Mm 5TI)c Cljarlottt teenier. sTrBSOJurzios baims , Daily, one year, tpottfabX) t adwmce- jz Hont?u ' Three MontM onr Month WMXKLT MDZTIOJt l Weekly, ( ths eounfy) m atocmct. ... . . nataftlmeounty,poitpa&,. Six Montfu, Liberal Reduction for Oltrim. S SUM . 4 00 .3 00 . 76 13 00 . 10. . 1 OO HaaMBTfcOBfraPfaaCw VLSXBcVa&rBMMk A itj r.V . if K VOL. XXV. -5 !w-i .ttie ; NI C.; WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16, 1881. NO. 3,725. . BLANDRTLLS. na :-r jr.... . . HOSXE3KX Our entire stock of ' i ' 0 H 1 '!?iiiU1 Ladies', Misses; andQiildretfs 2 . .' FANCY HOSE Mi; be offered at COST for the next T rVENTT- DAYS, including a!l the latest styles In Fancy Stripes, Cardinals; Black, Garnet, GEN D'ARMfiT SEAL BROWN, LIGHT BLUE, LIGHT PINK, AND SILK EMBROIDERED. Alexander & Harris feb!3 Hoots a c gUot& 1 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK Of the Celebrated John B. Stetson CUSTOM-MADE HATS. CALL SEE THEM. Our Mr. Gilmer r EAVES to day for the North to purchase out 1j Spring btock of BOOTS and SHOES, and if possible we be will able to show s better stock this spring than ever before. PEGRAM & CO. febl NOW IS THE TIME -TO- hrgak! We respectfully Invite your attention to the fact tliat we offer it Cost for the Next 151$ OUR ENTIRE STOCK of Fancy Dress Goods, Opera Flannels, Wate; 1 o, -'iiugs, merino anawis, uaimorai bklrts. Overcoats, Hosiery and Ladles'. Gents', and Children's Merino Underwear. OUR REMNANTS -of- oaks, Dolmans and Ulsters HEGAKDLESS OF phcitv . (ilvlSM,or.e1UMl0n8 ln raany other Hies of goods. AK(u;,Ncfa"dbe S'Kfj yo;an UAKGRAVES & WILHELM. Button Ed GUmat35 cts. pei pali XHB Washington -gazitte, ( ;,vi wiving f i, 1 ia" awonai capital every Sanaa jr1 fallen re8,lme of the preceding wee. new H1PEE3KNTATIVK 80UTJtfIB RPIB tJMhUi,.l?)Jlln?.tae National Democratic Party, la fE0E C. WKDDBBBtfttlf. Of Vlrtn lormariy publisher of to. Bichmond (YU Enquirer. " 8ln.i TBaM3 Of SUB8CaiPTI0 r' " : T Ztt 1 one adrees, postage paid"1 ''V0 one address; postage pal .'li '88 88 Sprin Styles 881 Secure OURERIENDJ will please remember that We Now pecujiy the commodious store-room on WEST TRADE ST., i i- .V, . reciuOy remodeUed so as to make ft as 'eonVenient 'nq wen ngn ea a room as any In the city. We shall ' kefe jr. 'as ' We have always kept, A LINE OF GOODS adapted to the wants of all classes of trade. Friends & Customeii are Invited to pay us a call at our new stand. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. feb6 JHxscclIaticatts. la A PUItEXiT YIOETABXt REMEDY For INTESNAL and EXTERNAL Use. DAIIJ Ifll I CD ba never ftiilttl when used f ft III IMLLblt aocordtnsr to printed direct. iont Inclosintf each bottle, and is perfectly toft even in the mwtt inexperienced handt. DA III If II I CD A SURE t'l'KK for rAllf IMLLkn tSore Throat. Counhs, l'kill,.IK.nli. HwonMw. : !hi ClMtTeraaud t Bouei 'omvlvint. PAIN KILLER Mtrk-Ifenjlarti-, P IH TILF xlKST rrnrdr . Pnf a in ie Back or Slile. DAIIJ : If II I CD 18 "l'"fvtle BEST rAtrl MLLfctt LJNIACENT MADE. It brings tptedy and permanent relief in nil eases of HruHen, Cuts. Strilis Severe Boms, ett D A I M If 1 1 1 CD n tbe wlUfHedfind trll rAIll 1x1 LLC n fHrnd of the MccWnio, Fanneft Planter SnikrT n4 ih fuet f plaRea wautiiiff a medicine always at haTd p1 Kale to use internally or externally with certainty of relief. ESNo family can afford to be without i".;; invaluable remedy In the house. Its price bri;1) it within the reach of ah.and it will ancuallv many times its cost in 0000 bills. Sold by all druggists at S&e. SOe. and 1 a Lottie PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. 1. Proprietors. , meh 1 d&w ly A DELICIOUS DRiriK -For I7e in Families. Hotels. Clubs, Parties, Etc. C. H. GRAVES Sz SOXS. "ktsU meets with marked popular favor. ' " It is Warranted to Contain only. the Best of Liquors, United with, Choice Emit Juices and Granulated Sugar It U ready on oaenm. and will . found an agreeabl addition to the .hoio ifaiaf swWek nn4eajably enlaw ' the pleasnreB of lit. and encourage good fellowship and goodnAtnwif rlhtlriil0y4.:1, ' ' "' GOOD AT ML Til Just MJM toXwM Wins Cellar Sideboards not CoaiBlete Wlttt Haiititl' It oan be used Olear or with .rraffi miLc. ice, ooa or ixqi- waiBrri Lemonade,' ortmn rm&mi to Suit the Taste. -M i Soli by leading Wine Merohants. QrocerK Hotell 4 TnAA kttr,ki., of Tnnniif.iWnrayaWtra a Ttir: Wl Jon A'Sarwell, Wholesale and .Jtan Dtagg4t "Ulciit A tlxierttsctttcutis te.n ADVERTISERS ft, iF d'dressing GEO. flttbffitfycp$b8vnl fri .ItlftlU 111 $ Si ID i 'S'.l The Werk-Bagket. The following exquisitely bright and witty lines mmmemwtifmgmt. to a lady recently married In Chariatta and were written. by. a'lafly!fWeiVwDO!4l resides in this city, and Is ot less loved and admired for her natural gifts andvvi&ied culture-than" fori Oie- dell lte sympathy 4nr tentleness of -nature wilch, lite the refracttya light from a crystal, soften the r igged outlines of life and cover with brightness 1-s shadowed sides?) - ' ' ! I send you no casket For jewels and gold, But a homely work-basket Your treasures to hold. I've found as a rule ' A needle and spool . . ' : -" ' ' Are mightier tar, - ' - . s ; In peace or in war, , ; Than the. swordor the pen In the history or men. What mighty conclusions Oft bang on a thread! : What dreadfil contusions; ;' ' yire knocked In the head By the Judicious, stitch "We've all heard 6f, whTch If taken in time' Will save nJaetjriune. . .. I beer, au contrairei You will always beware Of a motto I near Too often I fear On ths-torrgue and the Hp; It is "Let her Riz." Fatal experiment! i -Don't ever try It. - ; iGenutnfe fuerrinient " ': Netef chmff by It For, ripping and tearing I'm bold b declaring is the worst fun JUadex the sun. But, "return to our muttons:" . V " " Secure well the buttons, , j Hd; It fill de niore ! M . r -Than-wonefotlore, , Peace to perpetuate, Concord to culcivate To lengthen and strengthen The power all our own, Our dower, that power Behind the threne. And now with the basket My love too I send. Accept both I ask It, My very dear friend; May every rich blessing Be roan to the end. ; f i r i i ; ' r: .' ri j Gatbering: from the Stale Papers. Raleigh Neios-Observer : The authori ties at Washington have established the office of assistant district attorney for the-eastem district of North ; : Caro lina; arid nave appointed' thereto Willis Bagley, Esq., of Jackson, Northampton county. Mr. Bagley is a brother of Major W. II. Bagley, of Raleigh, and is a gentlenoaa ; of high, character, well known for his courteous demeanor and learning as a lawyer. ;The appoint ment is an excellent one, and will give great satisfaction to the bar of the east ern district. Col. A. M. Waddell and F. W. Kerch nor, Esq., of Wilmington; are in Wash ington, They appeared before the Sen ate committee of commerce, of 'which Gen. Ransom is chairman, last Tues day, concerning a bill pending in the Senate, and which. passed the House at the last session; taking the Cape Eear a free river and establishing a port of entry at Fayetteville. The old Cape Fear Navigation Company had the right, in consideration or the expense and trouble of-Keeping the river lear of obstructions, to exact a toll of pass ing boats. Asheville Citizen ; Capt. Fry, who has charge of the construction of the bridge work on the W. N. C. Railroad, has almost completed the bridge across thc-Swannanoa two miles south of Ashpvlllfl it. wfll hft finished this wpsk and next week the worfc of laying the track to Stmtrs bridge ;qn tfie l ranch Broad,waI be: commenced, and only a few days will be required to complete it. Can the Asheville News see anv reason why this work should be allow ed to go on ? While Buncombe county stands six teenth in the State as to population, she stands second as to her white popu lation Wake being the only countv with a larger white population and if the latter has a portion of her territory sliced off for the benefit of Durham, as will leave Buncombe first. And this is not "buncombe,": either. Raleigh News and Observer: The North Carolina mill-stone comuany has pot up a telephone wire from Cameron, on trie Raleigh cc Augusta AnxLine Railroad to their quarries at Parke- wpod, in Moore county, a distance of 10 miles. This is the longest telephone wire in the State. On Wednesday last Trenton, in Jones county, was visited with quite; a disas trous nre; tour buildings, much mer chaadise and a small amount of cotton was destroyed. The fire, it is learned, originated in the store occupied by Mr, C- H. Foy. The Asheville Citizen stales that the condition of Mrs. Taylor, wife of the Hpn. Robert Taylor, of Tennessee, is miich improved this week. Mr. Taylor has been with her for the past week. Knoxvilic to JVa&liville. Knoxvllle Tribune. Kashville is becoming interested ij! the construction of a railroad direct from that place to Knoxville. This project, which has long been talked of is rendered practicable, iieretotore' such a connection would only have been a local line between the two cities, and, while it would have been mutual ly advantageous to both it would not have been a paying enterprise. But newv Since the completion of the .West- Kern. North Carolina road is a certainty or, the near iuture, the building or a road from Nashville to Knoxville,' and thus giving the State capital a direct connection with the southeastern sea board would be of immense advantage toi Nashville. Knoxville would of Boure come yn fot her share of the prpfifi, for a tliriict '"connection witn Nashville, and middle and west Ten nessee securing the - shortest possible lirije to Memphis would secure valuable markfor,Qur productions : inoxvillef now trtis anf opportunity to kill two large birds with one stone by ibhjlding the Emory Gap road. This will give us tne mucn aesirea connec tion with Cincinnati and also bridges idne-third the distance between Ivnox- i 4 1 M . I -11 TIT1 J 1 -1 Miie ana jn asnvuie. r vv neo mis is uoue fNashville will not hejltrngHn building the road between Lebanon and tbe (Cincinnati utfiejen hexa wiUibe a conunuousf line qi ran roan inpugu;, ie entire len'gtMfef h&"State.'jThis oad will be to the country between Knox yilte and Nashville what the East Ten nessee, Virginia, and Georgia road has been and is to East Tennebsee the rforermyper and th.e agent,, developing the natural resources of the section. ' . ; an i , ;i.n 1 torf of Old Jack, a former-aisve In a prominent i fccutelana family, whopent a dollar given hlia at sv Years urtueTOrcBase or a ns'T ncKer in tne Louisiana StalfiJLoUery.for which he drew S1UXK).. &Kn& Wfliefflie'trovWeA4 fer the wants of Ms 'sgeq parents, and. with 4 poruon reuevea ue. Maltof .fMme toew-Oerntanif Ivhose 'snffcrifjeS LKMtrea mm. ue will bay again,, as will many. Uters, Dy-tmme to m. a. uanpnin; no. aiy BroaidwayNew York City., or to. the same person inAlNew jOrleahs; Xa belorW Mareh' 8, the next i A touching lnclfeBtrlchjdiows te HB6MP or tna.nklna.fs tola in the' Kew Orleans papers in the It h a Well Known Fact. among physician iliaiBUchu Juniper 4md Parera Brava In combination are the best remedies in the wgTld for any disease nL tha Rladrtat or Bdaeys, and that no less than one half of. the human fam ily, both wale and iferaale, suffer from derange meat of those organs and neglect or failure to use proper remedies hurry many to untimely graves. Numerous combioHtlefis have been, tetedr for tirav el, Brick Dost Deposits, Brightr-Disease, Weak nesslrr Back and Hips, produced by derangement of Bladder and Kidneys, but none with such hap py results as bankln's Extract of Bnchu and Juni per". If you suffer fromany disease of those or gans, get a bottle one or two will rellev you. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin 4 Laemar, At lantaa. JSoldby Wilson & BurweU, and L. B, Wrlstoh4Co.. M BLACK-DRAUGHT " makes chills and fever impossible; f For sale by T. C. SMITH. tebl Smith'p Scrofula Syrup and Star Cnrtne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling. Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From G. D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure ln recemmendlng to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive, iisy little son had been a great sufferer from Hpasjiodlc Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about swoyears age, prescribed for him his Croup Pretenttve which has most miraculously cored him. : I find it equally benfleial Jn all vases of Ooughs I con8iaer it a blessing in my family, every one should keep it ln their houses. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. oct26 - 6m. " i i - ' " TWO ORGANS. . 'Regulate first the stomach, second, the liver; es pecially the first, so as to perform their functions perfectly and you will remove at least nlneteen twentleths of all the Ills that mankind Is heir to, ln this or any other climate. Bop- Bitters Is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy, natural action to these too-organs. Ifigrfne Farmer. Air WINE OF-C ARDUI makes rosy cheeks and clear complexions. For sale by T. C. SMITH. lebl 'Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, f j ' .. I JJcttf gnXtrjertisemjetits. iron RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u a safe, sure, mimple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively triflWig outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AUD DEALERS IH MEDICINE. A. VOGZLER & CO., Baltimore, Md., TJ. 8. A. dec 30 d w ly ni!mMiiririuliLv3 WrLOUALLED iU fzfrv ecccim(&- dTnENGHT.DuRABiUt s RFECTWORK, (LLUUM r num CHOKING, WE. ARE AGENTS FOB ABOVE PLOWS FOB i ining IN NORTH AND FOCTH CAROLINA. A FULL STOCK OF IN STORE, ' WHICH WE OKFEB TO BUYEES AT INSIDE PRICES. Miiyer & Res?. feb5 Druggist by Exammation. Go to o H i H a n ) W. P, 3IARVIN, igent, v .. and Successor to F. Scarr 4 Co. 0 i H a i H I u FCB- FreslDrMS and Pure Medicines None but the Very Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also, toilet and Fancy Articles. I erfuroeriea Combs, Brushes, looth Brushes, 4c., 4, j QAIJDEX SEEDS - , oi all thQ. beat- varieUes,: tad warranted PhysIclans'Dreacilptfona fmiea spee- TT;,i,jI;aenrlprt i Hoping' to receive ' a ' snare'of public 0 h &Rrt rriH"r:ATALOCtIE:No PRICE-LIST. Mecklenburg k a oooooo C S3 SS C C C 5 s5 S -I "1 -t CO to to CD a ts en o 68 W H O n W w o 9 8.S l& 02 P" c- l-i. 1 &i o o a O B CD tSS ts CD O CD tn I t a. to -4 O a t-1 C? w w w CD s o. Q 03 CD at o O C -i so l Of I s 'ST CO f .CO M r-r-02 I. CO e o GO 09 P e. c w O o I I O J p P P c-i- P P t-iMHtOtO OOOOOO oooooo PRICES BOWBI. FOR THE Having received Intelligence from our house ln Baltimore, which Is one of the larr est purchasers of.Woolens.hat tte same have declined frem 18 te 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline ln Clothing, we consequently act accoidinfely, and we now offer our stock at Beduced Prices, as we only cb tract for large quantities. We are assured that we purchase at" very close figures, and give every patron the benefit. We have more styles thaa aafi( pthei house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold ln this market ' for the simple fact that most of thf m ere made. Jp ow own house ant tt tti' same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsteretts that has ever been exhibited, ready-m pa, In thlslmaiket. Wp InvltA thp rmhll trt ivintp and pa fantji. 0 FOE OltfE DOLLAR. 1 . 1 r TIE FIRST GOT OIF TIE S 3? R 1 1ST Gr ULSTERETTS, ' t 1 IFoiES 'ST O TEJ G- lIESE AT WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. Also, Spring LATEST ARRIVAL OE MEW (GOOiS, We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a large assortment, of desirable, goods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who haB remained: constantly in the Northern markets during the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late rifile5 lh price of cotton goods. V . We are now enabled to offer both to Wholesale and Retail Buyers inducements to make, their purchases of us. We have a new stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, Cloaks and Dolmans. A large stock of Clothing Carpets, Boots, Shoes, and general mer chandise. By examining our stock before buying, you will save money ELIAS & COHEN. . . ..amvadi c kll I made tor we claim trw Btli r-un i meii-c. . j. 7;-". frrindini good Corn Mm. tor cable e. It requir. liule drewing. Grinds from 1M to iOOO bnibcl. -rith one dre.inng. round meal, not rtourv and paty. It takes tram iO to 33 per eral. less power .tha. any other Mill not wins """V.,?"" bbAou office sukth Carolina mill stonk co. .... -,r r - rfi TJiil ! which hire " rnave a pjiir 01 mmc wun. t. - T,.eo In use 50 Tears, wnitantly under heary power Gno4 lOlo .... ... i w.... nv-n... Lnn hn.hiMs. and tneT vaae nusneis per nour, v.-... - - . flic bett meal m the e.unW. If 1 wuld not replace same p-it, I would not part with them tor Bre rdinarv stones. I believe them to be inperlor to any kjw Woe rbubxiorsriudiDii ciiru meal. Kcrpectfully )uur. L OUGK K. TATE. nov23 d NOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. SECRETARY & TREASURER'S OFTICE, Coxpast Shops, N. C, Jan. 81, 1881. THE Directors of the North Carolina Railroad Company have declared a dividend of 6 per cent three per cent, payable on 1st of March to stockholders of record on 10th of February next and 8 per cent on 1st of September to- stockhold ers of record on l Oth of August. .next ..The stock books of the company will be closed from 10th of February to 1st of March, and from 10th of Au gust to 1st of September, 1881;' -febl-lm P. B. BUTFIN, Sea. a OOOO P P P P 1 -t 1 -t a OB i O Qi mil P P P P a a a Pj P- Pj pj 3 to to na. to a .s 2S- os 00 cr a at a Cr Crt O O 99 1 p CD 00 C2s Li P R P 5V P e m i P. CD o CD O o p 3 O a 5 2 II 6 CD P P P CD e ct- cr p I l H- t ' tO Mif00 Cn O O O OOOO o a H C 5 BENEFIT OF THE Veryjrespectfully, or Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion. If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALH will grat ify yon to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal iowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It OTercomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue ana ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Sacaues Ladies Jan. 22 r.-'r: FOR RENT. (jit v ...A i - " THE store room ln the Observer building next to W. N. Prather's Is for rent after January 1st UNO. L. MOKEBXAO. dee 22 tL ' ,0 nm 1 1 i J , 1 it"! PRICES BQWir, PUBLIC ! Leading Clothiers and Tattcirii SEASON ! -eA rj". u in :'l IIJPOVED PATEWT LITER PADl Kive Gbis Hard. CaJT W JtABS AM J BlRMOTH DuFIXD. LAJt , Twicb a Loa. ccki ::: Ckuliuifttef, livir CflwjlMnt, ' Tietrelirjir Htnturm, Bhenmatum, Cestiveaeo,, f t&tto, Skk k Kenou Thet Pdt Oar all PiwMWjr'AWerytfel pir; ' : rToxiotuPUU,OiU,orPotMKtUMediciDetAlpa . into the StomMh. The ErM rrr(raldlMr th. iPM TorueUrbdintottec4rifcjoUi4 Liver, purify lDg.the Blood, ftimaUktiDKtrM) LirvaptV Kidtxr to bMlthyt cQOB, and tri(rtba'a h Btomath tod i rent food. Piuci of Pad VI 3 MaBiifactuesd and for sale (U 92 Getniala rtreeV, ; For saw tUhnnotte at me n WitetbTscarr, T. C. Smith and.Wllspn ; Witetbn 4 Co.. . Scarr, T Bwlrell- ' 0871517. CANNED GOO VIS J fff1" ' C1.AMS, Crabs, Lobsters, CTsteMalMOfl; Ortrr,-' 1 Okra. PeaTLima Beans, lniatpMyPwhajl, , . , .; ana Hum Dpuaaing. DRIED FRHIT, . AVVX Xl ' Peeled PeacHes, Apples; Ba!'ftWife,t;.f j. l: Cherries and Iried Corn - ''"'it..1'- iclies, Apples. Blsta, Cdtrenl Cherries and Dried Cornfr febl 2 8. M. HOWELL'S. 11 tllv 4ittng. a v. ;i,' '. (:; xnltoj