ftfje tyaxlottt Gbbsttvtr. suBSORiriionf matju t Dsiiy, one year, (pott-paii) atfwMM. Month Three Month. One Month WEEKLY MDZTIOIT : iBumner of iMlntaam'Wt' Cgrjam aufl odmmmh. - wt ram Weekly, (in the county) tit advance, cut of 0 county, parti" s 5 MTr?3rPDa.CABja.; : itJ f . , TAGS, BJC5CPT8, POSTKa, Months 0T Liberal BeduettorujcrOlmlm. ' m -'-. ' I I II .A. HI' m. ZTLPfl ll r 4 uiuai K"mmJ2"V I "S:iS .iA I tl Ik I A. Ji'JTt " ITImTI I"- . - swi m WW II y wy Se III 'TT'r . Tti.-f-rF J51J 'N''X4f nst -w- -sr -ssr . NT BtBUK 100 irrvT w-w-r . ;'-r -t: own .i-ff i.;-' -rtrr-E-rfrctirira'ky i.:rfiTr :wii' Ada-- - - XTr . Q TPCQ , 1 mgm . .i'r. ! i ' :'; -c - --" --J 1 1 -LlIlI The best 01 ore tn Market. Every pair Warranted. (FATKHTES TO 1ST. 1876.) Way, March 29, OUB STOCK 01 inr and Goods is now Complete. IN OUB WHITE GOODS Department will be round Barred, Striped, Lace and Plain Nainsooks. Barred and Striped Muslins, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Plain, Striped, Dotted and Lace Muslins, Mull Muslins, French Lawns, Piques, Tucklngs Linen Lawns, Masalla. Lluon de Dacca, Bisbop Lawns, and, Indeed, ANYTHING wanted In this line. We have an unusually largl stock ot Laces Embroideries, etc., etc. We have a tremt ndous stock of DRESS GOODS, Buttons, Fringes, Satin and other Trimmings to to match. OUB STOCK OF Ready-roade Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods Is large and cheap. We have the best Unlaundried Shirt in the . market lor the money. AL & mar29 00tS IT fl gllBZB 1 Spring Stock 1881 We are daily receiving our SPRING STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels, ALL SIZES AND RBICE& Call and see Us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 R -3f IS NOW IN, Aid Is complete. Our stock of DRESS GOODS Neltles, Plaids, Stripes, Grenadines, Lace 1 T,n Buntings, CASHMEBB3 in black and PJrJ18' &c c. Is the handsomest ever offered In this market, ihVr,st0uk.of Dress Trimmings embraces ew imng to be found in that Une, such as 8atlns. to ffi ?anl brocade, Silks, in plain and brocades wm3 and TasselS) RlDbonS) pasmentry.&c. 4c. doze?? eadle88 variety, from 10c to $2 per inr60" department is complete; Laces in all the new designs. 1 1 nandone line of Cretonnes and Curtain ir; s dles, Gents' and Children's Hosiery, all Prkws, styles and colors. tin v5k you t0 8176 our 8tocte a thorough Inspec tion oeiore making your purchases, as you can nna everything you want In our line, and we ini iLntee tnat 8ty'e8 afe as good and prices as l0I anywhere in the State. Pies. l iompi attention to orders for goods or sam- ttespectrully, iamaves t Wiek Smith Building, Trade Street, Char:otte N. C. mar27 HK WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Gw?,11 National Capital every Sunday of anH11 re8nra o toe preoedtag week, news Sl1 and.ieBd RKPBESKNTATI7E 80UTHXI IN PAFXB Ertitkrf kv? u lno anonai Domoeranc rany. i n1108 - WBDDKBBUBN . of Virgin- ft tormerljr pubiiaher of the RUAmood CTa!) f inquirer. , TBRM8 OF BOBSCBEPTKMI : Se one Postage paid. 2 00 fflS! fm UZvS 20 00 J,SPr tree to the perom waring tae eluoaV ta?'iS!nnacim address --:!- , vJl JSPJ? PUBUBBHWi COKP1NT, eci 122, WaWnftoa aVOQiUu XdSmj 1881 Summer EX1DER HARRIS m m M Brands Latest Styles mi Spring Goods 1 00tXs, lBthlUQt Scc. Dr. Warner's Cross-Band HIP CORSET, THE HIP i portion of which made of Is Tbbkx Thicknesses OF CLOTH, bound with two se ries of bones crossing each other, as shown In this cut, making a very nrm.durable.and easy-fitting Corset Dr. Warners Celebrated Nursing CORSET the best and Most Comfortable NURSING CORSET in the MARKET. We have exclusive sale of the above Corsica, and the trade is respectfully invited to an inspw taon of the same. T. L SEIGLE & CO. mar20 miscellaneous. A DELtCIOUS DRINK For Use in Famdlies, Hotel, Clubs, Parties. Etc. Hi PUNCH. Boston t C K. OBATS SOX. The "Hub Pmiohn has lately btn introduosd, uuf meats with marked popular favor. It is Warranted to Contain only the1 Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. It it ready on opening;, and win be found an ln ebl addition to the choice things which undeniably enlarge the pleasnree of life and enoourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIBS Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. sold by leading Wine Merchants, Groom, Hotels aaA Drnggiata erei7where. Trade supplied it minataoturers prices by W son & Burwell, Wholesale and Batail Drugz lit Charlotte, N. C." Jan 23-eod-6m. TUTT'S POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Xogi of appetite.Nauaea.boweln ctmtiTg, gain in theHead.with a , dull engan,fli the baclc part, Pain under the sttotclder blade, fullnesa after eating. witrtadin clination to exertion of body og nflnd, Irritability of temper. Low spirita Jbpnak of memory, with a feeling of havingneg--lected aome duty, wearinesa, ptxsinvBa, fluttering of tha Heart, DoU before the eyes, YeUqw Bkin, HeadacheRwtless ness at night, highly colored Urmft IF THESE WASHINGS ABE U II HEEDED. SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU'11"8 FILLS especially adapted to such caaee, one dole effects (nehaenangp' of feeUng at to aetonieh the ioAmk They Inereaae the Appetite, an4canethe body to Take on Fleab, thus the eystenrU oarfehed, and by theirTonle Aeiienontbe aucea. rnce a cvuw. ma am i Murray Kt-, TUTT'S HAIR Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to aGtoasY . Black by a single application of tWs D1r. IT imparts a natural color, acts InstaBtaiieOBJlT. Bold by Druggist, or sent by expres on receipt! Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Dr. TCTTR KaIGAIi ef Teleable Iefenwtto DhU iUeelet. wUI be auiUd FKEB cm. wattlw.p- FebI23aeodwly. HUGH SISSON & SOKS, Importers, Dealers and Manuktaeis j or MARBLE STATUARY, MONUMENTS, rUBNITTJBI BLABS, 140 West Baltimore ff Met, AND COHNKE NOBTH AND U0HU3IERT 8TS' J K le, Mantels, Altars Tk' V -: . . I i DANGEB Ilf BABT CARfalO- Infants more Healihf When CarrbM - in tbe Armi of Nanea. NaWTorkBun. . : ' r ' - T The physiological or hygienic effect of the batov carriage on the -child has been recently, considered hjr Dr. enry" jl., smixiii, , m ;&:,iti: semi- ueiore wm Philadelphia County Medical Society.1 Inquiry -among physieiahe tends to sbs-' itain many of Dn smltheweltisions. Divested of technicalities,the resultSof investigation, are that important mus cular functions are impaired, particu larly those of the spine and abdomen, and that the growth and proper devel opment of the child are retarded greatly by the constant or injudicious use of baby carriages. 1 Other earjJs, such as impeded respira tion, braia congestion, spinal concus sion and irtadequate" digestion are now adverted to in .this connection with an emuhasis wMch enforces ; attention, while other considerations are suggest ed full of interest to those who have the responsibility at bringing up and raisins children. It is said that whDtfhild lies down as it usually does, in a feaby carriage, d urine infacv. the nujaciosf the spine a remain nearly at rest. ; Winc nowever. a cnna lies on its nurse ac, ua ueau and upper extremitien are balaneed on its pelvis, thus calling into play ,tbe spi nal erector muscles, and ibbose.ctf the abdomen, togther with tiwase .w.hieh nnntrol thp. lateral motions of thejbod.v. "Hence," the doctor concludes,sWits ejtrS erase in preserving its balance -pre-i action demanded of them subsequently in creeping, or more especially in watJc ing." To carry an infant is in fact to train it in balancing its head and shoulders, while the abdominal muscles, acting as flexors of the spine, compress the liver and other viscera, and aid in both res piration and the peristaltic action of the bowels. Such infants are sooner able to sit alone, creep and walk than the supine product of the baby car riage. Their improved respiration as sists the oxygenation of the blood, the waste of tissue ensuing on muscular action increases the necessity for re pair, and we find increased appetite, with improved nutrition. It has been contended that the car Tiages are beneficial by enabling the nurse to keep children longer in the air. The -doctor. -considers (that a nurse unable to carry the , chijjd via Qtfor her duty, and believes tnat a ronaneaa for flirtation underlies the nurses' ex cuse of fatigue. He says, moreQveiy that the infant is often neglected an'o) allowed to hansr its ;head over the side I of the carriage in a way to induce a certain degree of brain congestion, or is too otten iouma in some jpsinon which in time may resaltiin eaivature or carries of the spine. Ajsother evil likely to ensue from the constant use of the baby carriage is concussion of the delicate brain or spinal cord of the infant, caused by bouncing the vehicle over curbstones, a matter as severe up on the nervous system of the child as railroad travel has been shown to be upon the more mature organization of the man. Alleged New ICa.il way Sebeene In Nortb Carolina. Dispatch t New York Herald. Fayetteville, N. C, Mareh 26. Quite a ripple of excitement was created iiere yesterday by the appearance on our streets of Mr. L. W. Humphrey, a farmer railroad president in this State, vfao was understood to represent Jay Gooid, and was said to be negotiating r itlae purchase of the Fayetteville and pjtoftea.ee Railroad. Humor says that G ouM proposes to build a road from N orfolk, Va., via Fayetteville to Flor en ce. Should such a road be consum mated it is said this would give Gould the shortest and most direct through railjoad axnite from the Atlantic to the Pacific, which line will run through the whttle cotton belt, with a direct outlet to Europe Jet Norfolk. There is a char ter for the Fayetteville and Florence Railroad, grading on which was done eight or nine years ago from Fayette ville to Shoe Heel, on the Carolina Cen tral road. Mr. MeKeathan, of this city, is the president ot the road. There is also a charter f-swr a road from Fayette ville to Goldsbooo" and another from thence to the Virginia State line in the direction of and da an air line with Norfolk. These two (Charters were con solidated by the 2ffort&CarolinaIiegia lature last winter. Mr. Humphrey says that money has beem raised to build the road from Florence to the "Virginia line, but whether be really represents Gould or has succeeded in his negotia tions has not been divsriged. If these reports prove true speculation as to Gould's scheme for a rotate to and an' outlet on the Atlantic seaboard for his Southern system of railroads may be I set at rest. - Trewh-Water Spring- In tU Atlantic. Savasmah News. One of the most remarkable displays of nature may be seen on the Atlantic coast eighteen miles south of St. Au gustine. Off Matanzas Inlet, and three miles from shore, a mammoth fresh water spring gurgles up from the depth of the ocean with such force and vol ume as to attract the attention of all I who come in its immediate vicinity. 3 This fountain is laree. bold and turbu lent It is noticeable to fishermen and others passing in small boats along near the shore. For many years this wonderful and mysterious freak of na ture has been known to th people of St. Augustine and those living alonr the shore, and sorieof the superstitions one3 have been taught to regard it with a kind of reverential awe; or-borpiior- a ror, as the abode or supernauirai m- nuenccS. vyiiwu uuo wawinui uiouwou in its vicinity are otherwise calm ana tranquil the upheaving and troubled appearance of the water shows nnmis tairahlA vidpncps of internal: Commo- itions. An area of abouthalf an acre shows this troubled appearance some thing smilar to the boiling of a wasoer-i Woman's kettle. Six or eight years ago Commodore Hitchcock, of the United States coast survey, was liassintf ,th place, and his; attention was directed to the spring by the restless -upheayffcgB of the water, ;i,whlcbi thew;iiis! hip from her course as she entered the spring. His curiosity becoming netted J bv this circumstance, he set to work to 1 examine its surrouadings, Aha foundf six fathoms of waterverywhrein the vicinity, while lhe spring Itself Was al most fathomless, ; ;; :;j-i;':K:';., ,: ; ..in mm t.a v.-'..-. :' - HUBDED OT 'MXX," WOtalt 'tMO ChUJDKJOT BasctraD from beds ( nalB. sfcltneas and - arowsk death and made Btrong aafl hearty by -Partcert itnget Tonic,- are the besteridenee inine wone ot lta Btertlnffwomt iToU can nndthem tn weiy mnmnnitf.-Pant.w-Sft adnttame&L ' - '-: r The ood lronsewlfa whm sha:ila iWny-Jielr house Its apriDKenovatln stroaid bear :trr sand that the dear lnmatea ot her; : hovm are inoriniet clous than raany . houseai anL thatdheiri taystams need cleansing br purifying the blood;;ieealattiig .the stomach and toowela to-preWnt'aml: th diseases arising from sprlBg malaria anrtmiasmav and she most know that there is nothtn that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bitter' tha uresv ana pest vi luwiwuiDa, wtwra, jih iu atriot. : Dpiu lfrFlrefr!Mi(. Fnnd QWrnff'cifcularrlMTetothe toositsiornveij by tftecifjpayaDie to assistant treasure In New xortr. has ; beea issued bv the tThited States Tre'aatirerr .'. , .Gircuo'o. 3T, or Mar,c e, istp, au- thfrrinirnatininal hanks to rimhimtn the Tmtsnrer of the United. States 'by sistaaf tresfeurer of the United jutes' In Kejv yorkfpr their circulating: notes redeemed, is hereby reVokeri' to itaie effefct April li i88t. After that date re tabtiraem'eh.t mnst be made iri : one of the foltowihg ways: X. fcy a depoaitrof United States notes with the .assistant treasurer of tne'Untted States in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, New; Or leans, Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis or San Francisco, on account of the five per cent.; fund. Banks hot situated in one of - the above- named cities should make the deposit through their correspondents. The- certificate of deposit aifist be forwarded- directly to the Treasurer ox, the u nited States br the bank rnakmC the deoosit 2. B v a remittance of United States notes, ad- dressed to th Treasure of the United States, marked ''United States notes tor a j ji r. j m l . flpiw w 1 -credit oi nve per ceuu. iuuu, - ei- nress chanres. if not DreDaid. will be de ducted from the proceeds of the remit tance at government contract; rates. Old Abe?a becinton. V, Snlley in the Tribune. ,v o . Durinur Lincoln's time there- was a gjreat row over the" Post Office in Major JBiqkiiam'stownof Dayton.Ohio. Two SotsjMirs were in the field. Petition after .netition in favor of one or i the other-ipcred in upon the; 'President, anddeleeaUon after delegation hasten ed to Waahwgton to argue the ease. Mr. Lineolaras a long-suffering man. but his patienoejgave out at last ! He could not deterjtoue that one applicant was an the slighteu degree more com' Detent or more paUifttic or better sup ported than the other. Finally, after being bored by a fresh delegation, he said to his Secretary: "This matter has got to end somehow Bring a pair of scales." The scales were brought "Now nut in all the petitions and let ters in favor of one man and see how much thev weurb. and then weigh the other fellow's pile." It was found that one bundle was three-quarters of pound heavier than the other. "Make out an appointment at once for the man who has the heaviest papers," said Jr. Lincoln, and it was done. jjrjGarfielda Popularity. Car-Baltimore Sun. Washington. March 26 President Garfield is having, in one sense, a much more agreeable experience than his immediate predecessor in office. Dur ing the entire term of Mr. Hayes there were a number of Republican Senators and members who never called at tne W hite House at all. and there were no Democratic Senators or members who called, except a few from the South who wanted office for their friends. There were not a few who never even would accent the formal evening in vitations to the White House, and it is certain that there was not one day or Mr. Haves's Boiourn in the White House that his disputed right of tenure did not flin&r its shadow across his path But the new President, who has always been personally one of the most popu lar public men who ever came to Washington, is called upon daily by ttt(. most distinguished of the Demo- rats. and manv of them with no axes ta grind, but simply to testify their re apeet and regard. -Vhe Electric Light In a Theatre. Thektric lieht is used with ad mi rahl effect in the present represen tation f "The Black Crook" at Niblb's, New York. It is applied to the incan tation rrmm with startling results. It flames from the eyeless sockets of the necromancer's kull, crackless along the daad branches of skeleton trees and floods the whole stage with unearthly brilliancy. In the duel scene electric wires run throusit the handles of the swords of the eoaapatants, and when the blades meet a ctoeuit is completed and flashes of lieMciiQZ play around the weanons in most diabolical fash ion. This is orobablv the first time that electricity has been so systemati cally applied to stage purposes. -ee High Pln. Greensboro Patriot j We give a brief detail of indostrial and mercantile pursuit in High Point, as follows j. i. -.o ' -j-- .-- - ' i - Two spoke and handle f actowes,; on of them ader the superintendence kf Capti Srowifrm Lowel, MasSj, who was the moving spirit in establishing this ; valuable branch of industry in Greensboro. -'''"'i i " One cotton factory ; one tobacco fac tory, another going up; on e. steam grist mill ; one planing mill. Tbrea tanner ies; two Cabinet shops, and one furni ture store ; blacksmith and shoenaker shops where custom work is done.. Two drug stores ; three grocery. Eight dry goods stores ; three millinery establish ments; and several smaller shops where miScellneous goods and sold. Confederal Brig-adlera in Demand. -- ! New Yor World. i When a gallant federal general's wid ow wishes to obtain a post-office Presi dent Garfield and a Massachusetts sen ator can't attend to her, bat when ia Confederate brigadier is to be had for the ridiculously small price of a dobi: keeper, pTEenlJaTfteid finds time to' send him a boquet and a Massachusetts senator likens him to the early Christ ians! "X . Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skirt eropttona and will give you a ; DesmS': While attending tne General .At geaabU this ummerrI tried jour tar .Curln.i iny lefcitrjotog affected with an oldaprajcaused by I that tt la sueee&s, fori haTO had eiperlenoa with OUiereni PBTsmwus wh nuuiieiBi mwasw lna to cure me wafll lased your Star Curlne, which has cured a rentartraMr-bad cage.- WiShiDK TOU JOHK BKLUB . oatSd ink . ,., 'j-.',v'i3 it , To all who are ; from the enon and ln- dtacretiona of yontav rjerwas: weaknesa, earir da cart toes oTnuuihd;to I win send a recipe Xhat you, FB Of CHAaQR :Thl graat remedrwaB dtaeoverad by a missionary la South amaricairid aaelflieed emelopo to 8ie Bewt Joeepa Ti Inman, BUtloal, New Yora: Ctty. .1 pr 27 1 eodlywli iHitaium cu ui:.: i : uZ-ma- oi.ffitv.-f flJl ajt;eiiifft;itiirf.V4a j & Mnt tlti $njr$at OMIstat fat .'iwKtfdt iB5 f!nrtnenres anctoBWMid b a Me knttt. At Serefola Btiuii and fitax.Cnrl SteMflfrJnt'I have iW&mpd(!(or : oot2-Cni. VSe -OO TTTT O T O T O T O OCT OL Off oo r LUX OO T In The ages are 9 to 14 years, feb25 JO OB B jjj oo Ebb The Leading Styles can OTEJIRi Clotliiers and Tailors. N. B. Garments made to Order at Short Notice. mar27 H SPRING AND S IT IS CRAND It will will give you pleasure, iines. mar27 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST RECEIVED A LaBGEVaKIXTY OF Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawns, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap. ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Give us a call before buying. , mar27 . W. etaia tM BEST PORTABLE MM.L ""J"" E " , Z. h..ki. With on dnuiac. It rixdim rood Gen Mvl tor ti)ti. II rusiiirM niu rtwic. mea, Mtflnrr and put.;. takM tnm i w H BIAHOB VtTtKB ,inlll VAyi Chutotte. V. C. .H.-. .r.r'uor. CnBt OntMm Straw -xhtA kr VMh taeio oaramuraUr adeeypewer. few : -. -T ' j Bn Cried lot JLt u mat ra tlie Mityr If i MvM not rrpin tetat wnn eikUi u hear. Dim, ever a era, t www m ean wn - " 'enHe ut ton. ' I fctlltTelia to sapcrlw to y kaera t TZZ, ' 00R0 f . TATA BILTER,! LEAD, ; ?- COITEIW AND ZINC ' 1 ORES PURCHASED foe cash; THE New York and North Carolina Company at Chariotte, will pay the t FrJees ever paid minis country ior LilV. ! 9 Wuf. made for sampling -and, a- yioreoidanpd Sttrf, iv5ft. ' n:;t?v?i1jftj tH? . -.t:f.. Tw is t D n e m 1 n ; t ft Jtec T SewaM of 9nali?dNQr. gftdnleWTm : Manufactured only 6r - taQWWBEO 1 lfb30-2w w'uittoB.II.CL . - - v. . - . mm. m fclaen.aia ! aeptl44;no i In Arranging for Have IVIatie a TT1TH HBI t 5 Bin AA.L A A AAA E a. allll t BBS B .LUX BBS Prices $10, $12, $13 and and the greatest bargains ever E. S and Summer. TOWN TALK 18 THE -or- MM AND SUPERB ! GO AND SEE IT. Thev cheerfully show any one through their different WITTKOWSKY & BARUOH. Druggist by Examinatioii. Go to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. Scare ft Co. TOE Fresh Drags and PttrejMeines None but the Very Best Drags do I keep in inr stock. Also, Toilet and Ifancy Article. Perfumeries, CembB, Brushes, Tooth Brashes, &c, ft. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec , lal attentloii. Hoping to receire -asbare of paWlo -patronage, I am, respeettally. ; el s ft i W 1 I II It I Wltnont Medicines, .r I SOLUBLE ,TaBK-!ttti'Zj8m '- Patented Oat 16, 1878, C Bx No. 1 will enre any ease in fonrdars or less. No. a will care the moat-obstinate ease, no mat. ter ef how long stodlng. . ; K nanseeus deees-ol eabebs, eopaTM. er bu of aaBdalweod, -that are certain to produce dTssesala i.OLBoxlfe eerF-eodOB . a ALLEN CO., 88 XOhn 8L New Tork, , I:. i- i '4J 'j ''A'j-- ''iimml '-fi''U9 OO Y T O O T T mm O Q TT T TB $14, placed upon our counters. D. LATTA & BRO. 181. Always be IFodnd iD '09 ELIAS CQEPEN. .ihproyed PATEirr mcR: fioi - Kmi Cm Hank-" -Caw 4 Aasb ajt 8nisKiTa Dauaxf. .laM TwTcs AsLoae. ' . . WittetOurrtltolrttwV cvaaa CkflliiadFirer, IdTefCe-IaflaH Jjipepsta, neiffelgi, Kerreacina, Batosutte fatirattf, femile fsihefaj Ski I RffTou Thaw Pads Outs' KnaiMM FilfaL Oil, tm Into the Stoaaaea. The Fade are wi a. xae rede arewoinTer the fit i emrin the erNeVCaaeN! aod. Stomaeh.. A rmtto, YeireaU 7 of ne cieeBaa alao the Ltver Totueieabeorbed oniel s abeorted intet&ciinlaaeeWt Reodeae irer, purify lag WM .Bkiod, t .healthy aseieev aa4 euunth faf ' m aioaa. mminii aMngtafDrtraod ltoAnetfoad. 'in awjiJ kACH. BOLB ST AIA rEjJWSS.. MKSaaa IfAiiafactared ud foe WmltnOemalUMi Baittmere, Md. - , - rjw sale in CJiaifotte at the drag ataw LB. WHston ft Co.. X. Scarr, T. C. 8n3ta and Wllsott BorwelL aaw -r - AND COHMlSSION-i MERCIIANT, i . -4r j r. ce..1 resneev folly solicited. The cheapest iaa7sea V reUeH We nooees npresented. . J h. all DliatfWlMml.' W. IblanU tjtMUmm mm ..miAmm "f ' li- - t-

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