lt 1 " ' - - SURE APPETISER IRON BITTERS afe highly recommended for all diseases requir ing a certain and efficient tonic; especially " ' t 'W" pfpsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of ,Appetite,JIX)S8 T Strenetn, iacit 01 xjiipij; j , w - ' 0 -r h nprvps. It acts like a charm on me digestiTeorkns, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, SESJJSStS A SomScA, Ifcari&urn, tfc The only Iron Prepa K'that will not blacken tho teeth or privo headache, ftold bY all drueeists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an Sold br all drueeists. miming reading tent free. BEOWN C CAti CO;, Baltimore, Md. Large Additions to our Stock or HOISERY, GLOVES, NECK WEAR, CLOAKS, ladies' Underwear & Childrens' Goods JUST RECEIVED A FULL LP? I OF Silks, Satins, Fringes, Passmentries FOR DRESS TRIMMING. HATS d BONNETS fob ladies. Misses and children Of Every Shape & Quality. Have now on hand the most complete stock of LADIES'! CHILDRENS' COODS To be found in the City. A NEW LOT Of 2 Button Kid Gloves at 25c. Fair. oct24 MBS. ? QUERY. ijflSTETT jfJ fcr CELEBRATED NO TIME SHOULD BE LOST If the stomach, liver and bowels are affected; to adopt the sure remedy, HostetteT's Stomach Btt-toi-u nicPHjifis of the origins named beget others far more serious and a delay Is therefore hazard ous 1 ivarw-nsia liver com Dlalnt. chins ana iever, early rheumatic twinges, ktndney weakness, bring seilous bodily troub e If trifled with. Lose no tim m nslner this effective, safe and long known medicine. , For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, febl Stye "SUNDAYrFEBRTJARY 27, 1881. STATE LEGlSLATVH E. wit SENATE. y - Raleigh, FjbrTiary 24.J3ills ' aftfl rolutiop.wej iptriuceana fofftfWs?" Mr. Bfue, resolution topetltioTi xrtit Senators and Representatives inrCdn srress with reference to the passage Or law for the better protection of cer tain citizens of the united btajesj against irauuuieiit insurance cuiuvn les. Calendar. Mr. Staples, resolution to instruct thel joint committee on the appointment-ox.; magistrates to increase the number o magistrates in this State. Calendar;" ;s. A message was received froni'th) House of Representatives .transmitting a communication from tlie'TJbvernor, together with a proposition frim (Sen. Imboden relative to the Cape Pear andi Yadkfn. Valley Raiiroad; also, a propo sition to print the same. iThe-proposition to print was concurred in by the Senate. The bill to revise and consolidate trie public school law, and to make more efficient the system of education in this State, was placed on its third reading. Mr. Davidson stated that inasmuch as it seemod to be the settled view of the Senate to make changes in this bill, ht moved the Senate take a recess of afew minutes for the sake of hearing the views of the Superintendent of Public Instruction upon thftabjsct. On account of the objection of cer tain Senators the motion was with drawn. . , i s . Amendments were offered tolsection 9 by" Mr. Glenn, providing that the cou'nty board of education shall deter mine the books to be used instead of the State board, as provided in the bill. Adopted. . . . ' Mr. Finger, that the State board of education shaU. tecommend a-series of text books to be used in the public scnoois wnen j adapted oy tne 1 1 M .1 . a ,1 . .1 uunru ui euuuatioir. vuupieu. , Section 62. Amendmentwas-propos- ed by Mr. Finger fix mgHhf rate ef tax ation at 123 cents-ir-plepertjpand 37 on the poll. This amendment provoked a good deal of discussioh'. The amend ment was adopted, Several amendments were offered by Messrs. Williamson, of Edgecombe, and Clarke, increasing the salaries of the teachers, which were lost. The bill as amended passed its third reading by a vote of 40 to 2. , A motion was made to reconsider and lay that motion on the table, which prevailed. of textbook, to .J,i .exnurj,anaaur of county Supermt ,ymBr,jaT Officb of a S. Giles, Obdwart. Hoitrton County. Perry. Ga.. Jan. 2&"1880.- In the year 1863, there were two negro prison-1 era confined in the Jail of this county, who were very badly afflicted with that loathsome disease Syphlllls. In my official, capacity as Ordinary, I employed Capt C. T. Swift, then a resident of this place, to cure them, under a contract "no cure, no pay." He administered to them nls now Justly celebrated Syphilitic Specific, and In a few weeks I felt bound, under my contract, to pay him out of the county treasury, as he had effected a complete and radical cure. In testimony of the above, I have here- Seal I unto set my official signature and seal , the date above written. A. S. GILES, . Ordinary Houston County, Qa. Noticeto the Public. Chattanooga, Tens., Feb. 14, 1879. Gbnts: We take pleasure In saying that the S. S. S. Is giving good satisfaction. We have had excellent results from a number of cases. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed for six weeks with SyphlliUc Bheumarlsm was cured enurely with two bottles, and speaks in the highest praise 01 it. it also acts as weii in primary as m secondary and tertiary cases. Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. sold by T. v. Smith and L. k. wnston uo. Call on your druggist for a copy of '"Young Men's Friends." may27 d&wlm. WHIS is to rtve notice to the public that I have X purchased the stock of Iri Pari est and Best Medicine ever Mad. A eombilniion of Hod. Buchu. Mandrake! aa ganiaeuon, wiuuunneDesiBuumomcur ive proper mtles of all other Bitter, makes thd create 'B lood Purifler.LlverRetrula- tor. BJlu iixp tjiu netiu jtcnormg Ageni oi M1IE ably long exist where HorB ana perfect are theirB recenUy kept at the old postofflce stand, on Trade street, by JL G. BOGEBS, and that I will continue to keep a full and complete assortment of such goods as are usually found at a first-class Tke chool BUt. he.f olio wins is h! substance of the school bill as it passed the Senate on yesterday? oir ilSlliltd reading: i li W&n&w that the state ooara of educatioa m3Tif racommend!a series in ouri public one Jbopk.f. aa Ahf.f warn. 1 Lrrl"fi ilecfMbytlMi; ation ana. the is.(..Haif reflttiT"). apes, iff h desire Lspect the pubiio; Furniture Estabiishmen t T. W. ANDBEWS. formerly with Burgess Nichols, will be wltn me in the management of my busi ness and will be clad to see his friends. E. M. ANDBEWS. HAVING sold aB my stock Of forntttn-e. and surrendered my business as well as the good will bf mv trade to E. M. Andrews. I respectfully Invite my friends aad former eustomors to tender to blm that patronage which they have so gener ally extended to me. . Respectfully. feblB E. G. ROGERS. CkjDsigmiient !. Consignment ! 150 Boxes Starch. 15 TUBS No disease iBitten are nj peratioaa. iTbtygtoBaw lift 3&m& rigor totiaagtl and laflrm To aU vhose employ m mentj can irraenlarity ola the bowels or urinary -organa, or who require an iDDetlzer Tonic and mild .Stimulant, Hop Bittera i lnvalnaole, VVitnoUT 'VpiaMilintOXlOatiniKMl Ho matter what your f oa 3s: or aynrotoma I what the disease or aUment is W Hop Bitten. iDont wait until you aiw afcambutlf you only fee: lormiserable, usetnei5iwera once. It liare your llie. It tSOO will be Mid tor teMetbley win not ear o: ilp. Do no tanner nog ut rwmmenfli suger.bni ana nnc&iaaaiio vm nop t Remember: Bop Btttewteno vile, ? g f d. LosaruiB. dux tne ruraac i cineerermaae-rTD -invaiias rrMCVd id lope, ana no person oriamuy anoojabe'i. n- ED. I. C. is an abeohxte and irrKt!hA imn lDrunkeneae,use 0ppiniabe,aiulBajwjticS. ) All sold by drogisB, -Send for Oraalax. Bo Bitter. Kf. 18-Ttochesser, N. Xy ja" y Utisccliatieotts. Dr SAMFOtlD'S 0E3ATOE5 Only Vegetable Compound tiiat acts directly upon tne Liver, and cures Liver yCoTintsJaunFd Pin a Cinch Pn Butt AT dice, BniousnessMalaria, Cos; tiveness,. necneatassists Qi-x EXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY USE. All Must be Sold at Once. CALL AND SEE US. gestioist&jptiietem, regulatesths boweTs;nnetM blood. ; A Book Dr. Sanfokd, 162 Broadway, N. Y. rOR SALE BY ALL JantfS deod," eow-I y DRUGGISTS. E. BUTTEEICK'S WITH 4 t tebJO RO. D. GRAHAM, lHtiraA o4 United SMtMoaita, .CoUee- 11. Ootii, Home and Foreign,- soncited. Ab- mtmu 01 XHiea, xmney v an., runusisKi lor ton '76moarl.OerM-lMt Tryo streeti tatartottt.H.a riaa.. March Patterns, JUST RECEIVED. Also,'- SIM B. omits i M. Da omal smcia rshi cmzxn The CaWoguj Spring nf j881r HOUSE OF REPUESENTATIVES. Bills were introduced as follows: Mr, Sewell, to compel parents to send chil dren to school. " Referred. 1 Mr.Pasonr. to amend the law relating to the Kihg's Mountain Mining Company. Mr. Glenn, of Stokes, submitted a report for the committee on internal Improvements, The bill to charter the Danville, Mocks ville and Southwestern Railroad Com pany was reported on favorably. The bill establishing the maximum rate of freight and fares was taken up as unhnisuea business. Mr. Rose offered a substitute for sec tion 2, allowing the commissioners tq tlx the rate of fare on all the roads at a rate not exceeding four cents per linea! mile, and spoke in its favor. Mr. Toon favored ?Mr. Rose's amend ment. He. said to tie the hands of the commissioners wast to make them al most useless, ine amendment was lost ; yeas 33, nays 86. Mr. Ragsdale said he was opposed to the bill and moved to lay it on the ta ble. The motion prevailed; yeas 57. nays 45. liouse bill C33, introduced by Mr. Thomas; was put oU lt second reading. It provides for the election of three commissioners every two years, who shall have power to regulate freights and fares. Mr. Weaver moved to table. The motion failed ; yeas 36, nays 69. i - The special order lor making appro priations for the support of -the insane asylums was takerf up at 12 m. f Air. Kose explained the action of the committee in reporting the bill, and also the bill. The bill then passed its several readings. The consideration of the bill estab- lishing a railroad commission was r- -Mr.ThdmasiJErade an elaborate sneeeh in favor of the bill. Motions to make the bill a srrMl order for.12 O'clock to-morrow and Sat urdaywere oteddown. f Jiessra, jaungton, uienn. of Stokes. and Manniqg.'offered amendments. Un motion of Mr. Thomas, the pre vious question was ordered. - Mr: Miinninc's amendment- man Qnrf ea. " Mr. Glenn's amendment was adopted. Mr, Ellington's was also adopted. The subptiitejn-eparedrby ihi com mittee on internal improvements, as amenaea, was adopted yeas 57, nays is. . The bill wa3 put on its second read ing and passed. "jMR,pay offered an amendment, pro YidUnjiffocthxee commissioners. ;,Mx. Grainger moved to take the bill from the table, which was reported by the special -committee. The motion railed yeas 4G,Tiay3 48, lit Hicks marred to amend bv re quiring the ; commissioners to be of each political party, Mr. Bledsoe moyed to lay the amend ment -on-itbe table. This would have carried the bill - with it. Themotiori iauea--yeas sei-nays 64. :JMr.AHennof . Stokes, renewed the call iorthe; jpreyious question, which was sustained. J Mf. Bledsoe inoved to adjourn, which motion. jaueccsK'" MrHtCksamendinent was adopted yeas 68, hays 20. Mr. Days' ameadment - as amended by Mr. . Hicks, was adoptedyeas r4$rt nays uu. -- ,i1 . i raging. , r fn Mr. ijrienn, of Stokes, offered a n Plion provtoinatihlil ifo rnjmBfcr slral ak longer than! teiiimintitesl exceDt IMleaTevOf the I6ds,Sind giv notice tihat he would call itlnp to-mor&W. A message from the Governor with regard to the centennial celebration to be held in New fork in. 1883 was re ceived, and, on taction f Mr. Green, of Craven, it was transmitted to the Sen? cit vYiLii a request to pnuu Mt-fCarter. by, consent rfDortea tor U iildiiarT flDmrtittee m Striate bill t ncorboratmg h.4 Frenphu3taB4Bteam )oat Company, which was then pl&ed on its several readings and passed, v tsenate bill to authorize the North western North Carqliq&r Railroad to extend its ' rokd, and baud branches. Quite a discussion arose, during which Mr. Carter ; protested against the pass age: of i the 4iiH unless, amended. : The bill was amended and passed its third reading a -1 a 1 1 v.; : ',. Wenate- Dill anLharmng the collection of a special t tax:a Cabarrus county passed its: third reaoirigi Latest jCWmlQm9t WallnftB4 . RlvUxAiav-. r , I Salisbnry Watdmuaani rj u-.xm ra ui ..11 co ea ui examine to teacjii; jfeiSit pottj. ins $01 eouty,-.:adT ise with teachsrs as to the fcesfc- tnethods of in- Warlksm.achool ifwmeMami col lect school statistics-t countersign all or ders on the county'trtasrirex for school moneys ; Hold . teachers ; Uastitutes ; and mate tne reports now required irom the register of deeds and. county exam iner to the State Superintendent ef In- aicucwoQ. jj or Lnese"uues aeis to re ceive a compensation Of 82 per day for each day engaged to be paid out of the unapportioned school fund of the county. v" , : 3. Itreauirps that the school funds of the county shall be apportioned on the' first Monday in January in each year, and shall be based on the actual amount oz money in the hands ot the oonnty treasurer, and tiot 1 on the amount levied on tho tax list as the IaW now standi 4. The county beard of education may annually apportion 3100 out of the public school moneys to defray the ex- peiisestf - teacher' institutes, . and where it iff deemed, practicable or ad visable number of counties may unite in oneirtstitute. X "Prta opKaaI xroar' ia oT " y nraT v. o a to correspond witli the, county fiscal year, and will therefore end November 30 in each year. ,;i 6. Twelve and.a half.. eeata is levied era 'each SlODJalaafiori-'of property for school purposes, and if this.iWith the capitation taXiof 37 cents, fines, etc, shall be insufficient to maintain one or county fhore schools in each district of the JJUUUl. .1UI .1U1 UlUUtUS- 1U HUH y OiVL, then the county board of education is required t,leyjr a special tax to meet thedefieienbyC ' ' 7. Additional safeguards ara thrown 'around the collection, handling and dis- oursment of school moneys and school commitfeeraeri are required to take deeds' fdr all,'scriooi. bouse sites pur- cnasea oy mem, wnicn must De regu larly orobatedJ recorded and denosited with the county treasurer for sae keep-' mg. 8. School committeemen are author-1 teed td' pay full cost of school house sites, and also full cost ef; building, re pairirig and ftrrhishing school house. 9. The State board of education is re quired to apportion on the first Monday in AugusJ all the school money in the fctatdtreasuryi a J 10. Ceuihcates iaom the county su perintendent of instruction to teachers will be, valid as follows: To first grade teachers for three years; to second' grades for two years, and to third grades tot onVyear. 11. No teacher can be employed who does not produce -a crtibeate from the eolmty superintendent, and first grade teachers cannot receive more than $3 per day ; second grades more than Z per day, and third grades cannot receive mere" than 1 per day. Wfeo la Mrs. WiBglOW f As tills oraestlon Is freanentlv aslted. wa win uTm- ply Say that she is a lady whe for upwardsNof thlr- u jeara. nas nnaringty osTDiea nee Hme assi lam ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among; children, she has especially stalled tbt consUUrtJon and "wants or this numerous- 'class and, aa resuUoLihla-elftMl, odjctcal .ltowl edge. obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she hat compounded a Stothlng Syrap, lor children teething, tt operates lilce magic klTfrtg rest and health, and la moreorer, sura to aie tne ooweia. in conaecroeftce' er. this ar- benefactor of her race: children oertatnlr do rlseTiD and bless her: esnedaUT is thta the mm in thts Jty.' Vast qnanttttestrf the Soothlns Syrnn aw , dally sold and nsed hem. - We think Mrs. Win&iow has immcrtalized her name by this to vanable article, and wa sincerely beUeve Abos 'anltt of Johlkfren hare been Bated from an ' early E3 hs its Umery use, and that millions yet on wiil share its benefits, , and unite in calling )lessed. ' No mother has discharged bet duty to her suffering UtUe one, In oar opinion., tmtil she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Vlsf tor. New. York City. Sold by all dmggista. 25 cents a bottle. febldkwlw FEES OF DOCTORS. The' fee of doctors is an item that very many per sons are Interested in ut at present We -believe the scbedul for visits is S3, which-would tax a man confined to his bed foe a year, and in need of dally visits, over $1,000 a year for medical at tendance alone i And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the 81,000 and. an the year's sickness. Post. It 18 a Well Known Fact. among physicians that Buchu Juniper and Parera Brava in combination are the best remedies in the world for any disease of the Bladder or Kidneys, and that no less than one half of the human fam- y ily, both male and female, suffer from derange. ment oi those organs and neglect or failure to use proper remedies hurry many to untimely graves. numerous comoinsmons nave been tried lor rav el, Brick Dust Deposits, Bright' s Disease, Weak ness in Back and Hips, produced by derangement of Bladder and Kidneys, but none with such hap py results-as Banfctn's Extract of Buchu and Juni per. If you suffer fromany disease of those or gans, get a bottle one or two will reliev you. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin 4 Laemar, At lanta, Ga. Soldby Wilson 4 Burwell, and L. B, Wrlston A Co.. A CARD, To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervosa weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood. sc, i will send a recipe mat Wrill eure yon, FREE OF CHABB. This great remedy, was discovered oy a missionary in boutn America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Bev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City, apr 27jeodIy4wly "WINE OF CARPUI" for Ladies only. For sale by T. C. SMITH. febl Hew xltyjertiseiujettts. Midnight in ibfe Sanciuui. Burlington Hawkeye. It was past midnight and the lights in the Hawkeye sanctum shone bright ly on the. brave men of the staff there assembled. The editor reached oyer for the brush to fasten a paragraph down over its credit. "it paste to be honest," he mur mured. "Especially when you are acscissory o the act," said the city editor. "But this," said the editor, lifting up the -Old stove polish cut from a pile of oose manuscript, "is what gives the paper weight." And this," said the associate, hold ing aa original poem on "Winter" in the gas jet, "is what lends it an airy lightness. "Nary lightness it is, said the news- editor, "for there's pounds and pounds of it in the drawer. "Take care of the pounds," said the city editor, and the pencil take care of itself." "I should re-mark," said the proof reader, as he called for a revise. "And I should dollar, said the busi ness manager, coming in with a hatful of manuscript. "Now youTre shouting, sang the cho rus, "say your piece. "I have come to co-operate with yeu, said the business manager.' "See I These are the new adze. "Put a pica head on, hira," said the foreman.' , And longer had they sung, but with a frown the funny man impatiently rose, and remarking that this was a noose paper, joxed on all iurtner de bate and the forma went down. Pwnoccai copy. Ml . Drag Store. TIDBY & BROTHER. 1001 GmrfUld Getting; Beady. A special from Paines ville to the Cincinnati Commercial says: The ar rangements are rapidly culminating for Gen. Garfield's departure for Wash in gtoni and will probably be definitely settled this week. The President-elect will leave for Washington on Monday, February 28. His wife and mother and his three children at home, Mollie, Irwin and -. Abram, will accompany him, and probably a few very,, intimate friends besides, l'romineni rtepuDii cans throughout the district are nego tiating for special trains to- be run to Mentor on the day of departure, to irive Garfield's old constituents an op- nnrtunitT to see and hear him before fi takes his final leave. Hon. A. L. Tinker, of Paineaville, will make the farewell speech in. behslf of .the gath-ftrlrid-. to which Gen. Garfield will re ply ferleny The ; lake Shore road has now ioinedm-thennitersal assault up-. 1 t ' tt r T": 'r r A T. m junf on ins jrrcBiaenireiecw buuui ibwu er all express trains tn 'itna raaa 11 stop at Mentor toittt I yarneid ves for Washington. TW4 Pf Course, y tends to increase we- nnmoer oi visitors, which is already prodigious. Since the nomination of Garfield in June he has paid $204 for postage on his letter into thte Vf est Mentor post-office. UiElEOl. FOB RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on Mirth equals St. Jacobs Oil s a mfife, rare, aimplm and cheap Sztarnal Sanady. A trial an tails but the companttrsly trifling outlay ef 60 Celts, and avery cms suffering with pain can hava cheap and poaitiye proof of its laitna. Directions In EUtsb Langnagaa. SOLD BT ALL DBTTGGISTS LTD DE1LEE8 IS MEDIOHTE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., 17. S. JU dec 30 d& w 1 y SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter now poor it may naturally be. Hagan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate ana harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles. Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul- ar Flushings, etc., etc. So elicate and natural are its effeets that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. c 3 Jan. 32 toys ! Toys ! ! Dead Hog- Executes) LysicU Law on Ncjfrro. . j ; a Noblett, irlthe'np- aUrionOi per ed r np-Pcft. ployei n nofirs. V.Th; week! Mr. ge of Ruth I I raaa jBetgVW45hfn sv. ;,-raa ,uav: way who adorrif1Tartfr'a stnrw. and who pfesiflts oCTthe pastry department, ,displaye4 atrthe jJtore,door -f an P pxopriatesigranuiashlntoti pie, veiled with eranev Hi ideWa3 at once tovc6nimemQTte;,,dmd t.f.0Jnita4 a uepiore me aemise orxne J! amer oi nis country. - orfl county, em- tofaelp feimkill bogs. VThatghtHbe negro came nacs and horrnwftd nnft. and had gotten. some distance on his way home, when comincr te a fence he laid the hog upon the fencehaUacingit until he got oy er. Attemntini? to snouiaer iu it xen on the onnesite side of the fence, and , the gammon-stick, which he hadTieg-' leeted tq takfju out icanght him around the necltfnr fastenW 'mm. ext mpr-; nincrhn was found dead. tbehOgOn one side and the negro on the other, J side of the fence. The first gammon . ai ever hdifirdjld ttOg anacmaa BODODDOWf Medicine. ther 1 muscles, u!H,ht of ppetltetiysnsea) inlntbegetcUwltri a e arb -AT- D. M. RIGLER'S Ton win find the largest and best assortment of TOYS in the ettr. Wa bare most everything in the line, and wul sell as low as the lowest Inspection on and after to-day. Came and sea. Also, BAIS1NS, NUTS, CITRON, CURRANTS, DATES, SHELLED ALMONDS, Ac, &c CANDIES : We manufacture our own Plata Candies and guarantee tnem pare. Fine French Candies We have a large stock and as fine as Is made. BREAD, CAKES, PIES. is the place to get your CHRISTMAS CAEES. Bring your orders and we guarantee satisfaction. D. M . RIGLKE. dec8-tf 1 mm -ANOTHEB LOT OF- COAL STOVES. ALSO - -A CAB OAD OF THE- IRON KING COOK NOS. 6, 7, 8. 9. SHEET IRON. FIEI PLATE, WIBE & 80LDEB, always on band. ROOFING SPECIALTY. Fine work of all kinds promptly done. Have In stock a splendid assortment of Remington, St John I Household OE WING MACHINE O SWING MACHINE MACHINE NEEDLES on band DONE. and REPAIRING Locks. Nails. Hinges Hardware, 8ttTe and Tin House ef Fine Watch fei'S I FINE WATCH REPAIRS,: ALLEN & TRUSL beg leave to remind the peoie or CHARLOTTE AND C()l xTUY again that this Important branch of icirca meir most careiul tMrb-., iitten-i.ji. THEY ARE PREPARED Tn DIFFICULT WOHK And Warrant Every J bb. If your watches want repairing nr and see them. reguuuliii; GOLD ftriD SILVER WftTC ES JUST RECEIVED, which they will sel' very low Fine .Tpwairr r . bpecucles and Eye-Glas,ses always In stuck CALL, AND THEY febl 8 WILL SERVE VOL" WKL1. GO TO in I. Ml AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF t) GliristmasGoods. i ALL OF WHICH HE SKLL.S LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS Eltl. decl5 Contleiiseil Time TaWe NorttiCaroliiiaPi.R TEAIN3 GOING NORTH. in large supply, at the RICHARD MOORE, Trade St, Charlotte, N. C. Col. c. W. Bradshaw, so long and favorably known in connection with the Sewing Machine business of tnls dry and Tlclnlty, Is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. A liV FRIENDLY WARNING Lt. Charlotte, A-L. Depot " Junc"t Salisbury, ArT.Greensboro L v.Greensboro Arr. Raleigh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Arr. Lv. Danville . Danvine Barksdale Drak'sBr'ch Jeters ville Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manchester Since railroad accidents have become an almost daily occurrence, and having considerable experience in that line, I hereby WARN all PERSONS Against traveling on railroads, and recommend that they take a Bafe and sure plan (by which no accident policy is required) and buy one of the celebrated -Mekto or WeMeF- TOTT'S POLLS IHnOOSED BY PHYtlClAUSs CliRQYUEn, AMD THE ArTUCTED EVERYWHtRE. THE GBEATKI-aEDlCAL TBIUHPH DFTHc. Atife. TORRID Ioss WAGONS. Sold and Warranted by THOS. H. GAITHER. Jan27 sticlfQi I 1 1 i i I i f AiofcnSMiLi'VtiT ui MsJf Mtt ch the boWala eostire. uH,aenaatlcmin r- n&rt. Fdmnuiet ins nouiaer- tTAV V.1T thiHini, with rffain. HnJXnn tA ATrtiAn of bodT or KiincL, Irritability of temper, ljow nmym. xiosm t at memarr. yitu tee.' "t y ti'!Ttn e" kef wiadBt1Wniyaa. pwneaa. Tinttwinc at tnsnssrujoia osuin tas 5Tea. Yellow fekin. U eWacha. Bestless" pWa pih.t, bAgniy colored nrtes. 8E830USDISEASES WOXSOON B KVElOPEa ; TflWW?riMsri eiveelallT adapted to jskases(OModsgssjtsjsJi)lianro TimisiM silis arintila nirmTTtv ZJ(Z InTZirA Mm snTJli ' tlMW tH aratsna la ,W1U UT fcaWU M MM 1 II MV rt'.'i For sale at the CHARLOTTE OB8KBYEH nov2-tf blood, haiden the erv es, perfect digesUoa" GOLD SILVER, LEAD, COPPER. AND ZINC ORES PURCHASED .... .j." Press atre Urn af Me Malt nowadays jnarbe j enureiv creveniea dt aw use wx ounmi vw mr,f ,HiiM hun Wltrlf " Of hrlwrt tbJ hate Wad eolnliuroot nr bAwtoUvjanA has never failed to arrest tne aeeay: w promotes . the hair. ' Bubnitt'b Flavobimo Kxteacts are the beat, Btrongest and nost healthfaL Boldevarywher, FOR CASH : nirMirithkU(illuiinlBidUltir .BwiK br a star Va j)iUcUaa of thiDrB. Jt 1 Imparts a Tis.toral color, cU InstamaneooilT. 1 1 BMOrttseisaMis suit bf exuraas m TSMipiof fu'-: Office 38 Murray 6t-t nbvw Tone; Cn TCTT liHU at VssssMI ifi inasisHssj A ) DMnl wlfii will h MM FKU a sans1lsa.y , t T 29 dtodAwly. tYHS New YrK an North Carolina Smelting I ComDanT at Charlotte, will pay the best Cash rrteea ever pau mjau-mmvji rKhinwma mule tor sampling and as- Date.Dec.14 '80 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43. D;iliy 3.50 am 6.03 am 8.05 am 8.2 am 1.40 pm 4 (K) PM 0.20 PM 8.22 pm 4.38 pm 0.05 AM' 4-')U I'M fi.30 AM H .00 AM tV41 PM i).3H AM K.'Jri fM y.5H am 1 p for hlch- ! ni'iid only 11.32 AM I1.H5AM 12.01 PM 1.1 V PM 2.49 pm 3.45 pm ' 4.'20 P 4.40 pm , pm 44J f V'i TRAINS GOING SO0TH. Date,Decl4 '80 No. 42 Dally. Lv. Richmond Burkeville Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Arr. Greensboro Lv. Salisbury Arr. A L. Junction Charlotte Lv. Richmond Jetersvllle Drak's Br'ch Barksdale Danville Benaja Greensboro Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " Arr. Charlotte 10.30 pm 2 24 am 7.11 am 8.35 am 10 10 am 10.15 am 12.00 am 12.01 pm 1.52 pm No. 48 Dally. 11.55 am 2.20 pm 5 40 pm 6.00 P 8.09 pm 8.20 pm 10.10 P 12.00 M 12.32 PM No. SO Iiaiif ) 4n l' 4 "K FM 5.KH 1' I- .D rs 7 4rt ' " x.4X r H.l f HI..W i In AM 12.:)" i SALKM BRANCH. 48 Dally, except Sunday. 1 Mil i NO. Leave Greensboro Arrive Salem , NO. 47 Dally, except feunud). Leave Salem Arrives Greensboro NO. 42-Dally, except Sunc.i. Leave Greensboro " 1 1 .50 A 7-40 . Arrives Salem... NO. 43-DaIIy. Leave Salem Arrive Greensboro. 5.00" 7. r Limited malls snon stoppages ai pom; 3 " rhari0t:e ' Fsssengers taxing tram tv ' n, Ttii- f get aboart at the R & D. V R. depot, jw makes close connection at Greensboro fur ; Goldsboro Newberne and allpomis011 tnn Wpl1on Railroad. ... n w . Passenger trains No. 47 and 4 rac d . stops between Charlotte and Blchmond 4i tween Greensboro, Balelah and Gola!i ,m making connection with W. N. ffH for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), ana (jtJl m UVvlAAB wsju " - , stops between Charlotte and Bi-bnffl , L Query's. Harrlsburg. Cnlna Grove, HoibD wood and Jamestown. n-mch at M1' No. 43 connects with Salem BrancD No. 43 connects boro. dec23 a. POP. Pass, and Ticket ''v, Oys Sy on Twon Street, next aw' delivered at the Lincoln depot l0 , Oyster 8tews. 25 cento sl vjcET. ' BEST IN THt, ma? -parties staving borrowed dockc f tbem. t adaM. octlO tf " FOR RENT. mmt store room in the Observer Mmjf 1 to W. H. Prather-s is Vvn il MORKB II' A 4? 7) will1 DELICI0D9 1st JN0:l.M0 de22 tf.

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