3 f iT v lr?. iti r4 CURE- APPETISER ttov TtTTT'TTTf 4 nre liiclilr ing a certain And efficient tonic? 6i.PriL dieestive ortrans, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as lasting the rood, BeUMnorHeatin the Stomach, Heartburn, etc: -riiemiyTlTjmrTcpa ration that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold pjr ajl 4A&Ls Write fbi the, A IB C-.Bookj $2 fn. useful anr amusing readine sent free. -? ; BBOWN CHEM3CAJL CO.. BaJtimoreriW. T ry j t .. v-' : ?1lI1L Large Additions TO OUR STOCK 01 HOISERY, GLOVES, NECK WEAR, CLOAKS, Ladies' Underwear & Childrens' Goods JUST RECEIVED A FULL LOT 5 OF. Silks, Satins, Fringes, Passmentries FOR DRESS TRIMMING. HATS and BONNETS FOB LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN Of Ever Shape & Qnalif v. Hare now on band the most complete stock of LADIES'! CHILDKBNS'COODS To be found in the City. ' A NEW LOT OF 2 Button Kid Gloves at 25c. Pair. M1 oet24 MRS. QUERY. THIS is to give notice to the public" that I have purchased the stock of nnnmmiTnn n VI 1 1 In llilil 1IJLI recently kept at the old post office stand, on Trade street, by E. G. ROGERS, and tbatlwlUcontlntie to keep a full and complete assortment of sueh goods as are usually found at a first- class T. W. ANDREWS, formerly with Burgess Nichols, will be wlto me In the management of my busi ness and will be glad to see his friends. K. M. ANDREWS. HAYING sold all toy stock of furniture, and surrendered my business as well as the good Will of my trade to & M. Andrews, I respectfully Invite my friends and former customers to tender to him that patronage which they hart so gener ally extended to tne7 ' , . . - Respectfully. ' 1 ' feM6 E. 0. ROTJERS. ISO B9es Starch, ' 15 TUBS en Duuer EXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY USE. - b ' !' i Ml:: CALL AND SEE US.' 'life 11 xurauiuviVbiJinu lebSO MAI ' ' ' ' in -r---iB . vm v i i "r" lh -.1 Vs4rkerttt3!ti nd J " er t c is! ,w rmr. raa Uiei 'Jttvm CJt?tr?ltfiir.1irlg!s;j nyaiiM,i the Tomic UMlay. Mo mutmmOutM I mi. ! pin ill li pin mini iniii mi I, Raniember! Tbi f ojf iC P&f drtt&kennew, kcnnessj onsimai lr ToicajHd coexHr4bbcstcnnUiTpro Yoric. Furniture EstaKllt Consignment ! Consignment ! All -tef IMllnce. A TRUE TONIC recommended for all diseases requir espieclallr Indigestion, Dys- STOMACH Invalids who have lost but are recovering vital stamina, declare in grateful terms tnir apprecia tion of the merits as a tonic of Hosteller's Stom ach Bitters. Not only does It impjart strength to the weak, it corrects an irregular acid state or the stomach, makes the owe s t.ti proper Inter vals, gives ease to those who Suffer from rheuma tic and kidney troubles.and conquers as well as prevents fever and ague. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally marl Office of A S. Giles, Ordinary, Houston County, Perry, Ua., Jan. 28, 1880. In the year 1863, tbere were two negro prison ers confined In the jail of this county, who were very badly afflicted with that loathsome disease Syphlllls. In my official .capacity as 9(dinary,.I employed Capt. C. T. Swift, then a isJdent of this place, to cure them, under a contract "no cure, no pay." He administered to them his now Jnsttyelebrated Syphilitic Specific, and in a few weeks I felt bound, under my contract, to pay him out of the county treasury, as he had effected a complete and radical cure. in testimony or the above. I have here - unto set my .official signature and seal the date alcove, written. . asw A. S. GILES. : . Ordinary Houston County, Ga. Chattaitockja.T'enn., Feb, 14, 1879. . Gents :. We, take yleasure; in saying that the St a 8." Is glvlng-good satisfaction. We have had excellent results lrom'. "number of cases. One gentle in aa woo had been confined to his bed for six weeks with 6rohfltflc""Rfceiniatlsm was cured entirely with two bottles, and speaks in the highest praise. . or JC It-aiso acts as well in primary as in secondary and tertiary cases. Prenared onlr br the SWIFT specific com- IfAiiY, Atlanta, Ga. sold Dy T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston & Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young ifenjm fttends." . , rTXi?ll iTKePwleit and Best Medicine ever Made. AeombilnilonofHoD8. Buchu. Manrink ADailmCAlion. iritll ail the best and itimtm BUre proper Vties of all other Bitters, maJcea th Ite r a t e tBlood Pu rlfier. L lvr No cUsetLM eanIXTBlblT Jons exist where Hod Ditter are vmm, mi vaneq ana penect are theiil Operations. SBBsBvA nay girt BvJifksaM Tigsr Jo tLo tgel tad Isim To au whose employm naent em irretmlaritr oi khe feowds or BrinaryNvonrana. orwho reouirn an JAppetUerTonio andmfld8t1mtilant, Hop Bitter r. ihtbouhisb, wrcnour -npjvjii nto X icat i ng . Ko matter what joar feelne's or sTmDtoma Ar, what the ritiMweor ailment tg mn.se Hod T!it Dont watt natil tou are 'Btekmbutif you onlv ti wtturnimniiWi MBBWianenaM once. It sut 1 t .- .-. . i J T500 wm be paid tor a ease thfey wiu not cure or welp. DoaotsaSernor let y on r f rlen d s mrffer. bn t wenwmner.aoDBgiersigno vile. a r n o-u h lidrnkmnostram. batthd Pnntttanihk nQt tn' u.na-aU j tM rimanOt Frlend and O. I. C. Is an absolute and im-rtihln m fnrl murnn rpne8,nae oropjnm,tobccoaadnarcotica.l MallsoMbrdnifferfxl'A . (UnJ 1 " V 'wmm WWUHT, Bop Bitten Ml. C., Eochester.JI.I, Dr.SAWFO, Orily Vegetable GGrripoufidt&t acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness," 'Malaria, Cos tivei;ess, Headache. Itassitadi Cfestbn, strengthens the svstem. regulates the bovfe1s,pufifiestlie , Diood. A book sent free.: 'Df. Sanf6 i 6i' Bfoad; FOB SAX-E BY pjf i ; pUQOISTS. Jam 18 deod, eew ly. , T " E. fctllTElUfeji'S : ' . . i: v. ' i' .Iff ,V..f T'iT we! !i i Ml; i 1 1 . ; I mm inTS Tfl .m i tfy'lo'J acvvAiFil " ja jf c,,,l .is-wuj:) ;t, vrtn aiehaiOvMaJ ! i i u Vrjrax n.oTifm :!:i;iiiji:if)Aj "nil 'j-lii ;',: c.:. : ihihi nmf v.?a9 r r INu IGOEiATOr . FRIDAY, MARCH A 1881. Fort) -ninth Day. . Condensed from the Raleigh News-Otserver. SENATE. Raleigu, March 1. On motion of Mr. Williamson, of Davie, Senate bill 216, to amend the homstead law, chap, 55, Battle's Revisal, passed its second reading 30 to 15. y. 'jThe j Senatt Molf prodded I, p fe ' CdDSfdferatiQn of ! the bilf -to eutablUh the new county of Vance. The Dill passed its second reading- yeas 25, nays 20 and was made the special order for Wednesday at 12 m. Senate bill 190, to extend the time to redeem land sold for taxes. Amend ment was adopted giving two years to redeem land instead of the time pro posed m; :qjai nmmm ? bin a fxh i bin passed its setriHO ndithifdreadnigs, Amended by Mr. Richardson that this be published in four newspapers of the State, to be selected by the Secretary of State, in those wpaaties most inter ested. Senate bill , to incorporate the Clinton and Faison Railroad Company, passed ns,third j rejidin yeaspajs House bill 828, Senate 663, to incorpo rate the Danville, Mocksville & South western Railroad Company, passed its second and third "readings yeas 33, nays none. House bill 831, Senate 678, to charter the Louisburg Railroad ,Coapany, pass- eu us ifyrareaing--yea3iy.Bays Senate bill 473, to amend chapter 90, Battle's Revisal, section 15, entitled judges of probate. The substitute pro posed by the committee provides that the clerks of the Superior Courts of Ifortb- Carolina shall be required to be in their offices during toe months of J nly, August and September, on the nrst Monday only oi the month Mr. Williamson, of Davie, offered an amendment by adding that in those counties where the clerks of the Infe rior Courts have nrobate oowera-thera- qtiirenientAthat the5 clerks Shall be pres ent on Mondays shall not be in force. The motion to table was, lost. The sub stitute offered by xhe comiiittee was adopted. The amendment of Mr. Wil liamson, of Edgecombe, was lost. Mr. Harper offered an amendment striking out July and September, leav ing the month of August, which was adopted 18 to 10 and the bill passed its second and third readings yea21, nayoS. ' 2 Mr. Davidson moved to enter a mo tion to reconsider the bill donating $600 to the Colored Industrial Association. Prevailed. Senate bill , allowing the Piedmont Railroad to aid connecting roads. After some discussion, Mr. Scott, of Rocking ham, moved that this bill be made the specjal order for Thursday at 12 m. The motion prevailed. , . , Senate bill 350, for Xhe relief of cer tain disabled Confederate soldiers. An amendment was proposed by the com mittee. Adopted. Mr. Burwell spoke in opposition on the groarfd thjtt ho onnewliow much might be expended' in this direction. Mr. Scott in favor. Passed second and third readings. Mr. Staples, resolution to print 1.000 copies of the testimony taken before the . committee on internal improve ments, with regard to the Western North Carolina Railroad. The rules were suspended and the rftwslfrtion' was adontMi. r? nOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. : On. motion: of Mr. Manning, House bill to establish three additional judi cial districts was put on its second reading. MManij-iiJ spokj in . f atQr of the bilkand -exptaitied Uhe Jtfoii vof ihe committee in reporting the same. Mr. Webster said if there was need for more courts, which he did r;ot doubt; be sreoirj papailcr oaeiof two additional districts, but he did not think that three were necessary, and he hoped that the bill would not pass. House bilPto regulate sale bf liquor j was announcea as me special oroer ior 11 o'clock. The bill was put on is third reading and pa8sed.-y.Bas 53, nta 47 -; . On motion of Mr. Day, "the special order was displaced for the purpose of considering the unfinished business, whichwas the bill increasing Superior Court districts. The biil failed to pass its second reading yeas 49, nays 52. Mr. Bledsoe moved to table the bill establishing a criminal 'district." The motion failed yeas 36, nays 42. Mr. Day called the previous question, which was ordered. 3 The bill failed. topass its, second read-y ing iyeas 00, nay 52 j I r y i. Senate bill for the better government Of the North Carolina Insane Asylum. This bill had been made special, order for 8 p.m., and was taken up under that order, Mr, liose, the chairman of the' commiteeV explained the bill.which,, then passed its third reading. i Mr. Tate moved to take npthe ma chlheiy bill. .' . A considerable" diseusi 1 sion arose, after which the motion prevailed. House bill to provide for the levying and collection of taxes, known as the machinery act. T , . , , M. "Tate, chaitman . of ithe flhaace committee, explained the bill briefly, after which it passed its second read-" ing. . ' House resolution 113, in favor of the cotmty of Cabarrus. Passed its third readidg. House bill to incorporate the North CarolinaJTjertUizer Company. Passed its third reading- and ordered 16 be en rolled, j Heuse resolution directing the re-"1 printing of "The 'Woody "Plants of North Caroliria by Dr: Curtis, passed its third reading and was sent to the Senate. :'; - z batbariiMr of .PoliUciaap ia Wahli ton. ; Washington, March l. Hordes of politicaLefrinoratSjf f rom here, there and everrtrfcir,er havfe already swooped 4own on the capital city, and GenjGlar-l neid nad nardiv time to snaKQiineausc oi travel off his feet this morning before he was besiegi&Athong those here is ia-large delegation of Louisiana politi jcians, black and white, including Gev. Pinchback and J. Madison Wells. Mr. Pinchbacksaid. , that, guar aflv it rfligbt sem;beWas hbt'trtashragittto irdeiotJive the pleuxpcMtog I bailXiHaves andin tnftci)ainAi4fdimAa Ipeople, congrattetettitSoahtsiiBtfcfeiM ment rrom omce. -tuasaia tnat me uuai (organization of the Republican party sxui Kept up; imvzae t.t.pps arn-i flrfl-libe no umonofl HUVV, .w . I . I.j V- . I IstrationlSSkpwre broWaitbsffiltftS fhe GarfieloVliatnimStloa. ""He says Ithat he made Hayes President, and if Haves JiadLnot been PresidejiL-Clar,field ico Cbw wDHWUiMI jmmus ti.m onrn uu u h turn PfCKIIVG COTTOITBT MACIl'lIIJBRlr A tVew liepartare) mrblclk ntar. Prove Sttccoitfnl. Atlanta Constitution. i tKs uuua wusuutuun. r i i 'j' -' We alluded some weeks ago to the ttersof Mri a B. CeekrilLeeiPresi- rfnr irt rtr t.of.ol,l ' VoUonAttA ftfetxtof .tbtr Jttsissipi'VkleCottdn i taunt g nnawiftuw,, in' Bfmcur iiq claimed that machinery bad been in y6uedJor.jdckiB' 4nd cleaning cotton by machinery..' H letters 'W re inter- ws vutKjcjjijparjiy oneuxe as tooe- UUIS. ) Hn Jixm raMndv wrtttwn gnnthiv wvv.j h wvu i.i m yuyi w vuo viimo una cuuio wiuva iron fingers ajid doluIcs may be substituted for human fingers in saving tha cotton Awnn .... Mr. Cockrill'a nlan. ft ha nlrparlv been set iouth . ia tbiese oelumns, is to Dull tm th Rfultro anrf afnb' (ham nnKl the bolls opep: ' they are then to Cl Anroi1 .V L, a . . t- a,2 a a. wo iouicu m uiu uuuiaiHuou covon pickertvhich is corjQBOsed of clippers. .uuii-swAittMira auu cleaners, ana is run by horse-power, the machines being stationary. . It will be remembered that -we expressed soma rlnnhts as tn whether the crop, ripening jat different periods, vwuiu uo piuuwtuiy puiieu up ac any giten time. ' In reply to thjs, Mr. Cock-nlU- wKq is, a planter. of large observa tion and experience; says that while the plant does not mature all the bollsat the same time, nevertheless the crop is ripe in' August andSepteraber blooms after the 15th or 20fch of September pro ducing no cotton. Bolls he says, are grown in thirty days from the bloom, and the boll tbat is twenty days old aftei1 tke bloom drops, will open if the stalk is pulled up and shocked where it can receive light and air. The oil for the seed comes from the air and not from the ground. Mr. Cockrill thinks there is moistum nrncrh f mm tha Homo and rains to keep the stalks alive, and bolls, fifteen or twenty days old will open in the shock. He says that in Louisiana and Texas the crop may be pulled up ia August and September : up 19 laniuae an aegrees m September, and perhaps up to 84 degrees; from 34 to 35 decrees in Oetobftr. Wh season is forcing the growth of the staiK ana not maturing the fruit on the a. a. a. i -r i uottom lanas, me crop may be saved by pullincr ud the cron and nhanorino tha tendency of the plant; otherwise it may suffer serious loss from excessive mois ture. When the stalks are pulled up and shocked, the sap is cut off and the maturing process begins. Mr. Cockrill estimates that this may be worth 25 per centum to the cron h! fl W t.YlA 3f1 Tiara 1- lei, and 10 per centum to the crop north of that parallel ; and he regards the plan as a certain remedy for stopping the growth of the plant when it is full of bolls and blooms. Mr. Cockrill con tinues: Cotton is a sun nlant unci will crrnm on the rich bottoms of the Mississippi "ici nuuiM uiuuuuics W lLIlOUt rain. These alluvial lands are level, and hold too much water eenerallv for this nlant It will often make a crop of crown bolls, and continue to bloom and make bolls and not mature them an thaw will onen. and thin mvm mv Ho. lrf. hut 4 J w "J w lUOVf VUW this new remedy, the result of the new cobion picKer, rurmsnes a plan of sav ins' this CrOD. Chanirinff' thu amnnnt nf moisture by pulling up the plant, and it iucu iuumica;s tu lunture me iruit. The oil is gathered from the air hv t.h seed, and the excess of sap taken from the level wet lands is cut off when the roots are taken from the ground. On undulated uplands and tired lands pull tbe crop when the open bills and hq. open, twenty days old, will make an average crop, regardless of the squares and blooms. Souares. which would make blooms and bolls are thrown Off JV the million everv vaar. T.nnk at. f.hA blooms of the Deacb. tree, fiftvfnr evrv ribe' Deach. The clirrnrs.'hnnpTs and i cleaners for the new pickers are in vented, and in shatMaufnm'pnt tn HomHA the machinery question. The machin ery is divided and is all stationary, and with the mechanical genius of our coun- Lrv. it'is not nwssihlfl that it. will fail In its present shape I consider it n suc cess, improvements will soon remedy any defect. Pull up the stalks when ripe, haul to the machines, which cut oft the bolls, take nut th nnttnn ami clean it till it will make "low middling' now, ana "miaaung wpen improved. I decide. machinery can clean seed cot tonwhilst the lint is fast on the seed I mean perfectly clean, leaf, dirt, sand and dust all be taken out This never can be done after it is ginned. Mr. Cockrell concludes that the cot-ton-crrower. and not the cotton-sninner. is the man to clean the cotton, and he is firm in the belief that the combina tion cotton-picker and cleaner is the machine to revolutionize cotton plant ing and its results in the South. The cleaner will separate the seed from the . 1 J . t A. A. 1 1! i int ana straignien ine line in every ock. Tn this condition it pops into t.h second cleaner, where the fan has more nnvnr anrl thft hpatArs mntA mnlinn IJere it is thoroughly cleaned, and our . n :i il i iuniB can get n m luis coiiuiuou, reaay for the card, and save ten per centum of waste, and can make thread and cloth cheaper than old or new England. Mr. Cockrill says that this combination rnt.tnn ninkwrwill hrinc thft sninrHps tn the cotton fields, and give the growers $100 a bale for yarns, besides oil and oil-cake from the seed, jute from the stalks and railroad axle-grease from the hulls of the seeds. Thin i a famous nnt.lnnlr for thft South, and it is to be hoped that the inventor of the machines may have hem ready for the Atlanta exposition. liADUts who Appreciate Elegancs and purity are using Parker's Hair Balsam. It Is the best ar ticle sold for restoring gray hair to Its original col- oar and beauty. Metm. Hutchison Bto.i tt la with real Dleas-. nre that I add my testimony to the great virtues of roar "Neuralglne" as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy Is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep It on band. 136 Cathedral Street, Baltimore. Sold by L. R. WBISTON & CO. Smith's Scrofula Svmn and Star Curtne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? jrrom u. v. jucuurry, Newton county, ueorgia: I take great pleasure In recommending to the pub lic Dl. Chenev's Exrxwtnrant and ctoud Preven tive. My little son had been a great sufferer from epasmoaic uroup during the night, ur. lineney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive,, which has most miraculously cured htm. I' find It equally bennelal in all cases of Coughs I consider it a blessing in my family, every one should keen it in tiwir tumms. For sale toy Dr. T. C. Smith. ocrjo-om. ,y " -ex i 'uu aim. uui mj cou on your aruggisi ior wu w Ithat pure, sweet and delicious blood partner, Smith's Scrofula Syrup. i eta Curlne cures all chronic Sores and to a lure cure for Piles. . .,, i CaH on your druggist before It is too late and get abottle of Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curlne, i From B. F. Moore, A. M., President of Moere'e Bouthenr Business bnlventtK AOanta ea-Tbis ;ls to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's-Expecto- jicui ui uij laxixuj iur sevenu years, auu can r commend It as an Invaluable remedy lor Coughs, imuvt xuu uan luuuu u Superior 19 oUJ auiei roimr that I have tried. For sale by lfe.'X C. Smith. Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It res all skin ernnttona iAa win store tou & ciear corapiexlori ; . j.. V4 f p wound received during the late war. After nav omunoronffhlvAfMtMt R, x tn mt SWJ f;toit)aTiMeilen6e jm JdlSTrK pby&iolans andremecUMLandfM0 paouBsdA effiackaWy bicaeT Wlshiog yon aucoess, I am youiCiesbecttiiiST; 1MXLS:, ttltiJ' &SH aHiai j iem.".K,',TPTfr;rt .gifts-r A CARD. sa:Hi! Will m fmlRKrTiwVB tvov t1!,! omat rrrs cocoaine fob loss of haul VUUVAUV, IKWUV ,1 X, 1 SOU. ; years a to mv Tftur Mnrinrmt nv Jast, audi was nearly teld. I a-aisdltroW wiiaaandrafL I bagaa stotBtmiett, -CkHSwlrje. , ixaia mug nurneu v XiOCOBina, "ediaie!y topiM Btoiatiylen fcttn teiei 'it head is HOW entlrelv- frM fmm ilimAM f''- W aow entirely free fronr ddrofl. HBv-Ma uswi a jcoame with equally as gfaarylnr re- una. r. x. rum, with r. MacTeagn 3 Ck Burnett's Bttraets are he purest frurt flavore. nea d ek-Aieadachfv. - . j marl Ferale-by-Or. T. a Smith. '" ' .. ut if i i . : J . K Is a Well Known Fact. moiig physicians that Bfichd Juniper arid Parera f" wmuumuuu are ine Deei remedies, tnhe wortftor any disease Of the Bladder or radseya! and that no less than one hafloftte humMuSm HS i9 maleid remalei suffer from deramm "e pu and neglect or fallare t we li iZzxrSJry1110 wuua nave Den tnea ior urav el, Brick Dost DeppsWa, Brighrs Disease. Weak ness m tcrnd.Iilps, produced by deramrement si o xuairacj vl ucnu ana juni per. If you suffer fronmny disease of those m gans, get a bottle one or two wHl rellev yoo. Sre?4 g&' Hunt. Rankla Uemar,, A wukn r ' " 118011 a ourweu, ana, i k, IBUCKRGHTreTrjep sia, indigestion and heartburn. , marl Fer sale by Dr. T. C. SmltK. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, 6W njr at Sprains, Burns ami Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth eqnali St. Jacobs Oil Jf we, Tfmpie anfl eAeap External Remedy A trial .nliili trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one nfTering" with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Direction! In Eleven Lanroarea. SOLD BY ALL DXUCKH8T8 LVD DEALEE8 JS MEDICIHE. A. VOGEUER & CO., Baltimore, Md., XT. 8. A dec80d&wly 3 SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter how 8oor it may naturally be. atari's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul- far Flushings, etc., etc. So elicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in. society when the Magnolia Balm Is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. C 3 Jan. 22 LANDRETH'S Garden Seeds CLOVEB and ORCHARD GRASS SKfcDS, WHOLKatXJt ASD Bctadw L. R. WRISTON & CO. ,1 , .'..,'..1 i X :, r i 2000 GROSS CORKS, Ut ' si '.' ALL SIZES, Wholesale & Roldil . . iff,!-- i ' :i !.- ' iil.-K :! 700 Q ALLOCS (: .- : -: , :.' lnJt --iiH i at ffrrii f4ii;W w. r t. ';: t 'ri- H fi t ,,it-.,;io tnTl w! Varrante4 to last 4eHgw M &wk tAtaOatt: f- Stiff f-! tV-'l c luiu.kk .'IV iu3a as.. ' ?iB0i otH .ttttp )Jiv' sfjoH 't OjtJl oJiol Hub r.-fc.Ri'j W A tnlnJe It; WRISTON & BUBNI Three PESBI81 ftlft . THE GREAT t FOR ill -fX I i AT W.801 IVBMt sjwI J assortineoA of toTIhe elyl We haje moa( eyerythint in the line, and wQl sell as low as the iowest Inspection 6n .Mrtfterto-day. Cemeand.se. mn,. ' CITRON, CURRANTS; DATES. SHEILED , . , ALMONDS, 3bc, &c iili. i"5 CANDIES: ... " We manufacture our own Plain Candles and jfuarantee them pure. Fine French Gaudies We have- large stock: and as fine as is raade. BREAD, CAKES, PlMS. 'II the place to get yoar CHRISTMAS CAKa '. BrJnc yoar orders and we gnaraatee satisfaction. D. K. IDOLZS. dee8-tf -ANOTHER LOT OF- COAL STOVES. -AL80- -A CAS OAD 01; THE- IRON KING COOK NOS. 6, 7, 8. & . SHEET IRON; FIRE PtATR' WTRE BOTLDKR, always on hand. ,, ROOFING spec i ' fine work of all fclnds ' promptly don. . Have la Remington, St Join Household 'SWING MACHINIO 7KWINa MACHINE O MACHINE NEEDLES on hand and REPAIRING DONE. Locks. Naila. HlnMa tn laron aimnlr at rha Hardware, Stove and Tin House of . KICHAKD MOORE, Trade St, Charlotte, N. C. . t . CoL C W. Bhadskaw. so lone and favor blr known la connection with the Sewing Uachlne business of this city and vicinity, Is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. ,- an. . UKEJOUAUEO lr FVrpv cccnmi A JPEIv ECT WORK. 1 CJJ1 FREEDOM FROM I SEND FOR CAJALOQUf PRICE-UST I WE ARE AGENTS FOB' ABOVE PLOtrti FOB oimngCoDDties 'i.,- A FULL STOCK OF IN STORE, WHICH WE OFFER TO BUYERS ' AT INSIDE PRICES,. SlaTerDcsiC e i. ; ' it lebS" -1 ; ofof malja.QeCHASL0TT OBBJaVXR A l iJ Lj tm..LL'L-..li i. I 1(1' )V atehaxlott: will rAtlJwlMat naair Prices ever paid in this country for .c.-.-x.i, (JilcaCf. KeenareewTll fenohtla rxsa4LiUBm&waS'a saying ores pnrchased eye. -fty nweyi HiWtM wi ae u Mecklenburg & A(j Fw Watt frio :; 1 . f f huT jr. i MM f ATCHAEPAJRi & TRUSLOW beg leave to remind the People of CHARLOTTE AND COUNiKY again that this Important branch of thf.tr k receives their most careri attemio,','" f ,s THET ARK PREPARED TO DO THK u WFFICULT WORI And Warrant Erery Job, IXyourwaUwtrorre.ru.aang m G010 AND SILVER WATCHES JUST RECEIVED, whteh they will sel' very low Fine .Tpweir n., Spectacle, and lye-aiaase alw5ffit2k;ks' Cteb;,8AKITHKT WILL 8BBVK WELL. GO TO AND LOOK AT HIS it ARGE STOCK OF Christmas (Ms. 1 ALL OF WEtlCH HE SELLS LOW FOR CASH.. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 MS M, deel5 Weused Tme TaW& Nortli Carolina B. K TBAJHS OOTJfQ NOBTH. Date.Dec.14'80 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43, Daily Lv. Charlotte, 8.50 B.05 ami 4.50 Fif a-ai. Depot Sallsburr. . 6.30 AM 8.00 AM 9.38 am 8.58 am 6.03 in 8.05 am 8.22 AH 1.40 pm 6.41 pm" 8.26 nt 8.H2 v Arr.GreenBboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Raleigh Lv . '' Arr. Goldsboro Lt. Greensboro for Klch' 4 00 pm 0.20 pm 8.22 fm 4.38 fm m'ndoulr for Richmond An. . Ly. Danville ' V Tfiinirrfla 11.82 i ll.5 i Barksdaie ' DmkJsBr'ch " Jetersvllle " Tomahawk 12.01 PM 1.18 PM 2.49 pm 3.46 pm 420 FM 4.40 pm 4.43 pm Arf. Belle Isle Iv. " M Arr.Kanchester 4 48 i SBAIM8 GOINO SOUTH. DateecLl4'80 Na42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 60 Dally Lv. Richmond 10.80 2.24 7.11 8.85 10 10 1015 12.00 12.01 1.52 PM 11.55 2.20 5.40 6.00 8.09 8.20 10.10 12.00 12.82 AMj PM fm PM! " Burkevllle An, Ji. Danville , Lv. r M Arr. Greensboro AM AM AM PM PM PM PM M PM Salisborr Arr-AL. Junction - unanotte PM .Lv. Richmond 2.46 P 428 PU 6.58 F 7.20 rH 7 46 pm 8.48 Fll 9.18 P 10.56 P 12.15 am 12.32 am 12.37 a Jetersvllle t4 Drak'sBT'ch "Barksdaie " Danville " Benaja " Oreensboro " BaUstmcr , Arr. A-UuncttoA Arr. Charlotte 1 AALMX BKAMCE. - - NO. S-Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro,.... .VSAS Arrtve. Satem...l....... H-0 F" Na 4T Doily, except Sunday. Leave Salem. , v o-f Arrives Greensboro 7 40 am NO. 42 Daily, except 8unday. Leave Greensboro. 1 J w Arrives Salem U-W Na 43-DaU. Leave .Saiarn. Arrive 'Greensboro.... ... 7 00 pm I.lmUI tnl. mlnm AO mnA Rfl will flfllT mSKe short atoppaoes at points named anthe schedme. get aboard at theR D. B. B. depot This tram maaes eioee eonneeoon at ereensDoro ir" Goldsboro Newbeme and aU points on Wilming ton ft Weldon Railroad. ,, -Faesengev trains No. 47 and 48 make all H1 stop between Charlotte and Richmond, and w tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 4 nakfttoT Mniwti, .ithW Ti fi. R. at Balls tw7 fer-lshevUle (Sundays excepted), and a'90" iieeaiareenaboiD with Salem Branch ( MswSer tealns Noe. 4 and 43 make all locaT stops betwe Chariotte-ad BJchmond, excel Querv's, Harrtsburav aafaaGresw.Bottsbarg, wood and Jamestown. cia. 48 connects wtts. Salem Branch at Gresu 9bt.l l Ami Paaa and Tteket Agent, dec23 , can M Had every fjll iSundayi) -next doer delivered at theiancow depot. . .. nto Oystei eteWM 25 eenM J Orwert 'iw. JO een no rMJSa&lMTJlK M Art A o jWm lrotaDflariJred Mskete please retun iiiiiilni.l Milni riwa' nlniitar ftttrttATin 1 1 Wvai rw I Mi (19.12 ,lCr . - - -i r.r..i j

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