1 wttfftM?!i.rf SXTBSOBIPTIONJtASta : party, one yur, vodrvatolrfi Month jhrte Month ............. tm Month WKSKLT EDITION : Weekly the oounty) m adtxmot , nut tftl 60utVtVxtVa""' nix MonOu gg- Liberal Briucttoiu for Obdm. woo . S 10 .100 XXV. OHARLOTTBN. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1881. Cjjy gilt f W Wlt 1 -1 -1:1 1 J " : 1 1 ri ''ii'i mii- 'i 1 ' 'i l-'-r ,a .'A .".iitf : i " ...... ' - T" : 1 1 .'". ,"' - ' s . VOB. Our entire stock of ; J ics' Misses, andwChildren's FANCY HO E : ; rntT I , rhs nM? TJOSNTYol -hi he onere w DATS, Including all the latest styles In Fancy Stripes, Cardinals, Black, Garnet, i (JEN D'ABME. SEAL BROWN, LIGHT BLUE, LIGHT PIKE, AND SILK EMBROIDERED 'ill Alexander & IIarri. fet13 881 Spring Stock 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK wblch will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brands Latest Styles. LADIES', MISSES', CHILDBENS,' GENTS', BO JS AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods in our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and soon to arrive a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises 4 Satchels, ALL SIZES AND BRICKS. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. fet20 Pnj Croatia. NOW IS THE TIME TO kipns! 'e respectfully Invite your attention to the fact that we oSer At Cost for the Next 15 Days' OUR ENTIRE STOCK' 'of.lancy J?re89 God. Opera Flannels, Water- woaungs, Merino Shawls, Balmoral Skirts. uvercoats. Hosiery and Ladles'. Gents', and Children's Merino Underwear. CUR remnants ' -of- REGARDLESS -CO&T. pt i: , wiwunni in mini Athj IfMAji UiRHAiiCallandbe convinced that you can get ains, ResDecfullv. HAUGRAVES & W1LBELM. 3 Button Kid Gloves at 35 ct. per pair. WASHINGTON GAZETTE, 6lytnB .Tf." tno National Capital every Sunday waUnaMn 8ume ot tne Preceding week, newi U PRESKNTATIVB SOUTHERN PAPEB ltMSh.DPi!llntne National Democratic Party. lTfoLbPttQB c- WEDDKBBURN, of Vlrgln 'ormerly publisher of the Richmond (Ya.) Enquirer. Bltei. fituaa MS 8UBSCETPTION : ... n rv,7."' r ae aaareaa. Dostace d AZKTTB nrpTTanmn wnwniw LiC, WathipiBtoi p j,,at fa Wttof . mn ww m km Cloaks, Dolmans and Dlsfeii HANDSOMEST LOT OF WITH' INSERTING M4TCH - , --.wv To be Found in the Citj. A beauUful lot of 2sTE"W" LAOBS - JUST IN- T. L. SEIGLE & CO., WEST TRADE STREET. feb20 mxscjellatuotts. PA!MItER IH A PURELY VEGETABLE KEMT5DY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. DAIII If II I CD b8 "r failtd when used rMlfl IXlLLCO according- to printed direct ion inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly mf even in the most inexperienced hands. DAIII lll I CD IS A SURE CURE for rfMlf lIUb(.n Sore Throat, Concha, (hills, Diarrhtea, Dysentery, Cramps, t;holra.and all Battel Com PAINKILLER 1 ana all Hotcel camplatnu. 8iek-Heflaehe Pain in ihe Back op 8ia, RhewnMLtfsm, and Nemhu PAIM KILllR JS brinira speedy and permanent relief III aU caaea Of Brnise, Cats, sprains, Serere Items, etc. DA III VII I CD if h weJUried UKtu rAlrl :RILLtn mnd of the itietihiuiia. Farmer, Planter, bailor, and An faoti tst i ail claanae wanting a medkiine always at hand evil . safe to use internally or externally yrli U certainty of relief. l7 No family ean afford to be without thi Invaluable remedy in the house. Ita price brinf it within the reach of all, and it will annually m' many times its cost In doctors bins. Bold by aU drnggiau mt Sfte. . and $1 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. mch 1 d&wly A DELICIOUS DRINK For TJe in Families. Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc Th "Bah Punch "has lately ba introdoced. ti BMta with marked, popular favor. . , It is Warranted' to'tMdn only tU , Best cf ' liquors, tUmtei with, (j Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sudor! It Uradon MralnV. nA'wffl bu fotmdM acraaabU addition to tha ehpio tbinf which undeniably enlarga good natars if rightly anjoytd. ' ...vr.... ... , . .- r . . tl GOOD AT ALL T Just ins Thins to Keep In Wins Cenv SldeMr not CppI.JpJiaiaC It'('a,tli,OliWffi" to Siiit'ihV SaU by laadinc Wine lUrchantSt Otomm( '-i Ptaaciata Ten wbem. , TndflrsuDnlled at maimrnrttrr!( firtfWV1 W sou Bprwell, Wholesale as BetaB Drtgekt Charlottl, N C." u T :. 1 -A lf TT7TnnTOT7T0 Bxn-Tfs. ft. ' ana .ounuv t . ill 1- wwTmc'fi"tirir-- R IB Tjjkjw , Brtw Sheep once in convention assembled. Appointed a "Ways and Means" committed. twno8e lepers xm jouca resemuiea This sad and net weuhrioa alt "We've warmetUae bqelu. o( manjdiul stace From Noah's ark we,verc iibti&flt We've fed the mouths ef serf and prince, Ana on us iney nave innver. now, au w an at toe Bands As on Hre loumev ttattoar. 1 Is t work out some grateful plan To save us from th' hungry dog. ' ' Tarboro Southerner. PGBSONAL AND. GENERAL,. A bill to tax telegraph companies 2 per cent, on their gross earnings has passed.the Illinois State Senate. ; Mr. Bret Harte's drama, "The Two Men of Sandv Bar," has been produced im Germany under the title of -'The Lost Son." It cost $32 each to educate the 40,o6o pupils of New York at the Public Grammar Schools, and the 7,000 Pri mary Schools pupils cost $45 apiece. . Hen". Jamds rGrHtillah, Treasurer of the United States, was a classmate of General Garfield at Williams College, and it is expected that he will retain his place under the next -administra-tin. No less than 149 Frenchmen commit suicide every jyear. ,One hundred and sixty-three Americans die every year by theitpwn hadi but the people mbst prone $9elf-$arjrder are tliparies,58 of whom annually indulge ttf6l6dse. The Rev. Dr. Withrew, of Boston, has no faith in Mother Shipton, bases no calculation on the perihelia of the planets, has no confidence in the dread forebodings of the Jamaica professor, but he does agree with the great stur dents of Scriptural prophecy. that1 we are near the end of the world. Gen. Garfield made a statement this week that he had made no "pledge in reference to an appointment in his cab inet, or any other place, to anybody in the whole country. He has thousands of applications for office, which he has filed for reference at the proper time. Mr, Bret Barte is mentioned by a Paris correspondent of the Home News as "the most pronounced cockney in the whole of England." The California story-teller, now talks to his American acquaintances, about his "dinner last night with Lawd So-and-so, deah boy," and his engagement to-morrow to "sup with the prince, ye know.". It looks to "Gath" as if Jay Gould, Mahone and It. T. Wilsen were trying to create a new trunk line fromShreve port, La., to Vicksburg, Miss. ; thence by Meridian to Selma, Rome, Dalton, Bristol and Lynchburg to-Norfolk, giving Gould's Texas Pacific an outlet to Virginia waters. j Gov. Holliday, whose term of office expires in January, 1882, contemplates making an extended tour of Europe as soon as he retires from Official life. Be fore going, however, it is his expecta tion to make a trip through the Pacific States, extending it possibly as far as AjasKvr. . ie is at present making a 1 shore visit through' several of the South-1 ern fotates. Mr. Charles O'Conor, the eminent counselor, was interviewed at his homej on the island of Nantucket, the other day; upon the Irish question. He said that the Irish outcry against British oppression undoubtedly was warranted, out that Americans have not time to interfere ; that we have enough to do in checking the crowtn of govern mental evils at home." Digest of Supreme Court Decision. BalelgnHews andX)bserver. Smith, C J ; ' England vs. Garner, from Moore. Af firmed. - - - The proper course to be pursued to invalidate a decree is not by rnotion, for arcer nnai decree tnere is no cause pend ing in wnicn motion can De made, and the only remedy is by an action in the Superior Court, commenced by sum mons, as a substitute for a bill of re view or for a bill to impeach the decree 6t fraud. , Smith, C.j .Curtis. v Cash, from Gran ville. Af firmed. - .,' If one contributes land and horse, the other his lauor land - attention to the crop, they . are partner's in the crop. w nen tne .separate share of each- itf"al- lotted to him their joint ownership ceases. The statute (act of March -is. 1877), ceases to operate when thelessor: nas received ni& rent, whether in kjhd or m money, and there are no breaches: of contract -for which thecropisliaKeL An action in tort tor the unlawful tak ing and carrying away the phiirttifPs goods is ptoperly brought in the Superi. or Court. - SMiTH,aj.r;"r 'r - . State vsvLashley, from Robeson, jNo error l '" f-' Z' ' " The averment, in a bill of indictment, of an adulterous: intercourse, implies the absence of marriage and j equiva lent tO;a negation: of iVimd mdref orci bly implies that the parties aie pf dif ferent sexes, and dispenses' with anl legaUon ofjthatfact- ; i 'ASHE, J.--;.r c - . - ! fMillikea ts. fFox" and Staleyfronv sThe advisory jarisdicUortfrAferan ap-. plication 65 the part of a sheriff for ad vice as tof application of money in is" hands, raised brvsale.ahder. exec"utit)n in favor;o different creditors, has only, been exercisedwhen a sheriff has co- lpp.t.fd mnnfiv and lias it In land r" Frienda' Yesterfay, writes Gatk, Gen. Grant was walking up the street with a close personal , friend, $hen Carl Schurz's najne was' mentioned. Grant- said : "tschurz and I hate not been friendly istnce l went into the presidency twelve !$&rs;agcVkHe announced before; the: Chicago cofaventioo, last -luirihieT, that- if! should be nommated ov it. be would not sbpport mle. That was- fair nc square. I -would not have supported; rmn if he iad been nomlnatea for. the DTesidenct. But fiehufz. although: rar avowed opponent, hals sever busied ihtmself, since he has been-inp the cabi He, ir turning out my inenas Decauser tMiy were Grantrmen. secretary fcoer ran,;hovrlEfver, has been- turning out the ipoor tide waiters and other small chans earning a living, for them selves if-Hhey were declared Sto he Grant men. I think Schurz ia9: leeh the most chivalrfc and broad itiinded man of tM two." - - ' ;' ; .jjr lalt to ty Boctors. The BktmeaL tnottlslfta lorouabiiit.tM world ,now regards with much interest the clinical records of HteeDtateaiJianirawtatBJHiaw uueMH, on account of Its treatment of yellow fever and ofhar" tettartal tBsease It tel.teiTOniemBee that the Louisiana State Lottery, To secure the' ivaluabla tranchlse-lt eoloy s.-eoniraeted, and has paid promptly so taf the Thstalrhenta or the 81.- 000.000, . TnanMi drawins.takea iGltgrTW the sam person at New OJr '.' j j i i g u "in .1j , Alond ,Ciaiir; ' - Atlanta Constitution, 19th. - Last night DeGriva's opera house held a first-class audience, tfraw n there to witness the Taried- ahJ unique per formances as presented T)y Fanny 'May's Blondes. Wheii th ctuHt rose there were seated upon the stage .two' cork dyed individuals, Ave - blondes . and three musicians. About these , there was nothing particularly striking, and the thirst of the : audience' for some thing "hew" was" not slaked. During the entire act the audience greeted the coarse jests with jrftunda of applause, and every thing moved along smoothly until the "statuaqfras presented. Be fore the curtain relifd up on this At lanta .novelty the jlice made an in spection of the cosfdmes in which the ladies were to apteafc and thong they thought they , were,-, thin, they allowed the scene to be presented and thus sat isfy the longing desire of the audience. though rather fresh, was. presentable. The curtain went do wn, the house went wild, and the police didn't know what to do. By the time MissMarkham appeared to sing her "Yum-Yum" song they re gretted their action and concluded to pull the show. Walking behind the scene the four, police captains told the entire party to consider themselves un der arrest, and then announced to the audience that the show would cease. The troupe seeing argument useless, submitted, ad at once ' began remov ing their tbin apparel and preparing for a march-to the station house. By twos they were maTched to the station house, where they were given seats to await the arrival of Fanny May, the proprietress, who had left the opera house for her hotel before the the arrests were made. After quite a while she arrived and attempted to af fect a release, but not being disposed to accept the terms dictated by Chief Anderson, her troupe still linger at the station house. When the manager of the show ap peared upon the stage and announced that the police had arrested the troupe, thereby isuppressing the show, the audi ence yelled almost as loudly as when the song f the evening was sung. In fact, the arrest seemed to cause as much merriment as the show. An Act to Permit Defendant in Crim inal Cave to Testify in tneir Own Benall. The following has passed the General Assembly and been signed by the Speaker of the House and the Presi dent of the Senate : The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact : Section!. That chapter 43, section 16, Battle's Revisal, be amended by striking out the words "competent or compellable to give evidence' for or against himself, or shall render any person." Sec. 2. That in the trial ef all indict ments, complaints or other proceedings against peisons charged with the com mission of crimes, offenses and misde meanors in the Superior, 'Inferior, Criminal and Justice of the Peace Courts of this State, the person so charged shall, at his own request, but not otherwise, be a competent witness. And his failure to make such request shall not create any presumption against him. Sec. 3. That on the trial of all crimi nal actions, the wife ot the defendant shall be a competent witness for de fendant. . Sec. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this, the 19th day of February, A. D. 188L A Shocking Accident. Llncolnton Progress. A painful accident befell Mr. Jacob Houser, in the upper end of of this county, last Thursday week, by which he lost his life. He was felling a tree at a chopping and was killed by a large limb from the tree against which the felled tree had lodged. His left arm and left thigh were broken, and the left side of the face and head were torn off, scattering the brains of the unfor tunate man over the grouDd. He occu pied a warm place in the hearts of all who knew him, and if he had an ene my in the world it is not known by those who knew him best. He leaves a wife and five children and a large number of friends, and relatives to mourn his untimely death. IN A BAD WAY. Females whose nervous energies are exhausted, who suffer from Indigestion, CosUveness, Head aches, Irregularities, Suppression and Miseries, caused by Degrangements of the Liver and other organs cannot be cured by medicines, but Dr. Flagg'a Improved Liver and Stomach Pad never falls to restore to perfect health. Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curtne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From C. D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure In recommending to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. M y little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the night Dr.. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him Ms Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cared him. I find it equally benflcial In all cases of Coughs I consider It a blessing in my family, every one should keep it In their houses. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. oct28-6m. A CARD. To an who are suffering from the errors and in discretions' of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South . America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New Tort Citj , apr 27-odlrwly Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and yotl will never be bilious. For sale by T. C SMITH. febl Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a beauUful and clear complexion; ' Wadlbt, Emanukl Co., Ga.. Oct, 10, 1879. : Gentlemen : While attending the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curlno on my leg, It being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. . After bav ins thoroughly treated it I am compelled to say that it Is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians -and mmedier, and found noth ing to cure me until I used four .Star Cnrtne. Which has cured a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am yours respectfully, . JohxBhuu - -For sale by Dr. T. C Smith. - r - .oct26 6m. Do nut fall to tall ca yum diuggtat fer-ateotOe ot that pure, sweet and. delicious blood purifier, 8Mt&iQeiwMiftirs ? ; - ui : i Star Curtne cures all chronic Sores and is a sore cure for Piles . Call on four druggUt. before It is too late and get a bottfe if &nli'f ScfofiKa yrap an Star Curtne. From Moore7A.' JkE, Tre8ldent of Moore's Southern Business Unlverstty, Atlanta, Ga: This 1 Is to certify that I haye used Dt Cheney's Expecto rant In my family fof 'several years, and can re commend it as an Invaluable remedy for Coughs, etc., and have found.lt superior to any-other reme dies that I have tried. For sale by Dr T.-C.-Smith.1 : oct26-8m. ,tZ':'A')llV) 'NOXrPUI " for Ladies only. dtilclUi i f ForsalebiTldSllTH. : febl ! :; '.I I A HU1 i,' '. ;.. " ' OOO'OOO l!;i;j. i:l; tf a H PS P O O 63 i Pj to CO Ot 30 -a O to O ? 2 R p ? 0 ? f ST o o? 2 SO U - O & OC3 O 3 O CD e 4 91 as if M 93 o Iti to rt- o rf C5 -a p o o o o o o o o o o o o o PRICESBOW CHEAT I) FOR THE Having received Intelligence from our home la Baltunote, which Is one of the latest purehasers ofiWoolenflthatlhe same hare dertlaef fn lf t ; 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline to Clothing, we consequently act accordingly, and we now offer our stock at Seduced Trices, as ws Only me tract for large Quantities. We are assured that we purchase at:very close figures, and give every patron the benefit. We nave more styles than any ether house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold in this market; for the sunple fact that most of thtm are made to our own house. and , same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsteretts that has ever, been exhibited, ready-mpae, 1 thlslmajkat, t We Invite the public to come and tee facts. TIE IFDIST OIF THE; SMSON ! SPRING ULSTERETTS, OlIS WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. Also, Sprini L ATTEST AEPflVAL OIF MEW G00B). "We are now receiving for the Christmas Holiday trade a large assortment of desirable f oods, purchased by our Mr. Elias, who has remained constantly in the Northern markets uring the entire season, watching for Bargains and taking advantage of the late f risji in price of cotton goods. . .1 ' We are now enabled to offer their purchases of us. "We have a new stock of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, ; Cloaks and Dolmans. A large stock ot (Jlothing Carpets, Boots, Bhof ud , gmrmin 1 J T" . i 1 n i mi . . chandise. ry examining our W M Ao flEST PORTABLE WUk "f rindlDinod Cora jieal fcrUbl . U wqulrw little reint. It Baku round mel. not Bonry and piT. - k leu oower thn nr other Mill not Ming w Stone. AddrOM bbaSoh offick 7nobth caeolina mill stoioi co. I hare a pair of Moora County Orit Mill Stoaea wklth kar 'tooen In aie SO Tn, eoniiantly under aeaTT power Crind law ku.heli foe beet : sibo grit, r bvbr ar zrineiux oora moal. BoipootAiUj yowi. O VOKG1 K. TAT. Bor23-d NOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. r, .' f Jfj wwni t8.T .'- '.J FfrrS She. SECETAH4TB1USUIB,S0?1ICK, coAKaaeTSr c.fate aiil. THE Dlrectorsr of th If arOl Cacal&wrBaUnmd . Csaanany hae de3ared:nd1tldodB. per cent threeiieenu payahteJoa. Xstsniarah to stockholders treeordoo iOthpf.rebroar next, and 3 pereettiloj,8erteir)er-.tri era of record ton 10U4 f lta-neil.' -The- -stock books ef tne company win be e4osedrrOrn rotV vt Febroar to 1st of Marehrnd pom ;iOttf,FJta gast to 1st f 8eptmbe,188:i I s i' o mm CO ia. . Or O O O o o o o BENEFIT OF THE Teryjiespectfully, TEJ Es3T G AT oaoo sr. .mm g3 s Hi o o s ra- o I 3S I 2 i p tx35 z.-? 3 in o a si' 8 g v V ca Ss 2 cf c-c 3 I to a C oa M o Pi mm both to Wholesale and Retail Buyers inducements to make slock oeiore Duymg, you win Druggist by Examination. Go to a 0 rl i W. P. MARTIN. Agent and Successor t F. Scarf ft Ca SOB Fresh Drags and Pure Medieiaes None bat the Very l est Drugs li do I keep In my stock. Also, Tot lt and Fancy Article. Perfumeries. Cembs, mb A. xsrusnes, xooin jsrusnes, sc., , ,2: GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted .to be good. Physielans' preserlptlons are given spee- - lal attention .' Hepiag to reeHve a Jsnare of public if M twnap, i bib, respeccTaiiy. feJjai;.'- 'W..JCAayiN,gt; ! Without MedUethes, ALLEN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOTJQIF8 Patented Oct lf3, 187f3. One Box, Ne. 1 will cure any ease in four days or less. ho. 2 will care the meet etatlaate ease, ne nat ter ef how lenc standing ' ; ho naoseeas doses ef cube be, eepalba, r oil of sandalwood, that are certain to predoce dyspepsia by deetroymx the coatings ef the stemach. , . Pace. tl&O.. Sold by a Draglata, r niaQed on receipt ef price. ' :-T;7- .- For farther paruculan send for arcolai. P. O. Box 1533.. J. & ALLEN CO., deen-Mdda 83 John SI Kew Totk, 1 ; ' -awlr loghasii't di v l is, byhi n s - -! '"ifclhsetM;' oj b'An ui in' : 'ifl&l lUJ'" X-. '. J -(!" y& " :. i...M iii3:'t !:S:;:fe;S'., O, ..m .....rf4 ... zD: o - a PRICES BO WBJ, PUBLIC ! -.1 'I : L. BERW ANGER &3BRO, Leading Ckthir and Tailor i l. - EiSEIESE : t save money J , i . - ... u. elias & cohen;: OHIiaiirmr, lyipewb, . ttwaiMM, Ski t lffuu Em1ici. 1? oire at! riiiuu juJiba. y L 1 Tbtet Haariani into th atemaica) . The Fad are. wra flytrjM rU , nf Itio rinr Ii 'oir lr alia flrni gJ i -faarti a " .- , , a n 'mill l alma, liaal ' -- - acjr. 8otn : Manufactured and for sale at 92 (remain tree. Baltimore, Md. . . , ' - T t For sale in Charlotte at j fbe drug story f L. B, Wristen Jo.,V Seatr, f : 0. Smith Wllso Burw :: n n-.JniJ-. V i naVl6lru 1 : - . .. .j j . r- ! J 1 !' i: CANNED GQQDSi CLAMS, Crabs. Lobsters, uysten, aimeg. . Ok ra. Peas. Lima Beans, TmaU)s'eaehe' and PhUBjbnodiUng. j -, ,;i io w-jot: fci DmED.tre'- 36 I ''II i j r 1 1 l 1 . 1 ; Peeled Peaches, Apple. BaisInCurtsentntTaie,-. i: CherrlM and Dried Com at. , ' febl2 ' &'MVHOWltteBi'iio ii-.ii.ia'iuca'c "li'sefuht SOW fli r. 1 tfiZ vrnba'TMl

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