LOCAL 'INTELLIGENCE XfURDAT", APRIL 9, 1881. SOCIETY PIKECJORY. ItalSl. aJf. Aril rHAUi"-- fniwth MnlHta nlirht . meeting every """ "T , ITi mZpoI cnfTjnoB LOD8B NO. 261, A. F. C A. M. Reg ,S every first and total Tueaday night. rntiiLOTTK Chaptbb No. 39. B. A. M.-Regular tSverr second and fourth Friday nights. ".AMxriTS Coimandabt Na 2, K. T.-Regular mS7 first and third Thursday. Tirr9 of Honob. Regular meeting every JoSfour.uay, kkights of prrHXAi-BeCTiar meeting fir t an" thlrJ Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. Tonic Temple tun. I. O. O. IF cjuklottk Lodge No. 88.-Meets every Mon- 1 M every Tuesday night. ; e' dixib Lodgb NO. 108. Meets every Friday night riTAWBA Rivkb Encampkbmt No. 21. Meets and inlrd Thursday nights lu each month. INDICATIONS, War Department, 1 iw fkkChief Signal Officer, Washington, April 6j?5ap. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, warm- or Ian cauiuM, """"""J V. . . erly winds, rising uaiuiueie. uu. o"S"n Ranges in tempBiamm. "Tnde to New AdTcrtkwnieau. Hor-e gone -J. A Harris. - ' . . 'HOME PENCH.IKC.: I ; ; ? Mr J. A. Harris, of Mooresville, lost a fine bay filly fromJhiaatableLXues-. dav night, and offers a. reward, in an other part of this paper. Mr Fred Munzler recelye a ship ment of 500 brook trcfutuftdmicUew York yesterday to put in his pond. They are said to be the prettiest fish -Tbe Rock Hill Herald says: One of the Oates Bros., from Charlotte, was in our town the other day. Hie said that his cotton factory was making $100 per day." . ' : - As an evidence of what good Und w worth in this 'section. Gen. Ruf us Barringer has just negotiated "for .the, nnmhiise of a portion Of the old Jurwin Mtate. about a mile and a half west of J the city, at the rate of $50 per cre " 7. If the pastors of the colored ; city rhurches or some member of the con gregations will Bupply The Observer with the order of services in their sev eral churches, they will be inserted in t ie regular church directory. Rev. J. T. Bagwell, of this city writes to the Church organ in Raleigh: "l am now quite busy raising money to pay off an old debt on which the church has been paying interest six or eight years. We expect to secure the whole amount this week. A match game of base ball was played upon the grounds of the Caroli na Military Institute yesterday.evening, ( between a city ana a cadet nine. Toe match was played for a prize bat which was won by the cadet nine by a score of 11 to 7. Judge Schenck, Col. Jno. 15". Staples and Col. A. B. Andrews, were in the city yesterday, having just returned from Wilkesboro court, where they at tended the trial of the Western North Caiolina Railroad injunction suit. An engineer had to get off his train near the Trade street crossing of the North Carolina Railroad yesterday, and remove a man from the track who was so drunk as not to know where he was. He stood . stupidly staring tit the ap proaching train, making no effort to leave the track, and must have been run over before the train could have been stopped, had it not been running at a slow rate of speed. -Messrs. Berwanger Bros, make an announcement in our advertising col umns thismorning, which will be of in terest to those in need of anything in their line. Their counters are full of choice spring goods of the latest styles and novelties, from the cheapest to the very best. In addition to their stock they keep a large lot of samples from their Baltimore house, which are made up to order. This is the only house in thee ity that has a merchant tailoring establishment attached. i i i The Firemen's Benefit. , Miss Markey went through with an interesting programme at the opera house last night, her selections being well calculated to please her audience. This was not, it must be confessed, as larcre as was AYnprrorl hut t.hia ' nnnAilv I ed not in the least to detract from the spirit of the reader. Her gifts and pe culiar qualifications to assuror this.role, I have already received a critical notice m this paper. It is only necessary to say that she appeared last night to bet ter advantage than on the former occa sion, being more confident and accord ingly more at ease. A NewNpapcr Change. the last, i.qqnn rf nnr 'nofcrlittnr Hia mitkern Home, appears under thje con- w or mt. o. v. strong, who has been ui years ioreman of the office and busi ness manager. He is an old printer, and to this experience, so valuable to the profession, adds an unconquerable energy, ip taking charee he announces purpose to improve at an early day the typographical appearance of the paper. The late editor, Mr. E, L. Pell, 'snow in charge of i (a. Mooresville gazette, which was revived by: him, the irst number having already appeared under his management. We 'tender i"em both good wishes. -h o-J'''nnB to Bu"Klariou Attempt. When the clerk opened "Mr. Joe Lin " b store, on Tryon street, yesterday III niYl Inn n t a arfm-v Hlluare noie, large enougn to trl the body of a man wasJ discov ered treahiy made in the lower portion "J the rear door. The piece of wood l Iiad been taken out was found the floor inside. 'The perpetrators' ai "wompnsneciarie work wito an dUger, bv rnftana hi nrhfxh thor h4 continued to bore in the line of a circle in 1C "oie was Jnaae. jNotn jng was missing from the store, how ZJ and tne inference is , that the 2 ilar8 were scared off before they wd cnsumrnate their intented rob ry. There is ne! blue, i ' II 1111 tk. 1 1 -V . m Uncalled For. ' :' '" t--. . The following is. the lis ll'e week ending .AlrJril 41 jailed for in Wotfarlbtte posfo s.Mattie Alnaon'Ghas AtwfeHiyMrss n ' ountleroy (2),G.B.Fes erman, Henry Jttaster-J eyrueojrge iTO, Fred (Holy nfkwi MfttJ Mil tic: ns,W: M. HousfenVT? . Hen ry, s. l. L. Hunter.iTMisaAjftelia ln- Lewis, Mis! i XewisVj.Mi lanus H(D Mis8;'ttIte . 8b Jennie arge McManusilB:,MeMiahrA: Par Mws Alice Means, v1Teffer6(inn Nan- ,.lsa. Ann i'trarer3, coiprea,lmiss.: 9 9 ' I f Ree&l&r fnce: sSEliaMcCartQ- 8. ShsfW P-J; azJ-i&W?HfhetTkeaw o 'x oiosn. Mn E. wli.v -s Aoa yynite, juiss Annie The Work to be Commenced t nn. SXetboi Adopt by FbrsltanH. : Tbi fctiyslcUnsi in the! ciij iheld a meeting at D. pdnogbfie's? tofflce tS devise a method fdr- carryingrout the proposed vaccination authorized by the board of aldermen. Various plans were discussed, among others that of laying the city off in a certain number of districts and apportioning one physi cian to each district. , The several wards were taken as a guide, but it was found that the great proportion of the poor upon whom the physicians were especially desired to operate, were congregated in one or two wards and if these were assigned to the physicians bn those wards they would have ? ail the work to do.. It was finally decided that the physicians should i open their bffiees certain houjte of the; day I to pa tients' for the space "I of two? weeks, in which time all who desire to be vac cinated at the expense of the city are required to apply. Those who have agreed to this and the hours at which they desire to be called upon are as follows: Dr. Miller, from 12 to 2 p.m.; Drsj Jones and Gra ham, 12 to 2'and 4 to 5 p. m. $ Dr. Moore, 9 to 10 a. m. and 1 to 3 p.m.; Dr. Brat ton, 12 to 2. at Dr. Miller's office ; Dr. McCombs, 12 to 2; Dr. O'Donoghue, 12 to 1 and 3 to 5, and Dr. Gregory from 12 to 2. The vaccination will begin Monday The importance of this matter is once morei desjred be brought to the at tention, -of ?the citizens. ' Already small-pox has appeared in Richmond., witlnwhich city we have direct com munication by means of two passenger trains daily, and freight trains besides which are said to be more dangerous as a perveyor of the disease. It is feared that a prejudice may exist among the more ignorant class of peo- Ele against vaccination from an appre ension that it may be attended with some danger. This, however, should be entirely allayed by the readiness ef the physicians tq pledge their profes sional reputation upon the result, and the further fact that it is as notoriously safe as it is universally applied as a preventive of small-pox. The mayor, will Have, a number of posters printed to-day ianii distributed among the people enlightening them on the subject Monthly Cotton Statement. The cotton receipts for March were 2,780 bales. j This makes the total" of re ceipts up to date of the present cotton year, extending i from May.. 1880. to March, 1881, 11 months inclusive 49,516 bales, lacking only 484 bales of the 50, 000 predicted earlier in the season and leaving one month still to hear from. For the same period last year the total of receipts was 37,060 bales. Excess for the present year 12,456. The total of the receipts tor last year was 87,992 bales. The probability now is that it will exceed 50,000 for this year. . Whom It Would Effect and Wben. Should the recent action of the coun ty commissioners, to grant no licenses to sell liquor, be construed to bear with equal force upon dealers in the city, as upon those outside of it and some lawyers vigorously -maintain that it will the effect of this measure will by no means be immediate in the city, but upon the already existing bar-rooms in the county outside of the city, it is un derstood, that the commissioners have already refused to grant or renew li cences to iijijmhar qf applicants. The majorityjiOf the city liquor retailers, as shown by trre" books of the city mar shal, have already secured licenses ex tending to December, 1S81, a few of themkilo February, 1882, and only one, so fa? as it is known, is in imminent danger of being affected by the decision of the commissioners. This is B. H. Cawdor, who does business at the cor ner oil Second and College streets, whose4icense expires on the 6th day of May. Tbe Coming: I ttne Taking- Shape. The discussion of prohibition and anti-prohibition was given consider able impetus yesterday in consequence of the prohibition meeting at the opera house night before last. Col. William Johnston was prominently spoken of as a sort of compromise candidate, while Mr. F. A. McNinch was canvass ed as a Straight-out whiskey man. It was stou-tly maintained by those nore particularly : interested in the event that only one candidate , would be run in opposition to prohibition and that all the forces would be combined upon him. Meantime the probable prohibi tion candidate remains a mystery. Public sentiment does not seem to have crystalized around any particular man. The prohibitionists say they have so many good men to choose from that they cannot immediately settle upon any. Building and Loan Association. '. The The meeting at the mayor's office last J&ight, of those interested in organizing a building and loan association, was attended - by representatives of all classes. Maj. C. Dowd was called to the chair and Capt. J. Boessler acted as secretary. The chair explained the ob ject of the meeting and was followed by Col. Jno. E. Brown, who, after stat ing the object of building and loan as sociations in Igerieray explained the effect of the nrecenC law in regard to them, and made a motion that a com mittee of five be appointed to submit a plan of "organization to; ah adjourned meetWg, which sbould be held Tuesday night - The motion was adopted and the chair appointed Messrs. Jno. E. Brown, H. M. RamseurS. P. Alexan der, PJ&.Phelaa- aodf: hL. Wilson, as the committee on orgarUzati n. Thig i meUngthjea adjourned to meet at theanjpTa6eToesday. night at 8 o'clock. " U ... " 1 ni t m i ' The Slazelirijlt Superstition. V; MnSh"dTpiiariose business it is toteveltrheisarth have their superstitions as well as other classes, Almost every onei "baa heard of the hazeibush superetition, whieh is a be lief in the!pb,werpf he:hazelshi the.naftaa.oi one wuq places wiw in ib to direct the explorer in search of wa ter to the right SDot.to dig for it, but it is a rare thinc to find a man ?whp. has sfAithA ex Deriment successfully tried, A gentleman who Is At the head bf an enter jirf so which'haa been recently, ad ded tp Charlotte a volume' of business relates the following! anecdote asls TDerience in this line.. His father was a miner and on Oner occasion,' struck? a ricn vem, put unauccessitniy searcueu for water ;forraoriths 1n snecesslon. One day a1 believer in tm pftwer. of .the hazel-bush' struck'v the.idiggings and learning of the difllculty proposed to make a shplpiiAt.ixpi:y. ine genueman , vu( rtaauja vue hucu doty had, bunself no faith; in tne ex perimentbt went withHbe other t$ satMf himSelfof hesWTh' jOperaLQr . was ; x uruisxieurw i w a : vmxu ana e tog$ becar) U. J , effect was perceived upon, itfee bush for a whUei bat fiHallvtheend began, to in-1 .Sine tothe earth as ifrawn down by" some weigpK ''iTws;rwas-roiiowea up nntif HHe.VJwa.touched , the . rpned when theTW)toT -anotthcedrliat the lortc po irf.iif d for water would be found in tlw-u cupt. The miaerf r knew from fornier'jBiDerieBJe' that15 Itet under that spot wA!!SJfelfflfe!!P4. tained hia oosition and'upoir the earth rin!rtnrt oBt'tO VtheS lMffftttHd t this i abtindant renBsriTO .water ooiiea :UP' found jirclenJcgrAdtfally a4riwifle'taia he JiroesdedvKQ Bath ef an Ag3 CentlemanT f! ,Mr. :imamerry.; formerly. Marion C IL, & G, died yesterday, jn .this city, where he has'been a resident for sever al months, at the age of 78 years. Mr. perry was the father of Mr. 8. J; Perry, a well known citizen, With whom he has resided since coming here, and at whose residence he breathed his last. The deceased gentleman had made a number of friends in the community, who will regret to hear this announce ment He contracted a severe eough about a week ago, which developed in to something like pneumonia, which, combined with his extreme age, pro duced death after a short illness. The funeral services will be held at the res idence of Mr. S. J. Perry, corner of A and Sixth streets, at 3 o'clock this af ternoon. Bloro Railroad Talk. Col. A, Pope has also been interview ed in Atlanta touching the Air-Line and its policy. Being asked if he in tended to maintain the interest which he Company had manifested in the matter of immigration, he said: "Yes, continue the good work the Air-Line has begun. We shall endeavor to make the country through which we pass a populous country. We have now in our employ one of the most learned gentle men in the South engaged in preparing a book which will set forth to the world the great advantages, of every nature, of the country through which our roads pass. This book, when completed, will be scattered throughout the country. and we hope by it to induce a big influx oi people, uur nrst oDject, ot course, will be to secure their location alone our route, for thereby we will be bene fitted. In addition to this I have been appointed by the Governor of North Carolina an honorary member of the ooara of immigration for that State. I assure you it has always been the policy of our management to secure settle ment along our road, and there is no reason why we should not continue our ertorts in this direction just now. lie also assured the people of Atlanta that that city would experience none of the evil effects of discrimination. Three Railroad Accidents The Pol icy of Concealment. Yesterday afternoon, as the freight rain, in two sections of about fifteen minute's interval, on the Carolina Cen tral Railroad was near Pee Dee. the first section, for some cause, stopped in cut wnere mere is a curve in tne road and was run into, a short time ater, by the second section. One re port prevailed at a late hour last night that, the fireman on the engine of the second section had both of his legs broken. Another was to the effect that both the engineer and fireman saved themselves by jumping. The exact amount and nature of the damage sus tained could not be learned. On the Air-Line road an accident of character nearly parallel with the one above, is reported to have occurred near .Liberty, S. C. The second section of a freight train ran into the first, and the engineer and fireman saved themselves oy jumping. In this case it is charged that the engineer was asleep until it was too late to stop his train. The colliding engine which, was entirely new, having made only two trips over the road, was totally wrecked, the cab part, in addition, catching fire and burning up. in tne accident, day berore yesterday, near Trenton, on the Charlotte, Colum bia & Augusta road, it is reported that the conductor of the freight train which was wrecked had his arm broken at the wrist In all of the above cases names and other particulars are withheld in ac cordance with the policy of the railf road authorities to keep hid from the publitirall occurrences of this kind on their roads. For this reason the threat of discharge is held over the heads of employes, and it is liKe pulling a jaw tootn to get anytmng out or them, it is for them to consider whether the en- velopinlgin mystery of these accidents which cannot altogether be kept from the public does not make them appear bigger than they really are. Among Our Nelgbbore Pineville is our neaiest town, but not always the easiest to near from. Wadesboro is loosing up and the Times, edited by Mr. Eobt H. Cowan, is helping it to hold up its head. The members of the ltoct Hill sil ver cornet band have purchased a new and beautiful set of instruments. Concord is to hold a prohibition meeting on the : 23rd of April to ap point delegates to tne state conven tion. The United States district5 court is in session in ureensboro, J udge jjick presiding. The Guilford Grays have fully or ganized, and adopted a uniform which in color is described by the name they have assumed. Mr. Samuel J.Dunlap, a prominent citizen of Lancaster, died this week. The Concord Kegister says: The dramatic company played "Ten Nights in a Bar Boom at the court house last Saturday night . They only played three acts, just enough to get interest ed and vexed because they did not give you all of it When well played it is as good as half a dozen temperance lec tures. It is said that the town commis sioners of Salisbury recommended to the county commissioners that licenses be granted to five aDDiicants m tnac town. Their decision as to whether they would nrant the licenses was post poned until their next monthly meet ing. , TR6 YorkvilTe'-ZTngmYer comes out with dearly a two-page report . of the trial of James Duffle and H. B. Owens," (Charged with the murder of the Indian, Allen Harris, on the 26tn or ebruary near Rock Hill. The occurrence was first reported in THBrOBSEEVEBiDurfie i v . . I, - i u a . -,- ' ana uwens were-acquinea. ; Laurinburg Enterprise : We learn that the. county lautnorrnes closed up the baiMmsinjlumDerton on riday last in accordance with the act passed bv the last-Leeiaiature. prohibiting- the sale of JiQuor in . a certain "distance of the cnurert 'an that town. xne same apt piWhibitsthe sale of liquOr ifl a cer- tain rliRtAnrtR of Shnft:' TTwil. t Wfi also ,understand that the liquor dealers of. Doin maces wui lest tue .codlilhuou' anty or tne act. berore tner supreme r i n it if irn in nn i a t. Pen mi Mr. aud Mrs. k. aBrentzer are invited W attend tne, lunesal. , The serf toes will bs heldM tne TesldWiee 1of Ms son; S.'JrPerrr. comer qAJetttiBetB.ai.B o'0CKfUS.ftl, a. -POTATOES- JK0M EASTERN NORTH CAROLIN. 4n IfRlElH!ORfraRMNEHOliEY! 1 )lT.l&Vi(lT Vf S. M.i KOWEJLJL'S. apr9 :-ttl IfrROlf my stable. Tuesdar.'inirit.' a K-bs or 1 brown rmj, aoooi two years oia; vei head and eye, limbs' black, and .mane and brown Filly,, about two years old; very One uiiauin fine order-. 1 when last seen- the animal was la a. drove going towards Charlotte. ,.1 will pay a liber- aa rewanl for lnlormaaon which wiu lead to her In this tAtf Testerflay Wflllaiafferrf,- formeru ot UalOH Qom looser, 8, aged '7 Shears. ' ThA frfp.nda and acaDSlntances of Mr. 'ana Mrs. leeOTcry. 1 spr9 j. a. Harris. MooresTllle.N.C. "T" IARGE ADDITIONi OP WILL -SELECTED F.UBNITBRE ARE now being- ADDED TO MY STOCK, PICTURES, FRAMES AND Cornice Moulding. -A LOT OF BABY CARRIAGES -jrsT IN.- Call and See Me Before You Buy. E. M. ANDREWS, Successor to E. 6. Rogers.) WHOLESALE & EETAIL FURNITURE DEALER apr6 grttgs and z&itinzs. LANDRETH'S arden Seeds Cl OVER and ORCHARD GRASS SEEDS, Wholisals and Retail L. R. WRISTON & CO. 2000 GROSS CORKS, ALL SIZES, Wholesale & Retail. L. R. WRISTON & CO. 700 GALLONS Ready-Mixed Paints, Warranted to last lenger and look better than Pare White Lead and Linseed OiL Will give a written guarantee, to this effect L. R. WRISTON & CO. EXECUTION-SALE. I will sell for casli, at the Court House door, in the Cltr of Charlotte, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May, 1881, the following described REAL ES TATE, situated In the City of Charlotte, to satisfy executions In my hands for taxes due the City of Charlotte: . - rnA Knnsfl and Lot en College street at its Inter section with 8th street the property of Mrs. W. J. Rlak. for the sum Of S140.70. On House and Lot the property el Mrs. W. J. Collier, on Church street, between 8th and 9th streets, adjoining 0. Hllker and others, for S29.94. One House ana la, property ui uames r. Ttnvtdnnn. at the Intersection of 9th and D streets. for tbe sum oi Ji t-mjmr - . . rtna Konsfl ana iau tne urooeny oi Mrs. a. jt, Houston,' on 8th street at Its Intersection with PMnA atrftet No. 443. fOT S67.45. . , One House ana iiot, me propeny oi jura. Aiary Howie, wife of John M. Howie, on 7th street and N. C B, B,, adjoining JB. Jfraaer, lor i 18.75. One House and LOU on xryon street, adjoining Mrs. Murray, Jrarnor ana omere, remrnea oy s. Jf. Smith, assignee in bankruptcy of. J. L. Hardin, One House and Lot, the property of Mrs. Dr. Jo Davidson, on 6th street and N. C, R. B., adjoining Jo Lindy; S. X. Linton and others for. $22.76. One House and Lot on B street , at Intersection of 10th street the property oflCrs. & A. McLean, wife of Q. A. McLean, for SI 1. B0. . ; One Lot, the propeityof Thomas Kenney, on Trade street adoinlD"g.lf, Tf.. Srler and J. Mc- the Lutheran Church arid Mrs. -Bankln, the prop ertv of John McDonnell, for. $18 96. , .; 1 - ,One Store House, at the intersection; of Trade and Ceflege BtreeiB,uw piypcnj yx . w . a. oiwz, idrthesum rt l&6y.'u'r ; ' One House ana-'WX oh xraue oiroei, aaouung m. M-JWIlsbn and 6thers,the property; tt lira. Jn-. h4 A. MeMurray; for lg-BO; Si -1 ' - .One -House' -and ioW The propenr of A. B. Sched, on Orahara street between VIA and 3d, adjalning Tf HeUy and others, for S16.51. ; l nine House aadLot on Graham street adjoining XB.8ohenck and others, the ptoperty of Tom ?Ohe House and Lot on. 1st street between D arid E, in square 80, the property of Jeff Hagler, for One House and LetrWard Na 2, the mperty oi Richard Hoover, fof 5. 1 6V f , " AiQ 1,'18SL' lmo City Tax CoUector. fftrs &&vxttezmtnts. EXTRAORDINARY EARLY Fruits 5 Veget In Those who may be worried over the blasted pros- pects of early vegetable! and fruits in this section v.l!l be fully consoled If they call at PERRY'S VEGETABLES: B E AN S, PEAS, OKBA, TOMATOES, OKttA AND TOMATOE3, CORN, SQUASH. FRUITS: APRICOTS, PEACHES, CHERRIES, PLUMS, PINE APPLES, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES. Meats: Corned Beef, Potted Meats. Deviled Meats, Smoked Beef. Also. Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Lolsters, Mackerel, Sal mon, bbrlmp, Codsh Balls. FINEST ASSORTMENT In tbe market of Pickles, Preserves, Fruit Butter, Oranges, Marmalade, Honey, Olives, Jel lies Sauces. &a. Oat Meal, Wheaten Grits, Snow-flake Hominy, Self-raising Flour, Buckwheat and Griddle Cake, as well as everything needed by housekeepers in the fancy grocery line. Quality: First-Class. Prices: O.K. -apl2 DH 1881. SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drugs and Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD -AND- LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. Prescriptions ca-efully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. aprU2 St. Nicholas for 1881. 5.000 Fob Engiand, 100.000 Fob Amkbica ST. NICHOLAS, the ehannlng magazine for boys and girls, edited by Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, has increased so much In size and number of pages during the past year that the publishers have fwaAn idiiimd tn ime the vearlv volume In two parte, instead of one as heretofore. As to its circu lation, they report a gain of 10,000 in the average monthlv editions of 1880 over 1879. The an nouncements for the coming year include a capital erta.i storv for boys, full of exciting adventures, in Natnrp.'s Wonderland." or. Adventures in the American Tropics; Stories of Art and Artists, by Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement a faithful outline- of the ntfttnrvof Euronean Art with many illustra tions; "Phaeton Rogers," a delightful and humor ous serial by Rosslter Johnson; "Mystery in a Mansion," a six months' serial; The Treasure Box of Literature, directing and encouraging young people In the best reading; The Agassiz As sociation, fully explained in the November num ber; "Two English Queens," by Mrs. Olipbant; "The Land of Nod," a children's operetta, with music. full of charming tableaux and effects; A series of beautifully Illustrated Ballads for Young Folks, Deguming wiui uio vnnsimos nuinuer, a. KTwwfai Knttitet at Fairy Stories by Frank R. Stock ton the first of which Is in the November num ber; An Indian Story by "Bright Eyes," the Ponca Indian maiden: a splendid holiday story, "A Christ mas with the Man in tbe Moon," by Washington Gladden. Open-air Papers, stories of sports, and games, will be continued, with all the popular de- Sutecrtptlons beginning with the November is- Sne Will mCiUue vine wuuuenut uurauuiis uuin- ber," of which the edition will be 5,000 In Eng iuiuijinaJMOIn Aniericai The nrtoe of this number, to be Issued about November 80th, will be 80 cents. " f . nami nrlM C9 s toat: 9B cents a Tinmher. for sale, and subscriptions received, by ell dealers, or the publishers, Scribner A Co. 743 Broadway New ales Char lotte READY MiXED PAINTS (Great 5 AAA YARDS OF THE BEST QUALITY OF PRINTS? short terigths,ruflniBg from K ,UUU 6 to 25 yards, at astonishing low prices. ., per yard, 0 IS 1 H YARDS OF ALL THE LEADING PRINTS. Including Arnold's, Simpson's, 17 vTa 1U,UUU and Manchesters, at first cost f pelnW. I CWiTS 44: BLEACHING OR 8EA ISLAND, good quality. per yard, 8 13 0111X8 BLEACHING OR SEA ISLAND, very best, per yard, CENTS 'pHEBEST-FITTING CORSET IN THE CITY that competitor! cannot eompete Q qxntS Large and Varied Assortment of Best Qualify of Lawns, AT 7, &k AND 12ft fENTS. A la-ge assortment of Slippers and Sandals, Laces, Edging, Hosiery and Neckwear, all marked "down e , , to bottom prices. Special attention is called to our large and complete stock of Boy's and Children's Clothing, selected with great care, which we offer at immense bargains. Give us a call and be convinced. H. MORRIS & BR O. apr6 RICHMOND TO NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING: Determined to deserve the patronage of North Carolina Marchants, we ask an order for our SNOW DRIFT AND SEA FOAM FAMILY FLOUR, i, Sugars, Molasses, and Heavy Groceries- HARVEY & BLAIR, mars iy W. T. BLAGKWELL &, GC, Durham. N. C. MMTifaetnren of th Orl;lnil and tzuj Cur.-liio TOBACC Mar 22 ly THE MAYFLOWER.'' ODORLESS OIL COOK STOVE AND PARLOR HEATER! A PERFECT MODEL OF COMFORT, F ar Surpasses any 011 Store let Offered to the Public. CANNOT BE EXPLODED, AS IT DOES NOT HEAT THE OIL! Every Stove Warranted. The ' Mayflower" Cook Stove will do the work required for Cooking better than the Coal, Wood, Gas or other Oil Stoves in use. Will cook three articles at the same time I No Sweltering Heat ! No Ashes to remove! No Fires to build! No Dust! No Smoke! No Dlsagreeble Smell! The only Safe and Reliable Oil Stove yet Invented. Absolutely safe. Prices of Cook Stoves from S3 to S8.K0. Parlor Exclusive terrritory given to Active Agents. Liberal Sale Dy & URAINARD, 748 Broadway, .New York. mar22 4wdkw m 0 me ruDiic -:o: HAVING ACCEPTED the AGENCY OF THE OF- Erie City, Pennsylvania, For the States of North and South Carolina an d Georgia, I am prepared to furnish full assortment of STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, STEAM HOISTING MACHINES, BOILERS, SAW and CORN MILLS, BOSS PRESS, COTTON GINS, THRESHERS 'and SEPARATORS SHAFT ING, PULLEYS, &c I can fill orders promptly and at most reasona ble Drices and tbe machinery is fully guaranteed. Parties wishing to purchase are requested to call and see me before they buy. Thanking my friends for the liberal patronage neretoiore extenaea me, 1 am Respectfully, JAMES F. JOHNSTON, College Street P. S. I have larze assortment (good reliabl work) of Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Spring Wagons. Also, several eood second-hand six seated Barouches, and one Clarence, suitable for livery men, which I will sell very low. If you want bargains call and see my stock. Jan29 d taw filacer, Baehu. Mandrake, Stilliagis and; many other of the best medicine known are com-, bined so skillfully in Parker's Grpcm Toxtc at to make it the greatest Blood Psriaef and the " ; Best Health aadStrragta Restorer eta? soi.' ; It cores Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neoralgia, Sleeplessness, and all diratrs of the Stomach, Bowals,Lungs, Liver. Kidneys, Urinary OrosM land alt Female Complaints. If you are wasting away with Consumption or, any disease, nse the Tonic to-day. Nomatterwhat your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. . Remember! This Tome cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Medicine ever made entirely different fmm Bitten. Ginaer Preoarations and' other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop- muiMflii. hut a -coc munn tow whkxuw None senuine without our signature on outside wrapper.-. Hiscox & Co., Chem Bemktst New York. ma niprwn 111 In n 1 1 O I II Tu I rARMLIl 9 nnin DrtWAlS ankaltUrIrsii marl-tf - RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United States Courts. Colleo- X . tions. Home and Toreign, tolldted. Ab- straets 01 xiues, taoreys, Ac., rurnisseei lor eom pensattont . - ';:vw-; Omca -N. E. Comer Trade Trran streets' Charlotte, H.C. fjan.8. BAY STATE IRON WORKS Evcrjltog in tle,.Line of RICHMOND,WA. Oui- claim foi n.crLt is based i upon the fact Mint n, chemical analj'sis prove. tJ-at tho tobacco srrwvn in our sociion is bettftf ctiantctl to iiiiO-c i. COOB.rTJTtEL satisfactory smoke tliaa AjiTT OTITER tobacco jiovn in the world; and being1 sitaatcd in the HEART of this fine tobacco section, "WE have the PICK ofi the offerings. The public ap preciate this ; hence our sales nxCCED the rroducts of ALL the Icadin.r niantifactories com bined. fS&F'Noiit '.nuine unless it lean the tra le-mark of the Bull. CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY, The Parlor Heater, (like cut) has proved a Great Success! Gives a Beautiful, Clar, Soft Light I Will heat a room in a few minutes. Ample for heating, any room in any Building. No Chlmey Flue or Pipe needed. When not required as a Heater, it can be easily changed to a Cook Stove, making It equally efficient fof the Kitchen at a small additional cost Gives entire Satisfaction. Heaters from S5 to S 1 2. "Send for- Circular. Discount to the Trade. Manufactured and for WHOLESALE MOLASSES, 1 FLOUR, MEAT, LARD, SOAP. A Full & Coilete it - COLLEGE & rOUETpll- R.M. MILLER & SONS.- maris f , . . - - 1 For sale at the CHARLOTTE OBSERVES; . nov24 tf fi.uw. 1 ' ' -m 1 w in" - m 1 v - 1 irm - .eas We euswstl L , Jfir. tiTrir llllSl tm ' V 1 1 r T'iTk Mill aiiac wmm. amw ., j w jtYi ftsatj Urn"' . mm'T"'" '.. bnath ,. ' , . 'ti'r.w.is nov23-d

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