t ftllPC' X 1 J J I I II III U I JA I ; APPETISER 1 jjg Wgblr A AnlVi: pSsKalttn Feve" themuscles, sod gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the dLrestire ormtoa; removing iiayspenlac symptoms, such as TaxhngJM Foody BZiLivSmR the Stomal Hearforn, etc The only Iron Prepa ration that will not blacken the teeth or giro headache. Bold by all druggist. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of . useful an? tT8iBYi' CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. rA!U ; AS8 fur TO THBH 1 OIVH HEALTH. 'Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." MaJiaal Association, Lynchburg. Va. "Used with great benefit in Malaria and Diph tharia." 8. F. Dnnoa. If. D.. Ga. "SMeeasafuUv used in dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. 8. Jackson, M. D Univ. Perm. ' "Invalaable as a neivons tonic." -Hon. L C. Tawtar funn "Recommended as a prophylactic In malarial districts. I). R, Fairex, m. d., n. u. "Bestere4ebllltated systems to health." T. C, Wamar. If Tk Inrt "Adabted in chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and dyspepaU.-M-eeo. T. Harrison. M. D., N. "Successful In diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. vmm. v-r' h.c. 'Bxeetteat lor certain diseases peculiar towo mrnaJ .Prof. J. J. Moorman. M. D Va. Front Dt tn relleTlnr headache, sick and ner- vana.n Bav. K. G. Dodson. "Used with ereat benefit in dyspepsla,"-J. Mc- BAlBk.- 11V D.i Pa. . "Suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestive ergnne." J. grJwaghton, n. d., Aia. vMftrtTOluaWe mmedr known lor female dls iautr,tSL-kKS Mfikftmir. M. D.. L. L. D. "Of kreat curative VfrtuC'Tbos. F. Bumfold, "Benefldal in uterme deraneement and mala- rlmi ronriltlnnn 'n M. Vll. M. D.. Ohio. "Charmlns on the complexion, making It moottnlear, soft aid rosy." Miss M., of a C. 'he prince of mineral tonics." Francis Gil Baft, iff. to.. N. c. "Inestimable as a tonic and alterative." Hun ter Mcbotra, M. D., Ya. "Tae appetizer and blood purifier." H. Fisher, u.u.:ua. ' "Terr beneficial In lmprovliig a reduced sys tem." Bishop Beckwlth. of Ga. "Tnmlldfl ker find welcome and health." Bev, John Hatmon, late of La., now of Blchmond, Va. "Has real merit, "southern lied. Journal. PmnblAt fiM. riBon nnnllflAtlnn. Water. $4 V case. Haas and Pills. 25, 50, 75 aanta.' Bant nrnrt-nnlrt anrwliere. Summer season of Springs begins 1st June. $35 Vmontn. Address r A. M. DAVTES, Pres't of the Co.. 78 Main St, Lynehburg, Ya., P. O. Box 174. SOLD BY WILSON & BUBWELL and J. H. MeADKN, - mar27 ' Charlotte, N. C -ANOTHER LOT OF- COAL STOVES -ALSO- CAB OAD OF THE- KING COOK . NP3.6. 7, 8,8. 8HBET IBON. FIBK PLATBWIBE St, SOLDEK . always on hand, v ROOFING BTECIALTT. tlna work of aH" kmds promptly done. : Have In - vr" rtock a splendid assortoentof . -.V.c, . ,- .... i - i - RemiDgtos, SL JoIm Honseild - .JUttlMH MA CHIN I MACH18BO 7;t"-i;? KACHlNK NEEDLES On hand and' BEPAtBtNQ ?,: :'JX fi.l Is tW7 - v.-5 -fawirn jSaSai .BnmVb large supply, at the CoUCnWJ&ArW. solong and favorably kaoWQ in reonneeaoB with-ttefiewlng Baehine business MThls city and vicinity, is now with me and would be pleased to see his friends and atmwrwui serve them as heretofore, land f i i ' m -:o:- HAV1KG ACCEPTED the AGENCY OF THE-- 0 EridxCityf Pennsylvania, Koith and Bonth CamltnA anil . .: : 'vf - Geentla.1 am nrnrauwd ta fnvniah fnii assortaient of Ttl93ABT AITO POBTABLE ENGINES, STEAM HOISTING MACHUUES, BOELEBS, : - SAW ana uuan miinm, jbb jcjuoo. .Tv'ViW viNlTJlwarJJ II1 f m mi nMftM nnnnntiv and at most reasona- m. mi h inwhinm la fnilv ruaranteed. Parties wishing to purchase are requested tpeaU heretofore extended me, lam , f. .g, - 4 HlX aaaa.t ttSfUMiakaa An. PlaaAnAA SMI . hi All Of Aiswt oTDiM awu - wtwuw - v ' livery men, which I will sell very low. Ii you want J Jus IKUJN fihi! BAY STATE IRON WOIIKS yx1ui4 ivlar issoBmfcT V ..V Aft lMnHotuL. PhaatnaR. iRnt MJtJmo Mrai,s cau ana see my mock. ja2?ataw I c i I I i 1 ' I fc'srv1 I recommended for all diseases requir- ; eaneciallv Indigestion. Dys- Want of Apretite, Ixss of SHOOTING CHILLS DOWN THE BACK, Dull pain In the limbs, nausea, billlousness, are symptoms of approaching fever and ague. Use without delay Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which substitutes for the chilly sensation a genial warmth, regulates the stomach, and Imparts tone to the liver. The bowels, the stomach and the biliary gland being restored to a healthy condl Hon, the disease is conquered at the outset, For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. aprill Omcx or A. S. Gelbs, Obdthabt, HOOSTOH CorrjjTY, Psrbt, Ga, Jan. 28, 1880. In the year 1888, there were two negro prison ers confined In the jail of this county, who were very badly afflicted with that loathsome disease Syphlllls. In my Official capacity as Ordinary, I employed Capt C. T. Swift, then a resident of this place, to cure them, under a contract "no cure, no pay." He administered to them his now Justly celebrated Syphilitic Specific, and in a few weeks I felt bound, under my contract, to pay him out of the county treasury, as he hod effected a complete and radical cure. in testimony or tne above, l nave Here unto set my omciai signature ana seat the date above written. A. S. GILES, Ordinary Houston County, Ga. Chattanooga, Txmk., Feb. 14, 1879. Gknts: We take pleasure in saying that the 8. S. S. is giving good satisfaction. We have bad excellent results from a number of cases. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed for six weeks with Syphilitic Rheumatism was cured entirely with two bottles, and speaks in the highest praise oi it it also acts as well m primary as in secondary and tertiary eases. Prepared only bv the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. J30ia by t. a smith and u. u. wnston a uo. Gall on your druesdst for a copy of "Young Men's Friends." 7 dtfwim. EOF BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Prink,) COXTAIKS - HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, ' DANDELION. AXD TKI PmtlST AST) BlST llKDICAI, QU-iXTTTBS OF ALL OTHXK BlTTXBS. ff li V O LTJrUZJ AH Diseases of the tomach; Bowel,, Blood, Liver.lLidueysaniUrinary Organs, Neryonanew, Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints $ I COO IN COLD. T wm be paid for a case they will not cure oy help, orfor anything impure orlnjorlouafound in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. Take- no Other. D, L C. Ii an absolute and irresistible core for Dronkenesa, use of opium, tobacco andparcotlci. Send for circular. v mm 4 r Only Vegetable CompouhcJ that acts jlirecjjy upon the Liver, and cures .Liver Complaints, jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tivehess, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. i Jawl - IN EITHIB LIQUID OB DBY FOBX . -ThaX Acts at the same time qn TSILim, TSS BOWXLSM WHY ARE WE SICK? B fM4eau$t vt alicno thim great ttrgat to oteonu cwggea or. torpid, ana pouonoutl frivmortari, uierqor forced into vu Nooa RvittaORfeLrcdRE S.IVEK COMPLAINTS, K4 PtKiTCOVSITPATIOK, trSXETABT aUSJEASKA, TEkAXJC WKJUU KHHK, ' bV cautinfffrt actum of these organs and "Wky smffsr BHIoaj palas and aches! ,fT9 or stek JwaaaehesJ ' em ong muiVti rtf wtilok makat mx qoTM or i Hhemial eflctaff Ja.fJigf I 4 (WMwod thadry port-pM ) BPXmsg'TO-fT. f ' STOMACH wlTtt-rl5. : 7 cMU cV-deodieow ly. i--''ii"iZ:- 'A THE ONLY MEDICINE) Stye t)arlqtte bsmitt. TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1881. THE NORTH CAROLINA CIDE. FRATRI- Further Particular ! tbe KUlins; of ananhy Ilia Brotber. Wilmington Sbar. Chief of Police Brock received Tt "postal" yesterday morninac from Mag nolia, Daplin county, in regard to ;he murder alluded to in our last, stating that one Handy Bass killed Adam Bass and escaped, and requesting that a look out should be kept by the officers here for the murderer. He is described as being about 20 years old, five feet high, of a dark complexion and of a sullen, downcast appearance. Mr. A J. Groves, who arrived here Thursday night to watch the trains, gives us fuller par ticulars of the murder. Adam and Handy Bass . were half brothers, .the former aged 24 and the latter 20, as al ready stated. A feud had existed be tween them for the past three months about a colored girl whom they were both in the habit of visiting. . On Wed nesday night last, Adam Bass, who was at work with Mr. Charles Matthews on the Magnolia section of the W. & W. R. R., went to the house of the girl, about one mile from Magnolia. About 9 o'clock Handy Bass also arrived there, and commenced cursing and abusing Adam. The latter finally told Handy he understood he was going to .shoot him, upon which Handy, with an oath, replied that he did intend to do so. Adam then caught hold of Handy, when the latter drew a razor and flashed it across his throat, cutting it from ear to ear, and then fled. Adam, accom panied by the girl, started immediately for Magnolia to get the services of a physician, but the wounded man gave out when about half way. He was ta ken to a house near by, and Drs. Mc Millan and Devane were summoned to his bed-side. There was no help for the Eoor fellow, however, and he breathed is last in about one and a half or two hours after the wounds were inflicted, Mr. Groves stated that tbe affair created great excitement in and absut Magnolia, and that Deputy Sheriff Ma- this, with a posse of about twelve or fifteen men, scoured the country around about all day Thursday in search of the murderer. He has a brother living here, and also one in South Carolina. Up to the time of the murder he work ed with Mr. Altred Hollings worth, in Magnolia. An lie in netamarphixed. From a Church Paper, Rev. Dr. J. L; Girardeau, of Columbia Theological Seminary, about a month or two ago accepted the invitation of the Presbyterian church in Columbia to supply their pulpit until September 1st. This item of news has been copied from paper to paper until it reached the Examiner and Chronicle, the Baptist paper published in New York, which is quoted by the Philadelphia Presbyte rian, as follows : "The Examiner and Chronicle says that tbe Presbyterian church at Co lumbia, S. C, the largest and most in fluential white church in that city, have cordially invited Rev. Dr. E. J. Goodspeed, principal of the Benedict Institute (colored) to supply their pul pit for a time. This action of theirs is all the more creditable to the church, and welcome to the teachers of the In stitute, from the fact that the white Baptists of Columbia have at no time shown a like warmth of courtesy." In its travels the name of Dr. Girar deau has become transformed into Goodspeed, Columbia into 'colored" and the Theological Seminary into the Benedict Institute. And the transac tion is used to point a moral of the warmth of courtesy of the Presbyte rians in uoiumDia 10 tneir Baptist Drei-nren. None of the news gatherers who have handled this paragraph have intended to change its meaning. It is easier for a story that is repeated by word of mouth, to receive changes, than for a printed paragraph. The modifications wmcn this one has received from time to time in its travels, should remind us how easy it is to receive incorrect im pressions, and make us guarded in re ceiving reports which are improbable, ana especially wnen they are to the prejudice of others. A similar instance has been realized in connection with the temperance leg islation in Kansas, i'aragrapn- after paragraph has been published, to the effect that the law even forbade the use of wine at the Lord's Supper in that estate. Aua sensational items have ap peared that this minister or that had celebrated the communion, at the peril ujl imprisonment. a ue wnoie mauer is cased on a mis take. The editor Of the North Carolina. Presbyterian wrote to Gov. St John, of Kansas, asking him about the matter. The reply is, that the law forbids the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, but it does not aitect the .Lard s Supper m the least. And further, the law does not take effect till the first of May. How much virtuous indignation" rmeht have been spared by ascertaining the facts! Seaaide Religion. New York Times. The chief reason why Presbyterians cannot form successful seaside associa tions is, however, the unquestionable iact mac xresoytenanism is a moun tainous or, at all events, and inland faith. Born among the Waldensian hill tribes, it reached its most vigorous growth among the Swiss mountains and in the rugged fastnesses of Scotland, vjuuxogabiuiiaiisui, , wmuii is .merely A-rcsuytenanism passed through a coarse sieve and with less coherence among its particles, flourishes only in the inland and hilly carts of New En gland, and has been unable to keep its noia on Boston and tneu&eapoxt towns, in this country the tra Seotah Prwshv. terianism of the grim covenanting type is found almost exclusively , among the Auegeny jaountains, and iTesbyterian ism of every kind has gradually reced- ea irom me coast line, ana flourishes to any marked degree only m the interior of the country. It my be regarded as an established fact that&i: attitude of aw ieet aooye the sea is the lowest lim it of the zone of Presbyterlanlsm, and tnat it ooes not. grow with real vigor below the altitude of. 1000 feet, vye can thus readily see why it iat-nowise and almost impossible to establish lar Presbyterian seaside resort. . Wia might as well expect the mountain ash to flourish in tbe sand "oxthe sea: beach Methodism, which has never flourished at any great heigth above toti i seay js es sentially a sea-coast ;aith..tuia is: per fectly at home at Ocean Grove or any wnere wicnm sound or the surr. A washingt6Tettesvs if - It is unr derstood as deflnitelt;' Settled that Mr. Kenneth Ravnerlrhe solicitor of the treasury, is to bedbblaiciedPThe posi- there are a cTo'jr&itaaiSa? Ber- e r a 1 i x -1 1 1 e mbera fkmirress. ji wh rt would btr very graft to takftlfc-. Senator bhermau is saiCMSiiij?; Mrr Bateman, a Cincinnati lawyer, 'who " o j cn rge -BBerman literary! im- i" ' i ' i i ii rrm;in i-r'-i i anSSsyS&f--J Prompt- J ebWthewLnoaiTrWk kldners and onrtfvlno T BlrfMia J k,1 iPly removes ipi triples and f Bites a rosy bloom t she eheelc jWnOttoeT f i A Few Facta TlimtsiiBDld nat te farm PnrtiaaiTUcOTiiler. viI51i . ilk j&ifi The' Old Bin Van Winkle alee' t orbed, But who ever belived: Bcarjse jn ortn Carolina lay Baton: fiex;4)ack; that she was dead encmghr;asleep a3 to suggest the myth of Gibboo, or of Wash, Ingtori Irving. ;r The seven sleep.tell Of a day when' religions,' proscriptiori campelled to secrecy of lath, aud Srhea traerbelievers sought the.&Uehceof the tombs to keep their belief Jvlive-. ': This modern fable tells of rae who ;dropped aside in the tusy turmoil' oXlife,:-and woue, tonna the change or life and bustle and new enternrise in full vicar of activity. And it has been, the fash ion to compare North Carolina .tof both to the dead seven sleepers, and to the azy prototvDe of lim van Winkle.' North Carolina has never 1 slent nor slumbered. . But it must be confessed that she has groped her ,way with the slow leaing on the pilgrim staff, plantr ed cautiously at each step Of her course to ten ner sue would not rail, uautison has become another . name for censer vatism, and cowardice usurps the name of safety. The time has come for the State to as sert manhood; to be independent, and not only that, tut to boast of her inde pendence. Modesty is a lost merit. It wins nothing. It loses all. Let us see. Of all the States of the Union, North Carolina alone has every- uiiug. xn cumate sne runs irom tne tropics to the Doles. In productions. she carries one from Rio to Qusbec.Jn minerals, she gives you the gold of Call-' fonia and the iron of Wales. She gives you .the gems of Golcoda, and the pre cious stones of Assyria. She gives the silk of Persia and the jute of India. She gives everything, in fact All that is wanted is intelligent in dustry and sagacious . conception . of what are tbe capacities of the State: and then will be the very central Doiht of the hopes, and all the capital of the world which is now moving: with such restless energy to make the nineteenth century the climax of all human gran deur. AUGUSTA VI ASPABrANBURU. The Virginia RtitMaad Connecting; With Augusta The Baltimore and Ohio and the Aug-aata and Knox Till. Special to tne Augusta Chronicle and Constitution alist. Spartanburg, S. C, April 16. An important meeting of leading citizens was held to-day in the interest of three new lines of railroad, viz: The project ed extension of the Virginia Midland Railroad from Danville, Va., via States- ville, Liincolnton and Shelbyville. N. C. to Spartanburg: the extension of the Augusta and unoxvine road from Greenwood, S. C, via Laurens ville to Spartanburg, and the proposed road from Spartanburg, via Rutherfordton and Marion, jn . C, to Cranberry Iron Works; connect with a road already built from that point to Johnson Citv. on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad. The first mentioned line would give direct connection through the Virginia Midland Road with the Baltimore and Ohio Road. The second line would connect at Au gusta with the Wadley Syndicate of fcjouth Carolina and Georgia Railroads, and the third line would secure anoth er direct connection with the railroads of the Northwest thus making Spartan burg the railroad center of upper Caro lina, and giving two competing lines of railroad in every direction-north, south, east and west Enthusiastic speeches were made and resolutions were passed favoring the building of all those roads. Delegates were appointed to attend a railroad meeting at Statesville, N. C, on the 20th instant, in the interest of the Virginia Midland Railroad. Dele gates were also appointed to attend a railroad meeting at Rutherfordton, N. u., on the lath or May. in the interest of the road from Spartanburg to Ruth erfordton, Marion and Cranberry Jron Works. Augusta is directly interested in these connections, and should send a strong delegation to both these rail- read meetings. President Verdery, of the A. & K. Railroad, should attend the Statesville meeting by all means. REPUDIATION AT THE NORTH. A Few Words from Senator Vest In the Way of Gentle Reminders, From His Speech In the Senate. "Now, by my troth, these be gallant words. When or where, says the Sena tor from Ohio, did any community ever repudiate when under the control of the Republican party ? The Senator read here from a book prepared by a federal omciai, one Mr. Porter, that "5 130.000,000 of State debt had been re pudiated in the South. Why, Mr. Pres ident does he not well know, do not the records of the federal courts show, that in the northwestern States over $100,000,000 of municipal securities have been repudiated and are to-day repudiated ? Who does not know that the most terrible financial conflict that ever came off upon this continent was in the State of Iowa between the peo ple who repudiated their obligations there and the federal tribunals, and that struggle at last came even to the climax that General Grant, then Presi dent of the United States, threatened to use the army of the Union in order to enforce the mandates of the federal tribunals. Has the Senator never heard of the Macoupin county bonds of Illinois, the Otoe bonds of Nebraska, the Clarke county bonds of Iowa, tbe bonds in my own State of Missouri. amounting to over $30,000,000? Over 9100,000,000 of securities in Illinois, in Iowa, in Nebraska, in Minnesota, in Kansas have been repudiated, and to day the struggle is going .on between tbe bondholders in the East and tbe people of these municipalities in re gard to the payment of those debts; and yet the distinguished - Senator stands here and says no Republican community ever repudiated! Has he read the history of the State debt of Minnesota? Has the Senator never heard of the repudiation of $5,000,000, the entire debt of that State, which ex ports in one single year eighty million bushels of wheat?" A Look Ahead Wash. cor. New York Sun. - "Were I compelled to select from this administration the man most like ly to succeed Garfield I would take the youngest of them all I mean Secretary Lincoln." This was said by one old in the service and independent in his po sition among leading Republicans. "The name is a preliminary battle won, and the man, so far as I can hear, suits tne name. He promises at his -age a great deal more than his father did. He is ambitious only to do his work well. I consider he has the best intro duction to the country of any man ef his time perhaps of any tame and though it may eound strange in your ears.l iettynmitheDB.; are. to-day more i-2 1 'I,' J ! XI . 9' i. .jjicauiouuai possibilities in uie mouest, nart-wofkihg ttM'tJwtoughiy inteilk gent Secretary orwferthan in any oth er vman in tfie!riften?Tals sounds Strahsef? orilvct)?fCiri.'ift Jtt1h riw.A But lection by UwrfieidwasairoirelxaiSa lme.ntameaifij 'thinkrtoo iviri tfsshsif.riHm rrm i a. menar a py, erai aeotutv. toria, nervousness, sleeplessness, emaciation and i'" WORTH CAROKklfl. '' ""''mnrup by doctors. '"ftft fossffife'that Mr. Goarey'feLUarid'at or$ and eared try m simple a remedyf? di hij - laeenrejeaUis-traUiat be Is entirely-cured, i&djRttn feotklBf but Hop Bitters; ana only tei dsyrago mia doctors gave him op and said be must die P ... jtMd iWeu-sVday! Tnat' 1 remirkablei-J wltt co ttls day.andf et some, tor my poor George I know hops are tooL"-SalemPOst.Tii- - T m i i -na' ,A2f UNRIVALLED HAlB DEZSMNG, 'J. ' v . ' ' ' i- ' ' vi .-.7ru..f ,iJ..f Producing as Rich and Cleanly . Appearance as It n - llatore AIoda Had Imparted a. ; V ' . EUElJETrs COCOAOqt Is toe best isn4neaa MtBpresalntT'dandr and promotes a rigorous : an,d .' neatthf ' IT9 wh ol hair. JNe other oompound prodooes Otese reealts. Tne snperlorlty ot BURNETT'S rLAfORTm EXTRACTS consists la J3lr perfect purity and great strength. .Tliey are warraated free from the poisonous Ills. Md. acids which enter into the composition ot many or the flcUUous fruit flavors now in tbe market. Forty Tears Experience of an 014 iruse.. f l "tPuialowrs Soothing Syrup Is the prescrlp pon of one Of the best Female Physicians and Nurses In the United States, and .has been ased for forty years with never-failing safety ant suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble Infant of one week old to the adult It corrects acidity - of the stomach, relieves wtnd eos, regulates the bowels, ana gives rest, health and comfort to mother arid . chllL We believe it the best and, surest remedy in the world, fn all eases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea m children whether it arises from teething or from any other cause., FuU. directions for using, will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-sunile of Curtis Sl Perkins, Is on the Outside wrapper. Sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts a bottle. aprl4 dtwlw . THE POPULAR DEMAND. , , Bo great has been tbe popular demand for (he delenrat&jL remedy . Kidney-Wort, that it la having an Immense sale from Maine to California. Some have found it inconvenient to prepare It from the dry fiompound. For such the ; proprietors -c'ow prepare It in liquid form. - This . can be prepared at the druggists.. It has precisely the same effect as the dry, but Is very concentrated, so that the dose is much smaller. Lowell Mall. "BLACK-DRAUGHT " makes chills aad fever impossible. ." For sale by T. C. SMITH. . ajrni petti JitoertiBjehtixtB. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bod7 Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted Feet and Ears, and ail other Pains and Aches. lfo Preparation on arth equals Sr. JAcom On as a a, awe, timpl and efutap Iztarnal Bamady. A trial antails bat the eomparatiTaly trifling ontlay of 60 Cents, and avery on mffertng vlth pain can hava ehoap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in EUvaa Langnagaf. BOLD BY ALL DRU3GI5TS AST) DEALERS DT KEDI0T5E, A. VOGELER etc CO.. dec80d4w ly 3 For You, Whose complexion betrays some tinmfUftfiTig imperfeo tion, whose tiiiiTor tells you that yon are Tanned,' Sallow and dlsflgiired in conntenance, or haie Eruptions, Kedness, Eoughness - or nnwnole s ome tints of complexion, "we say use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. Itiaadelicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entranc ing tints, the artificiality of which no observer can detect, and 'which soon becomes per manent if the Magnolia Balm is judiciously used. Jan. 22 EXTRAORDINARY EARLY Fruits i Yegotabios In Those who may be worried over the blasted pros t peots ot early vegetables and fruits in this section will do fully consoled II they call at VEGETABLES: ; BEANS, PEAS, OKSA; I T0MAT0K3, OKBA AND TOMATOES, CORN, SQUASH. ; 4 FEUTTS: APRICOTS, PEACHES CHKBBIE3, PLTTM3, PINEAPPLES, BASPBEEBEKS, 8TBAWBESBIB3. Keats: Corned Beet, Potted Meats, Deviled Heats, - - Smoked Beeti Also,' t Oyaterav Crahsi -Clams, LoctB,: . atackeral, , Sal- mon, Shrimp, Codflsh Balls. t. . , . -; In tfielbSarketbf Plcales,,rres,rvs. Tadt Butter, s ' Orangey Marmalatte, Heney, QUyeS JeV ' -. SellHrsislpg Slour, Buckwheat and firiddle : yakevewU aarerTUanr needed: ' it- i -kOr -etlr tosJlionsekeeper. taftwe -; -. r TBtHW aWlMaAWTTrSfc .-yM-.-.a RHEBBIMSl, Gharlotte P E RRY'S i CANNED GOODS Etilii i: r r irt r. mm . m 5V8GZXlZ&. hi in A LABGE LOT OP FLOUR, HAMS, 6S BOUGHT SINCE THE DECLINE. TO BE SOLD LOW Slayer & Ross. apr5 FOR THE Just in, and bought at bottom prices, and to be sold low for the Spring Trade : IRISH POTATOES 100 BARRELS (LILT WHITE) And other seasonable.Goods. ON CONSIGNMENT: 50 BUSHELS WHITE SPRING OATS. 1,000 LBS. DRIED APPLES. Butter, Chickens, Eggs and other Country Pro duce on hand nearly all the tune. marl6 If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have fre- Snent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe te, and tongue coated, you are suffering from tor pid liver, orblllousnesa," and nothing will cure ron so speedily and permanently as to takeSha moos' Liver Regulator or Medicine. The Cheapest, Pur- est ana oca r ewuij Medicine in the World! An Effectual Specific for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fever, Malarious Fe vers, Bowel Com- Slalnts, Restlessnes, aundiee and Naasea. BAD BREATH! Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so common as bad breath, and in nearly every case it comes from the stomach, and can be easily corrected If you will take Simmons' Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disor der. It will also improve your Appetite, Complex ion and General Health. PILES! How many suffer torture day after day, making life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owln te the secret suffering from Piles. ' Yet re lief u ready te the band of almost any one : who will use systemaacauy ine remeoj nas mntiAntiT cured thousands. Simmons' Liver I later is no drastic violent purge, butagenUe lstant to nature. -. rj CONSTIPATION! SHOULD not be regarded as a trifling ailment; In fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and deviation from this demand, nave the -: way often to serious danger. It Is quite as necessary p3 remove impure accumu- ' mttona from the-bowetaasHlseatoT sleep, andBOhaalth can be expected . , whew a costive habit of bcxly prevails. n 8ICK HXADACHS! , This distressing affliction ocours most frequent ly. "The disturbance-of the stomach, arising from the h perfectly digested contents, eansea a sever pain in the head; accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what Is popularly known as Sick Headache.' " l rtJ - r,' ; i Cattmom. As tbere are - number of Imftatlons offered te the publkv we -would eaoOoa the -conv' m unity to buy, Bo blmmoas' Liver Regulator or Medicine unless oar engraved wrapper; with "Red W trade mark, stamp end signature- snbnkesy None other Is genione. u m u is &ri a- -A J i ... i J. H. ZEILIrT & CCX; v . y i -s PHILADELPHIA, f4 frlM iL'nStltt-tfTAll Sressisti. 1881 : SPBINO; 1881- .. . .trUijt!Hitii :tAWi lU.'3'Af -Hi! i rrKT DDTFXSKNT stylet of. goods to select Irom I O I for Spring Suits hare arrived and are ready SPRING TRADE Sugar, Bacon, Lai w$ F our das. I Jones. ; .. i lor inspection. - aiy menas ana enstomers-are-verf i f respeatfully requested teoaUearl as possible Ki and make selecttons.! iKowfis thft men ti secure IVsl ahaleaef atrlaa. , Thar are Terrisnlsoe lh the rw it. AND UOOK AT HIS LARGE STOCK OF ChristmasGoo is. ALL OF WHICH IIESELLi, LOW FOR CASH. All Goods "Warranted as Rep resented, both in Weight and Quality. WATCH GLASSES 10 CENTS dee lfi Railroads. Omfenrt fine Talile yprtli Carolina R. R TRiTKS GOIHG NORTH. Date.Dec.14 '80 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43, Daily 450 pm Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Balelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Arr. '. " Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " JetersvUle " Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.lfanchester 8.50 a.06 am 6.30 am 8.00 AM 9.38 am 6.03 am 8.05 ax 8.22" AM 1.40 pm 6.41 pm 8.28 pm 8.S2 pm 9.58 pr Hlch- Irn'rid oni 4.00 pm e.2o pm &22 nr1 4.S8 pm 11.32 AM 11.86 AM. 12.01 PM 1.19 FM 2.49 pm 3.45 pm 4.20 pm 4.40 PM 4.43 PM; 4 48 itt TRAINS Gonro SOCTH. Date.Dec.14 '80 No. 42 Dally. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Dally Lv. Richmond Burkevllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury 10.80 pm 11.55 AM 2.20 pm 5.40 pm 6.00 pm 8.09 pm &20 PM 10.10 PM 12.00 m 12.32 pm 2.24 AM 7.11 i 8.85 i 1010 i 10.15 am 12.00 AM 12.01 pm Arr. AL. Junction " Charlotte Lv. Blchmond . J etersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " Arr. Charlotte 1.52 pm 2.46 pm 428 pm 5.58 T 7.20 pm 7.46 pm 848 pm 9.18 pm 10.56 pm 12.15 AM 12.32 am 12.37 am aiT.anf BSAMGH. NO. 48 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.81 pm Arrive Salem 11.30 pm NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 6.25 am Arrives Greensboro 7.40 am NO. 42 Daljy, except Sumday. Leave Greensboro 10.80 am Arrives Salem...: 11.50 am NO. 43-Dally. Leave Salem 5.00 pm Arrive Greensboro 7.00 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and 50 will only make short stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the R. A D. B. B. depot This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro Newbeme and all points on Wilming ton Weldon Railroad. Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 make an local stops between Charlotte and Blchmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W. N. C. B. at Salisbury for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), and also con neotlng at Greensboro with tialem Branch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains Nos. 42 and 48 make all local ; stops between Charlotte and Blchmond, except: Query's; Harrlsburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtsburg, Lin wood and Jamestown. No. 43 connects with Salem Branch at Gnwos boro. " A POPE. Gen. Pass; and Ticket Agent, dee23 - Richmond Vs. -o- WE HAVE NOW IN STORE FOR TBI Spring and Simmer We The Largest, Finest and MOST COMPLETE . STOCK OF TLVE MILLINERY, WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS. tnyla NOTIONS, And all kinds of FANCY DRY. GOODS For Ladles and Children We have ever bad the pleasure of sbowln? - OUR STOCK 0F- 3LOVE9. HOSIERY. FANS, ACOESETS Is not surpassed in the city. We have HATS OR BONNETS TO 11T THE HEAD AND POCKET OF EYE BY LADY, MISS AND CHILD. Our i Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be open . ..MONDAY, APTUC; 4th. An-exaaainatioB pt our stock 'Will conrince anr lady that we stand head in styles and . . . H prices in our line. , MRS. P. QUERY wmbe fdtmdta tbe store to wait on ner friend and customers. - -1 ' We nave'seenredao'serjrjte Ma B. ateak wh would be pleased 0 see Wstteods an atosaers. f UB&lMyii- ao)2 r . - .... . :. r. r -. - i . i -1.. . . ll on and aftetl Mendarw'i Wow ! 1880- ue - Davidson Couege,: .X-.-i 16 a. Arrive at Outftotte.. -j--- 1000 a. laviChartotte,'..:.v..-..vi.i.-.;.v. ? ? m- - DavldsonJOonetWAMO-W.5 K a Arrive si StatesvUlOr v? iTj-".--. '::-''- . .. BUS -W -a '-, I I inn Mi - j. . -l . i- . . : mm mm. ''""V"-' . :::

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