& tf. 4 - law' t Soot and. goo grlnttri c STTBSOBIPTION RAXM8 : :rr tei omoib job rigy iBTiDarr Daily, on year, (jtotrpaid) tMttmc jz Monti , Three MoMht one Month WESKLT XDmOff ; weekly, (in the eounty) in advance put of the county, jioitpnd, ....... .. . gixMontht. ...........r. , Liberal Badvctiontjor Glut. oa .. 4 oo r-.aoo ls?2StSSS? n,l" We oanfarn BLlNrJKttiDi, : lR13at-Hftlla3,CAM, - -TAOS, BKXTPTS, FQ8TXBS, ' raOQsUB3, HiiTOBILLa, ..$2 00 2 10 1 00 VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N, G;, THURSDAY MARCH 10, 1881. Stye l)arkrtte teaurr. ' ' I . " GLOVE8 (patsxted jun lrm, 1876.) The Finest, Most Convenient, AND BEST FITTING CLOVE SOLD. A fall line JUST RECEIVED. Every Pair Warranted. ALEXANDER I HARRIS. marl Boots a tl jstooes 1881 Spring M 1881 We are dully receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the DM LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOXS, AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and soon to arrive a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZ5S AND RRICE3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20. rivij (SSacrjcis. m mm Brands Latest Styles w TO BE OFFERED DURING THE. NEXT SIX DAYS. Call and be Convinced. Hargraves & I lek mar9 ; , XHK WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Givii?i121?,at tne National Capital every Sunday or aiiiJi"11 resme of the preceding week, news sidM kS top,ca general Intelligence, be 1UBs Deing the only . 7 ; HBPRESBNTATIVK 80UTHKBN PAPIfl " There Enquirer. TERMS 0? SUBSCRIPTION V R1Dles.' one ar- postage paid,". '. .Srg QQ Tene Wes, toonff address po8tae,pali: . 3 TPli8'.0 009 address. postage pakL, ',12 60 (WtthJ P'pne addreavposlage pi1 SO 00 C ft"? the person wiWctabs, . orluerlroOTatloqfcdareas7ir? v ,7 vvi (Soo&s, ItrtMtts, Ac "NEW GOODS AND IN A Few. Dap Our Entire OF GO O D S WILL IB IE lUSf T. L.SEIGLE&CO. marg mtsceHanedrtis. A DELICIOUS DRINK nor Use in Families, Hotels, Uluos, Parties, Etc. - B toat 6HAVE1 A SOX8. Tha "Hnb Pnneh "has lately bean tntro4uoJ, and meets with marked popular faTOx. . It is Warranted to Contain only the Jtsest of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. His toady on opening, and win be found an agreeable addition tO the rh mfl thinora wtlii nm1anUlit.nU.M the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suitjthe Taste. Sold by leading Wine Merchants, Grocers. Hotel ail Progguta everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers prloss by W son & Harwell, Wholesale and B stall Druggist Charlotte, N. C." Jan 23-eod 6m. TOTT'S PIMA. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijoss of appetite,NauBea,bowei ooitiTe, Faia in theHead,wlth a dull aensation in the back part, Pain under the shoulder blade, fuilnena after eattag, with a disin clination to exertion of body or niind, Irntability of temper. Low spirits, Losa of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected some duty, wearineaa, Diasiness. Plnttering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes, YeHow Bkjn, HeadacheRegtleaB nesa at night, highly colored Urine. If THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTT'S PILLS are eapecially adapted to such cased, one dose Effect nskachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Th ey Increase tb Appetite, and cause the,; body to Take on rieata, thus the system i nourlalted, and by theirxonleActieBon the DlgMtiTeOrgaiia; Karnlr Stools are pro thiced. Price 25 cento. ' 85 W array St-, Bf. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hair or Whistcebs cban toaOtossr Black by .a single application of this DTK. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously Bold byDruggisU,oreutbyzprson receipt of fl. Office, 33 Murray St., New York, CDr. TUTT8 9IAK-UAL of -Valushlo Tnfnrnstlea sn IkM lUcelpti will be stalled FUBX cm BpsllrsUoa. Feb 23 decdAwly. HU(ifl SISSON & SONS, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers or STATUARY, MONUjrr:;TS, fuenitube slabs, Tile, Mantels, Altars, Tombs, 140 West Baltimore S-reet, AND CORNER NORTH AND MONUMENT STS Drawings Estimates Furiiscd Free. i'.i iii.JT'Ptiiirnini! MtJ 'febr2-deodkwly M, TV :.r ivii Daily an SUMMER WrrFTiswMW fl HOB mIfich lljHUfflSWm MARBLE I 1 1 m ' " " - . . . asssss ISSSSBSSSSSSSSSI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBSassBIIIaa.ssssssssB.sX THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Fifty-Fourth Day. . . SENATE.". . . " ' ALEiGH,Marcli7.-Senate MU 754. tx facilitate the transaction oil. business in me next uenerai Assembly? requir ing the reports of certain officers to be inade before the meeting of the General AssemDiy. massed. Mouse Dill 569, Senate bill 686: to make dogs listed foi taxation the sub ject r larceny. A motion to table was lost; and the bill passed its second and tnira readings. House resolution 130, Senate resolu tion istv purchase Bibles and other religious Doofcs tof the use of the peni tenuary, passed its second and third readings. House bill 875, Senate bill 713, for the protection tpf sheep in the county of Buncombe, passed its seennd and third readings. House bill 660, Senate bill 763,: for the support of the penitentiary, appro priating $76,900 for this purpose, passed , its second reading. House mil 155, Senate bill 732- to au- tnorize the state -treasurer t exchange the stock of the State in the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company for the bonds of the State. A motion to lay on the table was lost, and the bill passed us second and third readings yeas 18, nays iz. House bill 580, Senate bill 801, to amena section 1, ehapter 25, Battle's xxevisai, limiting tne numDer or jurors in inquests to six, passed its second and imro readings- House bill 108, Senate resolution 784, tor tne prevention of cruelty to ani mals. Motion to table was adopted Senate bill 441, to ascertain whether a majority of the electors of the State are in favor of or against prohibition, was laid on tne table. Mr. Davidson introduced a bill to in corporate the Asheville Gis and Motor Works, which passed its second and third readings. Mr. Scott, of Rockingham, entered a motion to reconsider the bill regulating Tne saie or spirituous liquors. The unfinished business was taken up, which was the machinery bill. The bill as amended passed its third reading. On motion of Mr. Dortch, the school Din was taken up and considered. The question was upon adopting the report of the conference committee. Messrs. Richardson, Finger and Scott of Rockingham opposed the adoption oi tne report. Messrs. Merritt and Stowe spoke in tavor oi the adoption or the report. On motion of Mr. Cunningham, the previous question was ordered. The report was adopted yeas 17, nays 13 House bill 8S5, Senate bill S13, to in corporate the Raleigh Street Railway Companypassed its second and third readings. House bill 1,004. Senate bill 805. in regard to the collection of taxes in Rob eson county, passed its second and third readings. Mr. Davidson introduced a bill to re peal chap. 27, private laws of 1870-71, in relation to the sale of liquor in the town of Asheville. The bill was put upon us several readings and passed. "House bill 790, Senate bill 765, to in corporate the North Carolina Fertilizer (Jompany. passed its second and third readings. HOUSE Mr. Manning introduced a joint reso lution concerning the interests of the people of this State in the Piedmont Railroad. Referred. Mr. Glenn, of Stokes, introduced a resolution providing that all public bills be put through before any private ones be taken up. Uuite a warm debate sprung up. Mr. Glenn speaking to his resolution, say ing his reason for it wasto keep a quo rum here till the last. The motion to suspend was lost House bill to amend article 5, section 1, of the constitution. Mr. Manning sent forward an amend ment in regard to the machinery oi tne election when this act should be rati fied by the people. Adopted The bill as amended was placed on its second reading and the roll called. Mr. Foy explained his vote, saying he was opposed to tampering with the constitution, and thought this Legisla ture had done very well so tar. He vo ted no. Mr. Spainhour voted no, as he did not think the amendment was needed. The bill failed to pass its second read ing by a vote of 48 to 18. Senate bill to extend the time to re deem land sold to the State for taxes was taken up and passed its second and third readings and was enrolled Mr. McCiure here submitted a report Irom the committee oi investigation in the case of alleged forgery. The com mittee exonerated all the employes, of the General Assembly,- and found that the forgety had beea committed by W. vv. Watson, the member irom n,dge combe. u . Mr. Manning moved to Dostttohe the matter; and. make it the special order for 11 a, mv on Thursday, anajiniie meantime that the evidence be printed Mr. Man rune a f motion was adopted and the matter was made sriecial order for Thursday, at 12 m. , Senate bill to amenamecharter-ot the to wn orSta&esville, in Iredellxou n- tv. was taken. no ? and passea-its-third readme under a call ox the roit Mr. Webster here submitted a report from the committee of conference on the school bill, which was adopted Mr. Day, bT consent, offered a bin to- promote the cause of temperance. (This bill prevents the practice commonly known as "treating when applied to intoxicating drinks in public places.) Keterrea. House bill to amend the charter of. he town of Shelby was taken up and passed its third readme. Senate bill changing the time of the close of the fiscal year, making it con form with the calendar year, passed its second and third readings. House bill for the protection of sheep husbandry, and to raise revenue by a tax on dogs, was taken up as the unhn ished business of the morning, on its second reading. Mr. Bledsoe moved to taoie, and on that motien called for the -yeas and navs. The motion prevailed. House bill to incorporatexhe Kaieigh Street Railway Company passed its sec ond and third readings and was sent to 1-1 CI-.4.- ' ' Senate bill to provide additional ser vants for the various departments of State was taken up. Mr. Day-moved to. amend by striking out "fifteen dollars per month" and in serting "six dollars per week," and spoke to his amendment. The amendment' was adopted,, and the bill passed its third reading. . Senate bill to establisha pubiiC-rbad Mirougn mo estate a ihiiu, aiiu to iui prove the same-was -taken im and pass ed its second-readiogunder a cTallof the roll. Las us who. AmuBCiAnj Iucsahcb and purity Are nslnv Pa.rtrar'a Hair Balsam. tide sold for restoring gray hair to Its original ool- i oranaoeauty. i i " : 1 1 . THE OVTS ATI THE IlfS.: Ponihie bug-ea In Officers ! the . GrrPXnt at iras&tiasrtva. The Washington Star t.vmVhf hno the following official gossip: "It is be lieved tnere will De quite a number of changes in the bureau offices of the different, departments. General Gar field said the other evening, in talking upon this subject, that he intended to make' changes, as he thought the ser vice could be improved by so doing. He intended, he said, to put a good deal of new blood into the different depart ments. Hon. Leyi P. Morton has ac cepted the French Mission and will be nominated for the place at once. Ex Governor Noyes, of Ohio, the present incumbent, has already tendered his resignation. The story goes that Sena tor Hoar has requested the retpntinn of Minister Lowell at England and he will not be disturbed. William E Chandlerwill.it is thought, be made Solicitor of the Treasury Department to sucoeed Kenneth Ramor. change will at once be made in the Australian Mission, not until Minister Kasson and Congressman-elect com pletes certain diplomatic matters which nave been impending lor six weeks or more. The Indiana delegation in Con gress will press some one from that State to succeed Alonzo Bell as Assis tant Secretary of the Interior. Accord ing to pretty good authority Commis sioner Bentley will be retained as Com missioner of Pensions. Among the rumors is that Register of the Treasury Qtuvueiu ia tu ue sciib aa jxinister to Russia and Hugh Young, of Pennsyl vania, a brother of Governor Tom Xoune, of Ohi. is to be made Register of the Treasury. General Charles E vy ing, a brother of General Tom Ewins is urged for the Governorship of New Mexico. Report says that Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania, will be appointed First Assistant Postmaster treneral, to succeed Mr. Tyner. Secre tary .Blaine is probably the most pester ed public man in Washington. The impression is abroad that he is the Warwick of the new dispensation, and hence the office-seekers go to him with their appeals. An old law partner of SecretaryKirkwood.it is said, will be chief clerk of the Interior Department, j-uere are tnree candidates tor tne va cant Judgeship in the United States Court of Claims Ex-Private Secretary Kogers, Col. John K. Hamilton, of Kentucky, and Ex-Congressman Shel don, of Louisiana, now of Ohio, and who was spoken of as General Gar field s private secretary and who came to Washington with the presidential party. Judge Cooley, of Iowa, is said to have a good chance of beine appoint ed to fill the vacancy on the United States Supreme brench. The Illinois delegation will press Judge Drummond. Mr. Thomas Sherman, who has long been Senator Blaine's private secretary, win noiu a conuaentiai position in the State Department. Concerning the district officers, it may be said that Re corder or Deeds Sheridan will remain undisturbed in his office. There has been tor some time past a rush tor the Marshalship of this district. It is thought that Marshal Douglass will be reappointed unless he can be otherwise provided for. Among the candidates are Mr. A. M. Clapp, who is strongly re commended; Mr. W. W. Dungan, who is a member of Mr. Garneld's church and who is stronelv backed, and Cant, Henry, special agent of the Postoffice uepartment. JNo change is now con templated in the present board of dis trict commissioners. The time for delegations on this subject will not ripen until the near expiration of a commission of one of the two civil members of the board." Al EARTHQUAKE'S VICTIMS. Two Hundred Lives JLost and an Im mense Amouut of Damage Done. London, March 7. Ischia, where the earthquakes of Friday occurred, is an island or Italy, in tne Mediterranean. at the northern entrance of the Bay of Naples, and has a population of seme twenty-five thousand soul3. The great est destruction was at Casamacciola, noted for its warm baths. The first shock occurred at 1 :30 on Friday after noon, and the second an hour later. The whole upper part of the town was destroyed and two establishments dam aged. The details confirm the damage to property and loss of life and injury to people previously mentioned in these dispatches. The Syndic and Sub-Pre lect are directing operations for the re covery of the-bodies of the victims. ine royal steamers JNaguna. Pagona and Esploratore have arrived from Na ples with soldiers and ohvsicianp. The soldiers have rescued many from the ruins. The population have fled to the surrounding country and along the sea coast. The King and the Minister of the Interior have sent a contribution for the relief of the sufferers. The sec ond and fatal shock lasted seven sec onds, accompanied by noise like subter ranean thunder. Then came a crash cf falling houses, accompanied by shrieks of the victims. The probable loss of life will reach 200. The damage to house property is 1,000,000 francs. It was at first supposed that the disaster was connected with the partial erup tion of Mount Vesuvius on the 3d inst, but Prof. Palmleri says that the seis- moeraphic instruments gave no indica tions of a disturbance on the 4th inst. He says he thinks the catastrophe "was due to some local phenomenon, possibly to a sudden sinking or tne ground in consequence of corrosive action of the mineral- springs. Jifews. Btacniscm Bro..: It Is with real bleas- ure that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Neuralglne" as a speclflc for neura'gia and sick headache. Such a remedy Is a blessing, and all suCeTers should keep lt-on hand. J. a Bid gelt, 136 Cathedral Street. Baltimore. Sold by L. R. WRISTON & CO. Forty years' trial hx proved BLACK- DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the world. marl For sale by Dr. T. C Smith. Mothers! Mothers II Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken oi your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain oi curang reein y it so. go at once ana get a Dorae oi mks. wifiSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon It : there is no mistake about it There is not a mother on earth who has ever used It. who Will not tell von onnn that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reuei ana neaim to toe child, operat ing like magic It Is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre- senpuon oi one oi uiewues ana oessi pnysicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. mare Smith's Scrofula Syrop and Star Curlne are pure ly vegetable. Why wlu you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Ltvr Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will ure-yooy. .. r .,:;,. .From ' i;. jj. muMZTT. ctevwrn couniy, ueorgia; take great pleasure in reeemmendtng to the pub- lie Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. M y little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the bight Dr. Cheney, arxrat two years ago, preocnuea ior mm nis vroup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured hint I-flntf'tt eqnany bennclal in all cases ot Conarha I consider It a blessing in my family. It is the beetaavl.0veryTone sbeuldkeep it in their houses. For sale by Dr. TvC-Smith. occso om. OUR J OO BBB JO OB B JO Q BBB J JO OB B jjj oo Mbb I. OO TTTT Ii O O T I- O O T L O O T LLLL CO T OO FFF O OF O OFF O OF OO T In Prices $10, $12, $13 and $14, AMD) 0IFIFEE MEM miFWMILf AT 7.50. The ages are 9 to 14 years, and the greatest bargains ever placed upon our counters. feb25 FOR THE RICES DOWH. or . - Having received Intelligence from our house in Baltimore, which is one of the largest purchasers oLoolensthat th same have decUoed.from 18 to 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline in Clothing, we consequently act accordlntly, and we now offer our stock at Reduced Prices, as we only scm tract for large Quantities. We are assured that we purchase at'very close figures, and give every patron the benefit We have, mora styles than any fether house can show, and better made Clothing than ay other sold in this market fer the simple fact that most of them are made la our own boQse.and fit the same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, UBters and Ulsteretts that has ever been exhibited, ready-mpae, In this; market. We invite the public to come and see facts. Teryjrespully, l. BERWANGER & BRO. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. IMSIiirtiiilisIarW JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOME LINE OF SPRING HOSIERY AND GLOVES For Ladies, Misses, Children and Infants- NEW SRPINO GINGHAMS, DOTTED SWISS, NOTTINGHAM Laces and Cretonnes. LADIES ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT- Also, New Spring Clothing for Young Men, WnHitlkdDwsIky & mar5 We SPRINa & SUMMEE GOODS, OP ALL KlIsriDS, .... ELI AS & COHEN. We elain tKs BEET PORTABLE MILL grinding good Coca fieal tot lM in. It require, lulls areMlnt. Orindi from 1500 to iUOO bnkeU witfc n dreeing. It saka ronni meal, not flonrr and paaty. It take from WMS prrml. leM power than any other Mill not niinj our Ston. AddrM BBAOH OFFICK KOKTH CAROLINA MUX STON1C OO m I hmre a pair of Moore County Cnt Mill Stone wMeti j i . f inii 1t4A arm ia Bie M yars, oemiantly nndtr stary power rn o txst meal In th eenntT. ifl txmV sot M.lac. tlwsi wltk me grit, I would not part wita thi for trt times tn. o at ordinary itone. I bUav them too uprlor to any uan"i" ar buhr for grinding corn meal. Kespeetfully youri. nov23-d JUST RECEIVED, Fine large TURKEYS, CHICKENS, AND DUCKS. AND NORTHERN CABBAGE feb!9 at S. M. HOWELL HONEST 7 : . .... . ' -. i Twist ; Ii wi ug TVa ec j et".-,AiI( Rflwam of Imitation it KoTie. eetrtn' Be companled wHhoriT-"Hoiir,copyHagntd label WUiutt wiu w iuuuu yu unu vi ctoij ia, .. . . .- Mannfactureaonry try Ssy w rf BEO ' feb20-2w 'Winston, M. CL I A L -r ,i An Arranging for We liave VEacie a At L AA L L A A L L AAA I L A A T.T.T.T. T.T.TTf TTTTH Bill . . T HHHfia BENEFIT OF THE are now receiving a large stock Dipt by GO to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. ScarrACo. FOB- 0 H s d Fresh Drags and Pare Medicines .None bat the ., Very t'fst Drills do I keep to my "steck. ' :ilo; Toflst and . Fancy Articles. Perfam.rles, Cmbs, Brashes, Tooth Brashes j c, A. GAKDEN SEEDS , of all the best varieties, and" warranted . , ' to be good. . Q Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public" patronage, I am, respeetf nlry. . PM)8 . : w;P. MARVIN, Agt. A POSITIVE CURE Without MedlclnftB, SOLTJBTJC HXDICATZD BOUGHS . Patented Oct 16, 1878. One Box, No. 1 will core any ease la torn-days or less.. ' No. 2 will w the meet wtnflnu caee, no mat . Ho Banseoos desesof cnbebs, cepalba.oroilof Sandalwood, that are certain to produce dyspepsia ty destroying the coatings ef the stomach :iI2Sig3ibSZ. " deelT-eodem 83 John 8t New Tork, r i TYnriT tith tat tttaat SALE. STOCK, BB1 BBB OO Y TbSSo""w O O T T S" O O TT SS., gSSg 8888 TJ U IMTlt'gSBg 8 88 i h UU U T "88 BO P T BBB OO SooS E. D. LATTA & BRO. PRICKS BOWIff. TT PUBLIC ! Youths and Children. of IHOYED PATENT LIVER PAD! Kbtxb Qm Hasb. 4fr Ctur m Im AiTT Strm.tsi Datiaxo. Into . Twica as Lone filMUM Osnd vUbntt tntfutu fyfUX cvmi CkUti aad FtTtr, UwCn&lasl; Kutsbmisi leufe "f feahe Sck k Venou Hubek TbsM Pads Orrs all DUssM br AfesdrrAn. rToxioas Fills, Oils.or Potsonou MsdksMsaretaksa M.8lsm!C'Tb. Pad. artwiratoTpu of the StoMcha TriBr Wis One. Nerrc.Cntre.. Im the Llvor end emmaea.' A gfiU Vretab)e Tome is sbsnrbsd tTAith.riw.Uu..n.. p U vsr. purtoiartbe Blood, sttmalaking Sie Li ioodaad Iyer and dncy to bwlUir aetipB. and stni-thfitor Um i w uaiisi I to digest f( wiwuhj lB.a logo.' ru PO 1n- a Ttm .1 . n M . xac: CK. BOX, Exprtss. Sou m all Smhisi, r mU tnJiM Sw"4 SVi , Marrrrfactared and for sale at 92 Germain street, Baltimere, Hd. For sale In Charlotte at the drug stores of L. B. Wriston A Co., F. Scarr, tTc. Smith and Wilson & Burwell. fmay IS ly. J. L. HARDIN, HIBCHiNfiisI BBOKIB AND COMMISSIOK MERCHANl Grdan for Grain, Hay, Meal, flour, Lrd, Baeedi . .TotU8uri2e' Molasses, 4c respect- ' fully solicited. The cheapest markets and reUa ble nooses represented. Jan 23 : 1 , .. IBsiipqikbIIdo

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