, lUAL INTELLIGENCE. VDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. pull AHX LODCHB No. 81, A. F ft A. H.-Begular every second ana fourth Monday Sights. meet" rvrn siou Lodok No. 261, AJ.4A. M.-Beg- i r meeting every first ana inira Tuesday mgms. L.ktottr Chapter No. 30, B. A. M. Regular l"t"g every second and fourth Friday nights. "L,,n otte Commaxdart No. 2. K. T, Regular CH. " every first and third Thursdays. n IE!- OP 131. ,- -irvTH of honoti. Regular meeting every K '1 ,u j frt.h Thnrsdiivs. sec unUauuii"" " " IZ- OF !P- wtcnTs or Pttht vs. Regular meeting nli i .mi t tiirl Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. in. at nights Ma- tir- sonic T. O. O. IF1- initi.oTTK Lougs No. 88. Meets every Mon ,'' - mt. "'V.u-.-KiFvnm(J Declatiatioh Lodok Na 9. VJ. eve'ry Tuesday night. " dp.ib lodge No. 108. Meets every Frldsy nf-'.Twn R'ZT? Encampment No. 21. Meets niil tnird Thursday nights In each month. l lie t liurcl- To-Day. wirsii Mkn's Christian association Hali DVotional c: erclses at 5 o'clock p. m. i son me Reformed Presbyterian Chapel. c in tliH inoriiirig at U o'clock and In the eveniil' ;lt 7 'clouk by ttev-w- T- Waller, pastor. i3.i-nT Chttkch. Services In the morning at I'1' 1 . . ... ... ... n v. nrK Tl .)"(' (.C'K (II1U III LUC cciiiiit at UJ xucv. Sunday school at 9tfe o'clock. iisd Presbyterian Church. Services In ;it 1 1 'i lock and In the evening at 7 ,, , i.'. K iv Kev. Dr. K. H. Harding, pustor. Sun d;iy sciiool in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. cT i 'iter's (K) Church. Services In the morn in'.r ,t i 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock bVev J. K. Mson. rector. Sunday school In the a'fn moon at 3vj, o'clock. St Mark's Lutheran Church. Services In the nnrriint' at 11 and In the evening at 7 o'clock l,'r Kev. . A. WUigard. Sunday school at 3 t 1 ETER s ivAiihjl,hj; uflumn. cervices ia tl,,: moi ning at o'clock by Rev. L. P. O'Con- i,e:i. Vespers at ;iV8 P- in. Catechism ln the turning at 'Jli' o'clock. ir.-T Presbyterian Church. Sen-Ices In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 by K v. IT- A. w. Miller, pastor. Sunday school In the iltt-nioon at 4 o'clock. fu,VAKY (M. E.) Church. Services In the mor iilni; at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 by the Ufv J. E. Thpm; son. pastor. Sunday school at 9 a", in., and class-meeting at 2 Vis p. m. Tkyon !-tkf.et Methodist (E.) Church. St vices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and at 7 In the rvf iiln? by Iiev. J. T. Bagwell, pustor. Sunday m'I'.ohI at .'1 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes ii;i evening at 7 o'clock. INDICATIONS. War Department, m : !' i; Chief Stgnal Officer, Washington, Feb. 11, 7 50 p.m. For the South Atlantic cl ates, cloudy niinv weather, southerly, veering to wistnly winds, stiitionary or higher tchil'trature in west portions, rising ba- itiiiiiter. Iliriex to !cw Adverliseiuenu. I o-it A (iold Locket. hosiery Alexander & Harris. iitention Firemen C. F. Harrison, Chief. uoi: PECILIIGS. Tony Denier's advance agent was in town yesterday. There is no announcement of changes in church services to-day. any -The Tryon Street Methodist Sun day School" will assemble at 8:30 this afternoon instead of 3 o'clock as here tofore. The wind Friday night and yester day threw down several fences and stripped some of the bill boards, but did no further damage in town. A meeting of the Gounod club will l).3 held to-morrow night, at the resi dence of Mr. F. S. De Wolfe, corner of College and Eleventh streets. Mr. Charles C. Moore, formerly a popular citizen of Charlotte, now of Alamance county, is in the city on a visit to relatives. After a stormy and rainy night yesterday was fair, but with high winds which became -very cold towards evening. At 5 o'clock the thermome ter was at 40. The committees to secure signa tures to prohibition are requested to hand in the petitions to-morrow to Mr. M. L. Barringer or Mr. Thos. M. Tittman. The regular meeting of the town ship trustees which was to have taken place yesterday, was postponed on ac count of the mass meeting till Monday, when it will come off in Gen. loungs o llice at Z o'clock, Mr. John Brookfield, the preprie tor of JJrookheld's auction house, has established a branch house of the same kind in Salisbury, and Mr. Frank P. Smith, Inn -erly connected with the house here, has gone to Salisbury to take charge of the new business. A. Pope, general passenger agent of the associated railways of Virginia and the Carol in as, offers return tickets to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras lroia Charlotte at $3:150. The tickets are good going from February 19th to -1th and returning till March 10th. Mr. John Garibaldi, of this city, will sail in a few days from New York toUeneva, Italy, where he gos to visit Ids relatives and to settle up his father's estate. His father died a short time since. A joint meeting of the Hornets, Independents and Pioneers will take' Wace Tuesday night, at the hall of the ' I ndependents. The object of the meet ing is to receive and take action upon the report of the department commit tee to consider plans for the proposed invmen's monument. -m--- laiU, and Wires Down. '1 here was no mail from Washington last night as the Potomac, it is learned lrom the llichmond and Danville au tlioi ities.was over the long bridge. The wires from Washington are also down, and consequently telegraphic news this morning i3 very short. The rain and wind seem to have been playing the wild m every direction. The fast mail to the north did not leave this city tins morning, as the wreck on the Air-Line lias left the train here with out a postal car. A postal car was at tached to this morning's northern hound express, however. A Played Out Nine. At the Sam Christian mine in Mont gomery county which has been out down as a played out North Carolina 'nine in eighty-eight working days- of tin; last season, thirty-nins nuggets' ranging from U24 to G pennyweights were found. "Nine of these weighed 141 tiennyweights and two weighed 132. Vlie Weighed .140 :inrl annthpr 451 Tim total weight of the thirty-nine wa V: mis lmormation is obtan infnrmat.inn ia nht-airiArl ffrtm toi. Hanna. whr hao hfn ripftnt.tv KnUiering statistics of North Carolina mines for the mining bureau. J ...U,U. Dr. Uudulph Vampill and Mrs --Drf A. J. Vampill, of the Women's Medical allege, of Philadelphia, wili.sbQrtly ocate in Charlotte for the practice of tiifeir profession, as will be seen by ad-r vmisement in The Orserver. A fe rule doctor to practice regularly in the c'ty is a new and interesting experi Kmi, and the result, if successful, will 'o doubt have a erreat influence .on. the. 'lstion of whether any of our wdmeti Will tnrr, tkniM 1 1 . : 4.n . .1 : ; n . Hie opportuuity of consulting one of weir own sex will be gladly taken "uwiso vi uj many. ItOAD touEs ri J: W . V X J W. H . W 4 of lto.,d.JiLi1lVy an AsJUsii - v lunrpti Tnrupike Compauy Another kziuia .... . . i. lag Next Saturday. I A. rather slim crowd assembled at the court house to oonsider the road propositions yesterday and most of these were from Charlotte township. Capt. Sydenham B. Alexander was made chairman. v Miy ail plained the objects ihd tx&etiig sM submit ted to the house the draft of a bill for the Legislature authorizing the issue of $100,000 worth of bonoXat the rate of $25,000 per year. The nature of this bill has been published as hagplap that of Mr. Sctfcn J fther members of the board of aldermen, differing from the other only in favoring a direct tax of $22,000 a year instead of the bonds. (Jul. W. XI. Myers said he favored the proposition introduced by Mr'.' Vaill The other was impracticable as n an nual taxation was subject, to great caprice. Before the roads' could " be permaiently improved tt&papnej must be raised and the work not made liable to abandonment; before itwas fairly started, by the want of more funds. This tax was subject, he feared, to 'injunctions, as had been the case with the Alexander road, law. , . , . Mr. Grier KirkpaWok'bi.EroVidence, inquired if it was theught that $100,000 would, be enough to macadamize ,all,. tne roads oi MecKienourg. Dr. McAden thought the meeting should adjourn for ten days, to alio w further information oo.ibe subjects Col. II. C. Jones saitf that the appoint ment of a commissian might be liable to constitutional objection as the. con stitution of the State placed the admin istration of the roads and the county finances in the hands of the board of county commissioners. - Mr. Vail said he had for twenty: years been identified prominently with the rdad question. He was aware that the. necessity w as not appreciatecLbx the men who lived easily in town.. The man orftopdf the. temple'' saw -an ob ject below as small and trifling which appeared formidable to the man on the grounfl. In drafting the ! bill Jbefore lhe;mesetinr lie .was tiwareihat several points, hn4 to4 be gilaHed. TbeWU must be made to !beari equally - on till classes, especially as between the city and county. This had been the object of the bill, lie was not wedded to it. Give him something better aDd he would favor it. Col. Myers presented the following resolution which he offered the meet ing if they did not like Mr. Vail's bill. Resolved, That the great want of the people of the county of Mecklenburg and adjacent counties, doing business and trading in the" county towns of this county, is good public highways, and to this end that the present nuisance in the so-called public highways be con demned by closing for the distance of four miles on the highways entering the city, known as the Concord, the Providence, the Steel Creek and the Beattie's Ford roads, to the free use of the public; and that a joint stock com pany be incorporated with such powers in a charter to be enacted by the present Legislature, as will equally protect the trading public (and particularly the citizens of the county of Mecklenburg) as well as the corporators thereof ; the condemnation of said .-.highways,- to gether with the right of way over pri vate property, the establishment of toll gates, etc., with the necessary, right, of collecting tolls, shall ;bt. fiiy secnjdd to said corporation. Col. Myers accepted an amendment to this by Maj. Frank Coxe, making the distance to be condemned ten instead of four miles. Two other amendments to the reso lution .were offered by Maj. Coxe and accepted by Col. Myers : 1st. That the city of Charlotte be al lowed to subscribe to the stock f said company, and to issue bonds to run thirty years in payment of . said stock, at 0 per cent, per annum. 2d. That the charter of the stock com pany include the right to hire convicts from the State at, 30": peats, per diem, and aulBofilie and! direct the peniten tiary authorities to farm out for that purpose one hundred, convicts in the manner and mode as convicts are. hired to the Western North Carolina' Kail road Company. Col. H. C. Jones offered a further amendment, which Col. Myers -also ac cepted, that theounty -have the-ight to redeem ' thes macadamized toads f roni the stpfck company 6ate cofr(ple tionifcf every ten inilea.. XU si Mr. Hutchison offered this resehftiori for the consideration of the meeting: Resolved, That we, the citizens of Mecklenburg county, in convention as sembled, do hereby- request our repre sentatives to have the recent act of the Legislature repealing the special road law for Mecklenburg county (common ly known as the Alexander road law), declared null and toid, and that this special road law for Mecklenburg cbuil-' ty be re-enacted, with this amendment: that six instead of four days', labor be required of all persons ; subject to road duty. The meeting then went into the con sideration of all the propositus. , , Mr. McDowell favored a modification" of Mr. Scott's proposition. The people might revolt against the payment of in terest and siaking fund for thirty year bonds. An annual tax. less if necessary than the proposed $22,000, would be better as giving an opportunity to see: what we are doing as. we go on;;- There was no doubt that macadimijatioa was the" real plan. It was in use in other coun tries with good roads, and was too much cheaper than one would suppose. Sixty miles of roads leading into Balti more had been macadamised. at $1,100 a mile. We could not?, however? do it at once, not in ten years; the work must be gradual and progressive. The coun ty could, -not Afford, to. go t ik$100,000 at a lick.' As for the propbsiCfcm for H stock company the public would not submit to the condemnation of the old roads, and if they were not condemned the turnpikes would only be traveled in rrnorl weather. . .-.- i . Mr. E. O. DaVidson'suggested that the work, instead of being begun at the termini of Trade and Tryon streetsj as nronosed. should be commenced at the boundaries of the county and prosecu ted toward town. Col. Johnston favored something hpinrr dhnft far the rdads. lie thought, however, that as "the severity of the winter had been so much greater than usual and conseauentlv the roads so much worse that there was a disposi tion in m ton far. Mr. Scott's nrODOSi- tion was nearest the mark, but let the imnrovemeht be more gradual. v riid not like the nlan of arM nnintino a commission. tie-tnougBW r that a tax of $8,000 a year, which would Kniiri frtnr mil pa of road, was About the A. A wit-h Capt. Alexander called CoL Myers to thp. r.hair. and said that he had hoped miinh from this meeting, "but he was convinced thatueitber of tbe,;bills .pre sented would 'receive the sanction, ot the emmtv. Her then weirJrTintativjn; ilication of the r A16xander ' roadl flaws Saiditliad not .beeft 1 given a fairt and its 'repeal left lne, old lawtopi tive, whirth-recogpi?ed nohiDgbut the maa uo liioler-tor the rosioiA Property was not liable. A man withnothm nnflp.r th' "cohrlitTonl W .the rreneta' State road laWiVbaA'tojiwilW' as, the man who raifa KB-tef arm. own ed horses. artd3i Vtot.wvl ...juseil .JMr roads constantly. way 0 i loire aoyBoay to won after they were called out, andn6t63ye PUBLIC s f to 7jyj 1 nimn.1 Meet- would work As To' 'the1 ' ' Al&ander law its failure was the consequence of the manner in which it was carried out. otof th law. He favored another aw for working the joadi by taxation. Geo. Barrmzur tnen said neravorea any plan which- might succeed in im proving the roads. Something must be don and it was every man s duty to say what be thought of it. Individual considerations must not be allowed to interfere, and to accomplish anything there must be some trust placed in somebody. He himself had a propoei-t tion on the failure of the others bathe would go for either of them Gen. Bar ringer's remarks were in excellent spirit and were directed to the true dif ficulty in. the matterthe jealousies of city, county and different sections and the lack of patriotic concession and liberality. Mr. Vail stated that since consider ing Col. Myers' resolution he preferred it to his own proposition wduld rather be puiled out of the mud by Col Myers's wagon than by his own. GoL H. C. Jones favored Col. Myers's plan with the amendments. The only difficulty was to secure the subscrip tions to the stock: company. Col. Johnston moved that a commit tee of seven be appointed to consider the different prwpositions--wd report next Saturday"; when a full attendance from city and county is earnestly desir ed. . The motion was carried, and the following gentlemen appointed on the committee: Wm. Johnston, T. L. Vail, S. H. Hilton, It. Barringer ; J. M. Kirk patrick, Pinevilte; J. M. Hutchison; Query's ; J. W. Moore, Huntersville. . Several gentlemen expressed them selves as having gained many valuable ideas on this alt important subject from the discussions, and from the tone which prevailed there is evidently a disposition to make some practical ef forts towards good roads. The meet ing next Saturday will, it is hoped, be largely attended. There can be no doubt that the schemes will be thor oughly digested by the committee and something presented at that time which will meet the views of the people. Enforce It. The bill for prevention of cruelty to animals has, as has . been announced, passed the Legislature and is a law. It Erovides that "every person, who shall y his act or neglect maliciously maim; wound, injure, torture or cruelly beat iny horse, mule or ox, cattle, sheep or any-other animaL-sliall, upon convic tion, be deemed guilty, pf a misdemean or and punished oy a fine of fifty dol lars orimprisonment.or, thirty days." The law will pf course amdnnt to noth ing unless if is enforced. v There can' be no doubt that its enforcement will be very unpleasant to the officers for a while ulleast, as the large number of speaking brntes will consider it the vil est of outrages that they should be in terfered with for practicing brutality on their own property. But it is mere ly a question of time. They will soon become ued t it. A little firmness for a few months will educate them up to the recognition of the right of the law in the matter if not of the despica ble nature of their cruelty. ' Accident on Ibe Air-Line. The'lraiti'ifideh-" left Charlotte on the Air-Line yesterday morning at an early hour, jumped the track in a deep cut two miles beyondCowpensesulfcing in an impassable wreck, the extent of which it is impossible, akwiesent, to give. Nobbdy was hurt except the fire man on the engine, who was severely scalded by the escaping of steam. As a consequence of the wreck, the- run ning of the trains was entirely disar ranged, and none passed through over the road, either way, during the day. At a late, hour yesterday evening the scene exhibited a -blockade of three trains, the one due here at 3.30 yester day morning, the fast mail, aud one due at 6 o'clock yesterday evening. About 7 o'clock last night the passen gers of the several trains were trans ferred over the wreck 10 a train sent down from the Charlotte depot, and ar rived here about 9 oclock last evening after having been on the road from Atlanta, some of them, thirty hours. Those who came some distance report the road in a bad condition from land slides it having been found nec pssarv to stoD the train and shovel the dirt off the track repeatedly during the passage. Tbe New Charter The amended cliarter of the city of Charlotte was passed by the Legisla ture Friday. The principal charges are a provision for a term of two years for the mayor and board of aldermen, a provision forthe return of city proper ty and polls im' the same date as the county returns, and one separating the offices-of chiefVof police and city tax collector, which have heretofore been rilled by tne same inuiviauai. ui course, these amendments, or at least that ereating a two years lerm ana that as to the marshal, do not affect the nresent incumbents, but will become operative at next the election.- i i x i The amended cnaner is m i act a new charter, having been entirely re-wnt-ten, but the changes mentioned are the only ones of importance. It became necessary to re-wrne me cnaner so as o leave out. oia clauses as 10 quaimt-a-ionsof electors, etc., which were al ready inoperative under the present constitution of the State. The new charter is also much better and decid edly more satisfactory on many techni cal points, the mayor having been at much pains in its preparation, com par- ne it with charters 01 otner ciues, wi- ng more minute specifications as iu processes for collecting taxes and re quiring deliberation on proposed appro priations by the board. There is no provision ior wie wicu- sionof the corporation, this proposed amendment not having been approved by the board. Saint V alentine's Day. To-morrow will be Saint Valentine's day and the mails will be unusually heavy,inr tne young people on me alert with the expectation of receiving" pneor more kindly tokens 01 regara lrom friends of the opposite sex. It was originally the custom, on valen tine's day for a party of youths and maidens, equally divided, to meet to gether and the names of all thejnem beErfOf One party being placed.in & box those of the ether allowed eacn to draw one'Bame, the owner or waicn was to he hi or -her valentine. But the present custom of sending anony mous 1QV6 missives aeema iu uo picici- able.to, this, ror tnougu mo shjuuwi unknown, the recipient has tbe. sati&j faction of knowing that the tribute to biior her virtues and manly or maiden ltlttractions is a genuine effusion of aff&ctiotf directed by the real choice ahjf inclination of the sender and not by chance. Besides it frequently dritws a declaration from a source which would otherwise, from some capiat, be too timid to discover the di vide passion. And, "by the way, there seelms to be a moral license for writing onnntrmnnil lflVA PniStlPS Which iS ill J-contrast with theJighCin hich anon- mou3 writing lor malicious motives is pld. the iattr beinsr looSJetJ npon as rik haastbf acts, while the'Dleasiire of rewiving a. lore letter, iiK? .an actoi nharitv. seetns to be 'enhancea by se crecy in the author. , Frpm the large 'nifrhhftr of valentines that haVe heen isold at the bookstores, and a few that m4y be penned Try tnose uname to nnu, innhe printed ones, a 'correct expres- aitm or tnerr senumenis, every oim wnpiias a trieno m tne opposite ox Z 7 - . .... . may reaaonauiv uiiiroi w gov A Book trilnik OTfWciartei' The little sketch -Old illy." which Miss Clarke read last-Friday night and which catted iortn so .much laughter and anDlause .and was so heartily en joyed, is chapter from a' book to be called "ifiantauon tmia lire, which Miss Clarke has written during her so journ in Charlotte and which she hopes soon to bring out. If Old Billy is a faur, sample ol the merit ot the volume, we predict a brilliant success and rapid safe for "Plantation , Child Life." for nothing could be more natural and amusing than the story of, .?01d Billy" ana nis ntue misuresses, as xeaa oy Miss Clarke -in her usual pleasant and spirited manner.. Another Com-rtct Die. Another convict died Thursday mor ning from the effects of injuries re ceived from the slide in the cut just beyond the big tunnel on the Western North Carolina Railroad. Seven oth ers are more or less injured. Both killed and injured are all colored ex cept one white guard, slightly hurt. An inquest over the bodies "was held Friday. A force of twenty were at work in the cut at the time of the slide and the whole number were bnried, but all except the four revived on being dug out. These facts are learned from the States ville Landmark. Three died on the day of the slide, it will be re membered. The unprecedented demand for Dr. Boll's Congb Syrup has bad the effect of bringing out nnmerous similar remedies; but the people are not so easily induced to make a trliU of the new article, when they value the old and reliable one Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH FEBRUABY 12. 1881. PKODUCa. BALTiMOKi Oats steady; Southern . Wes tern white 42a43, do mixed 40a41, Pennsyl vania . Proyislons firm; mess pork 14.50? bulk meats loose shoulders , clear rib sides , ditto packed ftfeagiA; bacon shoulders 61, clear sides 9. hams 10V&alUfe. Lard re fined tterces 101A. Coffee quiet: Bio cargoes 10rt2. Sugar dull: k soft 9. Whiskey dull at l.ll. Freights dull COTTON. GAi,yjron Steady; midd'gllti; low mlddl'g 10&8C; good ordinary Htygc; net rec'ts2.689; gross 2,752; sales ; stock 96,915; expfa coastwise 3,840; to Great Britain 5,978; France. Norfolk not received. B altimore Quiet , middling 11; low mlddl'g lie; good ordln y 10c; net receipts 265; gross 834; sales 75; stock 12,234; exports coastwise 25; spinners 10. exports to Ureal Britain 2,407; to Continent Boston Dull; middling llftc; low middling; lllc; good ord'y 10c; net receipts 1,070; gross 2,083; sales : stock 7,985; exports to Great Britain 591 ; to France. . WHmlngton ot received. Philadelphia Steady; middling llc; low middling lltac; good ordinary 10c; net receipts ; gross 320; sales 734; spinners 645; stock 15,452; exports to Great Britain ; coast. Savannah Quiet; middling 11c: low mlddltna lOfec; good ordinary 9s; net receipts 2,277; gross 2,277; sales 2.600; stock 77,868; exp. coast wise ; to Great Britain ; continent 1,725. Nkw Orlxans- Quiet; mldd'g lllc; low mid dling 10; good ord'v 91,6c; net receipts 17,897; gross 17,897; sales 8,000; stock 281,035; exports to Great Britain 8,852: coastwise 1.928; France 1,532; continent 1,613- Mobeli-Quiet; mldd'g 11c; low middling 10lAc;good ordinary 94c; net receipts 1,929; gross 1,929: sales 1,200: stock 52,277; exp. coast 163; Great Britain ; France . Memphis-Quiet; middling lie; receipt 1,236 ;shlpments 645; sales 800; stock 75,658 AoecsT a Steady; middling lOJc; low mid dllng 1CH4C good ordinary 9c; receipts 471; ihlpments : sales 547. CHABLKSTOH-r Steady ; middling 1 lc. ; low mid dling lie; good ordinary IOI40. : net receipts 1,500; gross do; sales 1000; stock 69.193; exports ooastwlse ; Great Britain; continent Liverpool Noon cotton market closed easier; middling uplands 63fed; middling Orleans 6Vfcd; sales 6,000. speculaUon and export 500; re ceipts 28.000, American 27,000. Uplands low mid dling clause: February delivery -d, February and March Bl&al 3-32d. March and April 6 7-1 Hd April and May 6d, May andure6 17 32al9-82, June and July 6 19 32d, July and August Futures weaker. Weekly Circular. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association says: Cotton continues In limited deuiand.wlth abundant supply and prices tending In favor of buyers. To-day (Thursday) the market was firmer. American was in moderate demand, and, aStei some Irregularity, quotations are unchanged. In Sea Island only moderate business was don at rather easier prices Futures closed unchanged. FUTURES. Nkw Your Futures closed qutet. Sales 48 OOO. February ll.24a.26 March ll.34a.35 April ll.49a.50 May 11. 64a.65 June ll.75a.76 July 11.84a. 86 Aueust ... ll.8wa.Hi September 11.46a. 48 October 11.02 November 10.84a.86 FINANCIAL. New York 11 a. m. Tbe stock market opened strong and active and advanced steadily during the first hour of business, the advance in prices rang ing from 1A to 2Vi the latter In Ohio and Missis- si Dnl Dref erred, which sold un to 1 08Wa- Grange shares, coal stocks. Pacific Mall. Central Pacific, Metropolitan Elevated. Lake Shor. New York Central and Hannibal and St. Joseph preferred were also prominent in the advance. CITY COTTON MARKET. O STICK OP THI OBSKWVSB. Charlotte. February 13. 1881 The market yesterday closed quiet. Good Middling Strictly middling Middling 11 10 10 10 Low middling Tinges Lower grades Receipts yesterday, 120 bales. 5aS Charlotte Produce Market. FEBRUARY 12, 1881. BUYING PRICES. Cokn, per bosh'l MlAL, " Pbas, " Whkat, " Floub Family Extra. Super OATS, shelled Dkied FhCtt 65a70 65a70 65a70 .10al.25 3.25 3.00 2.75 50a55 psr:. ioai2 Blackberries Cabbagb, per 11) 31 Bweet 40a50 S: ::::::: 2252.50 -Butter North Carolina. 10a12tt Soos, perdozen. 10al2M. 18a20 20a22 jrOULTBT Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per lb (fftpse 7as 30a37 Bxef, per lb., net Mcttow, per lb., net POKK. " " 4a6 WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats Clear Kinsmes... WB10- JSE.'Yf liooa.. 12lal5 Btrup ' Sugar-house ...... 30 Molasses " Sugar Syrup.. ...:.-r 5a50 rhiha .r.. . 32a35 fc Choice New Orleans'. 50a60 40a45 . common.... i Salt . Liverpool nne Coarse...: . 1.00al.25 . 1.10al.25 VkX ' W-hite..., ........ YeHoW. .'. , .- Whtsket , Com, per gallon. . . 10all 9al0 . SUOa-50 Rye. . $125a3.00 S2.00a225 RANDY Apple, per gallon. . . . . i Peach, ' -. Wnfis, SiaiDpeiaoiifi, per gallon. . ! ; " fiETALt. 82.50 ; $100 iJCOTTON Ties-- . 2.50a2.75 1.75 lllal3 'Spliced, " BA&Giua.peryd. pCBj ..................... LiiXD,' Pr ....... .,.. ftAjJUSvt, per 1T! - . . . i N.C. hoe rouna i..... , BTaHi9,'.Ji.v ,..;.v;.; .. i Ha. canvassed. 5 OalO !Sal4 al APPies; ponneni, yor inn Mountala, " 5.25. 8.00 (H-dsinQ(ul aw wfln.n. AJT Ti. MORRIS Now is the time for GREAT BARGAINS, as include ereiythingpur large and varied stock of goods, such as Ready-made Clothing for men, byg fihilflren iDrefjfr Goods of all descriptions, Carpets, Blankets, Boots and Shoes (SoakS;"CaslitrSi; Ad 1 A call will convince you that we mean BUSINESS. Bo not let this orttraliy pttflsf 'icf it- is to your interest. BARGAINS -IN- AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, KIXT to Ky stock is very large, and embraces a toll lis nituze. All goods pacsed frse of charge. AT REDUCED EATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, : . . CHABLOTTE, N. C. -N. B. Parties desiring information In regard to railroad travel will please address as above l novl2 A HOUSEHOLD FAVORITE, THE "MAYFLOWER" ODORLESS OIL COOK STOVE AND PARLOR HEATER I A gem of convenience, comfort and economy. Cannot be exploded from the fact that IT DOES NOT HEAT THE OIL! The Parlor Heater (like cut) gives a beautiful, clear, soft light! Will heat a room in a few minutes. Am ple for beating any room in any dwelling or any office in any building, at less cost of heating than coal, wood or gas I No chimney flue, or pipe need ed. Free from all disagreeable smell. . Prices of Parlor Heaters from $5 to SI 2. Cook eral discount to the fade. Also for sale the latest Brackets, etc., at lowest prices. Manufactured and feb6 lm liu' & liKAliNAKi), 748 .Broadway, JNew xorK. 0 8 o o c o cc S 3 X S3 a a O O hi 38" 03 S : 5 e i s . S s o go o sp a H 9 2 9, r 55 & tn iJ OS O B tn O 4 6 8 p a pro pa o O i I Ph GC - P g S H P5 if air-' 3 ' iJ cn B 2A Eg S ct3 C2 G-5 S 5 9 OS g eS 1353 ?a s B -si an23 J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BB0K.ER 20 AND COMJllSSIOIx MEBCHANT, COXKOK St., CllALOTTi, K. C, 12 a) 3 O o S l sz I 0 CO o W 111 ' o Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal, Floor, Lard, Bacon, TebacM. Surar. Coffee. Molasses. Ac. resnect- fnlly selidted. The cheapest markets and relia 50 ble nouses repreaeuiou. ao23 DnD)gfinng dDirt; n Mini w.y uw ' iv. a 5 A.t New Yorjk -:o:- . , Sgj nnmu. roeTomcK. of Pwloz, CAambw, Dtrdnt tuUl OfiM Fur - ABSOLUTELY SAFE! Every Stote Warranted! The "Mayflower" Cook Stove will do the work required for cooking better than the coal, wood, gas or other oil stoves in use. Will cook three articles at the same time! No ashes! No dust! No smoke! No bad odor! The enly safe and re liable oil stove yet invented, Gives entire satisfaction ! Stoves from 83 to $9 00. Send for Circular. Lib and best improvements In Oil Lamps, Chandeliers, fer sale by Lap Additions TO OUR STOCK OF HOISERY, GLOVES, NECK WEAR, CLOAKS, Ladies' Underwear k CMldrens' Goods JUST RECEIVED A FULL LJJFSOF Silks, Satins, Fringes, Passme ntries FOR DRESS TRIMMING. HATS aBd BONNETS FOB LADIES, MISSIS AND CHILDREN Of Ever Shape & Quality. Hare bow en band the most complete stock of LADIES'! CHILDRENS'COODS To be found in the Ciij. A NEW LOT OF 2 Button Kid Gloves at 25c. Pair. 0Ct24 MBS. ? QUKBY. LAGER BEER-, Having been appointed agents In Charlotte TICKETS anfll Tlclnltjby the Bergner & Engel Brewing Companj, OT PHILADELPHIA, for the sale of their celebrated beer, which took first prize tat Paris, and the Centenlal of '78, for Its purity and tonic pro portions, we are now pre pared to sell and dellrsr to Customers the above specialty In casks or bottles at reasonable rates. COCHRANE 4 MUNZLKR, Jan&XKtf Agents. ii hi n 1 1 i uminui 'tuw'u hotels. B. H. Field. Charlotte. T. K. Field, Hickory, N. methopolitai(h6tel CIIAllLOTTE, ' N. FIELBfBROTBEBSKIra TERMS MODE11ATE. THIS Hotel has the larzest and most com fort -3tate. It Is fit X able rooms of any hotel In the State. ted up with all modem improvements; ia conve nient to the Dbstofflce and banks, and is centrally located in the business pan of the city. Largt SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling public umnibuses and carriages at every Train. 1 TTELD BROSJ,i I S Wholesale and Retail Groeers, AHD DBALXBS pt COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND GROWN & SPRING CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, XGGS, HON EY, Ac., c THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR ALWAYS IN STOCK. Trade St., . CHARLOTTE, N. C. A LARGE BASEMENT under MetroDOlltaa Hotel for rent. may28 ctxr atjrjertisemjettts. nnOlU C330 to Sl.OOO: 2 to 32 Stops. PI- UI1UHI1U1N08, $125 up. Paper free. Ad- dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. FREE TO ALL. OUR new Illustrated Flint anil Seed Catalog uft of 60 paf el. cnntlininc detcripliona and Fricei or fcas C vmrietie of PliaU Hoaw, S rfa, Balfea, etc. in cul tivation. Alao, a Colored Plate of oar lew Dtablc WhiU. Hm Tarla will be Bailed vpon the receipt of a 3c. itamp lor poetafe. Special DeacriptiTe Priee liiti 8( Hosee fin. uooai f uaruieea first qui iljr. I fTMl Dhoi ojee in oeratiM. WoUmta m Mmtail. Ball jracns,IiOliviln, Uj. "HOMES IN TEXAS" IS THE T1TIJC GW 1 New Illnstrated Pamphlet DescrlptlTe of the countrr along and tributary to the line of the International & Great Northern Railroad, ' . I I r v and contains a good Couirrr Map of the STAT. It also contains the names and addresses of Farm ers and Planters in Texas who hare ' '' , FARMS FOB SALE OB BENT, and those who will want Fabx HasDA f or .tbajej$ year. A copy of this door will De mailed jtrm to those who desire reliable Infpmatlotf abfnt Texas, upon application by letter or postal-card to f -. AXi.JtM.HOVV i, Gen'l Freight ft Pasa. Agt, tFaJesnerexa. GEORGE riAGB &fD Patent Portable Circular SAWMILLS, Aiu Btaucaary ana jtotwois STEAM ENGINES, 5 B. SCHEOEDEit ST., BALTIMORE, MP ; -1 Grist and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood WorHnff ISllSuppli.etc. TAlITE EMERY WHEELS and UltlNUINti MACHINERY. bcou I or iuauwar- Jan25 diw4w POUNDS 9 r AND Oa consignment. . dsn Mut M'sotto. Jh Ml CH AS. R. JONES.- itt if! an26 THE Lot on Tryon street, adjoining B. B. Alex ander, with a three-room tftefllns and e par rate Kitchen upon it. Apply to , .yn, lan 13-lm D. W. 1 11 gr i war.. - -M w - V AC nit .i 80 T i iM 4 111 WW mm w T.5. J Ii'.

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