W. A d ..fci pa V-i t'--L'-' tl inilSJtJ" -, APPETISER CI VtS irS-ESs .rSTt &Sengtli, Jck of Energry, etc. It rfo mwlesifeiYBS tiaw life to the feezes. ' It actalite a tharm im&A Qteestirfc orgardnfe all (iyspeptic BjTrrptoTns, sufch as anrfge Food, nd & Comtek Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Prepa ration that will not blacken I 13 am BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. ajaw'.i!.,.W.-." Large TO OUBBSOCK OF" 9- GLOVES, : : w .. NECK ' WEAK, ' : CLOAKS, : Ladies' Underwear &1JildrenCGoods ?, TOSTEKCElVEDlruiL li5 & ... Silks, ilSatinis, -' to cringes Hle Passmeritries ,' .t w ...... FOR DRESS TRIMMING. HATS ad BONNETS j - 'lOTjlilIIMlBp3:AND CfiXLpREN V Of Every Sha jQoaiiQT Hare now on hand themost complete stock of LADIESlHIlHENS'COOTJS To frfoVB&infrejatfr 4V TflTMr T fYPTY I Button Kidi0oyeS& oct24 ( .JllUilSET. 2 $30 to SI ,000; 2 to 32 Stops. PI- Awoa, lilt) up. raper iree. a- dress. F. BJEATTX. Washington, N. J . , WANTED! To5 $150 per month. Steady work all .wring and sum mer. For particulars addresrJ. C. McCUBDI & CO., Philadelphia. FLOWEB FRESH & RELIABLE. rue to name. iO nea t pacKr 1 1 w znc iw . j i 1 1 r ir.ii ?- r a cuiHire. uaiaioeue rree F. E. McALI TEB, 31 Fulton street, rum Paid. New York. THE RELISH OP:3CHE "WO RED ! SAUCE! SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. '. 1 i I,.. (a Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, and the purest and best medical qualities of all other .bitters. ' TECEir CURE All diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidney and prinary TOrgans,' Nervousness, Sleeft lesenasa, aqp especially Female Complaints. Ask your druKKist for Hop Bitters and try them before you go to sleep. TAKE NO OTHER. Send for circular. HOP BITTERS M'F'G. CO., Rochester, n. i., and Toroto. vaVu , . . GEORGE PACE & GO. 41 1 f vt ' fllaiuixactarer oi; a , -:j " Patefir Portable Circular SAW MILLS. Alio Stationary-. a4prt STEAM ENGINES. 5 U. 8raE0EDES 8TVt Grist and Mills. Water Wheels. Wood WorUnsr ana uai UillSui Machinery, Shingle Mills. Circular Saws. Ti?ITE EMEKYWHElSUi sua fchHAAUillNKItlf. . . - sena tor uataiosae feb224w Wpent! Consignment! 15ft Boxes Siarcli, r t V 1 a.-i Fine GosHen Butter. t f EXPRE8SLt FOB MM1LX USE. f-r.ic U VH H ll f JB HAIiEbRD X U W- Fkmr a.y.r fviri v ! .... Alt MiiteM at Once. V 11 ml ff Iff 1 nsin . A itiii n ases requir- ; gestion, Dys- L s:mnt of Appetite, iW of It the teeth or JOTgMae. ' Invalids Who have lost but are recovering vital stamjna, declare In graterul teims tbem apprecia tion f thftrnertts As a tonic ol Hosteller's -Stom ach Bitters. Not only does It impart strength to the weak. It corrects an Irregular acid state of the stomaah-makes the bowels actat proper Inter val, srtves ease to these'wno suffer from rheuma- and kidney tronffles,'ahd conquers as well aa prevents fever and ague. ' For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, jnarl r . A f " fi - : j (nmcn or a S. Giles. Oedinakt. jr- HOTDSTOU OOCNTT. iBT, Ga., Jan. 28, 188a In the year there were two negro prison ers confined In the jail -sf this county, who were Terr badly affUctedwtth that loathsome disease Byphlllls. Jn-my offlelal capacity as Ordinary, I employed apt,C; T.-wlft, then a resident of this place, to cure them, under a contract "no cure, no pay. " He Administered to them his now Justly jeieorated sypnunic specmc, ana in a iew I lelt bonnd, under my contract, to pay him weeiss otft of thB ounty treasurj, as he had effected a contBlete and radical cure. s In testimony of the above, I have here- 4- -tmto set my official signature ana seal the date above wntten. A. S. GILES, Ordinary Houston County, Ga. Chattanooga, Tekn., Feb, 14, 1879. Gekts: We take pleasure In saying. thati-the S a S. Is giving good satisfaction. , We havoTiad excellent resnlts from a number of cases. One gentleman who had een confined to his bed for six weeks with SvDhllitlc Rheumatism was cured entirely witn two bottles, and speaks in the highest 1 praree or it It also acts as well in primary as in secondary and tertiary cases. Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston 4 Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's Friends.' may27-tKl&wlm. ; ' lib Pszlsst sad Bert Xsdlcine ever Mmda A eombiluMkMiof Hods. Buchu. Mandrakd Dan! Bare proper iUOHUIIj m 1 . 1 1 H uro nju mum or all etber Bitten, maki thH IfopdPurHler, Liver Regula tna- H ith ,' Retortng Agent 01 .ad usei -Vt- Uttei i can' long exist where and perfect are their aperaUoiUL IXteyglTt vigil to the tgei t&d Mia To avhoae employ cause lrreenlarltT oil xirgana, orwuo require aa nt, Hop Bitter intoxicating J or Brmptoma ar op ailment is muse Hop Bitters. Dont wait until yon are sickmbntif Tononlrfeei ibdr miserable, nse the Bitters at once. It may tout uie. i dbb saveo t BOO will be paid for a case thaey will not cure o: neln. Do notaufter nor let yourmirieDdasnffeT.buo Remember, Hop Bitten is no 'rugged, ram, bust ie; the " cine ever made Invalids Frlen andU BrlOpe" and no person or family should b nuiosiuieD. ' t D. I. C i an absotote andirrestible prunkeaass,S8of oputmobaceo and narcoUca. AUsoMbydrufftfeta. Send tor Circular. ep Hlltn tg. Co., Bociiester, N, Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness Malaria, Cos trVenessyHeadache: It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood, . A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, i 62 Broadway, N. Y. FOR 8ALE BY ALL DHTJOGISTS. JanU8 deod, eow ly. M BUTTERIGK'S t t v yV ' 1 it ' r I- T "WITH r r .1 I 11 tfr;; i:JUST RECEIVED. T , A Also, The Catakgae for Sprtog -o 1881. liflGORATOR : .. u- . jr - -. -. ,, "V. ....-t,-:!,., -L I.i-lk 1 a vi w. at .s-a-ca s i- h.k 1 vuiibuuaeuiD&..'Uiini r tisvs .tub lis .(ifvftfir.(l - 1 j4i. 4 4, iu etti'ju-j n v"o ' . r .... ,.rr ; li hi THURSDAY MARCH 10, 1881. lloliflBYSlMT. tJli DALTIHOBE HEBCHA1VTS AND THE MIDLAND EXTENSION. A Discussion cf the Proposed Scheme and Other matters Closely Affectfnf Southern Trade. Baltimore Sun, 8th. ' At a eeneral meeting yesterday of tnV UarnhantQ QnH Maniifant.iirp.rs' As4v; iULlIVUUUW mum . ciation. Mr. Henry Clay Smith, treffl-t dent, Mr-Johu R. Blacid, thpecretar, rnittea reports ontKe adTisability of ektemlmfe the Virginia Midland rail road from Danville to Charlotte via Winston and Salem, and of establishing a first-class steamship line between th4s city and the ports of Charleston arid Wilmington, both of which projects he had been instructed to investigate, j VIRGINIA MIDLAND EXTENSION. r,ytn "Bland Bald hfeQwiihed to call at tention wra matter or vital importance to the business prosperity of .Baltimore. The question is whether the Virginia Midland railroad shall be extended from Danville southward to Charlotte, N. C, opening a line entirely in the in terest of our city and giving it the power to control for all time the jol' Ding fcraaer -uip bautn, or Avnetner, Dy "ktckrf enterprise, we suffer Richmond and Norfolk to absorb that great trade. The growth of the city has been greatly aided by the Western grain trade drawii here, and credit should be given where it is due, but the trade of our merchants and manufacturers and provision deal ers is in the outh. -There goes 90 per jdhtrot oxitaoDrang traaeif'rhe cotton trade snouia not oe ovenooKea in our reaching after wheat and corn. It is" a trade of exchange and barter, and Is most valuable to Baltimore.. . Where cotton is sold there the seller buys," and there the profit of the jobber is found. Let us not, then, overlook. th"e" 'devel opment '-of a line to tbat$eei6,n which gives us our mainstay,; aiiu support; our very life's blood. In its present shape the Virginia Midland railroad, terminating at Danville, is ot little use to too, trade of JJaltiinore,tit beme de pendent upon the 'Riehirvbhd and Dan vale road tor connection south ot that point i hence to a great extent, in the power of that company. A Completion of this line to Charlotte would reverse the situation. Baltimore, the initial point of the Virginia Midland railroad, would then have tt direct all-rail freight route, passing through jJanville, Win ston, Mooresville, Statesville and Char otte, N. C, connecting at tlaiatter point with' the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line railway, reaching Chester, Yorkville, Greenville and Spartanburg, in South Carolina; Gainesville, Athens and Atlanta, in Georgia, and all points beyond. At Winston and Statesville the road will pass through that part of North Carolina well known to be the richest section of the State, and noted for its mmense products of tobacco, dried fruit, tec. Winston alone has 17 tobac co factories, and one of the best paying woolen raetones m the South. We hnd Charlotce the natural receiver of cotton drawn from the richest cotton belts of North and. bouth'Carolina. From Char otte radiate four lines of railroad, pass ing through a country possessed of wa ter power unsurpassed; consequently numerous lactones are in active qper ation, toe products or winch in a meas ure would be drawn to this market. All the lines centering at Charlotte would indirectly act as feeders to this new road. With two of them, whose inter ests are identical, it would enjoy direct communication, and the more impor tant oi these two connects with and drains all that system of roads south thereof, including Atlanta, the most thriving city of the South, and pene trates all Georgia, Alabama and Miss- sissippi. South of a line drawn through Augusta, Ga, running west, embracing Macon, Athens, Atlanta, Koine, JJalton, Montgomery ana selma, a belt ot coun try ninety miles by three hundred long is what ia called pooled territory, Ihis section enjoys unhmitedcompetitionin freight, and yet, notwithstanding this act, Mr. Virgil rowers, general com missioner of the Southern Railway and Steamship Association, reports that the ttichmond and JJanville Kailroad re ceived on business to and from that section of territory during the , years 1878 and 1880 for its proportion from Richmond to Charlotte, a distance of 282 miles, $144,736.61. Bear in mind that not one pound of freight north of Aucusta or Atlanta is included in this statement, or in any way taken into ac count. I have made a rough estimate of the revenue derived by the Seaboard and- Piedmont Air-Line on south-bound business to Charlotte and the territory beyond for one month, the month of February, 188a This estimate Results in a revenue to those lines of something ove)r. $100,000.! From this statement you can see at once the magnitude and importance of the business, a large share of which would be , enjoyed by the new line. : In addition; to this a arge passenger traffic not now to be considered wonld find in the .Virginia Midland its natural and most expedi ent route. V. As evidence that this ?bosi ness is remunerative, only a few years ago the stock of the Richmond .& Dan ville Railroad was worth only $5 per share. It has recently been quoted at $106. The completion of this road would also be of the greatest impor tance to the Atlanta and Charlutte AirLine Railway, and would cement those interests, which are identical. The ocal subscriptions along the line amount to three hundred thousand dol- ars, andthe management of the Vir ginia Midland Railroad is now working to complete tnis imK, ana win contrib ute to this en4 according to their abili ty, but .itfis necessary to raise: in other quarters, from five to six hundred, 4.1 1 . 11 A 1 1. uuousauu uuuais 10 matte it an (as sured success. Baltimore wonld be fa vored by all the through rates on the new line thus secured, and would be able to maintain all its advantages of position as against Northern cities. It would relatively nave the same rates as Richmond, thus saving from 40 to 125 per cent. Mr. Bland referred to the circum stances which led Cincinnati tQ con struct the iCIiicinnati Southern road, and said we nrtd Ourselves prettv much in the same situation now that that city was wnen tnis enterprise was under taken. We have Richmond and Nor folk making strenuous efforts for the trad South of us; Louisville, Cincin nati and St. Louis to the west of us, while to the east of us New York en joys direct eonnection by, magnificent and powerful steamship lines to everv Southern por,t, thusLCombining; ,all the facilities fvjtrf the lowest transporta tion rates, me picture is not over drawn, whatever gentlemen mav think Let us imitate Cincinnati and solve the problem feu cempletinff the . Vireinia Midland road.t-It will1 tequtfri ehly 114 miles of new road to make it a great through line. The charter has been ob- tamed;vttvr8iM surveyed, and :the right'bf -wayslven to the-Crintiariv. By compilstuwtbyiirginiaMidJan Rail road. Btrambrawbuidvth6r eocutov. as a cotton .marketi. the same., relative positron to a" largeSouthern territory that it now does to the wests ;as a gram 1 :!. . Shere id no doubt that other mar: S are eraduallv encroaching upon our trade, and iust aaertaintrasv'we remain in our present' condition our jobbing hflirihdaa: will Jm ?o.iml1v2 Wit !8hrlV' itnin&v be? kMtixirices ana iHdefathabttf itf fctou sales- such -rail and Water lines as jsill hold a ixraitkm bf DtotectlBn. tttfi fctanot pre vent the.ulujtnaba lesulLCoBftpetition is snarper and more intense fqan wef perqa-f, ana ifi we ido notlacpfquicfely g(Ildif)oftiInft4i btflosUfor-i rcdnia Midland Railroad we would haye'no more freight blockades, transportation:; would Droceed rp.ffiilArlv. smont.hltrirVrl 1 unilenruDtedlv. The feftilizinir tfadet KlKuid$no1j1u3eAed tflKaepetitfoh3 -ot t&d recent anaconsei rieiit lines of Baltimore t0 furnish'itransboT tatlonHhe satnf iirMrediiTon Ifiih- els (ffas. .Qp&W peei f(. max, uifijaeveiopmeiH ortne cortonicTQp is largely dependent upon the Dromnt' delivery of fertilizers and fertilizing m-i tenais, yor. pan. readily aHtBXffi thb1 loss sustained by bisMpfaMplM- cer. ine Virginia jM,tuuna jiairoatt must be completed at once or your pfa-1 portunity is lost. The Atlanta land: Charlotte 1.1 -Jul MB JLWUi T UlUII iiduiu uo its mcttuwauDcuuu'ak.vuar I i(ie. ior want dEaconneewonriirae oen dent of )he Biehmdaif & D anvil leRafil-i roaa, might be induced, from fon'of circumstances, t sell Gut- tatrratscom pany. . : ii It being the duty of Jihia association to regulate, if "ssible,' freight and pas seriger rates, does it not occur to the"rn' that the" de'Velo'pment of all new chan nels to the business prosperity of Balti- more is also a dnty a duty from which" they cannot shrink? We have the meanst-andtoe position, w-e,Thre'the aeiijei jet .tts hava. thd nerveet us put our shoulder to the wheel, and by substantial work complete this rail road, i INCREASED SOUTHEEN STEAMSIIJP LINES. The extension of t the Virginia Mid la nd Railrbad, although f innpbrtanee in this community, is not greater than the protection and development of our ocean lines. We should have an inde pendent line, as at present we have ho line at ail; to Wilmington, an import ant point, and are allowing trade to pass from us. The local business of the,: Carolina Central road is being diverted to New York, the total rateite any giV' road looking to Wilmington as its nat ural outlet, is worthy of attention. TRADE WITH THE SOUTH. r Mr. Hairston, of Herbert &Hairston, commission merchants, said that there lice eighteen counties wnicbarer tribu tary to the Virginia Midland Railsoad. The population of these counties is 250,000, cotton and wheat raisers, who have to pay tribute to the Piedmont line. They; have already subscribed $300)00 'towards a new road, and have given the right of way. The saving by this line between Baltimore and Atlan ta is 40 miles over any other route. The saving on tw freight trains a day would bejieo miles if this road is extend ed to a point 27 miles west of Charlotte, on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line. If this is done, we cross and connect with two roads leading into Charlotte. There are raised :in North Carolina 22,500,000 pounds of tobacco. It is safe to say two-thirds of this quantity will be tributary to a tiew road 8,000,000 pounds being manufactured at Win ston alone. Tlnsre are 50,000 bales of cotton raised immediately on the route for which it wjjuld be the natural outlet. -Tbisfis entirely outside of the through cottdn from Charlotte and At lanta and other points further south; 2,500,000 bushels of wheat are raised in the eighteen counties which are tribu tary to it, and five times this quantity of "corn,, besides oats, rye and dried fruit, of which latter 1,500,000 pounds are shipped from these counties. It is calculated, in building this road we will be able to compete with the water line in the carrying of cotton, by bringing cotton back to Baltimore in our cars, which would otherwise return empty. It would thus make Baltimore a cotton as well as a tobacco and grain market. Stock Taisers are also looking to Horth Carolina with the view of purchasing 'farms to raise cattle on on completion of this road. There are already cotton .and woolen factories on the line which represent a capital of at least $1,0X10,000. There are 'five factoriein active opera tiannow.one each at Leaks ville, Salem, Uethania, Mountain island, and on the ;Catawba;river. - Besides these already estimated, the aetual estimate shows that there are $2,000,000 now being in vested in cotton factories in North Carolina. Mr. N. G. Penniman, of Penniman & Bro., said he understood that the Balti more and Ohio Railroad had not only been seriously considering the project of extending the Virginia Midland railroad, but had already sent out engi neers.! who were expected to, return ih a few days and make a report on their work. He thought that before long the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad would have a line extending from this city to the Atlantic. He did not think the merchants could do much without the help of that railroad, and the best ac tion to take on the report would be to refer it to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road. On motion of Mr. Darby, the reports were referred to tne committee On transportation. i Hundreds of Men, Women and Children Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's (ilnrer Tonic, are the beat evidences in the world of Its sterling worth. You can find them In every community. Post bee advertisement. MAINE NEWS, t Hod .'Bitters, which7 are advertised In but col umns, are a sure cure for ague, btlllousnes and kindney complaints, rnose wno use tnem say they cannot be too highly recommended. Those afflicted should idve them a fair trial, and will be come thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curaave qualities. i'oruana Argus. . This we knew. Hub Pobcq with hot water makes a" fle toddy, and notfiing can match. wTien It Is Mended with'-lemonade, fine Ice, ' sbda"water, or hot or cold milk. It far exceeds all other forms of hot or cold punch. Sold by dealers everywhere at $1.25. ' Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wil son fc Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Charlotte, N. C. Do not fall to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith's Scrofula Syrup, .ri StarCurine cures ell ahronlc Sores and Is a sure cura for Piles. r Call on your druggist before It Is too late and get a bottle ot SBlth scrofula STrarj and Star Curine. From B.F.Moore, A. M.y President of ; Mowe boumern uusineas unnrersuy, Anania, ua: xms la to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's Expecto rant in my famllr for several years, and can re commend It as an lnvaluahln remedy for CouKhs, etc., and have found it superior to any other reme dies that I have tried. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. oct26 6m. Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. . nAUtdl, JUUAUSL KAJ.. VTA., VJV, iv, ii Gentlemen.- While attending the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curine on n loa ft halner affamaH nrttla on nld ROTC CaUSed by a wmmd received dnrinsr the late war. After hav ing thoroughly treated it I am compelled Jo say th it o gimuM fvr t km hnd ATnerieBce with different tkhyslclans and remedies, and wund noth ing to cure me unni 1 Used your Star Curine, which has cured a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am yours, respectfully, John hell. For sale-by DtjT. C. Smith. oct28 6m. "WINE Of -CARDUiwfqttr times a day makes a happy Qusehd. marl For sale by Dt. T. 0. Smith. ft 'acasd. To-all who ae. suffering from the enoraand in? cay, loss of mantod&a, I will swrfilgclBe thai win cure you, WBJ remedy was disenve America, annd a. uifIkiuaA vmalsna to the 1 Bev. Joaspn T. Inma3rstattoB D,tew V .Cttr. en puiaij on iuu uuins tnuca nign ef tfrotn IBiiitore; than from- New1 Ybrk. Thcompletion bf a4me Of rail rS COCOAINE FOB LOSS OF HAIR. r t itAi fi a :, Chicago October 11, 1880. Three years ago mj hair was coming out very I fast, and I wasnearjy bald, J .was, aUo trouhle4 rwnbidtali I becroTislng Burnett's. Cocoalne, tfel'mj haff fmin4dlaTelv stonbed comlns onL and tias eeiAntry1rettmir ChlcteKJ head i now nttrely toe from dandfdnY My wlftf-ha BarMttU Extracts are the jpsrest.fraifc flaTOM. - " BLACK-DRAUGHT " crxrea costir iftflBS md felcfc-Headaehe,- ; &rl : ' , Forteie tiy tt. C. Smith. , It to a Well' Kbown Fact. .atsmas nhrsieiartfl that Runhn icntiu ni i Brava to combination are the best remedies ) world for any .disease of the" Bladder or Kid and a ao less than one half of the human fam ily, bpth male and female, iBBffe from deramre- ment Ol4;hesftjraeaiia and. neeblnt nr fa.11rn tnauii. r proper remeaies naru many m, urmmnjv crnv. i.ujHmus coRimnaiMins rrave neen tnwr rrrr una. eiijartck Dart Derjoeft. BrU?ht's SlanajutjWAak. ness-ffl Back aad Hips, predueed by dejangeraest oi Bladder and Kidneys, but none with such bap pyrewaftsas Rankin's farract of RufThn and .Tiini- ;pn ii yea Hunei rromany disease ' of those ' or- mni ( hAlo.. . 111 irnsuarea OnlT hv Hunt. JUnlrln Jk T.n.tnnr At. nrata, ua. soiaDy Wilson 4 Burweu, and L. B, "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures Qysrpep- ia, TOcligeBtio and heartburn. man, or saie Dy or. x. u waiuu mir rnpi ME ME HI. HEDMATISM Neural qia, Sciatica, Lumbaqo, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Goat, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacom On. at a ae, sure, rimple and cheap Extern i Remedy. , A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 'Cents, and everyone infferiog with pain can- have cheap and potitive proof of its claims. Directions in Kleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS nrjtDionrs. A. VOQELER & CO., Baltimore, MtL, XT. S. A decSOdA w ly SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter Low poor it may naturally be. Hagan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly remoyes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Yul- far Flushings, etc., etc. So elicate and natural are its eifects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. Jaa. 22 grogs nnA ptedicittjes. LANDRETH'S Garden Seeds CLOVER, and ORCHARD GRASS SEEDS, WaoLBaAUt amd Retail L R. WRISTON & CO, 2000 GROSS CORKS, ALL SIZES, Wholesale & Retail. L R. WRISTON & CO. 700 GALLONS Ready-Mixed Paints, Warranted to last longer and look better than Pure iWkitii leai v and linseed Oil. "Will gtve a wntten guarantee to Cols effect. t l : , -mar 3 "A GonUtnouzKlts, Set., AT D. M. EIGLER'S Tpu will Ind the largest, and test assortment of TOYS In the city. We have most eyerything in the line, and will sell a low as the lowest. Inspection on and after torday. Come and sec Also, RAI81NS, NUTS, CITRON, CURRANTS, DATES, SHELLED ALMONDS, Ac., &c CANDIES: We manufacture our own Plain Candles and guarantee them pure. Fine French Candies We have a large stock and as fine as is made. BREAD, CAKES, PIES. Is the place to get your CHRISTMAS CASES. Bring your orders and we guarantee satisfaction. D. M. EIGLEB. dec8-tf miscjeXiatijefltts. U 1 -ANOTHER LOT OF- COAL STOVES. ALSO- -A CAR OAD OF THE- IRON KING COOK NOS. 6, 7, 8. 9. SHEET IRON. FIRE PLATE. WIRE & SOLDER, always on hand. ROOFING SPECIALTY. Fine work of all kinds promptly done. Have in stock a splendid assortment of WDgton, Si John ! Household OEWING MACHINE O EWING MACHINE MACHINE NEEDLE3 on hand and REPAIRING DONE. Locks, Nails, Hinges In large supply, at the Hardware, Stove and Tin House of KlUttAHLI MUUKE, Trade St., Charlotte, N. C Col. C. W. Bbadshaw, so long and favorably known in connection with the Sewing Machine business of this city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and patrons and serve them as heretofore. anu f Xt r&DuALLED 11 rVPRYFrimKV STRENGHT.ylmADiU M PEFFECTWORK, FREEDOM FROM CHOKINGJ WE ARE AGENTS FOB ABOVE PLOWS FOB Meeklenburg & Adjoinin IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. A FULL STOCK OF &MlEiniES9 IN STORE, WHICH WE OFFER TO BUYERS AT INSIDE PRICES. Mayer & Ross. feb5 For sale atlthe CHARLOTTE OBSEBYEB nov24 tf SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC 1 ORES PURCHASED FOR CASH TEX New York and North Carolina Smelting Carapa at Charlotte,. wHl pay the beat Cash Prices n J?W la this eountryior I ovwivmu wo maun lur Diunpuxig ana nr SDeclmen aasara for Gold and Silver. SI .SO. WW1 f vu a:it. ia rna rATAI OCIIPmd PRIRr-l IST mm UJUU .WintOtts and Ijemr-Tw, ri - ttt i V" - , L ITYA- til II.- 1 lPlflff 1 FWS WATCH ftBPAIBIN G. ALLEN & TRUSLOW beg leave to remind the people of CHARLOTTE AND COUNTltY again that this important branch of their hn.i receives their most caremi atteutio," Ht THEY ABE PREPARED TO DO DIFFICULT WORK THE MOT And Warrant Erery Job, If your watches want repairing or and see them. regulating call GOLD ANDSILVERWATCKES JUST RECEIVED, which they will sel' very low. Fine Jewelry civ Spectacles and Eye-Glasses always in stock. CALL, AND THEY febl8 WILL SERVE VOU WELL GO TO ohn T. Butler AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF ALL OF WHICH HE SELLb LOW FOR CASH. All Goods Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. watch glasses to cents declS CoMensed Time TaMeNortli Carolina R. R TBAENS OOTJta NORTH. Date.Dec.14 '80 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43, Daily 4.50 pm Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot -" " Junc't " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Raleigh Lv. " A it. Goldsboro 8.50 tt.05 AM 6.80 AM 8.IX) am 9.38 am 9.58 am 8.03 am 8.05 am 6.41 pm 8.2H pm 8.H2 pm lor Kich m'ndonlr 8.22 am 1.40 pm 4.00 PM B.20 PM 8.22 pm Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Arr. Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale ' Drak'sBr'ch " Jetersvllle -" Tomahawk 4.38 pm 11.32 AM 11..H5 AM 12.01 pmL 1.19 PMi 2.49 pm 3.45 pm 4.20 pm 4.40 pm 4.43 PM Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manchester 4 43 am 'fuijv , ChristmasGoods. TEAINS GOING SOUTH. 1,1)00.14 8o aff aff 1 MAg. Lv. Richmond 10.30 pm 11.55 amj Burkevllle 2.24 am 2.20 pm Arr. N. Danville 7.11am 5.40 pm Lv. " " 8.85 am 6.00 pm Arr. Greensboro 10 10 am 8.09 pm Lv. " 10.15 am 8.20 pm; " Salisbury 12.00 am 10.10 pm Arr. A L. Junction 12.01 pm 12.00 m M Charlotte 1.52 fm 12.32 pm Lv. Richmond " JetereviUe ttall " Drak'sBr'ch nofilw " Barksdale ; DanvlUe pj " Greensboro I. l. Z " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Jt Arr. Charlotte .!!!!!!!" 111J2jliM BALKM BBAMCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. ,MJ, pS Arrive Salem ll dU r NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5 -?S Arrives Greensboro 7-w NO. 42 Dally, except Simday. Leave Greensboro 9'r? f2 Arrives Salem ll.w - NO. 43-Dally. Leave Salem L Arrive Greensboro ,ulL Limited malls Nos. 49 will onlf m&W Passengers taking train 49 from get aboard at the B.4D.E.K. ae.Pt,ii':1; gh makes close connection at Greensboro for Haie B". Goldsboro Newberne and alipoinistm ton A Weldon Railroad. .. Passenger Ualns No. 47 and 48 make all stops between Charlotte and Richmond, arm w tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, o- ' making connection with W. N. C. R at for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), and also w necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch Wtrains Nos. 42 and 43 make ail stops between unarioue ana n5"u,V""', Lin- Query's. ! Harrisburg, Crdna Grove, nvwm - wooa ana iamesuwu. . fireeas- No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at ort boro. A pQp Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, dAc2 Kicnmuuu THESE DELiaOUS himimi can be had every k mnmino rATfnnt Sundays) onTryonSfc newuw. w fat Charlotte Hotel. delivered at Ue Lmcoin oepou 10 cents. BEST IN THE MARKET. Parties having borrowed buckets please return "Otf Cji FOR RENT. jets!! Oys ers if' w fw ti wl?u A - . A loll Ji.k lUl ! X'r-1 if 1) 1 rlul 1 7 f ? TV v w - J 1

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