LOCAL INTfiUittffiflCB. ' FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1881. - ""society directory. fe philajix Lodg Na 81, A. F. Al Mk-fcegalar SinJevery second ami fourth Mondai nights. hsior Lodok Na 261, A. F. A A. IL-Beg-ifr ranting every first and third Tuesday night rnARLOTTK Chaptkb No. 89, R, A. M. Regular mettngevery 860011(1 tourtn rriday lunto- mRixrrra Comhamdabt No. 2, K. T. Regular munlevery first and third Thursdays. m 2C- OIF EC. s-miohts of Honob. Regular meeting every .Jond and fourth Thursdays. SZ. OIE1 Ir?- oht9 or Ptthias. Regular meeting nights ' ."and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Ball. I. O. O. IP. Charlotte Lodgb No. 88. Meets every Mon day iihL , MKCKLKNBTJBG DECLARATION LODGX NO. 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixie Lodo No. 108. Meets every Friday nlgW - riTAWBA Kivkb Encampment Na 21. Meets and third Thursday nights In each month. INDICATIONS. War Department, ) otfie Chief Signal Officer, Washington, April 15, 730 p. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, cool er southeast to southwest winds, fall ing barometer, clearing weather, index to New Advertisements. Opera House AUce Oaies Comic Opera Com- Kml Ducks, Etc-8. M. Howell- page 2. A cara wm. joniitou page 3. uieat AddtUoai K. M. Aiitticws page 2. tor hem-vh- jBaulJger page A. HO .TIE PEIVCI LINGS. The weather continues to be of an unprecedented nature for this season of ibe year. Demijohns were priced at several places day before yesterday for the wholesale rates. Mr. A. S. Burt, advance agent for Alice Dates who appears on the 19th inst, was in the city yesterday. The Monroe Enquirer says: We notice quite a number of visitors from Mecklenburg in attendance upon court this week. Col. Wm. Johnston announces him self this morning a candidate for the mayorality, in reply to the communica tion of "Many Citizens." John Williams, colored, has been bound over to the Inferior court by the mayor, for stealing a pair of shoes from Frank Springs, also colored. Seventy-five mires of new steel rails have already been'TTfdd down upon the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road since the repairing commenced. Capt. Samuel Gross, was last night very ill with pleurisy, at his residence on south Tryon street. It was greatly feared the morning wouldnot find him alive. The fast mail missed the connec tions beyond Washington night before last, and consequently no Northern pa pers or letters were received here yes terday. An entire act of the Pirated of Penzance was successfully gone through with by the members of the Gounod Club last night, and they are greatly encourged by their progress. A telegram from New York yes terday conveys the intelligence that the water works contract has been signed by all the necessary parties and will be returned in a few days. Attention ia called toVT2XM. An drews' new advertisement this morn ing. An addition lias lately been added to his store, making it 145 feet long. Both the upper and lower stories are well filled. The justices of the Supreme Court day before yesterday filed au opinion in the case of the First National Bank of Charlotte vs. R. B. Alexander et al. The judgment of the Superior Court was aftrmed. The Anson Times, published in Wadesboro, says: Mr. D. G. Long, of the firm of Long & Bro., of Charlotte, dealers in grain and feed, has opened a branch store here in the new building of Parker & Williams. The Monroe Enquirer, after copy ing The Observer's article on the failure of the blackberry crop, adds: "We learn from persons who have had an opportunity for noticing the briar patches in this vicinity that they are all killed here also." 0:caeiou oi .he Delay. The Richmond & Danville train, due lere at 1.52 p. m. yesterday, did not ar rive until about 9 p. m. The delay was occasioned by an accident' to a freight train by which two cars were wrecked at Drake's Branch, about 60 miles be yond Danville. The mail was obliged tj wait until the wrecking train arriv ed and cleared the track. I m i Conscience money The Anson Times makes reference as follows to an incident which has just occurred to a gentleman who was, until recently, a citizen of Charlotte: "Our townsman, Col. L. S. Williams, was twenty years ago a member of the firm of Oates & Williams, of Charlotte. There has been no such firm under that title since 1859. The colonel received a letter last week, addressed to L. S. Wil liams, Wadesboro, containing $5, evi dently in a disguised hand, and saying only 'the property of Oates & Williams? He thinks it is conscience money, and returns his thanks to his repentant friend." Alice Oates Coming. Comic opera is growing more and more popular in Charlotte and this fact of itself would tend to give Alice Oates cordial welcome on her appearance at the opera house next Monday night. At this time also the Lenten season will have closed, and those who have been withdrawing themselves from such pleasures will find a peculiar rel ish in her presentation of "Olivette.' khe was with us last season and played to one of the largest and most delighted audiences we had. There is a charm abeut her acting which catches all even those who find no special pleasure ,u. goon music, and she always carries un ner a good company. cai Estate Transfers. The follnwincr is a liaf. nf-fh rp.al Ro tate transfers executed up to date since the first of April: Deeds conveying tracts of land from St. Julien Ravenel to David C. Ebough; R. B. Russell to - - uner; js. Fesperman to -ueorge Wilson : A. W. Reid to Messrs. Fri day and Wilson r .Thn "P. Brown, truS-i tee, to D. P. Hutchison; E. M. Puckett w j. w. Wilson; l. and wm. JS. fcny er to Sarah F. Hill : W. M. Bicrcrers to D. C. Flow ; Celia L. Johnston to Mary A-J?,ouglas; 'James and W. C. Hastings to W. M. Hicks ; W. M, Hicks to A. U. """J ; a, w. ttiisseii to it. a. ltusseu, y ty lots were transferred" bv - W. Forbes to John W. Miller and. David mwiiiiger to W. W.jQrier." ' v ; Beauty, health, and happiness iot ladies n "W!NE OF CARDU1." , . : , prill FOTsalobyT.C8MITH. Uncalled Fer. i .: , :.; The following letters remain uncall ed for m the Charlotte postoffice for the week ending April lith : " Mias Amanda Adams, S. Al Hawking, Miss Susan Barnes, Mrs' Aim Kirk pattick, M. IV LTBiggers, Miss Laura Lueky, Mrs. M. Blakney, E. G. Larin, J. A. Berry, Anthony Morris, Mrs. Julia A. Banner, Mrs. Annie McCaiilay, W. P. Carpenter, Mrs. Bettie McNight, D. I. Carson, H. J.Morgan, Miss Annie Davis, H. C. Madlin, Phil. Fullenwider, Miss Lizzie McNair, D. D. Friday, Miss. Molhe D. McCord, David Freeman, Miss Julia Nelson, Mana Fox, Arthur A,dam, R. A. Fleming, Miss Charity: ONeal, Mrs. James Godfrey, W. B Overby, G. W. Grubbs, Mrs. Mary Owens, IJ. A. Morgan, Mrs. Jane Rum bert, J. A. Henderson, Mrs. M. E. Query, Robert Hender-vm. J. .T- Smith, "Mm 'Adlihe Hall, C. T. Smith,. JEli Hall, M. mitn, rank Harris, Miles Hill. Shall the Telephone be Discontinued 7 About one year has now elapsed since ueus teiepnonic system was first es tablished here. As to the advantage it has been to our citizens its Datrons can best testify, and the fact that; these are- aimost unanimous in desiring its con tinuance is sufficient evidence of its- utility. The enterprise so far, however, is said to have proved unprofitable to the originators and a necessity for its. discontinuance is feared if others do- not rally to its support. It is evident that the value of this method of 'com- jnumcation will be enhanced to each- individual member'' in protiortion as. the whole number of subscribers in crease, and therefore it is to the inter est of every one. that it be so increased. Under the efficient management of Mr. Eugene R. Dodge there has been com paratively few hitches in the working of the system to what other places have experienced, and there never has been any complaint made the cause of which has not been promptly remedied. Mr. Dodge will canvass the city for new subscriptions in a few days, and every business man at least should have and use the tele phone. The irlllUary'and the Yorktowu Cele bration 4 xne itaieign jy ews-uoserver states a piece of news which will interest mem bers of our military companies: "It is probable that his excellency Governor Jar-vis will prescribe a State uniform for the Guard. The fancy dress uniforms now in use wilt be un serviceable and uncomfortable on such fcn occasion as the Yorktown celebra tion. It is, in fact, necessary to the comfort and appearance of the troops that they should have such a service dress. Therefore we are gratified to know that the same uniform will be worn by all our troops. It will add a hundred per cent, to the appearance and efficiency of the Guard." The same paper also says: "The Adjutant-General is making ar rangements for the transportation or the command to Yorktown, and for their shelter and subsistence while there. It i3 entirely practicable for North Carolina troops to maintain their old-time reputation and glorious recordand to look as well and do as well at Yorktown as troops from any State. When to Go to the Potitoftlce. Rules and regulations tor governing the opening for distribution and closing for transmission or the daily mans re ceived at the Charlotte postoffice have been issue 1 bv the postmaster. Until further notice, the following hours will be observed for the opening and deliv ery of the mails mentioned : For Rich mond and (jnarlotte, two mans daily, .80 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. : Charlotte and Atlanta, two mails daily, 7.30 a. m. and 15 p. m. ; Charlotte and Augusta, 4.15 . m.; Wilmington and Charlotte, 7 p. m.; unanotte ana &neioy, o.3u p. m.; Charlotte and Statesville, 10.15 a. m. The mails close as follows : Richmond and Charlotte, two mails daily, 3 p. m. and 5.30 a.m.; Atlanta and Uharlotte, two mails daily, 1.30 p. m. and 9.30 p. m.; Augusta and Charlotte, 1.30 p.m.; Wilmington and Charlotte, 5.40 a.m.; Shelby and Charlotte, 7.30 a. m. ; States ville and Charlotte, 3 p. ra. uthee hours inclusive will be as follows: General delivery, throughout the .week, from 7.30 a. m. to 7 p. m. : Sundays from 8.30 to 950 a. m. and from 450 to -5 p.m. Money order and registered letter from 9 a. m. to t p. m. A Smart Little Woman. Manv people in Charlotte reit ember Mrs. Beasley, who with her husband and son Charlev. lived in this city some years aao. leaving here for Philadel phia just about the time the centennial celebration began and there opening a boarding house, where she entertained manv persons from the South. The Keidsville Times tens tnis story or ner . m. . ... . ... "She has invented a life saving raft for savins lives at sea that has been adopt ed bv the government over hundreds of similar inventions. She has also in vented a merchant's tag that one firm in Philadelphia made a contract for thirtv-five thousand, and has invented an attachment tor sewing macnines ior makinz complete burton holes ana and smoothing the rough places. She told Dr. Smith, of this town, who went to see her when in Philadelphia, that a merchant showed her what was de ficient in the button holes and she at nnf.A told him she could invent such an attachment and went to work and did so. and on this slight invention a stock company was at once formed, Mrs. Keas ev being allowed so mncn inter - 11 1 . ! A. est. The doctor: her husband, is iook incr welL arid their little boy is a prom ismg young mar ot au; sne nas nun the University of Pennsylvania. He . . . . . m - - 1 : J. is a fine speaker and maae iiancoos sneeches in the last campaign, apd at an union of tne oia soioiers oi iaz hi Philadelphia Charley Beasley delivered the address. . The: Times say 3 she was recently in- terviewea oy uue mo "-j pii'd, and was spoken of as a Philadelphian, whereas she "was born at Hoosiertown, near Winston, her maiden name being Hoosier. How Stick Candy U JIade, . It is not perhaps generally known that all hut a verv inconsmeraDie por tion of the stick candy sold by whole sale and retail in the stores in tne city and hv the country and village mer chants for a great distance around is manufactured here, but such is the fact. It is estimated that from 500 to 1,000 pounds of suck candy is made in this city daily. Before the war the manufacture of this" sweet-meat was considered an , attainment beyond the reach of our people, and ins i ankee was the first medium through whom it was obtained Shortly after the war it hMrahio' be manufactured here on a limited scale- which has gradually been extended until now scarcely any oi it is imnorted. And this IS not at ail sur prising, considering the simple way in which is is made: The sugar (only the beat grade of New Orleans being used) is put into a large kettle over a furnace fire, with about a gallon of water to 10 pounds. In this it bolls from 20 to 30 minutes; and is. then- poured out on marllo slabs to cooL.- , While r it .4s Still warm, hou pver, a small piece is.cut off and uiu'dtTwitli ieoxshineal prntiV t is dyed red The testis thrown together in amecaand suspended bv.th&middle on an iron hook. Here ii is pulled; and flnrrhlftfl fintil ltbecomes whiter W. the action; of .the airrwhnlit is;p. ut on ft inner tahln iniA round - lump i and. the piece Tdyd -Hr-ith, cochineal ?is cut in strips ana pasted at regular ' Intervals around it. It is then drawn out and rolled about in long pieces until it be comes of one size, like that of the pieces seen in the candy jars on the store shelves. When it is cut in sticks dnd wrapped up in five-pound packages roc the trade. Tiie Richmond: and Danville and the Koad to Athens. Augusta Chronicle, 14th. The Richmond and Danville Railroad it will be remembered a few days since made an offer to the city of Athens ior its stock in the Northeastern Railroad, and this offer was accepted, subject to ratification by a majority of the voters of Athens. It is not believed that Mr. Wadley will make any contest with the Richmond and Danville for this road. regarding it as of no particular import ance to the new combination, it is al so rumored that the Richmond and Danville will seek to obtain a controll ing interest in the Central by the pur chase of stock, but this is not thought to have much foundation, as it is be lieved that Mr. Wadley, Mr. Taylor and others interested in the. new syndicate, control enough stock in the Central already ' to pre vent the Richmond and, ' Danville from getting in if it was so disposed. The two combinations meet at Atlanta and both must use the Western and Atlantic Railroad for a part of the way at any rate. The Richmond and Dan- vine is at present present aiming to reach New Orleans, so as to "have a line of its own from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic, and it must go over the State Road as far as Dalton. It is pro bable that when the lease of the State Road expires both of.the combinations will strive to get it. Many of our youne married DeoDle don't know what a blessing Dr. Boll's Baby Syrup is until the youagster is able to yeU by the hour. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Col. Wm. Johnston a Candidate for IT! ay or A Card. To the Citizens of Charlotte: ADDreclatlne the manv earnest solicitations for the use f my name ter the efflce of mayor of the city, and referring to a card published by "Many citizens" in thb obsebvxb or the 14th insc, it is proper that I should tate that I -accept the posi tion assigned to me la that card, and will serve, if elected mayor of Charlotte. As requested, twill publicly gtv& my views on all pending questions of moral and material reform to my fellow-citizens at any time and place that they may deslgaate jtespecuuuy, WM. JOHNSTON. Charlotte, April 14, 1881. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH APRIL. 14. 1881. PRODUCE. WiudiKGTdN, N. C Spirits turpentine nom'l c Rosin steady; strained si. 91Va. eood strained $1.40. Tar firm at $1.60. Crude turpentine steady at Jl.cO for hardjellow dip $2.50 and 3.00 for virgin. Baltimokk Nieht Oats - dull; Southern . Western white 46a7, do mixed 44a46, Pennsylva nia-. Provisions unsettled, without quotable change; mess pork 16.75 for old; new 17. SO; DuiK meats loose snoumers , ciear riD siaes , ditto packed 6a8$4; bacon shoulders 64i, clear rib sides 9. hams Hal 2. Lard refined tierces 1 U4, Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 10a 12. Sugar firm: A soft 9. Whiskey dull at 1.091b. Freights quiet. Chiciao Flour steady, unchanged. Wheat un settled, generally lower, closed firm; No. 2 Chicago spring 1 00tea.02cash, 1.04Uga4fe May. Com In iod demand at 3wja4zva casn, 428a4 uay or rune. Oats steady at 3 iaa4 casn, itout May ana Juue. Pork strong, higher at 17.50. Lard strong, higher at 11.12 Bulk meats unsettled, general ly higher; shoulders 5.25, short ribs 8.65, clear 8.65. Whiskey steady at 1.08. Cincinnati Flour steady, unchanged: family 5.00a5.20, fancy 6.40a6 20. Wheat easier, Ureg ular; No. 2 red winter 1.10a. 14. Corn easier at 47. Oats strong, higher at 40a41. Pork quiet, held at $19.50. Lard strong at 10 85all.00. Bulk meats Irregular, higher; shoulders 5.40; ribs 8.40; bacon in good demand, shade higher; should era 6.26, ribs 9. 12Ma, clear sides 9.50- Whiskey steady at 1.06. Sugar steady, unchanged; bard UVka l ou. ew urieans omas. tiogs au et; com mon 4 50U5 85, light 5.40a6.00, packing 5.35a 5.85, butchers 6.00a6.35. Nrw YOek Southern flour quiet, unchanged; common to lair extra 4.7bab.zu, good to cnoice 5.25a7.00. Wheat opened a snaae lower, aner wards recovered, and closed a trifle higher and strong; ungraded red $l.lDal.27u- Lrn VsslI higher; ungraded 56a59. Oats without Important chauge;45 for No. 2. Hops firm, unchanged. Coflee quiet, uncnangeu; mo cargoes luai-M Kiurar steadv: Cuba muscovado 71A. fair to good re ti nine 7 816a7 5-16, prime 796; refined In mod erate demand; standard A 8a, Molasses firm and In ralr inquiry; rennining iivzaa, tr ono uco Rico 36a50, English Islands 85a38, New Orleans 80a55. Bice In fair demand, steady;Carollna and Louisiana 5a7. Kosin dun at l.ovfcai.'o. rur pentine lower at 38VS- Wool weak; domestic fleece 32a46, pulled 20a40, unwashed 14aS3, Texas 14a 28. Pork higher, strong at $17.3iSa 17 4.0: middles hteher. more active: long ciear 8.75, short clear . long and short . Lard about 15 higher, closing weaK.. jrreigais nrm. . COTTON Oalvkstoh Weak; middling 10; low middl'g A3bc: eood ordinary RStfcc: net rec'ts 1,205; gross ; sales 687; stock 88,084: exp'te coastwise 2,526; to Great Britain ; France 1,742. N ortolk Quiet : middline lOHkd; net receipts 1,919; gross'; stock-18,447: exports coastwise 931; sales 297; export to oreat Britain. Baltmoim Quiet j middling 10: low middl'g lOthc: good ordld'y 9tfec; net rec'ts 462; gross 780; spinners 50; exports to urear Britain ; to Continent . BoerroH Steady; middling lU6e;.low middling; lOHhc: good ord'y 9lfcc; net receipts 397; gross 545; sales : stock 9,910: exports -to (ireat Britain ; to .France. WrumieTOHi Steady: middling 10c; low mid dling 94fcc; good ordinary 7w; receipt? 08; gross . sale stock 3,624; exports coast wise ; to Great Britain. - Philabilphia Steady; middling llic ; low middling lOttoc: (rood ordinary 95: nut receipts 456 gross 1,933; sales 479; splnnen 289: ttocs 14,097; exports to Great Britain ; coast. Savannah Dull; middling lOVaa: low middline 9&; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 5; gross 700: sales 1,900; stock 29,834; exp. coast wise 2,bl2; to ureat Britain ; cuuimeuu Nkw Oblsian8 Quiet; mldd'g 10c; low njid- dltng 9; good ord'y 8c; net receipts a,da; gross B.WtlO: sates 4,uuu; siocKiSDa.i5wo: miw to Great Britain ; connnent l.Odd; coastwise Mobilb Steady; middling 1014c; low middling 9c;good ordinary 814c; net receipts 485; gross ; sales 800; stock 30.740; exp. coast 1,063; Great Britain; France 2126. umrrs Steady: middline 10C: receipts 809 ; shipments 3.624; sales 200; stock 68,619 AUGUSTA Dull ; middling lOJ&c; low i mid dling 9c, good ordinary Kc; recerpts aiu; shipments ; sales 482. Charltstos Quiet ; middling Ho; tow mid dling 10c;gOOd ordinary lOiAc: net receipts 595; gross: sales 500: stock 27.823: exports coastwise 1,176; Great Britain ; continent 3,331 Nra Vohk Cotton ouiet: sales 2.284: mldd'g uplands 10: middling Orleans lUfec; net receipts 1,556; gross 3,243 ;consolidated net rec'ts 11,052; exports to oreat Britain ; comment ,o; France 430; channel. Liverpool Noon Cotton in moderate Inquiry; middling uplands 6d: mid. Orleans 6 l-16d; sales 8,1)00, speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 9,900, American 5,000. Uplands low mid dling clause: April delivery 5 31-H2d, April ana May do, May ana tiune o i-osu, ouuts auu juij 6 8-82d, July and August 6 5-32d, August and Sep tember . September and October d, October and November , November and December Futures dull. FUTURES. Nw York Futures closed steady. Sales 43,- 10.64a.65 10.69a.70 10.77a.78 10. 85a. 86 10 91&.92 I060a.61 10.22a.23 10.10a.12 10.10a.12 000. April May. June July August beptember . October., t November.; ; December.. FINANCIAL NrwTnBT-Money 1.0406. Sxchange40&4 Governments strong: new 5's 1.02. Four and a half rjereents 1.18. Four rer cents 1.14. State bonds dull. - New York 1 1 a. m. The stock market opened atroTio' nnd generally hleher and Dries advanced 14 to 2 per cent,' Central Pacific and Marietta and- (JinCinnau nrst preiorreu iobuiuk iuo utmiuu - movement. bunsequenuy - a weax rone prsvaiiea and ft decline of .yto, Itt took place, in which Tp.xa Pacific. PadnoiM.an, at. ram ana umana nreferred and Manhattan Elevated were most prominent ' ' : lAterl Stocks ciosea stronger.. New York Central;,... Erie ............. 1.49 4614 Lake Shore.'. ...r.. J.2B1 pllnols CetiaL.i;.a..i..: ...iw...,, j Tnl NAflhvtns and Chattanooga. . .1 .. hi;' 85 77i 91 UHohnM . . . . -C . !: 1.22Uj 1.34 preierrea.... Wabash. St Louis 4 Pacific . 40 Do nreferred.. . .-. ...............;. .. . Memphis aad Charieaton-.k Bock Island Western Union. ... .". . Alabama Class A. 2 to 5 " Class a, small Class B.S's M -Class C 2 to5........ Sob-treasury balances Gold. . . " - uurrency.... 3,81775 CITY" COTTON MARKJCT. Omo or ths Obsksvxb, i CaABLOTTX. AprU 15. 1881. f The market yesterday dosed steady; unchanged Good Middling. mi Strictly middling iota Middling.. , 1014 Smct low middling. jo Low middling. 9 xinges iVBaa1 Lower grades. 3a' Receipts yesterday, 135 bales. Charlotte Produce market APRIL 14, 1881. BUYING PRICES. Cobh, per bush'l 65a671 Mkal, " 65a67 Whiat, 1.10al.25 Bkams, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 rAa, uiay, per onsn. 90al.00 raoy, i.5o White. " 7Ran FLOUB Family 3.2s Jxtra..... 300 Super 2.75 Oats, shelled 50a55 DRIED FBUTT Apples, per In 8a5 Peaches, peeled 15a20 Unpeeled 7aio Blackberries.. hhK Cabbagk, per lb. , r-OTATOSS Sweet 60a75 Irish 7Kai.on Buttkb North Carolina. 25 lees, per dozen. 13al5 POULTKT Chickens 25a30 Spring 15al8 Ducks 25a27 Turkeys, per lb. Geese 85a40 per n.. net Ka8 Mutton, per lb. , net 7 POBX, ' " e WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats Qear Rib Sides. OaQli COFFDt Prime Bio. 14a 161 Good. i2ttalK 8TRUP Suear-house. ao Molasses Cuba . 82a35 Sugar Syrup 85a50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a45 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 Coarse 1.10al.25 SUSAB White, lOalHi Yellow 8al0 Whiskey Corn, per gallon SI. 35a. 50 Rye, " $125a3.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon. $2.00a2.25 Peach. f2.50 1.00 Wine, Scuppernong, per gallon. . RETAIL. I Cheese 20 121A 8al0 lOall IS 14al5 8al0 3.25a.50 3.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 AjAKIJ, IKSIU) Tallow, per lb Bacon N.C. hog round Hams, N. C. ; Hams, canvassed. Rice Fruit Apples, Northern, per bbl Mountain, " Fish Mackerel No. 1 No. 2 " -No. 8 Codfish n mi SPRING STOCK. 1881. Drugs mi Medicines OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. CONGRESS AND SARATOGA WATER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night JOHN H. McADEN. aprtl2 ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL ONLY ONE TEA8POONFTJL to each quart of fioui-one ball toe usual" quantity required of otb- er r1 fTTTARM MANTJFACTTJEING CoJ. New York and 8t Louis. We keep the "Charm" in stock, and can recom mend U to be far superior and more economical than any omer m uio - ' . zrrrr (dayijsi)Nbiull, apt5,eoo8me ? . Cbariotts, V. Chicago and Northwestern. 1.84 1.15 94 90 READY MIXED PANTS I ntcttjcs and QzvozXxq. GO TO AND LOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF Christmas Goods. ALL OF WHICH 1IE SELLS LOW FOR CASH. All Goods "Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES iO CENTS EACH. declS Condensed Time Table- Nortli Carolina R, R trains going north. Date.Dec.14'80 No. 47 No. 49 No. 43, Dally Dally Dally Lv. Charlotte, 3.50 am 6.05 am 4.50 fm " A-L. Depot " " Junc't 6.30 AM Salisbury, 6.03 am 8.00 am 6.41 fx Arr.Greensboro 8.05 am 9.38 am 8.26 pm Lv.Greensboro 8.22 am 9.58 am 8.32 fm Arr.Ralelgh 1.40 pm for Rlch- Lv. " 4.00 pm m'ndonly An. Goldsboro 6.20 pm Lv. Greensboro for Richmond 8.22 pm . Arr. " 4.38 pm Lv. Danville 11.82 am " N. Danville 11.85 am " Barksdale 12.01 pm ' Drak'sBr'ch 1.19 pm " Jetersvllle 2.49 pm " Tomahawk 3.45 pm Arr. Belle Isle 4.20 pm Lv. " " 4.40 pm Arr.Manchester 4.43 pm 4.48 am trains going south. Date.Dec.14 '80 No. 42 No. 48 No. 50 Daily. Dally. Dally Lv. Richmond 10.30 pm 11.55 ami ' Burkeville 2.24 am 2.20 PM Arr. N. Danville 7.11 am 5.40 pm Lv. " " 8.35 am 6.00 pm. Arr. Greensboro 10. 10 am 8.09 pm Lv. " 10.15 am 8.20 pm " Salisbury 12.00 am 10.10 pm Arr. A L. Junction 12.01 pm 12.00 M " Charlotte 1.52 pm 12.82 pm Lv. Richmond 2.45 pm " Jetersvllle 4.28 pm " Drak's Br'ch - 5.58 pm " Barksdale 7-20 pm " Danville 7.46 pm " Benaja 8.48 pm " Greensboro 9.18 pm " Salisbury 10.56 pm Arr. A-L. Junction 12.15 am Lv. " " 12.82 AM Arr. Charlotte 12.37 am SALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.81 pm Arrive Salem 11.30 pm NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Leave 8alem 6.25 AM Arrives Greensboro 7.40 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.30 am Arrives Salem 11.50 am NO. 43 Dally. Leave Salem 5.00 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.00 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passeneers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the H. & D. R. R. depot This train mattes close connection at ureensooro ior Kaieign, Goldsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. R. at Salisbury for Asheville (Sundays excepted), and also con necting at Greensboro with Salem Branch (Sun day excepted). passenger trains jnos. 42 ana 43 maKe au locai stoDs between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrisburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, Lln- wooa ana Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Greens boro. A. POPE, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, dec23 Richmond Va. ipiscjellawjemts. SPRING WE " HAVE NOW IN STORE FOB THE Spring and Summer Trade The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE MILLINERY. WHITE GOOD3, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS, And all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS For Ladles and Children We have ever had the pleasure of showing OUR STOCK OF GLOVES, HOSIERY, FANS, PARASOLS, TRIMMINGS, NECKWEAR, AND CORSETS Is net surpassed In the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO ITT THE HEAD AND POCKET 01 EVERY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets wUJ. be open MONDAY, APRIL IT An examination of our stock will convince any lady that we 8 tana neaa in siyies ouu prices In our line. MRS. P. QUERY Will be found In the store to wait on her friends ana customers. vsa Wo ttava aepriKMf thn oATVtaAfl Of Mr. M. B. Steel, who would be pleased to see his friends and wustomeiB. juw.i.uj., apl2 Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad T : , r.v.j. HI C. Tin tOt IBB1 t On and after Monday, Nov. 8th.. 1880, the following SUieUuie wiu va tuu ,a uua ivou; iouvwui ooivs SOUTH. leave fitetesrme,.. 6 80 a. m. " DavldsonCollege......... 8 15 a. m. ArrlTeatChariottAs.wx.....10 00 a. m. GOTNG NORTH. . - IrsCriariotte,. 8 80 p. m Davidson Cdrtegp. .r. .. 5 18 p. m. Arrive sA8tatesviue.........vi.. i,i uo p. ra toft1'--. - Great EevolQtion;flOTffice. 5linn J1BDS 0?THS BEST QUALITY oi PRINTS, short lengths, tunning from . C frnrra ,UUU 5 to 25 yards, at astonishing low prices, r yt ? Sr yard, O J 13 10,000 YARDS OF ALL THE LEADING PRINTS, mcludlruf Arnold's, Simpson's,' rr Wwra and Manchesters, at first cost - :f per yard, I 10 4-4 BLEACHING OB SEA ISLAND, good iraalit 4"4 BLEACHING OB SEA ISLAND, very best, pHKBEST-FITTLNG CORSET IN THE CITY that comrjeun wnnrmpete CENTS Large and Varied Assortment of . Best Qiiality7 of Iawii AT 7. 8Vb 1ND 12 flSNTS.- -, A large assortment of Slippers and Sandals, Laces, Edging, Hosiery and NeckWear, all marked down , , to bottom prices. - - . Special attention is called to out large and complete stock of Boy's and Children's Clothing, selected with great care, which we offer at immense bargains. Give us a call and be convinced. H. MORRI S J BRO apr6 RICHMOND TO NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING: Determined to deserve the patronage of North Carolina nftmhflnts, we ask an order for our SNOW DRIFT AND SEA FOAM familyfiArI Sugars, .Motees, and HARVEY & BLAIR, mar8 ly W. T. BLACKVELL & CO. Durham, N.C. H&nnffteturcrf of th Orlgiul and Qnly Genuine (ADC MARK. TOBACCO Mar 22 ly THE ELeavy DURHAH ODORLESS OIL COOK STOVE AND PARLOR HEATER! , A PERFECT MODEL OF COMFORT, CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY, Far Surpasses any Oil Stovo let Offered to the Public. CANNOT BE EXPLODED, AS IT DOES NOT HEAT THE OIL! Every Stove Warranted. The '-Mayflower" Cook Stove will do the work required for Cooking better than the Coal, Wood, Gas or other Oil Stoves in use. Will cook three articles at the same time! No Sweltering Heat! No Ashes to remove! No Fires to build! No Dust! No Smoke! No Disagreeble Smell! The only Safe and Reliable Oil Stove yet Invented. Absolutely safe. Prices of Cook Stoves from $3 to 88.50. Parlor Exclusive terrritory given to Active Agents. Liberal m .rT- n Sale by HUFF & UKAINAKD, 748 Broadway, JSew i one mar22 4wdSw EXECUTION SALE; I will sell for cash, at the Court House door, m the City of Charlotte, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May, 1881, the following described REAL ES TATE, situated In the City of Charlotte, to satisfy executions in my hands for taxes due the City of Charlotte: One House and Lot on College street, at Its inter section with 8th street, the property of Mrs. W. J Black, for the sum of $140.70. one House and Lot. tne property or Mrs w. j. Collier, on Church street, between 8th and 6th streets, adjoining C. Hilker and others, forS29.94. une House ana luot, tne property oi James jr. Davidson, at the intersection of 9th and D streets. for the sum of Si 7.30. One House and Lot, the property or Mrs. s. v. Houston, on 8th street, at its Intersection with Pine street, No. 443, for 867.45. One House and Lot. the property of Mrs. Mary Howie, wife of John M. Howie, on 7th street and N. C R. R., adjoining M. L. Frazier, for $1 18.75. One House and Lot. on Tryon street. - adlolnlne Mrs. Murray, Farrior and others, returned by S. P. Smith, assignee in bankruptcy of J. L. Hardin, for 856. one Mouse ana l,ol tne property oi Mrs. ut. jo Davidson, on 6th street and N. C. R R., adjoining Jo Lindy, & K. Linton and others, for $22.75. One ttouse ana L,ot, on a street, at intersection of 10th street, the property of Mrs. S. A. McLean. wife of Q. A. McLean, for $11.50. One Lot. the property or Thomas Kenney. on Trade street, adjoining W. W. Grier and J. Mc Laughlin, for $10.25. One House and Lot, on Tryon street, adjoining the Lutheran Church and Mrs. Rankin, the prop erty of John McConneU, for $1 8 96. One Store House, at the Intersection of Trade and College streets, the property of W. J. Black, for the sum of $15.50. One House and Lot. on Trade street, adloininz W. M. Wilson and others, the property of Mrs. Ju lia A. MeMurray, for $19.50. one Mouse ana lx. tne property or a. a. 8chenck, on Graham street, between 2d and 3d, joining t. Houy and ewers, ror sio.5l. One House and Lot. on Graham street adjoining A. B. Schenck and ethers, the property of Tom Holly, for $5.86. One House and Lot on 1st street, between D and E. in square 80, the property of Jeff Hagler, for $8.58. une House ana .Lot, in want mo. z, tne property of Richard Hoover, for $5. 15. V. IT. HAKHISUIV, April 1,1881. lmo City Tax Collector. - ; Gbigtr, Baeha. Kandrmke 8tilllmgia and; many other of the bwtjncdicines known rCom-, bined to skillfully in Pakkkk's Oman Tame ai to make it the greatest Bleed PuriSer and the ; BMtHeUandStnngUE4nrevrsjted. It carte DvtDeMin. Rheamaikm,' Nea raffia, as Dytpepeis,. Rheomatitm, nearaifia, j naeu, and ell diseaces of Stowwok, 1 r.. a - " " . L. . - . .1 A.. ksieepienaeM, wwtn, uimi and all Female CempMii If vnti am wactintr nw Vltn any ditease,ve the Tome ty; rjoatterwaaij your iymptomi may re, it vnu aiuxrr nnp yuo., i ' RamemWt tThxi-'TotwC'nre drtiiiknneiJ is the Beet Fasaily" Mdiehic'ver nuuienareir JiKmnt Ann R&tcn. GiiiaA TreDaiMjooe said1 other Tonka, and cerabiaetftpTet camtjpop- MtiMnf all Ru A KQC. bottlS Ot TOUT dmmU.J iNone genuine without our signature on ontsidej t wrapper. Htscox A Co. Chemista. New Vorlt.1 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM marl-tf . r . ' ELECTION NOFIGE. AN election wiU be held In the city of Charlotte, on MONDAY, the 2d day of HAT,' 1881, , tot the election of a Mayor and Board of Aldermen, to serve for two years... - ... J" t ; . Registration Books win be opened In the several wards on Monday, the 28th ef March, and kept open until ten days before said electton." An en tire new registration Is required. - - -i ThefoUowlngarethe registrars: ; fii- n Elrst WardW. M. Sims; Second Ward, John a Burroughs: Third Ward, J, H, jHentJtason; Fourth Ward, B. P, Waring. . t M, S. ALEIANDEB, fihwlfl. BUUSfi 1, .-S 1 r, ' ; ;"k' 1 X&titii i 8 -3?CESTS ' f J? M JS TSP ' f c -J Everything tofteto of RICHMOND, VA. Our cl&lxa for merit la based upon the fact that a otnUgi analysis proves that the tohAGOd grown in our sectloa is better adapted to make a GOODrREl, satisfactory smoto than ANY OTHER tobacco grown in the world; and being situated In the HEART of this fine tobacco section, WE have the PICK-of the offerings. Th public ap preciate this; hence oar sales EXCEED the products of AX1 the leading manufactories com bined. E!35r2?one genuine unless it bears the trade-mark of the Bull. ? 4 MAYFLOWER." The Parlor Heater, (like cut) hag proved a Great Success! Gives a Beautiful, Clar, Soft Light! wm heat a room In a' few minutes. Ample for heating any room In any Building. No Chlmey Flue or Pipe needed. When not required as a Heater, it can be easily changed to a Cook Stove, making it equally efficient for the Kitchen at a small additional cost Gives entire Satisfaction. Heaters from 85 to 212. HTSend for Circular. Discount to the Trade. Manufactured and for R. M. Miller WHOLESALE MOLASSES, FLOUR, MEAT, LARD; 'SOAP. A - . - -- COLLEGE & FOURTMTa R.M. MlLLERisONS. marl8 - . . fSI For sale at Uie criAkLOTT OBsimVIB laetiwBwiesliMif i more- Full - Ibss 1-lr sflsOjygJJr".. i 'TzJSSi 3trlik ilka tar if