Stye !)arkrtte b0trt)er. 8UB80BIPXI0K RAXES i am,' 2 One Month WBSKLT MDITIOS : Weekly, (in tto county) 00 ote.!-. JJJ Six Monti. 1 w IAbtml Beietionjor Club. , " 4 - t off--, irTr!5WAT!o .t! k HT.iUXH. ntKt-triTm IfTT?XZAIJrVeAS8, - 1 - VOL. XXV. CHLLdTTE, N. C. FRIDAY APRIL 15, 1881. NO. 3,773. PBOGBiMtX3HAKDBIIJJ3. &x& mote, motkltiQr Set. THE DEBT OF TENNESSEE. A NEW RAILROAD. Pitto lit II I I III mWl. m, hMt Glove In Market. Every pair Warranted. (mtbhxxd rma 13th. 1876.) Tuesday, March 29, 1881. OUB STOCK 01" i OUB WHITE GOODS Department will be found Barred, Striped, Lace and Plain Nainsooks. Barred and SWpedMuallns, Tlctorta and Persian ums. Plan. Striped, Dotted and Xace Muslins, Mull Musllni French Lawns, Piques, Tucking Tinon Lawns, Masalla. Lluon de Dacca, Bishop f own, and. indeed, ANYTHING wanted, in this line. We have an unusually large stocK of Laces, Embroideries, etc., etc. We hate a tremendous stock of DRESS GOODS, Buttons, Fringes Satin and other to match. Trimmings to OUB STOCK OF Roadv-made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods Is lnrge and cheap. We have the best Unlaondrled Shirt in the market forth money. mar29 Moots a fl gUozs 81 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which wlll'be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brands i Latest LADIES'. MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS1 SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line all prices. In variety and FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises & Satchels,. ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. feb20 OUB STOCK OF SPRING GOODS -13 COMPLETE. We have all the New Novelties In Dress Goods, viz., French Foull E Plaids, Brocades and Stri ped Buntings, Tinsel Brocades and Plaids, Bro cade raids and Plain Satins, In all shades. 1 CASHMERES I j CASHMERES I -IN ALL SHADES AND QUALITIES. TAMI3E, HENRIETTA AND EMPRESS CLOTHS SUMMER SILKS AT 45c PER YARD. 1T - . we nave one of the lamest stocks of Laces ever offered In this market, in Guipures, Dentelles. Mechlin, Vermacellas, Bretonne, Torchon, Lan guedoc, etc. The prettiest line of Cretonnes ever offered in this market at 25c per yard liace curtains and Lambreoulns. all the new designs, extremely cheap. I WHITE GOODS I WHITE GOODS i This Line is large and varied, comprising all the new Novelties, viz . Llnon D'Indle. Oreandles. Thread Cambrics, Lawns, Mulls, Plain, Striped uu .narrea Nainsook: Swiss, NalnaooK and namburg Edgings, Dotted 8ws, Indian Einbrl- ns, insn urocnet Laces, jtc. OUR STOCK OF RIBBONS Has been enlareed verr much: almost every shade in Hatln or Gros Grain. A beautiful line of bash Ulbbons. we now exclusive control of two factories manufacturing Ladles' and Gents' I HAND-SEWED SHOES I I HAND-SEWED SHOES I K V E B Y FAIR WABBANTED. We keep a large line' of Sheetings, Damasks. Mar- seuies, quills and House jmrnisning goous at bottom prices. We have Just opened a beautiful stock of I MACKINAW 1 MACKINAW AND FUB HATS j AND FUK UAI'B -PLAIN AND FANCY.- KID GLOVES, 8PBING SHADES, 85c PEB PAIB. rarasols, from the lowest srrades to the handsom est fabrics. Our stock of Hosiery, Notions,, nnges, Neckwear, Pasmentrr, Etc., is com plete, and we ask you to give it a careful exami nation before purchasing, as you can save mon ey by doing so. Staple lines as low as the low- tw" rrompt attention to orders.3 HABGBAVE3 ft WILHELM, Smith Building, Trade Street, Charlotte, W. C.: aprlO FOR RENT A NEWLY finished five-room cottage,; corner el Ninth and Cfcurnb at fa.. & t . , ' J Spring and Snmrner Goods is now Complete. ALEXANDER HARRIS Sp Stock 1881 MMIl, Styles 1 (MIS Are dow laden with new and fresh goods In great er variety ana ine cnoicesi selection that webave ever offered to the trade. EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND NSW IN TBESS GOODC BENGALINT7 ENGALIN-CJ SHOODAO HOODAO FOUL 17 FOULJCj SATIN DE LYOVT ATIN DE L0N SUITINI SUITINVT RE5S GOOD B4YONNAIO AYONNAIIO CREPE REFE C ATIN 8URATT ATIN SURA MADBAS ADBAS WHITE, BLACK 4 COLORED GRENADINES With Trimmlnea to Match. k5 AND PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING. A very handsome assortment of WHITE GOODS Embracing all grades, from DOMESTIC PIQUE TO THE FINEST FRENCH AND PERSIAN LAWNS. Parsols pnd Silk Umbrellas. Something new In Table Linen Setts. Ecru Lace Curtains new and popular Some beautiful Scotch Ging hams. Everything new and stylish win be found In our stock. We will be pleased to have you Inspect our gocda. T. L SEIGLE & CO. apl3 WLxztzlVmzous. A DELICIOUS DRINK For Use in Families, Hotels. Clubs, Parties, Etc. Boston: . K. flSAYXS fe SONS. Th. "Hub Pnnoh " hu Utely been introdueed, and meets with marked popolv fror. It is Warranted to Contain only th 9 Best of Liquors, united with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. tt it reidr on oosnins. and will be found an asresabls addition to th chniea thinr which nndeniabhr .nlam th. plea re of life and enconrage good f.llowahip .ad gooa natar e u ngntij .njoy.a. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch. It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold hT laadinir Wine Merchant. Oro eera. Hotels ai Druggist, everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by Wil son & Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Charlotte, Hi. c." Jan. 23-eod-6m. TU.TT?S ILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. loMof appetite JTaniea.bpwela costive, Fain in theHeadi.with a dull sensation in the baet part, Fain under the honlder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits, -Loss of memorr. with a feelimr of having neg lected some duty, weariness, PiMrinesa, JHtterlng of the Heart, Dota before the eyea. Ygliow Bkln, Headache. Beatless neaa at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WAENUrGS AJUE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FILLS re especially adapted to each dose effects each change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Th.y Iaenaie Uae Appetite, and cans, the body to Take on Vleu. thus the ayatem U Dim rttve T.OI ar atoola are duced. Fries : TUTT'S Oa at Haib or Whisk kbs changed to aGLOSsr Black by a sing-le application of this Dtk. It imparts a natural color; acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggist., or rent by expraa. on rec.ipt of f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CD,. TCTPB HAHCAIi vt V.faabl. Ia .atl d CmM KiMlpfa wUl Im aulted FEU aa apaliaUw. - Feb 23 deod&wly. HUGH SISS0N & S0KS, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers OF MARBLE STATUARY MONUMENTS, FUBNITTJEE SLABS, Tile, Mantels, Altars. Tombs, 140 West Baltimore Street, , . ; AND CORNEB NOBTH AND MONUMENT ST8, 1 HUB JPDICH. PI HAIR DYE ';; r " ' baltimoreCmo: vbbis-HiMa&irfr -... 'I be Terms Lrpau Which It ie telle " Settled. The funding bill just Dassed bv the Tennessee Legislature, and entitled "An act to compromise and , settle the bonded indebtedness of the State of Tennessee " Drovides in effect that t.hft outstanding bonds, principal and inter est, shall be refunded at their face value up to the 1st of July, 1881, in new bonds payable in 1980, but redeemable at the pleasure of the State at any time Derore inaturity, and bearing interest at 3 per cent, per annum. The amount of indebtedness thus provided for in cludes outstanding bonds which have been refunded or renewed under pre vious acts, amounting to $20,221,350, bonds of old issues which ,have not been renewed to the amount of $789,- 000, and arrears of interest aggregating aoout $6,000,000. originally, before tee war, it was contracted as an "internal improvement debt," in aid of railroads, turnpikes and canals, and in 1860 amounted to $6,481,000. During the "reconstruction period" succeeding the war it was largely increased in conse quence of the inability of the railroads to meet their obligations to the-State. Ia 1869-70 an act or the Legislature was j passed which authorized the railroads to discharge their indebtedness to the State in the State's own "legally issued bonds," then largely depreciated in value. In 1872 the State's lien upon the defaulting railroads was exhausted, some eleven of them being sold, the State realizing from the sale $6,698,000, paid almost exclusively in depreciated bonds and couDons. This still left the State owing a large amount ol bonds issued on account of tnese very roads, while the only assets which the State had to show on account of that indebt edness had been sacrificed by the sale. In 1877 the State formally repudiated by the passage of an act suspending Payment of interest on the State debt, 'he question of paying the State debt became, as in Virginia, the football of politics, and after various abortive schemes of settlement which were mooted and fell through, and after a series of stormy debates, carried on in' successive Legislatures and on the. stump, the bill for the present settle ment has prevailed by the concurrent votes of the "State-credit" Democrats and the debt-paying Republicans over the "low-tax" Democrats and Repudia- tors having oeen passed in the State Senate by a majority of one, a "low-tax" Senator voting with the State-credit members of his party for the purpose, and has been signed by the present Re publican Governor and become a law The new bonds to be issued in pursu ance of the act, in. accordance with its provisions, will bear upon their face the words "for the prompt payment of the principal and interest the faith, honor and credit of the State is solemn ly pledged." It is further provided that the coupons of the bonds as they be come due shall be receivable for all debts and taxes due the State. Believ ing that there is a conscience of nations and communities as well as individuals this evidence of her awakened sense of what is due to honesty and public faith on the part of the Legislature of Ten nessee has been received everywhere with gratification. Doubtless the gen erally prosperous condition of the State and country, and the prevailing low rate of interest for money, which makes 3 per cent, per annum appear much larger than it would have done ten or fifteen years ago, have greatly contributed to and favored the settle ment. The recent decision of the Su preme Court of the United States in regard to the Virginia State coupons being receivable for taxes has also helped the cause by strengthening the security which the new arrangement affords the bondholders. It is sincere ly to be honed that, having refused to scale the principal of her debt, and hav ine taken nlace once more in the ranks of debt-paying States, the great and prosperous State of Tennessee will take no step backward in this matter, but will remain an example and encourage ment to others which are still wrestling with the temptation of repudiation, re adjustment and dishonor. PROROGUING THE SENATE. The method that May be Resorted To A late Washington letter says: A Republican Senator was asked to-day what would be done in the event that the Senate should be left without a Quorum. He replied that he did not believe that this would occur as many of the pairs were made upon the condi tion that the Senator remaining here might vote to make a quorum, but, he added, if Senators enough should pair and go home to leave the Senate witn out a quorum, the Republicans would leave here Senators enough to watch proceedings and adjourn from day to day, and he supposed that the Demo crats would do likewise. In any event he believed the session would continue through the summer. Another theory is that when it has been sufficiently de monstrated to the satisfaction 01 both parties that nothing can be done by re maining in session tne irresiaeni win be notified of the conclusion, and he will thereupon prorogue the Senate un der section 3. article 2, or tne constitu tion. Having thus gotten rid of his incumbrance the. President may appoint officials to fill vacancies during the re cess sumect to the approval of the Sen ate when it meets in regular session in December. It is thought by some that such an emergency might be considered one of those -"extraordinaiy occasions" pro vided for in the constitution when the President may., adjourn either one or both nouses or uongress. xnis wouia unquestionably meet the approbation of the country at large. Death of the Faster, Iowa City. April 12. -Miss Hattie Deuell. the fasting girl, died at noon yesterday and was buried this after noon. Immediately after death. a post mortem examination was made by Dr CoWperthwaite, dean of the homcepa- thic deDartment of the university. No a droD of blood was found in the body, which weighed forty-five pounds. The stomach was also entirely void of any substance IsTo' further particulars have yep been made public. A Wild Tornado in Mississippi. Memphis, April 14. . special to the Appeal from Hernando, Miss., says a severe wind J storm passed over 'the conntrv .one mile STarth of . Hernando, yesterday af terhoon. blowuig -, down trees, houses. &e. Dr. Lauderdale and wife - tfere seyerely , injured. Several negroes are reported " killed. O wing to the s Wotf dfiqltibtr or tttenef eexvit is imDossibleMDbtaimfurther particu lars. Hernando is 20 miles south of J. A A fcxutoxTruut tan rWbari bv evniv iad 1 1 who will se 'Parkrf Ginger; Tonlct For- prompt- i T i- umi.Hitii thik llvAr unit IrlrTnn . and luirlfrfnir Ufte biSodtoereisnotWngllke it,, an (hia fefhe ! f reason why it so quickly removes pimples and The "Wheeling. PsurketaKVllle dc Char leston, la West Virginia. Wheeling, April 13. An Eastern syndicate proposes to buil a railroad from this place to Charleston, W. Va., a distance of 180 miles, as soon as the deal company with which it can con nect, is organized. The road is to be known as the Wheeling, Parkersburg & Charleston Railroad. The incorpora- ors were selected to-day, and steps will be taken to make the survey im mediately. All that is asked of the lo cal organization is the rightrof-way. The road will be of the standard gauge and will connect at Charleston with the Chesapeake & Ohio road, and at this end of the line with the Pennsyl vania system. Senator Camden repre sented the Eastern syndicate at the meetiner to-dav. The road will Dass through the counties of Ohio, Marshall, Wetzell, Tyler, Pleasant, Wood, Jack son and Kanawha. s Schaef er Beats Slossen. New "Yoke, April 14. The following are the scores of the billiard match at the end of the second game, which was played last night : Schaef er, average 19 510; total score 1600. Slosson, aver aged ; total score 797. Time of game two hours, 10 minutes. From Chlcopee Falls, Mass., Edgar T. Page, Esq., druggists, writes that! Mr. Albert Guenther, under Wilds' Hotel, has used that remariabte remedy, St Jacob's Oil for a severe case of rheu matism, and it cured him as If by magic. He also used it with great success among his horses, in cases of sprains, sores., etc., and It cures every, time. , - THE GREATEST BLESSING. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures ev ery time and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver ac tive, Is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters Is that remedy, and Ste propri etors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by It. Will you try It ? See anocner column. isagie. Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen eral debility, mental and Dhvslcai exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and dropsy, "I'M ALL PLATED OUT." Is a common complaint. If you feel so, get a package of Kidney-Wort and take it and you will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the healthy acuon oi ine saaneys, ooweis ana uver, ana tnus restores the natural life and strength to the weary body. It can now be had in either dry or liquid form, and in either way Is always prompt and ef ficient hi action. New Bedford Standard. ake " BLAUK-UHAUUH I " and you Till never be bilious. aprtll For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. Smith's Scrofula Sirup and Star Curine are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White swelling, uatarrh, Kheumansm, money ana Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? From C. D. McCurry, Newton county. Georgia: I take great pleasure In recommending to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. My little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, preacriDea ior mm ms uroup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find it equally benficial In all cases of Couehs I consider it a blessing in my family. every one should keep it In their houses. For sale by Dr. x. u. smita., octzv-Gm. ACABD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervoss weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, dec., i will sena a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self -addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, StaUon D, New York City. apr 37 eodiyawiy Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. WAD LET, EMANUEL CO., UA., OCT, 1U, 18 IV. Gentlemen: While attending the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curine on my leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After hav ing thoroughly treated it I am compelled to say that it Is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and found noth ing to cure me until I used your Star Curine, which nascureaa remarkably Daa case, wismng you success, I am yours, respectfully, John Bell. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. oct26 6m. "WINE OF CARDUI " makes rosy cheeks and clear complexions. For sale by T. C. aprill SMITH. Men. Rwcrusont Bro.: It is with real pleas ure that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Neuralglne" as a specific for neura'gla and sick headache. Such a remedy is a blessing, and all sufferers should keep it on band. J. R. Rtdgklt, im Cathedral Street, Baltimore. Sold by T- wuraTON CO. Do not faB to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith's Scrofula Syrup. Star Curine cures all chronic Sores and is a sure cure for Pile ' . M Call on your druggist before it Is too late and get a bottle of Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., President of Moore's Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga: This Is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's Expecto rant in my family for several years, and can re commend It as an Invaluable remedy for Coughs, eti nnd have found it sunerior to any other reme- Jes fcat I have tried. For sale by Dr. C. Smith. A trial package of " BLACK-DBAUGpT-free of charge at T. C. SMITH'S. aprill 10 run ! :o: HAVING ACCEPTED the AGENCY OF THE- OF Erie City, Pennsylvania, For the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia, I am prepared to furnish full assortment of STATIONARY . AND PORTABLE ENGINES, STEAM HOISTING MACHINES, BOILERS, SAW and CORN MILLS, BOSS PBESS, COTTON GINS, THRESHERS . . : . : and SEPARATORS SHAFT-; ' J ING,' PULLEYS, Sea.. I can fill orders promptly and at most reasona ble prices and the machinery Is fully guaranteed, Parties wlshinfto purchase are requested to call and see me before they buy. ; - Thanking my friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended meIam 1 ... .,! i,f JAMES F. JOHNSTON,.. ly) I'; . ".'hi m--f.'.'-A .College Street, P S I have large assortment (good reliabl ! work) of Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, 8pring Wazons. - Also, several good- second-hand six .. -aowMwtiM. and emit Clarence, suitable fox Swfrr mem which! will sell very low. If 70a want s call and see my stock, -, BAY STATE IRON WORKS 9 4 aw HT FOR AND rr D. ap!5 w O IE IE& 31 Es3" t 10 CLOTHING L. BEBWAMBS & BEO. FIKE Cl-OTHIBTG-. The general revival of business has had a cheering effect and given encourage ment to every branch of trade. The increase of our sales during the past year has inspired us to make extensive preparations for this season, and we shall offer the most varied and attractive stock of "Fine Clothing, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Etc., ever exhibited in this market. Special attention is paid to styles and the introduction of novelties The excellence of our manufac tured clothing has characterized our efforts to eclipse previous productions. We make special efforts to always produce the latest styles of Hats and Nov elties in Neckwear. We solicit an inspection of our stock. apr9 CARPETS CARPETS ! 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 Floor Oil Cloths, THEE-PLY INGRAINS, WHITE AND FANCY MATTING, All of Handsome and Newest Designs at MEW UdDffitS. IPDBIKDIEg. 100 Pairs of Lace Curtains, of the most approved patterns rich, elegant and very cheap. 50 pieces Nottingham Lace and Cottage Drapery, at 12c per yard and upwards. 100 Assorted Rugs, Mats and Crumb Cloths, in felt and linen. apr8 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawm, SUk Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Corsets and Hosiery, all the latest Styles and very Cheap. ALSO! A HANDSOME STOCK OF ' Ready-Made Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods- Give us a call before buying. mar27 THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DURHAM LONG CUT HAS UO 3Tr -A.Ii. This, together with Sitting Bull, Durham, k Durham Twist Tfl MAJTDT ACTUKKD BY E. H. POGUE, DURHAM, N. C. For sale by all dealers in Charlotte. mar8 eod'2m J. L. HARDIN, -MERCHANDISE BBOKXB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLLXM ST., CSCAIiOTTE, N. C, Orders for Grain, Hay, Meal, Flour, Lard, Bacon, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, &c respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relMr ble houses represented. Jan 23 SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC An - i ttttiitt a rrT1 i ui4Hi rununABjiu . FOR CASH- New' York and North Carolina Smelting .mm t rm&rlnrM. will na.T the heat Cash Prices epBMtoUueomwieit , Ko chante will he made for samplinc and a saying ores purchased by 4ia . . . .... , . Bpecin aseers forjiold and SUtot, fl.Eft ; epu.Mi mm A THE FINEST I LATTA 1881. WITTKO JUST RECEIVED A LARGE VARIETY OF IIIfcROVED PATENT LIYER PAD1 Kbtsx Gts Hae. CSsjt w Mxn amt 8TiorH flniin, Xn . T it am Lous. attain Oar wlttwt tn&hg flt frtda. Mill .-.'..' :t-tll.J (Mi tad Fever, LrrerComplsM RemlgiA, Hrta&sij CoffiTeaia, Bkk k Utam " 9m Am Am .N TV Ifurinmfllh nil, nr f ninnfinjMiHrnMrt-Vrn intotb BtwsMh. The Fade see were erer Jb ft of the StoiMMh. esTeriaff th6 GrwU N CtntnM, alao tee Ltor Mid Wtnaaih A geoNe T-bl Tonkis aterlMd into tlMGiromlMa of Blood cat Liyar, ynrifylag ttuBiooe. eMwalewng tie LiTtrand KMmts iahmithy eetfam.-n4 tpeartbdng tb BtomMfi to U t food, f K ow Pam akd ) XACR. BOLB BT ALL PKV8IB, et MDt IU 'i&Sri!1 'fleiKiet Balthne-,Md.: - - ' For sale in Charlotte at the arag stores Wrlston & Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson A Burwen. ' ' I' ; 1 Lmajiei.' 1 mHONEST 7: T.W; is t C Itf w3 Kit M 1 Beware Ol lmnaaeiu. none geame amen Tumiaui wfth nnr "H(Ynt T eo&TlKhted label eem' Whi( hichwlll be found enheadef "ee box. k. m ..... v . V s IP1 - ; CLOTHINC STOCK L. BERWANGER & BRO., CLOTHIERS AND TAILOR WSKY & BARUOH. ELI AS & COHEN. iroist by ;iiiin. K)f !.:'. --' : fl to 'iH..ji ; I j Go to 0 1 i H and Successor to F.JScarr ft Cev, . ton Fresh None bat the IS Very I'est Dregs so do I keep In my stock. Also, tdtfet and Fancy Artkfles.Fertomerle inb1 ' Brushes, Toeth Rrashes. ct. of all the best Varieties, ( warranted ., to he good.- . . Physicians' prescriptions are given spec- W ttnUo. I M M II h n f Hoping . iecerte i' shiref pobHe paaonage, SSvnf.igt. t A POSITIV-. CURE T XT J OA'l'A1 T- am - - - . Wlthotitl5!n!s4 i. No. 1 will cere say u1S.L,-.t. vZ a will one the most, ne net sijweod, that arewtato to p-auce uisepgu hVSsff&theceattots efttestemacX.; sreoeletef pi taaircalax,"; WOE IIIHMWI I WtSlllllllPW"1! I"! WVWH DiiigslliiieMcines i tj 1 1 1 kit t t I j tt t, i hi J t e 1 -i. V i I aprnc . , ; ' D. P. H OTCHISON. J I FJ.. , 1 w4t j 1

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