lit Jharlottt teemr. OHia,B. HOICKS, dtlMfc Plj?list?r iiiwMD at m rpnomena CBaufnm H. c as 8mxanCLMM suxTjaLb: -n it .i FBIDAX MABCH 1. THE WACfilJBATIOIl XO-BAY. v Befw tbtrairettday in ait hu man prqbpbility GeneraLJmes A. Garfield Will hare "ibeen iiiuguraed Presidenof thg United jSfatps fof fhe next four years, tie is tne secona ar solutely sectional President that has ever reached the pinnacle of official distinction in this country Abraham Lincoln being the first and only pre ceding case. AJ1 other men jjho have really .reachedta. presidencrnaver re ceived more or less; votes, in the elec; toraf college f rom thedifferent sectional of the country. General Garfield, how ever, does not receive a single electoral vote from that section of the United States South of Mason's and Dixon's line, and yet he is the legally elected President of this great country, of which the South forms no inconsiderate proportion. ; Unlike the case of his immediate predecessor, there will be no caviling over the title to his office, ior if tiis elevation can be said to have been at tained through fraud, or any of the Usual concomitants. o, nodera -election machinery; these actij were committed by the people, actingin their sovereign capacity, and not through high and trusted officials, as was the case foyr years Etgd. It is to be regretted that any condi tion of circumstances should exist, through which any man might be call ed to the highest office within the gift of the people whose party allegiance requires him to be the President of his party, and not the President' of the people, and yet General Oarfield must either occupy that position, or he must cast his party feeling to the winds and become a patriot and statesman. His whole political course leads us to be lieve that in the presidential chair he will be the same bitter, unrelenting, and unreasoning partisan that he has been as a politician. Well may we in quire then what the South is to expect ftt the hands of the new President? She sees a man inaugurated to whom she did not give a single electoral vote, but notwithstanding that fact, she ex pects him to administer the laws (as far as a President can do so) in accor dance with the requirements of that great Federal compact, which has been denominated the constitution, not of a section but of the whole United States Beyond this her i expectations are not great, and especially "does sntfask to be let alone in working out the hitherto unsolved problem of whether two races can Uve 'together peaceably and har moniously under one government. We believe that our people are . sincerely desirous of carrying out the letter as well as the spirit of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the constitu tion, as well as every "other provision of that instrument, and with such a purpose it is impossible for them to materially err. It is no new thing for us to see the old government ship, which was launched by our fathers, officered and manned by alien and un friendly forces we mean politically of course. We have suffered and borne with vituperation and misrepresenta tion until suffering has come to be a virtue, and that it will bring its own re ward is as sure a3 the sun shines. There was a .time during the, last 1 presidential campaign when "we ftopectl to see-: man inducted into the presi-J dential chair who would not be the ex ponent of a section, or of a party, but of the whole people. That hope died as the news from the New York election was flashed over the wires in "Novem ber. Conscious of the rectitude of the course of the people of the Solth, tore can afford to wait until God in His own way shall bring about the unification of the sections, and of the whole peo ple. If this shall come under the ad ministration of General Garfield, none Bhall bej more willing testimony thafir -uw wj ui - kriuug - up the country, and preparing for the ipaaa-consummation- poftccj wnity and hatmony when,it shalUome. VuPi'sK v m as win do seen eisewnere tne rresi dent, on the eye of yacating his posi tion, has vetoed the funding bill as it came from Congress, having been parsed after the close of our report ef the pro- ceAnjr pulumeduyesterdiy m,ornfng ou ovjecuos is w me section or tne bill which was intended to prevent the successful operation of such a scheme to restrain congress as was be gun by the banks of New York last week, by producing panics in business. Without 'this sectidnthe bank! CSuTd "anyUay force a repeal of thA fnrH!nirriiiuiMTh un AT,mn TKJsi ui.-i;v-" ZT r " J ,Tliil!:BCuuu tt.TiA-fml, 1 out the funding aeheiae,md was never intonert fottt'Tart of 4fe:excT3t to this CTtent Jlt9T JWt xac.t10? "wwisuw y.tyu gov- ernfttnt hayCrflhdwjtttJe wlsdoinof thojhol3Sis1poo .ajffi;presl- tnojho lasiiitedpoH it -TATb Fresi deat Htirinyblah tnTOjiksU iTTS I 1 ST Tt fct-tsr?atsYji3 4oesn't makeatjeat uoi oi ina crat -r. j$n it comes trjook- Pmxu,i.t ana nar&o.vBBigov PriaJo 0riparolina,4iftmn. m smMksameuery. in llCiaxar " a nwwr wnn wy inesais doaLtiJa,Lurn: exsanCin Jiarboii dultftniiiXiPcm6111 -which past aDDrooriMoifeliitfuehL .11 we nvfs Aalr share, and wfien the, im- 7TV 7r za H '' JIZ '. nrrfien)wTiIcn - sifcn a proportion brtri,sMirlifflS. Qieilllfw SMU Ufa 01 ftowniftriTl and happiness 1 tne 4oes 01 some dear and pette dangerous season for ehni should keep Dr. Bull's cough Byrup handy. 25c lens-ttiw Between a factious and implacable Republican mjnorityand aJBepbliean President, thetmodrafr grtM are retarded in atttheir.efforts at. legist lation. See congyesojil tgpeedinf tins morning. aomeDoay wui uo uwu responsible for these things, and when the crash does come the destruction will be overwhelming. J ' V.l Under 'the hew apportionment bill ottlfraWHfiagttsWothe gressman. Repreeentatio is fixe at nni ' Congressman lor every ioo,ooj. oi population, jfe. jM J. Ml . FUNDING VETOED. . SUDDEN 'AclTlOM Of THE PttESI; DENT. serious .osjeciiwnti tpexius sec UoniiiwouM cue jaM Washington, March 3. The follow ing is the President's message : To the House: vf Representatives ; Having coTisiderea tne bill entitlfU n act to facilitate tne reiunaing or the national debt, I am constrained to jeturn it to the House of Representa tives, In wuicn it originated, witn tne following statement of my objections to its passage: imperative necessity from prompt action and pressure of public duties in this closing week of mv term of ofiice compel me to refrain from any attetaptto make -a 'lull and satisfactory presentation or my oDjec tions to the bill. The imuortance of the passage, at the present session of Congresspf a suita-'.j Die measure ior tne yreiunuiug oi wits national debt," which is about to mature, is generally recognized. It has been urged upon the attention of Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury and in my last annual message. If success fully accomplished it will secure a large decrease in the annual interest payment of the nation and 1 earnestly recom mend if the bill before me should" fail that another measure for this purpose beacUpted before the present Congress adiourns. VV liile in my opinion it would be wise to authorize the Secretary of striking out the words "dilatqry mo the Treasury in his discretion to oft'er tions." I ' a I I ' I to the public bonds bearimg per : At the expiratioa of he fialf fiour de cent, interest - in aid ef refunding, bate, Conger Jresefvibg ;the right for shall not deem it riy duty to interpose liimself and friends fiorefufee to vote, if my constitutional oojection to tne passage of the present bill if it did not contain in its 5th section provisions which, in my judgment, seriously im pair its value and tend to the destruc tion of the present national banking system of the country. This system has now been in operation almost 20 years. No safer , nor more beneflcial banking system was ever established. Its advantages as a business are free to, all who have the necessary capital. It furnishes currency to the publicNvhieh for the convenience and security of the bill-holder has never been equalled by that of any other banking system. Its notes are secured by deposit with the government of interest bearing bonds of the United States. No section of the b before me, which relates to the national backing system and to which objection" i made, is not an essential part of the refunding measure. It is. as folk) wb: (He then quotes' the 5th section of the bill,) Under this section it is obvious that no additional banks will hereafter be organized, except pos sibly in a few cities or localities where thepreyaUingjrates of interest in ordK nary f business . are extremely, 1q w. No new banks can be organized and no increasanf the, capital oi the.. exists ing banK3.Je. obtained . except by tne puicuajse auu ucpuib ul o troi -cent, bonds " N Other bonds-rof thttJJnited States can be used for that purpose. The one thousand millions of other bonds, recently issued by the United State, and bearing a higher rate of in terest than 3 per cent, and therefore a better security fox the bill-holders, can after the first of July next be received aa security for bank circulation. This is a radical change in the banking law. It takes from the banks the right they have heretofore had under the law to purchase on deposit as security for their circulation any of the bonds is- J lued by the United,. States, .nd de- rvs tae bill-noidefS' of the ibestsecu- riry Ifhich the banMB ate Able? to give dv inquiring Hiemiw rcposn uonus navtbg the best yalfte of- any bonds is- SuecEbythe govenirjlentr. THeSaverage rate of taxation of capital employed in banking is more than double the rate of taxation upon capital employed in other legitimate business. Under these circumstances, to amend the banking law so as to deprive the banks of the advantage Qf securing theirnotes by the Hiqst Ylfiole.boQds issued by-the government win, it is-believed, m large part of the country, be a practi cal prohibition of the organizing of new banks, and prevent existing basks from enlarging their capital. The na tional banking system, if continued at all, will aid monopoly in the hands of tb,ose air eadyf engaged in it,whj3rmay pnrcnase government ponas Daannga 1 3-per cent. Dona, prior to next JuTrer To prevent further organization of the banks is ta-piit-in jacpardy-the-whote system by taking from tt that feature HatiD&kesit now, as atmnklDS: systm. r?tojijlre samttrjas to.-aTi;ho wish to efigage in it. Even the existing DanKs will oe in danger or being driven rrom Dusiness Dy the additional disad vantages to whieh tbey wjll bje aobject ed by this bill. In short, I cannot but regard the fifth section of the bill as a 1 step step in tne oeBtraction ox tnenauonat 'st. j: . t . i i. JT" i sr. tmnJelystein. i liui own country af ter a long period of business depressson has just entered upon a course of un- exa,mpredTprosperity. The;Wjthdraw-v ai -or - currency ' irom circrxiatiTm by the national banks and the enforced jrtfidingUr-of theOsanks n;ons- uusuce vrviuiu iueviLioiT uriBg aerisna. embarrassment and disaster to the usinsTbT tfiFTunTff .' TJanks "of la- sue are essential instruments of mod- ern commerce. , If the tresent eificienl; and i virnirable SysteDf of I batikum Is broken will inevitably be fol- lowed by ti recurrence to other and in- (Brier methods of-banking. Any meas ulsturbin1raelement inr our financial svAV tem. it win destroy the-conndeace arrd sorely check the growing prosperity dSE country. Believing that the . meaf not necessarily connected with the' na tional banking: law. and that any re funding act will defeat its own subject if it imperilled, the, natiejjaj banking qjauoiu wr ssnuusiy impaireu its usi f alnesB, and convinced,., that, section or tneDUi before me would, ifit-shou eme .y01 hett ith returni the bill itQ ithq iHouse oj jsepreBontauyes ior mat iurtnercon slderation whicji is provided for in the constitution. " vi ' R.B. Hayes, & , a Exec uti ye Jansion,-March 3, 1SSL St 1 j i''Vs "i isL ' ind twentv thnn- sand dollars. TniruTea"ToF about one- halt that amqunfe&K xja.u, : TjTMnnu Uiii).uma , rr aTT,rSi??? 4 Jn-ts I nQHrin-H uof 6n. ?W5JKSli .edjPyvi8wisSj JWn 5 A k jT T-CJXTH CONGRESS. ClMlBf Up tb SiulueB Tta Vet Message Tabled Seuthern Claims Bill Passes tne Bouse. Washington. March 3. House. After the reading of the journal a mesr was received from tne .President, Qn Option ot;Bfeunt, dfeorgia, the itfate atnendnietrtsto theundry civil japprepxiatMn bilLJwere now concurred in ana a committee or conierence order ed. Subsequently Blount, McMahon and Monroe were appointed as such committee. On motion of Bragg, of Wisconsin, chairman of the committee on war claims, the rules were suspended and 'hetlpassed7makin angappepria- lionor the payment claims 'reported aiiewe uy inw f commissions O- ciaiiua. M GoVtiiht Indanasuhmltted vf!w6n ference report on the District of Col umbia appropriation bill, r ThePresident's veto message was then, at 12 :20, taken from the Speaker's table and read by the clerk. The reading having been concluded Tucker, of Virginia,, moved that the message be printed and laid on the ta ble for future consideration. Robinson, of New Jersey, moved to proceed to the consideration of the message immediately. The yeas and nays were ordered on Tucker s motion. It was reed to, yeas 138, nays 116, so the message remains on the Speaker's table. Cox, of NwJCork. moved tx suspend the rales and pasi the apportionment bill on the 4a3is of 807. This meeting with opposition on the Republican slue Cox so amended his motion as to bring up for consideration the apportionment bill and to have tne votes taken on the numbers 322, 319, 315, 307, and when the majority shall agree on any number to have the bill with the second and third sections of the original bill put on its passage without debate or dllatorymo tions.. v - i- f . v Conger itaised pointrfdider against the propositions and Cox rnodihed it Dy desirable,lnade n$ fhrther objection to the proposition and the rules being suspended in accordance therewith, the House first proceeded to vote upon 322. This number was rejected by, yeas 119, nays 132, and the vote wa3 taken on 319. This number was agreed to, yeas 136, nays 123. The result was received with applause on the Republican side. Killiager was the only Republican' who .voiedcin thesfltegative wbe-the follow ing Democrats voted in the affirmative : Blfehooter,iBickeif,:C6frroth;if'elton, Hill. Hutch Los, New, Richardson, of South Carolina, Ryon, of Pennsylvania, Tillman, Wise and Wright Cox then stated that he intended to abide by the will of the majority and though he would vote against the bill he would perform his duty and present it in the proper snape. Tha b$t was then passed, yeas 145 ; nays Il8f nd provides as follows : Section i; That from and after the 3rd of March. 1883, the House of Repre sentatives shall be composed of, 319 members, to be apportioned among the several States as to lows: Alabama, 8 Arkansas, 5 California, 6 Colorado. - .1 Mississippi, 7 Missouri, 14 Nebraska, 3 Nevada-- 1 N. Hampshire, 2 'I3ew Jersey, 7 2Jew York, 33 North Carolina, 9 Ohio, 21 Connecticut. 4 Delaware, I T" l Atieriuai1'..''."a-- 2 Georgia, 10 Illinois, 20 Indiana, 13 Iowa, 10 Kansas, 6 Kentucky, 11 Louisiana, ti Maine, 4 Maryland, - G Massachusetts, 12 Oregon, 1 Pennsylvania, 28 Rhode Island, 2 South Carolina, 6 Tennessee, 10 Texas, 10 Vermont, 2 Virginia, 10 West Virginia, 4 Wisconsin, 8 Michigan, 11 Minnesota, 5 Sec. 2. That whenever a new State snail be admitted into tbe Union, Repre sentatives or Kepresentation assigned t itlshall be additional to 'the number 319 i usrein proviueu ior. w , uiider-this apportloninent the m umber to which such State may be entitled in the 4Sth and each subsequent Congress, shall be elected by districts composed of contiguous territory and containing as nearly as practicable an equal num ber of inhabitants and equal in number to tne itepresentatives to which each Ustetemay be entitled to in Congress, no alone aistnct electing more than one Representative. On motion of Loring, of Massachu setts, the Senate bill was passed, creat ing a commission to perform certain duties under an act of Congress, for the erection of a monument at Yorktown, Va. ear w ttet pm jsrafcfrUoTpg or reces&AHl 8 -SfATE. "TTifr lifiDrPmntai fi fundlne bill received from the House on the pxevioua evening , wAa - laid befora the Senate by the Vice Piesident. read the the finance "Wallace, chairman of the sub-com mittee on the subject, reported back from the committee on appropriations with amendments the deficiency bill. The Senate insisted upon its amend ments to the sundry civil bill and ap- Sointd MessraT BeW Davis, ef West rirgmaaBfa Windom a confefence committee on the bill, on the part of the Senate. x The regular order being the calendar, Mr. Harris moved its postponement to take up the House bill to incorporate tBe Chebkd6ad Arkansas River Rail- roaa JOinpanYi a long aiscussion 101- 1 lowed upon whether the treaty lights of the "Indian' "tribes through whose lands the road was to run were suffi- ciently preserved by the bill. The bill was finally taken up, ayes, 36 ; noes, 22 ; but after trlrther discussion was laid asidje Without action, On motion of Mr. Wallace the de- nn.In Hiftxommittee of the.whole the Dilt wasTeactiafia'tiie i tteSmiji Klwnimlttee amendments of ajrredtb as reached. Mr. Hoar'i amendmentr f r a 3 per cent, loan with a modification proposed by Mr, Morrill, embodying substantial featureVof the refunding bill without thk compulsory 5th) seption was, taken .traTOOxionoi Mr iMorrui. - r. Wallace and other members of lh&crim'mitea tea anDrorjTiations rais ed, the' cnstomary 'potnis of order against the amendments; Mr, HoarsaidJihat as the Pemocfafic side had, manifested .no disnosition to reg4rii.ttie4daiditvn6 iwitk 'fayorfhe would not press it further. The amendment ..'was accordingly withdrawn and the matter dropped. The bill was then reported to the Sen- ate. read a third time ie and passed; l ' l rtionjSreut! bill was read and committee on census. At 5 p. m on motion oi Mr. vv aiiace, a WIIWM tftknf0llttlaQ (i .'., . J .. ... ... ?fWi WJS& u tl,e W!t ; The al old aaage ls contradicted by the ex- M aeswt xne anove old adage is contradicted Dy ine ex- penencs-si mxtf fcr9if4yee' sf i well-known I Canal street New York, where within sbrief vear ihetitrrohasenf half a.hi m thmnnthi itntm. a . Z.. . Z. T . JTr" lSiJ,r!,m " XiOttery mm UtrA. I iwieww !.. MHyys, B.,,iuniimw w w- 81 0 Broadway, New Tarketty, sKasil pensanoi flv, , , ' ' . . . . wbji o umsane person at New Orleans. La. The ne orawing occurs on March 8th. BLA.Gli(FltEIT SW11C9LING. ItvW Ikerelatleas n b!e Texas Iaaa Dt.AiyjTsii Marco-8. A. nejrlinlc in the great land frauds perpetrated in tnis state two or three years ago has just come to light here. A large basket f ulljof papers was found Tuesday in her back yard by the proprietor of a house olfWanwhieh. proved ,-to be deeds to bury ranus oi r-uK tjravi une xituis whu lanas in nearly every county or Texas, and anumoer f ; powers of -attorney from Tullis to Bray. There are, also, deeds to lands, in Indiana And , Tennes see, :he whole amounting to 500,000 acres, and numerous letters written en printed letter heads, reading. Texas and Indiana Mutual Exchange 'Coloni zation Bureau, Austin' and Lndianapo lies; W. S. Webb, president; Wm. Bray, secretary." Who Webb and Bray are is not known, their names not being mentioned when the frauds were dis covered two years ago, and when Tullis, Hall and others were sent to the peni tentiary. The name of J. W. Bradley, of Bos ton, also figures in theBe papers. Sev eral deeds are made out to him from Bray ; nor is it known how or by whom these papers were placed where they were found. But it is believed the find ing of them will lead to the arrest of other persons engaged in the great swindle. One of the most essential conditions of perfect health Is perfect rest. This can be assured to the baby r Judiciously using Dr. Bail's Baby Syrup. Sold everywhere for 25 cents a bott'e. "Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and pbysidana for gen eral debility, mental and physical ezdaustloa, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, 8HBEWDNKSS AND ABILITY. Hop Bitters, so freely advertised in all the pa pers, secular and religious, are havinz a large sale, and are supplanting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a bit ters, whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. Examiner and Chronicle. MAINS' NEWS. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our col umns, are a sure cure for ague, billloosnes and kindney' complaints. Those who use them say they cannot be too highly recommended. Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will be come thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative qualities. Portland Argus. IN A BAD WAT. Females whose nervous energies are exhausted, who suffer from Indigestion, coatlveness. Head aches, . Irregularities, Suppression and Miseries, caused by Degrangementa of the Liver and other organs cannot be cured by medicines, but Dr. Flagg's Improved Liver and 8tomach Fad never fails to restore to perfect health. O w o w Q and BS- d O 2 J3 H ii W H H H H S ! m B fro P Rsi j s re to . g oT f r; ' tr ''2!..- ,-.1. i-- 2 o 3 0 I 3" M 8 1 -o P X o c CP CD 3 o s ! I t 2 a c: T B R H a m H s tt H w mmmi a eg CO an23 St. Nicholas for 188L 5,000 For Xnin, 100,000 Fob America. T. NICHOLAS, tne charming magazine for boys nd drls. edited bv Mrs, Mary Mapes Dodge, has inereased so much in size and number of pages during the past year that the publishers have been ohUewi to taau. tha vearlv volume ' in two , instead oi one as neretoiore. as hj iuj rcu- Ion. they report a sain of 10.000 in tne average monthly editions aT iKOO over 1879. The an nouncements tot the coming year include a capital serial story for boys, full ol exciUng adventures, 'ln Nature' Wonderland," or, Ad ventures in the smencan i ropica; Biones oi m ana jltvuhs, ut Mrs. Clara Krskine Qement, a faitltful ouUine ol the history of Suronean Art. with many illustra tions; "Phaeton Rogers," a delightful and humor ous serial by Bossiter Johnson; "Mystery In a Mansion," a six months' serial; The Treasurer Box of Literature, directing and encouraging young people la the best reading; The AgasBlz As sociation, lally explained in the November; nun b; "Two English Queens," by Mrs. Oliphant; "The Land of Nod." a, children's operetta, with music, fun of charming tableaux and effects; A series of beautifully Illustrated Ballads for Toung Folks, begioninft -wfUisnehxistmaa- number; A special Budget of FairrStorleS by frank B. Stock- ton the first of 'Which is to the November num ber: An Indian. Story by "Bright Syes," the Posca Iadkkn maMen:aDleBdIdJaoliday story. "AChrlstr : mas with the Man In th Moon." bv Washington Oladdexi. Open-air Papers; stories oi sports, and : games wJU be contInuadVwith.aU the popular de- scdons beginning, with the November is- gue wm inciooe .vine, wonderful, unnsunss uv her." tit whtah tht kTltlon mlU, ut R.QOO in rtiS11 sotnt I be 80 cents. 7;,.. , , . . . - Regular nrice tS a veari 25 oenls a nmsber, for sale, andsubscriptloBs received, by all dealers, or the publishers, Bwlbnr" Co. 743 Broadway New r.-nona7-T-tf .; . .. .t!- RQ. D. GRAHAM,, in I 'X ' JUons. Horns s and Foreign, solicited. . Ab- l ' - - - s-j ' "siMtlnsiAI AotMi :l ujtics x. uemer xnoe x xryvn.saeea 'I Uhariooe. H. C. Ijaa. O. c .gs w i I si n " 5 j j j ; bl Ik WE IL 'I TO TEX WANTS OF AUTSstM And our stock, now being reoeired, will b found GATTXBS, Ac., 4a, end SKNT8' HAND-MADK, and case sbrMtiMoia uxx oi Wy i ftuuiA uoooa. oc me best gradea septlT ' II you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have f- uent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor Bps te, and tongue coated, you are suffering from tor pid liver, or "biliousness." and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently at to take Sim mons' Liver ueguiator or Medici ue. Tne Cheapest, Pur est and Best Family Medicine in the World! An Effectual Specific for ail diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Herniate the Lrtfer and prevent Chills and Fever, Malarious Fe vers, Bowel Com plaints, Bestiessnes, Jaundice and Nausea. BAD BREATH I Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so common as bad breath, and in nearly every case it comes from tne stomach, and ean be easily corrected If you will take Simmons' Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this rerjnlslve disor der. It win also' Improve your Appetite, Compter iuu ana oeuer&i aeaim. PILESr , How many suffer torture day after day. making life a burden and robbing existence of all measure. owing wine secret sunenng rroa raes. let re lief is ready to the band of almost any one who will use systematically the remedy that has per manently cured thousands. Simmons' Liver Rego-. mwr u hu aiaww violent purge, uutagenue sistant to nature. CONSTIPATION! ( SHOULD not be regarded as a trifling ailment; in fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and deviation from this demand pave the . way often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accumu lations from the bowels as tt is eat or aleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE 1 This distressing affliction occurs most frequent ly, j. no aiauiroance oi me siomacn, arising iron the ln perfectly digested contents, causes a severs pain in me neaa, accompanied with disagreeabU nausea, and this constitutes what Is popular! r known as Sick Headache. Cadtioh. As there axe av nnmbm of imttallona offered to the public, we would caution the com munity to buy no Simmons' Liver Begulatoror jnecucme umess our engravea wrapper, wiin ilea Z" trade mark, stamp and signature onbrokea. none otaer is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN 4 CO.. PHILADELPHIA, WM Fries $1. Said br All Drugglrta sept IP dlaw&wlvr miscellaneous. TO GET Fine Bananas, 2 FOR 5 CENTS. Oranges 25 Cents per Dozen, and a large lot of Toys, Dolls, Velocipedes, Wagons, AND OTHER 8 ANT A CL A US GOODS to be-closed out at A U C T I ON ON' SATURDAY FROM 12 to 3 O'CLOCK IN THE DAT AND 7 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT Laules specially Invited td attend the day sale AT PERRY'S. jan One Car Load of To be sold at bottom rates. 200 BARRELS Seed Irish Potatoes, EARLY ROSE :& PEERLESS. AND A F U LX STOCK O!" 1 V KKTTHJNQ IN THX Heavy and Fwy Giwry Ifoi Hi. nut' ROUGHS, COL)S; . OONSTJMPTIO andsU dlseeses - jtd Ttntds. vriA; BJK TJNS8 i li. . r-.l7. ws respeettul both the WHOLBSAl solldt the Insnestten of and JUSTAIL. TSADX to sing eisewnere, as we are our sto herore snrsws csnmakfiitto lasa Hioyonrnsejestsio oe ssti i jVi;:f -iii. T.fBbii, . ?' ..-Il-.llll T--''.'"'? !.' 'H'li i nfpring it" mm rim mrr to tt- !'.( B !..! .-!'!! . LVJ 1 .'.-! f?.'i'i UJ IUlf TT AS no eqnaL .'This, together tftth 6tttmr Bell XL Barhsxn sad Barhsm Twiskia sssastfaiteiwd ur oaio jj &u unueni in voanous. fsb28-eod tt Just wivei ! "TAKENSPECIAL. OW THS OOMKUNItT BOTH IN THI C1TT T mmmm- tstj attraottro, foil tad complete. Our stock of JjAppa' FINK BUTTON loot i, ujsg MACHUnS-MADI GOODS, BOOTS, OONGRISS GAOTES, NATT wid KNyLlca at BolDsiesfsiehlW sad of the best out, T' U also roll UMUttraettTe, sod we eaa Dromlse satlafnnn to .n -h fa ... . Xl5CCHattC0U. U 1 -ANOTHER LOT QT- COAL STOVES -A CAB OAD OF THE- iiPNG COOK Si 6, 7, 8. 9. PC-: 3 t$1 PLAtE. WISE SQLDEK I ?f aiwayton Hand. . - : v r ROOFING SPECIALTY. line work of all kinds promptly don Havfe 'ln stock a splendid assortment or :od,S! John 1 CiEWTNO JlACHrJNEO JO xwma kachine MACHINE NEDT1E3.'op hand and REPACKING 'kit :. .DONE.- .; i . , ' ;. J, t Locks, Nails. HInees. in larse suonlv. at the . V . . RICHABD MOOB. , I known Iff connection with:' the Sewing Machine busmess of th dtr-and vicinity. -Is now with me and womd be cleared to see ws mends' and patrons aod-serv Uiemss heretofore. jan . . " I iff liNLDUALLcD IN EVPRY rml " " rsr v"-rv. Wf If re e d cm vFRfcM i 3 n-L 0 ,br'.-rrr to yL 1 Si. I 's INKORTRANDCTUCAROUNA. W1J1 4,..: ;s ts-jil LKT'lI .U TO OWtJJ Tt) BtJT A3S1NSIBE PRICES. febfi -: : for sale atne CHARLOTTE OBSERVER 'I-- COrPER, AST) ZlKO UiiiSS PURCHASED JL Cosasany at Charlotte, will pay the best RfiPOTPil I us J Remingt Tm sv "wBSStBsBBBSry S8!Sfepr! or- EMM ' tt 10 v r mi s nova U Cash Ho charge win, be. made.for, r"p""g and vui vres pureiisB uj mm BTwjmMtatsars for GoM and surer, f SvvijnrT JJtW iim UBBOUNDINQ COTJNTB,. RASKIN & BRO., wnnmsn tit Sets! PnHp ALL tXINDt Of BEDDING, &C. A FULL UK1 Of Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGES. Parlpr & Chamber guita. COTINS OF ALlEINDS m lAJm. Ha i WIST TEASE StlCR, CSrocertJcs. 1881 Springs I Bunve THANKING our friends and customers for their generous patronage In the past, we reswet fnlly solicit a contlmiance oi the same. We in vlte the attention of both Wholesale and Retail Buyers to our stock. Our facilities for handling goods are unaorpassed, and we will nil orders prompt ly and at reasonable prices. We have now in store and to arrive In a few days QQ Bags Coffee, gQQ Pkg. N. O. Molasses, V ; bbwcutb, ' ' Bbls. Syrup, - QBbls. Sugar, all grades 1 00 Boxes Bacon, 5 Pkg. Lard. Tfo. Hams, Boxes Cheese, gQQ Bush. Oats, QQ Bush. Corn, QQ Bush. Meal 500 B t101168 Flour, Bbla' Welcome Flour, I I !tOQBbi 8681 Pat Proces8' I ' ? If 1 QQ Pfces Mackerel, all grades QQ Boies Tebacco, all grades, 30 OOO011118' 1,681 assr't in ttie city' ' 200 Bo!l3 BaeslDg' QQ Bunches Ties, nr Boxes Crack lJer We also have a full stock of Pepper. 8plce, Teas, 8nufl, Rifle Powder, Shot. Soap, Starch, Can dles, Lye, Soda, Axle Grease. Matches, Candy, Oysters. Sardines. Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches, Plneapplss, Grass Seeds of all kinds. Sheeting, Yams. 4c &c. ill We Ask is a Trial. SPRINGS & BFRWELL. anl3 XotUvizs. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNETHIRD GRAND DISTRIBUTION. CLASS C, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, .March 8th, 1881 I.iOth Monthlj ;. : orawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, ron thx tsrs or TWMTY-iTrB txabs, to which contract the Inviola ble faith of the State is pieagea, wnicn pieage has beerv senewed by an overwhelming popular vote, seurftig fts franohise In the new constitution adopted December 2d", A. D., 1879, with a capital f f.i .iwi.rxv. tr which It baa sinos added a Re serve Fund of over $380,000. IU GRAND SIM G1JC nuUUlut mstnouiiou take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL'PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. ets. One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize , gPrtaesof $i500 Half-Tick- . $1-10,000 . 10,000 . r.000 .. 6.000 .. 5,000 . 10,000 .. 10,0X) .. 10.000 . 10.000 .. 10,000 .. $2,700' ... 1,800 ... 00' as OPrizeiol i500..i 100 Prizes of J.LD0... 200 Prizes of 50 500 Prizes of 20 1,000 Prizes of 10 9 Approximation Prizes of $300. 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. . . 1857 Prizes, sooontihg to. i i itesponsiDifl Jfi W MM . J V, Oil points, to whom a liberal compensation wui , WKtCWUU.U, vuw . jfor roixner imormanon, wnie awn, full address. Send orders by express or ws tered Letter, or Money Order by man. auuic JK. A. 1UIU uu., New Orleans, Louisiana, OTltAJPAUr-ttW,ai. . . sWeralWrkordUarv Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals u. T. Beauregard and Jubal A Early. feb8-dftw4w 30th POPULAB MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULETS THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly iSundays excep1 ed) uriorpiovislons of aa Act of "e benera a seoabUr eiiKentuckyJ lnJorporaUng Jhe hewpo Prtntinc and Newspaper Co., approved AP"' l1ar-This is a special act, and has never been re- heUnited States Circuit Court on Marcn 31. rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution uu pany is legal. fund. Read the list of prizes for the MATCH DRAWING. 1 Prize, . . ; ?. U ivi . 1 Prlre, tO.msssviliOOOesflh,-. -J2Q risWs'5QO-each.v. 100 Prizes, 100 each,. ....... - $30,000 10.000 6.000 10.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 12.000 10.000 200 Prtxetv m e0?. 600" 1600 Prises lasaeV. irJi ii ytf(,'l 900 toto rk5S2j sll. .Ttokste. 1 ; 27 (sVnrit ktossrye imiDMim', as - rjensBSAaojeatauoroBTs w -1 . Runding, LolsvmeVKyT W i. J. COMMERTOBD, 21 Broadway. New York. t5 and onward. s Xxoress, osnbeseni w

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