$he f)nrlotte Cbscrocc "THUBSUY- MARCH 10. 1S81.J 1 SOCIETY DIRECTORY. phalanx Lodge No. 81, A. F. X. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. fxckl8IOb Lodob No. 261, A. F. A A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. cuartt'CirsA M Si. RjU.pi-Hegular meeting every second And fetjrtrj-Fndarmghts. phablottb Command art No. 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IBC- OIF HT kwtghts or' HowWL-BWlr ' meeting every second find f ourth Thursdays. , , ZEC- OF DP- irwroHTS of Ptthias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, fj f Clods p m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. X. O. O. IF1. cu.vklottb Lodge No. 8. Meets every Mon dw night .,. - MErKLE!fBTJRO DECLARATION LODGE Na 8. jl'eets every Tuesday night Pixib Lodge No. 108. Meets every Friday flight - ( T Catawba RTViiB ENCjLMPMjiirt Ito. 21. Meets and rtilrd Thursdfty'rrlghto in each month. INDICATIONS. WAR JfEP'AKTMENT, 4'- M. ) m.vh k Chief Signal Officer, Washington, March 8, 1:30 p. I'or the South Atlantic Slates, cloudy weather with rain, easterly winds, sta tionery or lower temperature and, ba rometer. Index to Nr: Ait"VeTiiiiiesK. F M Andrews Furniture- j ,hn Van Landingham- For Sa'.e. IIO.TIE PENCILINGS, The merchants have begun to re-. ceive their spring goods. The New York ahrj North Caroli-. na reduction works will be fired up next week. , . At the mayor's court yesterday morning a machinist named Petty was lined $2.50 for a mild d. and d. TherewiJlJiot.be any meeting of the Gounod Club before Mdndaj, 15th of this month, tyhenSthopq iAtere3tecl ifc the rehearsal of the. Pitatesj wilf meet at Mrs. peweyp at So'clj) DD)tjly. ? Dr. S. Ntye? thlcilist, writes that he will be in Charlotte on profes sional business by the 12th. lie says further that he may be found at the Frankenthal HoteL I d . The ladies will commence decora ting Oates's hall to-day for the firemen's l'pstivaL Members of the fir;e eompa nies are requested to devote .their leis ure moments during the day to assist ing the ladies. Rev. N. M. Jurney was one of the passengers, in the wreckeft train near the junction. Hqgcftoflti with a bruised leg, but In the jconf usjon lost a, gold headed cane witii l hisj na'me iascrbed uidi if, which will be returned to him if sent to The Observer. The Metropolitan Hotel has been dosed for the present, liiveubark & Son, of Laurinburg, the firm that pro posed to take charge of it some days n;o, retreated at the last moment and Hie house is Left without a landlord. The rooms are-being let outto rnonthly occupants. lroiu l ive to Xkree. r The changes which have been made in the Odd Fellflvys'. secret; work were ordered by the last sovereign grand lodge, and" not byfhli$ fcate Lodge, as stated yesterday morning, Rev. N. M. Jurney, grand master of tlio State, ar rived yesterday, on , jryitatifjn) jof Abe; lodges here, to instruct' -them m the' changes entailed by a reduction of the number of degrees from threSto tive. He is notjtts-wHS-WHS-frtttttK flkint a tour of the Statp,- - ' Cheap Frtigiil Rate , It is estimated that about forty car loads of peas have been shipped from Western North Carolina this season to New Orleans, most . of these being transferred and coming down the At lantic, Tennessee and Ohia Railroad. The rate from Statesville to New Or leans being 35 cents per hundred, to be divided between four or five roads. The distance is about 800 miles from Statesville to New Orleans. The At lantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad's proportion is about 5 mills or cent per hundred pounds, being aboutSl per car load of 20,000 pounds. Attempt te Capture Kedroani, the Outlaw. List week a party of revenue raiders of the sixth district made,,another.at tempt to ensure Redmond in Western 'orth Carolina. They nearly succeed ed in their plans.pu.ihinghim so closely as to capture his boots and eoat. Only a few days before Redmond was arrest ed by the civil authorities and tried for carrying concealed weapons, but was acquitted, although at the time of the trial he had two -large pistols on his person and a large knife in hia boot leg. There is no assertion on the part ot some revenue officials, by whom the latter statement is made, that the civil authorities were a ware of the fact that he was so armed at the time.but on the contrary they think they did not 'know it. , A Uurdcr Case for la-Day. J The Superior Court was engaged all day yesterday which toad been set for the big case of the Atlantic, Tennessee Ohio road vs. the-City Ot Charlotte involving 500,000 of city" bonds, in the consideration of the case of Crisenbury vs. King. It was given to the jury late 111 the afternoon and a verdict rendered lor the plaintiff in few -minutes. The case is of no especial interest to the PiU T(Mlay the ease against Mar shall Baxter for the murder of Bob uennegan, comes up, after the cOrflple S,0?" which the railroad case will tw y m? ?gain orlred for hearing. iNvlL.w, l lf a large erowd to hear Jint of 1 tl')a1' ,as. the murder was re cent and is fresh in the minds of the A Curloua Accidenr-WLat wait ll ) ' Between Salisbury and China Orove niRht before last, as the express train w hich met with the accident described tr,rep i re was bowli"g along, conduc tor Coley was sitting in one. of the s eepers with his arm over the seat near uie double window, with : Which the IT, Le f "rmsIied, the glass was smaah tn 2enly and the conductor was cut 0 uie bone of his right arm just above .? wnst. The conductor of the sleeper- n, ; ,r r s;tme .seat Dut neither he. or 0 v-, x w oriuld'find thegnissi .c rtoie 10 aeciae wheth B 'wai pullet or a stone. i trhov -. Utilel 'ink it was tlie, fatter h4Ul1a muea through the window. No shot anH lle.arP-, The wonnd is ouitosevere KpaifuL Whatever the miajwal caS,uft8t,ha!e Pa"ed near the; sleeping he cu0n,uctor s bead,, for ..lie was nexfc an. . K Tnere haa vr before been' "y rocking of trains near.that'ht: 111 orVhu h r u 13 on 01 the hardest plecMM 'iiowina f,lby doe8: whT not tnen help Itvutby s5rup, It Occasional Ana nf Dr Rnll'a Ruhr M t wlo drink "WJNEF CMiDHl." Ml For sale by Dr. r.'C.'mfth. fit. Cafsiorf aiiAThrw Overtimed, nut flop ciltcfor II ll u Fel up Mat, ikiJwiked his4 crowded cars which maciA 11 n tha or. fc. . . T press coming in at 3 o'clock, yesterday morning, and sung out cheerily as he neared home, "Air Line junction," The passengers- gathered their grip sacks and were ready to change , cars tor Atlanta. But before the air brakB had been aonlied for r.h sinu- " mr M-HV4THi snapped.; jror aDout a minute while the train ran its length the heavy thuds of the wheels agaiefi the naked ties,tbreatened destructjtOW to the terrified passengers. Conduced Cqley, tdready ,3H.ed-irn one hand tor anno(;ide hardly an lour before, win oe seen elsewhererseized the daonf ger signal cord of the rear of two India' tarm- A wxHriarr standing near, demoralised .with fxigtj.)ewed..: him. He swung 'down oh the cord and she swung onthe conductor thitilfcis' tiarrd was scalded with,tbe tjicjiori ThU long pull and strong pnll and ptfll altogether did somq godi however qr; 1)he train came to a stand. The second sleeper tilted oyer aeainBt .the side of a small cut. The first stood erect,its wheels SfTl uuB.criMjK-.' . ine-nrsc laaies car in wnicn the conductor and the lady passenger' had swurtgrto tbe danger cord kept its legs, wtuletfJid otfiecs-wre tilted over against the cut at more or less acute angles. , .... : ,..,. aW wIs anybody hurt in here ?" said Capt., Coley, at the door of the setycrhd ladies' car. "No,(but I've lost my liat'&nd cane." Thfeanlibus coridufctor ran back to wards the sleepers. As the light of his lantern touched the inclined ettd-'of the inverted sleeper he was shocked to see a man in his shirt, with1 onTy one leg leftslide down the smooth painted Side of the Pullman. . "Great God," thought Coley,1 here's avmaaith his leg torn oft",. - , d " The'Shtrt was tenderly raised but a Woaalesstuiiipita6drveate4.-4 the haste of the occasion , the accompany ing cork'had been left in the berth. A delicate looking woman in a thin jwrapperfetood sniveling n the flight ir at.the other end of the overtimed sleeperf fllih l, for hers hnittaad to comeojii m. i ' f .. i t t A k f Yo ttaablttfrt into?thiii1ght car, madam, you'llatch yotrftreath of cold here with that thin wrapper on," the conductor suggested. "Never," she said. "1 kissed my boy when I left Mf'York and vowed never to leave his papa in danger. Do come-on George. It's very cold." "Just as soon as I get my collar but toned," cried George from the inside. amfche flung a,fur-lined!cloak (through me wmaow. it tell 5 rnto the dirty water of the ditch. The wife snatched it up and walked awav mad as a hor net. In all the crowded carsf ul a skinned, leg and the conductor's rope-scalded' hand were the only injuries. The es cape was" marvelous-and indeed such an innocent result is decidedly disap-. pointpg and shabby when we xemem bet whHt tharjDadslhAve been doing for us of late. i John Lowrey, the boss wrecker of the Richmond & Danville was 100 miles up the road, but he came with a rush and had a track built around the wreck in a jiffy, but the first freight that attempted to pass ran off itself and it was nearly sundown last night uetore the wreck was cleared and the trains passing. Every thing'' is; cleared the-l up and the trains were ru last night. nning straight "4 At 1 o'clock yesterday Miss Esther Bernstein was united in marriage to Capt. J. ,A1. Roesslyr. Both parties were of this city :.nd bot,li orthpdptf Hebrews. The ceremony' was p'erfoVmerf by Rev. Samuel Mendelsohn, Rabbi of the Wil mington Synagogue, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. M. Bernstein. A large number of but there .were no -attendants. The bride entered the room on her father's arm and her mother was escorted by the groom. The. Jewish ceremony is in itself very similar to that of the Epis copal church. It is, however, preceded byan unprescribed oration on the sub ject .of the marriage state by the elti cxating minister. It was quite short on this occasion, as Dr. Mendelsohn said that he himself had felt the trying circumstances of these preliminary speeches, having had to endure two of them on the occasion of his own mar riage. Tne ceremony i Hingusn .suc ceeds, land, is consummated with the ring,-whtehv- i& 'placed upon the fore finger insteiS of the third, as in-the or dinary - English uceremony. Then .fol lows a short prayer in Hebrew and the benfedictiofl."-According to the Jewish rittral there is nry feast without' a glass of wme-and the- bride and groom touch ft'golrlet with their iips after the bene diction. Theraarriage sontract, writ ten in Hebre "wyis their end and trans lated into English. It i3Jurned Joy.the icontracting parties, the officiating min ister and two witnesses. Another touch of the lips to the wine cap, a prayer in iiingiisn anu tue ceremonies are over. At the conclusion " yesterday the guests were hancls'orjaely entertained and the bride and groom left tire- city dn the afternoon train for a three week s visit to Richmond and Bttlti more., Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn returns to-Wilibington this morning. Iteport of the Hoard of Education. The semi-annual report of the, Board of Education of, JXjecKlenbnrgiil be found below, the books and voncbers of the county treasurer as (0 his receipts and disbursements of the, co,unty. school f und haying been exaimiiiqdi esterday and approved : Statk of Noutii Catiolina, Mecklenburg Co., March 7, 1881. To Ihe Superintendent of Public In struction : TheBoaud of Edication o Mecklen burg county, In. ; pursuance of section ot the sehgoi iaiw, nave,exajaainea e books ahdvo'uchers of S. L. Belk, county treasure, an, report the follow ing receipts ' Md dsbvirsjfments of school funds by him for the first half school year, beginning the first day of September, 1680: ; Balarlce rfs-ptr 1asfc report. .' . . $5,300 Poll tax for 1880- . , 0,549 Property school.tax for 1880. . 4,971 Fines, forfeitures atid penal ties 137 Liauor licenses 454 '99 07 29 50 10 Prom other sources, refunded by a teacher. . . , r. . 25 90 Total... $17,504 85 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for schools for whites. . $2,180 49 Schools for colored 2,668 03 scrrooi nouses anu sues, ior 1 . J J. J! ' whites. 00 S3 School houses, and sites, for colored . fs ....... . Bal. on hand March 7, 1881. 91 50 .$12,304 00 Total ....ei7,S04.8SL T?v nrflor nf triA T-tnarrl nf V.d nf.aJ.ion-. of Meoklenbrg (?ounty this 7th 0srt bf March, 1881, -;, T. L. XMU 1 "" ' Chairman Wm. M.ixiTEtL.'Secretftrf.i fJ Ti - aft.He se.949.n.snited Us the pro portion of -the poll tax,,forthie.ciDoi fund. the Btate polls yieldedxms the county pons 83AH.50 ' tne 'special State polls $l,04?tl7i iiU is understood of course that only thre-f onrthro the poll tax goes.toJ-he schoI' WmL.The report isfsetrwthe iSupertritehhi & , - T i. 1! fcbet A MEED WOMAN of Four BlockM Bld jr rapfe RMtftr A-iwomaB'sroiteoas sarBanwfrik small nouseita the States) He, railroad mxh California sectioir' aboutr' fotrr blocks from Tin"Streett;rossing, startled the neighborhood yesterday morning about 11 ociock.-As" people ran to tneir doors a naked wqbuux Weeding from, .her hair to her stdckiugs.'the only stitch which covered .her Dody, rushed shrieking from the'dooT of the small house. Sh ran wildly trp the railroad to the crossing- ' Dashing across this frantically, Still screaming with pain and.terror.she ran down am alley near and broke mad It into a house alrandred yards : from the street!: Several' oeraons weri nassinir L at the time, some ladies among the num- oer. une r iwo met ner as snp came up the railroad find, all stepped-off as if the locomotive was coming. She was a mulatto women alxint fiiirhtn nars of age, witb fnll round- developement and elastic movement, while her terror lent a certain wild-grace;to her reckless run. in abocffir a Half an hour after this spectacle a wpmaffnapplied to Justice McNinch for a warrant for her mother whojoiBhe said had, torn, her clothing from her and, beaten her with a cow hide, ghe ferriaved enough of her cloth ine to Drove her assertion that not an inHh of her body w,afree from a bloody ,Velt. tShrfwas, she said, a day servant ai aooarflinr aonse on Try on street. jShe went , home to her mother' every Sight bat failed last night on account of the weather. Her mother had' met Her on Mmt Street on her wayhome that morning. When' they met the mother held a heavy raw hide in her hand and ordered the girl home. "I'll teach you" she said "how to spend another nieht in Buzzard's Roost with the dirty wenches there 1 The girl is thoroughly afraid ot her mother and went. The rest has been told. The girl could not endure the pain of the hide upon the naked skin and broke from the house pursued by her tigress of a mother to the door, and a short distance further, with the reeking hide uplifted' and keen for esh. The girl's name is Rena Young, her mother's Lizzie Young. The girl is handsome and lieht: the .-another uelv ttaiack and brutal. The latter .was sent to Jail for thirty days. When nonstable Means.went to arrest her a crowd had gathered round and the excitement in the vicinity, was 'great. . -. ." S: Tie county ommissiunei!s 'continued in.se ssiait yesterday. it was ordered that the report of the 1 county finance committee for 1880 be spread upon the minutes of the board- The justices :bf the county Will be notified by advertisement to meet on the first Monday of next April with the commissioners, to consider the ad visability of building a bridge across McAIpine-s creek, where it is crossed by the, Mod roe road, and also to transact such other business as may be brought before them. It was ordered that the property of the Merchants and Farmers' and Traders' National banks be listed for taxation by the clerk of the board for the year 1880, and all previous years in which their real and personal property had not been listed in conformity with sections 21 and 22. thap. 7.2, of the laws 1870. iJ. C Burroughs, S. P. Alex ander and M. L. Barrineer were ap- pointed to value for taxation the bank ing nonse 01 uie Jyiercnanis ana x arm ery bankTindthe Allen Cruse property on Tryon street; also the Graham mills, the property of the Traders' Na tional bank. II. M. Wilder was paid $20.00 for post ifab rt em tx ami nations over the bodies of Frederick Harper and Mary Mont gomery. A- Young was allowed $102.15 for half fees in insolvent State cases before the Inferior Court. A large number of unimportant ac counts were audited and approved. Arlington'" .TIiiiirel. One of the features of Billy Arling ton s minstrels is the big street parade to-day. Two giants, an ostrich, two ponies, an elephant and an excellent brass band, besides numerous gany caparisoned pages, &c., constitute this attractive feature. Of course the gaints, ostriches and elephants are dummies, but, as Frank Hall, the ad vanoe agent, says, it's all fun. The troupe has been getting crowded houses everywhere and has met with most remarkable success. The Greens boro Patriot says, "We have noticed particularly the comments of the press where they have performed ana we have yet to see an adverse criticism. The hall will doubtless be crowded and from all we can learn it deserves to be." This meets with The Obsebveb's en dorsement. Six clog-dancers and six sons-and-dance men will give an idea "of the entertainment. Office of 1 New York & Baito Transportation Co. f Havlnc been for some time troubled With a bad cough, I had occasion to try a bottle 1 Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. In less t' an 24 hours, I was en tirely relieved. I recommend this medicine to all my mends, lor 1 snail not De wunoui 11 m my iam ily. E. W. Steeter. 'Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recont- raQQded by, our druggists ana physicians iur pm eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation ana dropsy. IN A BAD WAY. Females whose nervous energies are exhausted, who suffer from Indigestion, CosUveness, Head aches, Irregularities, Suppression and Miseries, caused by Degrangements of the Liver and other organs cannot be cured by medicines, but Dr. Flagg's Improved Liver and Stomach Pad never falls to restore to perfect health. FOR SALE. ,000 BUSHELS '5,000 Prime White Corn. JOHN VAN LANDINGHAM, . ,'T- i Cotton and General Commission Merchant, office Sanders & Blackwood's Building. marlO 3t THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DURHAM LONG CUT H .A.S ITO EQTJAL. This, together with Sitting Bull, Durham, & Durham Twist J, ' MudWACTtBBD BY E. H, POOUE, j!;! DURHAM, F.ia, 7 b,' For sale by all dealers in Charlotte. mar8 eod2m ' RO. Di GRAHAM, 1 N the State and United States Courts. Collee X tlons, i. Home and Foreign,, solicited., Ah- i Omen . N. It Comer Trade ft Trrvn. streeli 'Charlotte, N. u ljan.0. lie. HAVING hought the stock of Furniture, Ac, of Mr. 1 . Itoiten, of this ctty, I will continue the business at the old stand. whr t mi . first class stocx of '&FBTT tTKRK NN N TJTTTTTJ T7 usn ww 8 U II R BNH UBBS H if All UK Bit NN II 11 T O TJR RB U V RR8 KB U UK KB UX7 R RBEE,, V TJTJ K SH HSU T MATTRESS KS, PILLOWS, PICTURBS, FRAMES,. MOLDINGS, WI1TDOW SHADES, CORNJCBS 4 MIRRORS -AT - Wholesale & Retail. THOS. W. ANDREWS, Formerly with Mr. Nichols, Is now with me and 5J J&lbe glad to have you call. Goods sold at BOTTOM PRICES. Bend in your orders and give me a trial. E.M.ANDREWS. P. 8. A full line of Coffins and Burial Cases will be added in a short time, mar 10 TO GET MR. OA INS. Fine Bananas, 2 FOR 5 CENTS. Granges 25 Cents per Dozen, and a large lot of Toys, Dolls, Velocipedes, Wagons, AND OTHER SANTA CLAUS GOODS to be closed out at A U C T I O N -ON- SATURDAY FROM 12 to 8 O'CLOCK IN THE DAY AND 7 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. Laules spec! -lly Invited to attend the day sate AT P ERRY'S. Jan 14 ixtra Opportanity Inst I mm ! -ANOTHER LOT OF- O l A T O rr r V I? C -AL80- -A CAR OAD OF THE- IRON KING COOK NOS. 6, 7, 8. 9. BHEEI , IRON. FIRE PLATE, WIRE & BOLDER, always on hand. ROOFING SPECIALTY. Fine work of all kinds promptly done. Have In stock a splendid assortment of RemingtoB, St, JohR S Household SEWTNQ SWING MACHINEO MACHINE O MACHINE NEEDLE3 on hand and SXPAIBJKG DONE. Tjv. Nails. Hlnsrea la lares boddI. at the Hardware, Stove and Tin House of Trade St., Charlotte, N. 0. CoL C. W. bbadshaw, so long and favorably known In connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, Is now with me and would be pieasea to see nis menas ana patrons. and serve them as heretofore. janv For sale atlthe CHARLOTTE OBSERVER nov24-tI SILVER LEAD, COPPERj-ANlVZINO ORES PURCHASED F(R CASH THE New To and North Carofma Smelting Company at Cftarlotte, will pay the best Cain GOLD Prices wtpa toJ&Sfyi fF. No charge wmie made tot sampling and i ssjiiigoreiuasedbyus. 1 Specimen assays for Cold and Silver, fl.50. septl4d 2ctty dxrcrtistm cuts. ing Out Sale OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, -AT- H. MORRIS & BROTHER'S AT- NEW YORK COST. Now is the time for GREAT BARGAINS ! As we include evervth'nz In our larm and varimi stock of goods, such ad Ready-made Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, Dress Goods of all de scriptions, Carpets, Blankets, Boots and Shoes, Cloaks. Casslmeree. && A Call win eonvtnm von that we mean Business. Do not let this opportu nity pass, as it is to your Interest H. MORRIfc & BROS. marl JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of Tax Ob Sbbtbb, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the iropnetor has Just added a com pleie BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOB POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get thei DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as It Is possible to make It LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Bail uaras, Pamphlets BILL HEADS, Deeds, ReceipfBooka, Business Cards, Programmes Magistrates' and Court Blanks In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, lnvitaaoi ecfcs, Labels SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOOK WORK Having a lareer rorrsly of type than most lob es tablishments. BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty wltb, us, ; .Address P.O. Box 182. THE OBSERVER CharlotU, N. C, LAGER BEER. Having been appointed agents in Charlotte and ' vlclriltyby the Bergner k Eiigel Brewing Company, OT PHILADELPHIA; ' J for the sale of their celebrated beefi which took: first nrtze in Paris, and the Cantenlal of '76. for Its purtty and tonks proportions, we are now pre pared te sell and deliver, to QMomera-the above BoeeJattr in casts or Doueu reasonaDi rates. ..COCHRANE ft MUNZLER, Jan80-tf Agents. RICHMOND TO NORTH CAROLINA, GRISTING: ' ' - V ! - Determined to deserve the patronage Of Forth CsjUaMaifiul aftla ojd' for-our SNOW DRIFT AND SEA FOAM : FAMILY FJbOTJR. Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, and Everything in ;h L'ne of Heavy Grroceries HARVEY & BLAIR, - - RICHMOND, VA. REDUCED RATES BOUGHT ANJ) SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, B. ParUea'deslrtng Information in regard Doria IFRES1 GARDEN SEEM. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ' ' BUIST'S NEW CROP Grown in 1880, iX- OBI. IIVCODIEaST'fc Burst's Improved- Early Buist's Improved late Have been awarded TWENTY-TWO FIB8T PREMIUMS in a single season. Plant them once, you will plant them always. They have no equal for purity, quality or certainty ot heading B-For sale at J. H. McADEN'S DRUG STORE. Ieb20 hi Received ! One Car Load of Bacon To be sold at bottom rates. 200 BARRELS Seed Irish Potatoes, EARLY ROSE & PEERLESS. AND A " FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Heavy and Fancy Grocery Line, FOB COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION and all diseases OF rpHE rpHROAT A ND T UNGS W XHE XHROAT JHD JUUNGS. IV We respectfully solicit the inspection of both the WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE to our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are sure we can make it to your Interests to do so. , T DAVIDSON & BEALL ' feb25 1881 SPRING. 1881 rrrpr DIFFERENT styles of goods to select from lOl for Spring Suits have arrived and are ready for InsDectlon. Mr friends and customers are very respectfully seqaestedtv sail as early as possBMe and make ie)nctlon iNvls the tfcne to secure ludgmentof M. LICHTENSTKIN, febl9 Merchant Tailor. i AT TO ALL POINTS CHARLOTTE, N. C. to raUroad travel will please address as above. C3 GARDEN SEEDS, Just Received at jdtitjq- store. Flat Dutch Cabbage. Flat Dutch Cabbage, OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY, Thursday, - - - March 10. The only original BILLY ARLINGTON'S MINSTRELS. 24 PERFORMERS 24 WATCH FOR THE " Grand Mardi Gras Street Parade AT 3 P.M. SOMETHING NEW. Prices as usual. ttmai6 td. ... i ' i . t. j.1.. n o me r HAVING ACCEPTED the AGENCY -OF TBK-, ) t,cl-3 OF Erie City, Pennsylvania, For the States of North and fionttv Carolina and Georgia, I am prepared w nrrnlsB full assortment of STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, STEAM HOISTING MACHINES, BOILERS, 8AW and CORN MILLS, BOSS PRESS, : i COTTON GINS, THRESHERS : and SEPARATORS SHAFT- 1 ' " " ING, pulleys; 4c I can fill orders promptly and at most reasona ble prices and the machinery is fully troranteed. Parties wishing to purchase are -requested to aU and see me before they buy. ' ' ' J- J Thanking iny friends for the liberal patronage AJMW njyAUUA VAa Wwoas. AlM.serenu gooa ohuh eiued Barouches, and one Clarence, suitable for livery men, which I will sell very tow. Uyoolrant bargains can and see my stock. The Mmstrel Boom 11 RAYSTATEIRONWORKS 4r T Utjlic lustrucnun.