BVsaoaiFTiow bates t Daily, om yr, (jxMtpaUQ t tdmrnet f8 00 fhf& jfonflW ' 31 0 otMi Month TO WEEKLY MDITIOW 1 trmklv. (in On mty) m mtomet S3 00 rpmrftOTimcASM,. . TA6, KCPPTarPCgTPSV ain. Month ii?-rx a raommmci, usvesllo, r fT LibertUBattiMiiomiorOUtim. y ly : ' '"i JJ '7 L J ' Jf !M 'ilWvX fail 63iS?tmi -cgg.X teztstJt .ncg sedl -:U " STiLi YUL, AAV. UIXAJIIjUAIJIu IN. AJ.. lUJ2UitI lW O.IUv ----IIIIIS JJVS otitis. (PATXXTXD rev 13th, 1876.) 0 A Magnificent Stock -OF ALSO, THE Prettiest and Largest Stock of WHITE GOODS ever offered In the city of Charlotte. 1L marl 6 00t lli'fl glxozs 881 Spring Stock 188t We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Br LADIES', KISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', B01S AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line all prices. In variety and FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and soon to arrive a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND BRICKS. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 . lira TO BE OFFERED DURING THE NEXT SIX DAYS. Call and be Convinced. marg HE WASHINGTON GAZETTE,;1 Pjibitohed at the National Capital ererj Bandar or aIuU re8ume ol the preceding week, newi iuS 01 toP01 reoeral intelligence, be iei being the only t)A 1 '-i. KEFBESENT ATTTX OTJTBXBN P AFX ) 1 I.Mpportlng the National Demoeratle Party. i by QBOBGE C. WKDDEBBUBN, Of VlrrlH- formerlT publisher of the Bichmond (Ta. j Knauirtr. TERMS OF SUBSCBIPTION i livTL!???-one war. Postage paid. wt3 uUioaL nntikium naiL vt I 7 Twnhrrr.w un waresi,.posiage paia, i& ov twSSSSti? 0118 KMreSPoW Di.; 20 W wnrtaformaaoiiftddresar: h 4-' ZKTTE PUBLISHING AOMPANT, - i (VMin. A . " . " - . . X Received ktip Other Laces EMM HARRIS Ml ID Ml Best ands Latest Styles Barps B GlotMuQ, Set. Dr. Warner's Cross-Band HIP CORSET, THE HIP portion of which made of is THRU TmCKHtBSKS 07 CLOTH, bound with two se ries of bones crossing each other, as shown in this cut, making a very nrm.durable.and easT-fltting Corset Dr. Warner's Celebrated Nursing CORSET the best and Most Comfortable NURSING CORSET in the MARKET. We have exclusive sale of the above Corsets, and the trade Is respectfully Invited to an Inspec tion oi me same. T.L (6 mar20 A D CCl CIO U O D RINK For Wd r; tSctititties, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boatont C H. 6KATES fe SOWS). The "Hnb Pnnch " has lately been Introduced, and meets with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It it ready on opening, and will be found an agreeable addition to the choice things whioa undeniably enlarge the pleasure of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without flub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold by leading Wine Merchants, Grocers, Hotels aavd Drum-guts everywhere. TradesuDDlted t! mn lf.ntn-fl-s nrlm.i bvl W son 4 Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Drugg 1st Charlotte. N. C." Jan. 23-eod-6m. TUTTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjOss of appetite,Nane,bowels ooethre, Fain in theMead,i .with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the shoulder- blade, fullnaiia after eatlmr. with a disin- ess after eating, with a disin- ounataon to exertion or poay or nana, .l .1 . M f" L J " of b nattering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headaohe, Bestless ness at night, highly colored urine. IF THESE WASHIKOS ABE XTKEEEDEI), SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS ar especially adapted to sncheases,one dose effects such achange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. rney saerease tae appenie, ana cause us body to Take on rieeli, thus the system Is voarf shed, and by theirToaiie Aetlenon the Dlareetlve Orgaai, ssesralavr toe la arepro duced. Price 46 cents, fo Ifarrsy (tt., N.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hair or Wkibkkbs changed to aO&ossr Black by a single application of this Dyb. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York; ' CVn TTTTS aUCAL tf TalasUe ralbnuUoB 'saC ImM Rmipei vitt ee awIM FRH ea apailntloa, Feb 23 deodJtwlf. J ""'.;v.".) HUGH SISSON & SONS. Importers, Dealers and Hanufaetarers. MARBLE STATUARY, M0NUiIi:;T3, FUBNITHEB 8LAES, Tile,:, Mantels, Alte,..Iombs,: 140 West Balttmon 0 reet; iND COBNXB NORTH AND JtCWClOERT JBJST. Drawings 4 Estimates Fjprmsed Freeil SEMI A IB t 4 PUNCH. Irritability of temper. Ikw spirits, Juos of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected some duty, weariness. Disainess. JBALTIMOBB, Mo iTeatftgfljBsv The day Is done; O God, the Son, Look down npen thy little ose. . 0 Light of Light, , ; Keep me this night, And shed around me thy presence b;igbt 1 need not fear If thou art near; Thou art my Savior, kind and dear. Thy gentle eye Is ever nigh; It watches me when none is by. Thy loving ear Is ever near, Thy little children's voices too, So happily And peacefully. I lay me down to rest in Thee. To Father, Son, And Spirit One, In heaven and earth all praise be done. OBSERVATIONS. "My brethren," said an Arkansas minister, "the preaching of the gospel to some people is like pouring water over a sponger-it soaks in and stays. To others it Is like the wind blowing through a chicken coop. My experience of this congrega tion Is that it contains more chicken coops than sponges." The clam-eyed Celestials who are now In this country consider washing the highest grade of civilization, as it pays. People who are nuzzled with laree fleures can assist themselves by remembering that a billion is simpiy a muiion wiin a com in us neaa. A man who had Just learned poker, but had not sufficiently mastered the intricacies of the game, bet wildly upon a flush, and, upon showing his hand, was told that "the spirit was willing, but the flush was weak." Pashence lz a good thing for a man to hav. but when he haz got se much ev It that he kan fish all day over the Bide ov a boat without eny bait on bis hook, lazyness is what's the matter ov him. Joth Btilingt. Bergh is always getting up something new in the philanthropic line. It Is understood that he offers a large cash prize for the best essay in answer to the euestion, "How shall we make outdoor life at tractive to the mosquito?" We've got it: "60 outdoors yourself!" Remit by registered letter, postofflce order, or draft. An exchange speaks of a Chicago man who "has one foot In the grave " Presume it's all they cuuiu get in wunoui enlarging ine cemetery. Francis Hopkins, of New York, has patented an improvement in eye-glasses, the object of which Is to obtain a firmer grip upon the nose, without ogntening the spring, to prevent the glasses slip ping on the nose. The invention fills a long felt want The practice ef driving a tack ta the bridge of the nose, to retain the glasses in place had Its drawbacks. SURRENDER OF THE SENATE. The Alliance by Which compIUhed and tlte ft Was Ac lTlanner In Which it Was Done Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. THE MAHONE-CONKLING ALLIANCE. Washington, March 18. On this day two years ago the Forty-sixth Con gress convened in extra session. The ISenate met with a clear Democratic majority of eight, and including the vote of Judge Davis, of Illinois, with a majority of ten. According to all or dinary calculations it was considered as next to impossible under any cir cumstances that this majority could be reversed within a less time than four years. To-day the sceptre was wrested from the Democratic party in the Sen ate after its brief period of power. It was surrendered without a struggle, and it was perhaps best that it should be so. The Republicans won their vic tory not through the voice of the peo plenot, as Senator Cpnkling disin genuously and untruthfully put it, as the fruition of the results of the November election but by means of a bargain made with a Senator elected very nearly a year before the Novem ber election, and who, as no one would have the temerity to dispute, could not have been elected had there been the least suspicion that be would do as he has done. No amount of rr it can ob secure the fact that the Republicans to-da7 obtained possession of the com mittee organization of the Senate through means which cannot stand the test of honest and impartial scrutiny. The American people will find it rather difficult to perceive how a "free ballot and a fair count" in the South, or in any other pait of the country, for that matter, is to be secured because a Dem ocratic Senator choses to give his vote to put into the control of the power and patronage of the body of which he is a member the political opponents of the party to which he has been attached. And the honest Republican masses can scarcely consider that the possession of committee chairmanships and a few offices in the Senate is any equivalent for an alliance by their party leaders with the embodiment and personifica tion of an element which, however much it may rave and foam over politi cal and economical abstractions, does not believe in or advocate an "honest count" on the great practical question of fair and honestly incurred obliga tions. It will take only a comparative ly short time before the transactions of which the first results culminated to day are thoroughly understood and ap preciated by the people of the country, and it admits of no question that the seal of condemnation will be placed upon them at the first opportunity. THE SCEPTRE TRANSFERRED. There was in the Senate chamber to day an overflowing crowd to witness the completion of ihe first act. Mr. Frye was sworn in, Lis credentials hav ing arrived this morning, and the Re publican side of the chamber was then enabled to muster its strength. The Democrats had resolved to make no.op position to the carrying-out of the Re-publican-Mahone programme. Had they chosen to adopt Republican tac tics they could have defeated the object of the unholy alliance by abstaining from voting and thereby breaking a quorum. But, after the fullest discus sion of the subject, they concluded to interpose no obstacle, and to trust to the judgment of the country. Mr. Pen dleton called up the list of committees, as agreed upon by the Democratic cau cus, when Mr. Anthony, as the organ of the Republican caucus, moved to post pone it indefinitely. The roll was called amid breathless anxiety and suspense. Thete were but two Senators out of the whole seventy-six absent Judge Ed munds and Mr. Camden of West. Vir ginia. : Gen. Mahone, when his name was called, -voted "No," which was tha cause of much excitement, and, for a moment only, a thought was engender ed that he had concluded to turn back from the path upon which he had -entered. . This was quickly dispelled, for as soon as his attention was called to his vote by his assiduous Republican friends and advisers he rose and chang ed his vote to the affirmative, remark ing that he had voted "No" under a misapprehension as to the purport of the pending question. On the motion of Mr. Anthony there were U7 yeas and 37 nays. : The Vice-President held the taliy-4istin 1 his and for moment, while the Senate and the galleries look ed at him in mjcietv xand the deepest silence. He then declared his own vote in the affirmati ves and was BbosVto de-J ciare me -nnat ;resu, yraer senator sanisoury arose, .hot -to wterposei anyi opposition to tne c&ciarauon? w$ mere-, Jy to'putfiimself on-, record tfotK iinjr, me ngni or ine y ice , reawea mi vote under "the.... circiimstanees. iMr. interrupted-'Mrr BaoMnrry, and ma loud voice, loofctoff olreettr at the Vice President, cried Announce the vote." The Vice president aid. as he was bidden,, and ! the Republican com mittees were fastened upon the Senate by the exercise of his doubtful power. It is true that when the question was raised in former times as to the autho rity of the Vlee'President to vote on the election of officers, Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Clay and others expressed an affirm ative view, but this was only- their in dividual opinion, and there never has been any formal expression of the Sen ate on the subject. Had Mrv English to-day been in the chair of the vice President, instead of Mr. Arthnr, there would most unquestionably have been objection raised on the Republican side against his voting, and the objection would have been strenuously main tained to the last extremity. At least one-half of the Democratic Senators are convinced that the Vice-President has not the right to vote on the organiza tion of the Senate, yet they let it go. Mr. Saulsbury briefly, but very perti nently, contrasted the conduct of the two sides of. the chamber under similar circumstances . the Republicans, wheri the Democrats were in possession.of a constitutional majority, positively, re fusing to permit the transaction of any business, and compelling an adjourn ment from day to day, and the Demo crats making no opposition when the Republicans had a bare majority of one, secured after, all the bareainintr which has been going on, only through what uiauj ucneve 10 oe me unconstitutional, vote of the Vice-President Mr. Conk- hng, however, was in such high glee ana so exultant over what nad been done that he was more insolent and arrogant than ever, and could scarcely tolerate the least interruption. There were several yea-and-nay votes before the end was reached, and it occupied exactly one hour. After this the Sen ate went into executive session, and then adjourned until Monday. It is un derstood that at the opening of Mon day's session the Republicans and Mr. Mahone will submit their list of caucus nominees for elective offices of the Sen ate. There seems to be an impression that the Democrats will resort to dila tory tactics to prevent the displace ment of the present officers, but, viewed in the light of experience, the opposi tion is not likely to amount to much. The Republicans may be prevented from electing their officers for a day or two, but they have no doubt whatever of success. ELECTRIC RAILROAD SIGNALS. The Penneylvania Railroad Experi menting With a Novel Invention. Altoona (Pa.) Sun. At present the Pennsylvania Rail road is experimenting with electric sig nals on their line. Eight electric signals have been placed on the eastern slope of the mountain division at intervals of two miles and a-half, connecting all the blocks in that section of the road between Altoona and Gallitzin. The invention thus to be tested is owned by a Boston firm, and so far it has worked admirably. The block signals require no attendence butligbing up the lamps. The ends of the roll opposite each block are insulated, and a circuit is thus formed running along both rails of the track, e?st and west, but detach ed by the insertion of a web between the joints at the insulating place, so that this circuit is complete between each set of blocks, tte signals of which the electricity moves. When the wheels of an engine or car run inside of, say the block at the east end of a tunnel, the red light or "ban ner" is automatically set, thus notify ing any trains following that the next signaling place is not clear. The cut of the circuit by the wheels sets this signal.but the moment they the cross in sulating point at the next one the cur rent of electricity is restored, and the white disc takes the place of the red on the very instant, thus showing that the track for two or two and a-half miles is certainly clear. Should a rail break between any two signal stations, the interruption to the circuit will cause the green signal to be shown in each of the towers connected, and the train men thus notified to proceed, with cau tion. A "tell-tale" wire is run on the telegraph posts to the several telegraph towers, and this is arranged to operate by electricity a miniature block in each, just as the insulated rails work the large ones. A Ticklish Situation. New Tork Herald. . The morning after the assassination of Mr. Lincoln the public and private buildings in Washington were draped in mourninp-. Over one of these houses a grief stncKen office-holder inscribed the words: "The nation has lost its best defender." As he was admiring his sorrowful trophy another office holdera downy old bird who had been roosting in the departments for a cen tury or so came 'along. "Ah, my friend," he said, shaking his frosty and experienced pow, "you make a graye. er ror. These . folks in high places are touchy, You ought, to add 'except Andy Johnson' Ocrasion for Gratitude, Spring in the 8outh has already appeared. The face of nature is seen te the best advantage, The fear of pestilence already comes to the mind of, the prudent Inhabitant of the Gulf States, and he u tnaDKiui rortne wiswnn aispiayea in ine legis lation which secured over a million of dollars for the maintenance of the worW-known Charity Hos pital at New Orleans, La., from the Louisiana State Lottery, whose next drawing occars on April 12th, and about which the full particulars will be given on an application to M. A. Danphlny N, Slfr Broadway, New York City, N. Y., or same person, at New Orleans, La. : r : : - 77 ' Hupdkkds of Min, WoIekh Airt OarjiutA Rescued from beds ef pain, sickness andralmost death and made Btrong and hearty by 'Tarkar'e Ginger Tonic, are the best evidences in the worldf of its sterling worth. Toucan And them In every community. Post See advertisement. if' WQBDHSMEN. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your syBtem needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague, Bilious or Spring Fever, or some other spring sick ness that will unfit yon for a season's work. Yon will save timer much sickness and great expense if you will use one bottle--of Hop Bitters in year family this month. Don't wait Burlington Hav-' eyer ' : r : . t... i -;;NriK "WINE OF CARDUI four tjmes day makes a happy household. marl; far- ml h Tt- f f! Smtth Smith's Scrofula Syrup and StarCurlne art pure ly vegetable. Why wh yon suffer with Cancer, -White Sweulng, Catarrrj,BJwurriatlsniTJadneyand Liver Diseases when a Jewjwttles of these two great remedies will cure yeuTV-, ,T nf From C. D. McCnrry, NewtM eonntrr3eorgia: I take great pleasure In recemmendlng to the pub lteTJr. Cheney's Exsectorant and Ctoud Preven- ttve My umesoji had been a ereat sufferer fjom J Spasmodic uroup aunng ine . mgni in-.' uneasy, about two rears ago, prescribed, for him Ms.Craapv rPsnvantivA. which has most nojaailoa&lvr eared bmu r find it eaually benficlal In il.ase of i Coughs. I consider . a Diessing in mg. iamuy. evert one should keep It In their houses, n For sale by Dr. T.& Smith, ; - 3txl p6-6m, xajaT f 5FortT years' trial faf proved rBlACtC. b)rXuGHT " the heat livei mediciae thjiftorlcU J OO BBB JO OB B J O 6 BBB J JO OB B JJJ OO BBB L CO TTTT OO FFP O OF O OFT O OF OO F Li O O T L. OO L, OO LLLL CO T I The ages are 9 to 14 years, feb25 TPESLICES domw. FOR THE Having received Intelligence from our house in Baltimore, which is one of the largest purchasers ofWoolenglhai tLe same have deaUnedrom 10 to 15 per cent, which naturally makes a decline in Clothing, we consequent? act accordingly," and we bow offer our stock at Reduced Prices, at we only eon tract for large quantities. We are assured that we purchase at' very close Cguresr and give every patron the benefit. We have more styles than any other house can show, and better made Clothing than any other sold In this market! for the'slmple fact thit most of tttm tn mede In our own bouse, and tte same as a garment made to order. The most complete line of Overcoats, Ulsters and Dlsteretts that has ever been exhibited, ready-mpae, in this" market. We Invite the nuhlln to ramwt aim! oaa TMm. I WITH THE ADVENT We desire to present ourcompUments to you of our New Spiif and Summer Stock, COMPRISING IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS The Latest, Newest and Best Articles. SPECIAL ATTENTION WE CALL TO CUR Dress Goods Department, Hosiery Department, Millinery Department, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. The greatest care has been given these, and we think we have the "BOSS" stock. Our Prices shall be popular. Bear in mind we are ready to show and to sell WITTEtoWSKY & BARUCH. maris Our Spring Stock is now complete in every department. Just received a large variety of, Ladies' Dress Goods, Lawns, Embroideries, Parasols, s the latest styles and very cheap. Also, a handsome stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, . i - GIVE US A CALL BElTdRE BUTINO ELI : marl 8 isqioainq ar'4tsfii a eErORTA8Le MTi.jL " ffira orncB KOEIH OABOUXrB, Cto, . tl; pr of KoMi aHntT Cr,f Will ordlQ an iconoa. I beUoT thm to l ,upr)or to ny tomrm nov23 d SILVER, LEAD COPPER; AND ZTNO i oil .-nrh Hlruiii ; j.jjiuiiiiv' ; ! FOR, QASn rpHS Hew Tor and North Carina Sraelttog ; Xi company at unanone, , win pay uwoesi vasn Prjcps evetpaid m this coj i has I'V.d Jt9 ; No charge wni be taM ior sampung ana as saying 01 porchased by ns. - - : - t aIinin hum fnrilnM and fflMT. tl FA ' eiii Bware of ltofiaW.''Ke isulrie ac companied with our Honest .copyrighted Ud which win t mm .jwKCT jra 1 1 Manuracrareaotiij pv jh,bsw. t i ir.x." t,,,i aialEXUUU t.. ibie sxwses renresented. - jvrvi In Arranging for We have IVCaeLe a A L L AAL. L A A L ' Tj AAA.Ii L A A TJTJ. T.T.T.T. TTTTH HKM BBB OO T TgSSg gMgO ? HHHEH BBBO 8 2 8SS" S&.$7 5 S HEJOt BfiBB000 f "88 8S? In Prices $10, $12, $13 and $14, and the greatest bargains ever BENEFIT OF THE Yeryirespectnilly, le Best Shirt in this SPRING and Invite 'your inspection Complete AS & C OMEN. . -Go to W. P. MAfiYlSf, igeiit, and guccessor to Fv ficarr 4 Ca ' i ; i ' MB-!;,, v; I None-ntthe Yerj t est Drugs do t keep in my stock. - Alsd, Tohei and JTaacf Articles, PerfuraerleaviComDt, Brushes, Tooth .Brushes, ikc-a 4.. ;. '.txiiJDIlN.r qf all, the. best yarWies tad warranted i j r r v oe. i Physicians' prescriptions are given spee . , . . - . . aaentfon. XSXnZT.i: xFiaqzn tew.. Hoping to receive a share of public A; PQSITVJE; .CIJEE;. wTU MedTclTtwe, S 9 ; j : W9U : ALLSN'8 80LUBLB CIDICATKD-BOUGIXa - si PatsntedOtt,i6.1878.' 04e Box, .r.U J1 wfll eve any esse ia foor darter 4 No. 3 will ear the moat etetlnate Mae, amafr WHOwiiiMaaua aosesoi f enbebs, eopaiba, or ottbf sandalwood, that are entatn to produce dyspepsia torn mwip wi in sxeinaco, Eooireeriptofprtee.' jjns 0U'JuTI-iiJ iit isUlriaceABrelj;!!1 TjniTiT Sfi 3 placed upon our counters. E. D. LATTA & ERG PUBLIC ! T "BB" L. BEKWAJNliiiK JLmU. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. WITTKOiWSKY & BARUCH, 5 CEaOTETIEKS. We are ready to exhibit a & Handsome Line OF SPRING NOVELTIES IN Men's, Youths', Boys', and CMldrens' Clothing, , Our styles, both in elegance of design ancl perfection of fit have never been surpassed in any previous season, andwe are satisfied we stall be able to meet the requirements of our patr ns. OUR STOCfc (St Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery, and Silk Handkerchiefs IS ELAGENT AND WONDERFULLY CHEAP WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. mOTED PATENT LIYttl PA01 Cut St Ju.ajt STawiata Dnius, LAM ,-; .: V.;r' : , 'iJCwic'Allejie.J 1 ntfrsUDvlt, I '' najSsMi thS.8?mh- Typ over ths fit fSsteisshsSbMUtoeiRJk T Inr nrif, Iny MiaTtl!- il....i.n. 11 .li., ...i ! ' f ' 1 aottISuVil lM Mariulacnredandfxrsalea Baltimore, Md, , n , , , "ii.ifrtAii&t For sale In Charlotte at the drot ttamiCfL B.J; ' WrlstonCa,F.8caT.CSnuUiandWllmn'l et ;.'!! rill .CpJOOIOlf f IfERCTT A NT, jn 7 ; .oJitfii-' 1 otm - i A3 rAart Tor tale 1 P.nnVHvov -with: hia..Tlial-4Tritf Aterw'f

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