, J fyfc! Htfi PL 8VB80BJPTIOS BJLTB8 : Unrntitt.. Jt:HSGiw'. ... 4(Uk. IW Monito 3 JO jfoi ; , , WBKKLT MDJTIOir: , ; ,3 w tm the comty) u awn S2 00 myi - fyuf of t J eomtv, jwrtjxn ........ ... . . . . . a 10 i oo i e LRTCHQUE9, (USDti. , , - St; GMEDmESDAY MARCH 9, 1881, NO. 3,743. t BSi OB 7 i . , , . T . C mm Isf . . -irt .,--; r -5 ' ' ; ; , , - ;," . ,. i i j i ' i: ivli rir,,; T ,1-- ?Of,i -i 029in!rTI nf EI ji .... . . . :- J"- uL. .riiinfttSff ho 1 'v.jwvav,! ' 1 -:y . : :.- i f v- ., ; j . :'r. J '- . .'':.. ' : y :f -. '- . ' .) . " , ' , 1 1 1 ' ' " 1 -' " 1 ' 1 " 1 " r 1 1 i. A m, i i ' i .I i i jm w I ''I il PJOsTHUISCXBCuUBauC8SCn i GLOVES (PAttsjrrferrirtna Wth, 1876.) AND BEST FITTING GLOVE SOLO. A full line JUST RECEIVED EFery Pair Warranted. We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Br LADIES" , MI33ES', CHILD3ENS,' , GENTS', BOSS'. AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTSI SHOES A SPCEOIALTY. Lower grades all goods in our line in variety and all prices. . POLL STOCK STETSON HATS, and soon to arrive a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO, feb20 TO BE OFFERED DURING THE NEXT tall and be Convinced, fHE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, 6&hfnnat the National Capital eveTy BahU ay oialinnH' , .SHI?e 01 "e preceding weef, news Udo v.-. """ turn geuarat luiouieuwi wo1 )uig me only .' '-T ' ; PBESENTATIVB rl ire Enquirer, TERMS OF 8UBSCBIPTIOH (T1 fHi 4 (WtS1? coples' to on (SSa ,uimfonMtt6n'adrtf Coaftpieot ALEXANDER HARRIS. marl ..- " 1881 Spring Stock 1881 ands Latest Styles ktra Bargains mm. udi raves v w h . lormerly publisher of the BtehdftT; E"WiGl O OD jShm.'"amiej AffliiDaiLl, IU. a.- ,':rh. i Few'.J)ajli;liife?Sick -OF .f 3 Ti. 1- GOO D S W XL Xj B E II?!'- T. L. SEIGLE & CO. -i 1 )"' lil.'ff fBjitoJT liiunto in t:i - '"L'l.'JI"")?". DELICIOUS DRINK j -XTae . rfit Fdfhtlies, ' I&teU, Clubt, FatiU8f Etc. For Boston : ABATIS fe SOX. Tha "Hub Punch " has l&tely been introduced, d meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only th$ Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Jukes, and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on opening, and will be fonnd an agreeabls addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarge the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold bv leading Wine Merchants. Grocers. Hotels aai Pruggistg everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers pric 'S by W son&Burwell, Wholesale and Betail Druggist Charlotte. N. C." ' Jan 23-eod 6m. TUT"HS POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. ' THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiosaof sippite,M"ttaiebOTrels eotiT9; Fain in tneu.eaa.witn & auusenssncwg the buck nart. Pain under the shoulder' blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits, IjOssi of memory, with a feeling of haying neg lected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, STuttering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache Restless ness at night, highly colored UrineT IT TKESl W ASNUf GS X& UNHEIDEB, SFRinilS DISEASES' WHL SOON BE DEVELOPED. , TTJTT'8 tlttS a'PeUyii? of felii aslct astonish the sf arsi f V ktnT'r.at.., VImK. thus tit srstetd 1 - nourlalied, and by their Diawstlve Urnun, imna Kfciu lar Stoels are pro- ducsd. Price i & cents. SB Homy If .X. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray HaI or Whisks changed iaa Olosst Black by a single application of this Dyb. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. 6old by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 11. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. m tn TCTPff MACAI.'sral"W Isfonenflo and Feb 23 deodAwly. Ill (.11 SISS0N & SONS Of- M AHBLH STATUARY MONUMENTS, FDRNITUHE SLABS, i ' M (';' 'if i Tilev Mantels, AJ Altars, Tombs, 1 iasl Baltimore S-reet, Ji i 'ji il II! UJOU t IB Fi ..VuJl AND CORNER NORTH AKD JIOXUMBNT STS .7 TuiiiRJ ban Drawings & Estimates Furnised Free. febl2-deodwly ... , WmcuimmA In tbe state Senate Fsiiliire f lWPrpOKd law ttegiilatiiftf Use Sal. rA ; . In tha Senate Saturday the anriiai Order Was the House bill "ta rjMisr ihofS efficient the laws regalathig:the sale of liquors by the small measuf e1 It was treated as follows, accprdjngto th report of the New&-0Ksefver: Mr. York proposed an amendment :, Provided that the prorlsfttis of tins bill shall not apply to Wilkes ouni;.f Mr. York spoke strongly against the passage of the bin, saying,, ajnpngyjer things, that its passage wonlcf soandi the death knell of the Debabittfci . : Mr. Harris said that only bis interest! for the public good couldMHduee hipf tp' speak on any subject. Mr. York's pr fessjons of friendship to-the' poor man; wtre not consistent with - his present; stand. He wanted to say -.-that it Ira3j gqod-bye to the party . if .some legisla- lion was not made upon this suhiect. It was the proudest day of his life Wbei enat to me for a" MIT wTlch bfferM: such protection to tl$e poor and op-j pressed of OfrTand. - j Mr. Yerk thought the Senator from FranklinTwas excited and .had not Uouched-the subject.- Mr. York contin ued his Fejharks at length, which were yery numorou. "Mr. WniiaiBson.-of Edgecombe, said that thejOemocratieqparty Was inaking8 this aDarfcy anestioh in orderto defeari PttthatMf. TR)rk-aI urged no other rejison against-it. . . - . MrStlesikaid be Ihojaghtihe: effort o the eenato- from Edge&Snbe tq iaakeithlsa party iyiestion "wuid be a failure. The record would hat support bis assertion taat the Ke&ublteans hai pothing.to do'Jjwithr making It-a! part question There was a strikingrfslmi TaTity betWeer the bilrand thftMnit! Ustates revenue law. It was 4Ike-it ttsoenalues and it"" woulrl ,hkvE;ti( same effoet of arrarine citizen aeafrisii eitizen. "lAgain, thia-jbill djd notllfeefi fche popular demands in North Carp4 lina. There was a demand, k great de-f mand, from the most respectable citi-t zens of North Carolina not to pass such: a 1SW as this," bat a "total prohibitory! law : This bill was dodging theflies tion and wruld n jt gain the support of those yery men at whose instance we thonght we must pass it. The prohibi tory agitation was not as jdeep as on e might suppose. Of the 200,00O3igners ef the petitions i00,00Q'were ladiesMr. Staples continued , his remarks, at length. - : . By Mr. Williamson,: of Edgecombe, excluding his county from the provi sions of this act " T By Mr. Manning, excluding the pro visions of this act from the counties Qf Gates, Camden, Chowan and Cfflfrituck. Mr. Davidson offered an amendment striking out ."or at his place of busi ness," etc., in lines 11, ;M and is. Mr.3ur weE thought he could assume that these amendments would not be adopted. He could see nx class legisla tion in this bill. If such was the case,' then there was much of such legisla-: tion in our laws. It was not a political but a social question. But he submit ted that in handling such a dangerous thing as liquor it ought to be done by men able to answer for the damage done. It bore no analogy to the reve nue law. This bill would close the cross roads bar-room in the country aodihelow grogery in the city. The liquor traffic was so dangerous, he re peated, that it ought to be confined to men' who could be held responsible for the damage -done. The only room for argument was net in the merits of the question,for nobody could deny them, but in the practicability of it. Mr. Tucker explained the action of the committee. The bill was to be put into effect in case the prohibitory law failed. Under our local prohibitory law one-fourth of the people could at any time have the question of prohibition submitted to the people. This was but carrying ut the spirit of this, law, for in about fifteen days, more than One fourth of the voters of North Carolina had already signified their desire in un- mistaKable terms that tne question oe submitted to the people. Withj regard to the oppression of th poor "man lie wohld isay!that the proposed rawfhe strongst appeal that had ever been made in their behalf, for whenever they exercised the right to set up a cross roads grogery, from that time they could date their ruin and the ruin of their families. t , ? Mr; Scott, of New Hanover, opposed it dn'account-of the monopoly. ' Mr. Jenkins offered an amendment: Provided, That this act shall not ap ply to the new county of , Vance;; nor to that narrow . strip of land whicn now constitutes the county of Granville. Mr. Spears spoke at length, strenu ously urging the'passage df'the bill. Mr. Glenn made a very able and elo quent speech, advocating with, more thaw his accustomed" vigortbe passage of the bill. Thg question . was one cal culated to inspire the " ahlest speech of the session, and would b no injustice to ethers to say that1 Mr. Glenn made it. Mr. Staples replied in his' usual forci ble manner at tlie conclusion of his speech.. . ., . . ( . - Mr?Dayids0rt moved" to call for the previous question, which was upon the amendment ef Mr. York. Lost. The amendment of Mr. Respass, of DavidsiflsniWas tost. - f s s 'Hie; anrexidnients of Messrs. Harper, Carter, Williamson, of Edgecombe, Oates, Manning and Bernard were lost. Mr. Tucker offered an amendment that all after the word "provided," in line 5, section 1, be- stricken; out., which was adopted L - 3 1 J 1 ' -' Mr. Jenkins' amendment was lost. The bill ;f ailed to pass its third read ingyeas 21, nays 26aafiDih)ws : Yeas Messrs. Battle, Blue, Carr, Cunningham avidson, Dickey, Dortqh, Faison,Tinger, Glenn, Gudger, Etahes, Harper, Harris, Lockh art, Merritt.New land, Spears, Stowe,' Tucker, William son, of Davie 2,1. . - - r Nays-Messrs'.Bernard)(Carter,Claik?, Foil, Hampton, Jenkins Ofi,. King, MaiiniDgJMcMillan .Meban&Ne wsm Oates, Parish, Pridgen, Respass, Rich ardson, Scott, of New Hanover, Scott, of Rockingham, Spruill, Staples, Whita ker, Williamson, of Edgecombe, Wood house, Wayne, York 26. Sol Smith Russell' Mother. ' The mother of Sol Smith Russell, the actor, was a very pious woman, and set her face firm against theatres. One of her sons was a preacher, and one is now resident of the Young Men's Christian Association of a neighboring State but Sol inherited his uncle's nu mor. and it could no more be restrain ed than imitated. f Mrsy Russe, $oys mrther.wa'! ne yolent ehterprises. ao d was lone hi the officers or the 'Woman's Sanitary Commiynduathejar f, an JbstXaild pyrtBstbDeop.fbKssls4ues your ''Neuralil' issiatsft;iparigiaa4 sick headache. SueJ) sk1s a blessing, and all sufferers shoallepJiMiAna. S.nr. 'jiitldmM iiT client t. UtmSDME'A nn t- "i ' ix i -' r - yTHE FOBGER .ECUSLATOB And tbe, aoeMioik o Pcirate Bills In ' ,asz ' i Ute Cteaeral AMnMy-. f u jaAXjBiu,'aiarcu . Lnereis aquo ruiapFetMifl,,T5:on a-v0te,this mornincr. tlGmti, Qt Stokes; offerejfl-'a, Tesolu- lutipn that no private bills.shail be dis-i posed of until taosaof a general nature! and demanding -the ayes and noes were acted-on. He said he did this because he feaVTlreard 1 a irreat "mAnv rtmhra :say tftat if they had iheir private 'bilja torouga they woaJta leave - this House and go home, arid he wished to save a ; quorum by holding back, the private uuis. ... .... Mr. Lineback, Republican, most heartily agreed to the resolution ; he; was for holding a quorum. - ! Mr. :Htinflen, Republican; was op-1 ppseaQ it' ; It,..wa8 Wo mucl like gag-i ife ManninaHhOuirht like, Mr. "Rlais-i i4ejl the; other oTay-tnat . if the members were here. at their two ex peris" they were entitled to can up tnelthilK - ' ' ! MrJxLunden called the eyes and noes oiution nd it failed ayes FORGERY IN THE HOUSE. Under a House resolution to investi gate an alleged forgery of a certificate of per diem of John Newell, colored representative from Bladen, for the amount of $16, on, the State treasury, the committee, . consisting of Messrs. McClure, Grainger, Rowland ahd-Hol- twn, after a careful investigation, re- ported this mottling, fastening the fdr-i gery upon Wm. W. Watson, the colored representative from Edgecombe. Two of the committee' are Republicans, and all concur in the report. Mr. Holtoa is now speaking to the report, justifying it in every particular. NeweE, it seems; had eharged one of the pages with it, and the page had paid him, the. money, which he has now refunded ttf the lit-: Ma f ellowi ! f This is 1 the? bean!M eoli 0rereprese4tajaon;pMii Ifeweli being barely able to..write.his own:. name got .Mr. Watson to sign.jifc fpr Jiim, This time he signed it once too many. j NeWell bears a good character. Mr. Bledsoe defended: Watson, holding that it might be a mistake of Newells ; that it w-as the .$10 Order he got Watson to sign for him instead of the $100 order. But Mr. jJIblton, Republican, is now speaking"to the report, and to a ques tion of Mr. Day, whether he had a doubt in his mind as to Watson's guilt. he replied : "None in the world, sir. i Watson sits in his seat, watching Hoi ton, his chin in his. hand. ' The mail is near closing. " Clancy. THE DeJAHNETXE TRACED!, A Supplemental Act The Woman He I-oved has a Romantic Hm.xria.gc j Last summer when Thomas De Jar-I nette killed his sister in a house of ill- fame in Danyille, Ya., he was engaged. to Miss Mary Allen Murray, of Milton,! N. tX, who visited him very, frequently for several months after his incarcera tion. De Jarnette was sentenced to be hanged, but the Supreme Court grant ed him a new trial, which will be be gun in a short time. Recently Miss Murray has not been so constant in her visits to the prisoner, it seems that at the time of her engagement to De Jar nette, Charles Gordon and ; Alexander Bonhum, two young mentor -Milton, were also rival suitors for. her band About a week ago, says a Danville dis-, patch to the New York Sun, the an nouncement was made by the young lady and her friends that she was to be married to Mr. Bonhum, and that the marriage was fixed for next Thursday night. Friday evening Mr. Gordon went to see the young ladv, and she told him that she had come to the con clusion that he was the only one she loved, and she was willing to marry him. Xjerdon, although he knew that her marriage with Bonhum was fixed for next Thursday night, proposed an immediate solemnization of the nup tals. Saturday morning he obtained the marriage license, and this evening a magistrate, with witnesses, met the couple by appointment on a bridge whicn erosses the stream near the su burbs ef Milton, and there Miss Murray anJ Gordpn were quietly married. De Jarnette is quite ill in his cell, whether because of the marriage or long con finement is nt known. Jadjre.IiQnt'mvfrrce Suit. A co-respondent" of the New York WorldPelVGi some" ' bar tie ulars of adi- verce suit ill which Judge Hunt, the new Secretary of the Navy, figured as one of the principals. According to this correspondent Judge Hunt, in 1866, married Mrs. Sarah B. H rison, adaughter of the late Jacob Baker, a noted New Orleans banker. J udge Punt was at that time a widower, with seven children. His wife, from the first day of their marriage, expressed regret at the step she had taken, and in 186S she went to Jiurope, ner nusDana having given her $1,000 and a letter of credit authorizing herto draw $200 monthly. In January, 1880, Judge Hunt wrote to his wile announcing nis purpose to get a divorce. She replied, begging to be allowed to return, and took the first steamer homeward. She came as far as New York, and after wards resided there In April, 1870, Judge Hunt petitioned for a divorce, In Mav 1871: Judge Hunt married again in New Orleans, and in the fol lowing July this divorced wife, who. by the advice of counsel in New York had not appeared in the New Orleans suit began an action in New York for di- vorce, on tiiegrpAiBU ot maauegeu auui- tery. The case was tried in .Decem ber, 1873, before Judge Davis, who held the New1' Orleans' divorce to be valid, and gave judgement in favor of Judge Hunt. An appeal -was nnaiiy neara in the Supreme Court, -which confirmed tbe.action or tne lower court. ". : )Wtj yiears' trial hi proved " BLACK" DRAUGHT " the best 'Hyer medicine in the world. marl For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. . Mothers 1 Mothers 11 Mother III Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain ol cutting teeth? II so, go at once' and get a bottle oi MRS." wlNStOW S SOOTHING SYRUP. It wiH relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon It : there is ho mistake aboHt It There i not a mother on earth who .has ever used it, who will not tell too at once that itwill regulate the bowels) and give rest to the motheri and relief and health to the etaild, operat ing like magic. It Is perfectly safe to use in all cases; and pleasant to the taste, arid Is the pre scription of one of the oldest and bert physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere, gg-ctlits a bottle. ' ' , Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curiae : x6 1 W" 6ottthiB; Why will you suffer wlih Cai Yf iJltG OWeillllft, Vrouuxu, wiomuniiinHi. n fiiijgj. out Liver Diseases when a few bottles tt. these two great remedies wiUyou? -TPim n r McCwrv, iiewtotf county. Georela: I take trreat pleasure In recerximendlrig to .Uie pab . ,rr rhonov's Kinectorant and Crouo , Preven tive. My Uttle son had been a great suSereiirom. Preventive, which has most miraculously cured ban. I find It wmils. benflclal . .tojU. eases .of Coughs I consider it a blessing In my family every one should Keep a m weir nouses. . x oi sae 8 P E1: J OO BfeB Is OO TTTT 1m o o t L O O T Ii O O T T.T.T.T, OO T OO FFF O OF O OFF O OF OO F JO B jo c J JO C JJJ OO B B BBS. In Prices $10, $12, $13 and $14, MOD OMI fill MM EMILf All The ages are 9 to 14 years, feb?5 lil;IC!-E!S DOW Iff. A GREAT DE FOR THE Having received Intelligence from our house 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline In tract for large quanUOes. We are assured that we pnrehase at; very close figures, and give every patron tae Denent. we nave more styies una mot iui-r house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market fer the simple fact tht most ot them are made la our own housMflt the same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, UBters and uisteretts mat We Invite the public to come and see facts. JUST SPRING HOSIERY AND GLOVES For Ladies, NEW SRPING GINGHAMS, DOTTED SWISS, NOTTINGHAM Laoes and Cretonnes. LADIES ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT-1 Also New feprp g Clohiiig for Yonng Men, wmm sw maro We SPRINGr& ELI feb24 16m cower Wn BT other not nnnf oat S l M . Odtt nov2? d -4- JUST lGEIED, - ) I .! i i : Fine large ' '' ; CHICKENS, ,!:... r i - - AND DUCKS. AND NORTHERN CABBAGE tebl )- at a M. HOrTKLL' H HQNEST-T T W i 8 Vt B W i R' t3 ,!) lit: i.i tr:ii'-'!F. rr5?it oa ,srr5ii3 qoH mltatlwii !n Arranging ior Te lia,ve Made a, A L t L I. TTTTH B.BBS TtKB 6 A. A BBB t T.T.T.T. T.T.T.T. and the greatest bargains ever placed upon our counters. E. D. LATTA & BRO. i'i i vn tat t an UUJ fi liV U UUL BENEFIT OF THE in Baltimore, which Is one of the largest purchasers Clothing, we consequently act accordingly, and we Veryjres pecttally, A HANDSOME LINE ' Misses, Children - -I . , . : : , doejLs.. are now receiving a large stock of SU MMER GOODS, AS COHEN DrnggisL by Examination to ; W. P. MARF1N, ;gen(, and Successor tp S1 Bcart 4 Co. o H v4 I ! I i M. IB the 1 ttb Iiee6tt my M6cfe-l41&pfot4uM-J . J?ncr li-ticles. Parforaeaea; tCemfjs. i. ft ,L , j BrusheSj .oh ruahes, c - ;f v of all the best, TtrtetJefc jand warranted. PHTBlciafis presdrlpWoBS are given spec Hopisjr to reeefvo a-rftre of public a pogrnE : 1 ; 'j; w'ttriotifalealcfi .' v." "'. "rr ; .O.jr.i.i-fUui in ALLIES SOLCBLX MJDIClTll) - BonGosr ; wo, 1 wiir cure any ease Ib four daya ox less. ho; 4 wiu cwre vne mset mwut csh, no WefhowlensistandiM. ' MO nauseeus aeses pi eurwrj wpjudsV-oil oi sandalwood, that are cftrlain tosradaeajbrjpeMiib h tfestrorinr the Price, $1.50. Sold by- Oni1sta,Wyi9il on receipt of pric -W-,LIMwbi : OO T BO O Y O O YY "ss8 U 11 1 a TT BBO O BBB OO Y T lit B8S8 Ut PRICES DO PUBLIC ! of Woolensthat the same have dealMd ftWB ! i now offer our stock at Seduced Prices, as we only p.: . v i'i-:L nas ever Deen exmorssa, rooay-iaiwj, ib uuaiNM. ' . i r : L. BERW ANGER & RRO. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. OF 1 . "i and Infants ..... Youths and Ihildno, IBHtQYEQ PATElU jIR PAOl KVm 6rs"H.iL" ft Cam m Asm a azaxsara sstaxtt. ln "Twic as how. SIiuim 0od tttret Sro2k fti tfUm, ' CVXBS ClilljiadfiTit, ffrnwtit, USI8IIIII1I 1 "femak " f?ItfasV';"7 SeHXvMi; IBaiiraiKEDiio : m Ii m;iii oi 1 vn ; KidnrsLs biflthy iM)rm(nTkiraiuslr ! o 8tansJudifwtroe PBica or Pads f 1 nu.H ,., kacj. Bmjb mBAii nvsMElWsMmt-lGJiiB' ItMufactrrred aad for aalffai 92 Gertoala street, , Baltlmei, Md. - tTrv'. . , . For sale in Charlotte at the drag stores of, IV BU o Wi(m4Cb.,F.acaTr,T.C.SrhlUiiidWnson4 Burwell. - ' :i. ' fmaylljly.;..,, : L. HARDIN, .KlBCHlNItX'BBOii ft': Orders tar Qi mm,Ttl1hSM Tobacee, Sugar, cpfieef Molasteaj ka wspwu ; t fully sohottedi The cheapest market! siid'rellfr-. We house repreeented. ) tffl8'eJi Jn28 ' ,,v 186CahelreOSBlttni!e;? bltPrT.a.8mltb. ; n o'ootae em.. . 7otoStjNw TorJr. 8 8ouc Df i is. wmryniw tu xn rxw a. i !.: ! .