. Dor von want a ture bloom few ajpTcattfJfls of ari's iiaGifiJiUBjaM: ify yon to your heart's con tent. It does irxl Willi 8al lowness, EednesS; Bteplesv Blotches, and all diseases And imperfections of tho skiiv It OTercomes the Unshod appear ance of heat, fatiguo and ex citement. ItmakfifialadlPl THIRTY appear; fcnt TWEN TYj and so natral gradual, and perfect are1 its effect that it is impossible to detect its application. M ueirruoni Vcdale, Jkk tlertwi Jan. 22 TBI store room In the Obeerver bmiwing next to W. rrathert is for rent after .January 1st dee 22 tt JiNO. I MORSfilATA ThcatPfdl Kioaa Fllla. th 8 tomaeh. nj ha Fad are worm yer & Pit , : ana una bwtimwj j aach. A mitla Tectlaala inWtcircnhmBfla Blocd md r -a.i.. nwixw to iK"-" ot tht BtMaMh, jaafwlPjc al the Livw and Stoaa Toniii abwrbadintothci Livsr.puriir Stonaah Hannlafltwe4ttie8A WrlStoi CoF.acarr,T. (;ainttlid WlhK?. , ;;;,v;:; ,.: twr ' : oannee: nilH,Cralter9,qystei V OKra, i'eas, Ljma DRIED RBM v reeled Peaches, Apples. toteiBPCorreiStt PrtMii 1 Cherries and DriaaCora ttlj iov; biu; febl2 ' l ihW$hi r t 1' i? "t f .'rf i i. 1 ' 1 i. I i1 t .1 -1 , f H If i1? ; f ' ! s 4 ':i 4V -i 11 3nl IY n ft