... . -i - $)t (ttl)arlotte teerrjtr. SUBSCRIPTION BATBa t C'v:::v:vz::::::::::::::::5S Jfo. - -sgLT MDlTI0Jf . mvtrtv.vxtv 2 10 HQ 0B8X&YK& 20B DEPARTMENT Bm been thoroughly supplied with tiw .w mat, ana with the tetaet atrtMttTrpe, tod ewj manner of Job lMrrBnt en no tM ftxw'wttfe iieatnaaa, "fflapafcjfc" and cheapen. V can fora lah at ttort notice, . BT.ATTTH, Ttn.T-TTTlTy LXTTTO-HEAlsS, CArJDS, . TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS,. . PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHKO, X j . f III It: VOL. XXV. CHARLOTTE, N. C., FRIDAY MARCH 11, 1881. NO. 3,745. (PATEHTKD JUMB ldTH, 1876.) He Find, Most Convenient, AND SET FITTING GLOVE SOLD. A full line JUST RECEIVED. EFfry Pair Warranted. VJ 1 marl We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the uj LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENT8', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and an prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and soon to arrive a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZSS AND BBICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 litra Barcains TO BE OFFERED DURING THE NEXT six nn Call and be Convinced. mar9 fHB WASHINGTON GAZETTE. QlUi?J4heJ,at tne National Capital every Sunday oiViiJ ul1 resume of the preceding weelunewi ilia ggtopiqs and general inWBBmfc J" SKPBK8ENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER BdiSipprtlntn National Democratic Party, hV? OGE C. WEDDERBUBN. of Vlrgln . iormerly publisher of the Richmond (Ya.. - Enquirer. .; , t . TERMS 01 SUBSCRIPTION : irff? eopieg, one rear. twniiAi rial.' 2 00 ?e J om address, postage paid. 7 50 &ft?,,t0 0118 aadreM, postage paldV ,12 66 nrmS "M". to one address! postage pit 20. 00 vZinjH free to the person Ra oTi. PUBLISHING COMPART, HI ANDER HARRIS UK 10?$ WW MS. Brands Latest Styles CTIeliB irs (fcooAs, XjortMttfl, Sec. NEW 'GOODS Arriving Daily, AND IN A Few Days Our Entire -OF i GOODS WILL BE UsT- T. L. SEIGLE & CO. mar8 A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston i II. CHAVES Sz SOWS. The "Hub Punch " bu lately been iatrodao.d, and meets with mrV.d popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It is ready on opening, and will be fonnd an agreeable addition to thn rnninii thinirs which nndeniablv enlanro the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep in Wins Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold bv leading Wine Merchants. Grocers. Hotels and Druggists everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers prloas by "W son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Drugg 1st Charlotte. N. C." Jan. 23-eod-6m. TUTIT'S POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM3 OF A TORPID LIVER. jjoaaof a; Ti-r in .1 appte,H"auaea,bowela costive, thegead,with a dull aenaationin the back cart. Pain under the shoulder- blade . fullness hfte eating, with, a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low Bpirita. Iioaa of memory, with a feeling of baying neg lected some duty, wearinega. Dtoaineaa, Fluttering ofthe Heart, Dota before Ee eyea. Yellow Skin. Headache, HestleaT Deaa at night, highly colored Urine. , IT THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to sach cases,one doaa effects such change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and came the body to Take oa Fleata, thus, the system Is Bouriahed.andby their TomlAtlosiOn the Dla-catiweOrgana. saejpmtarStooU arspro duced. Price 25 cents. 85 Murray St., Jf.x. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Ghat Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of f 1 . Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Dr. TTJTT8 BANl'AL of TalMfele I.form.tlo. aed k UmAiI KMclpt. wUl be mailt VHBB ea apaliratiea. Feb 28 deodAwly. II Kill S1SS0N & SONS, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers IMI n hi urn. MARBLE STATUARY, M0NU1IEXT3, FURNITURE SLABS, Tile, Mantels, Altars, Tombs, H0 West Baltimore 8reet, AND CORNBB NORTH -AND MONUHKNT STS Drawings & Estimates Furaiscd Free. i ' ' BALTlMOHE, Md'J febl2 deod&wlj NEWSPAPER NFITLEJ. The trar ttaniem, of North Carolina and Teat, ol inianonri, Were Cat Up by Two Little Thumb Sheets). It is no stretch of facts, says Don Piatt, to set down Senator Vest, of Mis souri, as the best story-teller and mimic in either brancn 01 congress. He was telling yesterday, in his own inimitable way, about an interview ne bad with Senator Ransom. They were taking breakfast together not long ago, or rather, waiting patiently till John Chamberlms oven had warmed the terrapin over from dinner. "I was mad as the devil," said Vest, "and displayed my feelings so well that Hansom want ed to know what was the matter. 'Matter !' said I, 'just look at this!' and I pulled out ot my pocket the copy of a country sheet out in my district which contained a mean and spiteful attack. "Mat," I observed, with the proper amount of warmth, 'what relief have we fellows got from this sort of thine t How can we get any redress? "Why, several years ago there was a small bore editor out my way wno got smart one day and printed a beastly libel on me, and to make the unpleasantness complete, the rascal actually sent a copy of it into the bosom of my family. I did the first thiag that occurred to me, and l wore both myseii and a cane out on his back. Do you know he sued me for assault, and I came back with a libel. He recovered about $700 and had me put under bonds to keep the peace, and I'll swear he had me advertised as a rascal in every issue of his paper for a year. That's the relief I got. There must be some law passed to protect the public, and I swear I'm going to lead the crusade !" "Well, Ransom took a look in the glass, tucked his hand under his coat- tail, and coming up to me with the air of an elder brother remarked: 'Vest, my dear fellow, my dear boy, why can t you take these things in the spirit of a philosopher i It we men in public life should allow all these floating trifles to worry us we wouldn't have time for anything else, eh ? Take it like a man, Vest. Go and eat your breakfast, Vest, and settle your mind. "Coming to the conclusion that Ran som was as much of a philosopher as a statesman, I turned in and tore that breakfast to pieces and pitched the of fensive sheet in the fire. Well, about a week after that I went to the Senate cloak-room one day, and there was Ran som walking up and down like a dis turbed ghost. There was a notably ner vous twitph at his mustache, and a pe culiarly perturbed clutch at the coat tail, and I knew he was in trouble of some kind. So I said, 'What's the mat ter. Ransom V AinT, you well r" " 'No I ain't, Vest. You know I never am. Can t hardly find energy enough to transact my public duties. "'Nothing worse, then, than the chronic ailment?' "Yes there is. Look here, damn it Look at this! Ain't it enough to warm a man up ? and he jerked out of his pocket a small paper, about the size of a Sunday school card. "You could set the whole damned thing up on the end of a barrel ; and I'll bet a pair of cuffs the editor took all his subscriptions in cordwood and onions. It was called The Qoosecreek Tribune, or something of that sort. Well, at the head of a column was the offensive ar ticle. It said that North Carolina had but one Senator. There was a man thereby the name of Ransom, who claimed to have credentials and was trying to represent the State, but the only real Senator was the Hon. Z. 13. Vance. When I finished it, I looked at Matt., and he had eaten off five finger nails and torn out three locks of his front hair. So I put on the highly sym pathetic and philosophic, and said : "Ransom, my dear fellow, take it cool. We public men can't afford to waste time over these flippant mat ters." "Rut, Great Lord! just think, Vest, of all I've done for that State. Why, Vest, I've got more appropriations on the river and harbor bill than any one before me, and then to have such a snarl from a dog.5' "But be a philosopher, my dear fel low. Go on with your breakfast." Well, he took another clutch at his coat tail, and remarked with decided emphasis : "Vest, you're a fool !" A Read Life of Dickens. W. H. G. in Atlanta Constitution. One of the most touching things that I have read lately is a short "Life of Dickens," by Charles H. Jones. It de scribes the child-life of the great au thor, and after the revelation it throws in his character one can no longer woi der at the pathos in his portraiture of friendless children. Dickens's father lived in a debtor's prison, and young Dickens was put out at a warehouse, where he was engaged in pasting labels on blacking boxes. The little fellow was hardly able to keep body and soul together, having to pay for his misera bte lodgings where with three strange children he slept. He got only six shil lings a week. His first purchase was always a loaf of bread and a quarter pound of cheese that he kept on his shelf of the cupboard, and this was the basis of his breakfast and supper. He says that he was so young and childish that he could not resist the temptation to buy the stale pastry that was display ed outside the shops at half price. He re calls two pudding shops between which he divided his patronage. At one they "had rather a special pudding made with currents and very dear two penn'orth ot that pudding not larger than a penn'orth of the other pudding whic hwas stout ana nabby with wnoie raisins stuck in it at great distances apart." Once he too a slice of his own brad under his arm and walking into a restaurant,orderedtwo penn'orth of ala mode beef, and taking a seat ate it de liberately, while the waiters looked on in amazement. He found that he could not resist the temptation to spend all of his money the first days of the week, and finally adopted the plan of taking all the pennies he had left af ter paying his rent, wrapping them up in six seperate parcels, each labeled for the day on which it was to oe spent. One day when he was taken suddenly sick at bis work it was thought best to send him to his father. Bob Fagin, one of the boys that worked with him, was appointed to carry him home. Dickens was too proud to let him know1 that his father lived in a prison, and after trying to shake his kindly com panion, in desperation shook hands with him on the steps of a strange house neai gauthwarkbfidge.telliig him that be lived there. "Asa finishing piece of reality," writet Dickens, in case of hfe looking back I walked up the steps, knocked at the door, and when the woman opened it, asked if Mr. Robert Fagin lived there." . - ;xatiliHA;Wall;8iv;v,i' CaBsed by one of tbe' jBrokera draWinghalf of t tut oaAltai nrizft Iri -the Commonwealth IM8trlbu- your orders and pe in om iot uajnm-ajro mi K. WHOM UC&GlSi ji Wxnu,.Cil uxsnn: ' aalwsrlfli 27 ncka. $50i55 tteBts,-lOQ:T Afdresa R abdmakJ courier-Journal jsuuaing, jjumavwe, aj. . r The Senatorial Chalrmanahlpe. "Washington, March 8. If the Dem ocrats organize the Senate the regular committee chairmanships will be dis tributed about as f ollows : Mr. Sauls- barv will retain the chairmanship of the committee oa elections ; Davis, of West Virginia, ot appropriations; Ran som, of commerce ; Bayard, of finance ; Grover, of manufactures; McPherson, of naval affairs ; Maxey, of postoffices ; Edmunds, ot private land claims : Coke. of Indian affairs ; Anthony, of revolu tionary claims ; Hams, or the District of Columbia; Garland, of Territories; Lamar, of railroads ; Hill, of Georgia, of contingent expenses ; Butler, of civil service and retrenchments ; Morgan, of rules ; Conkling, of engrossed bills ; Jo nas, of Mississippi river improve ments ; and Beck, of transportation to the seaboard. Of the new changes, Mr. Johnston will become chairman of the committee on foreign relations; Slater, on agriculture ; Jones, of Florida, of public lands; cocureir, or military af fairs ; Davis, of Illinois, of the judiciary ; Groome, of pensions; Pugh, of claims; Brown, of education and labor ; Call, of Patents; Hampton, of mjnes and min ing. The committee on revision of the laws will be assigned a new chairman. Of the select committees, Mr. Vest will probably remain at the head of that to examine the several branches of the civil service ; Mr. Morgan, of that to consider the electoral laws, etc. ; Mr. Pendleton, of the census ; Harris, of ep idemic diseases ; Pendleton, of the com mittee to give executive officers seats in Congress. The committees to in quire into alleged election frauds, Nic araguan claims, Freedmen's Bank and Cheyenne Indians, will be aooiihsed. Of the joint committees, Mr. Farley will probably become chairman of the public buildings and grounds; Mr. Vance will retain enrolled bills, and Mr. Voorhees the library, and the printing committee will be assigned a new chairman in place of Mr. Whyte. Mr. Farley may take that and leave buildings and grounds to one of the new Senators. Secretary Blaine's Household. Charming as Mr. Blaine is in ordina ry social intercourse, says a Washing ton letter, it is ia the f amily circle that he is at his best. No man in public life is more fortunate in his domestic rela tions. He is the companion and confi dant of every one of his six children. The oldest, Walker, is a graduate of Yale college, and of Columbia law school in New York. He is a member of the bar in New York, Maine and Minnesota. He is now in St. Paul, in the office of Governor Davis. The se cond son of Emmons, is at Cambridge law school, having graduated at Har vard two years ago. Both sons show a wonderful aptitude for poltics, and their political knowledge is rather re markable. The youngest son is James G., jr., 11 years old. The three daugh ters are named Alice and Margaret and Harriet. Mr. Blaine's house in Wash ington is large and handsome. It is of brick and brown stone, and is four sto ries high. It is furnished with taste, el egance and comfort. The walls are covered with pictures, mostly rare en gravings. Mr. Blaine's taste runs to en graving, and he is constantly picking up portraits of distinguished charac ters. In his house on Fifteenth street, you can see portraits of the great ac tors on the world's stage in all ages. The walls of the dining rcom are orna mented with crossed muskets and sabres and old pistols, grouped upon a shield. These are sonuenirs, presented by his friends, and no doubt, each weap on has a history. His work room is at the top of the house, where letters and papers come in by the bushel every day. The table is packed full of letters, answered and unanswered, and busy clerks arehard at work trying to keep up with the vast accumulation. Probably Mr. Blaine receives more letters than any six senators in congress. I tis his custom to spend as much time as possi ble in this work room. He is a tremen dous worker. The Woman's Bank. The magnitude of the swindle perpe trated by Mrs. Howe's Ladies' deposit, in Boston, is at least partially exposed by the report of the assignee, Mr. Russ. More than 700 books have been proved, in which over $225,000 was entered. The assets of the concern are less than $30,000. The assignee estimates that nearly $500,000 was received by Mrs. Howe on deposit, and a little more than $100,000 paid out before she sus pended payments. The depositors were mostly poor people and the dis tress consequent on the swindle surpas ses description. Mr. Russ believes Mrs. Howe has secreted fully $100,000. He recommends as a method to pre vent such institutions doing business that the savings banks commissioners be given authority to examine the books of private bankers. - 'i North Carolina Desperado Lynched in tieorgia. Newton Enterprise. Manv of our readers doubtless re member the killing of Anthony in Lin coln, county, near Cherryville, about three years ago, and the general be lief that one Black was the murderer. Black was arraigned in Lincoln county and the trial was msved to Gaston county, but for want of direct testi mony was acquitted. Upon his release from prison he went to Texas, thence to Georgia and has since been lost sight of, save only, perhaps, by some of the near friends of the murdered man. Last week the whole story was revived by the arrival of the report that he has lately been lynched in the latter State for shooting a sheriff attempting to ar rest him for another o'ff en se. i Hdhsbkds of Men, Womxk and Childrbh Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost deaihand made strong and heart; by Parker's Ginger Tonic, are the best evidences In the world of Its sterling worjh. You can And them In every community. Post. See advertisement $112,400 Given Away. mAnth 1 1 (Hn nrl7Jflt fiitH nrttv nnt vnn one of the lucky holders of a ticket It Is easily OH T H(T Tl .J T - - - J - none oy remuiuag wo. iu. xuuxuuioii, j-iuuis-vllle, Ky. A CARD. To all whp are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self -addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. apr 27 eodlywly mm I I i mm Forty years' trial hi proved "BLACK' DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the world, marl Vox sale by Dr. T. CL Smith. Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curlne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with .Cancer, White Swelling,' Catarrh, Rheumatism, Eldney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From C D. McCurry,: Newtoa county, Georgia: t take great pleasure in recommending to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. ' My Tittle son had been a great sufferer from 8 pasmodic Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive,- which has most miraculously cured him.. I nnd it eaually benficlal In all cases of XCongha. I consider it a blessing In my family. DyDr.T.C.Smlth:' 1 oct26 6m. SPECIAL SALE. OUR We J OO HBB JO OB B JO Q BBB J JO OB B JJJ OO BBB L CO TTTT OO FFF h O O T O OF LOOT O OFF L O O T O OF T.T.T.I. OO T OO F In Prices $10, $12, $13 and $14. kW 0IFIFEE TIM UiWfllllLI M 87.50. The ages are 9 to 14 years, and the greatest bargains ever placed upon our counters. feb25 E. D. LATTA & BRO. PRICES DOWN, i GREAT DECLINE IN WOOLEN GOODS i FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC ! Having received Intelligence from our house In Baltimore, which Is one of the larr est purchasers of Woolens.Ithat tie same have declined from 10 to 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline in Clothing, we consequently act cccordinely, and we now offer our stock at Reduced Prices, as wa only con tract for large quantities. We are assured that we purchase at; very close figures, and give every patron the benefit We hava more styles than any lother house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market for the simple tact thtt most of tfcc m ire made In our own house and fit the same as a ganrient made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, maters and Ulsteretta that has ever been exhlblteJ, ready-mpae, in thislmarket. We invite the public to come and see facts. r . 0 -r-r-yv TeryirespectfuHy, L BERW ANGER & BRO. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. mi JUST A HANDSOME LINE OF SPRING HOSIERY AND GLOVES For Ladies, Misses, Children and Infants, NEW SRPINO GINGHAMS, DOTTED SWISS, NOTTINGHAM Laces and Cretonnes. LADIES ARE Also. New Spring Clothing for Young Men, We 8 PRING- feb24 TF eiafa. th BEST PORTABLE MILL grinding good Corn Seal for tabl. ue. It require. m Grind, from 1500 to JO00 bhls .tll one dr.ing. It mkf. round meal, not floury d pasty. It tale, from M to S3 p.r oe.u le.. power thsn any other MU1 oi using our 8"""" bbaSoh office north caboluca M1LLct, k."c, I have a pair of Moor. Canty Grit Mill Stone, wkirt . fcjyi Dtm in ue SO rear., wniiantty undw ...ry power Gnsd Ml ?u.he?. pVr hr Drea. .very Ii80 bu.heU, and ty Se W mI ,n the oounty. If I eonW .. P 2?? mub. srit, I wonld not part with tkem for Sr. tim th. oortoj ordinary stones. I believe them to b .uperier to any U.n maw or butar for grinding corn m.al. Respefuy I"1 U!ORQl K TATK. nov23-d JUST RECEIVED, Fine large TURKEYS, CHICKENS, AND DUCKS. AND NORTHERN CABBAGE febl9 at S. M. HOWELL' nHONESTT: Twist Chewjng Tffeftce Beware of Imitations. None geulne unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found ra bead of every box. Manufactured only by . gRQWN A B20., feb20-2w Winston, N. C In Arranging for have IVE-ade a. At. L AA L L A A L L AAA L L A ALLLLLLLL TTTTH BBSS T H HE T if H U EE THE T INVITED TO CALL are now receiving a large stock RECEIVED fe SUMMER GOODS, IF1 T,X IKIIILTIDS, ELIAS & COHEN. Druggist bj Examination. Go to W. P. MARVIN, igent, and Successor to F. Scarr & Co. FOB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very est Drugs do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Cfcmbs, Brashes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, A. GAEDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfmlhv eb8 W. MARVIN, i gt. A POSITIVE CURE Without Medicines, ALLEN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOUGIES Patented Oat 18, 1878. One Box, " No. 1 will care any case in four days or less, No. 2 will care the meet obstinate case, no mat ter of now long standing- fio nauseous doses of cubebs, copaiba, or oil of sandalwood, that are eertain to prdduce dyspepsia by destroying the ratin(?e the stemach. Price, $1.60. Sold br ail Dmgglata: of mailed od receipt of price. , For further particulars semi fb circular. P.O. Box 1633. 3. C. ALLEN CO., deen-eoddm 88 John SI New Toik, STOCK, BBB OO Y YoSSo""" RSSRTJ UnTTTTaSS, B BO OY YS s" " BTJ UII T 2 BBB O O YY BSSS BSSqU UII T D8S HBOOY ,S saCUIITgE BBB OO Y S8SS ''SS8 UU II T B8SB IPBLXCIESS DOWEf. in is mtg& OOlJLsifc. AND INSPECT- Youths and Children. of IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PADI r. Nktsk Gets Haxo. Cam m Aasx ami Strihoth Disiaxn. "Ltst Twicx as Loss. SlmtH Qutd flttout fingtlag tb flyit CURBS CoilliudFcTtr, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Nervousnmi, Mematiim, Cftstiveneii, female Weakness, Sick 4 Nenou Headache. These Pads Care all Diseases by Absorption. No Noxious Pills, Oils, or Poisonous Mcdictoes are taken into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centre, also the Liver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonici s absorbed intotbecirculatiofi of the Blood and Liver, purifying the Bloodrialeiiig the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Btoraach to digest food. Prick or Pads fl as d U sach. 8old bt axl Druggists, ox sent h-AUU r Express. . Manufactured and for sale at 92 Germain street, Baltimore, Md. For sale in Charlotte at the drug stores of L. B. Wriston A Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson 4 BM may 15 It. J. L. HARDIN, MERCHANDISE BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT COXLEQE ST., CHALOTTH, N. C. . .-; Orders for ( Tobacco, i n Grain, Hay, Meal, Floor, tattl,Bacoa 3, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, See,, respect ed. The cheapest markets and raliav- fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia-- Die nouses represented. Jan 23 hi. ti a if I II 1 -I fl!: W I ) Mi H : j! ' ill in I -1