8VB8OBIPTI0S MAXM8 i pcaly, one year, (pott-paid) 1m atfsamw.. ix MontTu tree Mont? One Month WIXKLT EDITION : T0J a r of Job RttOBTOM iN ifUJ ' Hf fiiiiI'l LiieMMffcaw labtttaotiaiMxA , it UIIHTJ.K wJdv. (intheoumtv)m nut of the county, pcmtpamd. AMI ' " oiz Month - VOL. XXV. Libert Bedw for OlmlM. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY APRIL 16, 1881. NO. 3,774; : t 1 00 The best Clove In Market. Every pair Warranted. (MTBKTZD JtM 1TH, 1870.) Tuesday, March 29, 1881. oub stock or Spring and Summer Goods is now Complete. IN OUB WHITE GOODS Department will be found Barred, Striped, Lace and Plain Nainsooks, Barred and striped Muslins, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Plain, Striped, Dotted and Lace Muslins, Mull Muslins, French Lawns, Piques, Tucking Linen Lawns, Masalla. Lluon de Dacca, Bishop Lawns, and, Indeed, ANYTHING wanted in this line. We have an unusually large stock of Laces, Embroideries, etc., etc. We have a tremendous stock of DRESS GOODS, Buttons, fringes, Satin and other Trimmings to to match. OUB STOCK Off " Beady-made Clothing and- Gents' Furnishing Goods is large and cheap. We have the best Unlaundried Shirt In the market for the money. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. mar2fl loots a d 1x0 jcs 1 Spring Stock 1881 We are dally receiving our SPRING STOCK which wlll;be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDBENS,' GENT8', BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPCECIALTY. Lower grades all goods in our line in variety and all prices. FULL STOCK STETSON HATS, and a pretty line Straw Hats, Trunks, Valises k Satchels, ALL SIZES AND ERICE3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO, feb20 OUB STOCK OF SPRING GOODS -13 complete! Wehas all the New Novelties In Dress Goods, viz., French FooU B Plaids, Brocades and Stri ped Buntings, Tinsel Brocades and Plaids, Bro cade Plaids and Plain Satins, in all shades. I CASHMERES I CASHMEBES I " -IN ALL SHADES AND QUALITIES. TAMI3E, HENRIETTA AND EMPBESS CLOTHS BUMMER SILKS AT 45c PEB YABD. We have one of the lamest stocks of Laces ever offered In this market, In Guipures, Dentelles, Mechlin, Vermacellas, Bretonne, Torchon, Lan guedoc, etc. The prettiest line f Cretonnes erer offered in this market at 25c per Jrd Uce Curtains and Lambrequins, all the ew designs, extremely cheap. I WHITE GOODS I I WHITE GOODS This Line is large and varied, comprising alt the new Novelties, viz . Llnon D'lodle. Organdies. ?lhHre Cambrics, Lawns, Mullst Plain. Striped and Barred Nainsook; Swiss, Nainsook and Hamburg Edgings, Dotted 8wlsS, Indian Elnbri uerg, Irish Crochet Lacea, Etc. OUB STOCK OF BIBBON9 Has been enlarwd very much; almost every shade in atin or Gros Grain. A beautiful line of Sash Ribbons. We now have exclusive control of two factories manufacturing Ladles' and Gents' HAND-SEWED SHOES I I HAND-SEWED SHOES -EVERY PAIB1 WABBANTED. We keep a large line of Sheetings, Damasks. Mar seilles, Quilts and House Furnishing goods at bottom prices. We have Just opened a beautiful stock of ' I MACKINAW AND FUs H Jt8 I ' I MACKINAW AND FUK HATS PLAIN AND FANCY. KID GLOVES, SPRING SHADES, 85c PEB PAIB. Parasols, from the lowest grades to the handsom est fabrics. Our stock of Hosiery, Notions, flnges. Neckwear, Pasmentry, Etc.. la com plete, and we ask you to give it a caref ul exami nation bntnr nnnho.lni am vntl ran aavA mnll. ey by doing so. staple lines as low as the low-, tar Prompt attention to orders. H ABGRAVE3 WTLBCBLltif Smith Bollding, Trade Street, Charlotte, H. C . aprio .A KWLY finished five-room cottage, eomer'of BOOTS Willi. Best Brands Latest Styles 8m c00fisf i0tMttfl, sec . Are now laden with new and fresh goods in great er variety and the choicest selection that we have ever offered to the trade. EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND NjEW DX DBES3 GOODQ TJINGALINT? RE 33 GOODO IJENGAJLINlli B4YONNAIQ OHOODAO AYONNAIO pHOODAO CREPE F0TJL.17 BEPE FOULJCi SATIN SUBATT ATIN SUBaH SATIN DE LYOXT ATIN DS LYOlN MADBAS SUITING : ADBAS SUITINVT ' ' WHITE, BLACK A COLORED GRENADINE d With Trimmings to Match, O AND PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING. A very handsome assortment of WHITE GOODS Embracing all grades, from LOMESTIC PIQUE TO THE FINEST FRENCH AND PEBSIAN LAWNS. I T 1 - n... ... x-oiBuis Fna buk umDreuas. Bometning new in Table Linen Setts. Ecru Lace Curtains new and popular Some beautiful Scotch Ging- -hams. Everything new and stylish will -be found in our stock. We will be pleased to have you Inspect our goods. T. L SHU S DO. apl3 A DEf.lCIOUO DRINK For Use irijfamtiUs, Hotels, Clubs, Parties, Eta. ilH. Boitmu C H. SAVUA BOKSL. The "Hub Pnnck " ha Utaly Bn iatrodaaad. and meets with marked popular fvor. It is Warranted to Contain only ih 9 Best of Liquors, United with Choice Fruit Juices and Granulated Sugar. Ul ready on opening, and will be fonndsa grtMbto addition to the cnoioe thing which undeniably enlarge the pleasure of life and encourage good fellowship aad good nature if rightly enjoyed. GOOD AT ALL TIMES Just the Thing to Keep In Wine Cellars. Sideboards not Complete Without Hub Punch, It can be used Clear or with Fresh Milk, Ice, Soda, or Hot Water, Lemonade, or with Fine Ice, to Suit the Taste. Sold by leading Wine Merchant, Groeen, Hotel aa4 Druggist everywhere. TrarfA annnlfoH af mana hmi'm. i. tttii son fc Burwell, Wholesale and Retail Druggists Jan.,23-eod-6m. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. jjQMOf appfflte,TJansea,bowels oostfvey jPain in theHead.wlth a dull sensation in the baefc part, Fain under the shoulder- blade, fullness after eating, with a diain- clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritabilitr of temier. Low anirito. Jxhb sf bod: of memory, with a feeling of having neg lec ted some dutywearinesa, Dizsiness, fluttering or the aeaxt, uove peiore tne eyes, Yellow Bfcin, Headache. Beatlesg- ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WABimraS ABB UHHJLEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FILLS are especially adapted to such caiei,one do effect aoh change of feeling; m to astoniab the nfferer. They Increase (lie Appetite, and cailee the body to Take en ilealu thus thsyitem to aniaea. ana oy unumKmnmui u . mreuifeui duoed Price a. aaca-nlT atool arepiro ntsZ!&a HnrraxSL. SJ. TUTPS HA1R 0YE. Okat Haia or Whiskbbs changed Wa Gtoesr Black by a. single applicatian of thl. Dti. It imparts m natural color, acta Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists,r tent by ezprea. en receipt of 1 Office, 3D Murray St.,. New York. Dn TTTFS VANCAL or Valaabh Iafomatloa aid h CmM lUMlpt will he Mailed FKEE om ippllratloa. Feb 23 deodiwly. HUGH SISSON & SONS, Importers, Dealers and irers MONUMENTS, FUBKITUBX SLABS, i Tile, Mantels, AIM - Tombs, 140 West Baltimore Stieet- if', AND CORKTKB liOBTH AKDL- MOBXTbIXKT STS r Drawing & llMatc&TimKed Free. Jp-t IB Cits S STATUARY THE CADET TRIAL. The Acquittal of Toons' Buck for Newbtjrg, N. 1 April 13. The trial of Beaumont B. Buck, the cadet at West Point from Texas, charged with shooting John G. Thompson, Jr., of Ohio, at Highland Falls, in Jane last, has been in progress to-day, before Jus tice C(iUen of the Supreme Court. Much 'interest was' manifested. The courtroom was crowded, many ladies being present, r. The witnesses inclu ded a number of West iPoint cadets formerly students atjCoiv Huse's Academy.where the shooting occurred, the surgeon wha attended Thompson. Gok 'Huse-and his son,- Buck- and Thompson. The prosecution proved the fact of the shooting, as already known. The defense claimed that Buck had been subjected to all sorts of indignities- and insults from the moment of his arrival at the school, Thompson being the leading spirit; that Buck was gentle civil and inoffen sive, and sought to avoid trouble; that he had left school and gone to board at a private house to get out of the way of his tormentors, and that the indigni ties were pushed to such an extent as to become unbearable, and caused Buck to be seriously apprehensive for his person al safety. The defense claimed and Buck testified that Thompson, was the aggres sor on the morning of the shooting, and was actually, meanacing Buck at the time of the affray. Council for the defense presented testimonials of good character in favor of Buck from a clergyman, teachers and others, resi dents of. Dallas county, Texas. The case was summed up for the defense this af ternooa by Charles H. Winfield, of ISew York; and for the prosecution this evening by ex-Judge Stephen W. FullertoB.of New York. The Jury re tired at 8.4a They returned to the courtroom 'after being out an hour and ten miQTites and rendered a verdict of acquittal.- rne announcement was re- Lceived with loud applause and cheers, and ontrm adjournment -ot trie court Buck received many congratulations, including those ot members or the jury ana many ladies, one or the latter aflec tionately embracing the Texan. Buck at once telegraphed the result to his father, at Hillsborough, Texas. Anniveruary of the Star-Spanfrled Banner. Washington, April 13. To-day is the 63rd anniversary of the present form of the flag of the United States, as adopted and establisned by congress in 181S, when it was for the first time hoisted over the House of Represent tives. It was designed by the late Capt. Sam, C. Reid, the .commander of the United States private armed brig Gen. Armstrong, wno tougnt the he' roic battle of Fayal in 1814, against the overwhelming odds ol a large .British fleet, and was made, under his direc tion, by his wife and other ladies, at his house in New York city, Henry Clay being at the time Speaker of the House. A remarkable coincidence in this connection is that the son of Capt, Reid. Col. Sam. C. Reid, now tempora rily in this city writing the life of his father, married Miss Josephine Rowan, of Kentucky, who is the grand-niece of tire late Francis S. Key, who wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner," and d? lighter of the late John Rowan, for merly minister at Naples. It is pro posed at the next session of Congress to take the proper steps to commemo rate the event hereafter, and the initial movement is to be inaugurated here by fc private celebration to-day. Whittaker's sharpness. There has been a sharpness in some of color ed Cadet Whittaker's replies to the questions put to him on cross-ex amination oy mo juage-auvocaie, in the course oi the pending trial by court martial, that s.iows that he is not only deficient ia intellect, but that he has quite a talent fox repartee. Witness thfl followinsri "Judge-Advoeate You are a candi date for a commission in me army, are you not? A. Yea,.ir. "Judge-Advocate Don't you think that courage is a necessary requisite for an ar my officer ? A. Yes. sir. "Judge-Advocate Wasn't it your duty to submit to the threat of death rather than submit to such an autrage, in view of your candidacy? A- No, sir; because death would have eaded my candidacy." Loud laughter. A little latter Whittaker declared, in answer to another question, that he was -"not found deficient by the examin ing board, but was pronounced defi cient." "Then why did the beard pro nounce you deficient if you were not?" "To get rid of me and the case," was the keen, quick reply. He is adroit too. When the questions appeared to have a damaging effect he answered evasively. He did not remember; he could not say ; he could not answer a question, &c. Daring the course qf his cross-examination he showed not only weari ness but adroitness, some sauciness and occasionally wit. The Arctic Expedition. The Adjutant-General of the United States has issued an order to carry into effect the act of Congress providing for observation : and exploration in '- the Arctic seas. Lieut. A, W; Greely, fifth United states cavalry, acting signal officer, having volunteered for the ex pedition, is placed in command of the force now organizing to establish a sta tion north of the 81st degree of north latitude, at or near Lady Franklin Bay. The force will consist of two other of ficers who may volunteer their services, 21 men who may volunteer from the army -or be specially enlisted, and one contract surgeon. The commander of the expedition is authorized to hire a steam sealer or whaler to transport the party f rom JSt. John's to Lady Frank lin Bay." The expeditionary force shall meet at Washington not later than May 15, and St. John's not later than June 15. ; - '- Bernhardt' Bonanza. Mr. Hy. E.1 Abbey, under whose man agement Mile. Sarah Bernhardt has made her starring tour through the United States and Canada, has commu nicated to the New York papers the information that the actress will com plete her engagement ot 150 nights at Philadelphia next Saturday -evening, by which time the management will have received from the engagement between $430,000 and $440t000, of which Bernhardt will take back to Paris about $200,000 as her share of the most successful dramatic engagement ever played in this country. It is under stood that Mr. Abbey will also pocket a t-least' $75,000 a -Ms share i of the E routs JTb4 , inarustger .speaks 4n the ighest tertasjpt Mile. Bfri&a&Its lady like and considerate deportment . A Smooth Cokplixion can be had by every lady who will use Parker's Ginger Tonic For prompt-" It regulating the liver and kidneys- and purifying the blood there is nothing nice It, and tola i the A STUDENT SHOT. A Young man Studying for the 91 in Istry Killed for at Thief. Lawteence, Mass., April 14. Early this morning, Abiel Wilson, residing on the Salem turnpike, was awakened by footsteps la tiis. house. Soon -after his chamber door was burst open by two persons. Wilson discharged a ri fle, shooting one of the intruders. Both fled, but the dead body of the one shot by Wilson was found a short distance irom the house and proved to be that of Arthur Foster a student at the Philadelphia Academy. His accom plice was his twin brother, Luther, al so a studen. The latter after the shoot ing appeared and made a full confes sion. They were residents of North Andover, Massachusetts, and the sons of most respectable perents. About three "weeks previously they had at tempted to enter the same place. Further investigation of the crime and its tragic result show that Arthur Fos ter was a theological student studying for the ministry and that on the com pletion of his studies at the Phillips Academy he intended to enter ' the Andover ThelogicjtLSeoiinary. By the confession of the Surviving brother it appears that the pair entered and robbed Wilson's place six months ago, securing" $l,too - in money and gold watches. Mr. Wilson had in his room $75,000 worth of stocks, bondsvand oth er securities, the property being under no other protection than the owner's rifle. The object of the men was to se cure, if possible, all this booty, intend ing to resort to violence if necessary to accomplish their end. Both had previously been in Wilson's employ aad had no difficulty in passing the watch dog on the premises. The dead burglar was only 21 years old. It is thought now that other robberies here abouts were committed by .the Fosters. - JPaul Boyton'a Arrest in Brazil. Pittsburg, April 13. Panl Boyton, tne tamous swimmer, was arrested and lodged in jail in Brazil several weeks ago for some alleged offense against tnat government. Jettons are now making by United States authorities to have him released and returned to this country. This afternoon Mavor Peterson, of Allegheny, received a tele gram from Patrick Ford, editor of the Irish World, asking that certified na turalization papers of Terrence Boyton (Paul's father) be sent ,tp Secretary Blaine at once. Terrence lived in this city from 1858 to 1868, and it is believed he took out naturalization papers while. .raul was still under age. Mayor leter son is looking tip the matter and will forward the papers as soon as possi- Die. The De.Lcssepi Caual. A Washington dispatch to the Bos ton Journal says: "Capt. Lull, of the navy, who has in years past had con nection with the United States surveys for canal purposes on the Nicaragua and Panama routes, was recently or dered to .Panama, to take command ot tbeWachusett.While there he gave some attention to canal matters, and he writes: "That De Lesseps has several small serVeying parties, composed of French engineers, with native laborers at work on dirreient points along the route. So far no construction work has been commenced." Capt. Lull is more than ever convinced thatDe Les seps's scheme of a tide-level canal is impracticable, and that no Panama ca nal will ever be constructed unless the originial plans are so modified as to en tirely change the character of the work." THE GBEATEST BLESSING. A simple, pure, harmless remedy,, that cures ev ery time and prevents disease by keeping the oiooa pure. Biomacn reeuiar. kidneys and liver ac tlve, Is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. nop xuoers is mat remedy, ana its propri etors are being blessed by thousands who hare been saved and cured by It. Will you try It ? See another column. Eagle. "Malt Bitters" are a brain, nerve and blood food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom mended by, our druggists and physicians for gen eral debility, mental and physical exhaustion, hys teria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and aropsy, "I'M ALL PLATED OUT," Is a common . camDlalnL. If rou feel so. set a package of Kidney Wort and take It, and you will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the kidneys. Dowels and liver, and thus restores the natural life and strength to the weary body. It can now be had lneltherdryor llauld form, and In either way Is 'always prompt and ef ficient in action. Mew Bedford standard. Take '' BLACK-DRAUGHT " and you vill never be bilious, aprlll For sale by Dr. T. C. SmBlv Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curlne are pure ly vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Diseases when a few bottles of these two great remedies will cure you? Prom C. D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia: I take great pleasure In recommending to the pub lic Dr. Cheney's Expectorant and Croup Preven tive. My little son had been a great sufferer from Spasmodic Croup during the night Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find It equally benflcial in all cases of Coughs I consider it a blessing in my family, every one should keen It In their houses. For sale by Dr. t.jC. Smith. ocEJ-em. i ii A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, pervous weakness, early de cay, loss ol manhood, &eu will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America, Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. apr 27 eodiyarwiy Try Smith's Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin eruptions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion, Gentlemen: While attending the General As sembly this summer, I tried your Star Curlne on my leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After hav iniF thnrouehli Heated it I am comrteUed to sav that It is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and found noth ing to cure me until I used your Star Curlne, which has cured a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am yours, respectfully, John Bell. For sale oy .ur. x. u. onutn. oet26r6ia. s f -- i "WINE OF CARDUI" makes rosy cheeks: and tilear complexions. , : . ; ; rsalebyT-dsMrirL aprlll ifr. Ritir.hixnn t Bro. : It Is with mn.1 nlAa nre that I add my testimony to the great virtues of your "Neuralgine" as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy Is a blessing, and all sufferers snouia Keep it on nana. J. B. RlD&ELT, , i : .186 Cathedral Street, Baltimore. : Sold by T- w wtTHTnico. mm) I m H Do pot fall to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pare, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith's Scrofula Syrup. Star, Curlne cures all chronic Sores and la a sure cnteloriPries, tjjt Vt fi I Xaflrayoifr dra&lsrbefore It Is toOlstd sndget a ttottlaotSmUh'B Scrofula Syrapana Star Cnrine. FromrB.r.ooreA.'M.,- Piesldentof Moore's Southern BasJsSlTerfiAlISnta, Ga: This Is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney's Expecto rant In my family' for. several years, and. can re- omraesd RaJ m favWiable remedy for Coughs, a, mhtt httivt eund It superior to any otherreme- Jewtha I have tnea. ate p ut. .a tt-Bmua, .fRrrt - - - ocE6 6m. XT c iA trkr package;of ' BLACK-DRAUGHT- tree oi charge at 11 . ... " . . . . . r l v.- mm AND AT Will le 1 . D. LATTA apl5 O E2 EES IE E3" O- CLOTHING lOOl. 1, H K IAV A X(IE R The general revival of business has had a cheering effect and given encourage-, ment to every branch of trade. The increase of our sales during the past year has inspired us to make extensive preparations for this season, and we shall offer the most varied and attractive stock of Fine Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Etc., ever exhibited in this market. Special attention ia paid to styles and the introduction of novelties The exceljlen,ce of our manufac tured clothing has tharacterized our efforts to eclipse previous productions. We make special efforts to always produce the latest styles of Hats an$ Koy r elties in Neckwear. "We solicit an inspection of our stock. L. BERWANGER & BRO., aprO. CLOTHIfiBS AUP TAlfcQIlS CAEPETS ! 4-4, 5-4, 6 TH EE-PLY INGRAINS, WHITE AND All of Handsome and Newest Designs at MEW TOBGK. Wm 100 Pairs of Lace Curtains, of 50 pieces Nottingham Lace and Cottage Drapery, at ;. Ilc,;;'',;;!'';. upwards. 100 Assorted Rugs, Mats and Crumb Cloths, in felt and luien; t.L SPRING AND Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lawni, Silk Handkerchiefs, Emteqifenea; f$JB6ta. Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods; Give us a call before buying. mar27 THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DURHAM LONG CUf HAS 3STO EQTJAX. This, together with Sitting Bull, Durham, k Durham Twist IS KAKDTACTCHED BT E. H. POGUE, ; DT3E3AM, n; C. , , For sale by all dealers In Charlotte. '. mar8 eod2m' - J, L. HARDIN MERCHANDISE BBOKKB- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Coujtes St., CBAixrrXB, N. C. ,lfl Orders for Grain, Hay, Ileal, Floor, Lard; Baeon, Tobacco. Sujr&r. Coffee. Molasses, &c respect fully solicited. The cheapest markets and relia ble houses represented. ' janzs ...... SIIVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC i , ORES PURCHASED FOR 'CASH- i rpHE-.New Tkj nd Norttis Carpiina SmelUnr X Company at Charlotte, , will pay the host Cash Price ever paw mlhte conhtry for - - " TTT W Vff- : t. , -r VSIW -. No shares wffl be mada for' aafnnflhsr fcnff aa sayihg ares purchased by us. tspccimen assays tor uoia ana taiTer, wubv, . GOLD A THE FINEST Shown 1 CAEPETS! - 4, 8-4, 10-4 Floor Oil Cloths, the most atmroved natterns- JUST RECEIVED A LABQX VARIETY OF anu nusiery, an me iaiSL pbyiew auu veiy ALSO, A HANDSOME STOCK OF WPROVED PATEHt LlYER PAD! Vvni. 6ns'A:fcaa '.:"i0l '. GftH 14 ilA Aiaiiwa iaff a, -Xa,1 cvxxs .Oiiudfim,! ; rciJuii.'- :':'Thss 'Jfearieas i P01aOils,r feiwmoo Nt diehMH sra tsJnsi of th Stoaash. sarsrinfr she Omt Norr Centre, fXmtte Llrr aad Htnuis A-BW-M fbnMi sbMrlMd Into tboireIsUoB of to Blood azxl mu ID OINDSSB. TO rd" Tr, parUTlBrSssaiosa, ttisislsslng tli Livwand iy to heslthjr jw, and ttreagthtnlnf the nwmn lOOOJTl icx OT. rx M n AMDS? mmmmJ1 Slltlmmi Wrlston A3o.vlVfieaiK 9A.CL Bmlth an WUsoa4 lilt i Twist ChfTTjng Tobacco Beware of im&attor.. $Joremrbe.imTM ji iaAcnntirilsuV srlrlk miv .nmfi ysa "w.lV:f.iJi lt.jl wb'eft v JbeforiraeTlt.J'-' t ..3ZIS r i?iT i s n: I J "" Mr IH ."iiiVLI ft,.i. . U mmm " m-'WB STOGIC O CLOTHIMC & FANCY MATTHSIG, rich, elesrant and rery ers. BBBBSV ag-jaal& -rBSBSSnSBBBBkBL ""MsT C- ' saSBBBV ' mWwL ' 3K2V' VSv'' Cfir feBi BEO. WITTKOWSKY & BitRUCH ill r : !'. ' '--'tut vuca, . i.il P. 'MRVIlliXlTCStV o 1 i 4 4 t . dirai Wm sWi a . L J Mk) Uiif l3SflJ sol --tJfiTT rAo Mtee te wtoelu:j4lBO, TjUn4 Fancy Articles, PertuiartesV Combs, -5 : : Brusaetv : VttOt tomjMmt w retenuuons are taveo sw tr t lal attenttoa. .,jjjg tift a 4 mmmmmm art. Jmt ' ccaswrt ft r ' s - ? fu.- I P.O xlloJA -J.CAiJU YCa, . Hoping to recerra a share-01 patronase, I am, rPfatf,! tehis fgitesa ro bloom to tbecneJi,5e ECii3; :

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